I Tried Etiquette School

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on this episode of challenge accepted i am going to etiquette school i'm here to find out if etiquette and manners are actually still relevant today challenge accept it portion of this video is sponsored by state farm hello my name is lisa gashay i am the founder and ceo of beverly hills manners lisa it is so lovely to meet you today is a very special challenge accepted because i'm not by myself i brought my lovely friends chris and kelsey do you want your dress zipped all the way in the back oh my god we haven't even introduced ourselves to lisa and i've already failed etiquette school so what michelle and her friends don't know is that i'm going to be scoring them watermelon [Music] vega and what they also don't know is that i might have set a few small traps i just want to get into the handshaking because i know right you come in first second already a learning moment so we'll have michelle face chris here so right hand from the elbow down we want to go into this area here called the web so we want to meet hands web to web browser that's really interesting that you mentioned and here's why men are supposed to actually wait for the woman to initiate the handshake and the reason for that is because men should not assume that women want to have any type of physical contact i love that right so if michelle did not initiate the handshake then you simply nod exactly okay now how many pumps do you think is the perfect goldilocks [Music] three i'm number say two okay so let's see two pumps one two okay those are very weak pumps people okay we need two proper pumps so one two and then release then let go [Music] [Laughter] kelsey get in here hi chris it's nice to meet you nice to meet you beautiful look at that wow that was like a meat cute there are so many crazy montages that take a girl or a woman from zero to hero through an etiquette makeover transformation i'm talking princess diaries miss congeniality even the aristocats yes the cats have etiquette it seems like this is such an important part of history and society and something that feels incredibly untouchable people are forming opinions about us within the first seven seconds of meeting us they're actually not concerned with what we're wearing or what our hair looks like they're actually noticing something that begins with the letter p poise politeness posture i'd like you all just to take a seat and let's see what that looks like man spreading when we are sitting nicely there is no spreading of any kind we actually do not have contact with the back of the chair so that means everyone should be sitting up for chris you want to try and keep your feet in a parallel position and hands on your knees just like that doesn't he look impressive incredible he looks present just very interested and excited to be where he is right versus kind of lean back in the chair doesn't that look like entertain me or i'm not so sure i want to be here versus the other way he's all in right right okay etiquette the way you treat others the way you behave these are all elements of what makes a good neighbor so i'm going to try and maintain perfect posture while telling you all about today's sponsor state farm and thanks to state farm for sponsoring a portion of this video date working out at the gym mint chocolate chip ice cream these are all things i don't want to give up and neither should you and thankfully you don't have to with state farm can i be michelle from state farm that has a nice ring to it just anything state farmer's options get you a surprisingly great rate that fits your budget so you don't have to give up things you love you can ensure your home your car you can even personalize your policy because you all know like a good neighbor stay farm is there [Music] all you gotta do is call or go to statefarm.com to get a quote today and thank you so much to st farm for sponsoring this portion of the video and making episodes like this one possible all right back to etiquette school if you've ever seen the duchess of sussex or the queen of england they sit with perfect posture and imagine how long they have to sit in those positions right so you'll tie this around your knees there and it should be like tight yes yes and around your ankles exactly right if you have ever watched a female politician they are sitting with their ankles crossed turn a little bit to the side facing me our heels are flat on the ground and now we're going to cross one behind the other gorgeous now if you did want to cross your knee okay it's a lift and it's a squeeze okay so you're crossing okay careful don't spread that too far okay so okay you're not right okay this foot should be pointed and in contact oh with the foot that's on the floor now lift this thigh sorry i'm getting close lift it all the way up yes do you feel that i'm holding up my legs yes you are resting nope your left thigh should not be in contact with your right button yeah i don't know there's a space yeah there's literally like a space toe should be pointed down ladies suck it all in chin up and smile with your eyes all of these things you don't have to look at them as male specific or female specific if you're walking through a door no matter who you are and you notice there's a person behind you you hold the door open because it's courteous to do so these behaviors we just do them for others they should come naturally regardless of what you look like and how you identify that was all just about posture but next we're going to move into some interesting dining because i'm sure we've all worked up a bit of an appetite at this point right okay wonderful there's a story that dates back to 18th century france king louis xiv who would grow these lavish parties at his home and he would invite the townspeople to come and instead of them walking on the path they would walk on the lawn they would maybe stomp on the occasional flower and this really upset the king so the king consulted his gardener and the gardener said let's build a little sign that said please stay on path and so the word etiquette developed over the years to mean the little signs or guidelines to help us to know how to behave in every single situation i'd like to direct you to the play setting i'm going to teach you once and for all where your bread plate is located and your glasses are located my father taught me this okay tell us kelsey so my dad one time he grew up in kind of a rural town and it was his first like big business dinner and he reached for his bread plate on the right and all of the men saw him do that and then switched plates and like he was totally humiliated because he had made everyone have to switch what plate they were using as well so ever since then he drilled into my mind that you hold up your two hands one is a b and that's for the bread plate and one is a d and that's where your drinks go the number one rule of etiquette is if you're in the know you never want to shame someone for not knowing this information and so everyone politely just switched it up in order to make your dad feel good and that's what this is all about manners are designed to help put other people at ease alrighty let's get down to business and get some food into our bodies so kelsey may you please pass the bread yes thank you so the rule of etiquette says that everything gets passed to the right so if i'm the person holding the bread i want to offer it to the person on my immediate left first and then it goes all the way around the table to the right thank you oh i should tell you all we're dining on my wedding china and my wedding crystal and so everything in here is super valuable and meaningful and so you break it you buy it so good luck the stakes were just raised just now okay going to have our soup course momentarily which i'm going to bring out how are you guys doing i'm fine i'm just dressed so everything was fine until this was wedding china okay so we're back let's break out the white wine shall we please um i don't drink at all so what would be proper etiquette for that then you would say no thank you nothing and you would pass it down and i say thank you it smells like i'll be drinking for you chris and i'm chris i have martinally sparkling cider we're gonna pour for you for the champagne substitute okay michelle went for a little bit more of a club pour or no okay pull up okay looks sensible feel free to take a sip well let's just see how you do it and then you know that's the wedding let's get into the soup shall we this is the most beautiful spoon i've ever seen i found this at an estate sale now when we pick up the soup spoon we are balancing it on the middle finger here this is where you can do a little pinky raise and it's purely for balance so the picky reason well it's not for affectation but for balance so when we scoop we are going to scoop away so you want to tilt you start in toward you and you fill the vessel about three quarters of the way and now drink from the side of the bowl if you are worried about a drip before it gets into your mouth you have seven seconds before the drip will drop should we time ourselves here we go we're scooping one two i just dressed three oh five mine just dropped six seven oh photo finish but i did it in any case we're going actually for god okay so miss kelsey i didn't make it all the way to the miss kelsey oh my goodness we don't do that when we're blowing our nose we don't need to because we have what i call our blast shield blaster right so we can use it very sci-fi here are my hands i wrap underneath nice everything happens to the right so and or or yawn you you can hide a yawn and a neck you can lisa so we are now going to enjoy our entree and i'm going to turn up the heat here a little bit okay we do this and then we go under the armpits so this is going to help us making sure our body is upright i feel like i'm in a harness the princess diaries definitely had the seat so i'm going to have you hold these in your armpits on either side this is to remind yourself to keep your arms from flapping when you're dining no wings should be flopping this is all you get this is it and now all i have to say is good luck to everybody because you're going to try and eat is this squid game my body is tensed right now i am unable to do right like in my lats in my back if you've watched any of those episodes of downton abbey they are stick straight their movements are so discreet they're not shoveling it in like a lot of us do standing over the sink in our kitchen right i know it's crazy can you even get the rice do you think it's gonna happen is that a rice bite an attempt to arrive oh the the rice is falling maybe my elbows building my biceps are just shaking my arms are on my face see it i can see it everything's about to drop let's see breathe breathing okay breathe try i'll take these out just so you can enjoy your meal i'm so aware of my body awareness is actually the biggest thing because a lot of people don't acknowledge others personal space i think we're ready for dessert yes does everybody still have room in their bellies yeah okay and we'll get into our champagne toes oh nice very worthy of applause thank you yes and then i have to show you all what to do with your silverware and then before oh goodness me did you chip my china no no okay good okay all right let's talk about toasting there are the three b's begin be brief and be seated sounds so nice doesn't it we open with the lines i would like to propose a toast oh and then we say thank you to michelle for inviting us all to learn how to kind of elevate ourselves in the new year please raise your glasses here here you're here you're here now michelle the recipient of the toast oh thank you you do not drink i wanted to see what you were going to do if you are drinking it's the equivalent of yay me i'm so fabulous right oh no dead it's okay i know you didn't know this michelle instead your drink just ever so gently goes back down on the table and then when all eyes are off of you after the toast is finished then you may drink as you wish who wants to go first nice i would like to propose a toast lisa thank you so much for welcoming us into your home i've learned so much that i will care for throughout the rest of my life oh chris you know why chris i'm going to tell you why right now tell me either something's off in the way you're doing that or martinelli's does not give you the same tone tanya try mine try mine see if it's the champagne flute is choosing the wizard right now okay let's see [Music] i would like to propose a toast to our entire lovely crew who has so kindly filmed this entire experience today i think it's going to educate a lot of people and i've certainly learned a lot as well you're here you're here lisa it's time to reveal our individual grades i'm going to start with kelsey just because she's at the end there i was undecided about kelsey just because first of all you were yawning a lot hint but you did perk up now that we got some food in you but you didn't deem yourself in the dining arena i'm gonna just say a 78. oh i don't know i'm just kind of picking it up we could flip it 87 87 87 that's a b plus and now we have chris i really liked his turtleneck ensemble at the beginning and he looked very prince-like but then chris had a little bit of a kind of lessening of the point system or decreasing rather of the point system when it came to the dining portion of the program i'm gonna say at 85. i will take a solid b okay right that's so solid so now we have michelle michelle well first of all michelle just the fact that you organized this that already shoots you into the very high score numbers because you had this on your radar regardless of any little faux pas you had my dress was unzipped at the beginning of time that is so true okay right there you did started a deficit but you did say such beautiful things to me at the end so that actually did take your score quite high so i'm going to give you a 93. oh because again numbers are just kind of flying into my head we all graduated in the a's and b's category so applause applause applause my perfection is dying inside and that's the goal with all of this to get you to be confident and comfortable and feel like you fit in wherever you go and i hope that this gave you a taste of the fascinating world of etiquette there we go
Channel: Michelle Khare
Views: 4,788,033
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Keywords: State Farm, Surprisingly Great Rates, Surprisingly Great Rate, Insurance, Car Insurance, Auto Insurance, Insurance Rates, Budget, Options, Rates
Id: seMaDhMqrdQ
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Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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