i tested food HACKS people use in HOTEL ROOMS

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In case you guys don't know I'm actually traveling at the moment as you can see I am in Canada, it's pretty obvious I'm actually staying in a hotel room and about a year ago I watched this viral video which was basically food hacks that people use to make foods in a hotel room when you don't have the Appliances you sort of come up with ways to cook your everyday foods in a place in which you literally don't have a kitchen moving on to our first hack We're actually going to be using a coffee machine, which is actually very realistic because a lot of hotel rooms Do have coffee machines except this hack basically says that you can cook pancakes the same way. You can make them at home Except you can cook them in a coffee machine. I find this very hard to believe I'm just gonna go out and say that I think a lot of these are basically BS I don't think this is actually going to work but I guess that's why these videos exist because I would never lie to you according to the instructions The first thing you want to do is sort of get rid of this glass thing because we don't really need that for this recipe I love how I called it a recipe as if this is actually going to work So we're gonna need some of this. Umm foil paper So I'm gonna grab the coffee machine and we're gonna place this basically on top of like the heating Area, I've also got some pancake mix. It makes actually made this um from a pack. So we're gonna spray this with a little bit of canola oil This is so weird, so we switch on the coffee machine and I don't really know like do we just pour the pancakes already or do we wait a little bit I don't think I thought about this entirely because how are we supposed to flip it? How is this supposed to cook on the other side? Like that actually doesn't make any sense I think it's actually cooking and it's only been like seconds because I can see little bubbles surprisingly it's only been like a minute not even two minutes and it's time to flip it because I'm pretty sure it's cooked on the Other side and whoever that's really hot Whoever came up with this didn't they the whole process through because this is literally impossible to flip Like how am I supposed to flip that it kind of looks like something that you'd make in an easy-bake oven It's got like this weird like play-doh texture What I'm gonna do is place this on top and just put it back in our hotel room Easy Bake Oven That's basically what this is if someone walked in right now They probably think I'm doing drugs or something weird when in reality, I'm making pancakes in a coffee machine I'm guessing the pancakes ready. And this was actually a lot of work for one tiny pancake, but this is any Good, man, I guess this is worth it. Okay texture on top I'm not sure if you can see that. He actually does look like a pancake It feels like it's been steamed instead of like fried So it's been like 15 minutes and the second pancake is literally not going anywhere I don't know if it's the coffee machine, but this one is still doughy. I don't really know how I feel about this I'm gonna try the first pancake, but I don't think this is doable It's very doughy if maybe you're the only person in the world who likes doughy pancakes Then you would probably love this. If you like them practically raw. I know even mentioning that the second one didn't even cook So I'm gonna say that I don't think this is a very good way of making pancakes if you're staying in a hotel room your easiest way would probably be to just go to like a breakfast place any Supermarket, I mean any pancakes are better than these ones for this next hotel food hack We're actually gonna be using one of the most common appliances that you get in a hotel room Which is a hairdryer listen to how insane this sounds basically We're gonna be using a hair to melt some chocolate and also to toast some marshmallows So we essentially we're gonna be using a hairdryer to make some s'mores if you don't know what s'mores are I think this is like something that is traditional in like America Usually you make these when you go camping and it's basically something that you do in like an open fire But obviously if you're in a hotel room, you have to improvise and according to this food hack It's actually doable with a hairdryer I don't think this is going to taste and it's similar to the real deal, but we're gonna see what happens so we got some of the graham crackers and then we need like pieces of chocolate on top and I'm using Milk chocolate because I don't know any other type of chocolate. I feel like I should give you guys a close-up of this I'm gonna zoom in on these and I'm gonna put the marshmallows on top and I'm ready for some action Somehow That's a very weak hairdryer I think the hairdryer will actually melt the chocolate I do find it hard to believe that this will toast the marshmallows Which is what the images on like Pinterest claim. remove this gadget or should we? increase the precision No All the chocolate just went everywhere and the marshmallow Literally didn't even melt. It's a little soft in the center. But like the outside just sort of gets to like spongy So what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna try to just soften up these Marshmallows first and then build the whole thing after it. Here we go Stick together literally me to every pair of socks I've ever owned. Oh My god, I swear it's been like 20 minutes Oh Smells like fire Now you're soft everything is going wrong here, and I hate Every second of it. So this goes in here this goes in here and There we go This is just a hot mess. I mean, I don't even know how well you guys gonna see it. This is also sticking to everything Do I even have to say anything about this one? I mean I don't approve of this I made a mess the Pinterest photos maybe look like these marshmallows We're going to be toasty and delicious and this whole thing was going to be so clean in reality You are about to get fined by the hotel room you're staying at because there's no way you can do this without Destroying the hairdryer, but I mean I did manage to melt down the marshmallow and the chocolate in the end Let's move on to the next one and I hope you guys are ready for some breakfast so we're gonna be using an iron and Using these we're actually gonna be able to curse and bacon and then you can also cook some toast or a grilled cheese sandwich on the video that I actually watched I think as a Surface, they use just an ironing board and they covered it in this foil paper But obviously if you're staying in a hotel room like you want to be safe So I found this like the surface hopefully I'm not going to burn anything and when it comes the actual iron We also have to cover it because otherwise there's gonna be bacon grease I already don't smell great and if I starts smelling like bacon Actually, that's probably gonna make people like me more and honestly in case you haven't read my comments, I could really use that lately So we're gonna cover this up Holy this is gonna get so hot. I'm gonna burn my hands So there you go guys it's very crafty trashy Improvised. This is also the words that I've used to describe my YouTube channel So I'm gonna switch this on because I haven't done it yet. So we're gonna start with the bacon uw actually smells really good and this is a very long piece of bacon. Look at that This is the only kind of like ironing that I would ever do so mom If you're watching this video don't get any ideas. Do you guys see that? It's smoking Is this meant to happen? Let's just get into it. I Was no expecting that sound That's beautiful I'm just gonna place it on top of the whole thing for a little bit longer truly. It smells incredible. So Looking forward to see what happens when we lift this out One of the things you do have to watch out for is Like your smoke alarm if you're actually trying this in a hotel room because that's the only thing That I'm very concerned about at the moment Please don't stick. Oh my god Please tell me that looks good. Oh No, I am officially Obsessed with this hack look at that isn't nothing most beautiful like crispy like piece of bacon It would be interesting to see what happens with the bread Like should we make like a cheese toast. this time around we're using two slices of cheese with two slices of bread I'm gonna spray the bread a little bit with some oil because there's no grease in it This is the content that I love making Okay, why is he not making any sound? Oh my god. I don't think this is meant to happen I don't want to be dramatic, but I feel like this is not going According to plan. I mean it's been like Three minutes and it's sticking too much. Oh shoot I'm too lazy for this might as well just go directly Wow that is crispy for sure, but also I wouldn't see how melted the cheese actually is That is very underwhelming Okay, that's not too bad. I think this is great. I think it works. I think out of all the hacks We've tried this one made very quick. Very delicious bacon. Look at the collar on these like they actually looked like you made them at home in a toastie maker so I'm gonna say this is 100% approved and also I'm gonna wash this and I'm gonna carry on using this. I don't think this next one is a great idea Because we are going to attempt to make popcorn Using hair straighteners. I'm also going to be very freaked out because I hate the sound of corn popping It's like one of the things that it makes me terrified I read about this in a food blog and apparently if you put like the corn kernel I think that's what you call it on the hair straighteners the heat of this is going to transform it into popcorn It is a wild claim but also if you're stuck in a hotel room and you're that desperate I can see someone actually trying this and I can also see that it could have maybe worked so I don't know exactly what type of corn they used for the blog post because they didn't specify so I got some microwave popcorn and also some of the Regular that you make in like a frying pan This is such a bad idea Holy frickin schnitzel. I'm gonna be so scared. How many should we place? She put one two, three. Oh Okay, we lost two okay, we've called one popcorn left do you guys see that little popcorn piece right there I feel a lot of pressure here. I keep on dropping them. I feel like this is not working So I'm gonna move the camera and just let this sit here for a little bit and see It's going to work the same around I'm going to push this up and I'm gonna give it some time I'm actually going to wait. I'm gonna press it down. I Wish I could just put something on here How long does it take for corn to pop my web search ten something up for how long does it take the corn to Bob? I didn't mean for a corn to Bob I mean How long does it take for corn to pop? It's no corn to Bob no one says that this is ruined anyways Let's impose this out. I try done with the microwave popcorn and as you can see one of them actually pop Hey, we made one tiny little popcorn That work though, didn't it? It's the tiniest smallest Like a little popcorn. I feel like they work if you put them one at a time That was the most underwhelming I'm getting so mad at this video because out of this video The only thing I've got so far was the cheese toastie and some bacon. I don't even get any popcorn. This is honestly Infuriating. I mean we do get like one two three Four and one that's on the floor We've got five pieces of popcorn and fifty minutes of my life that I will never get back hold on to your seats guys because this hack is Wild any claims that he can cook a full meal like a proper solid meal in a coffee machine? So I'm glad we didn't ruin the coffee machine from earlier But I'm also scared because we're going to be cooking with some raw fish I get it if you're sitting in a hotel room specially for many days you start to crave like actual food because when I was traveling for the whole of last year, I Did crave some cooking and sometimes I didn't have a kitchen in my hotel rooms, and it was a really frustrating situation I would still never attempt to cook fish raw fish In a coffee maker one of us has to be stupid enough to actually give it a try and that would be me So according to this hack the first step is to just remove you know the glass bowl where the coffee usually goes and in here we're going to use a little bit of canola oil or Any kind of like grease? I think they used some olive oil on The one that I saw and this is a wild but we're gonna add the raw fish in the coffee maker Wow I mean, we've got serious issues, but we are not crazy So we're gonna add a little bit of salt and pepper a little bit more Canola oil because So I think that's it for the first step So we're gonna put this back in the coffee machine and like I'm fully aware that this is like weird But just keep up with me. Like hopefully this is going to work I have a good feeling about this once I'm feeling positive if you own a coffee maker chances Are you also own some of these? I think they're called coffee filters I mean, I'm not gonna pretend like I know what this says because I'm from a different time in which coffee comes in pods So on top of the coffee machine with the filter end and this is when it starts to become really Weird even more than before so we're gonna grab some broccoli and also some carrots But obviously you can use any vegetable you want just make sure it's like smaller pieces that's the only thing and then we're gonna add that on top of the coffee filter and what's gonna happen is the Vegetables are going to steam like on the coffee filter bit And then the water is gonna start dripping and it's going to like cook the fish very slowly So according to the hack what happens is the fish will be very flavorful Because not only it will get all the flavor and the nutrients from the vegetables but also it will cook very Slowly which is going to make it soft and nice I guess and last but not least a coffee machine doesn't work without water so There we go, and I think that's it I have no idea what's gonna happen here No all my seasoning, why is he getting washed I Feel like we shouldn't do this, but I'm curious to see what happens there The good news is that I think I figured out how these coffee machines work And I think he actually makes sense and I think this might be cooked But the bad news is you never know what to expect with these videos. So this is very hot Hey, this is actually very practical like it absorbs all the excess water What else could you ask for the one thing? We really truly want to know is if this fish is going to be cooked or not. Oh There we go It is healthy-looking. But if you're truly craving like a homemade meal at a hotel This is 100% doable Okay, the vegetables are approved, let's see the fish I don't eat fish very often I think it's still a little bit soft in the center But I think that's exactly how we want this fish to be because I don't know. I'm not gonna pretend that I know how to appreciate fish because I don't but Honestly it tastes. All right. This final hack is 100% approved The only thing is I wouldn't want to eat this I would still prefer to order Domino's in to my hotel room but if you're feeling healthy and you really want to cook something this is 100 percent doable in a coffee machine of your hotel room This video has been an actual roller coaster because all the ones that I was so Excited that I really thought they were going to work They ended up disappointing me and all the ones that I was like mmm. This is way like too much there's no way you can cook like a full meal in a coffeemaker that actually worked which is honestly very typical of my videos if you haven't watched many this seems to happen almost every time so hopefully you guys still enjoyed it I had so much fun filming this and I think it was just the right time because obviously I'm travelling in Canada and I was like I don't really have my kitchen. So what could I do here? And this was my way of still making a food hacks video, but from my hotel room if you liked it please don't forget to give this video a like it means a lot to me because It sort of lets me know if you want to watch more hotel room food hacks Maybe don't forget to subscribe and switch my notifications on I know so many of you guys Always come back every time I post a video but there's a huge Percentage of people who are not subscribed to my channel yet every time I put up a video It doesn't mean that you have to watch it But at least you will be notified and you can still decide whether you want to watch my videos or not So I'd really appreciate that. Obviously if you like my videos if you don't there's a lot of other stuff to watch in YouTube No hard feelings. I just want you guys to go and have a good time I mentioned this in the beginning of the video, but basically I'm in Canada at the moment but I really want to make some videos here and it would be amazing if any of you guys have ever been to Canada or If any of you guys love the country If you could let me know in the comment section some video suggestions for things that I could film here and honestly if I take your idea I will actually give you credit and I will put like your social media or like you YouTube channel. I love you guys I hope you guys had fun and I will see you on my next video Which is probably going to be in a few days. Bye bye
Channel: Raphael Gomes
Views: 1,071,014
Rating: 4.8696547 out of 5
Keywords: raphael gomes, food hacks, hotel, room, foods, hack, tricks, test, testing, tried, gadgets, appliances, weird, uses, viral, exposing, exposed, truth, real, vs., hotels, hotel room, people, lies, food industry, iron, bacon, eggs
Id: zv354K-0eu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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