I Trapped My Sister in an Actual Underwater Prison

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i've trapped my little sister keely in an underwater prison i've also trapped her boyfriend scott aye whoever escapes from their prison first will choose between the briefcase or this key which gives you something in a future video each of their prison cages have five locks keeley will be competing in challenges against scott and whoever wins will get one of their locks unlocked locks unlocked unlocked [Music] what's up guys uh welcome to mpv cribs in my underwater uh it's not a house it's a prison whatever so welcome to mtv cribs uh this is my prison we got my water tv we got a bookshelf under here we got a toilet because you know you gotta go to the bathroom in the present obviously i also got this nice stick pot and a mirror because you managed to take the fit celtics boom it's time for challenge one this is the royal flush challenge the winner of this one is going to get the first key to unlocking one of the locks on their prison i don't even know if she sees the cards i don't think he's ever played poker so this is kind of a disadvantage man what you're already finished it's a flush let's go it's gone even take him like five seconds to do all right scott you have won the first key yeah if you don't catch this key people will not leave a like on the video watch catch it [Applause] it feels so satisfying taking that off why did you mess up your crib what the heck you need a maid down there where's your underwater broom vincent you're the maid the next challenge scott doesn't even have to participate all keely has to do is refill in the jigsaw puzzle before the three minute timer ends and she'll finally get a key oh go go all i need is for her to not do it bro i could do this with my eyes closed all you got to do is put the purple ones with the purple ones the orange ones are the orange ones i gotta get all the pieces before they float to the bottom now looks like i'm in prison on keeley you need to hustle she's got two minutes left where why are you helping your scott he's not there's no one behind you keeley put the jigsaw puzzle together yeah you're gonna need to go faster than that one chief the red-headed sister has one minute remaining scott can you catch this maybe i feel like scott deserves a key just for that she's so close i've got such a big head it can barely squeeze through these bars stuck in the bars keeley ten seconds nine eight oh seven six oh oh one of the good hats die young this might be one of our fastest challenge videos yet they each have five locks and scott's already two what the heck i played baseball in high school so sometimes i give him that fast pitch you know too strong for my own good there is no splitting the wealth with you and your boyfriend scott you signed a contract the only person who gets it is scott but if he gets it then guess what he uses that money to take me on fancy dates are you abusing scott as the girlfriend in this relationship no it's abusing me for every day no she's been for a couple stop stephen do you know how to throw yeah look at it hello can you please make these sir okay give the fastball pitcher i will literally left hand this better than you can it has a left-handed give me my right hand [Music] oh no this is a level-headed man right here you're welcome i'll take this no no choking me up gatorade [Music] looks like i'm throwing bombs scott's got a yellow lock green lock blue lock left it's really not looking good for keith scott i got high hopes i've made this challenge exceptionally easy for you all you have to do is hit the eight water bottles for these water balloons how much time do i have i mean it's infinite time but you have limited balloons you got 15 balloons ready they're falling out okay oops if your subscribe button looks like my sister's hair can you please make it gray like these bars no i think they should subscribe to my channel instead keeley plays channel description bonus points keely bonus points if you manage to hit me oh oh he splashed me he hit it right he hit it yeah he just didn't bounce off all right come on get the next one oh that was a miss focus oh keely that one definitely hit that one come on this is your third one come on what was that that wasn't even in the same zip code you just got the camera wet oh that was a good shot hey listen okay guys we have a problem our neighbor is seeing what's going on in our backyard i want to complain about this if you complain about the noise the next person that's going to be in the prison is going to be you i tell you what i'm calling the police you calling the police edit that out i hate you your horrible neighbor i don't want to adopt you anymore i want you to go back home fine just some friendly neighborhood banter guys all the neighbors love each other keely you've got three more targets if you can hit those last three targets oh my gosh come on keeley you've got to hit these targets if you can hit scott right in the face i'll count it as all three bottles oh no whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa she's about to escape from prison that was not a direct shot you can do anything you want to do believe i don't know let me show you how to hit scott in the face come on get him i can't even begin to tell you my immeasurable disappointment as your older brother i'm sorry but you haven't been eliminated get out of here all right scott the green key is coming at you hulk smash this video may end in the biggest sweep we've ever had on the preston youtube channel keithy wins no challenges and scott wins them all this is insane oh my gosh what was that oh i'm sorry i'm going to put myself in timeout all right kelly i've entered your domain this next challenge all you have to do is blow up a balloon under water until it pops that's it until it pops until it pops can you do that for me i don't know underwater that sounds really hard because you got like the pressure okay there's science stuff and you got like pressure pointing from all other areas of the water so like it's a lot easier to blow up a balloon outside of water her balloon is above water what is she doing [Music] oh my gosh look at this strategy right now the humpback whale is floating like this whoa whoa whoa she is using her body mass to cover up the balloon while she blows it up this is a very interesting strategy we've never seen in the national geographic let's go home and pop i'm so proud i'm so proud of you we didn't think this moment would happen ladies and gentlemen but the orange key is being awarded to my sister keeley and it matches her hair too boom the challenge is simple using chopsticks pick up the marbles in the underwater cup and then put it inside of the toilet bowl you got five marbles in three minutes i don't know how good kitty is with chopsticks oh she's got one marble oh i don't know kale eats sushi a lot so [Music] i don't know why she's not using her breathing apparatus to make it so much more easy oh she just got another one is that four if god gives you scuba gear and you're in the water use it yeah let's go hey guess what i know you want good job you're not gonna win yeah i will no no [Music] i need a presentable sandwich if i do not define the sandwich as presentable i'm going to give scott a key okay but like i don't care if it's red it's gonna be soggy the second that white bread touches the water it's going to be soggy city she's got mayonnaise mustard bread turkey she got the whole fixings look at all this wasted bread surprisingly it's holding up pretty well god are you getting hungry eat [Applause] i don't like prison anymore i get slopped it's like bread i don't like this it's not oh scott ain't getting no more keys where's the mustard i put the mustard on it it just floated right off that is disgusting there's no no mustard no mustard no mayonnaise not even i put mustard on it show the clip right now the mustard just flew off there's also not even an even amount of like turkey i put four pieces on and they floated off as i brought it up i don't want no excuses i will bread you edible sandwiches maddie called it look you forgot the cheese there's a keto sandwich ladies and gentlemen there's no bread involved the council of high sandwiches would not allow for this ready for the blue key ah we're going to attempt the egg toss challenge kelly you're the first person oh that was close all right now you've gotta toss it back to me then i'm gonna toss it to scott oh okay let's go you're ready but that's again you gotta chuck it back now oh hey listen don't call me tate man you have one lock left all you have to do is land three of these rings on the poles of the prison come on this one's not hard dang it oh you screwed scott take your time take your time take it shot you are you even taking him just away dude this is hard and i'm literally we've all hit the same place you can't win at this point oh scott look you just chuck it and dump it oh my gosh it's like she's already what god you look thirsty oh my god now i don't want either one of them oh keely come on look at this film on the pole we've got three trivia questions and whoever can answer the most right is going to win you need to answer these as closely as you can i know you guys have got big brains i got this how many subscribers is the channel at currently which one which one the channel you're on okay i say 14.71 keeley wins it's at 14.4 million if you just said 14.1 you would have died how old is mr beast 21. 22. scott wins 22. 22. it's a tie game on the trivia and this one is very difficult i don't even know if you know what the answer is so i want to see your comments down below when did i start my first ever youtube channel tbnrfrags what year 2010 2011. scott wins 2010. do you want the briefcase or you get something in a future video that everybody's going to want to see oh no i'll pick the key i'm going for it it's going to be something big don't forget you need to keep watching our videos if you want to see what this key ends up giving scott thank you guys so much for watching congratulations to scott let's go we'll see you next time
Channel: Preston
Views: 7,419,810
Rating: 4.9150915 out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Id: ygaKsFxp78I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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