I Trained Like A Broadway Star For 6 Weeks

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we have six weeks to make an original musical from beginning to is six weeks to do a musical is definitely crazy most musicals take years to develop the lyrics the script the costumes the Wardrobe so we decided to do YouTube rewind the musical [Music] my imposter syndrome is skyrocketing dancing and singing alongside actual Broadway performers the show must go on what's up guys welcome back to my youtube channel and on this episode of challenge accepted I'm going to be training like a Broadway star and if you're new here please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe because I take on new and exciting challenges every single week and we deliver I am obsessed with Broadway I have seen over 40 Broadway shows and I am just enraptured by this artform there is no CGI there's no editing everything has to happen on the stage and there's a lot of magic and beauty involved in that this is the topic you guys have been requesting me to take on for quite some time and the reason we put it off for as long as we have is we knew what the end result needed to be putting on a musical I have no idea where to start when it comes to putting on my own musical so I gave a call to Anna grace who is one of my dear friends she has lived in New York she's a triple threat she's been in Broadway workshops if anyone knows how to do this it's gonna be hurt what should my training be well it has to be like singing dancing and acting separately and then you have to put them all together my mom has always said that people in New York and theater actors are the most talented people in the world because they have to do everything to be a triple threat in order to like make it there it would be like a theater dance class you have dancing oh yeah it's like the og like classic Broadway it's like I've been talking since I was three that's the hardest by far but it's so fun hi my name is Joseph karela and for the next six weeks I will be Michelle's choreographer and dance instructor getting her ready for the best Broadway production ever I've been dancing since I was seven the first Broadway production I did was all shook up and then I want to do in the national tour of Greece and I want to become an acquired refer and then that's where I created five six seven Broadway because I really wanted to be able to create a fun way for people to work out I'm excited to work with Michele I've seen some of her stuff and she works really really hard so I'm ready to work hard but also have fun through this process and really show the magic of Broadway I'm not used to drawing this much attention to myself with my feet yeah you're right when I was 14 a while ago I learned one tap routine and it started like is there any other tap moves that you maybe know that was it we're gonna put you on the spot like that so I just wanted to see what you know and what's kind of your background already again for me I already see good yep now let your arms just let it go this is a wild experience to get Michels to see dance and act in six weeks I mean I've been performing since I was a child and people devote their whole lives to this it's a wing with this I want to think of is out good out be careful be careful I know hmm and you have to really push into the board be careful I mean that's a start the first class was incredible just having the opportunity to learn from an actual Broadway dancer and professional choreographer was amazing there was a moment during the top class though where I just felt like a diva making so much noise walking around if you tell someone you want to be a Broadway star there's like a little bit of fear that I would have seen is like evading the goal and the way I'm approaching this is I just want to do this for myself I just want to have a good time and have that confidence to be able to do it up he'll laugh now he'll so now what's running through your head this hold me I don't know why are doing this if you start doing this be aware of it but be like ooh okay I like that or like you know what that's not feeling right for me right now we're working on stuff but I also want to add in your technique with your personality I want Michelle to be Michelle I want to see her name and lights nobody else's and she holds the key to that there is a huge difference between being and a musical and putting on a musical and being responsible for the lyrics the script the costumes the wardrobe bringing the crew together finding a stage oh my god there's so much to be done and we spent weeks trying to figure out if we were to do this if we were to invest all of this time and money into something what would we even sing and dance about so we decided to do YouTube rewind the musical here's what we got I am the creative director on the mkay YouTube channel and I am also Co directing this absurd musical and I have you guys raise your hand if the song makes absolutely no sense to you every year YouTube's corporate makes a video called YouTube rework it features hundreds of creators from a world and it's essentially like an acid trip of memes pop culture references into one music video year-in-review every year it becomes one of the most viewed videos of the year and frequently audiences feel that it's not completely representative of the YouTube community YouTube rewind 2018 is the most disliked video of all time on the platform now first things first you can't represent the entire YouTube community in a three minute video we're not gonna try and cover everything we're gonna try and cover the things that we felt really define 2019 we're gonna start writing down important events from 2019 in the YouTube ecosystem I got a big one okay PewDiePie keys here yes in a war of PewDiePie versus giant corporation t-series after months of PewDiePie and also the community around him are hurting people to subscribe to MT series past Felix I think that Sophia's work in the makeup community is really notable for sure anything Shane Dawson did take those pieces off the tray and form a new pizza Shane Dawson and every star 20 million trees oh my god team trees 2019 kind of became this resurgence for Minecraft I think minecraft will go nicely and if you die you should also talk about a lot of the big pride moments that happened this year like Eugene Yang's amazing coming out video Danny Pihl came out oh david dobrik duh anything David related shut up whose is that you're his snow Stephen block squad they say when you can't talk anymore when there's nothing left to say you say you would take a class that would be like acting through so [Music] I'm Ingrid schnell and I'm gonna be Michele's vocal coach for the next six weeks some of my students have been in Greece hairspray Billy Elliot's I think that sometimes people believe that singing is just something you are naturally born with and that is certainly not the case they're putting ours and vocal training and they're doing it for years before they get their first shot at something just give me like a glide like a ballooning effect yeah try so try to feel that ballooning effect okay consistently because she wants to belt and she wants a warmer sound and she has a tendency to want to get slightly nasal I think one of the biggest challenges is to get her to like open up the vocal tract and really trust that she's got it whenever we're nervous we want a tense our bellies and we want to take chest breasts but the minute that happens is very easy to want to activate your abs and to accidentally yeah so suddenly yeah yeah right I said about if you can take a relaxed breath you'll have more control over your system it's crazy to think that today I was just barely singing different vowel sounds and eventually those will be words and a full song and a song that's not just sung but also acted and acted in song during a dance part of singing is really shaping out the vocal tract so if we're squeezing it we're gonna get you know kind of a nasal squeeze sound because the soft palate is dropping and then we're letting it resonate in our nose instead of if we're opening up the back of the vocal tract then we can get that nice depth as well as with clarity vocal training really is about owning those vowels man y'all training like a musical theater performer is no joke I am training dance with Joseph five times a week I'm doing vocal coaching twice a week and I go to acting class for four hours every single week unfortunately I'm not allowed to film in my acting class but I actually think that that has been really nice for me to experiment and also fail and having a space to just play been so wonderful for my mental health my overall well-being I love it I love it I love a musical theater Wow that's the only update I have for now because instead of going to bed I'm going to a production meeting so we can figure out a lot of these logistics I'm Michael Thomas miss Carr and I am the stage director and producer of the YouTube rewind musical I am a musical theatre performer an actor and a director mostly in the Los Angeles theatre scene this could win a Tony and many many more awards this is true YouTube rewind additionally releases towards the end of the first week of December which means that we have six weeks to make an original musical from beginning to end six weeks to do a musical is definitely crazy most musicals take years to develop writing lyrics and story over the course of years then collaborating with the composer to make that flesh out and then recording demos it's a lot of back and forth our goal is to make this musical and the docu-series with around 20 grand so that is about 10 grand less than I would like for the musical side it brings complication in terms of venue because venues are the most expensive thing you're gonna get outside of creative team and then performers you know you skate clarity on like what the rental includes any furniture that's not being used in this show yeah stools chairs couches whatever yeah whatever it was not part of the show is it possible for us to use like this I'm just sorry are there like this piece and what we're putting together this is definitely a very unique piece that like if we can use it would definitely add production value to our musical we have found our location oh my god I feel my hair growing back in on my scalp I like that a lot Winkler that's cool so the idea of this opening number is to cram in as much exposition as we can it's been an uncanny year and this is gonna be lyrically what people expect after this song ends we flip it on its head and give the YouTube rewind that we want as far as writing lyrics goes kind of ends up feeling like a game you come up with some concept or some form for how you think this song might go and then you're kind of trying to fill in the blanks think about how to land jokes or how to have a set up and then a punchline in the next line little things like that [Applause] you made an amazing first draft of the song we're obsessed we keep seeing you all the time we notice every time we were listening that we just wanted to get to that point of this isn't going to be your average rewind as soon as possible yeah totally then the waltz made the cram it all in section so long to the fact where I was the same like oh this is going to be the hole yeah yeah and so then Steve took the wonderful time to change it into a Hamilton rap we need somebody who can wrap this I really do to be me can you do your best Eminem impression [Music] is always better things change up until opening day and even before opening night on Broadway they have anywhere from two weeks of previews to a couple months of previews and during those preview performances they're rehearsing changes before their evening performance one of the great things about theater is that you just make it work I wanted to start in the Chicago feel big band swing sexy tap dancing for women body suits fishnets whole night all that is is silhouettes of the girls in the darkness we here watch video clips Chicago is a musical that a lot of people know the songs whether they're younger or older and so I think the reason why they chose it is everyone can relate to it really quickly I love cell block tango I love all the like black and deep reds and I think that one's one of my favorites for sure the opening will be Philip DeFranco he starts every video sings the beautiful bastards he'll be about a fantastic Monday welcome back to the Philip DeFranco show so we'd love for him to say his own version of like supper beautiful bastards and today we're gonna review 2019 we are hoping to get literally him Phil DeFranco never responded to our emails so now I'm playing Phil hope that's okay [Music] see isn't the same piece as David's or is it a little stack so we also wanted the music itself to play homage to things in YouTube culture for example the opening a mile a mile ona little brass notes that we have in our opening number is actually a recreation of the david dobrik jingle at the beginning of his vlog which i think is just the music I'm gonna check that out shells can be taken 567 Broadway that's to help build up stamina and really get her ready to sing and dance it's not an easy task at all welcome Michelle into the five six seven [Applause] and as a gift I wanted to give you a gold top hat we're dancing the Mean Girls today and people get fully decked out into costumes someone's a sexy sushi over there which is really exciting arrest me I've been bad Oh [Applause] now you guys this is everything you just won Mean Girls 5 6 7 Broadway is a safe space to let go have fun get a good workout but also to really experience what Broadway is all about which is community this is not just Michelle alone this will be a team effort to bring this musical to life let's go you have to do a show eight times a week so it's not just one performance it's eight times a week or in repeating that performance as if it's your first time that's where the heart of it all is at being a lead and a Broadway show having to sing dance and act and give that performance eight times a week is really really crazy oh my god how do you feel sweaty sweaty yeah did awesome yeah I mean I'm just thinking about like everything we're doing and making it look effortless we haven't even in rehearsal yet done singing and dancing together we're currently working on our Shane Dawson Oh Marsh so it's gonna be kind of a mix of who's crazy from next to normal meets like a nightmare before christmas spooky feel [Music] we see this lone figure surrounded by this haze and slowly as we get more and more into his mind we see these conspiracies that he thinks about hi my name is Ryan castle II know and I will be playing Shane Dawson I knew nothing about Shane and just went down the YouTube rabbit hole I've watched the Chucky Cheese saga and then I told everyone I work with about this you know the slices are different sizes you're bringing the W if you cut the pepperoni down the middle you're gonna have half a pepperoni pepperoni there where's the other half of the pepperoni [Music] I'm lacy beacon and I'm mainly chuck-e-cheese these are helping the rats are in New York I'm not the best with this world and so we have to learn really quick for everyone who does know it so all we want to do it justice so it's difficult it's a challenge my name is Spencer Ramirez I'm playing Bigfoot the toe fungus I went to Juilliard when I was 18 I've done Newsies my mind is just blowing it but the entire community that YouTube has I'm Julia axe I'm an opera singer actress and content creator I am playing mainly Jeffrey star to collaborate with Michelle on something is so cool and she's doing an amazing job and I'm having a blast the ramifications of Twitter are many but I think one that no one can predict was that a tweet from Shane Dawson would years later become an entire musical number over the weekend a snippet from a 2015 episode of Shane's podcast went viral Shane did read to his cat [Music] that is definitely unintended consequences of social media Thank You Shane Dawson when you are writing about Shane Dawson being a cat it is very hard to be confident in what you're making I'm really nervous that this is all going to work oh my god I love five six seven Broadway are people who just genuinely love the shows yeah I get that a lot in class of like the joy of performing you know when they were doing theater it was competitive or people told them they weren't right for it I remember going to theater camp in high school and I told the instructor I just don't think I can do this because I don't like what roles what I auditioned for I would love to audition for Elwood's in Legally Blonde but you're but I'm not he was like there are so many roles and you can pass for other ethnicities audition for latina roles audition for this like great even so like you could be the maid in this show and I'm like sure I totally relate to that I would get told have you done West Side Story yeah have you I'm like for the love of God am I only categorized to West Side Story or Guys and Dolls Michelle was very adamant that she wants to represent the YouTube community and so we tried to create that diversity within our test and so we decided to cast more women than men Ryan is half Pakistani half white and he is playing Shane [Music] our final song is called 20 million trees I respect mr. booth so much for rallying the YouTube community to do something positive just trying to evoke Cornelius was the best choice to sing the role it's not important what his race is it's about the message that we're sending and the message that mr. beast is sending is one that includes everyone we also just wanted to promote the fundraiser itself link below go donate planetry how much over budget are we we're supposed to make this musical with a budget of $20,000 and so far we are projected to come about $7,000 over putt change we're probably not going to make this money back in a million years but at the very least we can be proud and excited of what we've done so the thing we've been practicing which you still have ten days to practice triple time said [Music] you ever been practicing Michelle and I can see it no so with this move specifically yeah you've gotta do it every day because who knows what's gonna happen when we actually do the show and how you handle it is gonna be the thing that is gonna matter the most I have impostor syndrome all the time but it's really being exacerbated in this challenge because the entire ensemble is professional singers dancers actors who work in musical theater have been in Broadway shows Broadway tours and I'm sitting here thinking why am i the star of this am I the best person for the role I haven't devoted my life to this and while that terrifies me it also motivates me to work harder because I want to really respect this artform and in order to do that I need to train harder and really prepare all three areas of my triple threat so that I respect the other people who are taking time to do this with me by putting my own time in to respect their art form alright you guys so it's our first day of school thank you so much for being a part of this and obviously we are here for the amazing Michelle we spend so much time in a room working on the song then going to the first musical rehearsal and hearing everyone's being all the part really brought it to life it's been so much fun getting to experience how the YouTube world works I love tap and I love how they're bringing tap into this everyone falls in love with it the girls happen it's just timeless ladies and gentlemen and gender nonconforming I hope you had a magical 2019 you're gonna go watch click subscribe oh yeah so I give Michelle a homework assignment and I said why don't you create something from your heart will you teach everybody okay I want to preface by I'm not a dancer so yes you're a Broadway star so you're gonna go right left dot dot set left right dad [Applause] everyone has been picking up choreography super quick which is you know why we hired the professionals that we hired and they're very supportive of Michelle and the product that might have is going to be so great because of Joseph's choreography and the way that he's setting it up to succeed once we get into our tech corporate Indiana YouTube channel known as t-series has officially passed pewdiepie is the number one creator on the platform does this finally take the goo out of YouTube [Music] when I got involved I didn't realize I was gonna be playing pewdiepie he has a very particular accent he doesn't say you he says practically became popular pepe practically became too popular I'm not gonna really nail it I'm just gonna have fun and he'll just have to deal if it sucks sorry about your beauty yeah we actually went to extensive lengths to get the actual PewDiePie headphones because they are sold out so we had to go on eBay and get them congratulations series so we talked about it being website story duking it out with an entire corporation ah don't make it big this is not big okay this is creamy sneaky sultry do get it up with an entire corporation are you our subscriber base is the entire Indian nation you're acting in there they say are you high play with how you're gonna do that are you I our subscriber base is the entire Indian nation yeah how'd it feel good yeah yeah I like a tan acting and do that cuz I'm so focused on like my nature yeah oh that emote first technique helps you emote it shouldn't inhibit you hi i'm steve minich duppa and i'll be part of the t-series section in this music I'm a part of Disneyland and I'm in the show called making magical map as a dancer learning all the crowd if we learning all the lyrics and putting it all together in just a couple of days like it's been a really crazy process usually whistles tend to be about two months but it's really cool to watch everyone come to and create something out of another I had an idea for PewDiePie singing like a witness bringing home kind of thing but about who's not in Iran I mean I hear old tea my prayer in the PewDiePie song we want to see PewDiePie's nine year old army so we'd have all the adults on their knees do we have kneepads for everyone will you do that and try traveling across the stage do they swords they do yeah these props I love actually look at this minecraft swords these looks so good you'll have a sword in one hand and then a torch in the other it looks pixelated just like this [Music] [Music] [Music] we're going to Broadway kids this project is way bigger than we anticipated and it's taking a lot of people time and money to pull this off there are moments where you just look at the actors dressed as Bigfoot in an alien and Jeffrey star and Jim Boston and you think did we go it is currently raining on the lights that's actually a fair enough yeah I was thinning there you get pretty wet very soon we will learn if what we've spent twenty thousand dollars on is actually going to work and make sense welcome to our wardrobe area even though this is only in Eamon and performance there are so many costumes so many props so many quick changes so many people playing multiple characters Steve Christ who plays both Jay Paul and King capers burger has to do like a super-fast complete wardrobe change and they got it on our last attempt [Music] this is Olivia she's gonna plate an emoji so we're gonna go get her outfitted in a wedding gown yay when I told you to go to the ends of the earth for you may I present the one and only bride in spite of our best efforts it's not a disaster yet as long as one person leaves being positively affected whether they're called to donate 220 million trees whether it's they have this epiphany about what their life needs to be from one of the moments in this as long as there's a positive effect ation on someone from watching it then I think we've done our job being a part of this experience has been amazing because our fearless leader Michele goes in 110 percent which is exactly the kind of vibe you want in musical theater like you don't leave anything for the show you bring it all out in rehearsal it makes you want to get more of you the performance as well what I got to enjoy today with this project was seeing from where we came from who they want to where we are now and seeing how beautiful the show is and how beautiful the message that we are sending to people is and I always clients I'm gonna choke up now this has been the most incredible group of people seriously thank you all for taking this insane dive and putting your trust into us in this project that you have no idea what's gonna turn out it is kind of crazy from day one until now because we've been our creative meeting of like going through stuff it's here so thank you guys trying to do a musical in six weeks using an already existing musical is challenging we wrote this from scratch like Michelle sort of training we didn't have a song to go off of for the first two and athletes so seriously thank you guys for trusting us and for doing it this with us my audience is going to lose our mind over this and they're going to fall in love with all of you so much and like the people that you're embodying their idols on YouTube like the people they watch every single day it's gonna be amazing I want everyone to huddle up we're gonna say YouTube rewind on 1 2 3 [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Michelle Khare
Views: 2,060,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michelle khare, buzzfeed michelle, youtube rewind, broadway, theater, jeffree star, acting, singing, new york city, dear evan hansen, teamtrees, #teamtrees, pewdiepie, shane dawson, youtube rewind 2019, youtube rewind 2018, for the record, #youtuberewind, reaction, try, for the first time, review, react, behind the scenes, tap dance, tap routine, vocal lesson, training, triple threat, performance, I Trained Like A Broadway Star, in the heights, in the heights trailer, cats, cats trailer
Id: NejdIws9TY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 25sec (2005 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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