i only ate TOYS"R"US foods for 24 hours !!!

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I'm gonna miss the excitement of walking into Toys R Us Look what I just found this little food section That would be great if any of this was actually edible which is not the case I guess this is gonna be more difficult than I thought I'm pretty sure this is not edible then what's the point of making you look like it's friggin food I don't get this I found this set and the foods on it honestly look freakin incredible But then in the corner it says this product is not intended for eating I just found a candy floss maker and also a chocolate fountain I've always wanted to have one of these as a kid and my mom always said no I don't want to show you guys everything because I want it to be surprise for the venue But I think I've made some solid choices good morning guys I hope you guys are ready for this video because for the whole of today or until tomorrow around breakfast time I am only gonna be eating foods using like toy sets from Toys R Us so I'm not sure how well this is gonna go But it's going to be wild this is gonna be like a breakfast slash lunch because it's already almost 1 p.m. So might as well go straight into the delicious savory fruits And these are the two toys that I chose for breakfast and lunch So this one is a candy floss maker This is a machine that makes cotton candy not the most nutritious breakfast in the world but I do love candy floss so if you're a Dentist, maybe don't watch this or any of my video is honestly And I know what you're probably thinking which is so you put a candy floss maker and a chocolate fountain How where is the savory food? This is so friggin weird but basically? I thought the instead of making a chocolate fountain because then it would be way too many sweet foods what I'm actually gonna do is I'm gonna put some spaghetti some pasta sauce on my chocolate fountain and then we're gonna dip some pasta and some meatballs a mint this maybe a Savory fountain rather than a chocolate fountain. I'm not sure if I'm gonna ruin both of these toys even though we're making candy floss this video is bittersweet because Toys R Us is probably gonna close down and I am never ever going to get to do this to go and just look for toys and just buy them physically I Don't really know how this works, but basically you put the sugar the granulated sugar in here And then it's gonna start spinning, and then I guess we're gonna use this like giant spoon. Just pick it all up That is dangerous And I can't even understand why my mom didn't allow me to play with this the instructions on their site to only use Granulated sugar and nothing else in this machine, but of course we're gonna start this video by breaking the rules already I wanted to get colored sugar, but I couldn't find any so I got some food coloring And this is definitely gonna set my house on fire, but I'm still gonna do it I'm gonna use this and mix it up with the sugar. I'm gonna try with just a little bit of this sugar for now There's something happening oh, this is so easy to use Okay, sorry about that trying to get it all out Not quite the amount that I was expecting But I think this might be doable I'm gonna try to show you guys a close-up because this is way too much fun And we're gonna also. I have the food colouring I'm not gonna add the food coloring just yet because I can't I want to show you guys What this is like? It's happening I think I'm supposed to do it like this oh that makes more sense So that's how you do it I Can't believe you took me like half an hour to realize that this is how you do it this is 100% approved this is worth the money it really does work. It smells like cotton candy. This is making me so happy okay? I'm gonna switch it off now for a second. I'm gonna mix a little bit of blue food coloring with some sugar This is most likely going to ruin the machine here goes nothing oh Wait the tip is looking a little blue, I think I'm trying to make this okay It was going so well, so This is what the Machine looks like right now We didn't really ruin it But I'm pretty sure this is not supposed to happen so this is our cotton candy this one is very much blue I don't have candy floss a whole lot, but it's very light and fluffy So I'm pretty sure I did an okay job with this so you've got the pasta. Sauce it probably shouldn't be this chunky This is gonna just ruin the machine, but I'm gonna be the best sauce in the bottom of it I'm gonna switch it on Nothing is happening so far. There are some little bits of pasta sauce coming up up On this side. It's dripping. We'll know on the it's dripping on the other side So this is trial number two I Think that's gonna work out, but I'm always blindly optimistic So the heat is on so I'm gonna switch it on Why is he only going to the other side It's working on one side at least. Oh, this is beautiful. It could still be a little bit more liquid I think Andy would work out a lot better, but this is definitely not bad Okay If there's one thing that I learned from this video is that? Pasta sauce founders don't exist for a reason And it's because they don't quite work the same way as the chocolate one so this is my breakfast slash lunch I'm gonna start with the savory part because these meatballs look Delicious I'm gonna dip meat pulse in our pasta sauce fountain Wow For some reason the sauce is not quite gone I'm gonna grab so this delicious pasta twists a Promise he was working and as soon as I turn the camera on it stopped working So now I look like an idiot. This is such a mess From now on I'm only gonna go to the face if they thought oh, I passed the fountain I'm gonna come back for the meatballs in the past But for now I wouldn't try the cotton candy that we made and it's looking a little weird You know what cotton candy goes weird after I can't want to do this thing that I saw on Twitter that Was not enjoyable oh my god, sweet sugar this is the first thing that we've done, which is the blue one? I love this This is one of my favorite meals that I've ever done it in one of my 24-hour food challenges Because this was just so much fun, so I'm really excited for afternoon snack and for dinner Especially dinner. I think you guys are gonna. Love that so definitely stay tuned It's a little bit later and for afternoon snack I actually picked something that I've tried before in my channel and weirdly it didn't work the first time So let's hope that this time everything goes smoothly. This is called a chill factor So basically it kind of looks like an ice-cream cone like it's actually very satisfying to touch. It's like it's kinda Squishy if that makes any sense this has been in the freezer for maybe like four hours So what happens is essentially this toy claims to make ice cream in 30 seconds? I think it's 30 seconds or 1 minute or something like that a few minutes That's what it says in the box it also comes with a recipe book But I actually followed that in last time and it didn't work so this time I'm just going to improvise because I've got it feeling about it I want to make some hazelnut ice cream so I've got some cream. That's like the base for our ice cream That's probably too much from the container and this is some hazelnut sauce for ice cream you can also use just like hazelnut Flavoring and then sugar on the side. Well. I like my sugar already mixed in so I'm gonna add Quite a lot of that. I like my ice cream very sweet now we mix it all in I Could have just used some Nutella now that I'm thinking of it. That would be probably a lot better and easier it's kind of like a light brown color I Think this should be fine. Okay. This is pretty simple the problem is that he actually didn't work last time I use it so I'm gonna pour the cream right in the center I don't think it's supposed to be filled up to the top maybe it is So no put the lid back on and I think you have to make sure this is like super tight otherwise making this Spoke like that. How do you make sure this is like really tight? Why is he not I appreciate what I did last time was shaking the cream And then everyone let me know that that's not actually the way to do it that that doesn't work so Apparently you have to sort of break Like the walls of this toy. It's very bizarre And it's supposed on the box It says quick and easy and also doesn't make a mess then why the hell is it make me mess already Is it right This thing is also always on sale and the reason is it's just because he does not work The sides are really fit perfectly so you can't actually close this It's really weird But you really pisses me off that I spent my money on this twice and been scammed two different times Please allow me to show you this delicious ice cream that we just made It just freakin ah Okay, I'm hungry. I want to eat it still Okay Annoyingly it tastes pretty damn delicious well That's not the credit of this chill Thacker thing to the credit of me who mix up some cream with some hazelnut syrup I'm gonna read you what it says in the box No mess quick and easy and also you can make your favorite combinations the combination part is true But you'd be much better all just putting this in the freezer because this thing is completely pointless I'm disappointed, but I'm still hungry, and this is still delicious I'm still gonna drink this and next time I see you guys it will be late afternoon snack dinner time And finally it is dinner time and let's just say that I'm pretty damn hungry right now because afternoon snack was practically non-existent I found this soy that is essentially a popcorn maker I mean you still have to put it in the microwave so it's not really a popcorn maker But I thought that we could actually make some savory popcorn and add some flavors like maybe some oregano some tomato flavors It's as close to savory food as we're gonna get and then I also wanted to get something there wasn't so unhealthy I managed to find this magic kitchen and basically you can make some freeze bulbs out of fruit So that's exactly what we're gonna be making I actually already open this I may already made it So I'm still gonna show you how you make it But I've already put some in the freezer Because this takes many hours to freeze we're actually gonna start with preparing the dessert and basically what I did was Slice a lot of different foods. Let me show you what's on the inside So these are the tools to make the freeze bulbs you can also make them using some like yogurt or some fruit juice That's why it's called like there's a lot of like injection style thing. It's just so you can like absorb all the liquids We're actually not gonna use that I'm gonna start with the Kiwi for example So all you have to do is press it down and he cuts it into a perfect circle So oh my god, what happened to my water melone? This is very difficult? This is not going as easy as I thought I didn't need to fish this one down. Oh man. Oh no I swear I tried this earlier, and that was actually not too bad at this for some reason now, I suck That's looking a lot better. I think that's it you just have to repeat this over and over again So I've already done one earlier because this takes like hours to freeze. I think the popcorn maker is gonna be a lot easier Because all you have to do is just literally dump some corn Into this and it's basically it so I've got some Tomatoes seasoning with a regular so it's gonna be like an Italian style Popcorn I guess I should add the spices now, or should I do it later It's too light now. Oh It's got some garlic as well, so how do you open the microwave? Nope, that's not it oh So the popcorn goes in hopes I Think the lid is gonna come off no, oh my god. No nope Oops It smells incredible I gotta be honest like it smells like popcorn that you buy it somewhere fancy this looks aesthetic AF though it looks like I specifically placed it like that for like in tumblr photo I Would say they every single time that I've made microwavable popcorn in my life I accidentally burned the whole thing or sometimes just partially like half of it is burned and the other one is no great so all of these are perfectly cooked so I'm Definitely gonna approve of this machine. I think this actually made making popcorn in the microwave a lot more fun and a lot easier Hmm It's funny because I never thought about having like tomato seasoning and Oregano to popcorn or garlic like this is a very colicky. They're very very delicious I just have the best video idea I should make a video in which I eat different seasonings on popcorn or maybe you popcorn for 24 hours with differences things like Breakfast seasoning give this video like two big eyes picked out be fun So this is kind of what our fries popper looks like this is been in the freezer for like five hours I can't believe I'm actually eating something healthy for once. How do you remove it? It doesn't come out? Maybe push it using this. I don't know it doesn't seem like it's gonna go anywhere. Oh It's coming out oh my god, I see it, huh Not the most practical dessert to eat, but this was fun to make so let's see if we tasting again I Actually love this this is actually pretty good. Oh My god. I wasn't really expecting it, but the best ones are the kiwi and the watermelon the pineapple is a little bit too solid it's a very very icy but all of them are great I Really like that. I really hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did Please don't forget to give it a like only if you liked it and also let me know in the comment section down below More ideas for 24-hour food videos because I know you guys love those and I love making them don't forget to subscribe Don't forget to switch my notifications on and I think that's basically it we are weirdly close to 1 million subscribers to the point where it might actually happen I Don't really know how to feel about it yet. I've just been eating my feelings These are honestly incredible like I can't emphasize how much I recommend that you guys try these I've got a giveaway coming very very soon So make sure you follow me on Instagram because I think I'm gonna announce it on Instagram first And I think you guys are gonna love it I love you guys, and I will see you on my next video which is probably tomorrow
Channel: Raphael Gomes
Views: 1,793,943
Rating: 4.8810453 out of 5
Keywords: raphael gomes, toys r us, toysrus, toys, toy, food, opening, unboxing, foods, set, i only ate, 24 hours, 24, challenge, day, for, cotton candy, candy floss, chocolate fountain, popcorn, maker, machine, popsicles, review, kids
Id: dCHiDL4QfoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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