I Taught My Cat to Play Minecraft

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my cats are extremely lazy they not only do not pay rent but they also sleep almost like 90 of the day so what if i could get my cats to do something useful with their time like miami diamonds while i'm out of the house and gone i'm not kidding liam thompson made a video teaching his dog to play minecraft so why can't i teach my cats and just to prove that liam thompson's method does not work for cats we have treats here hello these are the two subjects we're going to get them to mine diamonds fruity today and using these treats yes yes yeah no cats don't care so we have a different method so the plan is simple we take what cats do best and turn that into something productive what do cats do they sleep so using the cat hammocks my two cats love to sleep on you will then attach two sticks to the bottoms of their hammocks connecting the bottom ends to the keyboard so then once they lay down to sleep they will be unknowingly mining me diamonds for my hardcore world when i'm not even home hello uh do you want to make a bet with me do you think a cat can mine diamonds in minecraft can i get a cat to mine diamonds in minecraft no what that was a stupid question if i could get a cat to mine in minecraft could i keep callie your cat can you make a deal with me i'm trying to make a deal with you right now if you can make a cat cat my diamonds in minecraft you're gonna have yeah but but if you can't i can't the problem is i already have cali right now so i'm using her to mine diamonds and minecraft so we're gonna come pick you up because they're they're working on trying to mine diamonds right now i did i did yeah they're they're trying to mind damage right now so no i'm gonna come i'm gonna co libra and kelly right now are trying to mine diamonds so i'll come pick you up and then and you could witness them [Music] yeah well no she's she's trying to write diamonds i'm coming to pick you up okay wait what i'm coming to pick you up we're we're getting them to mind diamonds and minecraft okay i'll see you in a bit bye bye bye we first needed our sticks so i went and grabbed as many as i could so we got our wide range of sticks that we'll be able to try we have our cat hammock that we're gonna put right here now that we have the next hammock we can set it up right next to it okay so i've changed all of the keybinds to where all that's binded is s which is walk forward and then k which is attack so whenever they lay down in that one it'll trigger the s button which will walk forward whoever sleeps in this will start to hit and that will be mining so then they will be infinitely mining and walking forward as they sleep now all we gotta do is just set it up okay so we just pulled up to my parents house i'm gonna text max say come outside he was a little bit upset when i called him so i'm gonna text him tell him go outside we're gonna head back and the cats are currently i'm waiting to see if they can get on the cat hammocks you'll see a little bit of past linux of me trying to get them up there in the meantime we gotta get max head back and then hopefully they're mining at that point and trying to sleep because it's around the time that they take their naps anyways so we gotta wait for max now hard work if you wanna get your cats to mind diamonds for you okay so now it's in the perfect spot to where once they sit on it it will put enough pressure to walk this character forward and mine diamonds for me while i'm not home all we have to do is just tape it and we should be all good i'm so nervous oh my gosh she does not look happy whatsoever okay okay what is wrong with you you stole my cat i gave her treats you're gonna see her in just a second you have lost your mind you gave that you gave the cat to me and then you stole it mom said i could i got permission okay okay i'm so nervous i think everything is good if this works this is gonna be insane because then everybody is gonna just be having their cats mining diamonds for them in minecraft we have the treats here hello put some treats in there you stole my cat and they tried to make her mine diamonds so we already made the best so it's too late it's too late you can't make a cat but she will she won't she enjoys it at the house i already have everything she needs too i got this my secret weapon this this is way harder than i expected to get them up here come on guys you're no longer living rent-free i need you guys to work for me getting a cat to listen so hard it's just as hard as getting them to click the w key and walk forward if they can come up here then this will go this it'll work she is gonna i'm gonna own another cabinet listen to that once it happens i'm gonna get a second cat i have two cats this time no i'm listen i have a plan and i know it's gonna work you you bought you bought both of them and they're both i'm gonna own cali and libra nope they're mine cali cali man and you may bet that she would mind diamonds in minecraft yes you know how stupid that sounds listen i have a specific plan where i have wood that will make it so that when they lay down it's gonna play minecraft for them that's that's it it's gonna work you're gonna you're gonna go inside and you're gonna see it you're gonna lose your mind one million percent you're gonna lose your mind no i won't not oh oh yes yes yes come on there you go oh yes okay now just libra you're not smart enough to make something like that i i am you're gonna see it listen okay this is too much rat i'm going that's what you are okay there we go yes it's going we're mining in minecraft with two cats hold on we need the treat bag for them to stay what you're such a you're such a nerd there's no so what how did you come up with this so if they walk on that side then then it walks forward and then if they if they land that side then it just starts mining okay you guys keep going that treats that has to be like a void to the bed that has to that can't be fair we never agreed i can use streets if you because you can't use treats because that's just like not actually teaching them how to play so now that they're putting pressure on their things it's moving the minecraft character and he's just mining for us it worked yes i gotta give them i gotta make sure they stay here we gotta get diamonds i can't believe it actually worked they just hopped off right now and look it just stopped i didn't click anything it just immediately stopped because one of them stayed on it for longer so now we just have to get them in a spot where they can mine diamonds and we've completed this challenge i'm gonna get libra and cali i'm getting both cats and you're gonna get a trash video nothing's gonna happen because it has to be done it can't be anything else other than diamonds just stop recording me just stop you're not gonna it's gonna end up in the scrap footage anyway i'm so confident i'm just gonna stay here and wait for you to fail that's how that's how congratulations you're gonna fail you know what after this i'll pick up lebron and we're gonna go to the store and you're gonna take me too you're gonna take me to the store we're gonna get her treats dude actually she's got money you're buying it too shut up that's not coffee with him no he has the diamonds you're not gonna get it yes i am cats don't listen you can't train them like that nobody bro cats just do what they want when they want it's working please at some point if these guys are tired and they sleep normally then yeah they'll just not they'll just keep going but right now how do you get a cat to pay attention wait no i need you to stay tuned i need you to stay i'm not even nervous i don't even know a little bit everybody's just painting a little bit okay give us something give us something these kids have been attentions people baby libra they don't care they don't care one bit you know what i'll give it to you it works they get out and then it stops and then when again it keeps going but you should give up though like the odds of them finding diamonds is so like small like and only with two keys and they're just walking forward it's it's not going to work it can't work right oh yes yes no we got there no he doesn't know no she got it never she's going to count we got diamonds babies we got diamonds and all thanks to my cat's nails they'll just be doing this for me make sure you subscribe to the channel ten thousand subs on this video and top comment get to choose my hair color so subscribe right now
Channel: Lynix
Views: 1,297,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, cat minecraft, cat, kitten, I Taught My Cat To Play Minecraft, Lynix, family friendly, pg, funny
Id: nbFTp0RadzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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