I Tried Dropshipping for 30 Days in 2023

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month ago I started with a thousand dollars and one goal to start a successful Drop Shipping business if you've seen some of my other videos then you know that your boy has been taking mad L's in Drop Shipping so I decided that this time I'm gonna put as much effort as possible into finding good products making a dull website and some high converting ads and most importantly just learn as much as I can about this business model so I can finally either put it aside and say this isn't for me or get rich it's the only two options Drop Shipping has changed a lot since the last time that I tried it people are doing anything to try to make their products go vile nowadays from straight up roasting their own products to having some out-of-pocket hooks just to get people to keep watching it's uh it's wild out there so to catch myself up and try to figure out what kind of products and strategies are working right now I just started scrolling through other drop shippers videos on Tick Tock this is pretty easy to do because Tick Tock is just an algorithm Beast if you start a new account and start liking other drop shippers videos before you know it your feed looks like the wild west of capitalism if you're a guy in your 20s and you don't have a Lamborghini discussion with yourself as to why you don't have a Lambo so by using the strategy of scrolling on Tick Tock I found a bunch of different products that had potential and I just started keeping track of them but the first one that stood out to me was this product right here it's a heated hair brush that girls can use to strain and curl their hair I saw a bunch of other accounts running very similar products and I'm pretty set on trying to make a store targeted to females as they're usually more impulsive buyers there's more emotional angles you can take when advertising and they probably don't know there's some 22 year old nerd who just wants a E36 M3 that's behind it I was able to find a bunch of really high quality photos that made it super easy to build a website so while I was doing that I ordered the product to my house started making videos with my sister to post on Tick Tock and make ads for and then once I had enough content in a finished website I started running ads at about a hundred dollars a day broad targeting with three main ad creatives and five separate ad groups and I just let it run while killing ads that Norm perform well after a couple days of running ads we've spent 433 dollars and that gave us 249 dollars in sales sometimes with the ads running it seemed like it was going to be super profitable like as soon as I turned the ads on on the third day um after changing some things up on the website we got two sales for the first ten dollars that we spent and then didn't make anything else for the next 40. maybe I could keep testing things and try to make this profitable um but to be honest I don't really want to waste any more time with this product I never really like this product after uh doing a little bit more research on it anyways I recently learned that there's a way bigger brand that is running this product and not only are they running it they have it in stores even though I didn't get profitable with this product the fact that I got six sales made 250 and came pretty close to getting profitable um that makes me pretty confident that if I find something a little bit better that doesn't have a super established competitor that we can get profitable so I went back to the product list that I first made when I was looking for products to sell and there's one product that really stood out to me that I decided pretty much right away I'm gonna try to sell this and it's this rainbow window film basically you put this stuff up in your room and it turns the sunshine into rainbows the margins on it are insane the main competitor is selling this for 24.99 and you can Source it for less than two dollars and they've already proven it can go viral by gaining more than 30 000 followers in less than two weeks so once again while I waited for the product to get to my house I built out a website and I started making ads with whatever content I could find on this product online which wasn't much but after the first day of running ads I did manage to make a sale which was a good sign and on day two I made another sale but the ads were not performing well and they were far from profitable after a couple days I ended up spending over two hundred dollars to make fifty dollars in sales the product did arrive to my house a couple days later so I was hoping I could make my own creatives and that way I could get better performing ads but what I wasn't anticipating was the fact that I live in Canada and we haven't had Sun here in over three weeks so I literally cannot make any videos of this product and we're running out of time so I have no choice but to put this product aside for now and move on so we're moving on to product number three and this is gonna be the last product that I try and to find a product that has the most potential of success I've been using the ad spy PB ads I've been looking for products that I've done well in the last 60 days and that competitors are still running ads for and by using that criteria I came across this product it's like an electric face lifter jawline tool the main competitor for this product has been running ads on it for over six months now they've spent over three hundred thousand dollars in ads and after tracking their website sales I can see they've made over three thousand dollars in sales in the last three days with a really basic website and not great photos some might say that a product like this is oversaturated but from what I see there's a lot that can be improved about this store and I can use PBS to copy their ads that I've already been working for them and skip the entire testing creatives part so yeah PP ads is a really dull platform if you want to take Drop Shipping seriously and if you guys want to test it out you can get 20 off by using the link in the description all right let's build this store so I call the product the lifty face toner handset and I priced it at 50 U.S which is 69 Canadian the main competitor that I showed you is charging 80 us for theirs so I think taking 30 off of their price point is hopefully going to give me an edge on them yeah and I just try to get some of the best photos I could online and I actually had to take a couple of my own because I couldn't find that many the biggest thing I'm trying to do with this product page is just establish as much trust as I can with a potential customer that's why at the very top I put try it risk free for 90 days free shipping FDA cleared and then I go into showing a high quality GIF and you know showing off how the product works all the benefits of it a big thing that I've heard that other drop shippers talk about is you want to focus on benefits rather than features most people just want to know what this product can do for them not all the fancy Tech behind it and then at the bottom I show the reviews so I customize these to show the best quality reviews at the very top I'm gonna start running ads with the exact same strategy that I was using for the last two products and let's see what happens on day 22 I spent 86 dollars on ads and that brought 380 people to the website without a single sale so I figured there's a problem with my product page so I lowered the price of the product to 34.99 and I changed up the photos on the website on day two I spent another 114 dollars on ads which brought another 513 people to the website and I still had zero orders at this point I was getting pretty frustrated so I started looking at other drop shippers for advice every time you change something it's going to perform completely differently so like you can't scale something unless you have a replicable formula of like okay copy this do this do that so you need to stick to something if you want any chance to scale it otherwise you're basically just relying on luck yeah I'm just I've been listening to you guys all like every other YouTuber says something different yeah but they're all following the same method like if if they scale vertically then that's what they do that's what they do every time right so like they're following a completely different method but they're sticking to a method which is what I'm saying like my like our methods are all different but if you mix them and do random it ain't gonna work I've spent the last day trying to optimize this product page doing everything I could think of to try to get a person to look at the page and want to buy the product and after looking at some other drop shipper stores and seeing what they're doing I noticed that they have way less information on their product page than I was putting on mine which I find pretty surprising because to me I think if you want to convert a person into a customer you want to show them as much information about the product so they think it's legit I don't know I'm kind of just fighting to find something that works at this point so yeah we cut out pretty much everything I have a before and after photo talking a little bit about the benefits at the top of the page a video showing how the product works and that's pretty much it other things I did to try to optimize this page I added a bundle option so if you buy two you save ten percent buy three say 15. I also added a sticky ad to cart at the bottom of the page I added a little pop-up that you see right when you get onto the website that shows that the 40 discount is ending today and then after a couple seconds of scrolling through the page you see a little pop-up that shows that there was 180 people that were on the website recently that just adds a little bit more of that scarcity and urgency so yeah maybe this is a little bit over the top but at this point your boy is a little desperate we have two days left before the end of the month and I have 180 dollars to make this product work so it's time to start running ads again for the next two days and just pray so I relaunched the ads on day 28 and surprisingly by the end of the afternoon I finally made my first sale the next day I made two more sales and on the last day of this challenge day 30 without changing anything I made 242 dollars from six sales which was my first profitable day Drop Shipping and that brings us to the end of the month the beard had to go in the end we ended up making 630 dollars off of the three products now is that a success not quite because we ended up spending more than thirteen hundred dollars on the product cost the ads and other fees but I've tried Drop Shipping multiple times over the past couple years and this is the first time I've ever had a profitable day that's left me more motivated and inspired than ever to try to make this thing work and make my money back from all the failures so we'll see how that goes but that's it for now thank you for watching this video subscribe if you haven't already and we'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Alex Ulbin
Views: 193,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start dropshipping in 2023, how to start dropshipping, how to start dropshipping for free, how to dropship, how to dropship from aliexpress, jordan welch dropshipping, how to dropship step by step, how to start dropshipping with no money, how to make money online 2023, winning products 2023, online business ideas 2023, i tried dropshipping for 30 days in 2023, shopify dropshipping, dropshipping challenge, dropshipping with no money, tiktok dropshipping, dropshipping
Id: CxA2ktO33bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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