I Had a Date at a WATER PARK with Preston!

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i rented this entire water park just so i could take my lovely wife brianna on a date this is the one part of the water park we have shown nobody yet i've not even seen this obviously the world's going through a crazy time right now has been a long time since i've taken brian on a date but check this out we've got a bunch of rose petals so when she enters through the front door mad surprise look at that a little sprinkle hey for every rose petal you see on the ground do us a favor and please leave a like on this video so preston wants to have a date at epic waters which it's an amazing water park but i don't know exactly what he has up his sleeve for a date do you have any guesses do you have any live animals are all going to be filling the lacy river oh my gosh we fill the lazy ducks he's probably going to swoop me off my feet immediately give me a photo shoot he's going to feed me chick-fil-a perfect and of course you got to give your girl the rose it's kind of dank i don't know what happened like the road snapped its neck we've done an underwater date before it was in our own backyard and it hurt my eyes a lot at a water park you're free to breathe you don't have to stay under and hopefully keith and john aren't in charge of food this time are they here all right it's time to surprise the wifey hi bree can i look can i look now you can look now only now you can look don't worry i'm not gonna i'm gonna blindfold you later this date is happening and preston has a beautiful ensemble this is what the heck is it an ensemble told you it's been a long time since i've done a date night rose hey hand it to me oh she's gonna do something the bachelor ladies and gentlemen you are now receiving the final rose as you can see rose is sad looking it's like i told you it snapped its neck it's true brianna were you humbly this is not funny this is important keep it together will you accept this dead brother i will oh i did kind of mess it up i got the bree and his favorites didn't have them they're peonies that's my favorite these are not peonies i tried but they weren't selling them peony i'm going to take this rose back just for now oh do you want me to help you shut up this is getting more romantic by the moment all right here we go a little bit of a blindfold all right break them out of here just keep it going please don't make me fall i'm not okay we got a step coming in we gotta step coming in i almost stop fell scared keep going keep going one more one more do you know where we are the kiddie pool you think this is this might actually be the kiddie pool this is the kiddie pool just give it a second okay it's about to hit us [Music] how is that romantic you look great you look you could go we're moving on to the next item of date the state not ain't in anytime soon okay well i hope something better is fine listen i don't know why but brianna hates the water she doesn't say that you're just not good at this okay so don't lift don't look go on come on cover your eyes cover your eyes we have five different sodas and what more romantic thing to do than have your wife guess the taste and if she manages just to guess even one right you gotta subscribe are you handy what do you think what is that i said tell me what that soda is diet coke right it's dripping down my next one next one was that right that was wrong all you have to do is get one right okay if you don't get this one i'm not gonna spoil anything but you're gonna let down a lot of local people you got to make sure you lock in your guests i only knew that because you said local people it's a southern drink there's two though and dr pepper yep so which one do you think it is which one you're going with tim it was dr peppa right next one she's gotta know this sprite it was mountain dew fifth and final the only hint i'm gonna give her for this one is it's caffeine free right sierra mist i got these basically all right what except for this one you can mountain view sprite get zero ride i basically got them oh my god they did this part of the date night's over you feel okay be careful be careful brianna doesn't want to do the two coolest slides at the water park because she's scared i'm just gonna say i might possibly do the scary slide if people look under the video and hit subscribe she's really plugging the sub even though she missed all the sodas oh this place is so dark [Applause] [Music] it was fun yeah but it's time to upgrade maddie go go so how's date night so far i got a couple more things planned but i can only show you after we finish this next slide okay yes [Applause] [Music] that one is like one of the best in the park that was so cool welcome to third wheelchair yeah what a date is this we are gonna get asked questions i'm going to write down the answer on the board and the two of you need to make sure you can match my answer otherwise you're not a good wife or you're not a good sister what is preston's shoe size okay all right ready forget the point what is preston's favorite color wait oh god i spelled this wrong how do you spell color wrong i can't talk about it and turn okay who is preston's celebrity crush you always say you don't have one okay i know who it is that's definitely an answer but i can also mess it up from his past when he was younger yeah i know his pas his castle okay i knew that and i tried oh wait actually look i put his hand he gets a point ryan ready yeah that's actually right i forgot what did preston want to be when he grew up when he was younger only kid he's going to know the answer to this one that's why i tried to do that i'm going to give two of you guys all right turn go oh baby one stuff technically when i was a kid i wanted to be a farmer with 20 kids that's hilarious what is preston's least favorite food it doesn't have to be as specific as like a raisin like not that specific and turn them up baby anything that isn't me pickles technically they're not wrong pickles a vegetable anything that isn't meat they both get a point preston am i allowed to ask how old you were when you got your first kiss it wasn't from a girlfriend tournament oh i was close i was close wait a second is that the final question i'm leaving i hate this thing all right so how do you feel about this whole date so far i've gotten doused with water and i lost quiz but he had roses i kind of liked the soda tasting test it's been a good date so far i would give it a five and a half out of ten is that good or bad i don't know that's barely over the middle so i forgot we wrote sides together six six okay okay i just finished setting up a romantic scavenger hunt with some of reese's favorite gifts in the water park now it's time to surprise her look at this bag this was full of gifts it is now empty this is hard you're very close by slipperiness you cannot resist gravity assists me and pulling you down it may or may not be a slide and where are we at right now so where do you think you should go lead me right to the first thing i think you're gonna do great at this one are you leading me astray no i'm not okay i'm leading you in the appropriate direction i swear why thank you i will give you a hint nothing is submerged in water so to say no you're looking this way you're looking this way all right check it out we got a fuzzy blanket this is so fluffy i don't know if these are gonna come in handy at the water park but they will this is cute going down water slides is so much fun but forget one of these and you might have none don't worry i'm sure you're fine because only a nuke would forget their tubes i feel like we made these too easy for brianna she's like the super sleuth the question is do you know how to get there that's the hard thing i see how to do it you actually walked right past this earlier you literally i don't know if you guys could see it look at it it's literally right there not the greatest hiding spot i admit but it's date nights we can't make it too difficult so for those of you who don't know brianna loves tea i'm sure a lot of you also love tea i'm more of a coffee guy i prefer tea yeah breeze much more of a tea gallery texas honey look at this a little bit of a little bit of texas honey for the honey a little travel mug everything is color coordinated i have no beginning or ends but people enjoy me easily just sit back relax and float leisurely the lazy river yes ma'am you said nothing's submerged it's not submerged look let's make a quick deposit of these gifts then we'll go to the laser river to all the female viewers out there let me know how i'm doing on my date night with bree i know i got room to improve but let me know down below in the comments y'all both went both when this tube went by is this real you don't like apple watches oh my gosh this is like too nice one last clue you're almost done go lounge under these to get out of the sun so maybe hold umbrellas let me put this all right let me look i'm going to recover this i've reevaluated my decision i think it's a cabana so it was like emphasizing relaxation being bougie being bushy you're getting close you're getting really close wait i see a picture well okay so this is uh that's definitely not our last name but just ignore that part just ignore it i did not steal somebody skipping nobody here for us all right but check this out one of the cool things about this cabana if you wanted to you can literally watch netflix oh but i don't know why anybody would want to do that at a 5 star water park because i would much rather ride slides than pool watch free you gotta get the controller see look at this boom it's for the mom you know i don't think all the moms want to ride slime are you insinuating you're gonna be a monsoon oh look at that you can literally watch everything from hulu to amazon prime netflix look at all that but no we're not watching we're at a water park no tv i brought you in here to show you this picture that i stole from the house and pretended like it was new for daytime i wasn't gonna see that it is a very nice moment though listen i didn't have enough time so you know i think this is part of our wedding invitation also this definitely does not fit the frame like look at this hi bree we're going up to the pie room now okay this is the one part of the water park we have shown nobody yet i've not even seen this it's so quiet in here oh let's go baby let's go oh that's so cute with water yeah because at a water park even though you're in the water you need to stay hydrated fresh water from the tap oh look at that pour exclusives oh i kind of thought there wasn't any food i thought i was just gonna you thought i was gonna thought i was gonna break you up here for lunch or dinner or whatever it is and not give you food actually low-key the party rooms here are so sick it's actually a massive view and of course you guys know we do love god's food aka chick-fil-a by far the best present let's cheers let's go baby a beautiful great night i thought that was going to be romantic you all have a blessed day i will see you in my next video
Channel: Brianna
Views: 11,658,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, comedy, challenge, family, brianna, preston
Id: DfitmqVcIq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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