Disney Princesses Reveal Secrets About Disney

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if all the princesses had Twitter they would hashtag me too oh goodness goodness is something Snow White said she would see like oh goodness me I was oh nine like three years here are some things you might not know about the Disney theme parks we're to the main entrance of Disney Hollywood studios that was my job was basically just be like smiling creepy security that just like suggests people should leave I worked in entertainment at Disney so I did a lot of different roles I got to be friends with Cinderella and Rapunzel I was best friends with Princess Tiana so friends with is the term used when you play this character so I was Snow White when you're at Disney there's only one Cinderella Mickey Mouse runs it you're not allowed to say I play Snow White or I am Snow White they didn't want anyone to know who I was I couldn't post photos up this is me as Snow White it was this is my friend Snow White what advice would I give someone going to Disney the best time I would say to go to Disney is any time other than the summer summer sucks ass it's brutally hot all the kids are there on vacation there's just like waves of hot humanity coming in during the summer so the best time to go is think is in October most of the time when I was working there I didn't see people for like whole half-hour stretches October in the daytime it's actually pretty decent the best time to go was immediately after the holidays over after Christmas and before Valentine's Day because the weather is absolutely amazing it should be perfect peachy peachy keen that's what princess tiana would say i really afternoon and the evening is the best time because everyone's at lunch babies and stuff like that or taking naps back of the hotel right in the middle there there's like a sweet spot where you can just go to everything so just like bring a bunch of snacks or something and then hit up you know Splash Mountain while the kids are asleep what are secret places only the cast knows about definitely the tunnels Disney's very good at hiding things we have tunnels through every park except for Animal Kingdom of a term for it is called the Attila door the biggest underground you will ever see in all the Disney's Magic Kingdom is actually on the second story because it floods so much in Florida and then there's the tunnels underground it's just like dark and creepy creatures or like half in costume but half not you have your giant dressing rooms dining halls you have everything we even have a subway all of that underground the underground tunnels oh my gosh that's where the real villains are looking this get for free if you get a cast member at the right point of the day you can literally just ask them can I have a fast fast and they probably give it to you I know sometimes they do this thing where they pick someone and they give them a free night and Cinderella's castle or something like that or they'll give them like an upgrade to a suite those things are so hard to predict I couldn't tell anyone like how to go about doing it I've seen some people give out hats as well which is really cute and they always have those people with their carts songs are nice to them they can probably give you something for free someone bumps into your popcorn spills the cast members the employees they will run up and switch it out and they'll replace it for free ooh ooh you ready okay this is what you can get for free because Disney loves extend the magic and make all the guests happy you can complain enough to where you could possibly sometimes skip the line to see like on an Elsa or to see Princess Tiana and príncipe V you'd have to complain to the right person when we're at the main entrance we pick like a random family and then we'd roll out the red carpet and they come in and it's like very cute there's like fake paparazzi and stuff like that but if there's definitely something for like every area of the park I would just ask one of the sweet old people in the morning the cast members really are passionate about trying to make magic for everyone if they can do something they more than likely will particularly you know for people that are just really sweet really nice what should people do when they need a princess oh yes oh my gosh I have so much advice always say yes we're here to have fun like play along the more you play along the more the more you get out of it more fun it is for you and them being yourself interact naturally like don't be too shy and hold back because the more you interact them well we feel what they feel this characters that they can be themselves just be nice be friendly be quick because we're trying to get through as many people as we can and then number two is just if you can kind of sit back and relax a little bit and just kind of like hold your camera and watch versus trying to direct the whole interaction the kids are going to be more comfortable so they're gonna like open up and they're gonna talk more some of the little kids get really frisky and they want to go inside the dress are going to meet address and Tiana's dress is one of the biggest layouts it's got like eight hoops they'll try to go in and meet the dress and one time the child got stuck on I mean if you have an infant do not put them on a Disney Princesses or prints or characters anyone's lap because I've seen explosions I'm just don't put your baby on anyone at Disney weshould Park colors avoid the characters at like Park capacity that's when you start seeing all these characters because they're trying to peel people away from the lines of the lines go down if you start seeing like Rafiki or something like the more obscure characters they're just there just to like peel you up but don't fall for it see the characters they're not there all day and then do the rise definitely avoid the bathrooms at the front of the park they're just so crowded so there tends to be hidden ones everywhere in terms of food the turkey legs are delicious but they are literally like 2,000 calories so I would split it with a friend stay away from any crazy beer the Japan pavilion and Epcot called the frozen Japanese beer it's literally just like if at 7-eleven you poured a miller lite beer slushy and it cost like fourteen dollars it was like the worst thing I've ever tasted my entire life have I ever been propositioned well in character oh my gosh all the princesses had twitter they would hashtag me too to be honest with you you'd be like very shocked the brazen things people do i've been proposed to many a times people have attempted to kiss me both male and female please don't be a creep when you go meet the princesses there are people too and most of them are married so just like avoid that the children they'll pull the petals down on a corset that reveals Tiana's you know extra beignets don't try to kiss them don't be too handsy princesses do give out kisses sometimes to little boys and girls big boys and girls no they do not so just don't ask we get it all the time the daddies would come up and they'd be like Prince Tiana's fine and then Tiana be like all right right over here so don't be touching my beignets if you inappropriate touch any of the characters you will be arrested if you inappropriately make a comment you will be kicked out of the park the characters are all humans - I did actually date Snow White's prince for that it's a lot of the princesses find their princes at the Magic Kingdom they can turn into drink on shoes or nightmares where do people go to hook up ooh yeah well there's look at the classic lake you go to the castle whatever that's probably a good date people just make out all over the place in Disney it's kind of a little yeah it's yeah you're you'll be in the parade and you're like waving to people and you're like oh there they are oh now look at you two - the five flashes friendly together down the bayou maybe you guys could actually skip on down to the Magic Kingdom that would be perfect see a firework show Epcot I feel like it's just like a lawless land no one really cares a spaceship earth I imagine that's a good makeout ride because nobody's really paying attention if I was to bring a date I would go there the best place I can think of to go to be alone and I don't know from personal experience Morocco in Epcot where you can drink around the world Morocco has a lot of places that are just like off the path and you just get you away from the rest of the park me and my buddies the thing was just like finding places to smoke weed basically there's like pavilions that they made in like 1993 that some ride broke down and like nobody cares because it's Epcot this thing pavilion are supposed to be about the human body so there was this whole ride there was like called body Wars and now it just sits there and nobody guards it so you can have your own body Wars so to speak thank you for watching I hope you got to learn a lot of tips and tricks all right by you you get it but it's like by you but it's still reference to the value hmm you got a deal a little tea yes okay hey guys do you know it's Hispanic Heritage Month nobody you guys from Loyola team of content right here
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 5,195,651
Rating: 4.9374781 out of 5
Keywords: GkpE, best time to go to disney world, buzzfeed, buzzfeed video, buzzfeedvideo, disney, disney land, disney movies, disney princess, disney princess secrets, disney secrets, disney tips, disney world, disney world secrets, disney world tips, disney world tricks, disneyland, disneyland secrets, epcot, facts about disney, secrets of disney, walt disney, walt disney world
Id: 3eV3XWucL1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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