I took my TURBO DIESEL Scout Offroading (Officially Impressed)

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the scout is back and in a big way we're going to be taking this thing to an off-road park now that it has a lift tires bumper let's put this thing to use because growing up if you're anything like me you always heard the stories international scouts are tanks they're indestructible the farmers and ranchers would say never got one stuck impossible they go anywhere right so the problem is there's a lack of evidence i have not seen it personally so we're going to set out to see where can a scalp go and what can it do stay tuned [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we got it in the shop here because we're getting this thing ready we gotta check out the differentials maybe glance at the u-joints that i know are bad and we're not gonna fix also i gotta put brakes on it okay i've been daily driving this thing for months now and i think one right caliper is working in the front brake lights on pedal goes the floor there's no brakes that's what i'm saying so that could be handy going through the trails at an off-road park especially if we're going to be coming off rock cliffs or i don't know what we're getting into so we're going to lift this thing up i've got a master cylinder and wheel cylinders and calipers and shoes and pads and hoses and dew dabs and clips we're going to probably start in the rear work our way through this thing until either we get breaks or we just get exhausted and give up at that point but let's get this thing up in the air do some mantinance on this before we head to the park this is ag-1 by athletic greens but before i tell you more about this let me tell you something about me that you did not know a few years ago i used to be what some would call a gym rat yep weird right but i said it in fact i used to go to the gym four to five days a week i had a very very strict schedule a diet and everything that goes with it but now that i work seven days a week on the channel here i literally do not have time to make it to the gym however that doesn't mean i can't give my body the vitamins and minerals it needs for the past month or so i've been doing that by ag-1 this literally has 75 vitamins and minerals in it plus it supports a healthy gut and a healthy gut for me meant more energy and a better mood i used to have a whole rack of vitamins and stuff that i would chew on in the morning but i no longer have to do that one scoop of ag1 takes care of me to use it super simple throw this in here throw on a little bit of water put it whatever is your favorite shaker cup i use this one because i'm lazy and it literally shakes it for me i take this right away in the morning done to get your first order started go to athleticgreens.com forward slash vice grip athletic greens is going to help you out by giving you one year free vitamin d and five travel packets again that's athleticgreens.com forward slash vice grip thanks to athletic greens for sponsoring this video now let's get back to the scout buddy josh is here from utah utah he is a off-road condo sewer sure he heard we were off-road in the scout and he says i'm in yeah and what he didn't know is i was already planning that he was going to do a full brake job so i didn't sign up for that part what do we got back here caliper pads you got two left two right those are beach beefy actually they are single piston we got some shoes for the rear bendix wow got some tsum ting long brake hoses i'm pretty sure i already knew that those were dry rotted which is why i got those i got the brake hardware bag which is a must if you're doing drum brakes because everything just explodes got wheel cylindrey's master cylindry must have been feeling really ambitious banjo bolt shims that sounds confusing so basically we've got an entire brake system and like i said we'll start in the back start putting things together and replacing and whatnot until we get a functional brake system but if we're super ambitious maybe we'll get all the way up and to put a new master in i literally picked all this stuff up back in like december i just haven't had the time to really dive into this thing but going off-roading is a good excuse to finally dig into this what are you looking at there well we just got all this play right here in this yolk slip yoke u-joint yeah no that u-joint is definitely shot that's fine we'll just pretend we didn't see anything um do you have any uh do you have any dana 44 front chevy axles laying around or i do they're in trucks yeah trucks i wonder if this is close to the same length length ish wiser so we can at least have a spare that's if this one goes full potato it's funny how dainty these drive shafts are that's just for a diesel i mean that i can wrap my fingers around it that's fine right yeah we're looking at the pinion seals are leaking and we're gonna check the levels on that because you know we're gonna fill them with water here soon so we want to have a little bit of oil in them that's probably what was keeping it plugged not anymore great cool yeah we might want to pop this off and that is that's thick it's not leaking out of the pumpkin or the diff cover it's just all coming out of that pinion which is normal you want to lift these off above your head right yes that's the only way well just throwing your nuts everywhere okay oh yeah we got wheel spacers on here forgot about that i guess i could lower this down so the tire isn't above my head sure that goes down fast thing waste no time i forgot about these spacers i suppose that's another weak point ah not necessarily is it a hub-centric design or negative feels rough country uh no they were japan country oh five on five and a half that might be the only thing that comes off easy take that does it going to come off absolutely not great nope she is her medically sealed so so far we got a blown wheel cylinder you can tell because of the way that it is but honestly if you get this slimy gross like feeling on the shoes here that's all that brake fluid mixing with the brake dust and it makes kind of that paste so that shot gonna have to replace that looking at that line i think i got one of those we can maybe get in here too hopefully this will back off no we'll twist that off you know the break so in ursuline you know we're going to be replacing this and it just goes on and on and on this needs turned horribly bad so i'm going to call into town and see if they have the adapter i know they turn the dinner plate breaks but i'm not sure about these and these haven't been turned ever that's a huge groove from the shoe design here this side wasn't as bad but the drum also needs fixed on so we're going to load both those up head down to o'reilly's and have them turn those while we're getting in here doing the stuff so here you can see the actual brake juice you know it's going ahead and leaking on there so yeah this one is definitely shot i got all that new hardware this stuff doesn't look that bad but we'll put the new stuff back in anyway and josh is gonna try to crack open the rear and see if there's anything left in it because the pinion seal is pretty shot but we can at least top it off and ignore the leak so this quick little jobber it's turned into a little bit of a leaky mess here the oil was so thick it wasn't quite coming out so he thinned her up with some brake clean and well now she's not clogged was clogging up the line but we're slowly getting there i'm over here rebuilding this backing plate and what i mean by that is just you know a little bit of brake rejuvenation spray speaking of rebuilding just a reminder you can rebuild these fellers if you're on a tight budget you just pop these caps off put seals in them yadda yadda the kits are out there for most wheel cylinders but not all i'm gonna go ahead and just put new ones in the jabber outer pins here and then the whirly wool wheel down here i just run them through the cheek poker and clean them up and tricks are for kids so i'm going to give you a tip here assembling this is always difficult most guys find because it's always shooting apart and falling and you got to keep lining everything up and whatever this is just hanging in place because i always start on the bottom with the spring here and your adjuster upper rolly really and then that's just going to squeeze it and then if you have it in the grooves it'll just sit here and hang and now in this case i can go in start putting together the e-brake actually this part goes on first i got to get that through the whirly woo and then start putting my springs on in reverse order once those are in then i come back and put the pins with the curlicues with the do dabs and all that stuff guys got this side finished up now i just got to move over to the captain side and do the same process back from o'reilly's these look pretty darn good sure beats special ordering these or what have you and waiting on them 20 bucks get them turned i'm going to go ahead and finish rebuilding them hit them with a little bit of of course you know the color by now the old 16 1635 that'll bring that right back around to brand new factory so when a guy puts these drums on what i normally do is make your adjustment and get it as close as you can so when you slide this on you get just a little bit of drag then you can come back through the window with your spoon wrench also known as just a flat screwdriver and then you can finitely adjust it spin it roll it you don't want it gripping and grabbing you want it to spin freely but just hear a little bit of drag on this look at his footwork he's checking the front you know axle thing and he said it looks decent and we're going to pretend it's good so that's nice also rebuilt the frame a little bit of so that means there's all new bushings now and i just i can't find the receipts but all the body mounts and everything are brand new these are a little wet but we're gonna roll with it so i got this one loosely adjusted a little bit of friction but not terrible and do one side at a time because if you've got both on and you're trying to turn this side and the other side is dragging you're going to think this side is dragging but is it the other side but you're not sure so you adjust that side you should have done this side and then you got to do it all again so one at a time we're on the wheels and then we can get this thing up in our teeth and start bleeding and then that's the point we're going to figure out if the mask is still good i'm thinking it hopefully is because we saw evidence of other issues within the brake system now fingers crossed gonna actually be building pressure we don't start blowing out hard lines and other stuff in the system probably shouldn't have even said that i'm anxious to see all these good trips actually trip off-road they do have a 10-ply uh sidewall which is great we're gonna air them down and then bring a little compressor with this but they definitely have an aggressive tread pattern it doesn't mean they'll perform good nope i wanted to get your peeper hooked into this this is kind of convenient almost always when you replace these rubber lines which if you're wondering why i'm replacing this you know it's still good but not any hooves up here there's usually a regular brake fitting that comes right into this and you try to get this out and it strips or breaks the brake line that goes up to either a distribution block or the master cylinder then you've opened a can of rocks and you're really into it so this is nice because this bolt just comes right into the end of the hose here and we're not going to have that issue this is a new one i got here we'll do this on both sides while we're in here basically all we got to do is just disconnect it here because we're going to take all of this off and just put new on now that being said i am going to hang on to these old calipers because they're working and i do have other scouts so we're going to throw them in the parts bin and hang on to them so we're not wasting these or anything like that definitely not going to turn them in for a core or throw them away going to hang on to them this one's okay that one i could see the groove on that one actually from here hugs are smooth both sides which is really really good news we don't have to dig into that stuff really different brake design there's basically this sits on here and i guess you just physically drive this in and it literally just pinches the caliper in between these two parts here it's not like gm where you have bolts or most other makes where you have bolts that you pull out so that's pretty interesting also my suspicion i think is true where the right front was the only thing breaking because this is really really thin well there's nothing left and the driver's side looks halfway decent we got this side all buttoned up this did come with all the new hardware and the jammy slidey pins and the locker dewdap and the hose came with new crush washers which is great no issues over here everything went back together good this is pretty taunt though boy you're gonna have to hopefully they don't heat up and stick but there's really only one way to smash these together and it's just tight so hopefully after a few miles it gets a little bit of wear in this and it loosens up but i am a little bit concerned that that's going to create some heat and stick like we had on the cadillac when we put new calipers and pads in we're going to use the brake horse juice sucker machine get the stuff out and clean this out yeah it shouldn't be cherry red rust color so we'll dip this in here get all this soaked out and then we'll take the brake cleaner and rejuvenize on it there we go ready yep [Music] all right that's good there now we could try to get this mud out of here it's terrible look at this here now fellers completely rebuilt brand new now we just throw some brake juice in it and start pumping slowly build some pressure then i think we'll go ahead and just use that machine because well i'm lazy and that just auto magically pulls all the air out of the system and hopefully we're good to go well great news entire truck is bled zero leaks and the pedal is rock hard so we're good to go the master cylinder is definitely bad and it's fading whenever you hold your foot on it the seal end of the shot don't have a rebuild kit but we got that new one so luckily in this rig i mean they got it right up in your eyebrows it's not like tucked way down in there and the fittings on here look pretty good still going to hit him with some juice should have this off pretty quick and then we just gotta bleed it again well it got pretty late on us last night we did get the new master cylindrey in then we had some air get locked up in that distribution block and it took a little bit to get it out but we had a fun time had some friends over and stuff like that but we're getting all loaded up this morning we're going to have a spare jack minimal tools a couple of vice grips that's all a guy needs i had this side customized but josh finished customizing that side this morning it's fine you know two sasquatches in here you gotta get a little headroom especially with how much we're planning on bouncing today this is the real deal fiberglass here so to make this a little bit more challenging and interesting we're going to go ahead and drive this to the trail do some off-roading today try to drive this thing back average feller is doing that anyway right you're just driving your rig up there having a little bit of fun wheeling and then you got to get yourself home so we're going to stop at the gas station top off a diesel grab a chicken sandwich i don't care who you are you're good first issue of the day the old battery is over charge layton the charging roller is set to turbo mode thankfully this is full mechanical so we're just going to fire it up take the negative off and then we'll basically just use this to start the rig we're not going to have any gauges but we don't need them you could smell when this thing's getting hot or anything like that and also with the egts you get a little bit of oil smell so we'll be fine i'm gonna fire this up hold the break josh can take off the negative and then we're on the road well we have made her to woolies off-road never been here before they've got i can't remember how many hundreds and hundreds of acres this guy just said he had back here and it's split up by behind the shop and there's a highway and then in front of it we have no idea where we're going there's some sort of a map and it says everything from big hill yep it's a big hill to if you go here you're going to get dents and broken glass now our goal is not to beat this thing up i don't want to have new dens or break any glass or anything like that this is more of a can a guy go deer hunting or gold panning or tenting or whatever in a scout reasonably and not get stuck or break down as he's falling down there's a bunch of stuff like this out here we may eventually get to today but for now we're going to kind of just catch our bearings and wheel around a little bit see what we can find there's so much out here we want to try to get you know a little bit different flavors of terrain if we can well a couple fellers found ourselves in this situation what beautiful country but all of this might i say fear is a little bit more than what the scout can handle but you guys pick you got doesn't look good we definitely ain't making it through that don't got the articulation too deep we're stuck i don't even know how to explain what's going on over there that ain't gonna work and definitely not getting through those roots so you guys pick right kind of right middle or left okay i mean we'll go that way but i just i feel like we're going to be using the come along but that's what you want [Music] so [Music] well i guess we're going to try to go this way and that bounces up into there crosses over on the side then we got to get into the creek bed to go that way he's going to spot me and i don't know see what happens i don't think you'd be hunting like this but we're definitely testing out the scout [Music] so well we just made her to the top of that now we've got to decide you know i don't know what to do at this point get across there can't go up the creek bed ain't got clearance i guess we're going to be straddling that unless we turn around we're in here you know what i mean sure is a nice creek creek whatever you call them well got ourselves in a situation we're gonna have to come up that i can't get through this because we can't flex through that ravine we're gonna try to roll it going around this gotta make a sharp corner up by josh try to head up that trail and then we think there's a road up there somewhere that can get us back to you know normal real life situation stuff so bumper into four low and this feet are the onions i guess nothing left to do [Music] [Music] [Music] we roll at least it's in your favor is it oh yeah you got the short fall i'm the one that gets the tree in the head i feel like these springs are breaking in though now that's actually getting a little more flexible yeah hard hard [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh got a tie rod in that's a good sign the joint's gone so as long as we don't fold a tire into the crack we're fine that's also about 400 bigger than mine yep uh yeah i guarantee that's what happened the guy came in here the tire turned popped broke this out oh boy we'll be fine it's time yeah we're kind of putting together a story here of broken parts and this guy here is a tie rod remover they're neat you can find them in nature oh i know what that does happen here he cut this you sure see that it's been welded together with a very oh yeah something long wow not supposed to be like that but is it good should we keep it for a spare we probably make it work right yeah it's lost both joints that's cool we got barbed wire okay the plan is i don't have one i'm just gonna you know hang on stay away from these things blow a bead snap a tie rod and just uh you know see if it happens [Music] [Music] so and we got to navigate this section this is where we slammed our dips into the ground so i'm going to jump up on here almost roll it through there hug that tree which should maybe save us and then we'll work our way down and we're going to try to come back down to the camp which is you know it's a scooch that way and then we saw some trails on the other side i think what did you say like 350 acres or something over there something crazy right so we've got this whole side on the a little bit on the left side of the right side of the road and there's a whole other side over there so i'll have a gander at least yeah this is an amazing place [Music] i think we found where the rock bouncers come to play we got some signage in here and this is all uphill steep like that we don't quite think we're gonna risk the side this side over here seems to be you know the professionals with the lincoln lockers and the proper equipment like winches and stuff so i think we're gonna head back to camp again and maybe veer off the other way to see what we can find but so far no mechanical issues holding in there just fine other than the transfer case pops out every now and then and we're giving some slices of tires but yeah that's fine i think oh and the passenger door just pops open randomly yeah that's it's pretty cool i can't wait to fall out well i am fairly positive we just went up a buggy trail we made it to the top so we're gonna shut her down let the old scout cool down for a minute eat our really sketchy gas station sandwiches and uh just enjoy the view and the quiet it is something else fellers and then we have bad trail worser or you're not going to make it to choose from that's that's good at least it's downhill we could plant the bumper into a tree if we need to i guess japolino and i got the peppers and then you gotta dip it in the jalapeno cheddar cheese it's the only way fillers to eat beef jerky give her a dip it'll change your life by the way i'll get it down but this was risky the tuna sandwiches i probably should have went with the ham and cheese that one tastes like the package it came in so everything's fine okay good nope okay easy easy easy you're coming off that ledge okay perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] me this is a cherry tree you could tell because the way that it is well fellers we found ourselves in a predicament here in order to get out of here i can't go left because i don't have the ground clearance and the bumper's going to drag going through a creek and ride is way too steep and too rocky so i've got to go straight down this slight hill here through a massive mud pit and it's probably minimum two feet deep so i'm kind of backed up on a hillside here i'm in four low but i'm gonna grab third gear if i can and just get this terpsky just slice and sushi it's the only way we're gonna make it through this thing hopefully oh [Music] [Music] yep you need to back up and move over like a foot well the first and only time we got stuck today right here fellers could we have made it probably back up for a different line but the rear tire was hanging on this and getting stuffed looks like we were dragging the u-bolts there dragging the u-bolts there but basically tired gets stuck there right rear spinning here it wasn't articulating very good front was digging there and we dropped a bunch of oil and i think i started filling the cylinders with oil because it was just losing power so i want to get home today that'd be nice so i backed out of her but listen if this is where your scalp gets stuck i think i think you should be okay with that to be honest otherwise we've done fantastic today so we've got to figure out how to get out at this point which we've been trying to do the club's right down there we went this way around and ended up some dead end rock cliff thing so i guess we're gonna go this way back where we came back where we came in i think through there and try to find our way back to the double d trail which is around that way and we'll probably call her good for today but man what a view it's beautiful out here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well we did go ahead and make our way down throwing her back at 2w gonna grab some gear see if we can make her back home before sundown [Music] [Music] the scout is back home at the barn it made it there and back and wheeling all day and i'm happy to say the only damage we got was some rubbage right here and it just self rolled just kind of rolled that in tires got cut up a little bit but these good trips you know they're not super expensive and it's not going to hurt them with these big lugs pleasantly surprised we weren't into the front of the fenders i thought that might be an issue in fact i brought a sawzall just in case no damage up here tie rods the links everything perfectly fine didn't break any u-joints never overheated you name it rig's in good shape rub just a little bit right there not too bad also these good trips i mean they made for a good trip going to be honest now some of you have heard me say in the past you know whelan was a thing i was into for a little bit there and we built some pretty serious rakes axle swap gear swap different transfer cases six inch eight inch shackle flip you name it even dovetailed and i gotta say i am actually officially very impressed with the scout now of course it has a little bit of a lift and more aggressive of a tire than most would have but this thing really did go everywhere we pointed it and several times we were looking at each other just you know is this a good idea and it pulled through the the turning radius on it is great the wheelbase was awesome up in the trees it went up and down pretty much everything with the exception of one time and i think if i would have hit it harder it would have made it just fine but i didn't want to break the axle or anything like that and we started dropping a little bit oil so all in all the sd 33 t when you're in four low first gear you don't have to hit throttle so just crawl around and do the thing and make it happen so scout she's approved off-road worthy absolutely can you go hunting oh you betcha can you go exploring and whatever sure it'll get you down to the creek for fishing you can go pick some berries you can go looking for some old porcelain i don't know what you're into a feller okay i'm just saying if you need to get there the scout's gonna make it happen thanks guys for watching appreciate it very much we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 717,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: offroad, 4x4, Offroading, mud bogging
Id: pHr_bLZ2Y3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 45sec (2385 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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