i tested food hacks used in TV COMMERCIALS 4 !!!

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I'm actually very excited to find out whether these works or not okay according to food stylist when you have melted cheese on top of a burger or on top of fries for example if we were in home I mean it would just be natural to put the cheese and the food on the microwave until the cheese is all melted and then you can eat it when you're filming a TV commercial or just photographing a photo of cheesy fries it's a lot different because when you put the food in the microwave sometimes he gets soggy and sometimes if it's a burger it goes flat essentially food stylists have to come up with a way of only melting the cheese and non melting the rest of the food and according to some food blogs the best tool for this is a steamer so people use this to steam like clothes and curtains I guess I don't really know what people use this for I'm not not very familiar with any of this but we're gonna give it a try and see is this realistic does this actually work to melt the cheese and really actually look better than just microwaving it let's find out I've never used a steamer before but it comes with one of these so I'm assuming this is going to be pretty intense so can't wait for it here we've got two very similar plates of fries so this one right here is going to be our home fries so basically I'm just going to put them in the microwave just the same way I would do it I'm kind of messing this up this is exactly how I do it at home okay so I've used exactly two slices of cheese so I'm gonna melt this one and then we're going to do the other one I just put them side by side so here we go fresh off the microwave this was in the microwave for about one minute and a half I mean it doesn't look right if this was a TV commercial let's just say it wouldn't make it to the Super Bowl let's move on to the moment we've all been waiting for I mean the steamer is ready I've got two slices of cheese which is exactly the same amount one slice I feel like one slice would be enough but to be completely fair two slices as well I fill this up with some steaming liquid so this is no water so it's gonna smell like roses and fresh laundry it's gonna take a million years I think it's starting to work this is truly one of the weirdest things I've ever done all right guys so I think this is our final look and I mean if we look at like this one and the one they were put in the microwave I think this one looks a lot nicer it also looks very very shiny because of all the steam but weirdly the plate isn't really wet or anything it's actually dry which is really strange it definitely doesn't look like overly melted but I think it's just enough that he looks appetizing so I'm gonna say that this is definitely not only approved but also very realistic like people probably actually use this in TV commercials this next food commercial hack is actually my favorite one in this whole video mainly because it involves some marbles literally Marvel oh my god I'm losing my marbles I always knew it's gonna happen this is actually a food hack from the 60s it actually originated from a camp Vil soup advert I'm know using Campell soup because I couldn't find it but this one was cheaper and available so they were shooting a commercial for Campbell Soup in the 60s when they realized that every time they pour the soup into the bowl the nice stuff like all the bits he all sinks to the bottom so they couldn't find a way to make all the meat and all the potatoes all the vegetables to sort of sit on top like they wanted people to think that there's a lot more chunks and ingredients that there actually is so using marbles they found a way to fix it so I'm very very excited to try this I think this one is going to war because it's too weird and it's way too old not to work but we're going to give it a try we shake this a little bit so this will be the regular soup so I'm just essentially going to pour it I'm assuming it's not going to be too chunky on the top so let's see what happens I'm going to microwave it and I will show you the result in a second so this is kind of what the surface looks like I mean you can see some of the chunks it's actually not that bad this actually looks very appetizing so let's move on to the commercial one and this should be I'm gonna be using the same soup so let's see if this makes it more appetizing or not I mean naturally the chunks have to sit on top should we just pour the rest if you hadn't if you go super in a restaurant and then he arrives something like this there you go here's your soup oh there's a marvel here yeah I feel like we need to remove this one well you're off to a great start because this actually looks so much fuller and nicer than before I mean I think I can see some marbles which I shouldn't probably fix that I still had so many chunks left that I didn't even use I mean the crazy thing is is that it's a lie so when we look at these photos like these photos on the can like this is all a lie that looks exactly like that like that's probably what they still used to take this shot this next one is one of those that I feel like we're starting to lose the plot like I don't actually think that this one will work or that it will look realistic but basically we're going to be using some raspberries and also some lipstick I've spoken about this before but basically working with fruit is extremely difficult so a lot of people have to use a lot of photoshop to get the colors quite right and to make everything look vibrant if it's not the right season sometimes raspberries have got this worst like whitish look to with illness looks like there's a powder on top of it in order to fix that some food stylists use lipstick so they will put like red lipstick on top of the raspberries it's supposed to make it look more vibrant and a lot more like appetizing so when you look at it you're like I want you in my stomach now so we're gonna start with the before pie and I bought a lot of raspberries because I wasn't sure how many it actually takes to decorate this so we're gonna do the before one without any lipstick and then the next one it's going to be a piece of art and there we go wow that's a lot of work no gonna change the lights everything's going to remain the same I'm just gonna redo this whole thing but with it painted raspberries I guess I don't know if you guys were aware but basically there are two different types of lipstick according to the lady of the source so one of them is liquid which is I think supposed to be more vibrant and just easier to use and then the other one is just the regular lipstick Wow I'm colorblind and I can see the difference I guess on camera you can't really tell but like it really works this sticks to it perfectly so this is gonna be a lot of work by the way this is gonna be a little more work than I signed up for let's see how much lipstick I brought oh my god that's how much lipstick you get this goes like over $10 this can't be real what brand is this book bourgeois I don't know I don't speak French I don't need to speak French to know that I've been scammed the lipstick like increases the contrast on these so I think this is my work but we're gonna put it together and then twit both of them side by side it looks really really cool and vibrant and a lot different than the other the other raspberries but obviously I'm also aware that I'm colorblind so to me it just looks like more contrast I don't I can't really comment too much on the color please let me know in the comment section this would be interesting to find out as people who see color please do me that favor and let me know if he actually looks cooler I'm not sure if you guys know what Scotchgard spray is I mean I didn't know what this was until I filmed this video but basically this is a spray that you put in surfaces like for example on your sofa or you can put these on your shoes as well and he basically prevents from water damage it creates like a layer like a waterproof layer on top of anything you spray with this I've never used it before I mean in theory this sounds great so I'm gonna say that this next one is actually a very promising on episode one we actually use this trick where we used motor oil instead of pancake syrup and I can't remember exactly I don't think it worked out perfectly so I still really wanted to give this a try if you put this syrup and it absorbs immediately it sort of goes really dark on top it looks weird it's still appetizing but maybe not for like a TV commercial and I guess technically it should stop the syrup from being absorbed so we're gonna start with simply just pouring on the syrup on the pancake and there we go it's not really absorbing into the pancakes maybe I shouldn't have used blueberry pancakes for this it's been like three minutes and this he's not really absorbing into the pancakes maybe it was a really poor choice of pancakes in syrup is multi-purpose including sofas clothing and also some handbags bah it doesn't say anything about pancakes when I'm finally done with this series I'm gonna need someone to come and disinfect my whole house I'm probably also gonna need the Pope to come over and get rid of all the demons I've waited a little bit for this to dry but I mean it still looks a little bit wet but we're gonna do it anyway so I'm gonna pour the golden syrup and I'm gonna show you this side-by-side okay I'm gonna switch to a similar amount I mean they can't really tell is it absorbing less does this actually work like he just poured so beautifully in like every single angle look at the back like how nice is that that looks like a literally like in a TV commercial you know the drill by now this next one is weird because we're gonna be using some pasta and also some incense sticks I don't know if you guys have ever noticed when you're watching a food commercial for like a restaurant for example all the foods seem like so steamy like they just literally came off the kitchen and that must be incredibly difficult to make because that means someone has to be cooking foods every time the camera is recording every time the camera is taking photos which is kind of impossible according to this hack where they actually use to make this team is some incense sticks and I know we've tried something similar before but it was with a tampon which was weird and it didn't really work it was just weird I'm gonna pour the first pasta and then we're gonna light this up steam is incredibly difficult to capture on camera so I'm gonna use this pillow as like a background to see if maybe we can see it a little bit better with the contrast this might all work out BOM try my best here to do the best videos for you guys this is a steamy as it gets so we're just going to pour it here so there you go this is kind of the steam the natural steam coming from like a regular bowl of pasta so obviously we're gonna need something small because you can't really see it from the front from like the main camera so so I'm gonna break the steaks into smaller pieces so you can't really see it from the front I'm actually very excited to find out whether these works or not okay I mean we're using like six sticks and I don't really know how I feel about it whether maybe it's because of the dish okay I really need to get rid of this because I do have a fire alarm but like I don't know oh now he looks more realistic if you move it around okay that's a lot better I need to put this out oh my god my fire alarm is gonna go off I already know I think most of you guys know me by now and I'm a very positive person and I never get involved in any kind of drama anytime something negative sort of comes up I just push it aside and I just always think that it's none of my business but I'm gonna make an exception to tie it because I think it's also important for me to stand up for myself sometimes and that's exactly what I want to do you guys probably didn't notice but I actually took a two-week break and that wasn't intended or planned and the reason why I did it was because I was getting a lot of negative comments and just hate in general on literally across all my social media because basically these other youtuber this guy who's go like 10 million subscribers is like one of the most popular people on the platform he made a video which it was essentially my thumbnail and my title and because this guy is so much more popular than me and he gets a lot more views than me I think his viewers started attacking me because they felt like I was copying his videos which is not true because in reality my videos were posted almost two weeks before so you can literally check on my channel on his channel I'm gonna put like a screenshot that my videos actually came up first and this is not something like I don't need to defend myself you know I think we all get inspired from other people that's like a real thing but I think there's like a line of like being inspired and being honest about it maybe it's just me but I always think that if my youtube channel just ended and if this isn't a part of my life anymore I want to end things knowing that I've made right decisions that I was a good person with good intentions in almost everything that I did and I like to believe that it's sort of everyone follows or should follow these rules so don't be a dig and that's all I'm gonna say about this I don't just don't want people accusing me of not being original or not being creative because that's one of the few things I've got going on for me I'm not the funniest youtuber I'm not the best-looking I literally don't have any friends but the one thing I feel like I have is I've got a lot of ideas and just I hate when people think that way from me I guess that's why I've just been so down but I'm good now I think I've managed to process this I'm not one of the movies popular youtubers so I understand that like a lot of people don't even know who I am so I guess that makes sense that they would think that I'm the one copying someone you can check all the receipts you can check the dates of uploads and you can check the thumbnails hopefully you guys enjoy this video I had so much fun you guys know how much I love this I can't believe I was like a week ago I was thinking I don't even want to do this anymore because I love them so much I generally like these are my favorite videos I've ever done like because I have so much fun like doing research i Skyped with a food stylist for some of the hacks which was really really fun so if you enjoyed it please don't forget to give it a like and also don't forget to subscribe and switch my notifications on I know it's such a like annoying thing but it truly does help me out especially with this whole situation of people accusing me of like not having original content it's just been like the weirdest thing to go through because that's the one thing I think I've always done right thank you to those who subscribe and we've got my notifications on honestly right now that means more to me than anything so a huge thank you to those of you who are loyal to me I feel like that's a lot of tea on the food industry that's a lot of tea on the youtubes like the side of things it's important that I show you guys that when something's not right and when people are saying things about you that you you just know that it's not true then your voice might not be the biggest but you do get a voice so use it I love you guys so much and I will see you on my next video bye bye
Channel: Raphael Gomes
Views: 2,747,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raphael gomes, tv commercial, hack, hacks, food, fast food, foods, secrets, ad, advert, commercial, expectation, vs., reality, steamer, cheese, melt, gadget, gadgets, test, testing, try, tried, trying, photoshop, exposing, exposed, food industry, behind the scenes, raspberries, lipstick
Id: zu1Btq3nyqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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