I Trained Like A Disney Princess

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[Music] this week we're doing Disney and not just any Disney Disney Princesses people Disney Princesses seem to have it right and I have it wrong because a lot of them get to go on adventures role kingdoms have cute talking animal sidekicks they are a multi-billion billing with a B dollar source of revenue for the Walt Disney Company from the film's to the merchandise to the attractions at the park where you can meet the in real life princesses so this week I'm gonna live one of my biggest fantasies and become a Disney Princess I'm Michelle Kaare and you're watching my channel I don't even know did that look like a mouse my name is Tiffany mink I am a content creator kind of within this Disney scope online with Instagram and YouTube and kind of part of this really larger community could you tell me a little bit about the history of Disney as well as the parks while it always said it all started with a mouth but the studios and how we know it really started with a princess and that was to know why there was the first full-length animated movie the world I've ever seen we get into the Silver Age where we get Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella's dress transformation was Walt Disney's favorite piece of animation that Disney ever made for this challenge I've decided I'm going to try and transform into Jasmine jasmine is one of my favorite Disney characters because it was the first time I've really seen someone who looks like me represented in a Disney film what are the qualifications for a Disney Princess so we have currently 11 Disney Princesses that are official they don't include on and Elsa they don't include Moana but they include other may be non-traditional idea of a Disney princess like mulan and jasmine they're all super strong female led narratives they're brave they're kind they're adventurous and they are out on their own journey of self-discovery I'm not gonna lie this is a lot deeper than I thought it would be this isn't about me like auditioning to become a performer at the Disney parks I am more so interested in what are the qualities that make a Disney Princess whether its elegance presence poise and I'm just genuinely interested to see how this applies to real life to becoming an official Disney princess is kind of a well-kept secret there are other ways that you can kind of embody the spirit of what it means to be a Disney princess and Sarah Engle is this unofficial official like Disney Princess as she does a lot of great costumes and a lot of great work so think she would be a great resource to help you become your true Jasmine I'm Sarah Engle people like to call me the real life Disney Princess I like to just inspire people to go out and do things and create the story for their life that they want I know some people get the idea that it's just me in a princess dress frolicking about my living room it is an actual business I own a company called princess ever after we have a team of almost 40 performers now so this week with Michelle we've got a few things we're gonna do we're going to teach all about how to handle questions that kids might ask or how it's improperly hair for the wigs you have to put on your head and how to do the makeup that's specific for the princess then she's going to be really do you look like a real-life Disney Princess let's see even though kind of look like real like Jasmine so that's perfect okay perfect oh we have a very special surprise we're gonna go to Disneyland today right now yes right now oh my god first of all we're gonna get some Disney Princess recon going on we're gonna go watch some princesses in action at Disney so we are here at Disneyland today as undercover princess you're currently on the hunt for Princess Jasmine so that I can do some character study I'm just happy we're able to write this off the business suspends Disney is arguably number one when it comes to think Burke entertainment would Disneyland open in 1955 we have Snow White and Cinderella are in the Opening Day Parade but Sleeping Beauty didn't come out until 1959 Walt knew the princesses were always going to be integral to the company and such an important piece of Disney history that if four years before a movie came out he makes what is the icon of Disneyland a princess castle from a princess that we've never even seen before always be truthful Aaron Foley hmm so now we are gonna do something really fun iris and I are gonna sit on the ground and be little kids and we are gonna grill you as though we are little kids just right off the bat yeah we're just gonna have you do that I think something that might surprise Michelle but that's more challenging when you expect it's answering the questions that the kids ask you in character are you from the past yep from the past sometimes in other places things are just different than they are here in America yeah everything is magic when you think about it Wow does that mean I can fly why did you trust Aladdin my mother saw you only on them for two days and then you got married I did that didn't work very well for onna how come the bird can talk with the monkey can't what's your favorite food so there is the genie favorite princess is it safe to pet a tiger why are there so many hungry people in Agrabah we're doing our best to make sure that they don't have to anymore I made a very specific politically correct this is really hard how did I do you did a good job we threw a lot of hard questions at you I didn't think I would have to deal with political questions they're very high stakes and for this that I didn't think about that you don't want to be the one to ruin the magic because once you do that it's irreversible we're gonna list out some things which you are prepared but things like right at the top of your head did you can think of oh yeah I wrote this down you don't want to just show up and be a girl in a costume it's really important that you have all those details down because those little things are what take it above and beyond and make it that much more magical for them everything Disney does is very like story focus so each interaction you can almost think of like one little story line that you're gonna go with that you can tie in with a bag they're holding up reminds me of this bag I saw in the marketplace and this one time Aladdin and I saw it there and we thought it was so beautifully if this story you tie it in so it's personal to them and that way you're taking control so you don't get any awkward questions it's like the ultimate improv challenge because you've just got to roll up it and if you're in a party situation versus a Disney situation you've got a roll with it sometimes for up to an hour and a half it's just acting with children who believe that you are the real thing I love that you want to become Jasmine because as far as the Disney Princesses are concerned she's kind of the first character that turned the idea of a Disney princess kind of on its head Jasmine is the first one that is undoubtedly vocal and I am NOT a prize to be won and this is my journey I decide my own fate not to mention we get a princess that's now wearing pants instead of a dress she's got you know princesses have their animal sidekicks she is a tiger that's like the most boss move ever I mean like raccoons and so very cute sweet but like grow rose up with a tiger as her sidekick and she paved the way for Milan and Pocahontas and eventually you know Moana and these really like adventurous stories and we've never looked at princesses the same way since jasmine all right we're on today too I figured we could maybe start with getting you looking like the character so every president has to do the makeup exactly the same the goal is just to make everybody look across the board as similar as possible consistency is very important to Disney they call it character integrity I don't know why I didn't think about those things before that every performer does the exact same makeup and has to say the same things they have to be ready with the same answer so if you're like a character like Pocahontas who really existed you can have a situation where a kid's like we visited your grave with my class creating them out experience her child as well as not giving away any of the secrets is a lot of weight to carry they don't allow adults to enter the park in costume and that's a way that Disney is kind of preserving their own princesses because if you could imagine it's a girl with like beautiful red hair and she goes in the park in an ariel costume then you have this seven eight-year-old little girl that now thinks that that is Ariel and is that the Ariel that Disney wants that little girl to experience like no they want everyone to experience the real Ariel all right now that we have your makeup ready we are going to move on to your costume and wig so we're gonna have you put this on okay look in the mirror because then we gotta put the wig on so I'm gonna put that on okay cool alright so in the day we're gonna try something new put this on and you basically can stuff all of your hair into it and so put it on pretty tight because you can fasten the wig to that and now look how easy that was there was so much to take so long yeah yay you method it is wig time oh my god okay so difference really heavy okay so are we ready for the big reveal okay oh my god we're on this side too it's like oh my gosh a lot of girls when they see themselves for the first time in those Disney quality costumes and wigs they'll cry because they like just so surprised like oh my goodness I really look like this character it's a really magical moment for them you make a very good jasmine we would definitely hire you thank you and we can have you sing in the costume too wait right now yeah okay I would have know where I was just launched in the singing so I was put on a bit of the spot yeah yeah yeah thankfully you guys can't hear much of it cuz of YouTube copyright for Michelle's final challenge we are going to go to the Ronald McDonald House and make a magical time for all of the kids and families there so how are you feeling about Ronald McDonald House I think your idea to go to Ronald McDonald House is such a great way to end this challenge and I think it brings a lot of meaning to this work that I did you know put together before a lot of times kids that are in hospitals their families might live far away and so the Ronald McDonald House allows these families to have a place to stay that's close to their children while they are hospitalized not every kid and every family can afford to to go into the Disney parks or to have a princess come to their party so this is a really special way to give back to people who are really deserving I love your blanket that is so nice our friend bal lives in paris there's nowhere major it's not here with me but I did one hair on it you want to pretend like we have ice powers okay you won it was such an eye-opening experience to meet these kids and gave me a lot of new perspective on how much contributing to something can really mean a lot to someone else are you leaving we're going to see we're gonna think you want to be with us an event like today there's a process that goes on for these families because they have to plan ahead for this getting them out of the room is a big plus you made that happen for that so it's a great event for kids and for parents if you guys want to support the Ronald McDonald House please be sure to see my links below there are a lot of really easy ways that you can help make a massive difference guys this was such a fun experience and I hope that you enjoyed watching it if so be sure to follow Sara and Tiffany on all of their social media as well as give this video a thumbs up comment below with what challenge I should take on next and as always subscribe guys before we go I want to say a huge shout out to hellofresh for partnering with us on this episode hello fresh is an amazing meal delivery service that helps you save a ton of time in the kitchen honestly I am obsessed with hellofresh you guys know I am constantly on different diets training for challenge accepted episodes and hella fresh offers a variety of really awesome tasty healthy dinner options so all the meals can be hooked in 30 minutes max call for less than two pots or pans and require minimal cleanup you can choose from three different plans classic veggie and family with the option to switch between them if your needs change pollo fresh starts at only $6.99 for serving and is America's number one meal kit you can get started with eight free meals which is $80 off your first month of holo fresh by going to hellofresh comm and entering my code Michelle K 80 that's really good so again thank you so much - hello fresh for making episodes like this possible until next time see you guys later this week's I am ultra shout out is Tommy barter 6 thank you so much for your hashtag I am ultra post if you want a chance at being next week shout out be sure to use the hashtag I am ultra on instagram and tag me of course telling me about how you've overcome an obstacle in your life recently that's all for today and thank you so much for watching
Channel: Michelle Khare
Views: 2,609,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michelle khare, buzzfeed michelle, disney princess, disney, disneyland, aladdin, jasmine, genie, a whole new world, theme park, endgame, avengers, pop culture, for the first time, try, I Trained Like A Disney Princess, disney plus, disney+, review, movie, will smith genie, live action, vault, travel, vlog, challenge accepted, michelle, cosplay, costume, makeup, challenge, transformation, halloween, wig, real life, funny, comedy, sing, karaoke, walt, sing along, magic kingdom, frozen, mulan, princess
Id: Kuvy1QbXhHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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