I Tried Shopify Dropshipping With NO MONEY For 10 Days

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the next 10 days I'm on a mission to build a brand new Shopify Drop Shipping Store and take it from zero dollars to over ten thousand dollars using no money and the best part is I'll be sharing the entire process with you so if you want to see exactly how I take the store from zero to ten thousand dollars stick around till the end of the video so it's currently day one of this Challenge and I have a lot of work I need to get done today and honestly for today I'm gonna take it pretty light and just focus on finding a good product to sell so I'm going to start doing some product research with a tool that not many people have used before which is USAJobs winning product section so usajob is a Drop Shipping supplier and of course they know exactly which products are selling best and so they'll go ahead and put them in this section so I'm going to look through some of these products and see if I can find anything good so literally 20 minutes have passed and I just came across this led portable makeup box and I know this is actually a good product because I would literally buy it myself right now and the reason it's such a good product is because it solves a huge problem for people who wear makeup so you can carry your makeup with you outside the house and do it anywhere on the go and I see this product has a ton of Demand on Tick Tock so I know it's a good product and the best part is this product only costs 19.87 on USA drop and I can sell it on my store for 49.99 which means I'm gonna make a ton of profit now aside from this product I'm going to look for a few other products in the same Niche that I can also sell and these products are just going to act as upsells in hopes that people end up buying more than one product on my store okay so here are the other products on USA job that I want to sell so first I got the self-cleaning hair brush this eyebrow stamp stencil kit this heated eyelash curler and the mini eyebrow trimmer so when people come to my store to purchase the makeup box I'm hopefully going to convince them to also purchase one of these products as well and I just started recently using usajob as my supplier and so far I'm very impressed but anyways now that I have all my products the next thing I'm going to do is actually start building my Shopify store and luckily I do get a free Shopify trial and I will leave a link for a three month free Shopify trial in the description of this video but anyways I'm gonna spend the rest of my day building the store and trying to make it look as branded as possible so I'll come back tomorrow and give you an update once I'm done so it's day two and I finally finished the store so let's quickly run through it so here's a product page which all customers will be redirected to so I got a few images here of the product then I basically explained the benefits and purpose of using this product and I do include gifs to show how it works so it's easily portable and has an adjustable LED mirror here I also put the product details how to use it shipping times and the return policy and lastly I have the customer reviews which are extremely important now the most important thing here is when someone clicks add to cart they will be shown this card page which I customized using the Shopify app up card so this app let me add this free shipping bar which says you're ten dollars away from free shipping and it also lets you add an upsell product so my plan in this case is basically to convince people to purchase this upsell product so that they can get free shipping and this is honestly a very easy way to boost your sales by law but anyways the last thing I want to show you that I added to my store is this post purchase upsell page which I use the Shopify app after sell to customize so basically anytime a customer purchases the makeup box from my store they'll have this upsell page show directly after basically convincing them to purchase another product and boom that's a really easy way you can boost your sales but anyways now that my store's done the next thing I have to do is advertising but before I go over my advertising strategy I do want to mention that I recently opened up a Drop Shipping mentorship where I basically teach you exactly how I build multiple successful drop shipping stores just like this one one of my students hit over ten thousand dollars in his first month so if you are interested in applying to the mentorship I'll leave a link for it in the description of this video but anyways let's move on to my advertising strategy for this challenge okay so first of course I'm gonna take advantage of tick tock because I can easily make content go viral on there same as Instagram reels and I'm going to use a new method that I recently figured out to help boost my videos and I will be using Pinterest as well since the algorithm is pretty simple and lastly I'm going to test out YouTube shorts and see how that goes but anyways what I use usually do with my drop shipping stores is actually order my products from Amazon then create my own content with them and then just upload that to my social medias but because I don't really have much time for this challenge what I'm actually going to be doing is just reusing other people's content and just posting it on my social media accounts and of course I will give credit to the person who did create the content okay so anyways I found a few really good videos that I think could go viral on my account so anyways my plan moving on now is to post anywhere from three to five videos on every social media account I have and just hope for the best and hopefully I give views in sales now the one platform I'm positive that I can get to go viral is Tick Tock and I do have a hack for this that I've used multiple times so basically to make sure my account goes viral on Tick Tock very quickly all I do is create a brand new tick tock account and within the first hour that I create the account I must post a viral video for example this video has gone viral on Tick Tock so I'm going to make this the very first video that I post on my account within the first hour and after I do post that one video the next six videos I post to my account also have to be viral worthy and the reason you do this is because when you open up a brand new tick tock account Tick Tock gives you this window of opportunity to blow up and so this just makes the entire process so much easier for you and your account will just grow a lot faster now as for Instagram Pinterest and YouTube it's honestly a Gamble and I have no idea how well my content will perform and it's pretty simple views equals sales so as long as I get a decent amount of views I don't see why I can't reach my goal of ten thousand dollars especially because this product is in high demand but anyways I'm done for now and I'll give you an update in 10 days and show you the results and see if I ended up making ten thousand dollars all right so 10 days have passed and I'm honestly shocked with the results and before I even show you how much money I ended up making I want to first show you my social media pages and what ended up happening with them okay so let's start with the tick tock account as you can see this video here got over 100 000 views which is insane and in total I posted about 26 videos on Tick Tock and I'd say most of them did pretty well and the reason I think my account did so well in the beginning is because I just made sure my first couple of videos were all viral worthy and because of this Tick Tock pushed out my entire account and I honestly believe if I actually ordered the product myself and made my own content I would have got a lot more views but honestly do not over complicate Tick Tock it's all about being consistent and posting viral content so if you started this right now and were consistent I'd say you'd also pull views now moving on to the other social media platforms I'd say these ones did not perform well at all now for Instagram reels I actually did get one video that got over 50 000 views and sure that's pretty decent but nothing compared to tick tock and the Pinterest account pretty much got no traction at all and I think the reason for this is because with Pinterest you have to be consistent for at least a month before you see results and honestly I gave up on YouTube shorts because literally all the videos I was posting were getting zero views so I'd say that Tick Tock came in clutch for this 10 day challenge and keep in mind I posted the exact same videos on every social media platform but Tick Tock is the only one that actually performed well but anyways and moving on to the important part how much money did my store actually make so my drop sharing store made 815.81 in 10 days which is honestly insane especially because I did not have to pay for ads now there are a few factors that play into how I was even able to make this much money in a short period of time that I'll be sharing with you so the first Factor being that one of my tick tocks that went viral I had a caption there that said Link in profile to purchase and because of that I think a lot of people just got redirected to my profile then the Instagram account and ended up purchasing the product another factor is that this is a high ticket product so since it's 49.99 it'll make you a lot more money than selling something that's like 19.99 and the last and most important factor is that I used pre-purchase and post purchase upsells so just by using the Shopify app after sell I was able to make an extra hundred and twenty dollars and by using the Shopify app up cart I was able to make an extra 45.98 and so I was able to make an extra 165 dollars so now you know an easy way that you can boost your sales as well but anyways 815.81 is a pretty good amount of money but unfortunately that is not all profit so let's go over the expenses so I am on a free Shopify trial and the domain was free the Shopify and PayPal fees were around 28.65 and the product cost for everything I sold was 318.99 and so my total profit was 496.82 and this is over a 50 profit margin which is honestly insane Ensure I was way off from my ten thousand dollar goal but I am positive that if I actually kept the store running and even started running ads for it I could easily scale this to make six figures since this product is in high demand and if you do want to learn exactly how I'm able to build multiple successful drop shipping stores just like this one I do have a mentorship that you can apply to and I'll leave a link for it in the description of this video but anyways that's all for this video I hope it helped you out and I'll see you in the next video foreign foreign
Channel: Sara Finance
Views: 699,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dropshipping, shopify dropshipping, shopify, shopify dropshipping 2022, dropshipping for beginners, drop shipping, shopify dropshipping tutorial, dropshipping with no money, how to start dropshipping, how to find winning products, dropshipping with tiktok, dropshipping with instagram, dropshipping products, online business, ecommerce, dropshipping challenge, I tried dropshipping for one week, dropshipping tutorial, dropshipping tips, winning product, Sara finance, sarafinance
Id: Zc8Lguer8TE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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