Weird Things I Learned On TikTok

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hello friends it's me and today we're checking out some cool things that i learned on tick tock because in this house we like knowledge i've always wondered how they cleaned underneath the seats at the freaking movie theater but apparently what they do is they just literally flip the whole seat down and then they get right underneath of it and then just vacuum right under i thought they just never cleaned under there think of all the things they find under there like movie theater with the lights on and the seats pushed on the ground i'm sure people drop things under there all the time now i have the sun and urge to just see if i can push the seats over next time i go to the theater this is how pretzels are made wait a second you're telling me it's a little machine taking a long piece of dough and just like folding it into a pretzel shape no no no no i've been to the mall i see how they do it at auntie annie or cinnabon whatever the most glutinous place on the planet they take the rolls and then they just like flip it and then you got a pretzel but now they got robots doing it they even do the little twist wait where are those you kind of look like he has googly eyes you know maybe he does have a soul and he's making these pretzels with love if you have to measure something sticky such as honey or syrup dip the back of your spoon into your mixture and pour in perfect measurement this is one of the smartest hacks that i discovered on tick tock y'all never have to measure like honey olive oil and you're like oh i gotta wash this i hate washing dishes that i don't have to wash make a hole the size of the teaspoon and pour in your sticky wet ingredients without having to wash off this sticky wet ingredient i think it is so wild how bees cannot fly at night here they are buzzing around the light as soon as you turn off the light they drop dead it's not dead but they're asleep now dark means bedtime oh no the light's off i don't know where i'm going wings deactivate we on walk mode until the sun comes up there's a chinese saying saying that somebody can end you like smashing ginger in pieces whoa i've never seen somebody do this you can just like and ginger just like smashes into a million pieces that's satisfying if you're ever in a foul mood just smash some ginger things teachers can see on canvas this is what we can see when you take a quiz that means when you leave the canvas quiz ticking page and go somewhere else to a powerpoint to google to search for the answer it tells the teacher when you stopped viewing the canvas page and when you returned so in that case don't cheat on your tests what if you had your phone on the side i mean your webcam is on but like look at this this is for one student it's like step by step gps navigation but of your every move oh you answered the question oh you stopped viewing oh you started looking at the question again well what are you up to kind of sucks tick tock banned my first account after i got 12 million views for this hack is this something the government don't want you to know or something that was cool so he just took a trash bag made it into a sword just jump the sword [Music] when you put it in you have to scream for camelot for camelot [Music] that's kind of crazy bro i mean you still have to like shake it up get some air into it scare your dogs while you're at it and then put in that shape this dude is putting a snake inside a hole in his wall why so if you have a rat problem because apparently they live inside the hole you put a snake in the hole and the mice come crawling out you're like oh no we gotta evacuate we are being evicted you sure are look at the way they come a third one how many we got they just keep coming there are so many of them they've just been living rent free inside this wall so the snake didn't actually get to eat anything build a whole bucket of rats okay but what will you do with this bucket of rats like let them outside i can't believe how many there are i would not want to live in a house that has this many rats living inside my wall this is worse than cockroaches the house that i grew up in had so many rats i'm like terrified of rats oh the snake is out yay he's done his job how will you pay him because he gets to eat all of the rats as a reward that was very efficient you think filling up your car is bad guess how much it costs to fill up our rv gas has been insane i filled up my car for like 150 the other day i'm like i never spend that much for gas before oh my lord it is already over 500 108 gallons how big is this gas tank i didn't know they held that much gas okay how much did it end up being over nine hundred dollars so does it like get bad gas mileage or can you like go like days driving this thing before it runs out of gas okay maybe i'll stop complaining when the cops try to give your client a glass of water no no so if you are being detained and they give you a glass of water it's because they want to get your fingerprints so do not touch the glass of water do not touch door handles do not touch anything that lawyer is smart do not take the glass of water or ask for a straw or hold it with your ariana grande sleeves get a load of this guy he lives in a school i mean the school is no longer a school it's like a house imagine waking up in your bedroom then walking across the hall and there's your classroom no the whole entire school is his house but it still looks like a school on the inside this place is massive supposed to be terrifying at night okay that looks like a renovated bathroom i was kind of suspicious and then i saw the kitchen and i'm like okay this kind of looks like a real kitchen like a school wouldn't have that but i was like yes this is my house i feel like people would just think it's an abandoned school i don't know about you guys you see that hallway i would be terrified imagine wanting a glass of water in the middle of the night and having to walk down this hallway nope not leaving my room after dark things about flying you probably didn't know about did you know you are not allowed to fly at least 24 hours after you've been scuba diving that's because flying after scuba diving can cause decompression sickness and that can cost your life so you can go under the water and then go into the sky within 24 hours or you might die i've never been scuba diving but it's good to know if i ever do probably won't but a strawberry under a microscope oh no no no no no a spider oh those aren't spiders i would definitely see them if there was something crawling on my strawberry i would definitely see it i don't care how big they look under a microscope they still about the size of a seed nah you thought you were the only one eating the strawberry when you have like several micro pests feasting on it before you could even put it in your mouth you know this is why you wash them i cannot believe this right now you know when you squeeze a pimple and it's like yellow pop some legs on that they kind of look like that oh you picked them straight out of the garden no you have to wash them so next time you want to pick it straight from the patch you're going to think about these little guys i got some strawberries in my fridge right now i'm gonna wash them again as long as i can't see it it can't hurt me i'll eat one of those i don't care as long as i don't see it or feel it this is how the pythagorean theorem works this is the only thing i understood in math a squared plus b squared equals c squared so a squared plus b squared equals c squared if you don't watch this and understand it then time to switch majors get a non-math-related job if this doesn't make you understand it nothing will this is the stuff they gotta show you in school show me a life hack i had no idea you could do that i gotta see somebody else do it wait don't tell me she's gonna eat the peel wait you can actually peel an orange like that and it comes out like perfect bite-sized pieces don't make it look too easy just like and the orange is peeled simple really they say you can't drink and drive when there's literally a bottle opener in your car cheers pretty sure that's not what that's for but it is now if it successfully opened the bottle it is a bottle opener who am i to argue i was today years old when i learned rabbits can swim rabbits can swim i don't think i've ever seen a rabbit near water oh he knows he looked like he could do this for years i feel like swimming is an animal instinct because my dogs when they were puppies i would put them in the water and like their first instinct would be like to paddle is that all it takes bro going for a dip that's so cute they put their ears back so they don't get wet cartoon characters you didn't know were based on real people shrek was a real person maurice tillett you know just because the photo is black and white doesn't mean he wasn't green edna edith's head i mean she do got a head i don't know i like edna better popeye was a real guy frank fiegel he got the pipe and everything okay that's kind of weird what's worth more this pile of cash or that gold bar so this is how they turn scrap jewelry into like a bar of gold oh no somebody raided grandma's jewelry drawer so it is two hundred thousand dollars in cash but i think the gold bar is gonna be worth more oh they're melting it ah it's a lot of fire it's like lava where did the gold go whoa they got a 350 000 check for the gold bar that's absolutely insane you know whenever you see those stores that are like we buy gold this is why they just take all that gold melt it turn it into a gold bar and cash out yeah you thought you were getting a good deal when you sell them your gold nah they made 350k but anyways that's all for today i hope you learned something new today and i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button and comment below what you learned and make sure you turn on notifications click click and i just released some new merch we got hoodies shirts tank tops at og i'll link it below and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 3,059,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok meme, funniest tik toks, memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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