Kids Tik Toks that Will Make You Laugh

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what is going on here it looks like the door's locked oh someone just got to break out who is this person it's a baby a baby did that I will make you laugh make sure you are subscribed if you think kids are hilarious too she wanted to do her own hair my daughter zadie loves a blow dryer in her face it is crazy she reacts like this that's what Sadie would look like if she had a little more hair whenever I blow dry my hair I turn it on and I make sure it's on cold oh oh best prank ever oh my gosh that was good that is so funny I've done that with our dogs before it was like the funniest Tick Tock I should have tried it with zadie but now she's a little bit too big Matt is about to come home and I'm gonna prank him just like in that video zadie is obviously a lot bigger than the baby but we're gonna make it look like she's floating I think she's thinking come on you really thinks she's gonna get lifted up by four balloons she's like over 20 pounds looks like five balloons to me how would you do that okay that one we're fine that was really good I want to do a tick tock like that now oh my kids would never paint all over look he's trying to clean up as if he's gonna get cleaned up in time before his mom finds out I don't know if you can ground a five-year-old but if so he'd be grounded my son didn't want to play baseball so he played dead inside oh my gosh kids are hilarious this is so funny I wonder if zadie would ever do that if I made her play baseball he said he was going fishing oh he climbed in a fish tank he's like no big deal he's not even facing I wonder what kind of fish are in that fish tank humble ah oh my gosh she just did a cartwheel and all the boys tried to get the ball that was so good I think that's something I would have done when I was a kid no Daddy they won't be too spicy oh she's like no way this is not spicy at all nope it's not at all look she's fighting it back I oh yep she hit the spice that is me I do not like a hot Cheetos at all it's so funny look at her she's trying to hide it I brought you a rat what does that mean oh no oh oh my gosh it's actually a wrap oh my oh if zadie ever brought me a rat I would freak out no I do not want a rat in my house my son is a genius [Music] wait he sucks it up he puts it in a spoon and then he drinks it again he drinks his own backwash how is that a genius baby attempts to the baby's going to eat his dad's banana let's see how this goes he's trying look he's he's contemplating he's like how am I gonna get that banana yes yeah eat it like the dad knew he's like I'm just gonna let him have it hey it could be worse at least bananas are healthy all right now we're gonna see if zadie is as Savage as the little kid in the tick tock so I have this banana here and I'm just gonna talk and I'm gonna see what she does with it well at least she grabbed it and she didn't just eat it from my hand okay she got what she wanted there you go boom boom boom wow my daughter is a Savage you didn't even want the banana and I'm left with this Baby's fighting over their toys oh no these are just two kids oh wow oh she got flunked honestly it looks like she did it herself it looks like she's throwing a tantrum I mean that little boy's strong but not that strong what's happening here oh the dad has no idea her fingers are in his soda that's so good what a smart baby as soon as he looks over she like pretends she just has her fingers in her mouth kids and dogs are way funnier than adult tick tocks like oh oh he just threw up and he's still going is he just oh he's purposely spitting it out oh I don't know that I'm scarred by zadie throwing up in the car I I can't uh I can't watch that one look at this baby this baby likes corn on the cob look she's like give me that corn on a cob no no uh she was serious about her corn it's corn you guys know that song we all know the corn kid kids versus goats they have a baby goat this is funny they're head-butting at least the kid has a helmet on because I'd be afraid to actually headbutt a goat that might hurt what's he trying to do oh he got a big stuffed animal oh oh oh he's tearing up his stuffed animal it went from all cute to oh now he wants to wear it you think he's all cuddling he's like no I just want to rip out all the fuzz and wear it as a costume what's this baby doing oh he wants his bottle lid but it's in the dishwasher so I'm just going up I should put zadie's baby bottle in a dishwasher and see if she does that and then film it for a tick tock now I'm gonna see if my daughter zadie will actually try to do what that baby did in The Tick Tock have it all set up hey Zade you still working on that banana look at that what's that wow really oh my goodness what do you want to do with this all right she saw bees and ran straight up oh oh oh she's booking it she's like no way I'm not letting a bee sting me she looks freaked out and honestly she should be concerned look at them you don't mess with beads especially if you're allergic it was a good idea until oh the little boy's pulling his sister that's pretty smart until what it said until this is not gonna end well what's happening oh oh oh she got flipped we have to cut it off I bet she cried after that one do not try that at home with your little sister oh my gosh why why are you putting your baby in a plastic bag that is so how tiny is that baby they don't seem bothered at all really you couldn't hold your baby for like two seconds or like used a cloth a bag that's creative but I I would not put zadie in one of those [Music] who's this oh she made breakfast for her dad oh it's spilled oh that's a forever it looks like it was Father's Day or something they made toast for their parents that's so cute and honestly it just fell on the ground you could still eat it you're looking for his remote to turn off his TV instead you find oh he got into the Nets quick he hit that like a known man that man that candy and when you're a kid kids these days are so much smarter than when I was a kid they're so much smarter than me the right way to wear slippers oh it protects your calves in case you fall how they get the slippers all the way over their feet that's pretty funny I would not be surprised if zadie tries out with one of our sandals soon I saw the baby with sandals and now I'm gonna try it with zadie okay zadie we gotta push it through I don't even know if she's gonna like this but we're gonna try you ready zadie to test it out it's so fun to test these tick tocks in real life huh wow now we all know that Mom needs to clean the bottom of her shoes yeah okay go ahead and walk wow wow wow I don't know how that baby did it zadie liked it at first until she realized her movement was restricted let's take them off oh no oh no this isn't gonna end well waking up your dad oh that Dad is not happy you do not want to wake up with a horn in your ear the kid's eating the kids eating chips she's like don't take my gypsies on my veggie chips look at that she snatched it back so fast I was so happy thinking he was doing so what pumping gas he's learning how to pump gas before he's one years old I call that Talent that's good parenting right there teach them how to do useful skills unless you have a Tesla okay these are a bunch of keys and a kid key oh [Music] oh man when you realize your keys aren't real look at this stickers oh my gosh those are some patient dogs right there there is no way Blackjack would ever let zadie get that many stickers on him he would run away he sees zadie and if she's not in a high chair feeding him food then he is out he's like peace oh man this Baby's living the good life it's like when you have your first taste of chocolate look he's he's tired but he's still eating that's how good the chocolate is he doesn't even have to have his eyes open wait click and watch this video right here if you want good luck do it right now
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo Shorts
Views: 2,659,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qaNHiEanfOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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