I Tried Godot VisualScript In 2024 ( And Found An Alternative )

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when it comes to making a video game the most important thing is to have a creative mind but obviously the game isn't going to make itself one of the many challenges of making a video game is somehow controlling the logic of the game like what's going to happen if I click this button you know those sort of things which is achieved by using various methods on different game engines now the most popular and the most flexible way is by coding which is by the way how I make my games now in gdau you can use either C or jscript which has some similarities to Python and was made to be used with the gdo engine now there used to be a third option called visual script which was introduced back in G version 3.0 but it was discontinued in G 4.0 one of the reasons being people just prefer to use GD script instead but I mean did it deserve to die now to see it for myself I downloaded a version of good that still had the visual script in it and with that out of the way it was time to start visual scripting okay so where do you even start maybe you just make a regular script and then convert it to visual script I don't know okay so you apparently choose visual script when you're making a new script well that's interesting okay so I'm going to try to stay away from tutorials as much as I can to see if I can figure this out by myself myself okay let's say we want to move this cube when we press our arrow keys on the keyboard okay so the first thing I'm noticing here is that it's inheriting from a node so I'm going to change that to node 3D which was called spatial in good 3 so if this was in GD script I would just change the position property of the node but do we even have properties in visual script okay so I've been looking for a position property but I really could not find anything and apparently position is just called translation in G 3 I mean it's been a while since I used G 3 so so I managed to find a set translation note that I could use it to move the cube with now of course we need to do that when the player is actually pressing a button so I was playing with this action note for a while now and I was like where is the key and apparently in your inspector tab is where you put the action so that's interesting also I don't think you can just connect this two together another cool thing is that the data types are colored so you can see what node you can connect to another so that tells me we need an F statement between them so after searching Forever I finally got an F statement it was called condition by the way and with that out of the way there was only one thing left to do before I could announce myself the king of visual [Music] script okay so I had to watch a tutorial to figure this out now apparently we need to override the process method for all of this to work I mean how am I supposed to know that I only code GD script so and there we go we finally made something happen on the screen using visual script now listen I can go on and on about how you can make a character controller using visual script and since this is not really a visual script tutorial I'm going to skip past this part I'm going to explain this as quickly as I possibly can so we're basically getting the input of the player in this part and then we're combining them together as a vector 3 to make a direction and then after normalizing that we're multiplying it with the player speed times the Delta and then we're adding all of that to the current position of the player Now quickly let's fix this now I think we should be done so let's play this and there we go we finally made a game in visual script well I mean using visual script now as much fun as this was what if you wanted to do this in 2024 well lucky you there is an add-on called good orchestrator which should be pretty similar to visual script now obviously I had to check it out myself so I downloaded its latest version from GitHub and was ready to fire up my latest version of goodto now the first thing you'll notice after installing installing it is that you'll get an whole new orchestrator tab also you had the orchestrator available as a language to select when you're making a new script now the orchestrator tab itself was more or less similar to visual script you also just overwrite the method that you want your code to be in also the other cool thing is that you can resize the nodes and you also have the action but it's called input action here so after setting the input map I I pretty much did the same as I did in visual script now there are some differences but the essence of it should be the same now I don't know if there's a better way of doing this but I'm simply making a Direction with the inputs now the other thing I noticed is that you actually have to connect the normalized method to the process or whatever function you running on now I don't know if there's a way but I really couldn't Define a variable in the variables tab I had to bring it in the graph Editor to set it now I'm not sure if I'm saying this correct but I had to set it in an event and so I chose in its event since that's going to run first the other cool thing I found is how organized it was with different data types like you have different nodes to do the same operation with different data types I mean you even have a node that multiplies an in with a colar for example back in visual script let's say you wanted to multiply this Float by a vector 3 you would either get a float to float multiplication or a vector 3 to Vector 3 multiplication now the way I got around this was to change the type to any now this would probably get out of hands if you don't know what you're doing but it worked fine for my cases now for this one I'm using a character controller to move the cube with instead of just hardcoding the position now the other interesting thing I found was that you could only connect a method to one other method in a sequence which if you think about it makes sense you can't run two methods at the same time so if I try to connect a method to multiple ones it's not going to let me do that it's going to switch to the latest one and if I want all of them to run I have to connect them in a sequence now in visual script that also help true but you could still connect a method to multiple ones at the same time which could definitely confuse you now obviously you could still do it in a sequence but like why would you even have that now for some reason my variable what isn't getting initialized so I changed the init event to ready event and that kind of solved the problem so yeah I'm not sure what would be the best way to do this and then for some reason I was multiplying my player speed with Delta even though I was using a character controller so I got rid of that and this is basically My Graph I'm not going to lie this does look more organized than visual script I mean it's not the exact same logic but I would say I had more fun making a game in orchestrator okay so why is this so fast okay never mind just going to decrease the speed okay so there we go we have a moving Cube using orchestrator and honestly it wasn't even as bad as I thought it was going to be I actually quite enjoyed it honestly now it did take some time to get used to but once you get the basics you're good to go now it's probably not going to replace GD script for me anytime soon but I do see the potential of making a full game in it especially if you're someone who doesn't want to write code or if you're just trying to learn programming for the first time either way it was definitely worth checking out and so thank you everyone for sticking till the end really hope you enjoyed this one and as always I'll see you soon
Channel: Code It All
Views: 22,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godot, game engine, visual script, orchestrator, add-on, plugin, godot 4, godot 4.2.1, godot 4.3, visualscripting, visual scripting, learn game dev, how to, godot engine, indie game, make a game without coding, no coding, making a game with visual script
Id: eHo8kH3VV2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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