Unspeakable Trapped My Wife & Me In A GIANT Bubble Tent...

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that's your only calories not do it shield so I would rather eat raw macaroni and cheese all right just one more here so do you guys know who I am right now I think I'm on Preston's Channel and I think I'm at his house I decided to bring them my bubble tents so I was gonna have them look at the bubble tent and just stare at it that's lame let's wrap them in it for 24 hours what a better way to trap them in this bubble tent in this beautiful Texas day where it's a hundred and one degrees yeah it's hot out here all right so here's the thing Preston and Brie have to somehow lured inside brie loves cats Preston loves Pokemon see if I can find some stuff to lure them in stop [Music] I just knocked a while diggle it right out of the tree buy myself a Pokemon this is a piece of cake [Music] gods don't like the honors I guess I'll wring it out in the toilet oh well she won't know what's wet until she gets inside the bubble tent and this bubble tent also has another problem has a bunch of holes in it so it's probably gonna deflate which honestly makes this challenge even better traps are set they're definitely gonna need some food ah mac and cheese I don't even know what this is I didn't even know if this is edible marshmallows but the marshmallows from the cereal the good kind all right now I'm just gonna wait Preston great where they at what do you mean it's beautiful Bree it's taking up half of our backyard Oh what are you doing here Nathan did you take my Diglett and put it in that bubble tent well I just wanted to show you my bubble - you gotta go inside and check it out macaroni cheese marshmallow cereal I dig wood and an Eloise plush doll in there no that's my real cat she's in there free that is not your real I'm going in for the sake of Eloise all right come on get in there get in there get in wait you can't you can't do this you can't it can't do this you gave us one box of cereal and macaroni and cheese yeah what else do you need - so it's a hundred degrees here in Texas we're not gonna serve I know but you have the fan blowing in air - so you should be okay right you cook an egg in here okay you want to try it okay well it's a good idea what do you I think I'm gonna go in your house what you're gonna do what no don't go in our house and destroy everything do not get soy milk maybe guys we need you to subscribe right now because yeah and we're not gonna get out unless you subscribe or leave a like down below on this video right now what are we going to do Breanna II no Breanna we're not gonna cuddle up get her out of here wait she's not free whew she's wet why is she wet I don't know why but she's really wet she peed and it's really loud in here because of this this is giving the bubble tent life and it is making things very loud inside of here I'm starting to really sweat to eat these marshmallows free donate them free don't even wake up's are not good for you they have so much sugar inside no do not go for your stress by eating sugary thing yes I do that's a bad lifestyle Bri you cannot be trusted no cereal okay you need to just calm down what are you doing giggling I want her taken with I love him no Bree would brave what what did you just do are you pregnant with dick he's 9 what are they got in their fridge some coffee nice we got some pants oh I missed not sorry oh look at this is this an ice cream cake with my face on him this thing smells like it's been sitting in here for two weeks I'm gonna put it right back where it belongs right now in this bubble tent we can move if we had water and a pan we could probably boil this and make macaroni and cheese smiley face we have a smiley face it's just a it's just a mustache some actual real teeth monster I don't even know what these are what is it you try it no you're throwing for at first I want to see you try it okay breathe it's very old no not Jewish I own so I would rather eat raw macaroni and cheese it's crazy I think you have something in your hair thank you guys it's macaroni and Brie I don't know how but you got macaroni all in your hair Wow alright buddy it's your turn alright whenever you're ready I'll just do some time okay I guess I'm gonna go for ya so i'ma go for the stripes all right and that was a scratch all right I I don't think he's gonna play I'm just gonna go again a scratch again no I hate for this is lame [Music] it's vibrating like my tire body right now you know what's fun swimming swimming is fun I need to find a swimsuit I found a fan that's not a swimsuit I think I know where a swimsuit it is and it's probably over here in the closet just once you swimsuit I mean that works I'm gonna take some shorts some shorts it's impressive wait Preston has Preston style shorts I need to step up my game this is just sad but if you guys want some shorts go check them out let's go boys swim it's hot in your Nathan don't ask us how we're doing it nothing feels right yeah can you let it doesn't we're gonna what what you're gonna go relax no no what is he doing is gonna get our pool literally can't even understand it breathe why is he doing this nice no I want to be in a pool so bad oh my gosh he just got in our pool it looks so no alligator dream she's not gonna get away with this I tell you that right now guys nathan is not gonna get away with this the water so nice it's probably a nice cool 70 degrees Celsius wait no that's really hot it's 70 degrees Fahrenheit they're so stuck in their pen noobs breathe he's getting all Airy oh hey what's this is this a water gun oh don't mind if I do what are you doing with that gun you're right I can still have some fun [Music] he's squirting us would look at the water you're getting on the bubble and give me three I think I've got sweat I think oh yeah am i sweating yeah I'm sweating pretty bad I'm sweating so hard because I'm wearing Preston Stiles birch I'm on fire and outside it's also kind of other fire hashtag Texas heat look at Nathan he's just having such a good time in our people and we're stuck here and you didn't even finish your macaroni Bree I need you to finish eating it you know what they say if you waste macaroni you become a brownie look at Nathan just flip it around in our pool I think my wife is going crazy the heat is starting to really get to her I think I'm gonna chill our Larry here Hi Larry how you doing you having a good day that's good there you need some energy free you've got to get some food in you Bree I'm yours first of all you're gonna be in trouble soon your pool tables really nice Oh Nathan we need water beauty beauty - I can't hear you drinking water we need water we can drink Nathan Briana is literally melting as we speak guys I don't think she has the energy to go on she's not gonna make it go get some water you chug it he's just blending in our pool and having so much fun and he's so cool no Bree just don't go towards the light I know it's hard because there's a lot of hey don't don't face this way there you go face that way I see you take her down oh not did--what by lions or piglet don't go towards big lady here look if Nathan's not gonna give us any water I'm gonna text Barney Barney will get us water for sure you set the office right now she's gonna have to come all the way over here come on Barney okay I just texted Barney I hope he comes soon then no he can't cut the Buffalo for buddy he's bringing some water what is job with that water I'm feeling like spongebob with these beats top away I'll order if I don't make it tell my kid what Rihanna's sugar to hydrates you I just need water [Music] whoa hello breathe there's hot dogs [Music] pointing at us stop it he's free he gave us 72 balloons quick there's a piece of paper in your floor water make balloons wait with the blow all of these balloons up I don't even know if I have the spit and the air required to make a balloon I think the Sun is getting to your head baby great Bree you're not an animal this is a hat it goes on your head be it on your head now you look like an Oscar Mayer wiener wait how do I look you look great yeah really good really key okay Bree what we better get started we gotta blow up a lot of balloons there's even you there's Bree we have 72 balloons which means we get 36 each you got this Bree let's go finally once we finish this we'll get some water I'm so parched oh I'm so hungry having fun is hard work you know what I want hot dogs hot diggity dum dogs hot dogs hot dogs how do these people not have hot dogs they have a fridge the size of me but they don't have hot dogs I didn't find some ketchup though that's good wait wait wait wait for God I always keep an emergency pair right on me we got the hot dogs we got the ketchup if we got the rest Bri I'm getting tired we should have been given a helium take something to help us blow up the balloon now it won't that blow up the bubble no I wouldn't blow up the bubble Oh actually don't have been released too much helium the balloon tip might have actually lifted off into space like a TV uh hi yeah we could have gone into outer space and that would be dangerous we're not professional astronauts well I am Breanna's not I mean look at her she's wearing a wing or head waiter get my finger in there God that will be suppressed oh yeah [Music] perfect I'm so hungry so glad I brought my emergency hotdogs what lifesaver dude now we sit and wait [Music] whoops buns buns buns hamburger buns sure they really don't have any other buns in here that scared me guys look at how many bolaƱos we've just hit me in the face no no three that's what I'm speak of alerts us to do he wants us to fight each other but we have to work together so we can get some water but balloon fights are coming yeah balloon fights are fun but right now we're not so as a balloon fight we're supposed to pull up all the balloons and and we lost when what if you count yeah exactly so get to blowing last one Greek among there I'll go right here baby what are you doing over there having fun well nice cookout no that is not nutritious what did I tell you you're trying to eat the hot dog then you try to eat the balloon once we get some water then we can has no idea I think you need to just go lay down and rest I think my wife is starting to go mad local macoco the heat really starting to get to her we still haven't even gotten our water yet and stop Yellin dude that's yours you cooked them you gotta have the big one baby we brought some water I'm so thirsty Navin that water for Preston right there the one that's in tiny breeze you can't even see your wiener that's covering your eyes Wow there you go what about Kay that's a big no ketchup that's a no-no mustard for for people just like mustard yeah just mustard Nathan this is too much I'm going to say I addressed it no picture no you should have ketchup wait John what is that a hotdog dude Nathan's grilling right now Nathan's really when did Nathan start grilling we haven't even got water yet in there eating food John what are you doing John stop eating that hotdog why didn't you bring me water I texted you never water I need water where don't I need water now Breanna is literally dying oh my gosh this is getting ridiculous I got some badge your hair is Bree I'd only got the magic trick I think that's just called err know how to get it no no Nathan the water goes in here all right here here you go there's what [Music] that one is this all we have to drink yeah that's kind of it Murray this is all we have for both of us you're the wife you can have it oh wait we have to share did you cook these things perfect you must be a grill master I'm not goldfish water hopefully this is like at least filtered water or from our savvy and free I think you just got a drink it okay ready water nasty wait let me try some why is it why are we nuts oh my gosh I want this dog so bad hot dog I shared my water I gave them a piece of a hot dog just the tiniest piece was that okay well you can give them you can give them this one is it good yeah yeah go get them now I gotta test it first to make sure let's go friend Sam let me make sure hope I'm okay I wish you'd grab some mustard on it soon probably oh yeah wait oh I promise I won't mess with you as hard as I did earlier okay well hold on I gotta test it with the mustard all right hey just go with the mustard okay those hot dogs could be filled we're gonna take it up pretty cool line there we go alright that works oh I feel so bad for Preston and Bree it's gotta be at least a hundred and fifty degrees in there right now so I think Nathan went to go take a nap cuz he ate so many hotdogs I got a key to the tent I'm gonna help him break out but I can't let Nathan catch me so I'm right here pee to break out I'm gonna put this in with the Legos that they're gonna be using in a little bit like this now when I go to put this on top and they're gonna break out and go to safety I'm sorry I got carried away with the hotdogs oh gosh Oh check on them I'll just hit the key John just needless to keep hey see what's happening here they're escaping from the bubble 10 I should probably run now because well right then they're gonna kill it I've got it for you Reston will never find me you know what maybe I'll go to Alabama or California it's the opposite direction [Music]
Channel: Preston
Views: 11,022,686
Rating: 4.8091769 out of 5
Keywords: kids, funny, challenge, comedy, family, trapped, giant, bubble, tent, bubble tent, unspeakable, preston, prestonplayz, brianna, briannaplayz
Id: OUdti8DAF28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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