Slowly Melting My Friend until he notices

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I'm gonna be melting my friend until he's fully a liquid and then I plan to drink him buddy what you're weird and here's why this is my friend skizzy's Channel and look what he uploaded I dropped his YouTuber house in lava well guess who's the YouTuber okay we gotta see this guys bruh that's my house man kidnapping me yes I did that Place dude I had to see far from it actually because he left me there that was an accident I didn't mean to leave him there okay shoot the Rope please literally hit like an inch away ow oh my God I'm low I'm low wait no no since he thinks he can eat yes but he's gonna do the same thing to me between his cousin or his whole wow he made me choose between my cousin and my house both will drop at the exact same time 30 seconds to choose which one to say oh God and now for our revenge and if it isn't Skizzy on the server let's go okay and we're in okay perfect okay he hasn't said anything so I'm gonna assume hello he likes when I call him Squidward so I think he might be AFK which is perfect because that might give us enough time to quickly craft ourselves the melting Ray Blaster okay so we need a lot of iron it looks like which thankfully I have a bow and then a beacon I'm not gonna lie guys a lot of my stuff got messed up but oh no wait I have a boat right here I literally don't have a regular bow okay screw it we'll just sacrifice this and let's just grab all of this iron dude but I don't have a nether star and I can't ask skidsy for one and I don't think he has one we do have five obsidian and I already started cooking some glass yeah we need the freaking nether star for the vegan which is not a problem I guess Yeah Izzy might have one wait he might have one at his house yeah we don't even need to be sneaky we're in this territory I own this house now okay just kidding but one day I feel like he's gonna leave like a bunch of booby traps and he has nothing did he put it inside of no just a bunch of meat now some raw meat bro all he has in his house is a bunch of meat okay that's really sucks I might have to bring him online but I can't let him spoil our plans so just in case let's go and just grab all my armor I am thinking though Skitty made me choose between my house and him and I chose him so he better love me okay I think we're on good terms well we're on good terms for now at least okay any second oh okay there he is there he is okay I'm gonna take off my armor just so I don't seem that threatening hello hey man what's going on do you need something yeah I know I'm sorry I kind of just you know spawn in your house but uh all right buddy I need I need I need you another star I know you have one on you right now I know you have one right now come on oh dude shut up I know you did you screen shared earlier I saw you have it okay don't you log off I just saw you scroll back yo dude you little idiot dude I have a boat I have a boat I have no arrows though I have no arrows dude dude you're not gonna kill me I can shoot you right now it's power four and Flame what come on I'm gonna kill you bro I'm gonna kill you I'm too hard to bro I'm too hard okay just drop it just drop it listen it's for a good cause I'm gonna get revenge for us all right on Ryan on skidzy he has no idea but I need it to make a freaking melting blast all right and then unless you want to get melted too you better give it to me all right bro I saved you I saved all right take it take a ticket I I do love you man thank you I love you too bro I'll Make It Count yeah yeah yeah better I'm so excited guys we're back in our territory and we have the nether star which means we can go ahead and craft ourselves wait how was the craft why is it not working oh wait I'm such an idiot I didn't make the beacon I'm sorry okay I'm getting ahead of myself I'm so freaking excited yeah I'm definitely a psychopath bro I'm excited to not my friend but speaking of melt we have the melting Ray Blaster oh my gosh but why is it empty I'm trying to right click nothing is working bro what it's literally empty no it says uses the sun's energy to melt anyone wait I just hurts bruh wait he why is it is he what what are you doing are you dumb you're not even muted bro you didn't even mute your mic and you were talking dude no no no no no no no no hold up yeah yeah why are you were you spying on dude I'm literally naked I'm literally naked I have like three things man okay but I just wanted to see what you were doing well okay I told you I needed it to craft this what is that bro I don't worry about it okay I told you it's gonna melt Skitty but wait yo we can work together you're not really on his side right now are you no dude like you're not see what he did to my house before yeah I know and yeah and I had to save you okay he literally melted my house so okay listen I still need to go to the sun this is not gonna make that much sense okay but just I'm gonna go to space and just make sure Skizzy does not get anywhere near my house okay you can do that okay okay perfect and when I come back from space and harvest the power of the sun I'll need you again all right we'll meet in like 30 minutes all right okay so just then dude don't hate me I don't have anything okay okay here take this thing yeah ninja is he okay yes guys I was gonna tell you but I have to tell them first let's leave our melting right here we're definitely needing some golden apples and a totem of undying because Gamers we're gonna go to the sun if we go above our house which okay really hope no one sees this we have a spaceship baby and it's pointing straight to the sun Gamers so hold up we just need to freaking okay there you go yeah we just need to fuel it up with the fuel canisters boom and boom okay and then here goes nothing oh my goodness I really hope no one notices bro imagine they just see me leaving the freaking Stratosphere or atmosphere I don't know the Spheres actually there's no what the heck oh my God that's my sky base I totally forgot about that no that just scared me what our height is rising I think we need to oh okay wait what's going on oh my gosh oh my gosh no we did it we're actually going we're now in space and all we need to do is all do we're getting closer look at the sun oh my gosh oh my goodness wait I'm still dying no no no no no no can I play stuff oh my gosh I can I just placed wood on the sun wait so what the heck is this oh okay so this lights me on fire yo this is so sick okay so wait I'm not getting anything when I mine this what the heck yo I really hope I don't need a freaking silk touch or something oh wait there's a room oh my God wait these blocks look different they have like the flares or something so okay what happens if I Gamers we got the Sun right there I don't think he's here right now wait I think he is okay all right I gotta let Danny know he's AFK then he probably has around like 8.5 minutes I'd say I really hope this is what I need I'm just gonna grab all of them bro this is crazy oh wait what Izzy he's Whispering me he's AFK you probably have 8.5 minutes bro uh okay I don't know why he said 8.5 minutes that's such an odd thing to say but sure let's get out of here hopefully this should do the trick guys it says the sun's energy and I don't know what's hotter than the core so three two one and boom Oh my God it actually worked bro the sun's core is literally inside of there oh my goodness yes okay we gotta be very careful using this thing guys I do not want to use it on my own house accidentally oh my God okay yes he's still AFK perfect is he did tell us that we don't have that much time and I just told Izzy to come to skizzy's hello nerd oh you look at you you're so cute psych I'm thinking Gamers here's the plan I'll get Izzy to kill Skizzy and then hide his loot literally anywhere and get them to 1v1 Manhunt style and I'll be the referee and that's when we'll whip out the melting gray laser dude this is gonna be so good just gonna make sure he doesn't come back okay I'm chopping his peepee literally hide it like oh right here wait no this is perfect he won't even know his stuff will be right there I can't steal anything else all right I'm taking it yeah no no don't take anything you're gonna man on him and put your own stuff in there I would say yeah don't tell me you're scared of man hunting Skizzy now he's pretty good you think dude you have to like not die by the way no it's okay I know I'm better and now we just wait [Music] a second now dude this guy's taking forever I know you said 8.5 minutes bro like you mean 8.5 miles or hours okay ignore that I just say miles I don't know where this guy went bro dude by watching like some weird anime bro wait what imagine he doesn't spawn on his house you know what hold on just in case there you go I blocked it off all right so he has to spawn here right yeah he ain't going nowhere actually we can explain why are you in my house why are you in my meatball why what I'm so confused I know that PP Chopper I know that's your axis is he killing me with listen I got it back it's a little complicated but I challenge you to a Manhunt why and I'm gonna be the referee okay why is this happening because you made him you made me choose him no you you literally put my house into lava and made me choose him over my house which I have no complaints I love you but like you know that was also very painful so now you are gonna 1v1 each other and I'm gonna be referee that's kind of a fair point like that's not even a bad like punishment to be honest yeah and and you're not gonna be hunted he is so oh wait what all right go go go go go go go oh my God we're going wait is it how are you gonna get out all right screw this meatball I'm out yo he's actually gonna die bro I'm ready for you why are you guys oh my God right now he's even green okay I have to follow them thanks for the referee but he doesn't know we're secretly gonna be melting him so we cannot let him see our melting Ray Blaster let me end her Pearl thank God I have so many ender pearls oh you're down here I literally see you get away from me bro Izzy no stop stop stop come on you actually better not die wait dude's actually getting me low hold on oh my God they're literally just playing Ring Around the Rosie okay hold on any moment now let's do it let's do it he's literally letting him win block me off with dirt but we gotta wait for the perfect moment wait is he holding something in his hand okay no he's not stop man I'm literally I'm coming now he is okay okay okay hold on I think I'm gonna melt him I think I'm gonna melt him three two one no oh my God he's trying to hit me with a oh my God actually almost hit me with the egg wait is he gonna notice no he's melting wait I can see like black coming out of him oh my God wait dude no idea Gamers oh god dude hey yo I'm ref I'm ref don't worry bro don't worry oh my gosh wait I I can't melt them again I gotta load it again we have another Sun Core okay perfect dude how has he not noticed bro is actually melting oh thanks for dropping me the flower bro that was very nice of you yeah yeah okay this is gonna be super tricky okay wait is he's getting wood perfect perfect wait oh my God oh my God look at you oh my God he's melted bro I'm actually gonna push him into the lava oh my God wait no wait no dude he almost knocked him into the freaking lava we need some food I'm gonna where are my heart I literally only have eight hearts what what's going on right now oh my God come on come on if you get the weapon first it's actually over here bro he's definitely gotta get wood you idiot come on man bro I actually forgot yeah yeah yeah dude you know I'm here to help man you know I'm here to help dude I still don't know why my hearts are missing just come on come on don't watch out there's fire there's fire I got you I got what [Applause] stay in the hole honestly I feel like you look better now bro yeah I love the little droopy look at his face you gotta get to the water yeah yeah the fire bro the fire oh my gosh water melting him he's gonna die he's gonna die he's gonna die he's gonna die oh my God he's dead he's melting oh dude oh my gosh oh my God get out dude I actually did not know this is gonna go this well Skizzy why you thought you could just oh my God wait are you gonna die yeah I only have like two hearts bro okay no hold on I don't want you to die bro I need to torture you a little bit more man yeah just eat the golden apple and then wait you're gonna want me more what wait why did you just shrink an hinge why did you just shrink in it oh my God ew you're disgusting no you're actually gross ew dude wait yo squizzy stay over there bro dude wait you can climb walls I'm slugging ew dude bro I'm like droopy and waxy yo leave me alone bro no bro no you're actually terrifying I didn't I was trying to just get some Revenge not terrify myself give me a big wet hug Izzy bro where you at help me bro where you at oh he just ditched me wait is he actually just this no you're actually terrifying I don't want to kiss those ugly melted lips oh my God [Music] go go go go go stop kissing me Eddie I don't want to drink your fluid yeah you can't even place blocks you don't even have actually think that could stop me what how hello hello come here cyborg butt cheeks no there's no way there's no way leave me alone bro leave me alone wait I have an idea go go go go go go go go go go go go yes perfect come here oh my gosh okay I know I created that I hate it dude this is so gross okay come on let's get some water and then yeah now with the water we can kill him come here you created me yeah and just like I created you I'll take you out of this world with your archives oh my gosh oh my gosh no way oh my gosh bro I got a measly little water bucket with come here bro follow me I'm Gonna Get You Come On Come On yes no yeah hey yo hey yo come on come on are you not dead are you not dead where are you yes how are you not dead how are you not dead I'm seeking I can't swim I can't swim I'm a puddle I can't swim I have to be dead yeah this is my revenge into lava no bro get me out get me out bro I can't swim it's like you melted my house now I'm melting you no yes bro wait why is this dead body still oh there you go that was like the weirdest thing ever wait what just happened bro there's skinsy juice literally everywhere I'm kind of curious how does it taste here you test it Mr Pig oh oh okay subscribe if you're new and click one of these videos right here I love you
Channel: Bionic
Views: 1,528,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, bionic, I Slowly Melted My Friend until he notices, melting my friend in minecraft, minecraft melt, minecraft but you melt, minecraft mod, challenge, family friendly
Id: u5CgGef1RZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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