I Trapped an AI in Survival Minecraft

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this is an ai that hunts you down across dimensions and multiplies upon death and today i am going to trap it in order to come up with a trap i needed to know the limits of this robot so i used my dear friend 5 up as a test subject good luck you have 60 seconds to run i have 16 seconds to wait to run oh he started he's here he has a okay hello hello oh no they're pretty fast hunter 1 has been defeated but there's like 10 more there's too many i feel like i'm playing risk of rain right now oh my god they made a brit yet they fell after you oh my god if they die into the void they just respawn this challenge was going to be tough and even though five up was incredibly smart he did not have the minecraft knowledge i was looking for i needed someone who knows a lot about unknown minecraft mechanics so i decided to get help from the only expert i knew we fees one of the most knowledgeable crafters i know who quite recently pulled off an elaborate trap that shocked the internet using his minecraft knowledge and my unique imagination we were bound to find the perfect trap the first step of this journey is to test all kinds of traps to see if there even is a way to trap this monstrosity so we loaded up a random world went into creative mode and started spitballing ideas the first obvious choice was a void trap earlier when i was showing the ai to 5 up whenever it died in the void it respawned on the same platform it jumped off of this was good because my goal was not to kill it my goal was to trap it so it can't escape in any way including them my idea was to make a platform right above the void if the ai tried to travel in any direction it would fall off and respawn on that same platform this endless cycle would be the trap however when i tried to show this to wifis it did not go according to plan yeah look at this look at this it just fell in the void look what happens wait two are supposed to respawn it just died oh so if it falls in the void it just dies well that doesn't count as trapping that's just killing it my primary plan went straight out the window and we had to come up with some other creative ideas okay let me set up the board this is the first idea that i have first on the list was lava surprise surprise it did not work the ai was completely immune to fire damage and simply built itself out of the lava lake without any signs of being slowed down second on the list was bedrock since the ai was holding out a diamond pickaxe whenever it was mining blocks we thought that it acted the same way a player would and would not be able to mine bedrock however instead of breaking it it simply replaced the bedrock with granite and face through the roof like it was nothing next up was the wii fees sign trap now since the ai had just phased through bedrock none of us had any faith in this sign trap but we were still going to try okay i'm going into survival in three two oh you're in survival yeah yeah it definitely knows oh no all the simple ideas we had seemed to be failing one after the other hope was slowly fading and we were getting demotivated fast so we decided to test out the dumbest idea we had all right dp right now why what what's happening i'm out playing this guy so hard actually let's ring around the roses work oh it oh it works it works humanity will never be surpassed but we win we let the minecart run for a while and no matter how hard the ai tried it could simply not catch up we finally found a trap that worked but at what cost by using this method we would successfully complete the task of trapping the robot but we would also trap ourselves in the process is that really a victory no no it isn't i was not willing to sacrifice one of us in order to fulfill the assignment there had to be another way say hello to bubble trouble 3000 this trap provides a platform at the lowest y level possible which might be in the ai's respawn range after it falls in the void it should also prevent the robots from swimming up since the magma blocks provide bubble elevators dragging all entities downwards all things considered this had to work oh it's placing blocks okay so it didn't work after the magma blocks failed we tried switching it to soul sand which created bubble elevators that pushed all entities upwards but that didn't work because the ai picked up the bubble-filled water as a different block and simply replaced it with granite which provided the necessary platform to start building itself out we even tried removing the bottom platform completely to see if it would just float in the water but the ai sank through the bottom falling straight into the void another failed trap and back to the drawing board we go we were not yet out of ideas there were still a couple of possibilities left and this one would be 1 000 times harder to achieve in survival but it seemed so complex that it might just work over a year ago a youtuber by the name i go by lots of names released a video where he survived the void for an entire month in pure vanilla survival minecraft the technique he used allowed him to create a platform of shulkers down where blocks cannot be placed our idea was to make a floor surrounded by a wall both made out of shulkers and bait the ai to fall in it the shulkers are entities so the ai would not be able to place blocks on it and since it can't jump higher than one block it would not be able to escape this tiny prison everything was ready and we were about to finally trap the ai for good it's jumping down okay okay it's so confused we broke its pathfinding come on oh please please oh i'm floating i'm floating i'm floating it's just walked off okay let it go in the middle take what take 50. it doesn't know what to do it oh it just fell in yeah it's it's stuck stuck okay i'm gonna go fly around ep it tp'd out we kept trying the same method with more precision on the placement of the ai but it just kept teleporting out we got so desperate to a point where we even tried to make the walls out of boats but it just destroyed those boats and glitched out again wifiz had a theory everything the ai did was done through commands it was moving using the teleportation command it was placing and breaking blocks using the slash replace command it was even forced loading chunks because it continued to chase us even outside of our render distance if all that was true this ai was a literal walking command block how can we trap a walking command block that follows us anywhere we go even across dimensions the ai chases us through dimensions but not like a regular player would whenever i go through a portal the robot picks it up and teleports on either the top of the nether portal or the end obsidian platform depending which dimension you go into but what if we used a different dimension one that the regular minecraft code doesn't have a name for this is where the minecraft snapshot 20w14 infinite comes into play this snapshot was released on the 1st of april 2020 as an april fool's joke the cool thing about is that it has infinite dimensions the two vanilla dimensions still exist but there is a way you can generate other dimensions take a book in quill type anything in there sign it and throw it into another portal that nether portal will then get a different color and you will be able to enter a completely unique dimension since you can type an infinite amount of letter combinations in a book there can be an infinite number of unique dimensions but that is not important what is important is that the ai was designed to follow you to the nether and end dimensions but what if we enter a completely unique dimension that the robot has never heard of what will it do does it work okay it does we can technically sacrifice a part of our world to trap this but we can still continue playing oh whoa no yes i'm already okay oh wait this is a different dimension it looks like the overworld but if i go through this portal all right do i go back to the opening oh and it's not here oh my god it's actually not here dude this is easy he's probably gonna be here still right oh i killed it i maybe don't kill it and see what happens so don't hit it and see what happens okay you should tweak it i didn't hit it this time then we go back through okay why is that why did it actually die that's my question oh it's still here so if you don't hit it just yes okay okay the test was successful but i ran it on a single player world and it was still uncertain how the ai would act when we tried to do this process on a server without wasting any more time we launched up a survival world logged on and started preparing oh mobs oh my god no way i'm about to die to survive minecraft bro i hear lava oh diamonds three please be three oh it is three diamonds i'm just gonna mine 20 obsidian 19 obsidian oh please don't die please don't die holy jesus i'm off we cannot wait we can actually just start the challenge in the netherlands i kind of want to type in diamond pyramid title dp ep dimension it might glitch with two players so just go through are we waiting for you in the dp dimension yeah start okay challenge has started i'm scared i do not feel safe 30 seconds this whole dimension is gravel and press marines okay i'm going strong i'll be waiting for the other side i'm going to drive one through oh my god okay go back through this is so laggy bro so broken we're back feels normal everything feels good let's go we trapped it yo come give me come give me a high five bro high five bro let's go after hours of work and countless failed ideas we finally trapped the ai even though we had to sacrifice the entire nether to do it it was better than trapping ourselves in the process and that's what matters i honestly really enjoyed this and had a blast hanging out with wifey's so if we get 100 000 likes i will create and trap something that you guys suggest down in the comment section below the server that dedicatedmc provides is really strong so you can go as crazy as you like
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 2,859,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Manhunt but, Minecraft Manhunt but I secretly used, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Loot, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Enchants, Minecraft Manhunt but I can go into creative, Minecraft manhunt but drops are random, Minecraft Manhunt Dream, Dream Manhunt, Dream Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt, Wisp Manhunt, Dream Latest Manhunt, Minecraft but lava rises, Minecraft Manhunt but custom, Manhunt 6 hunters, Boosfer Manhunt 1v6
Id: I8P9mlnOJ4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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