How My Cat Ruined My Hardcore World

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I'm currently standing over 800 blocks of TNT on a hardcore world I've spent over a hundred days on and the only thing stopping me from lighting it is her Kelly no no I scared her I think oh no no ah oh I'm dead I'm dead wait I'm alive wait the TNT saved me wait wait the TNT saved me right there it like stopped me from falling that was insane this is just one of the many decisions my cat will have to make on my Hardcore Minecraft world that I've spent over 130 days playing what armor will I have to wear for the rest of the video leather iron diamond or another ride hopefully another right fingers crossed okay let's just put these in it doesn't matter where it goes because at the end of the day I don't tell Cali which one to choose okay now we add one treat to each and every single one of these bowls and let's get Cali this is Cali and she's gonna be choosing the rest of all of my choices for the rest of this video and whether or not I will die in Hardcore Minecraft so oh she wants to treat so bad okay Callie go ahead yes wait that's Diamond that's actually pretty good Cali has spoken I can no longer wear my netherite armor which is my prized possession that's why I survived that TNT explosion so it's going to take it off all right there we go I am now fully diamond and can only wear diamond from this point forward and for the next challenge how will I have to clutch in Hardcore Minecraft a ladder clutch or a water bucket clutch Cali please be kind to me because I have no idea how to do the ladder clutch okay I love you so much go ahead and choose the water bucket clutch when you're ready I don't know how to do the ladder clutch this is this is the worst all right it's time it's time to do it we gotta we gotta ladder clutch somehow I have to look up and then I have to look right there and then I have to get close and then place it oh oh my there's no way that that is my best moment ever that is my best moment oh yes which lava pool do I have to jump in left or right one is fake one will kill me and one won't Cali my fate and happiness is all in your hands right now go ahead choose one choose one oh what did you choose left wait I don't remember which one's bad or which one's good okay we have the left and the right Cali said left I am very nervous I don't remember which one's good and which one's bad it doesn't really matter because it's just whatever she chooses you know I mean like it so we if I miss this this is gonna be really sad okay let's just go for it left please yes oh bro this one was like immediate death there's lava all down there and there was lava right here dude thank goodness oh okay we are good we are good okay for the next one do I have to spawn the weather in my world yes or no The Twist here is if I spawn it in I can't kill it for the rest of the time I have this world so uh Cali please because these things are like literally mass destruction and just to prove to you guys I'm not cheating we're gonna put these down cover it and then we're gonna mix them up I'm gonna I'm gonna try not I I don't remember which one my mind is blank 24 7 so it does not matter I have no idea Cali the power you hold I've spent 50 plus hours in this Hardcore Minecraft world if you mess this up oh should choose this okay what is this one please be no please be no it is what is it no okay let's place it right here this is so sad this is gonna be so sad ah why am I doing this video man we're gonna place the third head and then we are gonna run it from our live and and never go next to this guy because we can't kill it we can't kill it hey screw it ready three two one run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run this is oh my oh my no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay for the next one do I have to completely destroy my iron golem Farm okay this means completely decimate like blow it up with thousands of TNT the thing is I've spent it maybe like four or five days making this this Iron Golem Farm Cali you need to choose one you need to just walk up and uh you know sniff it or something Cali you can't you can't be doing this you're on the job right now you have one one job to just walk up to a why are you looking at me like this I need you to focus right now okay Kelly choose one Callie come back okay to make sure that she stays focused we've gotten her unicorn which one which one are you gonna choose you just have to touch one you just have to touch one that's it come on did she touch it she touched wait what did she touch Oh I thought that was no I thought okay well we have to destroy we have to completely destroy this bro he's destroying everything I didn't even have to destroy it myself it's already my iron farm my Golem Farm it's all gone wait there's gonna die I don't have to kill it he killed it they killed the Wither oh my they killed the Wither unfortunately guys I still have to blow this thing up so there are currently two chests above lava one contains all of my favorite items and then one contains just one seed Kelly we're gonna have a pep talk I really really need you to not mess this one up because this is one of the very few that I cannot fix just choose one oh oh left I don't know if that's good or bad all right we have the two chests and Cali has decided left which means we get to keep this chest whatever's in this we keep whatever's in this one is gone I lose all of it and I put some of my favorite items in the entire game like all of the stuff I've worked for my nether eye my diamonds my gold everything here it goes here goes nothing ready and oh my all of my wait does that right survive oh I hate this video okay for the next one do I have to bring my dog my horse and my parrot all into The Nether at once okay all I have to do is just go to another Fortress get back with all of my animals at the same exact time putting them all in Jeopardy okay do good by your own kind the animal Squad all right oh she's got to clean herself one second okay Kelly oh wow wow wow you're a snake you're a snake that's your own people that's your those are your boys all right we are all here where's my dog where's my dog ow get away from here my dog is going for it no I'm doing the thing all right there should be another Fortress nearby because we literally spawned near one it's right there we just need to get to that oh yeah yeah that's where I bridged okay we just have to touch the ground over there nice okay there we go we touched it now we gotta go back go go go go go go go run ah go in my parrot my horse my dog oh we did it oh my goodness oh okay for the next one do I have to throw my prize possession Trident that I put all my enchantments on it's like Godly and for those of you who don't know try to answer incredibly hard to get do I have to throw it in lava okay so this is gonna be very big on whether or not I will be very upset for the rest of the night tridents are hard to get Cali okay I spent like four hours trying to get that trident and don't even ask about how long it took me to get it fully Enchanted wait wait wait do I have to throw it in lava no ah it burns it burns and I'm not talking about the lava bro I'm talking about my heart it's burning right now all right I guess I Gotta Throw My Trident in the lava this is this is this sucks man I it's called the fork and I've had this thing for so long and it's like my prized possession hopefully it doesn't burn I don't know if it burns or not we just gotta do it man this is this is so sad this is such a horrible video man why am I doing this all right there it goes yeah it burned it burned I heard it okay for the next one do I have to okay for the next one do I have to elytra clutch into the void in the end okay now this one is scary right I mean all of them have been pretty scary but this one specifically okay Kelly it's time for the next one do I have to jump in the void an electric clutch Cali we need you to stay focused we need you Cali listen right over there is a really big Choice okay and I need you to choose no all right don't tell the viewers this I'll give you catnip if you choose no okay go ahead Cali come on choose which one you want ah she's touched it oh wow this is actually nerve-wracking okay ah my palms are sweaty we have to catch the elytra and then fly away all right three two one throw jump come on give me Electra give me it yes it's on fly we're flying oh no I don't oh I forgot I forgot to bring the rocket thingies to fly away say goodbye to teddy bear guys say goodbye to him 10 000 subs and I started a new hardcore world
Channel: Lynix
Views: 212,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, funny, pg, family friendly, cat, lynix, i let my cat decide my hardcore minecraft world
Id: zjYq5XneQgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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