I accidentally made Blender in Godot

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whisk a whisk is basically a blender except it lacks all of the Power and you have to do everything by hand which is why I decided to call this little experiment of mine whisk not quite a blender this is game number 12 for the 20 games challenge you may be wondering though why I made blender for the 20 games Challenge and that is a fair question the truth is I was not trying to make blender and gdau I was trying to make a b racing game uh I think there is no explanation needed here pretty clear how I could have gotten mixed up on that and accidentally made this instead of this okay maybe I should go back and start this video at the very beginning one year ago I made Mario Kart in gdau and despite the cheerful tone in that video this was not a project I was particularly proud of it didn't turn out great and that was compounded by the fact that I was planning on making a racing game for my first real game my first steam release that game was cancelled by the way because of scope creep but at the time it was very important that I figured out how to make a vehicle controller so I decided to go back for another round and make this game Hydro Thunder this was a arcade cabinet boat racing game not something I was particularly connected to but it turns out there aren't a lot of boat racing games to choose from and I didn't want to do another car racing game so I was going to do this I made a quick level and started working on the vehicle controller for this game I thought it would be cool to make a Shader that actually animated the water and then also link that into the physics system I saw a couple interesting videos on how to do that so I was going to implement that on my own I started by putting my boat on a flat plane the next thing I did was add a gravity force um in the opposite direction to represent buoyancy so the boat could bounce that didn't work so I tried to add more layers and that didn't work so I tried a bunch of other things eventually I realized the problem I was not complicating things enough so instead of having just the force pushing on the boat I added a bunch of individual floats that the forces would push on and this in theory would level the boat and keep it from flipping over in theory that's what it would do in okay one more try okay so I also heard online that there are some issues with the physics engine clearly I'm doing everything right and gdau is the problem so I ended up doing some experiments to make myself feel better I guess I don't actually know why I did this let me check the notes yeah okay it it says I trust the physics engine after this so whatever we now trust the physics engine I'm going to head back in and try to make the boat do good things and okay at this point I realized I don't know how to use the goo physics engine I don't know if I'm using it correctly and my best bet is to just give up on this project and make pinball instead which is a physics engine heavy thing once I'm done with that I'll know what I'm doing and I'll be able to come back well that was another year done I somehow managed to finish this video before the year ended so I have two days left a sane person might take a break and a wise person might invest this time into next year's projects but I thought it would be fun to try something new last year I started working on a Hydro Thunder remake this was the only game in the 20 games challenge I ever failed to complete and I was going to come back later and work on this the problem one the game isn't working but the other problem is I wasn't really that committed to this game in particular but there was a game I used to play on mini clip back in the day called need for madness and this game is completely awesome it's so much fun if you've never played it this is one of those games that is trying so hard to be cool that it actually succeeds this thing is awesome so I love this game and I think it would be really fun to make a game that is similar to this one something else this had that I thought was really interesting is a vehicle editor this is not a great system though cuz you actually have to manually Place points but it got me thinking wouldn't it be fun to make a vehicle editor so that's what we're going to do today this is going to be super quick and I am going to get this done before the new year and then I'm going to actually start working on my actual game so that turned out as well as you'd expect I am now in the New Year this took a lot longer than I wanted but I think it's worth continuing with mainly because I want to use this for another project so it's not a waste of time if I'm working towards something else so I'm going to be continuing with this what I have right now is a plane that I can put a point on so as I move with the mouse wheel the planes will rotate I can use the XZ and C keys to move between the X Y and Z planes move those planes put a point on those planes and it is drawing a triangle now you notice the triangles are only rendering on one side that's because of culling typically in 3D Graphics only the outside of something is visible thankfully there's a checkbox to show both sides so you don't need to worry about which way things are being drawn cuz that would be a pain to try to determine what the user is trying to do so now I have triangles on both sides the next thing is to save these points and add them to the mesh and with that I pretty much have a basic editor so I added a few materials you can switch between and now I technically have something I can make a boat with so here is my boat I can going to add a bunch of keyboard shortcuts I forgot to document them anywhere so I don't really remember which Keys did what but it was really nice for the 5 minutes that I remembered what buttons did what and how to jump around and turn things on and off and toggle mirrors and Symmetry and all that cool stuff the next thing I want to do is draw a grid to make this look a lot better I just think having a semi-transparent grid like this is a lot nicer for being able to figure out where all your points go oh by the way remember when we disabled calling like 20 seconds ago yeah that looks like crap now um it's okay if we just maybe change the rotation when it's mirrored then we can pretend this is intentional honestly I have no idea why this is happening so if you know let me know and with that I am basically done with the vehicle editor there's a bunch of little things I didn't really show like I now can modify points instead of just clicking them to create new ones I can select existing points and add stuff to them I can change the material color as I go and basically all the things to be able to make a cool looking boat so that is it for the vehicle editor right now I really need to get back to the actual game but honestly I am just so tired of this project I'm going to take a little break and I'll be back in a few minutes when I feel like I have the mental capacity to try to tackle that physics engine problem again this brings us back to the present day it has been another 5 months or so since I worked on this project and you might wonder Matt why didn't you just make the video and be done with it well unfortunately I didn't feel like this project was in a state where it was really worth sharing and so I decided you know what I am making tutorials now I might as well sit down and read the documentation on how to do the world environment node and make this look really really good uh I figured I would release this video after I release a tutorial on how all that stuff works alternatively I thought I might just make a tutorial on how how 3D bodies work and then finish the actual boat racing part and so you can create a boat and then drop it in a world and so I had these great Ambitions holding me back from just giving up and moving on nobody wins 100% of the time and sometimes it's worth just taking the L and moving on so I decided that's what we're going to do I don't want to completely leave it like this so a couple things I want to add I figured at the very least I could model a boat dealership environment for this little scene where making your boat I couldn't find a lot of those online but I did find a bunch of high-end car dealerships so I put together some stock photos and I figured I would be done with this project when I got this finished of course I then remembered I kind of hate 3D modeling and I didn't get very far into this before I gave up as well uh this took me another 2 months before I realized maybe I shouldn't be doing this but I still like the idea of having some sort of background I could not find a car dealership but I went on to poly Haven which has a lot of free high quality assets and found in airport which sounds cool enough I let's see HDR exr HDs have something to do with lighting or whatever I don't know cuz I didn't make that tutorial so I'm going to download the jpeg instead um we will save this image then I'm curious if I just take a sphere and I shove this on top of it everything freezes I don't know oh there we are oh yeah oh yeah we we are now making things in an airport okay I think that was what this needed all we need to do is now make something beautiful for the thumbnail and we will call that a win yep I am definitely going to be successful in the world of 3D games I have a feeling and that right there is the gdau logo modeled in whisk made in gdau I think the yeah the shading doesn't really help here so I'm going to see if I can actually turn that off uh just turn off the shadows in the world environment node and maybe bump the brightness up I don't know tell me if that's better or worse either way I think that's where we're going to leave it here I don't know what that final count came out to with the scope creep and all the things I didn't do that I was planning on doing but hey I made a thing and like I said sometimes it is worth calling it good enough and moving on I will be coming back with a actual game in the future so I hope this was at least interesting if not entertaining uh thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye-bye adios yeah
Channel: SDG Games
Views: 33,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game dev, 20-in-30, development, blender, 3d, modeling
Id: zNu9UfX7hCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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