5 Private School Students vs 2 Secret Public Schoolers | Odd One Out

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(pen scribbling on paper) - You said that everyone knew each other and then you knew the same people when you went to high school. - I knew some of the same people, 'cause like I transferred with them. Oh my gosh guys, I'm literally in private school. - Your story is very shifty. (upbeat music) - [Moderator] We brought together seven private school students. - I'm a private school student. - I'm a private school student. - I am a private school student. - I am a private school student. - I am a private school student. - I'm a private school student. - I'm a private school student. - [Moderator] Two of them are public school students. If the group discovers who the liars are, they will split a cash price. (upbeat music continues) If the liars survive, they win the entire price. Who is the odd one out? - What's everybody learning in school? - I'm taking film, geometry, Spanish, health and wellness, history, English and conceptual physics. - AP world, English honors, Spanish honors, religion, public ethics and morality. - I'm in English honors, history honors, science, honors, Spanish honors as well, and I take art advance. - Math, Hebrew, history, art, science. There's much. I can't think of anymore right off the bat. - She couldn't remember one of the classes that she attended, which I thought was kind of odd to me since you've been in a class for half a year now. Another thing I can't get off my mind. I'm the only one in an actual uniform. Like I have a question for you. So what's with the uniform? - I have a dress code on uniform. We're only allowed to wear like baby blue or light blue, gray, Navy and white. But we're only allowed to wear white on Fridays. - Yeah, so it's color coded, yeah. - Yeah, we have-- - I only wear these on Thursdays 'cause we go to chapel. - Ours is just khakis and a polo shirt. - His uniform, it didn't look unique to like a private school. - Once a month on Fridays, we're allowed to wear jeans. - That's what we do on Friday. We wear spirit shirts or jeans. - Why don't we go around and say all our grades. - I'm in seventh grade. - I'm in eighth grade. - Yeah, I'm a freshman. - I'm a freshman. - Eighth grade. - Sixth grade. - I'm in seventh grade. (timer ticking) - Yeah, already. (bell rings) That was fast. (upbeat music) - A lot of the classes that she named were stuff that my friends in public school are currently taking. (upbeat music continues) - At least in my experience, private schools don't really have sixth grade in it. It's usually seven to 12. - A lot of other people here are wearing a lot of like bland colors. She's wearing a bright red shirt and that kind of stood out to me. - [Moderator] There's a tie. (dramatic music) The tie is between Halle and Audrey. so each person has 20 seconds to state their case, starting with Halle. - I'm a private school student. I go to Harvard Westlake. I play volleyball. I'm a Libera. The season just ended. I'm part of the BSU video games club and the book club. (bell rings) - Okay, my name's Audrey. I go to a private school. I really like innovations. I have a super small class, 10 kids including me. I played school soccer. I really like the science lab and doing experiments. (bell ring) (upbeat music) (buzzer sounds) - Okay. I'm actually really surprised that I lost the tiebreaker. I thought it was gonna be Halle. - Why don't we just give like a brief description of what our school's like? - I'll go first. It's a decent size school. We have at least 20 kids in our class, if not less. You know everybody there. And it's a high school too. It's a middle school and it's an elementary school. - She was very quick to volunteer, which just felt like she was trying to get the group off her back. - There's two campuses. There's the lower and upper campus. Right now, I'm on the lower campus. In both campuses I'd say there's about 1,500 people and there's like 15 people in each class. - Wait, wait, you said 1,500 people in each class? - No, no, no, no. In the whole... In both campuses. (all laughing together) - I've been going to private school my entire life. In elementary school it was really small. Everyone knew each other. The teachers knew the students, the teachers knew the parents. They knew my entire family. If something happens like in the morning, by lunch, everyone knows about it. I had a crush on this boy and rumors were going around. I was in fifth grade. And they called my mom and talked about it. And my mom got so mad. - I'm a K through 12 school. So my school's pretty big. There's lower school, middle school, and upper school right now. I'm obviously in the upper school. We tend to stay away from the seniors. They bully us a lot. Our bathrooms are vandalized by them. So we have to use the upper school bathroom. - Ours are too. - Yeah, exactly. - [Moderator] Do you guys wanna talk about safety in school? Do you guys feel safe in school? - When I was in public school, I never felt unsafe in regards to like physical harm, but definitely in regards to like verbal bullying, that kind of thing. Like I'm gay. I wouldn't have felt safe to come out there. - Totally. - At the public school, there's a lot of bullying, There's a lot of teasing. I got teased for being gay in fifth grade before I even knew I was gay. I'm from the Bay Area. So it's kind of a more progressive school. It's a gifted education program, four classes a day. And then Fridays are like a more development day where you kind of do community building. Run of the mill Bay area private school. - My school's in Arizona, three buildings. There's a cafeteria and gymnasium, a seven to 12 building, and then we have a K through six building. I have honors English, science, social studies and algebra. Then my two electives are PE and theater. - I'm a little suspicious of you. - Yeah, same. - Honors English, social studies. Those are very, very typical run of the mill public school classes, especially social studies. - After all that. What's the best thing about your private school? And I'll go for first because I used to be in a public school from K through fifth grade and then I transferred to St. Margaret's Episcopal school. The change in food, oh my gosh. - So much better. - The public schools, the cheese falls off of the pizza. - I went to public school for like preschool, and the one thing I remember was like, the food was free. So I was like, this is so cool. But like now it's like, I have to pay for it all the time, but it's worth it. - But Missy, just quick back to you. You said earlier that you've been in private school your whole life? - For pre schooling. I don't count that, like, you know? - Yeah. - All I know is like the food was free, but I didn't like it that much. My school was like a K to 12, but I transferred in eighth grade to another high school. I knew everyone, so I wanted to like go to a new private school and I like it a lot more now. - You said that everyone knew each other and then you knew the same people when you went to high school. - I knew some of the same people 'cause like I transferred with them. - Oh my gosh, guys, I'm literally in private school. - Your story is very shifty. Can I have your full story? I want it. I want it beginning to end because it's changed like two different times. - Okay. For preschool, I went to Chase Street Elementary. Kindergarten, I transferred to this other school. I'm not gonna name it 'cause I don't want them to get mad at me. I transferred there. I went there for nine years. My sister went to the same high school I do now and she really enjoyed it. So I was like, I wanna transfer there for high school. So I transferred there. Now my entire family, we love this school so much. So yeah, I go there. - I wish I liked my school. (bell ringing) (upbeat music) - She couldn't keep her story straight, kept getting flustered, generally just suspicious. (upbeat music continues) (buzzer sounds) - Wow. - Bye. - Bye. I didn't think it was her. - I think I definitely got super defensive. I started panicking, talking fast. And I think that didn't help me. - [Moderator] Raise your hand if you think that the mole or the moles are still in the box and you would like to continue the game. - I'm a little suspicious of you 'cause you said-- - I'm suspicious of you too 'cause... - We've got a war going on. - Is this your school uniform? - No, we don't have a school uniform. We have like a dress code. - You got the merch. - Wait, so what is your dress code? - I don't know how to describe it. Like if put your fingertips. You can't wear bikini straps. Clothes have to like touch fabric to fabric. But for you I did have a question. You said PE was your elective. For me it's mandatory. - For me, I have an elective as PE. - PE is an elective, but it's a required elective. So you have to fill a slot for PE. - Yeah, we have like dance you can do though. - There's a mandatory one. You either have to choose the Mozart performing arts or you have to choose physical education. So I just chose PE. - Does everyone have a creed for their school? - A what? - A what? - A creed. Like-- - I've never heard of that. - A school creed. Like we are committed to honesty, justice and learning. We respect the dignity and worth of all human being, their thoughts, feelings and individuality. - We have... We have a slogan. - Yeah. - We have a slogan too. - Ours is, "Learn by doing, learn by caring." - Ours is just, "At Cooley Middle School "We are kind safe and honest." - We kind of just go by Bible verses, like John 3 16. We're very Christian school. - Okay. - We do a lot of chapel. - That was gonna be the next question. - Pray and stuff like that. Yeah. - Harvard Westlake, we have like a bunch of things under it. Things that you are like supposed to do, kind of like rules. - Could you tell us more about your school? 'Cause I'm kinda a little. - You never say-- (indistinct crosstalk) Can you like elaborate on your story? - Okay, I went to a public elementary school and then I switched in seventh grade. - Did you say you were in sixth grade earlier? - Sorry? No, no, no. I never said anything about that. Yeah, seventh grade I switched. So we have two campuses. We have the upper and lower campus. There's about like 1,500 in each. In the whole campus not in each. Yeah. And each class is about 15 people. - When you say class, as in one bubble moves from world history to math, to science, that kind of thing? - Yeah, like that. - And there are a hundred of those, okay? - It's a really big campus. - Okay. - At our school assemblies, I would like watch videos and stuff like on YouTube 'cause they post literally everything on YouTube for like parents or whatever. - How often were your assemblies pre COVID? - They're once a month. - Once a month, okay. - I'm really debating on either you two right now. - Yeah, same. - I just wanna hear a little bit more about-- - The way you described your school. Like the school name, the once a month assemblies, putting everything on YouTube, singing the star single banner. - I think it's just a general public school. - That is the exact schedule of the assemblies that I had at every single public school. - What's something unique about your school that differs it from a normal public school? - I already said it earlier. You kind of had to choose what you wanted to do. Like physical education or Mozart performing arts for like the bass. (bell rings) (upbeat music) (buzzer sounds) - Bye. (receding footsteps) We'll miss you. - Why would they vote for me? I thought I had like some sort of like trust system with them. - I was really surprised because everything I heard from Tom sounded familiar from my school and stuff. - [Moderator] Raise your hand if you think that the mole is still in the box and you would like to continue the game. - I thought we had gotten the moles out; Audrey and Tom. So I didn't wanna continue. - So Halle, I am so sorry for saying this, but thank God Olivia you wanted the game to continue because I would not feel safe ending the game-- - Yeah, that's (indistinct) - With you still here. I just wanna ask, what do you find that's unique in your school, and something that you haven't said. - Since like the classes are smaller, we get to like talk with the teachers more. - Do you call your teachers by their first name? - With some of them. It depends with the relationship. People aren't acting up as much as when I went to public school. So I feel like I just understand the material a lot more. - Yeah, I agree. - But is the baseline education better than what you found in a public school? - Well, first of all, I don't find myself dazing off as much. 'Cause like it's just more interesting what they're teaching about and what we're learning. In a public school, we learned just about American history. But now we're learning about like Roman history, Greek history. We're learning about like world history. - Like diversifies. But then again, eighth grade is the year that you would typically learn about world history-- - But it's like... - In public school. - It's like, I feel like we were just relearning a lot of the stuff. - I regretted going into round four after Halle express her story about being in a private school. - So is this your day to day uniform? - This is not my day to day uniform. I just like being formal. I just like wearing this. I wear this on Thursday, going to chapel, because it's being respectful, I guess. And the rest of the days we wear a colored uniform. We wear a polo shirt. And pants, it's either khaki, gray, crimson, Navy or plaid. - Specific. - Yeah. I got it all. - Do you have chapel? - Oh, we have it every week. Every Thursday. - Same. Every Wednesday for me. - So you both attend religious-- - Yeah. - Yes. - Middle school. Mine is gifted education private school and whatever you wanna do, go ahead. - Our school's pretty diverse. Yeah, that was the question I was gonna ask. Diversity. Is it like, how would you say, is there like a dominant. - We have a director of equity and inclusion. - Yeah, we have what they call the JEDI team, justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. I lead the gender sexuality alliance. There's a feminism club, Black student union. - Are there any clubs that you have joined? Like, because I know that they offer clubs, students and teachers - [Owen] Other than video game and book club. - I'm also part of the BSU. - Okay, cool, cool. - I'm sorry, wait. What is the BSU club? - Black Student Union. - Oh, I'm so sorry. - It's okay. - Your application process was just, you took a test? - Yeah. - So, okay. - 40 grand to get in the school. - Yeah. - What about you guys? They increased the price. - Yeah. - 20 grand. - I have like tuition aid. So yeah. - Ours is 50,000, I believe. (clock ticking) - Yeah, oh my God. (bell rings) (upbeat music) (buzzer sounds) - Bye, Halle. We love you. - [Moderator] Raise your hand if you think that the mole is still in the box and you would like to continue the game. If the lights turn green, that means you have voted out the moles and you win. If the lights turn red, that means the mole is still in the box and you lose. (dramatic music) (upbeat music) - Oh yeah. - Go. - Two moles. - So good. - Good job guys. - Good job. - [Moderator] Now, can the moles please step forward, in three, two, one. (upbeat music continues) (everyone yelling) - I love how I was the first one eliminated. - It's okay, I thought it was her too. - Yeah, I'm sorry about that. Thank you. I thought I was gonna get out first round. Oh my God. - 'Cause I know that school and I was like, I don't know if that's the uniform. I told you so. Like I knew it. - Friend goes there. - All of my friends go to private school. (cross talking) - You were convincing like-- - My answer sounded so weird though, because my school was from kindergarten to sixth grade. I think they did really well. And I was really surprised actually that they were the moles. I didn't really expect that. So is your school a public school or private school, or did you just get it? - I go to a public school. I basically took on the personality of my best friend. So, she goes to a private school. - You stole the soul of your best friend? - [Halle] Yeah. - Everyone is rich is like a huge misconception 'cause I know a lot of students like are on financial aid, academic scholarships, athletic scholarships. - People always think that private schoolers are really bad and uncontrolled and really conniving and mischievous. I don't think that's them at all. I think they're really outgoing and passionate about what they say. - I've always wanted to do this. - I know. - Yeah. - Money things. - Money. (all laughing) - The joys. - Whoa! - Capitalism. (laughing) - [Moderator] Can you pick it all of that up? Can you pick up all the money? - Yes. - Yeah. Oh, that's a lot now, my bad. Maybe if they told us we had to pick it up I wouldn't do it. - I still would've.
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 3,627,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, jubilee odd one out, jubilee middle schoolers, jubilee ooo, odd one out, jubilee private vs public school, private vs public school, private school, public school
Id: 1o0N0-mxlkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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