Seeding the Fire Field!!! Montana Farming 2021

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hello welcome to kate's sake we're out at the girls right now this is darcy's john deere drill that he runs good morning darcy morning are you very excited for seating today no i'm not i'm excited but not really jumping with joy you know i'm glad to go but not really excited yes well have a wonderful day darcy thank you [Music] sometimes the hoses come off the boots gate so check and make sure that jackets these are called the packer wheels but every morning you should check your pods visually these are things you want to know before you take off the tires got air in them so you don't drag it down the road and ruin the rim at the time well this is 2021 winter wheat cd these are the wings of the drill and they fold up so that you can move fields [Music] dad's pushing the clutch in right now and he's going to start moving hi darcy you're filling your seed tank how many bushels can each tank hold two others so 200 bushels 200 bushels and 150 this drill is a toe behind meaning the seed tank is behind the implement and that makes it so you can see everything that's going on which is really nice but some people don't like them because it leaves tracks in the field and the flex coil is a toe between and you can't see the middle part of your implement but you don't leave any track after you shut the auger off more grain still comes out because there's some left in the hopper i love the platform you have up here it's really nice yes you can wonderful views oh this is the camera oh my goodness so you can see if vehicles are behind you wow that's really incredible bring that back out there i'll probably lead the way down there okay okay i rode these drills at about 12 miles an hour and i'm going to take this approach angle like this kate so i don't have so much movement because it's wide enough for me to do it and there's less turn for the drill so it's less likely to go in the ditch yeah i mean remember these are really long so you have to go to the far sides of the road you know and then stay there until your drill gets totally on the road then you can read centering what did darcy just turn on japan oh back there he doesn't have that lever to spool when he wants to spool these drills he has to do it from back here we can do it in the cat the lever out here to drop the seed while it's sitting is out here in that one it's in the cab it's more convenient when you pull a hydraulic lever it opens a valve up and allows that pump to move the fluid through the drill whether it's raising these wings like that silver part is it going through there yeah starting at next to the silver part and blowing up the cylinder so it's sucking that thing out it's just the fluid that gets pumped through the things to move things it's made for heavy-duty high pressure stuff all all this stuff is 2 000 pounds of square inch 2 000 pounds a square inch wow the hydraulic pumps on these run about 48 gallons a minute oh wow yeah so it's filling a 50 gallon barrel every minute of fluid that runs through it it runs the fan and helps with the meter rollers too the hydraulics these are all hydraulic hoses all the runs through here here's a hydraulic motor to turn the roller see the little oh yeah and they're electric hydraulic motors austin's tarping the trucks to move them dad's getting the flex coil drill i'm getting in the pickup and we're all heading to a new field if you're doing three passes you'll sweep the second corner so you don't have corners on the edges that you have to dive into and get and turn sharp and plug your food because a lot of times somebody will have something seated next to you you can't you can't seed into their stuff okay so you'll have to lift it out maybe if you're using their stuff which you should you might have to loop around with an out and then sinking in but you can't see their ground you shouldn't see too much okay this is all where the fire burns some stubble's left in other places there isn't any but if the fire hadn't gone through here it would have been all stubble darts he said he was running about five four hours we're gonna run at about five two and stuff when things get complicated this has got all kinds of power just slow it down a little bit because it doesn't really change your fan speed right right it just gives you more time to think about what what you need to do to get this right okay i've seen about half the road not quite man that's the way it is things you don't see are going to get filled up with weeds okay we're looking for a little better than a bushel and acre this holds about 180 bushel if it was set perfect you should not be able to do about 168 years or not quite but if you're getting 150 or 45 that's okay we're probably not getting that but you can see that everything else this way so that's what we're going to do what are these humps for uh the when the field used to be smaller from the dust bowl base what happened here kate is the same thing that happened where they sprayed my weed out the summer follow came into the stubble and this was the edge of the field and it just kept building up these big humps you know what i mean they're long and skinny they serve no purpose [Music] remember when you're doing edges kate when you come down you got to drive the tractor deeper than it needs to be when you're actually pulling that edge get the drill up to the edge and then you drive that tractor back out and straighten out but you got to do that on a nice slow thing because if you turn this sharp the shank backs up there could be enough moisture in this game that it'll plug all the boots on the outside well the way you keep that from happening is to not do it right always have your drill moving forward that's why you throw the doors you don't get all these buttons i just have this feeling they need to go faster because i'm in my sprayer when i get it lined up off i go [Music] like i told him here for spring season and then he shows up thursday wondering if he still has a job no does he know how to run this no he knows less than you you know the reason i spray on the weekends is because of the job the job needs to get done you know i know people need time off but my job is to make sure this gets done it isn't to do the work it's make sure the work gets done yes and if people don't show up that's another job i gotta do and that i don't care it doesn't matter to me i know how to do all these jobs he asked do i am i working today and i said no because you didn't call no you didn't show up and you didn't call and i got about a week left i'm not bringing them back on this actually looks like it has some moisture it's just soft you can see how deep the tracks cut you know that other stuff you were seeing yesterday was like a rock car this is not like that well it's messy here because this is where that fire was oh yeah rc and our green car driver were just on the radio i guess there's a really big fire east of here i can definitely see flames definitely burning one of our fields it is already past equally this is a huge crisis and we might have to move fields right now yikes that's bad [Music] this was all burned here where this grass is green really yes you can see it all black yeah was this the big fire yes oh my gosh where you know chris went in and you know it makes it hard for me to know where to head to the actor's right here where that car is yes so i'm going to try and follow the original edge because this should be grass it's growing and i can't tell if the edge is over here or right there but i'm doing the best i can with what i got to i'll probably have to make this pass again to bring it back where it was because i wasn't up here when they did this and i can't remember because there's so many edges of my life yes pretty much everything in here i'm pretty sure it burned all the way over there you know this is at least a thousand acre burn chris said this is a hundred acres in here oh so this was burned here 100 acres of this view not the other guy's field and not all just of our feet maybe into the grass a little bit because i don't know where the grass was anymore around here but that don't look like there was any stubble in here i can't see rose i can see rose here right yes burned off this is where the really big fire burn you'll have to go and watch my massive field fire video and then it started in this coulee right here and burned the whole cooley actually it started over there somewhere okay yes on the other side of that coulee came through this whole entire cooley and burned 100 acres of our summer follow that we are now seeding with the drill it probably burned a thousand acres by only a hundred acres of our field so that's good up here was all wheat that burned in the fire yeah which is really sad this is not our field but very sad the farmer whose field it was you can even see the wheat that the fire missed what's sad about this is that there's no stubble so when the wind blows the dirt's going to move a lot that's why we're planning this right now we have some plant stuff to hopefully hold the dirt look at that perfect [Music] you know so next time i'll drag it through with the chains i got a copy so you probably mentioned that i didn't really ask um how far down do i want to go down this little room go down till you find the pickups down here austin my pickup's parked just on the left side of wherever we're seeing all right okay now i'm gonna put the drill in about now are you putting it in all the way or just yes i'm putting it in all the way because i've dragged part [Music] and then we're going to circle around make sure we're not plugged any big piles of stuff kate you've got to know that it went through the drill because if it didn't it's dragging dirt making a favorite model thank you so much for watching today's video i really hope you enjoyed make sure to like and subscribe to learn more about how your food gets to your table you can also follow kate sage on instagram k-a-t-e-s underscore a g and on facebook twitter pinterest and tick tock the only account run by me on tick tock is k-a-t-e-s underscore a-g and it says official account in the bio any other accounts are fake and there is one imposter account out there so make sure you're following k-a-t-e-s underscore a g on tick tock you can also visit the kate sage website k-a-t-e-s-a-g dot com and purchase a k-take tote pig and also learn a little bit more about my story thank you so much for watching bye [Music]
Channel: Kate's Ag - Farm to Fashion
Views: 42,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2021, Kate, Kate's ag, Kate's ag youtube, Montana, agriculture, agriculture drone, american farmers, cole the cornstar, combine, combine harvester, deere, drone video, farm, farmers, farming, field, harvest, harvester, john deere, kate's ag farm, kates ag, larson farms, laura farms, mike mitchell, millennial farmer, montana farm, northern farmer, tractor, wheat, women in ag, women in agriculture, wheat harvest 2021, harvest fire, fire, field fire, fire trucks responding 2021, crop fire
Id: yM62dmfkD54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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