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today my daughter saish built a secret room in a trampoline park to hide from her best friend wait saish is here he has to complete seven embarrassing challenges do you believe in love it first and if he can find her by the end of the night he wins this Mystery Box oh my gosh he's literally coming we are at Sky Zone in Thousand Oaks California in 2 hours Nadal is going to be here with his mother but he has no idea the sailors will be waiting to surprise him in a secret room I have doll's birthday present right here and if he finds me he gets what's inside say come on we don't have much time we got to build a secret room let's go let's go coming so where could we do a secret room skyone has closed this place for 2 hours so we can absolutely build whatever we want this is going to be so much fun I have the best idea I saw something earlier and it's the best idea ever where are you going she's going to do something crazy I've seen Matthew beam do this you break a wall and then you have something inside watch wo wo stop stop no we cannot bash walls why because you don't just bash a wall wait can you see it really quick no no all right let's put this away let's go over here come on no sailor no no I'm going to hold on to this he they've already given us the perfect spot come with me you'll see now I have a better idea watch this down say no what what are you doing no you don't just rip up a trampoline okay first of all there's Springs there I squeeze through you can't squeeze through these spr there's one foot of space and people going to be jumping up and down your head come with me they've already given us access to the most awesome secret room spot this is closed for renovation but they're letting us in if you come to Sky Zone do not come in here where do you think the secret room is I don't know it's just construction right yeah ding ding ding ding ding that's just a pile Max it's actually a tunnel a tunnel yes it's a tunnel actually it's a tunnel okay just go go in there going are you good going to have a little dust on me ew there's like an because this is a construction zone there's a Gap a little hole in that wall and that leads to underneath the arcades so wait till you see keep going towards the light you're going to wind around and then you're going to get to a light you drop down and you're going to be underneath the arcade um [Applause] okay wo this looks so cool The Arc games are right above us yes they're right above you okay we've got a lot of room to work with I can do this it looks pretty cool and there's a lot of space but it's really dirty I think we can clean it up a little Dad I'm claustrophobic this is a tight space all right that's tight okay I think that was a bug oh boy St I'm almost there St oh okay this is awesome this is cool there's like some light down here it's really cool we only have like 2 hours so what do we need pillows blankets you want to deck it out in here cuz it might take him all night to find you so definitely you want a TV we can do a TV that be great down here if we get electric I got to see if this okay I will clean okay and then you go to Target okay bring somebody though okay let me try and get back up though okay it's dirty down here there's a little Dusty might want to cut back to saish cuz this is going to take me a while I'm going to be in there for a long time so I need some pretty thing some Greenery maybe yeah I actually like that it looks really real this is Too Tall I think this one's perfect I'm getting this one what where are we this is so cool look at this the arcade is right up there how would he ever know I think I saw a love lamp that I really like perect lighting check he has no idea she's here and she's going to be under here um those don't look like my footprints is there somebody else down here with a secret room next we need a table oh what's this good enough I already have these in my current room but I could use some more what else I don't really like yellow these blue ones are pretty cute now we need somewhere to sit cuz I'm going to be waiting there for a while so it needs to be comfortable hey little girl how's it going to Target hey it's pretty good what what are you getting a lot of stuff I mean do you need all that stuff do you think yes of course I need to make it amazing it's really dark down here and it's kind of creepy so maybe Could you hurry up I need company okay I'll try hurry up you only have an hour before Nadal even gets here and we have a lot to do okay what what kind of food are you getting anything healthy are you going to get something healthy got to go Dad thanks bye I got to go love you bye okay she just hung up on me okay now we actually got to get going let's get this rug A vibe I just want to say Sky Zone you guys are so awesome for letting us do this Adria just texted me they're an hour away she can't stall anymore we got to hurry up now too blue no might match everything if it's comfortable oh yeah I'm getting perfect I need a way bigger cart oops I can't really see this is going to be the best gift I've ever given needle and if you want to see his reaction stick to the end I don't think needle is ever going to find me so I need something huge to entertain me anytime you want to come back from Target and give me a hand I'm just stuck down here in the dirt no I'll be good o oo too big too big too big I like that one okay good enough I can't wait to take a nap on this I'm just going to get some popcorn and we're off as you can tell we got a lot of stuff and now we're going to go set up the secet room say let's check all of the little stuff inside but there's no we were fitting the big stuff in that little tunnel so luckily we found a service store sh don't tell anyone we already hung up lighting and black fabric let's go we got to hurry up that's from T oh you got a nice rug that works you got like a huge TV are you kidding pillows okay more pillows pillows and a bean bag some blanket put this over here how long you expect to be down here say needle is never going to find me so this is going to take forever some tea a bunch of food and Candy scissors and stuff to build some popcorn an eight ball okay okay stop stop stop manga what what are you going to be down for here for the rest of your life I think more of need all favorite snacks chips do you have any idea how sick your stomach is going to be okay okay well it's done dude give me a hand here Dy they do not want to see us build and decorate this entire room show them the final transformation this took us 30 minutes but I could live down here welcome to the room we have a bunch of pillows and this bean bag so I can sit somewhere then we have this really cute table with his surprise on it oops I need coffee if I'm going to be waiting a long time because he's never going to find me popcorn a couple of his favorite snacks he really likes Hot Cheetos this is going to drive him crazy cuz it's his favorite snack mine now we have sour patch Milk Dud dots IL Junior mint and AirHeads Nadal Gigi and their mom Adria are about to come through that door we've got a camera right there and we've got a dude right there owner filming as well so we're going to be able to get his reaction he has no idea Salish is here and he has absolutely no idea he's being filmed watch this thank you for doing this do you have the iPad on you I do not do you guys have the iPad we can't find the iPad Nadal's going to be here any second we need the iPad Kobe's on her way with the iPad right now thank you got it let's hope we have time hey here's the deal any second this kid's going to come in you're going to give him this and say this is a video about safety protocols he watches it at some point my daughter's going to pop up all right let's do it okay I'm freaking out freaking out you guys know who nidal is right he has no idea we're here so you got to chill when you see him just pretend you don't know who he is until after we've revealed ourselves okay please do not let him know that she's here what's the word chill Sandy and I are going to hide up there he's about to walk in oh my gosh is this sketch I'm too visible hold on I'm scared there he is there he is he's right next to [Music] me he's right there there's a good shot right here come here like actually this is so exciting he's right there that you just see watch this video just go over to the safety precautions he's about to find out that I'm here he's about to see her right now hey all I'm somewhere in SK you can find me you get your birthday present you have to say yes to everything I say and each time you finish the dare you get one more minute to find me Good Luck you all you're going to need it wait s is here here yeah I am here where is she wait can you give me any hints you're very cold right now that's all I can say he looks so confused wait how are we going to find her I guess you're just going to have to look through it I cannot wait to give him these dares this is the present I got for him I really hope he finds me so that he can open this but obviously I have to make him work for it wait is that Jordan oh okay he just saw me surprise wa Jordan what what are you doing we've got a little birthday surprise for you so saor is about to call you hey wait sish where are you you'll never know until you find me wait point the camera the roof point the camera through where no roof like don't don't point it anywhere do not point it t I'm not pointing it up first you got to do your dare then you have 1 minute to try and find her okay n look what I have I want those wait still s my there you're going to have to get your hair styled by a stranger what no yeah come on really sish look at me eating it all right bye oh hold on to this it's got to be a stranger I see it it's one of those two girls no go get him he's trying to find someone to sell his hair no don't be shy oh he's asking a girl that bold for you no no someone she's going to style your hair did just just asked for a needle and they said yes needle has no RZ now we all have issues with the fact that it's in his face so we got to get it out of the face if do you need some scissors oh I would love I'm going to go get some scissors I'm going to go get 45 seconds left to style in the doll's hair oh right now okay he's covering his forehead I can't do breid in 45 seconds oh yes oh yes oh yes she's putting it in a ponytail right now now you know yeah yeah there you go wait wait let's see oh I would have sailed it so much more hey saors does that work for you or should we add some hairspray go no no no no no get him you now have 1 minute to try and find saish 3 2 1 go okay I'm going to go in there I have no idea where she is Nal turned 13 in December but Salish hasn't seen him because she was out of town so this is the first time they're going to see each other since his birthday what she in here no I think we should start looking in the phone pit the pH pit go no I'm not in the phone pit I'll help him don't worry guys okay I can't find her I don't want him to find me but I really want to give him his present clip your favorite scene from this video post it on shorts or Tik Tok and tag us we will FaceTime whoever gets the most likes have fun needle why did you take your hair out what the heck also so the next challenge is you have to go to the boxing machine and score 500 or above that's so easy I need to okay go do it okay she forgot to mention you got to do it in 45 seconds or you have to do the hair again okay he's coming so close to me I can hear him all right this is crazy let's go needle all right got this fast oh god oh B that was over oh he got 663 I got on 500 you did it in one try I'll give you an extra 30 seconds if you want to challenge me to a punching contest whoever gets higher wins five bucks you want to bet are you sure look at that thing you got to beat my score you ready C graphic come on you want [Applause] some yeah dang it yeah my dad got 680 Sor who do you think's going to win this me or an adult I think my dad's going to win actually I think is going to win you got to beat 680 I wish I was taller right now oh he's making excuses are you sure listen I don't want to embarrass you for okay I'm going to take your five bucks I'm not going to take it five bucks okay here we go oh it's going kind of slow come on come on no my dad won yes yes yes that's me celebrating beating a 13-year-old and punching hunda you have 1 minute to go find her go now he's actually going in the opposite direction all right Nadal do you want a hint have you seen on YouTube all the secret room Trends yes she built one go get he's running away from me he has a minute to look I don't see her okay not back there go I have an idea will need all find me by the end of the day my reply is no what if she's hiding under here I was say try to hide in here don't step on her she there I'm not going to step on her sa it oh she's not in here oh not in there that would have been such a good idea hiding spot jump it why is Gigi helping him Gigi you cannot do everything for your little brother that playr right there wait it's close off they're so close to me I can hear them okay wait maybe she do this as a trap but it's a Sky Zone so it can't be heard yeah that's true close for construction he's probably going to go over anyway saor oh yeah no she not under that one that would have been such a great place to hide in the doll but you just ran out of time next aare the next St is you have to say three cheesy pickup lines to a girl at the same girl no different ones you got it bye go get Noe I'm not doing it I'm not doing it this is where I come in to help needo with his horrible Riz because he like actually has none GG is bringing out her list I hope they're bad can we use you for two seconds he has a question wait what oh no he's doing it right now go to her not to me come on all do it bro you're wasting your time do you believe in love it for a sight or should I walk by again you should probably walk by again someone said that to me I would die that was so funny and really cringy I can't believe he did that is that is that what boys think Riz is by the way don't be jealous I'm getting other girls than you so yeah why would I be jealous excuse me all right well I'm here you got two more wishes we got what you got two more wishes I'm here two wishes oh they are really confused you guys not know what the genie is how you get three wishes okay well I'm here so you have two more oh bro what two strikes need bye we need to find a pickup find the Google pick needle this is secondhand embarrassment I can't watch this hey my parents told me I to talk to strangers but I'll make an exception for you oh that's it thank you okay at least we got high five this time okay Sage that sucked so I'm going to go over there and find you now go find her get out of here no no no oh oh oh my dad is going to be stuck in there forever you're wasting your time I quit go oh head shot we haven't checked the basketball court yet let's go okay he's almost here oh no not here he's distracted at the basketball court good I really hope he doesn't come back to the the arcade excuse me has any you guys seen a little short girl anybody wait have you seen where s went she looks right that way yeah she looked that way she looked that he's talking to her again yeah he's got a crush have you seen uh sish by any chance she's short girl BL oh excuse me stranger have you seen a short little girl I have where where oh she's you're not help he just ran right by me that's so crazy you like Nish forever Nish not Nish have you guys seen her by en chant anywhere no this would have been a perfect hiding spot I would have hit here is he ever going to find me okay there's no way she would hide under here it's way too Dusty don't mind me just sitting in here waiting for y'all S I know you miss me you're going to want to come out of your hiding spot talk to me need can you please actually hurry up because I have to stay in here watching you have fun while I'm in this cramped little room could you please ask actually hurry up you actually want me to find you yes the next year is you have to do 20 flips on a trampoline in a row and then come find me and 30 seconds bye what she said do 20 back flips in 30 seconds I need that tribling hurry up n you got this oh my God I need to go like no and I know he can do this cuz remember that video are you still dizzy I feel good I feel good 1 2 3 [Music] four 18 19 20 W oh my God wzy say she oh my God he's done oh now he's dizzy s she wish you could do as many as me I made it too easy for him who do you think's better at flipping in general me or Salish you say who's got better hair me or Salish she said need all if you didn't hear his hair sucks obviously he's they guy choose me Jordan who looks better me or sish sish do you know why she looks better cuz she has my jeans actually young filter look at that face see that huh now take the young filter off no no no don't take it off don't take it off dude who do you think's a better gymn this Nadal or Salish gymnast yeah sish he sucks at gymnastics he would never last a day in my practice who's a better flipper tiebreaker who's got better hair Salish or Nadal all right say between us I have a feeling he really wants to see you you really want to see him so I'm going to give him a big hint soon okay do not give him a hint wait some we haven't looked this is how bored I am wait where is in the thing oh my gosh there's dust back here though wow there was so much W back there but she's not there wait what the desk maybe go needle you better come get this it's the best present ever wait I feel this feels ilal it also has not found me I am getting so bored in here wow ah there's tons and time oh what you've got another big deal this one's going to be tough good luck if you can get through this next challenge needle I'm going to give you a huge hint of where I am are you ready for a challenge yeah you have to ask a stranger to pie you in the face you di to me doll so it's okay for you to do it I cannot wait for this S I actually hate you so much I'm going to give you back do you want to pie him in the face of course wait should that was so fast please do it really hard to him don't feel bad Sor do you have any notes for her yeah all over her face and do it really hard I'm gonna guess you said hard can't hear you okay SS just said knock him down what whoever wants to do it okay wait are you ready oh look I can't even see his face oh oh my God he looks like a blue mask oh no oh it's all in his hair happy birthday needle I'm actually going to get you back you're not going to get me back needle is right above me he's running on top of me right now sailor look at the doll's new hair ew it looks so bad tlor see I'm training him for the future for you no future no there's going to be no him brushing sa's hair n at this rate you're never going to get this sish had me bring you here because this is where you will find her she's about to give you a hint okay needle my big hint is you have to climb through a tunnel to find me a t like that I don't know wait no way she's in here go get him wait she's somewhere in here not that tunnel you're hotter you're getting warmer wait he's really close where I can't find her wait OMG he's going to the decoy no way hold on there's no way in here I need to show you guys this part but I built that just to distract him so he wouldn't be able to find me I was sure she'd be in there there's lights of pillow and everything yes my plan works have you ever heard of a decoy cuz that's what that is he really fell for the blinking lights oh my gosh oh ow wait a minute is this a tunnel oh my god oh shoot no no no no no way he's getting to me oh my gosh oh my gosh he's literally coming all right be careful oh my gosh I cannot believe he found it is he coming oh my gosh is he coming wo finally you got here it's been taking you so long I I've been literally dying in here this is so cool wait I know could you see me on that the entire time of course I could you see this present yeah I get it you get it after you complete one more challenge what is it I get to go through your phone for a minute nope yes nope yep nope do you want this present yes yeah exactly you're not going through my phone no yeah wait yep uhhuh all right she's looking no no yes only Tik Tok and photos no okay I'm going to look through your photos I'm scared oh no no no no stop please oh God I'm scared okay oh no wait no hold on you're getting dangerous you're getting dangerous slay Queen I was so young oh my God no I'm going to take a photo of you and post it on your Instagram no photo s it's dead oh my phone died woo well that means I get to give you your present okay I'll this wow it opens like that that's so cute oh my God take that out of there now what was I wearing look at how you're looking at me you have to look in here S Plus n equals best friend oh you like it yes a you actually made me a bracelet a there you go that's so cute I know [Music] a Sailors thank you so much happy birthday okay guys so we just filmed a really fun video on dll's channel and you guys should go check it out I'm about to give you a huge reason to come to Sky Zone in Thousand Oaks because we all just signed this foam Cube and I'm going to throw it out there and then whoever finds it gets to keep it
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 23,045,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salish matter, say say matter, nidal wonder, trampoline park, skyzone, hide and seek, secret room, matthew beem, ben azelart, birthday present, flips, target
Id: LIyprdaNUTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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