Is this CHEATING? Surf Fishing w/ Remote Control BOAT

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what's going on fishing family today we've got a brand new toy to play with this is the surf fishing boat holy cow now the way that this thing is shaped it cuts right through the waves carry a ton of weight on in terms of bait in the back and it's all GPS locked let's see what we're going to catch today oh my gosh oh this is a big wave push oh no [Music] F Qui Qui Qui oh oh it's almost cheating using this boat because it just makes it too easy hey hey hey [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] I want to give a huge shout out to hyway bikes because they gave us this awesome hyway bike and it comes with this awesome Chariot that can attach detach this thing is so awesome because I can bring all my stuff here I have my boat on here I have all my fish on here I also have this other hitway bike right here which I've been using for about over a year now it's been fantastic I love using the hway bikes and they just sent us a bike rack for the back back of my truck so now I can just put both the hyways on the back of my truck works out really well I wouldn't have been able to get out to this spot without the bik so shout out to hyway [Music] right look at this thing our first time using our surf fishing boat here have you seen this yet yet we're going I see what we do we're going to attach the fishing line to the back here uh we'll drive it out to the drop off we can drop the bait out there and is a remote right yeah with a remote we can release it all maybe first I'll set up my rods this is our catch all rigs with our special hand painted floats now these floats the color yellow orange will attract the fish in cuz they look like ghost shrim they also look like sand pleas we'll put some fresh rip on here same thing as this one except this one has no floats we're going to see whether the floats work better or the no floats work better I'm using this threading here it's elastic threading that's pretty much invisible when you wrap up your bait but it keeps it on the hook so little fish can't peck it off also helps so when you cast it really hard it doesn't fly off your hook I like to wrap it around 20 times or however many times to keep it tight all right this one's ready to go oh I'm excited to try TR this boat out y'all so this boat like I said is GPS locked meaning it knows exactly where we are right now so when I hit return home it'll come back to where we are also can mark the different holes that I go to and drop my bait out this is really important because if I'm catching a bunch of fish in that hole and I want to get right back into that exact same hole instead of having to visually memorize where that was I casted to get to that spot I can actually just push a button on my remote it'll drive it to the exact GPS location where I dropped it and I can Mark exactly where I was catching the fish over and over again the cool part about this is that it can hold all of my bait inside here and if it's too big it's strong enough to drag my big baits what I'm going to do is attach my line to this back pin right here and with this it can drag my line all the way out there and drop my bait exactly where I want it every single time really excited to use it I've attached the GoPro to the front so I get a cool view of what it looks like going out there I've never used this before I'm really hoping that it can actually make it through these huge waves the waves are looking quite big today a little bit worried I don't want to lose this thing but yeah let's give it a try all right first I got to turn it on got to attach the battery whoop [Music] on this whole thing should be waterproof we're going to clip this Sinker right there and I'll close it now the Sinker is attached now it's attached when when I turn this knob right here it'll open this if I have bait in there it'll fall out but really when I go to this this next turn is where it drops it all open up your spool y this is our first time trying it supposedly it can go through waves it's meant to be cutting through the surf I'm going to hit GPS on when I hit that it sets the GPS location so that it knows to come back here [Music] [Music] working disrupted [Music] it worked I I droned it all the way out there using this boat it cut through the waves great I'm going to try it again with my other rods you caught that I found it okay I'm okay I don't need to live it get ready to drive it out dad I don't know okay my dad's driving it out it's really easy to use apparently look how how's it going going oh it's going cutting right through the waves oh this is a big wave push right through it holy cow all right I'm going out there I'm going to drop it right by these other waves over here I think it's good here all right time to drop it I'm going to turn it to C right here okay it's dropped it now I'm going to Mark the GPS spot right here by holding this button down now it's marked it'll always go back to that spot when I push there now let's take her [Music] home she's coming back home to us now I see her we got to name this [Music] [Music] boat I'm actually really Ben Ben Ben got a bite Ben's on a fish oh yeah Ben there you go that looks nice feel feel big no I think there a pumping up bab there a PP though bab there a PP though oh nice man yeah good job first fish sweet and we Ed the we Ed the boat for this yeah give me a pound yeah you use the ghost shrimp huh yeah shrimp wow and they liked it with the with that color you see this color they like to bite that color got our first poo okay this thing is so awesome look it goes you straight through the wave oh no oh no oh no this is so crazy it's just cutting through the waves okay so the one that Ben got we didn't drop it too far we actually dropped it kind of closer in so I'm going to try this one a little bit closer in and I'm going to set this as GPS point number two all right let's drop it all right it should be dropped and let's take her home did you mark it oh I'm going to mark spot number two yeah spot number two all right now I can come home oh hey F help I need help let me hold that I can't handle all these rcks at one time so you can be here as help there fish on it small there's a fish that's a big lighting that was in the first spot that's a good one to eat right there come on kicking hard all right what do we get Bluefish that's the third species today this is called a blue fish and you want to be careful with them cuz they got really sharp teeth if you take a look they have like little razor blade teeth right here see that all right we're going to keep this one too I just lost my rig because the blue fish cut it off but I have them all pre-tied already so I'm going to use the pre-tied ones I'm also going to put a float on them the float is the one that caught the Papo so I want another Papo that's perfect thank [Music] you a big liting that hit it so hard though beautiful lighting I'm going to let this one go it's a little small okay let's Let It Go was in the middle tying up my rig see why I need multiple people here it's so hard to handle all the rods so I'm going to boat it back out and I'm going to use the same GPS coordinates as I used to catch those other fish and hopefully I'll catch more fish but first I have to retie [Music] this okay this one we're going to hit we're we're going to hit the F let's go to the second spot that second spot was getting a lot of fish oh first I got to get past these waves I am surprised how good it is at getting past those [Music] waves all right now I'm P the waves I'm going to go to Second fishing spot so I push this button there it's on his way now it'll take me to the exact same hole the exact same hole I was catching fish and it's GPS spot locked all right now it's at a spot it made a beeping noise so I'll drop it with this and then I'll push GPS return home [Music] so I got all my lines boated out I dropped them in both the holes that I checked out earlier both of these holes I keep catching fish so what I find to be really beneficial of using this boat is you get to really pick a spot when you find the hole you get to mark it with the GPS and you get to drive back that exact same spot so you can find more of the same fish and I think that in itself is such amazing technology that is what's beneficial of using this boat rather than casting casting you have to visually remember where it is this GPS it doesn't need to remember fight W oh oh cut me off the whole thing got cut off I saw that that a big shark holy crap big bite that sucks but that was awesome I hate it but I love love it look shark took [Music] everything we're going to boost back you you know it's like the Clank right don't wait don't don't you know oh I don't think I need oh Qui Qui Qui Qui bite after bite I think we found a good hole probably another Whiting oh yeah another Whiting there we go that's a good one what do you think it is should move two and the PPO a blueish nice I just dropped it there so now we know that spot that I have GPS locked on there that's a good spot there we go two fish at a time using that drone [Music] boat oh B on a big fish that's a Papo that's a Papo oh was a big one I hope double big redish oh he's pulling his drag let it fight a little bit in the circle cuz a lot of times they'll pop off really close in I see it I see it redf [Music] [Music] Rish good catch man beautiful color de prze here beautiful fish good fish so I switched out all of them to the to the one with the uh floats now okay his tail is so blue too see that these floats work really well because they attract all sorts of fish let's put that in the cooler good [Music] job huh oh fight which one middle Blue Fish One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish that's exactly how our day is working out today One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish so now that I marked the hole I'm going to use my other rods and cast it into that exact hole that I marked and I know that this hole has fish cuz every time I drop it out into this hole I get one or two fish at a time that means there are fish stacked up in [Music] there [Music] keep oh so I've dropped the baits out with the boats just so many times over and over again the battery is still very full I can just keep doing it but it takes a second for it to really get out there and knowing that the holes are here here and here I can kind of just eyeball it and cast it into the hole if I really want to get right back into the hole and I'm missing the hole with with casting I can just take the boat and drive it right back out there but a mixture of casting and a mixture of using this boat to get me into the strike zone has been working really well and here's going to be our secret weapon today I'm going to use some of our squidy bits here we got a slab here and a slab I think is the best because you get a huge mantle like this you can cut it into whatever shape you want so I'm going to cut a strip off like this I'll save this for later then I'll cut this into little pieces like this and then on top of my fresh bait I'm going to put a piece of this salted bait and this is so tough that even if the fresh bait gets bitten off we still have nice fresh salted bait on top of it all right so let's go boat this guy [Music] [Applause] [Music] out [Music] it's a little one hey it's a Papo woo keeper poo yeah g strip yeah beautiful poo [Music] [Music] here oh my gosh it's going through huge waves right now wa oh Lord surfing right now wa now really where I'm trying to get is that SB bar way out there I would never be able to cat that far almost there okay now I'm going to mark this as spot as another spot now I'm marked I'm going to drop it I've dropped it now I'm going to return home should be coming home now a little bit nerve-wracking because the waves are huge I don't want to lose this thing this is so expensive woo this thing is freaking awesome guys holy I got it big fish big fish just got off bent my hook out that was a big red fish completely bent out dang it woo that's the P though that was a huge pull you see that a big crab huh a bit a crab who that was as soon as I boated it out look it bit both of the baits it ate both greedy little guy not little by no means that's a big one man what is this definitely not a Whiting is a drum woo black drum I told you we're going to get a black drum wow nice that's an awesome catch oh my gosh look at that run and grab it Ben like I said I have this one spot when I boat it back out to that one spot I keep getting fish that's really important when you find fish in one hole keep going back to the hole the awesome part about this boat is that you're able to just go right back to the same hole look that's what I I got from it wow a pompo and a pompo and a Whiting at the same time that's good luck right there this one's a little bit too small we got to let this one go it's a Spanish pompo very cool honestly guys it's almost cheating using this boat because it just makes it too easy it takes the skill of casting out of it I mean unless you don't have arms or you don't have fingers or you have like some kind of disability it just takes the it takes the guess workout it makes it just almost a little too easy but hey I'm having fun still it's not a competition for me I'm just out here having fun with my friends and my family all I really want out of this is to catch some fish and to put my friends on some fish so might be cheating if I was on a competition but I'm just having fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] here wa yeah wow that's a big [Music] liting [Music] fish look at that guy every time I boat it back out to those holes and drop it down within 2 minutes I get some kind of fish so if I came back here again and I push the button it'll go back to the same hole I've used a drone before I've casted all my life but using this boat was amazing I couldn't have asked for a better day of fishing and this is not going to be the last time we're using this boat I hope you guys enjoyed this content if you guys want to catch some fish for yourself and you don't have a boat just bring out these rigs that I tie up I catch fish every single time I come out here using these rigs using some of this squid we caught pompo using that it's just a really fun time to come out here and just start catching fish now this boat I'm not sure whether or not I'm going to have it on my store eventually but right now I'm trying to make it so that this boat is going to be perfect for just us visit our website and also subscribe to our Channel we put out videos every single [Music] Thursday [Music] three [Music]
Channel: Hey Skipper
Views: 603,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: okTkpUvfFHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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