I found my First Winning Dropshipping Product!!

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after over one year of trying dropshipping I finally found my first winning product and in this video I'm going to show you exactly how I did it [Music] the first step is to find some products to sell so what I did was I made a new tick tock account then I searched for the usual Drop Shipping hashtags and engaged with those videos after you do that your Tick Tock for you page will be full of products to choose from so after scrolling for a few hours I found these two products this is a katana pen and I chose it because anime is a passionate Niche and I felt like anime fans would want to buy and this is a video frame that you can play any video on I chose it because it was going crazy viral and everyone in the dropshipping community was talking about it even Jordan Welch made a whole YouTube video about it so I showed the products to my mentors Michael Bernstein and Jacob and they gave me the go ahead to start testing the products unfortunately I couldn't find any affordable prices on Amazon so I had to order them from AliExpress and they took like five years to arrive so now that the first step was done the next step was to make a USA Tick Tock account for each product just so I could Target one of the biggest markets in the world the United States the pen came first so I made a new tick tock account with this T-Mobile SIM card and surfsharkvpn so now it was time to post the tick tocks for the first week I tried to come up with my own original ideas and I posted one to two videos a day but the videos all flopped so I spoke to Michael and Jacob about it and Jacob told me to just look at the number one accounts for Katana products which was mini Katana so I scrolled through their account and I found this video this video gave me an idea what if I pretended the katana pen was sharp just to add some controversy so I made two videos around that idea the first one flopped but the second one ended up getting a hundred thousand views in two days that wasn't enough to get me to 1000 followers so I couldn't add the link in BIO to my website and because of that I didn't get any sales oh yeah I forgot to mention I made the website and this is what they look like pretty simple websites over the next few days I kept trying to recreate mini katana's older videos but the only ones that were getting views were the ones with the sharp Katana contrabass my next semi-viral video got over 300 000 views and got me to 1 000 followers so I added the link immediately but still no sale so I kept posting two videos a day until one week later where I made a video that got over 2.1 million views what scissors are you talking about the cardana pen can slice through paper are you calling me a liar and I'll show you again Watch closely so you don't miss it as you can see the cardana pen is super sharp and from that 2.1 million views the sales started coming in almost 4 000 visitors on my website Who cut 100 8 sales yeah I have no idea what happened there were no glitches on my website or anything like that I double checked so I spoke to Michael and Jacob about it and they said I should just post a few more videos and if nothing changes I should just move on so I kept posting and I got some views here and there but still no sales so I just refunded the customers and stopped posting I also noticed my competitor got about 3.6 million views and they also stopped posting so I guess people were just weren't that interested in buying the product anyways the frame arrived a few days later so I made a new account this time all I did was try and recreate the viral videos from my biggest competitor I was posting two videos a day for one week and every single video flow I was honestly so confused I couldn't figure out what the problem was maybe the product was too saturated and I was too late to test it or something I don't know luckily I saw another competitor that was getting a lot of views or what they did differently was instead of targeting couples and best friends which was what everyone else was doing they tried something completely different they were targeting people who lost their dogs the pets Niche is a very passionate Niche people will spend and imagine amounts of money on their pets so I decided why not give it a try so I started posting those kind of videos but they still flopped on Tick Tock one thing I always do is that I always re-upload my Tick Tock videos to Instagram reels and YouTube shots I do it for every single product even the katana pen so even though the videos flopped on Tick Tock one of them started going viral on Instagram reels it got about 1 million views in a week and it brought over 2 000 visitors to my site but again no sales like hours I was so annoyed but I realized that over half of the people that added to Cuts didn't reach checkout so I was thinking maybe they changed their minds halfway or something so I use this app called vitals to remove the cards so as soon as they click buy it takes them straight to checkout and immediately after I did that I finally started to get some sales 300 in a day four hundred dollars the next day 700 the next day 300 200 500 the sales just kept coming and coming day after day after day and then one week I made almost three thousand dollars in sales I could supplier sells it to me for 55 so that week I made over one thousand dollars profit but profit don't get me wrong a thousand dollars in one week is a lot of money but if you watch my last video you would know I already did that I already used that video title I needed a better one I wanted to make ten thousand dollars profit in one month so in my next meeting with Michael and Jacob I showed them a few more products I found and they picked five of them this mini bow and arrow toy this bonsai tree lights and this alarm clock that means hey and this alarm clock that mimics the sun to help people wake up and sleep better Jacob also recommended these flashlights that go on your Crocs so I ordered them from Amazon and while I was waiting I was still posting videos for the frame one week passed and I couldn't get another viral video I think I made like two or three new tiktok accounts just trying different things and one of them got like 300 000 views but overall nothing was working and the sales were starting to slow down I only did 800 the next week and 500 the week after that none of the videos were going viral the other products had also arrived so for about one week I was posting two tick tocks a day for five products and nothing was work I tried different ideas I tried adding some controversy but nothing still nothing will work I was even starting to think I was Shadow band which is a myth I was getting so impatient because the whole time I was thinking about this 10K a month 10K a month it has to happen this month I have to make 10K no matter what I decided let me try speeding things up and try running Tick Tock ads so I started running ads for the sunrise alarm these shoe slider things Ultrasonic Cleaner thing this grip training thing this door stop thing I was trying everything and of course nothing worked and I I felt so bad so in my next meeting with Michael and Jacob I told them how everything was going and you're tired of organic it's very slow I feel like my time would be better spent making creatives for ads I don't know I don't know the main problem I feel like is you feel super unconfident about the entire strategy about you being frustrated nothing works you're pissed you want to switch again the point of organic is two things number one is getting the money from the sales and number two is learning to make really good creatives which you will be able to use for Facebook later on are you there yet okay I mean I can't think so because if you would be there then you would already be making money right now it's just really dangerous to now start from scratch again with a new thing if you would be judging yourself from outside you would probably tell yourself yeah you should keep going organic organic is not easy strategy now like it's likely that if you keep doing this and keep putting in the work and keep testing your product that you're gonna find that product that oh my God you make three thousand dollars to sum it up the strategy is not the problem it's not particular organic which is the reason why you're not making money me that wasn't what I wanted to hear but I definitely needed to hear it that day I did a lot of thinking I knew they were right the strategy was not the problem so if the strategy wasn't the problem obviously I was the problem and funny enough around the same time I saw this clip from Andrew Tate about that absolutely everything that happens in your life whether it's good or bad is completely your fault do you believe that things just happened to you or that bad luck just comes and you can't affect it you're not as competitive as someone like me who believes that everything is my fault if it rains tomorrow I am responsible because I could have looked at the weather forecast and flown to another country to avoid the rain once you truly understand that and make a plan to change it things will begin to change so now my mindset is that everything is my fault I was focusing way too much on the ten thousand dollars instead of the actions needed to get there and I wasn't putting as much effort into the tick tock videos as I could have and if you think about it in a market where all your competitors are doing the same thing the only way you can stand out is if you outperform all of the no wonder I wasn't getting any views I was doing the same thing everyone else was doing so I decided to try something different and I made two versions of this video my husband hasn't been the same since his dog died so I bought him a gift I knew would make him feel better he tries to act like he's fine but I know he is hurting inside when he saw what it was he couldn't hold back the tears anymore I knew he would love it [Music] the first video got about 24 000 views and the second one is now at 1.5 million views it's only brought like six sales but again everything is my fault what did I do wrong here maybe it wasn't obvious enough that I was the one selling it okay next video make it more obvious that's how I was thinking so that week this view started picking up but I only made about 600 in sales that was the end of January did I reach ten thousand dollars in profits in January uh no I made about two thousand dollars but February things went crazy [Music] so long story short I finally found a video format that consistently got views for the hook I showed some sad dog video and then after that I showed my product kind of gray hats but anyways I was going viral a lot more often but the sales weren't too crazy in the first two weeks of February but now since I found something that was working it was time to scale it like crazy so I made a few more Tick Tock and reels accounts on one phone that had a US SIM card and another phone that had a UK SIM card and I just filmed the same style of video over and over on different accounts I even tried translating everything into Spanish and that worked insanely well for views one Spanish video got like 15 million views and it brought over 50 000 Mexicans to my site but only four converted so I don't know what happened there if anyone knows what happened please let me know but overall across all the English speaking accounts that went viral I did over 40 million views on tiktok and 20 million on Instagram reels nothing went viral on YouTube shots but before I show the sales you guys remember the Croc lights yeah the same thing happened I wasn't getting any views on Tick Tock but reals was going crazy getting to the end of February I got over 15 million views on reels and on the 26th of February I finally broke Tick Tock and made a video that got over 30 million views my dad said he wanted to show me his latest purchase apparently it looks cooler in the dark why does he have headlights on his Croc's eyes what is he doing guess how many sales I got from that from that oh my God [Applause] you're like 20K but at least I know what I did wrong this is something Jacob and Jimmy Farley constantly talk about context because of the way I made my video people didn't know that I was the one selling it so they would have probably gone to look for it somewhere else you have to establish yourself as the business and try to go viral that way if you want a high views to sales ratio so yeah lesson learned and before I show how much I made in February I definitely have to say thank you to all the people that helped me get this far the Ecom Kings videos helped a lot Jordan Welch and his viral vote Discord brought me a long way and Jimmy Farley Kyle and Luca from the collective Discord all their links will be in the description and of course the main guys that helped me get there in the end my mentors Michael Bernstein and Jacob I'll pin my interview with Michael in the comments so if you want to work with him you can watch that video and all his other students interviews and then set up a call with him so in total for the month of February for the Croc lights I did 4 300 in sales which came to over two thousand dollars in profits for the turn off frame I did fourteen thousand dollars in sales obviously it would have been a lot higher because of the context thing but who cares the profit for that was six thousand three hundred dollars I also did 700 in profit for a product I'm not going to mention so in total for February I made nine thousand dollars in profit which for me is a lot of money but I know I definitely haven't made it I still have a long way to go and I'm definitely going to show every step of the way on this channel so subscribe hey wait you don't have to pay taxes
Channel: Mikey Again
Views: 287,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8wm4VkBBlL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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