I made an ONLY healer team because I hate damage

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i suck at dodging attacks no matter what it is whether it's the wolf boss or maybe even a hilly troll i just cannot dodge for the life of me literally and the child boss fight let's just say that barbara singing make your depression but it can't cure death and although i don't have zhang lee who can literally tank the bullet of a tank i still had a very good idea what if i made a team with only healers after all i do have every single healer in the game including kaya who i recently learned can actually heal with his e skill and passive talent one and thus the journey began i was going to create the best squadron of healers so i can kiss goodbye to sweet medams and omelets [Music] [Applause] and so the number one healer and main dps of this team was obviously going to be bennett at this point in the game i think everybody knows how good bennett is as a support but just slap on a crimson witch of flame set and bam there you go main dps s tier amazing as for weapons we're running the jade cutter because i didn't get this constellation wise i got bennett at c3 which is very nice to have this unstoppable fervor which increases this talent by three so now it's at 11. normal attack talent is at level 1 and fantastic voyage is at level 9. you know what because bennett's a king how about we give him the crown that he deserves let's go grab these two resources real quick it's time to go squish some resin into a tree which in return gives us books dang dialect who i've never heard of him oh yeah [Music] that's a lot of damage it doesn't hurt you cannot hurt me uh oh well i mean i'm not streaming so i can just cut that out [Music] what only four again it's getting better but now that's what i was looking for i've been farming a ton of books of resistance for my little benny luke so hopefully yeah we definitely have enough now we just gotta kill a ton of these guys [Music] [Music] i got them all [Music] nice what is this an american hospital why does it cost so much oh there goes all my money but it was all worth it the next healer that i chose to be part of my team was uh jean for very obvious reasons and by that i mean having her run the veridescent veneer set because it's it's so overpowered i mean 40 more damage heck yeah and because i didn't really feel like farming a whole bunch of iridescent veneer sets i kinda you know borrowed a couple artifacts from another certain animo five star character weapon wise we got her running a festering desire constellation-wise she got none and talent-wise i haven't really invested too much into that so she's pretty normal alright our third cast member of the damage deniers is going to be diona her main role is going to be applying cryo to character so that bennett can do two times more damage with melt and the reason why i chose diona over chi-chi is because well shield good shield block all attack shield very nice artifact wise she's going to be the one carrying nobles obliged with the sole purpose of increasing attack percents constellation-wise i actually did get one constellation which is very nice for recharging energy which leads to more frequent bursts which equals more attack percents talent-wise it's fairly average nothing too special and finally but definitely not least even though i did keep her at level 20. we got the v-tuber who heals many through her heavenly singing barbara her role on this team is very simple she's basically a replacement for sucrose by having a four piece instructor set which increases elemental mastery when you trigger a reaction and of course she got her signature thrilling tales of dragon slayers which is very nice with the 40 attack percent boost as you can see i did get one constellation for her and um talent wise yeah about that anyways that's about it when it comes to team bonuses and why i chose every single healer i did so let's go have some fun on the field and put them all together and do some big numbers it obviously isn't a showcase video if you don't at least kill the kiro regiven a in one cycle what i'm doing right now is just waiting for the second cycle where you actually attack the head and it does a slight bit more damage oh my mistake it's not called a head because it's a flower it's actually called a 2021 toyota corolla now i just have to spam all of my attacks in an orderly fashion [Music] [Music] get wrecked you stupid flower all right let's go fight um diva lin next and i'm gonna try to kill him she they in just one cycle i bet you didn't know this but there's actually a super super duper secret setting which allows almost anyone to super easily one cycle devolent it's basically a cheats [Music] teamwork oh my god that's why they call me the best player in north america why hello there chill day there is once a time in the past where i would consider you a formidable foe but now you are nothing but a tick whose attacks hurt as much as a nerf gun does to a bulletproof vest hit me hit me hit me you can't touch me touch me touch me um struggle as you may but it's all in vain as i have perfected the perfect ratio of healing to damage dealt and no matter how many lives you may have it will not help [Music] let's light it up well that was probably one of the easiest battles i've ever had with chill day this challenge was definitely a blast and i encourage you guys to try it out yourself or at least something like it anyways thank you guys for almost 50 000 subscribers now that that is awesome
Channel: GratisStatus? I haven't heard that name in years
Views: 3,724,960
Rating: 4.9607692 out of 5
Keywords: gratisstatus, best genshin impact healer, all genshin impact healers, genshin impact, healer only team, genshin healers only, genshin impact memes, healer builds genshin impact, hp, barbara genshin impact, genshin impact team, team building guide genshin, genshin 1.4, genshin 1.5, jean, bennett, diona, barbara
Id: k1EHuJC43us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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