I got my most wanted 5-star (Genshin Impact Summons)

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five days six hours left i still haven't even gotten these oh yeah we can't get them i wonder if we should do some standard summons i kind of don't want child i have seen some very nice uh so my girlfriend has child and she's recently been giving him some better artifacts and he does seem very very nice this with him as well he is very nice very nice i don't really have anything for him that's the main thing like no good bow pull in chat i mean there's no actual pull but get bennett yes or no got a couple yeses over in twitch celebrate ar-50 with a pull do standard ones okay now all the youtube people are coming in i see mostly yeses all right boom our first bennett sick the net is misfortune oh no my account is cursed let's see if that's really true oh and um we'll also test that theory about the statue and good summons it was the one that vinti's always uh was sitting on right this one over there i'm supposed to sit on the uh her hands right this is the this is the meme going around we'll see we're gonna do uh some summons on the standard banner let's just crawl up here on your chest if you don't mind apologies apologies oh geez is there anything else i have to do do i have to set the time set the time to 2248 that worked for me and i got two five-star drops on a re-roll account 2340. now we're almost there already 23 40. all right here we go did i call vintia she again or are you talking to someone else i never called ventiashi i don't think so maybe just slipped because you know i vintie do be kinda looking good anyway standard we're gonna start with our five basics and uh oh dude look at that [Laughter] that no though my barber is c6 she she she would actually be c8 now this is the only c6 character i have you know and you're giving me another one so whatever but yeah i want to go into my history and see if that was a guaranteed no it wasn't okay because we just got sacrificial fragments hey man some pretty good luck try again i sit what the hell you guys talking about is this a meme oh sit okay okay how do i sit what oh oh god oh yeah i've never done that before okay okay i didn't know it was possible oh my god this is embarrassing okay i'm like what the hell are you guys talking about sit it's okay we only did two single summons and we got a four star you know let's keep going now we're sitting where's my five star what what this is a scam five star first one was just a fluke i guess oh my god dude no no five star i don't believe this still no five star i'm calling the fb let's go and do a tin pole five star give it to me bruh watch it be another barbara i swear to god ah ooh chong yoon i thought it was razer at first which i wouldn't have been as happy for honestly because i already have kaching she's kind of my main dps and i don't really want another main dps but chong yoon i've been really wanting him uh the time changed oh man okay okay we also got sacrificial fragments all right so we gotta change the time back now do we have to reset the whole thing or what i'm not sure if you guys are really taking this that seriously or not but all right we'll uh we'll we'll reset the time we're going back to 23.40 was it we'll do one more tin pull i still have yet to get a um it's been a while since i've pitied a five star from normal summons so we must be decently close i think those are separate uh entities there so uh let's uh go ahead and go again i might do single summons honestly now until we get uh 5 star how about that single summons till 5 star we can skip these so it's not that slow we'll skip it if it doesn't turn a color alright skip what do we got here uh skip i'm not sure man this uh thing doesn't seem to be working all that well we did get chong yoon so i got it well we weren't even we we didn't even have the right time moga chan for luck yeah but by the time i get moga-chan and set her up and everything the time will be messed up again i have to imagine most people are just doing this for the meme like okay there's a four star but we did so many summons already there's razer okay i mean razer i i've seen what my girlfriend's razor can do and you know that also sounds weird because razer is a product but yeah he's very strong but she also has that five-star wolf gravestone on him so of course there's that i must be decently close to pity although i can't really check well never mind i'm probably not that close because i don't do so we're currently um six pages but it hasn't updated from the ones we've already done we've already done like at least a good 15 or so and that takes like an hour so i won't know really i'll just keep doing some single summons until we get a five star that's not a five star skip come man five star five star no i'd be happy with a uh third third kaching to be honest i wouldn't mind dang you you eat fine you guys really want moga chan i'll need five minutes all right give me five minutes cuz i have to like go get my ipad and everything and oh geez i didn't even know if this is hooked up any it might be we are back i don't know if there i don't know if the tracking is gonna be uh right for now because uh the uh let's continue on i'm not even sure if everything works anymore because that was uh thrilling tales of dragon slayers someone's gonna pop into the stream now you know a new viewer hey what's going on here then sees this little girl with my voice and be like i i'ma head out i'm not gonna care about how well it's tracking right now because usually this requires like 15-20 minutes of setup anyway and i can't just do it on the fly but uh like and have everything work well so this is what it is ah there's four star that must be like our guaranteed one though sacrificial i hate the sacrificial stuff we're not on like a sacrificial banner are we this is all random stuff i think oh wait what why is my chat weird now you can't hear anything what have i done i hope everything's working fine still waiting on that five star i hope i can do it before i'm out of primo gyms honestly is this it no is this it ah no damn what is that i have perception bro i didn't even know that weapon existed i hope it's good i'll check it later 17 more i have everything i've stream going moga chan sitting on the statue like what the heck i should need to go down to pity this makes absolutely zero sense magic guide gemma this is the one i can feel it in my boat another magic guide i think or maybe thrilling tales that you're killing oh am i too loud hello test i don't think so like i'm looking at my meters and they're even a little bit lower than before in my headset it doesn't sound that loud oh okay oh stop oh my god dude i wasn't even paying attention chichi what dude that's insane oh my god i wanted chi-chi so long i don't know what to do now with my barbara though man god oh man chi-chi though i am so happy about chi-chi oh she's my fa kaching has to still be my favorite character very close second though no no they're both my favorite characters so adorable okay well what are we gonna do now yeah i you did call it i remember rip barbara no barbara easy super conducts now how how can i say no to easy super conducts and also she heals too i don't really know what to do now though we got banette we got chong yoon we got chichi who do we raise this is the problem with summoning i gotta raise chi chi like immediately actually that's crazy i was not expecting to actually get her i'm happy about it though what kind of sword does she want i could give her this for now yeah i was thinking about sacrificial sword for her because she has kind of a long cooldown but you know that would reset it i hate the sacrificial stuff i don't know if i'd use her uh to attack though so i don't know about flute bring her out do her e and put her back maybe if i'm in a dangerous situation i would actually attack with her like i do with barbara sometimes everyone's saying flute though yeah but also i like energy recharge because her ult is super strong everyone says flute do i really just gotta strip them straight from barb oh no i can't barbara's hp she's attacked i'll need to think about that for a while i guess uh full attack or any energy recharge in there people who say flute is better on chi chi than sacrificial pride doesn't have chichi yeah i mean i was thinking sacrificial would be sick for her era setting i think i want to stick to my gut as well and give her actual uh i might just give her lion's roar for now just because i can have it high but probably sacrificial will be my end goal uh as for artifacts full attack if you'll be using sacrificial well we're going to try and ascend her a little bit first not sure if i need her so much for healing like of course healing is always good but i really want that e the super conduct i can take kaya but then sometimes they still kind of need a healer and she is like both in one you know uh it was pity i believe it seemed like we did a lot of a lot of standard and we were doing a lot of standard like you know up until this point we are completely out of stuff to raise her now these i think are super annoying but uh yeah i think that'll probably do it for level for now it's fine though let's check that healing bonus though i guess don't level up chi chi higher than 60 level just ascend help because it's a waste of materials uh there's a five star ice barber kind of yeah well it's a little different but practically almost the same wow the three flat stats love to see it i'd rather go triple attack healing bonus does seem like if i'm trying to use her mostly as a support would be better maybe element to mastery energy region or cri nah definitely no cryo damage energy region yeah i would have to consider that because i really like her ult goblet will be attack percent i reckon element to mastery crit rate death death go for gladiator two set and the attack buff when you go sacrificial you don't have to worry about energy region getting a bunch of mixed messages here no need for healing bonus i kind of feel like going triple attack honestly she already have healing bonus passive building characters is always kind of tough look for all the right artifacts and the one i've decided for her is apparently wrong well barbara's maiden flower is actually quite nice i don't want to have to raise more maiden than i need to yeah but then like i would always have to swap out their flowers when i'd rather use barbara would i ever rather use barbara i don't know anymore i'm so sad my 32k hp barbara just like that benched no wait i think there is still one place where you're like covered in fire you know and barbara's ring it's really nice there right there's a lot of energy recharge on there and there's 11 attack here two maiden two gladiator yeah i guess two maiden two gladiator would make sense attack i i can't decide right now i think she's good enough as she is we're going to take her out and uh go play with her a little bit i'm tired of going through my artifact hahaha finally finally have chichi go okay burnett super conduct for to win even though i'm not doing physical damage now but you know what's cool come on come on come on yeah she doesn't uh heal that much right now but that that's honestly to be expected you're not gonna hit a little girl are you you are wow you're you're actually a monster i keep forgetting to not do the double e alrighty well that was cool um i guess that'll pretty much do it though thank you guys for stopping by as usual make sure you're telling me in the comments down below dropping like on this video if you didn't happen to enjoy it's always really appreciated wait this isn't a video bye [Music]
Channel: Moga
Views: 1,572,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact summons, genshin impact summons explained, genshin, genshin impact gacha, genshin impact 5 star, genshin impact 5 star pull, genshin impact 5 star pull trick, genshin impact 5 star pull reaction
Id: 17ruPxjkWK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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