I Survived A Water Course

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I think it may be from Toby Fox but no clue

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SilvaEmily 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

Starjump from Celeste!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/azureii_ 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
we are at this aqua park it's going to be wet there he is not doing the restaurant what do you mean can i like change i don't think so no we rented two wetsuits not three in a suit staring at me everyone's staring at me it's not fun gonna break the bridge tommy's gonna tommy's acting big but just give it five minutes you look so damn good i'm gonna get rid of it look there's the ladders what are you like not drowning yeah i'm a big fan of actually i'm a big fan how good are you swimming genuinely 100 [Music] this is the fourth video on this channel it's slim it's so new please before we get on please just check the subscribe button even if you think you subscribe just double check it it's free and you can can you stop it wait really wait so are we on the same team okay okay boss alloys this one i'll kill you all right i'm going for a walk there we go that's one that's two balanced on my balance boy hey guys for the duration of this day i'm gonna seek to make your life a living hell just like you've made mine but you don't like this you're dapper though [Music] oh [Music] oh we're on two goggy falls ready for number three i like that we're bonding it's makes a good time in the truce right okay how do we get over the number like this watch this watch this we call that the goggy special tommy me saving you is a show of our friendship and our truth and that we've made up help me yeah you're embarrassing us in front of the lifeguard this is actually dangerous who's going first i say george one bye bye gugs [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh felony that's a felony the truces aren't working i have a very clear way we can settle our disputes i'll meet you there we should probably we should go come on george [Music] i honestly i think we should call ourselves team week because we're strong every day of the week all right let's go i've got my dexterity back how are you back there yes okay i'll be team [ __ ] [Laughter] why is he just [Music] quick why are you just laughing manically every three seconds i'm crazy do this forever oh yeah wow yep [Music] oh oh you dribbled kills myself what the [ __ ] make the most of it being fun because i'm gonna ruin your world oh you [ __ ] what the [ __ ] no the hydration is good he's gonna fall [Music] a small percentage of my viewers are actually subscribed please if you enjoyed this video subscribe it's free oh [ __ ] wait why is that whoa hey tommy i have i have a suggestion for how we can uh how we can settle this once and for all oh man what's that team [ __ ] get on wait what have you seen this wall i'm riding dirty no you're not what does that mean oh he's he's learning my lesson george right here's the plan george how are you feeling about a race right now you and george are gonna run this way right we meet at the nub that we fought for over there right the winner gets to launch the other off of the big floppy thing that's what this is all for wasn't it three oh [ __ ] okay move [Music] tap come across tommy oh [ __ ] okay okay [ __ ] i'll let you have this win if you make it across if you them it across that only you have to win clearly yeah seriously oh [ __ ] hello you're ruining my moment george told me i told me i saved you [Music] i think i technically won but no it's a winner [Applause] [Music] i don't mind that you made more suit it was actually quite fun i quite enjoyed wearing it guys please subscribe this is the fourth video on the channel it's completely new and i hope you enjoyed make sure to subscribe guys it's completely free and you can always unsubscribe
Channel: Tom Simons
Views: 10,537,915
Rating: 4.9771714 out of 5
Keywords: tom simons, tommyinnit, vlog, i met wilbur soot in real life, tommyinnit vlog, tom simons vlog, tom, simons, vlog channel, fun, funny, water park, water course, Inflatable
Id: o-vSpgM8RNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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