I made SQUID GAME in Rocket League... Here's what happened

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unless you have literally lived underneath a rock you have probably heard of squid game this is the most popular show in netflix history about strangers playing innocent games sort of so i decided to recreate squid game in rocket league by inviting players with massive debts for a chance at redemption by playing games like this guy who said he had ramen deaths whatever that means the prize was 45 million won which roughly translates to 10 000 credits don't check my math in order to win the prize each contestant must survive every game without being eliminated kinda like how you could win credits by subscribing because i'm giving away credits to random subscribers at these milestones and we are super close to the 300 000 milestone so three players are about to get tons of credits subscribe before you lose a chance about the squid game since i can only have seven players in a private match with me i decided to eliminate only one player per round until the final rounds also i did five games instead of all six like the show but it's close enough squid game in rocky league it's happening right after this message from our sponsor who's giving away free stuff buff is basically paying gamers to keep playing games seriously all you have to do is install buff let it run in the background while you game and then you earn points which are redeemable for epic prizes we're talking tons of different gift cards gaming gear actual game keys and tons more you can complete challenges to earn more points and it's not just rocket league they've got cs go warzone valerian fortnite literally all kinds of games just play and redeem seriously it's that easy but you might be thinking how does buff make any money like most freemium apps they make money from ads and premium subscriptions they're not keeping your data and selling it to creepy day who lives down the street it is 100 clean so if you're ready to earn points and win prizes join buff for free using the link in the description down below our first game is none other than red light green light basically on red light players are not allowed to move on green light they can drive forward to slow things down no one has boost whenever i flip my car to a turtle position this will represent a red light to the contestants i'll also say it out loud when i flip back upright it will be a green light as soon as i'm upright if i see any player moving they will instantly be demoed and sent back to the start i also have my editor classy keeping an eye out too the last player to cross the finish which is the opposite goal line will be eliminated let's see what happens red light my disappointment is immeasurable oh shoot green light red light okay green light red light oh i saw a flip by 69 boom absolutely eliminated all the way back get down there uh red light okay two is that some movement by two okay let's go what how are you invincible what is happening green light red light green light red light pretty good okay green light red light dang y'all are actually good at this hold on green light red light [Music] classy did you see anything i didn't see nothing okay they're actually pretty good red light oh 69 no green light red light two just let me finish he won't die though oh chase you're on my team that's why i can't show you yeah oh dude it makes much more sense now green light red light malama let's 69 slide [Music] green light red light oh four is basically across it green light red light green light red light green light red light oh that was close i'm gonna give it to you okay so it is a race between 69 and two who's gonna be eliminated you guys have to play perfect classy please keep a careful eye out if you can green light red light i can actually hear their breaths right now green light red light i hate to say this but i'm 100 sure two was moving by the time i was flipped over light red light green light red light [Laughter] he's playing so cheerful green light red light oh he's good day [Music] and just like that player number two is eliminated forever painfully the second game is honeycomb in the show which was tough to figure out but i found a cool solution in the snowy field your car leaves trails wherever you drive so i had each player draw a shape at random and draw it on the field within one minute the worst drawing will be eliminated to help judge that i brought in rocket sledge who actually hosted a snow art competition which gave me this idea two two okay that's actually a pretty good one you're gonna draw the rocket league logo like the little triangle logo one minute i'm starting the clock right now go it can be as big or as small as you want really up to you and your discretion how you want to do this logo and if you remember it in detail enough i think if you looked around you probably will see an example somewhere yeah i mean i would think so but okay he's got a decent shape forming okay that's half the battle he's got 37 is the timer right now he's is he finished okay this is the ball i'm not i'm not 100 number one two one pause stop all right that's this first one uh well done maybe i'm not really sure you're going with number three yeah dang you did pick a tough one you're gonna have to draw an octane in one minute oh my goodness what that's really tough three two one draw yourself an octane let's see what you can come up with no this this is definitely maybe the toughest one looks like he has a plan he's got a decent control here his technique is a lot of powerslide he's already on the 23 second mark another time here okay he's going for detail i like it now he can use his own car as a reference which i think really helps him in this case i see the big picture three two one stop so i didn't know this was a blindfolded competition that makes more sense yes yes oh let's go number four you get a square oh that's actually such a free pass dude oh my god it's pretty good oh look i'm gonna cry i like that he's doing an already pretty covered area unfortunately there's some squares around the field that he can look at for a reference he's got a reference okay he's got nice control here yep that's a really great looking cube the question is is it more rectangular than square slash i'm gonna get the protractor out actually it looks kind of square number five okay this this is actually a really good one you have you have to draw a rocket league goal however you want to do that a goal yes okay starting three two one he's really thinking through it i can tell his precise movements here he's doing the kind of circular movement oh i tell you he's got the okay he's doing part of the goal he's doing an extra 3d goal okay it looks pretty good i think you're fine are you done i think i might i don't want to ruin it okay not too much all right we'll stop all right number six what's number one you get to draw a rocket league ball no way bro wrong there's no way i'm gonna get like your timer starts for a rocky league ball what do you think of this technique right now this is what you would do it looks like a bean yeah [Music] okay he has carved out um a baseball slash tennis ball slash oval and uh i'm very excited about it you get the final option unfortunately and that is a finnick one minute starting in three two one timer starts all right now you're not wearing a finnick so you got less reference points yeah it's in kind of a boxy shape so hard i'm lost i'm completely lost uh he's already wasted almost 20 seconds he's at the 27 mark now okay he's doing dude a big square some sort of some sort of angle here he has a baseball plate like a home plate right now this is so hard i can't tell he's just jumping he's making a nice dot in the middle of it um hmm a window oh he's making the wheels yeah okay he's got some wheels on it i actually like that that nice touch actually it's a good way to add wheels you got four three two one and you're done dang all right classy take a final screenshot of his is whatever that that was and we'll compare [Laughter] all right sledge let's uh start off our judging with uh player number one and his rocket league logo what do you think about this one it's not great i like he put the ball in the corner and then he put another ball in the corner it's got the shield shape we can't be too mean about this like very true very true so okay within one minute not not terrible not sure um this is an octane car um i can only tell that because of the spoiler i think in the top right which actually is decent detail for what he was given and yeah that's the octane hitbox i think i could pick that out so okay okay so um what do you think this what do you think this is so did you want this guy to win like how did he get a box uh just like the show it is completely random and unfair uh just just like life and ranked um so this is square it is a box so yeah i'm saying it's pretty good you know what this might be one of my favorites this is the goal simple but accurate and three-dimensional yes three-dimensional he didn't have to do that and he put that angle in there and i'm i'm impressed by that honestly yeah i mean for what it is in a minute i think that might be my favorite so far the uh tennis base wait rocky league ball yes sorry uh what do you think of this one it's kind of sad because there's a spot in the field he could have like traced a circle right at the center he could have made this easier on himself all right we're on to the final last but maybe least what do we think of um sorry i'm trying to remember what this was um fit finnic yeah fennic is what this is a trapezoid finnick the picasso fennec i guess is what we're looking at right now the last was the least as you said rotted sledge and i agreed that the fennec just wasn't finicky enough so we're losing my favorite player number 69. tug of war is up next and in the show players fall to the ground when they lose so i decided to make this game an aerial battle where the first player to get knocked out of the air and hit the ground is eliminated it's not really tug of war but it's close enough if someone falls early then i don't care they're out just uh don't fall you practice your mechanics do something sick player number three is doing some nice tornado spins uh player six jumping around we gotta bump off six is falling number one is already down that's really tough all right well um that was a quick match but number one's out gg that was way quicker than i expected but player 1 is eliminated exploded gone destroyed maimed humiliated even pwned now that we're down to four players i had them partner up for this next game in the show this is called marbles but the premise is that the players choose a game between the two of them to decide their own winner so i let my players choose their own game with only one rule the winner can't be determined by who scores the most this one gets intense so you must confer among yourselves to figure out how to determine a winner between the two of you so how you want to do this i don't know can we win together no damn damn okay could we get a time like you can dribble the longest that would be one way to do it if four also agrees let's try it so you do a timer who can dribble the longest that's how you'll determine the winner yep okay if you both agree then you're welcome to we have started he is at five seconds with the ball all he has to do is keep it dribbling they take me too hard right no but you know getting that pressure number four is focused this is looking really good you're almost at 30 seconds of dribbling the ball he's running out of boost but he's been keeping the pads really well i just felt he's absolutely so discus i just hear his stick movement all the time that's all i hear oh he dropped it 43 seconds is where you ended up that was that was not bad at all all right start see how long he can hold it already going on sevens or seven seconds now your control i could hear a pen drop right now oh ooh close call decent going on 30 seconds he's at 35 dang he's going on 50 seconds number three has won this round well done well done ends with the reset to flashy finish let's go winner between the two of you what's it gonna be i was thinking like first to demo the other maybe interesting a quick death a little demo battle i mean the fake out you have to both agree that's the only that's the only rule yeah i'm fine with that you're gonna go with it all right yeah okay five and six to three the first to get demoed will be the loser we just stopped starting this door it resets it that's totally fine gonna pull out the basic maneuvers here oh faking it number six oh five with the drive-by it's barely with that okay i noticed number five had a zoomed out camera perspective might help him in this oh what a dodge that was close don't know the shot oh barely didn't get it gets a bump not good enough at least it's away number five here we go oh that was so close okay here we go there it is number six with the demo that was really well played that was actually fun to watch gg gg we have just lost two players number four was unable to dribble long enough and number five was straight up demoed in a tragic elimination in the show the fifth game is glass stepping stones but i'm out of players and that's hard to do so we're moving on to the finale squid game basically it's a 1v1 showdown so that's exactly what we're going to do a regular old 1v1 to decide the winner of all the credits all right we're about to find out this final 1v1 you guys are the last left this is the ultimate showdown it's even storming like in the show so this is the absolute mood that's that's fine now you know how it ends in in a rocket league battle so here you go nice goal by number six to start us off let's see what happens number three with the touch nope six is balling nice right in the goal unfortunate got control nice only two goes down on one it's actually not that bad i think he can recover nice demo oh my god boom it yes what a save too oh so close all right come on three damn men have left this is uh looking like number six is game but hard to say and another good shot man that's crazy another touch well done all right need to come back for number three here oh that kickoff is unfortunate though dang right as i said something three put up a really solid effort but unfortunately could not come back and six was just pretty insane a well played well played that was an amazing game um number six did win it outright we have just declared the winner of the squid game in an epic 1v1 showdown number six takes home 10 000 credits all by himself as the first official winner of the rocket league squid game oh god oh pretty sure i got some gatorade in my lungs so i like to play better now as long as this g fuel flavor
Channel: Striped
Views: 3,038,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League, RL, Grand champ, GC, Supersonic Legend, SSL, Striped, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat, Diamond, Champ, Free to play
Id: AZirqKwU6a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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