I Mined The World's Largest Diamond Ore

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in this square we're going to build the world's largest minecraft diamond ore first thing is the framing the diamond ore is 12 feet tall and weighs over 10 000 pounds according to my measuring tape and to make this the strongest diamond ore on the inside we actually have obsidian and on the inside of our diamond ore we have the strongest block bedrock and within 24 hours we had finally built our diamond ore the entire aura is built and completed and now it's time to mine it everything we make you break this is an exact replica it's a four to one ratio whatever that means we are starting off with a wooden pickaxe oh and this is why you don't use wooden pickaxes on diamond ores server can you spawn me some friends thank you gentlemen we are going to need a lot stronger tools if we're going to break down this diamond or i need you boys to go to home depot give me something stronger than this well the boys are going to the depot we had an iron pickaxe in our inventory let's see if this doesn't need brandon oh we've already hit the dirt inside the diamond ore that is how i like my oars dirty your oars yeah like really dirty oars oh there's just diamond inside is this how we're supposed to pay for the extra supplies at home dip hot don't forget we put the 10 mil sub plaque in there just like you told us to what so there's a timer that's also going on in the inside and if we don't make it in before the time is up it explodes but i didn't know my subplot was going to be in there that's the only one left you already gave one away my name is boyd and i want 10 million subscribers the whole plaque yes [Music] that's a lot of diamonds so many diamonds i've never seen that many before and i've been crafting for 10 years what are we going to need to make their pickaxe what sticks cobblestone iron i know a guy for diamonds one second do you know where they put the diamonds where they put the diamonds here i have no idea i don't work here trying to make a diamond pickaxe oh what if i can peg this you think steve everybody gets this tired he gets hungry where's my hunger bar at it's fine i'll just eat dirt quicker come on grab it grab it go grab it go grab it go grab it go oh i broke it and then the other thing we forgot to mention is that inside the diamond ore layer there's a key that's going to help us to get our sub black there's no way you're going to find it wait oh baby happy accident just like me let's go dude put in your inventory our subscriber count since we're almost at 20 million stephen you know what you have to do oh that was my need this is why you should subscribe to stop sub abuse can you imagine we have a diamond pickaxe [Music] who would have thought this is oh my god what is that hey it didn't break oh i'm slow something there's really wrong jokes aside we just got hit with the slowness potion you know what's all slowness we need the boys to grab us some milk better be organic [Music] hey no this is is oh my god i need whole milk here listen listen who's this bring the milk okay if it's not whole milk and grass-fed you're done i want some grass-fed grass grass doesn't eat grass probably bring it soon they hung up while my progress was diminishing due to the slowness potion the boys were urgently trying to find me some milks um scott can you actually move to the back you can sit in my lap the baby has to sit in the front and after waiting 15 minutes for the boys to show up the slowness effect wore off and we received some bad news there's a wreck so bad in between this diamond and home depot that a car is on fire pray for them but we got to see if we can get through the obsidian without the boys tools oh my gosh wait do you see it oh this looks amazing oh yeah and now it's time for the obsidian layer wait present i can't see you i can fix that that's better all right so technically you are able to mine through obsidian with an iron pickaxe it just takes an incredible amount of time but guess who's back he got chocolate but i got the good stuff is this whole milk yes and the effect what hey can you just save this for later no no no we're back with the stuff we got to make a crafting table to help president and while the boys are making the diamond pickaxe um we have some guests oh my buddy's a witch oh oh yeah is this a male witch take a push chase give me the baby villager babies are weak i mean witches are weak to babies witches do not like babies so if you ever happen to run into one in real life throw a baby two sticks three diamonds and oh my god you got it got it you're gonna bring it this way you just walked thank you oh that's pretty good significantly thicker than the diamond door oh hold on we got a hole in there basically we don't know what this going to make so diamond hoe baby wait that's not what we were that's the best tool in the weapon how do i make a such hero i don't know for an iron sword okay i think it's one stick okay the obsidian is this hard to break i can only imagine how difficult the bedrock's gonna be well look at these little obsidian gyms i think there's a whole bag of dirt in there yup you know whoever built this is the dirt bag what was that oh have you even looked inside oh wait we have a command block oh my gosh sorry it's kind of tiny here it's off to you boss you can use the pick uh that was chase's idea this is a great time to tell you about today's sponsor we don't have one so please go purchase fire merch because this was very expensive to build thank you oh you did good hey fresh i did something now you did more than something come on you married my sister you're great that's something hey there's something back there what is that is that that's the timer we have six minutes left to get into the bedrock there's no way we're gonna make it through in time so server bringing the tractor oh dig oh why didn't we use this earlier no oh that's a lot of okay all right boys we have five and a half minutes left ah boys we might need an enchanted slap the bed rock breaker on oh my okay okay geez okay all right wait you got the book the witch dropped it earlier yes here we go we got it brush it yeah chug it in here oh thank you thank you turn around turn around what's happening okay okay okay move move weapons leggings is that fire why did you gotta do something about that dragon take the hoe get the baby all right gentlemen we have three minutes left commence breaking the bedrock why are you using up it's a diamond hoe president pass me the baby break it let's go oh my gosh dude hold on wait listen hit the pickaxe oh my god it's cracking it's cracking just get the baby in there i can't believe this is actually working oh geez i'm not ready for babies yet so sorry oh wait it's good cheers watch out watch out where do i go bart pull it apart he pulled it oh no no no keep going keep going oh my gosh there's another box there's always another box watch out boys pull the box up 30 seconds come on oh boy there get it in there go go we're not gonna make it we're not gonna make it scott's making your sister he can do anything we still have the key come on he's not gonna pull it out in time four seconds three seconds let me reach it boys oh [Music]
Channel: Preston
Views: 14,455,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Id: nD6MLZ7aTJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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