I Trained Like A Pop Star For 60 Days

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I've done some pretty insane things in my life but nothing sounds scarier than singing there's something really powerful and brave about a person who has the confidence to totally kill it in the recording studio I want to know what that's like to feel like my voice is strong I think about everyone when they're young plays pretend imagining that they're on a stage singing or dancing in front of a crowd High School Musical I was very excited about it [Music] honestly this was peakmi let's be real I was Lucy and Charlie Brown I was because that ending is maybe this has piqued me I don't know but when I went to college it wasn't like that kind of fell into this place thinking that singing or performing or doing lofty artistic things wasn't what I was supposed to be doing and instead I should be focused on classes and making your career so I left it behind I haven't sung in eight years I don't even know what my real singing voice sounds like anymore for this extreme challenge I'm going to be writing in recording and releasing my own song this pretty phenomenal world-renowned voice coach Kyra Fontana responded to my email she's trained everyone on Cleave carly rae jepsen on the voice and she's gonna work with me I worked with Kara before and she is amazing so you're gonna love her I started singing around ten years old and I just fell in love with it few years later just as like an experiment I was 13 I made this music video called Friday and that just blew me and everyone away at just the sheer fact of how much attention it got when it was supposed to get nothing so that was my start into all this I got so many positives out of that experience I don't think I'd be even here if it weren't for Friday but I think it's just too much like for someone so young and so I went through a lot of loneliness and just trying to figure myself out I was a teenager at the same time it wasn't at all like this is gonna be my star I'm ready for it was I ready for all that so young since then you've made a lot of music since you've turned something that has happened to you into an inspiration for new music anyone who is making music anyone anyone out there has something that they're like oh I can take this in on it and make it mine and hopefully give that to someone else and that's one of the best things about I think singing and music like you have that in your own way whether you figured it out or not I'm so excited for you okay okay oh my gosh I can't believe we're doing this when we walk in it is just like those really fancy recording studios you see and all the behind the scenes of the major record labels there's a huge bore with all these buttons the room is completely soundproof and very intimate thank you so much taking the time we really appreciate it I'm gonna be coaching Michelle for the next 60 days and we're gonna work on training her voice and taking her from a more musical theater style to a real pop star style and then writing a song together from scratch and then fully producing it - so I'm like one of the hit songs you hear on the radio first of all I applaud your courage because I think singing is one of the scariest things and then writing your own song and singing it and then releasing it to the public he's got to be one of the scariest things there is it seems like an untapped passion of yours yeah it kind of needs to be reignited so that will be amazing - yeah a lot of reasons do you want to sing something for me I guess I have time yeah it's not like you can do anything wrong it's just for me to hear where you're starting I would love to sound like Demi Lovato by the end of this but I don't know where I am now okay do you know any of her songs her songs stone cold those pretty intense that song is amazing what's your it let's let's try okay you can do it oh my god stone cold stone cold you see me standing but I'm dying on the floor stone cold stone cold maybe if I don't cry I won't feel anymore stone cold God knows I try to feel happy for you it's really scary singing for cure for the first time knowing that someone who works with incredible singers every day is listening to me sing makes me really self-conscious so we've got a lot to start with you have great pitch your voice is beautiful we will get a lot more power out of it please and I think there's a big transition from in your case musical theater to pop yeah I think the biggest challenge for Michelle is taking her voice from that more musical theatre background that she has and getting it to transition into star quality pop stone there's a lot of muscle memory habit of singing a certain way which we're gonna have to break and then rebuild pop technique you kind of felt that just happen where when you get nervous it's hard to breathe right this is your instrument your body is your instrument when you're feeling fear and when you lock up like all these little muscles tighten up yeah it affects your voice so we probably didn't even hear your full voice right then there'll be strategies you learn for that too which are really fun Kira is a really great job of addressing things physically how to breathe where to put the sound in my face singing is a lot more physically involved than I imagined so we're just going up and then we're holding it exactly and then I'm just gonna take you up by step through the range and you know when it's really comfortable to kind of start flipping into your head voice I want to see you try to kind of keep it big and just see what happens okay okay solid you are used to singing in your head voice most the time which you will not do in pop okay so we're gonna build you an amazing chest voice and that's we're gonna sing a lot of your verses and your lower stuff it's it's basically using more of your real speaking tone you're gonna find a whole new area of your voice where you can sing these huge pop songs and have it sound more like what you're hearing on the radio at the end of the first lesson I sound completely different stone-cold you see me standing but I'm dying on the floor stone cold stone cold maybe if I don't cry I won't feel anymore nice work oh no I'm really really impressed because you've been singing one way your whole life and you completely transformed we got a real chest voice and you're sounding great and this is one step along the way this is not your finished sound but you just made a huge leap I feel like the first lesson was amazing she has a good natural instrument she's got great pitch what we're doing is essentially filling that gap and taking her from being a good singer to a great singer so what do you mean write your song about I thought a lot about what our songs that I loved and look - and I found myself trying to piece together elements from popular songs to make it unique but I don't think that was the right way to do it on my channel I love taking on challenges and a lot of times when I tell people this is what I want to do people say you could never why would you ever do that so I really want to do something that's kind of endemic taking those negative words and using them for energy I love that really that's gonna be so good when I started writing songs like heart flow scars for the Great Divide those were about literally exactly what was going on in my head in that moment don't hold anything back there's no reason to like water it down if you try to make something mainstream I feel like it doesn't work yeah you just got to say whatever is on your mind okay what are some things physically that you have done that were huge challenges you know that other people didn't think you could do or you didn't think you could do I trained with the mixed martial arts instructor and did a fight okay so let's say something about fighting anything you couldn't think of to do with fighting like being an underdog yes rhythm and specifics that are only specific to fighting - like the idea being in a ring lacing up the yellow inventory's good when I heard other people cheering for me to lose it felt like it was more than like I want this team versus this team to win or lose it was like I want this person to fail and did it get to you a little yeah but also like it gave me like like I wanted so you're also keying in on that specific feeling because it's one thing to say when people try to hold me down like it makes don't wanna fight harder fight harder but you're looking at like a moment and you can also remember that moment when you're singing this song and that's gonna help make sure it goes cuz I ain't afraid to fight yeah step it in the ring it's going down heard it all before but you won't beat me tell me okay tell me I can't you know I really thought that this challenge was gonna be entirely can I sound good when I sing that has obviously been a large hurdle to overcome but what I wasn't expecting was the connection I would feel to writing and hearing and singing a song about something that means a lot to me after the first couple lessons I definitely feel like I'm making huge strides oh my god I can't believe I hit the high note in stone cold today feels really cool I just did it and I didn't have any pressure on myself and then afterwards I was like oh my god I did it so the sound that you have no one tell me I can't it's like why we do all these exercises you know you can't turn into like a star pop singer in a few weeks like the way that they could just knock it out you know but you hitting that at all is amazing you work so hard for four minutes you're working hard because you're newer to it right so it's a challenge just like anytime you take on something new and train for it but right now you're getting it sometimes and it's amazing and will just capture you getting it every time okay practice practice practice sing as much as you can the more you sing I feel like the more you kind of find that easiness in it and find what really works for you not trying to like force something that shouldn't come out it's a balance between like technique and what's your style I think that's okay a really important thing we're about halfway there after this much training at the midway point it's like okay intellectually you know what to do now you need to think about what you're singing and get yourself 100% committed and this is her own song so it's got to be percent all right we'll film Bakke going in the studio to meet with josh the first time is a really really cool experience sometimes in pop songs I love the music and the track more than the lyrics or the person singing and it's really cool to watch the behind the scenes of where all of these crazy sounds we hear in pop songs come from my name is Josh Monroy I'm from Atlanta Georgia originally I've worked with Ludacris for about 10 years I've got a couple platinum records with him most recently I've produced Jojo it's really cool to meet somebody who has worked on incredible tracks and he's gonna make a track for me [Music] it's really interesting to see all of the details of the things I take for granted when I listen to some of my favorite songs and how time-intensive this process is just working on the track we're there for an entire day listening to the same things over and over again and I'm not even sinking to it this is just to get the musical part of it this is one of Michelle's favorite sounds it's a plug-in called exhale using vocal samples just it sounds almost like a flute or something but it's actually human voice I also really love the Tom's and this a lot of the big tribal drums that we did just really helps to pump up the energy we need to add like you know more drums more percussion and bigger piano in the corner suite awesome after we finalized the chocolate Josh I'm getting really excited but also really nervous for the final vocal day already she's not ready because when you hear moments of something great coming out that's not when it's time to record it's time to record when it's great all the time you know when it's great all the way through a line and grade all the way through a verse and great all the way through a song right now we're great if we're lucky through a line recording a song is a very intense process like being in the booth what is that like for you it is intense sometimes and it can be really nerve-wracking but it's not about like getting that perfect take it's about easing into the best you can give being in the vocal booth suddenly elevates all of the stress when we're in the booth the time is limited we get one day we get a set amount of hours and I are there get it or I don't this is it this is this is the stuff they show in the Demi Lovato documentary you do a lot of takes we'll probably hit record over 200 times today then we have to compile comp all those takes together at the end of vocal days I just my brains fried this is hard work it's glamorous as people think hasten up my gloves I ain't afraid to fight mm-hmm stepping in the ring it's going down tonight I don't buy your fake reality sorry that was bad I don't buy your fake reality it's really tough singing something in the booth and then having someone say that was perfect except the last note was slightly flat do it again the tempos off the tone is off the emotion isn't there and Michelle remember they send in my gloves cuz I ain't afraid to were you singing the cause I I guess not no okay cool lacing up my gloves cuz I ain't afraid to fight you've got nerve to be the judge of me I don't buy your fake reality sorry Kira was directing me like I was an actor in a movie telling me about the emotion I should be feeling and how to deliver a line I want to get um fine words like weapons firing words like weapons and I think that needs to have more like that vibe in it you know that it's like they're fun yeah okay you know I mean I thought that those things you know apply to an actor on set cuz their face is in it this is just a song it's just my voice I can fake it you can't fake it don't be afraid of it dive into it you have to commit remember it's like if you're halfway it's gonna go back to your muscle memory which is head voice you're getting ready to fight right so initially yeah you sound a little too sweet like yeah we think a little nastier like a little less sweet there's this one section I could not for the life of me get in the way that Kyra and Josh wanted we're seriously you could yell this and it would come out chest voice you know what I mean yep it's low okay you're good get your breathing back take a few deep breaths you know what I mean yeah cuz we've got time we'll get it and it wasn't until Kyra told me sing it to somebody who's like held you back you know what I mean like literally sing it to somebody pic picture that person in your head and do it yes you know what I mean how's that okay good cuz that really helps so it's like not even a visual it's real make it real like sing it to that person and I immediately it was able to picture these people I was immediately able to picture the situation and it got me out of my head and I sang it and we got [Music] so it's finally the day where I'm gonna meet with Cara for the last time and we're gonna listen to the final mix of the song this is a really special moment for me thank you for being good even though I'm like pretzeled myself up but really excited to listen to this yeah yeah okay let's do it [Music] I know how like weird this moment is to play someone your song oh she's coming in like a bad Oh oh my god [Music] [Music] sir my staff [Music] that's so good Rebecca black cover - Irina I'm going - we got this is awesome you haven't thank you here [Music] I know I'm like not really if I had heard this a month ago I would not have told you you did it tell me one can hahaha hey den this challenge has been completely different from anything else I've ever done and I thought that in all of my other challenges those experiences were the most raw things I could put on the Internet and I think that this tops all of that this message is really personal to me I hope that you guys like my first song I can't believe I just said that since it's available for download on iTunes and Spotify and if you liked it please share it this song isn't for me it's for everybody I really think it's a message that a lot of people can relate to and understand and if you feel the same please sing a cover of it send me a video of you dancing to it or in the car with your friends listening to it I want as many people in the world to know that you can do whatever you want there's no reason you can't go and do it [Music] you gotta stand you [Music]
Channel: Michelle Khare
Views: 2,508,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maroon 5, girls like you, cardi b, carly rae jepsen, michelle khare, buzzfeed michelle, singing, pop, pop song, billboard, rebecca black, rebecca black friday, victoria's secret, concert, try, for the first time, records, trending, youtube trending, rock, kanye west, new song, trends, how to sing, review, sing off, the four, american idol, the voice, america's got talent, golden buzzer, singing competition, x factor, got talent, tell me i can't, tell me i can't michelle khare
Id: qhuKvMRqsk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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