I Trapped My Wife in CARDBOARD Prison for 24 Hours! - Challenge

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today guys I had to arrest my wife and put her in jail with the help of AUSA perky awesome for keith was a little bit goofy but he did the job I even had to deal with Breanna's lawyer I don't even remember his name to be honest she did something dastardly but you'll have to see it by watching the entire video now let's do a rest my wife awesome perky I need backup we've got a big jungus to take down today otherwise known as my wife wait but it's my day off I don't care if it's your day off give me your coffee did you have tacos feeling extra heavy today this is a bit jungus alright I can't take her down by myself she's a high-priority target I don't need all the help I can get ok fine now shut up and let's go arrest that woman ok let's do it oh my gosh my day off we didn't go over hand signs no hand signs our hand signs just I don't understand not even helping everybody upset the head you said you're so overdramatic this one you're going to jail Chum you cannot leave she can't leave don't let her leave officer Preston tasty chip crap he's saving it for later those are my tips not anymore you are a recipe Briton just because your mana me about handcuffing I'll make you make your own point paper you are being of no use to me mom I want no chips oh please no chips all right those are in closer in closing it bloating it can you get me some awesome you're in jail Bree you are a criminal that's why I think we're just gonna make sure she does not escape don't let her out I'm not gonna let her out gonna escape all right we're good I don't teach or something mmm all right how am I supposed to get just tape those handcuffs off you can do it it's not very difficult it's not very have you been handcuffed before yes actually I am NOT okay man of justice are you finished yet that's fine that is a sweaty fake mustache hey you know what I'm gonna keep it right here for everyone to see that's a fake cop right there I'm gonna get my justice toilet paper we're gonna have to make your own toilet paper and by the way this mustache ain't fake yeah rolling literally making some toilet paper rolls right here okay can you please give me some chips I'm starting to get kind of hold on told you girls were good check yeah you can keep eating on the run I mean you know I'm on keto and I'm not supposed to have any car come on they're just Jim's criminal chips you told us that's so unsanitary okay right now you know what she's taking my chips you're going in solitary confinement enjoy your game of solitaire machine that right I usually say no I thought everybody civil rights was a game yes government she's she is a pretty girl I don't examine she is a hotel let's tell the criminal she got 15 seconds since she put all in 15 seconds then she can have it always nowhere no winners in this show don't do it it's a nice today without your orders I'm all right all right if I can show up in 15 seconds then we will let you have a lawyer get out of here how'd you get in this much trouble Rio tell you I don't know how you did all of it it's not here and a whole page a list of things I have a really bad thing about sleepwalking maybe I did it when I was asleep are you trying to help my defense by saying you were sleepwalking that's worse I've never seen a weaker case no I can't do anything if you can't do anything for me um and you least give me some tacos I guess that'll ease the pain yeah but but five hot sauce back hot sauce packets you don't get me five hot sauce packets I won't survive overnight like all shrivel up yeah I'll do that please in a dyke oh please okay do you think the lawyers gonna get her out for what she did get her out yeah what if he gets around what did she gets out of jail my hope is that he figures out what she did because if we don't find out what she did we're gonna get in trouble for wrongful imprisonment did you file the police report I don't think this man filed the police report which means if the state government man comes after us we're gonna go to jail and you're gonna go to jail for me God I'm not going to jail you're going to jail double time double time know 1500 years hopefully he finds out what she did I still don't know what you did I think that maybe she hit the water buffalo maybe she pours in the water hole so much did she steal my B box it's just over B bucks my peoples did you stolen that was actually me I stole your b-butters officer presto sorry man I just needed some v bucks to get that no it's hot as precious didn't Cote me and our frags in the port hot item shut up if there's not a real charge we need to make her have a charge or we get a frame or I don't know we can frame for something maybe like you know stealing a lollipop from Target or something like that but I can't go back to Target I'm bad tombé than talking to why we Bama Q so many places we cops dirty place you're not bad from now I'm bad behind me - goodness gracious llamas in the sky I'm gonna think about this for a couple come down I'll think of a plan alright you let me know when you think of your plan and until then I'm gonna take a nap that's just what I was doing all right we're here at Taco Bell I don't know why Bri wants this hot sauce I guess the least I can do for her is get her some tacos though let's get three crunchy tacos and lots of hot sauce please thank you so much I don't know what Bernie wants all this hot sauce for but I guess you might be here last meal with all these charges Bree I'm sorry I wish I was a better lawyer I wish you were a better criminal how did you get caught for all this oh we have to frame the bread okay because we're bad oh we're not banned from where we are right now and there's gotta be something we can use to frame I wanted to spend at least ten hundred years in there hunter in understand ten hundred it's ten hundred okay don't come down I don't want you to be don't pass out on me okay use that it's a stressful 17 uh brain of yours and think about something creative like giving me too much credit I need you to use your brain okay first officer Preston what I figured it out what is it bother saving grace yeah she's stolen River Guinea this isn't even a real Lamborghini it's a real Lamborghini look at it says on the back of head two doors yeah every jump its brother Amazon it's not real life-size no she stole it from Amazon then it's got to be worth something more than ten dollars this is from China get broken I hate looking showers officer the flamingos so much better health benefits Bri we got all the hot sauce for you I couldn't help you with the charges but at least I can help you in your empty stomach play solitaire red red black Joker black board we are in the criminals room I'm trying to find something that we can use to arrest her just some kind of an ego substance oh I was impressive officer would you find nothing say immigrants what is our saving grace we'll say she was carrying on us this isn't even a real gun this is an apex Legends weapon op on from a tournament wait but this is the gun that you are you getting me one just like this when you hired me well yeah it's an airsoft gun I'm trusting the real gun seriously yeah I mean they're just with the Taser just an airsoft gun just it's it that's all I'm gonna do does this smell funny to you or just a cat food don't do it ossifer if you're gonna eat it I'm mowing it with you if this is boys that would have thought about that we're both gonna die I don't want to die I should have so much Preston Stiles merch to sell very true Preston sounds calm it's my favorite website I'm too hot bottoms up Connors a partner it tastes pretty good I wish I was a cat did you eat yours this turn into a real doohickey I know go to jail but not today I'm about to save us Oh what don't don't touch my donut how long had all been back there has been there for a long time but don't worry it's still fresh we got a jumpsuit and a blanket on we're just gonna have to make her look like a criminal even if she's not a criminal we just gotta sell it to the legal team the copper officers and hold the other officer sudden the government and yeah especially her lawyers are coming all right prisoner Bree and I have you hello this please put these on in the name of justice and give me back my moustache she took me all right now put on the jumpsuit there you go even got you a blanket cuz I'm that knives and I got my chips back where's AUB's repeat I was okay oh yes it papa suppressed Oh what's going on it's not good I don't think it's good what happened by the way did the whole thing with the wok dock at the pager no no no no he called me into his office do you anyway what'd he say what'd he say well he said a lot of good things about me about you what about me say he needs to talk to you right now he didn't look out it's just it's just a wait a minute she's five dude he's only like a hundred pound you can do this okay no she's not dangerous she's not dangerous oh sit down and don't let him get out I don't like this are those on the floor no they're not they are are you trying to match the criminals with your orange no I'm not a criminal you hesitated oh I got you your tacos in your hot sauce okay bring it here bring it here it's not for you I've got inspected make sure there's no illicit arms in there give me the diet coke - don't try and sneak that around me enough of this lawyer board to hear about you what's your badge number badge back border let him know what's going on here you don't tell more junkies whatever you like because me and warden chunkies get together you go tell them whatever you darn well please I gotta do some inspection why I gotta make sure there's no razors or any sort of illicit items that might allow you to escape drive-thru ride that's what they said last time to almost get fired that time what they bring a puppy I don't know what they brought I wasn't paying attention and I learned my lesson because officer Preston said okay that's time you watch the prison cell make sure you pay attention and see and expect all the food to make sure nothing else gets in there checking for any sort of chemicals err I don't know this is the protocol I mean you ain't it before you checked for the chemicals did you realize that you took a bite and this is a good order guys are not a good order what is this restaurant taco have you never heard of a Taco Bell Taco Bell hot sauce please hold on one second Oh Oh anything in there one there should be five oh three five three five you don't know how to count that there's something wrong here I'm not the criminal here I went to education three well thank you Kevin oh there's your tacos ah I'm so glad you went to patient can I have my other hot sauce what do you say please officer Keith that's why she's got a nice ring to it that's the first time you've told me your name it's got a good ring to it no that was also mine oh definitely no chemicals in there alright alright alright fair enough there's your cheese you take your cheese here's your diet coke a thank you alright I'll go back I'm taking that now you realize you are the worst I've ever seen ah me what I haven't seen many but you know if I was to obscene yeah sure before careful what you say when the lawyer in one you can't even build a jail nah couldn't even do it all again you can't you couldn't do it I bet you I could you can I bet you your tacos in your diet cocaine okay I can burn one no I'm gonna believe it when a jail our leg oh yeah oh absolutely absolutely so what officer Keith doesn't realize if for the acidity of my hot sauce and of the diet coke it's gonna cut through these bars and get me out of here I'm ready for some real food and a good night's sleep I have been traumatized today and I don't even know why I'm here you know I'm pretty excited for this combination I'm glad he's out getting laid house it's my time it's my time to shine Thank You Taco Bell Oh No the prisoner escaped where it's all super Keith what is this no it can't be Taco Bell sauce who gave me Ana tacos that allowed to escape she's gone I was in war to chunga's his office what happened in there look I built a lego prison the pressure didn't think I could do it you are so focused on building this tiny Lego prison that you let the prisoner escape no no no no no I let the prisoner exactly where I found her you let her escape while building a lego prison get inside and did not mean to do that it's me warding chunga's have dinner every Friday night and ward chop because me and Warren Chun is important chunks as well I just keep like good with the Mustangs inside of my soul was big smiling face emoji it's true guys I'm really tasting the cat food right now you are a messy eater don't do it ossifer eat it now you got it now we got a jump suit that was just a blank this is just like we can leave that many chips left now we're over that dimensions left eye magic she hits lawyer okay so just think about the jungus we've been throwing out okay I just got to put the mustache on at this point oh my god this is the sweatiest help Mike hit me why please do not repeat that or keep that in the video thank you
Channel: Preston
Views: 14,950,599
Rating: 4.8072314 out of 5
Keywords: kids, funny, challenge, cardboard, prison, trap, trapped, escape, wife, preston, prestonplayz, family, comedy, 24 hours, husband, kid, family friendly
Id: lcv5sPyTr24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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