We got lost in a Cave...

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hey guys guess what everyone's just looking down anyway guess where we're going up there let's go i want to go up a big hill this is literally like this is not that you guys are going up that massive hill this is like 50 degrees all right george does max he keeps saying he's constipated oh your shit's slightly very good you know what else is very good subscribing to the channel we recently hit a million which is absolutely insane but still the majority of people watching these videos just aren't subscribed so if you're like me and you would love to support a channel that updates you on the health of cocky spell movements feel free to subscribe anyways on with the video george stop trying to open things that is just the window he's already struggling he doesn't have to exert himself after dear [Music] this is how fast a george not found video comes out yes oh my god this is a kids park george when i see george on a kiss box i think wow he really is baby you can swing on it george go excellent well done don't tell george what to do please get back in the way i'll show you how it's done are you having fun doing it you've done a significant lack of playing on this children's party play on the swings but if there were [Music] wait i thought we were going to the wet rocks oh yeah i haven't even explained what we're doing today guys we're going to caves i convinced nikki to come with me to caves and then george and tobo just kind of kind of they kind of crashed our plans but you know the day with george not found is a day well spent that's what i always say but we're going to the castle first all right so jack and nikki have left us they just left we're just sitting on the swings having too much fun we're just going to spend the rest of our time here we're having fun you know maybe even we'll lick some rocks who knows castle we're going to go in there they're not real i thought they were real where's the gold council small you know that yo you can be small and still be the best [Laughter] if we keep the noise really really down just sneak up around the door and as they come out just [ __ ] get them right around here somewhere oh they're there right down the middle i see [Music] to rule to be powerful in that i need to prove to george that i'm powerful he didn't ask me to but i just feel like it'll impress him i see the light just come further up and i'll just pretend like i did it from the start that was me all the way i lifted it all the way we cut that so it looks like i did it all the way he actually went in this castle thing here oh my god oh my god there's a fossil factory covered transformed into a wheelchair wait the water dreams in the water how does he know what color it is can i say i'm a genius [Music] to him for like five minutes do it all right film me do it then all right we do it again wait the lighting hang on come this way the lighting's still like messed up hang on oh my god i'll try again bend down here in front of the bush now i'll do it do it again there you go [Music] [Music] i don't care what you want george what do you get you always get what we want george i didn't get my nice day out with goggy i got patreon but you know we all suffer tomorrow what are you doing in the world i've gone on monday i've got not literally look i've got no change i've got literally no change i made a wish i can't believe you you have stolen like nearly a hundred pounds from me today what did you wish for like what was worth 20 pounds you tell me whatever it's 100 gonna come true well i don't like this i don't like this bit you're doing george you're wearing supreme right now look at this look at it all right okay i'm going to the case they're down there are they going to be dark maybe we're going to die there's going to be mobs george creepers it's a naturally forming door we're in the caves where's the diamond stomach little square things diamonds how did they place bedrock in [Music] survival why do they need candles with all these led lights hello duck you're not that small you're gonna hit your head i'm sorry dog so i just couldn't help it that's where steve was how did they get off george don't stop making him scared i'll start getting scared nicki it was actually me who felt scared [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] it's george yes i always knew it no it's again that's geodude that's pokemon don't hit your head george depended oh my god outside what's the first thing you're going to do on the outside wait this constipation is killed oh my god oh my gosh came true what do you mean your wish came true at the end of the cave you paid 20 pounds for a rock yeah you're wasting my money down to this rock where are you going he's just leaving come on where are you going george we'll get the tub tomorrow how do you get up there oh my god let's go get him vlogging is i have a difficult oh my god george oh my god he went feral mode i can't believe you wasted 20 pounds on that that is no it's not it's it is a stone fine all right what do we all think of the cave it's very good it was decent what do you mean you lost your rock i didn't how did you get that magic total i wished anyway guys that's it um subscribe or i'm gonna throw george out of this you
Channel: JackManifoldTV
Views: 5,232,494
Rating: 4.9840412 out of 5
Keywords: Jack manifold, tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream, dream minecraft, funny, 1000% funnier, minecraft funny, funniest minecraft video, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrun, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, george, georgenotfound, niki, nihachu, tubbo, rocket duo, vlog, irl, cave, caving, minecraft irl, minecraft in real life, gogy, We got lost in a Cave...
Id: y8LCECiXydI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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