I Tried For Klee But Got Something Better (Genshin Impact)

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bring out glasses moga chan okay yeah that'll take me about two minutes to set up probably be right back i think we're good i think we're good we can finally start summoning now and uh yeah for all for all you that don't know about moga chan well yep i don't know what to say yeah nothing to it but to do it let's go i think everything is good over there all right all right thanks for the good luck we are going to start with seven singles and then we'll go to two multis and then probably another couple multis let's just see what happens so i'm getting nothing on the first one of course you know and uh apparently it's been confirmed that pity carries over so even if we don't get clee it's pretty cool because uh you know for the next hero we have a sort of two please in one single pull ah yes this is the book i want though thrilling tales of dragon slayers uh i need like four more of those now so i'm gonna pull at least until i get those um but maybe a little bit longer i don't know yet nothing super special yet of course but i'm sure cli is gonna come on like this next single probably yeah here it is boom dang cle have you lost some weight okay that was not funny at all good job moga yeah you know usually i can just cut those things out um but this is a live stream that is unfortunately not the book i was going for okay we're at 20. tin pull time i guess let's go boom it's gonna be a purple one at least that's probably it magic guide ooh i tried him as well i don't know it feels like his uh e is way too has a way too long cooldown this now those are youtubers sound like without auto tune uh i am uh yeah not trying to hide the fact that i'm in oh what's this the bell wasn't that like in the last summon right up whatever i don't have any greatsword users actually so i don't care about it baitclub black castle ah i know well i do am kind of raising noel a bit you know i think that was a three four stars in there so i i'll take it honestly you know most cases it's one just the guaranteed all right here we go here's another tinfoil don't summon it's a trap come on cool steal skyrider sword fairest shadow debate club another debate club another fair shadow another fairy shadow and sucrose all right ah there we go there's another one uh let me check how many i have real quick like i said i want to at least max that out before i stop summoning probably faster if i just go to characters actually barbara weapon enhance refine yeah we only got two so far so we need to get at least at least two more books and then we'll decide what what to do after that i guess we're just going to oh my god my primal gyms it hurts so much come on glee or thrilling tales of dragon slayers but that works too sky writer sword emerald orb blah blah who cares magic guide oh the flute okay i've heard a lot of good things about the flute i don't know if i'm going to switch honestly people are saying yellow but i didn't i didn't see that i'd be happy of course but i didn't see a five star in there nope just the flute uh did we get a book damn i'm wait we we need to go to history real quick uh that is not the right one i don't think they've they've updated them yet all right we're gonna do another tin pull and then we'll check come on come on oh there it is there it is gold pole could just be a weapon could be clea another noel i'm happy i'm kind of raising her come on let's get some hype who is it who is it emerald orb gamma here we go oh oh my god what another kaching oh man that's insane what okay i'll i'll take it i guess wow i mean she's my main dps i gotta take it another consolations are kind of op i never thought i'd even get one consolation for her so i'm fine with it honestly damn i don't think i still we we we still didn't get a book though let's keep going then next five star would be guaranteed her all right let's do another one come on let's go nah okay all right another sucrose i actually heard max constellation sucrose is uh quite op as well so maybe if we get a bunch of them yeah pity we didn't do that many though like maybe i think 37 or something so i'm fine with pity reset especially when it's a kaching because uh you know i'm i'm definitely the type to prefer a few really strong units than a bunch of like mediocre ones uh yeah but we didn't get anything here it looks like very very sad just one sucrose still none of the books what the heck gold pull next all right i'm trusting you bill bro come on bill bro don't do this to me bill bro you you said it was gold pull sacrificial fragments what is that can we just get a book i think we need two two two more books come on please yes there's one emerald orb emerald orb one one more book it's okay bill fruit uh what does this do uh after damaging an opponent with an elemental skill the skill has a 40 chance oh oh i guess although all those sacrificial things are the same it seems too random for me unless you get a bunch of them and you can like bump that up to whatever it goes highest to 80 maybe then yeah probably pretty good i got one before i want to upgrade kaching's uh constellation what do we get i never even checked this because it was like i'm never going to get a duplicate caching we're casting stellar restoration while a lightning stiletto is present causes kaching to deal 50 of her attack has aoe electro damage at the start point and terminus let's get it try it out we can also get uh one for noel while sweeping time and breastplate are both in effect the chance of breastplates healing effects activated is increased too that's pretty cool yeah because i am doing her alt and the shield sometimes and her next decreases the stamina consumption of noel's charge attacks by twenty percent increase their charge check damage by okay that's okay i i don't do her uh beyblade move all that often but not bad not bad and uh yeah we also got one for sucrose a stable what the hell creation i i don't play her so i don't know gains one additional charge though oh we actually got two for uh sucrose we actually got two sucroses the duration of forbidden creation is increased by two seconds whatever they are talking about there all right and uh i think that was it though we also did get him he uh hurt i think it's him actually he's new first of all i'm gonna check if i have max refinement dragon slayer tails whatever it's called if i do then it's kind of a 50 50 chance for gonna keep summoning honestly maybe you guys like really really bug me i'll do another temple or something but if we don't have max refinement then i'm going to summon anyway we're fine oh we do have two all right how many please summon against can we get in chat like it like if you if you guys can really really spam it then maybe maybe you know i'll do another temple what you got chat good enough we'll do we'll we'll we'll do one more oh my god okay okay okay stream delay uh [Music] it was like kind of going and i was like okay fine that's enough and then you all just went absolutely insane okay okay one more tin full more temple here we go boom hope it's something good and no i don't think so oh well we got another him i i that is a him right skyraider sword elemental orb ferris shadow debate club oh man ah another noel yeah i mean she's cool shadow harbinger of dawn magic guide uh yeah that was uh i mean two four stars i can't really complain i suppose all right fine hmm one more okay okay one more one more but then we're definitely done all right one more good man ah jeez debate club emerald orb i'm actually not even going for anything anymore i mean of course besides klee but that's you know 0.6 chance so another flute damn now i have to consider it yeah that was uh yes that was not cool what does this even do normally charge attacks grant a harmonic on hit granting five harmonic triggers the power of music and deals 100 attack damage to surrounding enemies harmonix lasts up to 30 seconds and a maximum of one can be gained every 0.5 seconds i'm gonna stick with lion draw for now fine holy one more whatever i'm a gambling addict come on no f gold's cool steel fairy shadow okay come on i'm not gonna look at the blue ones let's just skip through them can we at least get a character and not like another okay another noel hey man max constellation oel maybe we'll go for that instead max constellation noel how many more do we need these are pretty garbage summons honestly we did get a five star pretty early on so let's go check out our noel real quick so we got increases level of breastplate level three okay yeah that's always the same to be cleaned when breastplates duration expires or it is destroyed by damage you will deal 400 attack why attack you're supposed to build noel with defense why would the why would be attacked that's kind of weird all right we need two more noelle's is this is this good that's not super important i guess but maybe it is uh sweeping time increasing hill's attack okay by an additional 50 of her defense additionally every enemy defeated during the skills duration adds one second to the duration up to 10 seconds see if i stop now then i can get the next banner rate up unit pretty quickly i guess oh wait wait wait hold hold the phone it's been confirmed that pity carries over is it also confirmed the half pity because i got kaching on this banner that means the next would be guaranteed cli so next new banner would my next guarantee be the actual rate up unit do you know what i'm saying 100 next banner since you got kuching on this banner the next banner you 100 have the limited character everyone's saying yes so i honestly want to stop here because to be totally honest i'm i'm not all that interested in cli i really wanted the books we got a bunch of duplicate noels which was whatever i do kind of use her as my secondary healer and abyss i do want to try out that uh kaching thing so here are some enemies i think it was something with her e right so basically just doing e twice and some explosion should occur apparently yeah okay where she blinks from and where she teleports to are little mini explosions if you could see that yeah you saw those little explosions that's pretty cool i mean the first one is most likely not going to hit anyone most of the time but you know little extra explosion that's cool i'll take it i mean i i was never gonna stop using kaching anyway so it's just bonus stuff there uh thanks for stopping by everyone this was cool stream sadly the summons weren't all that great but that's the way cookie crumbles sometimes i always feel like doing my usual outro with these but that would be kind of weird see you guys well i can do the thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 783,617
Rating: 4.9116282 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact summons, genshin impact gacha, klee summons, klee
Id: x2Xbvy8IwVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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