I Survived 600 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]

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originally i was going to try and survive over 1 000 days in hardcore minecraft and as you all know i've gotten to 600 days however something happened and this something wasn't just any random thing it was absolutely massive long story short i'll spare you the details since i explained it in my surviving 100 days in the modded end video but recently my computer ended up breaking and after the long process of replacing the parts to fix it i had lost all of my minecraft worlds and backups which means unfortunately this run had come to its end which honestly really saddens me but that's okay because throughout these 600 days and almost a full year of playing this world i had so many great experiences and i've grown so much as a person when i released my first 100 days i only had 4 000 subscribers on youtube and just look at how far we've come throughout these videos i've transitioned from the extremely self-conscious and awkward person that i was to this still self-conscious and also still awkward person that i am now except now i believe in myself and i have all of you to thank for that so whether you've been here from the start or you've joined us along the way i figured you would all love to see my full 600 days experience as one massive movie and here it is all four hours of it which if you watch through all of it would mean so much to me because it would help me out tremendously also if you do go on to enjoy this video then don't forget to subscribe and leave a like because those also help me out a ton anyways here is the entire story of me surviving 600 days in hardcore minecraft [Music] so day one was going super great right off the bat this man came out of nowhere as i was chopping wood and started smacking me up and got me down to half health in the first minute then we found a cool cave and i was getting lots of resources until this boy gave me a miniature heart attack stupid creeper in the cave i didn't even see him i looked back and he was nowhere to be found i don't i don't know where he was but that was not cool so i was out of there real quick then it was time to become friends with the local animals and by become friends i mean eat them so that's what i did we went on an absolute slaughtering rampage getting i mean don't don't look at some of the footage i may have missed a lot but we were killing every cow we could find you know gotta get food somehow and then it started getting dark so to end the day i did what any other sane person would do and i built my way up into a tree placed some furnaces and waited out the night while smelting my food and my iron on day two as the sun rose i decided to make myself a full set of iron armor so i could at least take some damage while out and about it's not quite enough to survive in hardcore but it's enough to get me by and then i paused and watched the beautiful sunrise since you know it's not something you see every day in minecraft i mean it technically is but only if you look at it okay don't sue me then with the spare iron that i had after making the armor i decided to make an iron pickaxe and we decided to head out adventuring after a long day of adventuring i eventually found this cool village which i mean it doesn't have any cool structures like a blacksmith or anything but you know i can't complain it's a place to stay for the night and i happen to have found this cool blast furnace which will save me some iron in the future on day three just like any other good samaritan i robbed these villagers blind of all of their wheat then i caught this skeleton venting but don't worry no emergency meeting had to be called because the crewmates had already won and then i spent the rest of the day in nearby cave mining lots of iron and coal and i made a whole bunch of new tools broke my pickaxe so i had to make a new one made a sword and now we have a bucket we are moving up in the world on day 4 i decided this village didn't really feel like home so i stole their bell and continued my journey to find a better home then i struck literal gold i found an incomplete nether portal with a whole gold block and a golden apple and then i stole all the magma blocks because i don't know why i don't need them yet and then as it began to get dark i decided to make this cozy little dirt shack and cook my supplies and go to sleep on day five i finally realized i was missing a shield this entire time i had been running around without one of the most important things no big deal right and then this stupid creeper decided that he was big brain enough to try to ambush me on the way out from my own house and then he sat there and he teased me so i left and then i'm not gonna lie to you guys i spent the rest of my day trying to build another portal with water and lava and what can i tell you i am not dream on day six i decided to go into the new nether because i was excited about the nether update and all the new stuff and this is my first time experiencing it and what can i say it's beautiful and it is absolutely terrifying literally i was so scared just here here listen listen to my reaction oh my god uh i'm out of here i'm out of here uh-uh uh-uh look at this spawn what is this spawn get me out of this place oh my god on day seven i finally found a place i wanted to call home that was perfect right on the side of a beautiful beach so i began flattening out land so i could start to make myself a base on day eight it was all about deforestation lots of deforestation q the tree murder montage [Music] on days 9 through 10 i began building my house and while i was working these guys showed up and i'll admit i kind of handled them like a baby but then this dude over here while i was blocking decided to deal one heart of damage every shot and i was pretty scared this was not a fun experience and i've definitely i'm definitely lucky that i was not in a village still because i would have started a raid and i probably would have died here so we got very very lucky on day 11 i woke up to this beautiful mans and what do you know he dropped me nothing i spent the rest of the day building a fence luke the notable style around my base so that way nothing could get within 20 feet of me i was being 100 careful with this playthrough on day 12 i finished building my wall and what do you know right after i did a gang of zombies decided to come raid my base sucks to be them because i have a wall now losers on day 13 i worked on my chest organization but more importantly i got some new doggos who wants to see chest footage when you can see me get doggos look at these adorable boys we now have some terrible house defenders on day 14 more of these jerks showed up jokes on them though because i have bows and i know how to use an axe now this is my first time getting used to critting with an axe on day 15 i decided to start digging down for my brand new mine so we can start amassing diamonds i decided to go all the way to y11 since that is the perfect spot to dodge lava poles if you dig into a lava pool you run to the top of it and you can easily stop yourself before going straight into the lava on day 16 for some reason i have no audio but i found my first diamonds while mining down on day 17 i still have no audio which sucks because i can't hear the beautiful sound of the xp but it's okay because i found a mystical eight vein of diamonds it's so beautiful just look at it we now have 10 diamonds and we are on our way to getting a full set of diamond armor on day 18 it was back to the mine i was determined to get more xp and make an enchantment table and enchant my new pickaxe friend i also guessed i was mining under the ocean because i had an underwater ravine but it had diamonds which i really had to work for did you know that in hardcore drowning hurts a lot well i did i spent all of day 19 in the mines mining for more and more diamonds i was getting so lucky with all the bigger veins and i also had a couple of small veins however the main goal was to get a full set of diamond armor and what do you know i happen to end up with just enough diamonds to make that full set so i call today a huge success on day 20 i begin smelting all the cobble i got from mining so i can use it to expand the wall around my base then i started clearing out land to expand my base and yes i made a diamond shovel this early and before i made the diamond armor sue me also the game audio is back yay just in time for you to hear me dig dirt also um uh q epic dream time lapse digging montage then this super rude trader interrupted my epic dream montage so i had to teach him his place and i evicted him from my land [Music] on day 21 it was time to finally get a cow farm going because i had no renewable source of steak and i desperately needed my fix and then i was attacked by another horde of zombies fun made quick work of them and then i decided to get ballsy and i took on my first enderman and he dropped nothing what a cheapskate on day 22 i decided it was time to add some sheep to my already overcrowded compound and then i spent the rest of my day messing with this automatic chicken egg producer so in the future i could have an infinite source of feathers not much happened on day 23 i was just chilling around the base until i found this fox just plucking fish out of the ocean left and right and then at that moment i decided he had to be mine in order to acquire my new friend i went to the forest and started gathering some berries and then i went back to him with a boat and realized i really couldn't do much to get him so from here on out he will be known as boat fox he will spend the rest of his life probably in this boat until i actually find another mate for him or an easier way to actually capture him days 24 through 25 we're monumental i went out and got my fox friend a new mate and what can i say it was not easy i finally managed to catch the fox and now i can bring it back to my base and then real quick before i got the other fox i decided to put the trapdoors on top of my chicken farm just in case they decided to get any ideas i did not want to get more chickens talk about how much of pain this fox was to get on land like listen my dude please just go go on just just go please after that i made a maximum security prison for them so they could mate and i found out hey they can have babies inside of boats weird anyways look fox baby on day 26 it was time to commit crimes against cow kind and slaughter all the adults and now that my cows were orphans it was time to move to the mines for the day and i found two meager diamonds but it's better than nothing so i'll take it on day 27 i finished the enchantment table and the minecraft gods blessed me with these two insane pickaxes we got silk touch efficiency 4 and we got a fortune 2 efficiency 4 with unbreaking 3. and i found this nice eight vein of diamonds with fortune two ended up with 13 diamonds not bad later that day i was attacked by sky demons maybe this would be a reason to build myself a roof you would think so but i did not anyways i got lots of membrane from them so now i can make slow falling potions those will come in super handy when i fight the dragon for days 28-30 i proceeded to run around and light up my land just so i had a lot more space without hostile mobs spawning and then i spent the rest of those three days in the mines cue epic diamond montage [Music] [Music] [Music] we ended up with a stack an additional six diamonds from that trip we were living life like larry on day 31 i came back up to assess my loot and made myself a full set of diamond armor and i even enchanted it now we are all decked out in full diamond and we are ready to go day 32 i'm not sure what i did because i didn't write anything down to my notes so we're just gonna skip it like nothing happened on day 33 i made a brand new diamond sword that i gave looting 3 to this baby is gonna be my best friend throughout the series then i went and killed a bunch of cows which for some reason i didn't just crit them i sat there potentially killing the babies by using sweeping edge i don't know what's wrong with me don't judge me anyways with this new influx of leather i can make item frames so i can begin actually organizing my chests now that i felt like i was more prepared with a full set of diamond armor and tools i went back into my mind tunnel in order to find the mine shaft that i ran into in hopes of finding a cave spider spawner i need to get xp somehow and this is the closest dungeon i could find to make a basic farm i know there's probably easier ways to do it but what can i say i'm starving on days 35-36 i decided to make a map and start exploring around my house to see if there's anything interesting i found this cool village except it was too far from my house to bother transporting them i would probably be better off just curing zombies at that point on day 37 i realized it was getting dark so i started to head home and on the way there this jerk skeleton decided to break my shield and then i walked in on these two villagers doing whatever this is and i left on day 38 i returned home for my long journey and i brought four new friends yes that's right i got four new doggos on the way home as if i didn't already have enough friendly mobs in my house on day 39 i decided to go back to the nether because we needed supplies and well my spawn wasn't the worst i was still inside of a basalt biome but at least i had tons of gorgeous black stone to work with on day 40 i decided it was time to start strip mining for netherrite just to be extra careful i wanted a full set of armor before i could traverse the nether however it was not going that well i found none on day 41 i decided that netherright was not going so well so i decided to just dig into this wall i mean i don't know i heard pig ones so i mined towards them and i found this new safer area then i honestly kind of stood there in awe there was a bastion an abandoned portal and the biome with trees and endermen was all great but it was not what i needed i needed netherwork then i had the most terrifying experience in hardcore yet these mans almost killed me i never replaced my shield and these guys did not stop i was freaking out this was the i was out of there i left i left the net i was done with the nether for now until we were more prepared on days 42 through 46 i went back to work on the spider farm because i definitely needed xp this took way longer than it should have but the outcome was definitely worth it just look at how much xp this farm gives me plus i get lots of strings so win-win for future villager trades on day 47 this wondering scam artist decided to pay my house a visit so i decided to kill him for his leads because i don't have any slime yet and i wanted to pull things around don't use that out of context on days 48 through 50 i ran around the overworld placing nether portals in hopes of finding a new better spawn that had you know netherwort and what do you know it brought me right across the lava pool from my first set of portals luckily though i did spawn closer to the bastion so i decided to go check it out in hopes of finding some nether work now let me just tell you this real quick going to the bastion was an absolute last resort for netherworld these things on hardcore are deadly they are some of the scariest structures i've ever seen in minecraft honestly the whole time i was in this bastion i was uh pretty scared i can't lie my hands were very sweaty but it's okay it's okay all is good because i got one netherride scrap and the best music in minecraft that could ever exist pig step that's all i needed and i was out of there unfortunately we did not get any other wart so this trip was technically a failure but it's okay i got in i got out and i did not die on day 51 i better prepared my inventory with more gapples and boats so that way no roots can get too close to me and my new crossbow and i went back to the bastion things are going well until this jerk nearly ended my whole career it was safe to say i almost had a heart attack however i cleared the entire bastion and there was no other warts so back to the drawing board for days 52 through 55 i explored the nether further in hopes of finding a fortress or some netherwart and once again i came home without either honestly i feel like i always get some of the worst nether spawns every time i generate a world without a seed on day 56 i found a cool abandoned portal in the nether and got two free blocks of gold and a chest with some useless crap but it's cool definitely not another fortress though on day 57 i went back to the spider farm to get lots of xp to fix my armor since the nether was not an easy place just listen to those xp orbs on day 58 it was back to the nether and i found a crimson forest and look another bastion yay maybe this one will have some netherwort because otherwise crimson forests are nothing but death on day 59 i decided to go to the new bastion and oh my god did this brute almost end my entire career this man got me so low and i was out of there fun fact did you know that brutes can chase you for hundreds of blocks yeah i didn't did you also know that vengeance feels so sweet i did stupid egg after killing the root i went back to the bastion and i cannot make this up it's literally like something from a movie but there is a patch with one singular nether wart in the center of the bastion in the middle of lava what even is this on day 60 i went back to the bastion and i made this little piglet into an orphan but don't worry i quickly sent him to the shadow realm after then i found this cool single chest full of loot including my first set of ancient debris then i found this double chest that had even more ancient debris we are moving up in the world on day 61 i stopped by the house to drop off all the loot from my unfinished bastion run that was in progress and i decided to jam out to some pig step truly one of the best music discs in minecraft [Music] do [Music] for days 62-63 i spent the entire time in the bastion and i uh witnessed this pile and then it became a massacre i finished stealing their stuff and still no nether fortress in sight on day 64 through 65 i went mining for netherright and i found a good amount but between the explosions the fire damage and my pickaxe almost breaking i realized that getting the full amount of scrap to make a full set of armor this early wasn't quite looking realistic so i need to shift my focus on getting villagers so i can get mending also i found out what a lonestone is and it is a super cool concept so now i have a compass that'll point me back home no matter which direction i go on day 66 i had the brilliant idea to build another portal in the not so nearby village and it worked perfectly i got all these villagers to go through the portal and straight through the nether into my mining area i quickly got him up the ladder and boom we have our first villager i can't wait to force him into a life of labor on day 67 i wasted the entire day trying to get this guy to re-roll until he got mending for some reason each roll took like five minutes for him to change jobs i later figured out that it was because there was too many other blocks that had rolls nearby and he was trying to take one of those on day 68 i realized this whole process was taking too long so i went back to get another guy to roll for mending and this guy was a complete jerk then of course the second i finally get him home the first villager started going absolutely ham on rerolling his trades i'm pretty sure it's because i broke more job blocks when the second villager wouldn't cooperate i kept rerolling the first dude until i got silk touch me likey so i moved on to the second villager and i got fortune 3. i was conflicted but i had to keep re-rolling and i finally got mending now i need villagers to breed and become a source of emeralds it is time for capitalism also while i was out trying to get more villagers uh i witnessed this with all these zombies ganging up on this iron golem day 69 stop laughing i went out looking for some sugar cane because i didn't want to lose the mending trade of the villager and i didn't have any paper and then i found this abandoned shipwreck with some loot and then this stupid witch decided hey that's my loot back off so i did wasn't that good of loot anyways jerk screw you on day 70 i went back to the village to capture two more villagers who are gonna be in charge of baby making winky face at this point i'm realizing how much of a mess my base is becoming but that's okay i was on a mission to kill the ender dragon by day 100. after making the villager breeder i decided to give these boys some jobs and ended up ending the day with some capitalism on days 71-72 i spent the whole day afking for xp at my cool spider farm not gonna lie this farm is actually super inefficient and i need a new xp farm and i need it now on day 73 i went back to the nether hopped on a strider and began desperately searching for a fortress still with no luck but i did find this cool workforce and now i have warped mushrooms for days no hogwins getting anywhere near me on day 74 while i was out and about looking for a fortress i found another bastion and unlike the other two this one was really close to a cliff so i could easily cut off all of the piglens go upstairs and just rob them blind and look at all the loot that we got i opened two double chests in one small chest got some more pig step discs and hella gold and these boys didn't even see it coming on day 75 i went back to the nether but this time i explored a new direction in hopes of another fortress i was using my strider to go across the lava and finally a hidden fortress not only did i find my blaze spawner that i needed but there was two blaze spawners close enough to each other where i could make a crazy blaze xp farm in the future which would blow my crappy spider farm out of the water i also built a new nether portal there to see where i ended up in the overworld and uh i was very far away on day 76 i headed home and made my fire resistance potions and now i could finally make an ender chest now i had a couple more things to do before i could kill the ender dragon get a full set of netherride armor and tools breed my villagers and get crazy enchants for my nether right armor and then we are ready to go to the end days 77 through 90. yes that's right 13 days i went down to the nether and i bed mind over and over and over getting tons of ancient debris so i could build myself a full set of netherray armor and another right tools and i ended up with about 15 ingots and i didn't know how netherite properly worked i had thought you had to build a fresh set of armor i didn't know it was one ingot each so i am well prepared i thought i was under prepared but we are good to go it is almost time to fight the enderdragon on day 91 i witnessed my villagers being delinquent but hey they had a baby and it tried to escape i don't think so my dude i then escorted him to his new prison then i awkwardly watched these two do their thing from the corner of the room on days 92 through 93 i kept rerolling librarians and i got a looting three boy why'd i say boy like that then i made a new section for my villagers and on my first try i got another mending villager which i had to be strong i had to reroll him i didn't need him and then he gave me mending again anyways i kept re-rolling and finally i settled with infinity because it was going to help me kill the ender dragon since i didn't want to worry about arrows on day 94 i got an expensive feather falling for villager that i really need for the dragon because i cannot mlg water bucket to save my life literally then this absolutely blew my mind apparently you can use a smithing table in one nether ingot to upgrade your already existing diamond armor to netherright i didn't know this before okay this is future me writing this reading this from my old notes i didn't know this back when i wrote these notes i know this now so don't look at me like that and be in the comments like oh he doesn't know how netherite works this is me i recorded this weeks ago okay anyways i am absolutely set on netherrite so we are pretty much prepared for the dragon when it comes to armor now i just need a ton of xp to finish the upgrades and i am ready for the end on day 95 it was back to the crappy spider farm to grind some xp on days 96 through 98 i spent them grinding and finishing up my nether right armor and gear and making a brand new bow and i finished it off by prepping some potions we were officially ready to find the stronghold on day 99 now that i had prepared all of my loot it was time to go out and look for the stronghold and this was surprisingly not that bad it was actually pretty close to my base however i did get stuck in the water over here the ender pearls decided to go down to the water and i was like is it is it here do i have to go all the way down there but luckily it was not in the ocean after finding the spot i quickly dug down and decided to look for the portal and within no time i had found it and then silverfish broke this block and let the lava try to kill me sucks to be you silverfish i have full netherrite after healing up and killing all of their family i went back to the portal just to find out that there was only one eye of ender really game one eye of ender could i have been any less lucky so i went to the surface to try to find some endermen in this moment right here was make or break for the 100 days if these endermen were not here and it was not still dark out i would not have been able to kill the ender dragon by day 100 the video would have been ruined this is it the moment you've all been waiting for day 100 at the beginning of day 100 i filled the portal and proceeded to jump through and i was ready to take on the ender dragon honestly for this fight i'm pretty proud of myself i knew that i was well over prepared i had slow falling potions i had gapples i had all the armor and tools i needed but there were still some times i got pretty low and overall i beat the dragon in like six minutes which i'm pretty proud of believe it or not this is actually my first hardcore world i have ever made i've been playing minecraft for so long and this is the first time i've ever felt this feeling of killing the ender dragon in hardcore and honestly i was proud i spent the rest of the day running through the xp and then i left through the portal on day 101 i was welcomed home after my long journey by this almost dead iron golem no clue what happened to him then i decided it was finally time to upgrade my sword i went out and bought sharpness 4 and sweeping edge 3 and then i had the ultimate name for the sword i decided to rename it e-girl eliminator with this god sword by my side no e-girls will be saved then i decided since i didn't have enough time to explore the end in day 100 i would go back and get shulkers and an elytra it was also time to get the dragon egg that i forgot so i made a piston because at the time i was recording this i thought i needed a piston turns out you can just you know right click it pl place the torch down wherever it goes break it and it'll fall on the torch you can get it i didn't know that but i decided to head towards the end on day 102 i ended up taking a slight detour and while heading towards the end portal i ran into a roaming band of e-girls don't worry though i made a new sword just for the occasion now that i had the eagle simps curse i had to be careful when returning home from the end because my compound is now a village or at least minecraft thinks it is after getting back to the stronghold i decided to grief the library for books a man's gotta make emeralds somehow after relocating the portal the first thing i did was jump in and i decided to lure some endermen in with the hopes of free candy and wi-fi there was no candy or wi-fi now that i had ender pearls i went to grab the ender dragon egg this was actually my first ever egg that i've grabbed i always kind of just left them behind so in a way this was kind of special to me even though i used a piston don't yell at me in the comments please on day 103 i built up to the farlands portal and looking down at the void during this i could feel my heart stop like my palms were sweaty knees weak arms spaghetti i was i was not having a good time building up here and i feel like i'm always unlucky when it comes to these things they always spawn so far out over the void that you know all it takes is one misclick or letting go of shift and there goes 100 days let alone 200 days and all of my effort but i did end up getting up to it and threw the ender pearl in and surprisingly enough we actually ended up with a real set of endland and not just an island that i would have to build away from so this was looking good things were looking good after a surprisingly short distance i actually ran into two end cities but neither of them had an end ship so no elytra quite yet i spent the rest of this day building my way over to them since there is no clear path to get to them i spent all of day 104 looting end cities and killing shulkers honestly there's nothing more satisfying than end city loot after killing all the shulkers i already had enough for four shulker boxes which i really desperately needed because my inventory was ridiculous i had no space for anything and i struggled just to make the strokers also as i was looking into the distance i realized that i was wrong and there was an end ship in the next city over we were gonna check off one of our goals on day 104 we were gonna learn to fly on day 105 i went to the next end city and i gave every single shulker there a promotion to unalive i took their bodies to store my items in that sounds pretty weird i know but you know what let's roll with it q shulker montage [Music] then i found 11 diamonds in this chest i have never seen this many pure diamonds sitting in an end chest before that is a big pog champ moment then i was hit by the shulker boy and i decided to turn it into an mlg slow fall onto that sweet end ship but i missed so i i don't want to talk about how many times i failed getting onto the ship but long story short we got our elytra and we got some dank loot and of course i grabbed the dragon head we officially checked off learning to fly from our list of to do on day 106 while looking for a portal back to the end spawn i found another city which then turned into two cities this is super lucky because i didn't have any fireworks to use my new elytra so all these cities were just icing on top of the cake in the first city it didn't really have much loot so i just bullied the shulker and then i left and the second city had a whole bunch of enchanted diamond armor then i wasted the rest of my day struggling to find a portal back home on day 107 i had a problem i was ready to go home to the portal but i still had the eagle simp debuff and teleporting home would probably start a raid i guess i had no choice but to find out i hope my village are okay because a lot of them are definitely exposed huh well apparently you lose the illegal debuff when you change dimensions so mission success i ended up with 18 shulkers and i found my elytra on day 108 i caught this man's trying to escape my prison cam i i mean compound he was trying to escape my compound then i partook in some poorly priced capitalism man do i need better villagers then it was elytra time which i appropriately named ae lytra i mean it's not my best name but it will do until i think of a better one then i made my flight three rockets and it was time to take this boy for a good night flight and i found an abandoned portal with free gold and loot now that i have an elytra i could easily travel to the nether fortress and make that double blaze spawner farm on day 109 i dyed my shulky boys and then i decided to go into the nether to visit the double blaze farm just look at all these mans but none of them can stand up to the e-girl slayer after getting some dank xp and blaze rods i went back to the overworld i decided to make a lodestone so i could fly back here in the future i didn't have the redstone to make a compass but i saw an underwater ravine so i decided to go down there while down here i found six diamonds i tied the compass to the lodestone and started to fly on the way home i found a desert temple and i found a village but i've already explored them apparently i don't remember coming through here but okay on day 110 i flew over a mesobiome and you know i had to stop messes are known for having tons of exposed mine shafts gold mine carts with chests and spider spawners and what do you know i literally found all of the above i stopped by a couple of chests and i got myself four name tags and i even found the coveted surface cave spider spawner however i was done with cave spiders i already had a farm and i had zero interest in it so i left after flying home i decided to start making a netherright shovel that was going to become a god shovel after making my shovel i went to go gather sand lots of sand and you know what that means in the first 100 days we did a dream sand speed run and now we continue the tradition but right before the speed run i found an underwater portal with some loot and i was jumped by this wandering band of sea orphans anyways [Music] do [Music] um [Music] just look at all the sand i got and now i have a another right shovel that i can make into a god shovel that is if i was paying attention and i totally didn't just break it wasting another right ingot and a shovel you will be missed shovel on day 111 i made an auto smelter and then i realized that i traded all of my coal to the scam artists so i guess i'm using the lava buckets that i had saved for the blaze farm which is what this glass is for by the way i spent the whole day smelting this glass then i began collecting new willing residents i mean come on all my residents i look like all the residents love it here so of course they're willing anyways these boys will be infecting new villagers so i can start making mad stonks after trapping these boys i gave them a roof so they wouldn't burn from the sun and i decided to give them a little guard rail in case an iron golem decided to walk in here and just eat one or two of them and then this gang of zombies thought that they could fill some minecraft me but they were wrong on day 112 while still waiting for the glass to smell i began my mad experiments with this stupid cleric that tried to escape you know the more days pass the worse this compound looks sometime during this 100 days we will actually build us a house over the ocean and it's going to be beautiful i carried my two villagers then left them to be infected again each villager needs to be infected about six times each also i decided to fix up my personal house guard since i was kind of tired of looking at this crumbling husk of a former self that he had become he needs to work on himself he has issues on day 113 i infected my mans again and then i went to the local neighborhood lava pool for some lava fun fact this is where all the orphans like to hang out it was a good thing that i renamed my axe in honor of technoblade i spent the rest of the day cooking sand until i had almost a full shulker full of white stained glass then these flying demons tried to get me but they were scared of my security guard i carried my villagers a third time and went to sleep on day 114 things were looking good i only cured this man three times and his rotten flesh was already down to seven per emerald i spent the day mining stone for the blaze farm insert epic time lapse here [Music] then i cure these boys a fourth time i'm going to need more apples then we had done it one rotten flesh per one emerald also a huge source of xp we had our first efficient villager we were one step closer to infinite stunks on days 115 through 116 for the meme i decided to make a diamond hoe also because i needed apples then the enchantment table had me looking like a clown i went back to my cleric for some more capitalism look at that 16 juicy emerald plus a bunch of xp the plans all coming together i spent all of day 116 killing trees for their apples and wood it was a win-win-win because eventually i was going to need to light up all this land for my creeper farm to work better at night oh yeah and this golem decided to show off the reason why i added a guard around my zombies imagine if i was still out cutting trees and this man killed my zombie villager who had been cured five times i'd have to make an iron golem farm for vengeance even sooner than i had planned on days 117 through 118 i was looking like a baller with my 28 golden apples then i decided to cure this man again one more time and he shall be my fletcher who trades for sticks feathers and string do you smell the stonks maybe it's just me i should probably shower next i harvested my sugar cane then i harvested my wheat you know i really can't wait until i start automating things around here then i fed my prisoners they could provide me with more future or fins don't look at me like that yes i know i need an auto breeder i will get to it on day 118 i finally gave my cured boy a fletcher roll and he has one stick per emerald trades it was all coming together with my crazy stunks i decided to give egirl eliminator the final upgrade she needed was sharpness 5. i also gave orphan obliterator sharpness 5 good old orphan obliterator on day 119 i spent the whole day laying out the foundation from my double blaze farm the spawners were in kind of a weird spot so i couldn't really stop the blazes from spawning and they made this whole process take twice as long on day 120 i came back with glowstone and made it so they would leave me alone please i couldn't even think for 10 seconds without ablaze smacking me or shooting a fireball at me on day 121 i began making the spawn chambers for the blazes and things were going pretty well the white stained glass idea i got from filza because he made a cool blaze farm in his hardcore world on day 122 i ran out of stone bricks so i went home and i made a cool compact stone generator that i found online this design is super efficient it's afk-able and i can choose to make cobble or stone i spent the whole day getting tons of stone on days 123 through 124 i continued building the blaze chamber i have really good feelings about this farm but i ended up running out of stone again so it was back to the stone generator on day 124 i finished the top portion of the farm and this stupid guest tried to join my spawner like a jerk anyways look at his blaze getting pushed by the lava the farm is working like a charm already on day 125 i was almost done with the blaze farm and this is going to be insane this mini blaze spawns just from one spawner i had to go inside to increase the size of the kill chamber because there's too many blaze just look at how crazy this farm is but i'm out of stone again so i need to go get more on day 126 i killed a drowned and he dropped a trident finally and then this guy somehow broke his boat and escaped maybe the trident drowned was attacking the villager and hit the boat i don't know on days 127 through 128 i realized that the whole time my silk touch pick was missing on breaking three and i ended up not having enough xp to add it yet after that i went back to the nether to continue working on the blaze farm the next day i finished the kill chambers and i decided to make two kill chambers since the first design that moved all of the blazes from one spawner to the second was super inefficient for now i was finished working on the spawner in the future i'll probably make this room look nicer for now it is just a working xp farm so i can go ahead and mend all my stuff i mean after all i'm working on villagers anyways so i'll probably be getting most of my xp from them either way we checked off another thing on the to-do list on day 129 i returned home from the nether with just a couple of blazer odds nothing huge and since it was cheaper just to combine two picks that i had gotten from end cities rather than add on breaking three to my original pick i did just that and i made it another right we would need multiple picks for future projects anyways so no big deal i started day 130 with some beautiful capitalism and then i was forced into a brutal staring contest with jeff my stolen alpaca i won of course then i enchanted my new trident and rightfully named it the yeat stick then i took my heat stick for a good eating around the ocean then i spent a good portion of the day killing trees and i gave my shield mending and i'm breaking and i rightfully named it double wide surprise let me know in the comments if you know what i'm referencing with this name on day 131 i flew over to my local dark oak forest to drink some wood for my new base of operations and then i began building the framework this new house was going to be big on day 132 i went back to work on the new base this is going to take a long time by the end of the day i had finished the front of the frame on days 133 through 134 i continued expanding my new base and i finished laying out one of two of the crazy chest rooms i could truly be at home with my perfect ocd storage finally on days 135 through 136 i needed more wood so it was back to deforestation i chopped so many trees during these two days for days 137 all the way through 146 i spent these working on my house reorganizing my loot and just making everything look nice this base is going to be a hoarders dream i had to slaughter some cows for their skin ripped to all the cows that died for this heavenly organization it was a ton of work but my chest areas are done and i still don't have a roof on day 147 i started making pillars so the base looked less uh ridiculous and it wasn't just like floating magically above the water i made a new netherrite god shovel and rightfully called it the domination digger also just look at the beginning of this space isn't it beautiful on day 148 i built a nice bridge to get to the front door and then i noticed my two villagers were dead yay then i bought some nice lanterns from my mending boy here because i was trying to save iron until i actually did make the iron golem far and that was what those two spare villagers were for now i i need more again thank you whatever killed them on day 149 i spent the whole day lighting and cleaning up the mainland then i decided to start my mob prison camp which is a future goal for our future hundred days why collecting this baby zombie chicken rider got a name tag and i named him mcchicken on day 150 lighting was still going well after fully lighting all the land around me i can build a creeper spider farm and i can have infinite fireworks and more cheap emerald trades with string on day 151 i realized i was out of coal for torches however i didn't really feel like going strip mining so i flew around to find some exposed coal and caves then i witnessed the miracle of life with bees i waited until one would go into the nest and the other would leave and then i stole it i'm collecting bees for a future honey farm project on day 152 i continued hunting for coal in the wild and i spent the night lighting up more areas by my base then i went to check out our baby zombie mcchicken and the chicken despawned why did that even happen do i did i have to name both it's it's a passive mob passive mobs don't despawn maybe this one counted as a hostile mob because a zombie was writing it i don't know but mcchicken was no longer a mcchicken he was just a stupid phil's a zombie on day 153 i fed my boys so they'd make more villagers we need to make more villagers to infect for our empire of emeralds i spent the rest of my day organizing all of my excessive amount of resources and honestly my chest room was looking was looking absolutely beautiful i was so happy with how this turned out on day 154 i decided to upgrade my apple harvesting hoe with mending and i even named it after the biggest hoe that i know worth it after naming it i decided to make it into netherrite this accomplishment was so great that even the game showered me with meaningless applause then i found a free gold villager and in the process of trying to trap him in a boat these two mans trolled me by both stealing my boats jokes on them because their new goldfriend was going to spend the rest of his life as a villager forced into trading for each boat that was stolen i expect him to pay me back 1 million emeralds each on day 155 i changed my wheat farm to carrots because wheat was honestly significantly less efficient and i filled it with villagers so i could speed up my villager rating on day 156 i finished building the porch area around my house and what can i say this place was looking absolutely fantastic like i was very very happy with how my house was turning out this was going to be so nice on days 157 through 161 i finished up my roof and what can i say i'm pretty happy typically roofs are the hardest part of any build for me and that's why i always save them for last because any little change to the underneath structure of a house and all of a sudden you have to change all of the roof and i was not doing that especially for a base this big but i think it turned out really great it's kind of kind of an odd roof i'll give you that but it looks nice and it finally covers me up and that checks off the stop being homeless task from the to-do list this house is super comfortable and i have officially moved from the compound onto better things on day 162 i went to go do some capitalism with the boys just look at these dank stonks i then spent the rest of the day placing lanterns everywhere to kind of light up the area and make it look nicer and i made some paintings this place is really starting to come together it looks so nice on day 163 i had the pleasure of going back and trying to fix these stupid pillars underneath my house somehow i messed them up and my ocd is dying sometimes ocd is a gift sometimes ocd is a curse this time it's a curse please somebody help me on day 164 i went around and i continued lighting up my compound so that way my new creeper form would be super efficient even at nighttime the only good amount of torches is too many torches then i seize the moment and i scam this stupid skeleton out of giving me a music disc the creeper never saw it coming i spent all of day 165 upgrading my villager breeder i mean i know it's kind of a mess but that's okay they can live in poverty at least this way i didn't have to make an infinite village breeder i don't really need infinite villagers so i don't want to have to go through all the effort to build an infinite breeder this is okay this works now we can start producing more villagers to make into traders and infect and i could also get more villagers for my future iron farm on day 166 the villager baby maker was in full production and we were making lots of villagers so we could soon work on our iron farm then i spent the whole night working on these cool bridges in front of my new house i was gonna have one bridge that goes back to the compound one bridge that goes to the house uh one bridge that goes to the mainland and then probably a fourth bridge that will lead over to our future villager like outpost trading area that i'm going to make probably in 300 days on day 167 i had so many volunteers for my new iron farm then i continued working on the bridges things were looking really nice now i could finally stop wasting rockets every time i wanted to avoid swimming back to the compound from my new base on day 168 i lit up my front porch with these beautiful lanterns so i could say goodbye to these disgusting torch plebs then i spent the rest of my day gathering supplies for the new creeper farm on day 169 nice i found this scam artist just chilling under my house and i went to go kill him but i realized he had watermelon seeds i actually haven't found watermelon in this world yet so i went to go get some emeralds and i came back and bought some seeds from him and then i committed cold blooded murder underneath my house where no one would find the body after committing crimes against wandering traders i began building my new creeper farm and it was going pretty well i had laid out the killing chamber and i already had the collection chamber all ready to go on days 170 through 172 i continued working on the creeper farm until i ran out of wood for trapdoors i spent days 173 through 175 making 10 additional layers to spawn creepers on and look at this thing go it's already spawning stuff and i haven't even finished encasing it and making it dark yet i am one step closer to having infinite fireworks and then somehow this zombie with the sword got into my mending villagers house and i had to cure him i have no clue how he got in there but why did it have to be the mending villager either way his trade value would probably go down so i guess it was a win-win on day 176 i continued working on my creeper farm and then i went back to go check on my mending friend and he was freaking gone he was gone literally the most important villager got infected and i'm i'm pretty sure some iron golem walked by and just killed him after i cured him i cannot wait to make an iron golem farm and hear the sound of them melting in lava anyways look look at how many new villagers we have yay on days 177 through 179 i finished closing up the creeper farm and it was good to go now the entirety of the farm was dark so even during the daytime lots of creepers and spiders will spawn and i can farm them for their gunpowder and i can get the spider string and sell it to the scam artist for emeralds this form isn't the nicest thing on the outside but i do plan on eventually building like a giant creeper structure on the outside of it and it's going to have like a block of tnt on its head so it's like a giant creeper with a block of tnt on top it's going to look amazing but that means i have to start building up a ton of sheep get colored sheep farms and try to make an auto sheer maybe i'll do all that in 300 days typically for a creeper farm you would want to build a box up in the sky so that way none of the caves underneath were loaded in and you'd have the best spawns however i'm not really trying to afk this world since we are recording every day so i went back around and continued lighting up more chunks and i will continue finding caves in the future so that way it'll work as efficiently as possible 24 7. anyways look at all the stuff we've already gotten it's only been about two minutes since i've walked to my base and back and we've already got all this loot so we will have no problems with having infinite fireworks after i make a sugarcane farm on day 180 i went caving near my base to light up some underground areas and i found this super cool underground abandoned portal like right near my base honestly this cave is one of the most beautiful things i have ever seen i absolutely love 1.16 terrain generation and i am super excited for minecraft 1.17 with the new caves and cliffs update on day 181 i checked on my pile of new villagers and then i partook in some more capitalism then i went on a quest for bamboo with my elytra so that way i can make a new stick farm and trade mad sticks for mad stocks however i was not having much luck with finding a jungle or any bamboo however i did find an abandoned portal and i got me a nice block of gold that the lava then stole and then i found this messed up village so i robbed them on day 182 i found another portal and i decided to grab some crying obsidian i mean i don't know i might use it eventually and then i found another village and i stole from them and then i found a third village and i stole from them i'm beginning to realize i'm a lot like santa except i rob you on day 183 i found an ice biome which is super cool because i could always use this in the future so you know i had to steal tons of ice i could use it for anything i could go to the roof of the nether and make a nice ice path or i could just you know be an adult and using lytra but you know whatever i had ice now so i could use it for anything i wanted also efficiency 5 ice breaking is one of the most satisfying things you will ever do in minecraft then i found a sunken ship with a buried treasure map on day 184 i found an illeger tower that conveniently was right next to a village so i started killing lots of villagers in the hopes of finding a captain and getting a curse today was going to be the day that we tried our first raid and hopefully we can come out of it with some totems of undying then i spent the rest of the daylight fighting this raid and let me tell you this was one of the most intense moments i've ever had in minecraft i know it was just a baby raid but i have never done a hardcore raid before let alone played in hardcore this is actually my first ever hardcore world so this raid was a very new thing to me and it was very very scary these guys even though i had full netherright they hit tons of damage vindicators very scary vex your worst nightmare honestly i also wasn't paying very much attention to the village so a lot of the villagers died and i think i lost my iron golem to a couple of ravengers honestly doing this raid without beacons really really hurts so i was thinking maybe if i built another portal here then i can use the nether to travel back make some beacons and in the future this can be our own little farm for raids we could farm raids here maybe we can make a raid area in 300 days and i did get my first totem of undying from this raid so it was definitely a successful day on day 185 i decided to make another portal just to see where it would end up see if there's anything interesting and to see how difficult it was gonna be to get back to our original nether location from here since we were actually 15 000 blocks away in the overworld unfortunately though i did not have a spare lodestone or compass so i did not head home through the nether and later that day i just flew home the old fashioned way it took an unbearable amount of time on day 186 i spent the whole day clearing out trees in the village near the outpost and then i realized that i'm i'm pretty sure all the villagers are dead now so i went to get another raid buff to test it and i was i was kind of nervous because i had a level three raid buff now and i don't know if i can handle that but i went back to the village and yeah all my villagers were dead i because i stood on the roof so long i i let all of them die so this village was no longer useful to me on day 187 through day 189 i found another village that was right next to the outpost like it was actually closer than the first village where we had done the raid and upon stepping in there i started a level three raid now this raid was was really really scary i thought the last phrase was bad this one was terrifying the vex would not stop spawning i actually ended up running out of food while i was out there and chicken doesn't have much saturation so i was already struggling i actually ended up just kind of running away and i spent the whole night flying home with my elytra and i i didn't have any food but on the way home i found two of my favorite types of villages which is pretty cool on day 189 i had struck literal gold i was out exploring and i found an illegal outpost that was way closer to my house i also had to stop here because i actually had just run out of fireworks i literally ended up using my last firework to get home to my house on day 190 i didn't really do much i was just afking around my base and i decided to add on breaking three to he who eats and then i fixed him up then i spent the rest of my day and night just lighting up more caves around the base so that way my creeper farm would be as efficient as possible without me afking in a skybox on days 191 through 192 i wasted so much time by gathering villagers from my iron farm and i even managed to get a zombie the zombie was pretty easy he just kind of walked on up and i was like you know what this is an opportunity i spent days 193 through 194 building the top of the farm this was gonna look good because i finally could use all the new nether blocks for something since the the black stone is beautiful but it does not work at all with my kind of like spruce wood and stone brick house so i couldn't really incorporate it in any way and i'm glad i finally got to use it on day 195 i wasted the entire day by filling the farm with villagers i was gonna need 20 villagers for this iron farm i needed five for each chamber on the side so that way there's maximum scare factor for the the villagers so that way we can get as many iron golems to spawn as often as we can have them spawn i was not playing around just look i haven't even added a zombie and there was already a golem you know i just want to throw this in there these villagers gave me so many problems that i cannot wait to exploit them for their labor in 300 days getting these jerks to cooperate took all the way until day 190 on days 198 through 199 i finished out the iron farm i named my zombie 1 million villagers as a reference to destiny's original loot cave a million deaths is not enough for master rahul and i pushed him up to the top and into the cart this man's was gonna be working for me forever for free he's gonna spin around scare the villagers the villagers will talk to each other and they'll scare each other even more which will increase the spawn of iron golems and i set up an auto sorter and composter underneath and honestly just just look at how great this is this is my first ever iron farm there's a lot of firsts in this world the auto sorter allows me to have all of the flowers go into the composter and turn them into bone meal and then all the iron goes into the other chests and in the 10 minutes it took me to set up the kill chamber i've already made this much iron and now that i finally have an iron farm that is the last task on my to-do list for 200 days which means you are now legally obligated to drop a like or maybe one day a group of aliens will come down and they'll make a human farm just like this iron golem farm and we might end up in it you wouldn't want that to happen now would you so for day 200 i wanted to give you guys a personal tour of my base and kind of what i've made so far so this is the last day and i just wanted to make sure you guys got to see every little part of the house because i put a lot of work into this house throughout the series and it is is coming along so beautifully so first off over here we have our nice little auto smelter area we've got two regular furnace spots we have two blast furnace and we have a regular smoker so that we can cook any food we want um these are kind of temporary probably gonna play around this area same goes for like this area it's a little empty uh if we come over here we have those beautiful paintings that i said i made uh we've got these chests which are for ingredients for our potions etc we have our cool enchanting area and a chest for more lapis so it's easier to access i really enjoy the roof that i did with all the like glass it's it's really unique i've never made a build like this and i've never seen someone make a build like this plus you can see the creeper farm and you can even see the iron golem farm if you head over here you can like see it just chilling over there it looks really cool plus this in the future is gonna have you know the giant creeper the giant tnt block etc uh this part right here probably gonna change this bar right here does not normally have the shulkers they're just from when i went on those trips with the elytra and then i have two beds here for ocd reasons and i don't really need a bedroom i've never been a person to make a bedroom in minecraft anyways when it comes to our storage we've got our like mob drop area here for all kinds of mob loot we got our potion of xp we've got name tags bees uh some spare chests here for extra storage we've got our potions i'm gonna have tons of totems of undying in the future so i've made lots of chests uh we've got saddles i've got horse armor we've got discs including an entire chest just for the beautiful pig step um we've got over here different types of blocks a little bit of empty spots here we've got dirt grass sand we got stone bricks stone cobblestone i'm actually missing two types of wood here i'm missing jungle wood and i'm missing uh acacia i think and then we're gonna have the full section of each type of wood here so saplings planks and you know like miscellaneous stuff uh and then two chests for the actual wood and then over here we've got netherrite diamonds emerald all of our rare stuff uh each chest for different types of equipment so that way when i go end city farming we have spots for that uh lots of different miscellaneous stuff here like tnt buckets beds banners uh we got shulkers rails etc this is going to be an elytra chest we've got lots for sugar cane lots for different types of crops and fish and food and then we're gonna have four chests over here for like different colors of wool over here we've got our nether section with all kinds of different nether blocks including the woods which i really want to build stuff with the wood in the future i haven't made anything with it yet i want to get really creative in this world and then we have lots of spare spots here for other nether stuff and honestly whatever else i feel fit um and then we're gonna have a bunch of enchanted book chests or when i get more enchanted books we can organize those it's gonna be super cool on the outside of the house i built like this uh it's not entirely finished there's a few spots here but i built this entire deck area that's really nice it goes all the way around the house really happy with it and i'm gonna put lanterns all around it eventually so i don't have to have these torches here and then you can kind of see the iron farm i didn't have enough time to finish the actual chest room but look at that look at that there's an iron golem look at that also i did show this off a few times throughout the three throughout the 200 days over there there is a guardian farm area so in the future we can definitely do a guardian farm and then we have our little like walkways out here gonna do more work on them there's gonna be more stuff in between here i wanna do like a lot of decorating in 300 days this is the kind of like bridge area in the front porch most of these lanterns are actually good so i did get rid of all the gross icky torches you know we have our really nice bridges which honestly i never used to build bridges like this i'm really proud of these bridges they're pretty nice and then we have this area over here which will probably lead off into a a new villager area which i'm looking forward to and then we have an area that will probably go to the mainland and then we just have our compound over here which honestly i don't want to talk about it it's a real mess especially after moving the villagers throughout the 200 days like if you look over here it is uh it is not pretty look at all this is what it took to move these mans this is what it took it was not fun anyways this is how the base looks and this is how i've spent day 200. on day 201 i was cleaning out my shulkers when i found this cat randomly in my base i have no clue how he got here since there were no villagers but this man must have made the great journey from my horrendous compound then i watched these iron golems get smelted into ingots is it sadistic that i put the iron farm there so i could watch them die outside my window no i didn't think so either then i found another cat in my house and the realization set in since the iron farm was so close to my house my house was now a village well i guess i have a free cat farm i guess after getting my cats i went to check on my old chicken farm i added more chests so that way i could keep more eggs my new chicken farm would be for feathers however this one was still going to be there for eggs so that way when i killed withers i could farm weather roses for future wither skeleton farm then in celebration of 300 days i did more sweet sweet capitalism so i could mend my elytra i only have one of these so far so i do have to be careful on day 202 i kind of just stood around debating on which project i should start first then i decided to finish lighting up the force behind my creeper farm after that i had this insane piece of inspiration i wanted to make a bonsai tree to kind of fill in some of the gaps in like the water area i did say in 200 days i wanted to make everything look super ocd pleasing so i flew over to the dark oak forest to begin getting some leaves i'm not sure if i'm gonna use dark oak spruce or both either way my base is really starting to look good at night i spent day 203 working on this cool bonsai tree then while i was out getting wood for the tree i tried to take this beehive but i messed up and i had to kill the bees i'm sorry bees i continued working on the tree throughout the night on day 204 i finished making the bonsai tree and honestly i'm super proud of it because i didn't really have much of a plan going into it all of the branches and leaves are free form and i added lanterns to the tree and replaced the dirt with podzol honestly i'm kind of disappointed that i started 300 days building a tree later that night i decided to do a big boy task i need to begin hunting with the skeletons for their skulls so i made a load stone and a compass for the nether so i could easily explore and try to find another nether fortress after going through the portal a freaking creeper blew up the portal how the hell did he even end up getting down here while out exploring i found another nether fortress so i went hunting for some decapitation and this fortress was pretty terrible while inside the nether fortress i did what i like to call a pro gamer move and i hit a piglet by accident and i had to fight for my life on day 205 i continued hunting around the fortress i need to make another nether portal here so that way i can come back i even committed several taboos by breaking two blaze spawners eventually this is going to become my wither skeleton farm while here i found one of the greatest mobs i've ever seen in minecraft a piglen mcchicken i spent the whole day expanding the spawnable nether fortress area for wither skeletons while trying to get heads now that i was expanding the fortress the skeleton spawns really started popping up and i even got one with a skeleton skull on day 206 i decided that i was gonna go for a smaller sized weather skeleton farm so i would need to destroy most of the spawnable blocks and put slabs on the rest so i went looking for a broken portal so that way i could find some obsidian and find my way back here in the future i found this portal right by the fortress that conveniently had 10 obsidian i went back to the fortress to light a portal and i flew home in the overworld on the way home i stopped by for some acacia wood because it was one of the only two woods i was missing for my ocd organization on day 207 i continued flying home yeah the portal was way too far in the overworld but when i got home i was greeted by my beautiful new bonsai tree man that bonsai tree turned out so much better than i thought it would then i added my acacia items to their frames in case i ever decided to use this ugly wood which i probably won't but it still filled up the gaps so gg on days 208 through 209 i collected items that i was gonna need for the nether my plan was to dig a tunnel and make pathways that led to the wither skeleton farm and maybe in the future i could add a mine cart or some packed ice or sand for soul speed i don't know i grabbed a ton of stone brick for the tunnels and bottles of xp so that i could repair my pickaxes now that projects were getting bigger i was going to need more netherite so i can make more tools luckily i already had this tunnel going in the correct way towards the fortress you know the tunnel where the piglens almost killed me in 100 days yeah let's see them try now i needed to move about 500 blocks on the x-axis and then negative 1700 blocks on the z and i knew there were parts where i was gonna have to bridge across lava this was not going to be fun after finishing the x-axis i realized just how long a full 1700 block tunnel was going to be so i had a better idea instead of tunneling all the way to this other nether fortress i could just make the nether fortress with a double blaze farm into a wither skeleton farm as well this way it was way closer and i could farm multiple things at once besides i could still use this other tunnel for portal hopping in the future on day 210 i started outlining the bounding box with another fortress and this is one of the smallest fortresses that i've ever seen but that's good in order to make this work i would have to dig out a ton of netherrack and clear some crimson forest but luckily i do have my blaze form to continue repairing my picks i started off by decimating this crimson forest i mean no big loss here let's be honest but first i had to repair your mother she seems pretty damaged and i forgot to give her efficiency why must she make my life hard so i flew back to my base and gave her efficiency but i had to enchant a book the old-fashioned way because i didn't have a villager with efficiency five i also had to settle for four ew icky gross i know but either way this was gonna make my life so much easier upon returning to the nether fortress i found another wither skull 16 more to go for a tier 4 beacon after realizing how much work it was going to be i had a better idea i'm an american and there are two things that americans love those are capitalism and explosions i was going to get tons of sand and make a metric ton of tnt to blow up the nether around my fortress on day 211 i started the day by af king to repair my tools the blaze spawner and uh wow my trade monkeys have been reproducing then instead of getting sand i spent the whole day running around like an orphan about to be obliterated searching for my red shulker box it has my fortune pick and my new netherride shovel in it and i thought that i didn't pick it up in the nether because my inventory was full so it despawned turns out i'm an idiot and i left it in my house by my enchantment table i finished off the night with lots of capitalism to repair my shovel and for some reason my fletcher is literally broken he won't sleep so i let him out and he wants this already claimed bed honestly this is why villagers deserve to be exploited on day 212 i flew a couple hundred blocks from my house to get some sand and i found a super close turtle so i trapped him i'm gonna need turtle eggs for several farms in the future also it wouldn't be a 100 days video without a dream digging montage [Music] do [Music] oh also i didn't break my shovel this time in the 200 days video a couple of you did comment on how my shovel was still in my inventory that was because i didn't have any footage from after the shovel broke i noticed it in my notes and there's nothing i could really do about it because i didn't have the footage of the shovel breaking so stop telling me about it in the comments then i went home to check on my auto farms and it feels so so good to basically be printing counterfeit iron i got together my gun powder and made three stacks of tnt which isn't that bad to be honest i've been in the wither a lot so these farms haven't been running i really need to light up every cave under my house though because i'm going to need a lot of tnt in the future on days 213 through 220 i began blowing up the nether with tnt my goal was to clear out most of the fortress area and just cover the ground underneath in lava or slabs or something also while blowing up the ground i accidentally angered a zombie technoblade army however killing these boys really had me excited to make a gold farm in the future and hey while blowing up stuff i found an ancient debris things were going well i was only halfway done clearing and i had already found three ancient debris then i killed the skeleton and i got the third wither skeleton skull that i would need to summon my first wither the more areas i spawn proof the more predictable the wither skeleton spawns are becoming towards the end of this project i realized that most of what people online say about wither farms is definitely wrong they do not spawn on anything but nether brick oh yeah and this happened i got a wither skull drop and this piglen uh stole it and he's wearing it anyways i had to take that back from him so sorry piglet buddy overall the process of spawn proofing in the nether is truly awful it took forever and this area is still not really that spawn proof at least we can go summon two withers and check off one task from our to-do list on day 221 it was time to kill two withers i spent the beginning of the day organizing my inventory with potions so i was ready to fight the withers i'm gonna bring so many chicken eggs so i can get so many weather roses just look at this totally healthy number of shulkers full of chicken eggs i dug up to the roof of the nether so that way the withers couldn't do much damage against me and i began filling this hole with an insane amount of chickens this took almost the whole day there are literally hundreds of chickens in this pit i ate some roasted chicken in front of the sacrifices before summoning the wither overall the fight went pretty well even though i let the chickens out and the wither almost got out as well my armor was so stacked that he basically did nothing against me anyways i thought you guys would want to see this so here is the wither fight with some epic music [Music] after killing the weather just look at all of the wither roses i got six and a half stacks of roses i replaced the floor with obsidian to make my life easier and i killed a second wither and just like that i checked off killing a wither from my to-do list these will not be the last we kill during these 100 days on day 222 i went back to try to farm wither skeletons some were spawning but it was way less than normal ultimately i think i wasted almost 10 days because both the blaze farm and the crimson forest ruined the wither spawns also during this time i didn't know this but you should never try to make a wither skeleton farm inside of any other biome besides just lava or nether waste because the spawns of piglen will absolutely ruin the farm and there is almost no way to fully spawn proof the area there will always be something spawning and taking up your wither skeleton spawns on day 223 i decided to fly back to the other nether fortress to farm some more weather skeletons and on the way there i found this really easy bastion that i could rob it was like taking candy from orphans ended up getting 16 blocks of gold let's go then i found a new fortress that was in a warped forest i spent about 10 minutes here and i got one skull this fortress honestly super sucked so i kind of just left after getting back to the original weather farm fortress i hung out there for a little and i got another skull honestly at this point i was done with the nether and i really wanted to work on the compound and make a huge villager trading hall so i just flew back to my portal with the flight of shame i'm super disappointed that the weather farm is still not functional on day 224 i forgot to record but i literally spent the whole day afk mining stone for our villager project while i ate a massive bowl of cereal in real life don't judge me on day 225 i began gathering resources for my new massive villager trading hall this building was going to be larger than my house but first i made a portable beacon so that my deforestation would be far far easier and i screwed it up i kind of screwed up the beacon but i still got haze too and i did realize how nice iron and emerald blocks do look together after getting tons of wood i tore down my beacon and i went back home on day 226 i rebuilt the level 2 haste beacon in my compound and i spent most of my day harvesting spruce wood which was the last thing i needed for the new villager hall on day 227 i began planning the villager trading post in my head and it was going to be amazing we were going to make more stonks than luke the notable this trading post is gonna have two levels and the bottom will have a multitude of different villager type sections and the top will be dedicated to all the enchantment traders and maybe some weapon tool smiths on day 228 i continued building the foundation for the trading post and i made this awesome bridge to it on days 229 through 231 i continued working on the floor for the trading area and then i came to the realization that this building was going to be way too big the design i had in mind would fit over 144 villagers which is kind of too many to keep up with so i decided to half the size of it so that way it would just be 72 villagers i plan on having a section for each type of villager i could have nine fletchers which could trade for 48 emeralds every time i trade with them if i traded with all nine then they would produce 432 emeralds at a time which is 48 blocks i'm going to swim in emeralds i changed the design and i continued working until i was interrupted by this public execution stupid trader on day 232 i continued working on the bottom floor of the trading hall and things were looking great i finally got to use chiseled blackstone which is such a nice block and i used emerald blocks for the not so casual flex and i spent the night making a platform to infect villagers on and a path to minecart new villagers over to the new trading hall on day 233 i built the railway so i could begin kidnapping the members of this huge family that i started spent most of the daylight moving these jerks to the infection chamber you know the more i move these mans the more i really have come to despise them they deserve their fates then i spent the rest of the night luring this hoard of zombies over so they could torture my villagers and that went pretty well on days 234 through 2 35 i started the day by curing my first four zombie villagers and i started working on the second floor of the trading hall and i continued curing my villagers over and over and over again their fates are in my hands now on day 236 i cured my villagers for the sixth time and tested to see if any villagers had a trait of one sticks then i killed the zombies and began moving them into their tiny new homes but i started hearing zombies again a lot of zombies and i have never ever seen a horde this large spawn like what was going on even the damn creepers were conspiring [Music] and they even reinfected some of my villagers luckily a zombie got stuck in the boat of the villager that i haven't infected yet so i guess you know what i guess it works it's fine it's okay on day 237 i went to work on the back porch area of the building i didn't really need it but if i didn't add it the building would look kind of weird so you know what why not then i waited until night time so the trade monkeys would actually cooperate and get into their holes i mean homes their homes the first guy was such a jerk and he wouldn't go into the hole i think it was because of this block above the bed i broke it and he went right in go figure luckily the second villager was super easy then i spent the rest of the night finishing the walls for the second floor on day 238 i went to do some beautiful capitalism and these men's were trying to ruin my day one of my fletchers just randomly had no discounts so that really sucks and then i accidentally punched this other man i really hope my trades can make up for that anyways i made 20 blocks of emerald right off the bat this is going to be mad stonks i shall become more rich than luke the notable then i noticed that this fletcher was actually discounted and being the idiot that i am i decided to trade with him instead of just waiting for him to re-roll well i guess i have crazy arrow trader now yay on day 239 it was back to kidnapping villagers for profit and two of my villagers were mad at me now because i punched one and i might have killed an iron golem not knowing that it affected my reputation then i cure these mans again in a very disorganized manner these boys are literally driving me insane good news everyone these villagers aren't mad anymore so it was time for some more sweet capitalism on day 240 you will never guess what i did i cured my villagers again then i commenced in some beautiful capitalism for 11 blocks of emeralds which i then placed upstairs every one of these blocks represents another villager we will have up here in the future this trading hall is looking absolutely stunning i am very proud and i'm actually thinking of not curing certain villagers to save on gapples and effort time i probably won't cure any librarians for cheaper enchants to be honest i barely use them anyways then i finished up the remaining villager chambers up top now i had two options i could either transfer all of my librarians from my compound first or i could build the massive roof first on day 241 i caught this iron golem trying to kill my infected trade monkeys so i waterboarded him and uh he didn't take it so well guess my man is scared of the ocean then i cured the boys again and i delivered my new fletcher to his future home and then you guessed it more capitalism i must consume i ended up with a juicy 12 emerald blocks i went to collect the iron from my iron golem form since i've been working from home lately and look at these stacks six stacks in 13 iron then i showed my new stick boy to his room and i cured my boys again this time i killed the zombie i'm pretty sure i've cured them more than six times hopefully they don't reinfect each other i spent the rest of the night placing redstone lamps in the floor and lighting them up finally i can delete these gross torches everywhere nothing beats that feeling of walking through a new build and just admiring it this is looking so good on day 242 i don't know what happened because my power went out which caused me to lose both my footage and my notes yay on day 243 i went to go do some dank capitalism and look at this absolute perfection i made 25 emerald blocks and eight emeralds from just sticks and string now that i have these boys i really need to get on a bamboo and feather farm and i need to light up my surroundings better so more spiders will spawn in the creeper and spider farm after exploiting capitalism i set out in the hopes of finding bamboo for a stick farm this time i went back towards world spawn then i found another even closer illiterate outpost i plan on using these in the future for a raid farm i found a village super close and i placed my spare lodestones so i could easily find it in the future and make another portal i robbed them of their apples wheat and i was on my way it was becoming night time so i found a nice island along the way and i watched the sunset from behind this ocean monument sometimes you have to stop and smell the sunsets or i think that's how that goes on day 244 i woke up from my beautiful island nap and i continued flying and yes i finally found a jungle surprisingly that didn't actually take that long in the last hundred days i flew about 15 000 blocks with no luck of a jungle and honestly this jungle was est here i found bamboo i got jungle wood and jungle saplings to finish my wood collection something about that sounds off oh oh oh well and i found cocoa beans and watermelons all of these were things that i was missing i found a bamboo field and collected about two shulkers full of bamboo this bamboo farm that i was going to make is going to be huge oh and uh cube bamboo montage [Music] [Music] on day 245 i stopped by a swamp so i can collect some lily pads i have some cool ideas with these boys that i saw online then i flew home and wow my base looks so good at night i went around placing lily pads in the water around my house and i placed lanterns underneath them this really makes the ocean look less dark and gross especially at night maybe in the future i can get some coral and sea pickles and really add some color on day 246 i was cleaning out my inventory and chokers and then i heard a sound a soundy sound that sounds disgusting so i did what anyone else would do and flew to my roof and kill the man did you know that killing wandering traders counts as a tax write-off for emerald trades well now you do then it was time for more capitalism you're gonna be seeing a lot of capitalism in the future then i led my only cleric to his section and gave him a bed hopefully me doing more trades and curing other villagers will fix his prices because he went up to seven flesh for emerald and that costs way too much on day 247 i tested out using slabs under the trade block for each villager because i noticed a lot of the xp was getting stuck behind the job blocks later that night i will probably replace the rest of these slabs too even though it's a little weird seeing just the villagers heads sometimes i spent the rest of the day moving my librarians from the compound which went surprisingly really well i can finally clean up this huge mess that i call a compound also there was a traffic jam on floor 2 awkward my villagers fought me each step of the way but i got all of them into their spots also wow these villagers are definitely reproducing faster than i can kidnap them i spent day 248 cleaning up the compound so it was less of an uh eyesore honestly now that i have all of this area empty i really don't know what to do with it but i do know that once i finish my villager trading hall i'm probably gonna get rid of the villagers over here i don't know how that's gonna go i spent all of day 249 working on the roof of the trading hall i worked through the night and finished the perimeter on day 250 for some reason i decided to catch this enderman i mean why not he can go in the future mob zoo slash prison anyways he shall be called ender friend on day 251 i went to get more sand so i could fill the trading hall roof with some glass one day i need to really find a desert and set up a beacon so that way i can just go ham on some sand while waiting for the glass to cook i spent the night wasting xp and enchantments in the hopes of getting a couple enchantments that i need i ended up getting jack and i wasted like 30 levels on day 252 i began re-rolling librarian villagers to find the enchantments that i'm missing i also need to get mending again because of the incident after surprisingly not long i got the first enchantment that i wanted which was respiration 3. i should have added that to my armor so long ago what is wrong with me and then i learned that smite affects your damage on the wither what so i began farming for smite 5. but i ended up getting mending first i mean i i guess that works i added respiration 3 to my helmet and then i realized i also didn't have unbreaking three what is wrong with me this has probably cost me so much extra xp for mending this thing over the past 250 days then i kidnapped another man to continue farming for smite on day 253 i continued rolling for smite five and i found a super cheap fire aspect too you know what i'll take it from my sword i i guess i mean why not also no i'm not adding knockback because that's honestly one of the most annoying enchantments to put on a sword i kidnapped another man and continued re-rolling this took all day with no luck until it was night and started raining so my villagers stopped changing jobs i went to go get glass so i could finish the roof and i realized my enderman was gone because of the rain no rest in peace ender friend you will be missed then while working on the roof i witnessed this fight of a lifetime the skeleton normally one who was overpowered by an iron golem had the range advantage oh and the iron golem is down for the count eh i had too many of them anyways on day 254 i continued re-rolling for my boy here and he gave me this awful trade for efficiency 4 which was kind of tempting since my axe only had efficiency 4 but i decided to pass up on it and i got a super cheap efficiency 5 which is kind of ironic even though i now need efficiency 4 to upgrade my axe anyways facepalm anyways it was back to kidnapping then i rerolled this guy until it was night again on day 255 i got bane of arthropods 5 which is disgusting but you know what screw it i still have that spider farm and i could use that for mad amounts of strings so i'll pay this disgusting awful 57 emerald price i guess i kidnapped another man and i finished up lighting on the ceiling this place is looking insane and come to think of it it's kind of like a prison work camp the iron golems are the wardens and each chamber is like a prison cell i spent all of day 256 cleaning out the dump chest i had from building the giant trading hall nothing is quite more relaxing like some sweet sweet organization on day 257 i started the day with some good old-fashioned capitalism just look at all these emeralds and all this xp i can almost hit level 30 just from trades now i need to infect farmers for infinite gold carrots and i need to automate some bamboo while i'm at it i should also automate a chicken and some carrot farms i then spent the rest of the day destroying my original house you will be missed kind of not really i made a beacon to speed up expanding my land and then i went to go construct the beacon but this horde of zombies wouldn't leave me alone joke's on them their flesh is just emeralds to me everything is emeralds to me capitalism will consume my minecraft world on days 258 through 260 i set up an entirely emerald beacon for the flex and i continued clearing my land to expand my compound no my empire i didn't actually add the beacon for the dirt because you can't dig dirt any faster than an efficiency 5 shovel i did it for the beautiful stone nothing and i mean nothing is more satisfying than blowing through some stone with an efficiency 5 haze 2 pickaxe i can also use the beacon to clear more trees i need to make the forest safer so i cleared out a ton of trees and i expanded the torch lighting out even further eventually i will replace these gross torches with lamps probably prismarine lamps or glowstone i don't know on day 261 i began my day with some more beautiful capitalism this is beyond amazing because the amount of trades by the time i get to the end the fletchers at the beginning have already refreshed their trades this also literally prints xp i used this dank xp to repair all of my tools and i made 46 blocks of emerald i began planning for my massive bamboo farm and i found one online that was significantly more efficient than the one that i was actually planning but i would need slime blocks to make a flying machine which i don't have so i had one of two choices i could go to the swamps at night and try to get lucky or i could clear out my underground mining area with a beacon for super speed mining and probably find diamonds and find some slime chunks pretty sure you know what i wanted to do so i dug straight down near my mind just like any sane person would and i set up my beacon i spent days 262 through 265 setting up the underground beacon and speed mining out this giant area you can actually see the individual chunk borders by pressing f3 and g my goal is to clear out so many chunks so that way i can find some slime chunks typically one out of every 10 chunks is a slime chunk and will spawn slimes luckily with looting 3 i won't need as many slimes to spawn so plus just look at how cool it is down here i decided to leave all of the exposed roof and floor ores for now i'll probably come back and mine them later anyways i already found diamonds while mining i kept hearing mobs so i struggled to find a hidden cave and uh i found where all the endermen in my world were coming to place the dirt blocks that they've stolen from the surface and uh this is honestly unsettling but hey anyways i got one huge slime to spawn which means one of these is a slime chunk the problem is you have to be like 30 blocks away from the spawn not gonna lie i sat here in the corner eating cheez-its waiting for them to spawn and i got quite a few slimes to be honest the slime chunk was taking too long so i actually decided to fly to a swamp at night and i found jack see this is why we don't like swamps swamps icky swamps bad on day 266 i went back down to the mine and just kept digging while killing whatever slimes would spawn and i found one of the caves that was messing up my creeper spawner and holy crap look at all these mobs not gonna lie i got very distracted with caving for the rest of the day this is very good though because it will boost my creeper and spider farm spawns honestly i was down here for all of day 267 this cave system was massive and now that it's lit up my farm should work at least five times better on day 268 i collected all of the ores that i had gotten from mining and look at all this loot beacon mining is really the way to go i also ended up with 33 diamond ore which i of course made into a throne for the pure flex that is right peasants bow before my throne of diamond door after breaking them all with fortune 3 i ended up with a stack and seven diamonds which i then added to my collection honestly if you get mending early on you really don't need diamonds anymore so i will probably use them for flexing purposes in the future then i placed all of my redstone ore [Music] and i ended up with a stack in 49 redstone blocks then i did the same with the coal except it gets no speed run pathetic coal i ended up with almost two stacks of coal blocks and about eight stacks of lapis i also ended up with four stacks of iron and one stack of gold mining all these orders with fortune took literally the whole day i added fire aspect to my sword and i guess i can't add vein of orthopods i don't know i haven't tried to put it on anything since like 2012. i went to check my now more efficient farms and i can already see the loot pouring in i also got almost four stacks of iron from my iron golem farm on day 269 nice i went down to check on my slimes except i did literally what i worried i would do and i fell down the beacon hole instead of the ladder i only took half health though and i did have a totem of undying so i guess it's all good then i did some juicy capitalism and got 44 more blocks of emerald i have a cool idea for a new fence involving blackstone and emerald blocks and it's going to look absolutely fire then i spent the rest of the day picking out a good spot to build my new bamboo farm i spent days 270 through 274 setting up the bamboo farm and building the collection chamber i decided to set this up the hard way so i had to clear out the water for the collection chamber this farm was super expensive to make but ah why not i've got to flex somehow right i spent stacks on stacks of iron and gold to make all of these hoppers mine carts and rails for this farm i needed to make a flying machine this was my first and only flying machine that i've ever made and honestly this thing was super cool this farm generates tons of bamboo honestly the production rate of this farm is kinda scary i feel like i'm gonna have too many sticks all the bamboo in these chests is literally from two in-game days of it running anyways this bamboo farm ended up taking to day 277 to finish also consider the bamboo farm off the to-do list done on day 278 i went back to the nether so i could finish farming wither skulls and make my six tuple beacon ended up getting one weather skull but then they stopped spawning i flew above my farm to check the area i didn't finish spawn proofing and wow there were never ending piglens i tried killing them all but they just kept spawning as fast as i could kill them i sat upon this pillar killing for what felt like forever and yeah they they won't stop spawning i could literally turn this into a gold farm here anyways i couldn't kill them all fast enough and it was actually pretty scary if i fell in i would definitely die probably lose a total of undying die again and lose all of my hard work so i decided to bail and before i did i ran by and joined their loot this was like a freaking zombie apocalypse they would not leave me alone i decided that i should just leave the nether so that way i can come back and spawn proof that area later after that my wither form would probably work hopefully i spent days 279 through 286 in the nether with three shulkers full of stone bricks so that way i could continue slabbing the nether so these jerks would stop ruining my skull collection i spent way too much time during this hundred days messing with the nether trying to spawn proof this area i also didn't realize just how much nether i had to spawn group my wrists are so sore from all of the block placing but things were already spawning way more efficiently i even got two more wither skulls while checking to see if they were spawning on days 287 through 289 it was back to spawn proofing now all i had to do was the fortress and while placing nether brick slabs i got another wither skull now i have eight four more and i could summon enough withers to make six beacons after finishing up the slabs i went back to my base so i could get wither roses with the wither roses i could limit the spawns to just wither skeletons and hopefully this would work and i screwed everything up after spawn proofing everything i can no longer get weather skeletons to spawn even on the wither roses i really should have found a fortress in a sulcin valley because almost no mob spawn my fortress is literally in the two worst biomes to make a weather farm i i literally feel defeated i wasted a ton of effort and a good amount of this hundred days on this farm that doesn't work so i just gotta head home then as i went home to the portal i got the beacon advancement a again wait a second my power had gone out a couple of days ago and sometimes you can reset your advancements i really hope this didn't happen anyways i checked my advancements and it turns out that i just haven't gotten this one yet it's the advancement for getting a fully powered beacon and standing next to it i don't understand how i don't have that already but at least my advancements were safe on day 290 i started the day with an unhealthy amount of capitalism and then i accidentally hit this man with my axe no i could have killed him luckily his trades didn't go up i think my villager reputation was so high from all the trades that it basically made no difference i mean you heard it here minecraft says as long as you have enough money you can go around hitting people with no repercussions i ended up with a sweet 45 blocks of emerald from all those trades then i checked my bamboo farm and look at this thing go it has almost three double chests full i decided that today i wanted to bask in my wealth and to make up for my sad wither skeleton farm failure i went and checked my iron farm i watched this man die and got a stack and 15 in about two days nice i checked on the creeper spider farm and it's still not doing that great but it's not bad then i spent the rest of the day cleaning out my mess full of shulkers on day 291 i began cleaning up the compound i decided to fill in the shallow water area because it kind of looked awful on day 292 i continued to clean up the compound i erased this small sand island thing that was just kind of chilling under my bridge then i went back for some dank capitalism and scored 15 blocks of emerald then after almost 300 days i finally tore down the walls that i had built in the first 10 days these walls have almost experienced a year of history and now they're gone i really have a ton of room to work with for 400 days then in celebration of me being the top 1 in my minecraft world i expanded the walls around my compound with fancy black stone and emerald blocks to assert my dominance over the pour just look at this wall it really does look so good on day 293 i did some more sweet capitalism to rebuild that pile of emeralds that i used while making the wall then i decided to go back to the nether and search soul sand valleys for a new nether fortress i ended up finding this bastion not far from my portal and i exploited their open loot room and hey i got some pretty dank loot then while exploring i found another bastion with some pretty beefy looking chest rooms which i decided to cheese look at all these small brain brutes can't stop me big brain honestly with loot like this no wonder why this bastion was full of small brains on day 294 i decided you know what screw it i took on another bastion and this one was really large actually so of course i cheesed it as any minecrafter would do i really want the loot but everything was conspiring against me i think i accidentally shot a zombie piglet so i had a literal army after me and the ghasts wouldn't stop spawning the loot from this bastion was also not really worth it but i did get another pig step disc so anyways while looking around the bastion i did notice a great spot to turn into a gold farm because it was surrounded by the soul sand biome which can only spawn a few skeletons this is why i need to find another fortress in one then i turn this abandoned portal into an active portal to see how far away i was in the overworld and i ended up in a cave on days 295 through 296 i actually found what i was looking for i found a perfect nether fortress it had a crossroads that was over lava and it was inside a warped forest i ran around farming this fortress for the rest of the day and i easily got the remaining skulls that i needed now i just need to summon and kill four more withers for my six tuple beacon this fortress was absolutely nuts in 400 days i will definitely turn this into an actual working wither skeleton farm and i will shower my land in beacons after collecting weather skulls i made a portal to the overworld and here we are negative 18 000 blocks away that's gonna be a yikes for me this is the price i pay for a good weather farm i also spawned in the middle of the ocean in the sky which is actually pretty useful because it makes it easier to find this place anyways i decided to fly home in the nether because it was significantly shorter i also didn't have enough fireworks to get back in the overworld anyways however i also didn't have any more fire resistance potions so if i fell in lava while flying to the nether it was over so i had to be very careful the trip home was mega stressful but it didn't actually take that long because of the lodestone compass i placed by my home portal i actually ran into the path that i had originally made that led to the other fortress and these stupid magma cubes almost made me lose a totem honestly magma cubes suck why do you do so much damage on day 297 i emptied my shulkers of the loot that i'd gotten from the bastions then i spent the night just looking over all the progress that i've made in this world it's truly a beautiful thing i have spent weeks of time working on this world and then these flying jerks interrupted my self-reflection thank you 2017 minecon voters on day 298 i went to check on my massive bamboo farm and i may have messed up the storage the bamboo is way too much then i did some more juicy trading and got 14 blocks of emerald i also went out to go ruin some more forests in search of some apples because i wanted to have more golden apples for my wither fights just in case and hey i ended up with 10 apples that's the price for half of a forest i spent the rest of the day preparing potions and afk on day 299 i headed to the nether with my supplies and went to the roof of the nether to fight some withers honestly i love weather fights because of how challenging they can be if you aren't that prepared so i figured you'd want to see all four of the withers die so sit back and watch the show [Music] appreciation [Music] so so [Music] [Applause] [Music] after killing the withers i went back to the overworld and collected my two already existing beacons on day 300 i found the perfect spot to place my six double beacon and of course i decided to be super extra bougie and i decked it out with golden diamond blocks i then added all six buffs and now i am the equivalent of a literal god do you hear me god fight me anyways now that we have this beacon that is the last of the to-do list and we have finished our 300 days on day 301 i started the day by getting used to the world again i'll admit it i haven't played this world in a couple of weeks but now that i was back i am ready to begin the many projects that i've been planning for a while now the first thing that i wanted to tackle was the end i didn't visit the end at all in the last 100 days and i have some crazy ideas but first i needed to empty my inventory the past me guy is a complete jerk and he left a ton of crap in my inventory i also gathered some shulkers full of supplies to begin the end project after getting what i needed together i flew back to where my end portal was but before going down i had to steal this bee's home i do still plan on making a bee farm after all that is if it exists i can make it into a farm for capitalism anyways i dug down to the portal room and i decided to make a nether portal and it put me into this dumpy basalt biome but luckily it actually wasn't that far from my home portal so i made this totally not sketchy and very safe path across the lava so i can get back to the end quickly on day 302 i traveled to the end with supplies and i began planning how i would spawn proof the end island i don't want to build into the void because it's way too dangerous and i kind of want to make a farm like fields of minecraft so that way i can kill withers under the portal and farm with the roses using the endermen so i decided that i was going to try flooding the end with water instead of using slabs or buttons it'll be quicker and it might look a lot nicer i also think that in the future i can make it look super nice when 1.17 comes out so i began by making a stone slab staircase from where i spawn in the end and i continued the path all the way to the portal except with my luck the path lined up directly with an obsidian polar so i did what any lazy person would do and i went around it just picture this as one of those boardwalks that are built up around trees that is if your tree looked like this i added some nice borders to it with spruce fence and slabs in the future i definitely want to touch up the end but since i have so much to do in these 100 days it's going to have to stay as basic as ugg boots and starbucks coffee on days 303 through 307 i began flooding the end i decided that i would let the water flow into the void because uh i'm lazy okay do you know how many ledges there are off of the edges of the end do you know how many ledges there are off the side of the end island a lot anyways this process was surprisingly relaxing also you can call me a sadist if you like but it was pretty amusing watching the enderman slowly run out of places to run or hide don't worry enderman this is only the beginning this process did end up taking until day 307 and since i'm out of things to say here is a time lapse of me slowly drowning these mans in their own home so [Music] so [Music] it was also pretty cool seeing the endermen suffer in the water because they had no places to teleport to once again i just want to say i'm not a sadist anyways i left the spot of land so i didn't have to deal with the enderman all teleporting and spawning on the path and the farm as i was building it on day 308 i began building the path that would go to the enderman farm it's still kind of basic and i definitely will need to light it up so the non-slab locks don't spawn anything but it was looking pretty good for what it was unfortunately i ran out of stone and i had torn down the stone generator that i had in the compound so i built this super sketchy one in the air by my portal out of some nice mismatched blocks and i spent the rest of the day with a remote on top of my mouse so i could get stone after getting more stone i finished up the path leading over to the mini end portal after building the path over i went looking for places that i missed when spawn proofing and i found the motherload of men hiding over here drowning these boys was more fun than i would like to admit on day 309 i went to set up the killing area for the withers and enderman and then i realized something i am literally so dumb and i'm sure you're over here screaming at your screen right now i built a path all the way to the outlands portal for no reason the killing chamber is supposed to be under the end portal but you know what it's okay it's fine we we now have a path over here for when we want to go farm some more shulkers and find some end cities so instead you should say something good about this scrub down in the comments like wow you're so good at building that you've thought ahead without even thinking ahead or something like that anyways i finished up the path to this portal so it looked nicer also i kind of screwed up the slabs for most of it but that's fine because it will all be lit up anyways so no enderman can spawn this process took all the way until the end of day 310. on day 311 i went back to the overworld to get more torches and supplies so i could finish lighting the end path and i could build the enderman farm i need a minecart as well so i can trap an endermate as bait to get the endermen to drop to their deaths after getting supplies i went back to the end and i dug out an area underneath the end portal this is where i'm gonna trap withers and have my enderman killing chamber but i realized i was gonna need a lot more glass if i wanted to watch the enderman fall and i mean come on you know i want to watch the enderman fall to the deaths who wouldn't want to watch them fall on day 312 i began the day with the first beautiful set of capitalism for these 100 days but first i had to go check out my bamboo farm and uh i think it has some problems anyways i crafted some of my ungodly amount of bamboo into sticks and i did some juicy capitalism but i only ended up with a measly 14 emerald blocks i'm going to need much much more for a way larger wall that i have planned that i'm going to build around the compound in a future 100 days after that i went out looking for a good place for a sand montage and i found this shipwreck near the shore which had a buried treasure map and not that much loot but you know hey maybe maybe this 100 days i'll actually finally go and loot all of my buried treasures probably not though let me know in the comments if you think i should go do that in the next 100 days because i've had a lot of treasure maps just kind of chilling in a chest for a while now so yeah also let me know of any other ideas you have i'm super open to suggestions anyways cue new better sand montage this one in third person [Music] so [Music] throughout the sand montage i had to go to multiple different beaches to get enough sand and i know i keep saying this but i really need to find a good desert near my base after this i flew home at night and began smelting all of my glass i spent all of day 313 for the most part just waiting for my glass to smell i converted a ton of bamboo into sticks and i did some more sweet capitalism i even mended all my tools and my elytra i decided that while i was waiting for the glass to smell i would begin transferring some more villagers to the trading hall i really didn't want to do this because villagers are truly awful and they deserve their fate but my food supply is running low and i want farmers for infinite golden carrots and apples and surprisingly this process was super easy and laid back the villagers were actually excited to join me for the new life confinement i quickly got five future farmers of america into my mine carts and down to the infectus platformis which is gonna be the new name of my inflection platform because i don't know it just is deal with it i think some of them were having second thoughts on the new career path though because they kept trying to suffocate themselves in the walls the farming industry ain't what it used to be anyways i got them into boats and i learned one zombie to infect them before sunrise on days 314-315 i went back to the end and began building the glass chute for the endermen to fall in it's exactly a 43 block drop so i could kill them with my fist if i wanted then i placed a mine cart to spawn an endermite and after a stack i got one but my chess piece had thorns on it so it died i didn't even know that i had thorns in my chest piece this is literally why thorns is a trash enchantment so i went to spawn another one and he would not get in the mine cart and this man pushed me into my own kill chamber anyways attempt number three went pretty well and i trapped this smug little jerk in his brand new home that he will be spending the rest of his eternity in or at least that's what i would have said if i could name him while he was in the mine cart i let him out to name him and before he went back in the cart he fell to his death and that was also the only name tag that i had brought to the end this is probably going to be the worst day of the hundred days or so i had thought on day 315 which for some reason i listed here twice i i don't know why i think the last one was supposed to just be day three fourteen but let's just pretend the last one was day three fourteen okay anyways when i came back to the overworld it was the end of day 315 so i decided to go lord some more zombies to torment my future farmers except when i went to my platform i saw that this iron golem jerk killed the only villager that i had already infected as a zombie so i did what had to be done remember what happened to that iron golem in 300 days yeah well that's right i waterboarded this man's too you can spend eternity down there thinking about what you did that is until the trident drown shoves his rod you know you know what nevermind anyways it turned out that it was actually midday so i kidnapped three more farmer boys and i expanded my platform to make it more golem proof except these guys kept trolling me by playing musical boats i literally cannot win today after getting those jerks all separated i went to find some more zombies to torture them for profit and this process only took me four trips now that i have all the extra space it was super easy leading the zombies to each villager i actually just barely had enough time to get all these zombies because the last one had caught on fire because it was morning and he almost didn't make it but now i have seven future farmers that i can waste golden apples on kind of ironic really i need more apples to make farmer villagers that i will use to get more apples yeah capitalism on day 316 i begin the day by calling my cow population i need more food to hold me over until i get my farmer trades going and i'm sorry cows i have forsaken you then i went back to the end and i have officially come to the conclusion that i hate endermites this man pushed me off the farm a third time and this time he almost costed me my first totem of undying but not today jerk anyways i named him slug from flushed away because this thing is literal poop and he just kind of reminds me of the slugs from flushed away if you've seen the flushed away movie let me know in the comments it's a pretty old movie now anyways now i have to center the minecart and i can begin building the platform i set up the safe zone and enderman trap and then i built out this nice little platform fun fact enderman can spot an attack in endermite from up to 64 blocks away did you know that i didn't and i needed something from me to say while i showed you this cool sped up footage of me building in third person after finishing the platform i broke the glass in front of the endermite and it is now fully functional on day 317 it was finally time to flood the last piece of land that these endermen desperately cling to and honestly doing this does not get old after i flooded the last piece of land our enderman farm was officially functional just look at these insane games this farm rinse xp and pearls and the occasional endermen will tp out after they fall but they're still one shot kills and not many of them actually do it so this is fine i also made the floor of the room into glass so they can't tp in here enderman can not tp to transparent blocks and now that my endermen farm was complete i had to put the wither trap to the test this means i needed to go back to the nether to get some more skulls i also need some more beacons so i can expand my land forever on day 318 i went to the nether and flew towards the soon to be super wither skeleton farm i spent all of days 318 through 319 decapitating these man so i could feed my lust for beacons i ended up getting seven weather skulls but like the massive brain that i am i forgot to bring more than half a stack of food and i may or may not have committed piglin war crimes so i think it was time to leave so i drank my fire assistance potion and i flew home i cannot wait to go back and spawn proof this area this farm is going to be absolutely insane mark my words by the end of these 100 days i will have so many beacons on day 320 i went to the end to test out my new weather trap and uh okay listen i don't know how i messed it up but the wither got out and he he hurts in hardcore a lot luckily he was mostly distracted by the enderman but he also healed for every enderman that he killed i desperately struggled to kill him and then my worst nightmare came true he got out of the kill room he could very well undo all of the work that i put into making the end into what i wanted it to be so i decided to run home through the portal i got some regen and strength two potions and i went back to the end to take back my land this fight was pretty intense and it looked like so much damage all of my beautiful work was being wrecked by this literal monster after damaging him enough i got him to come back down after i weakened him with my bow and with strength too i managed to kill him and just look at this mess i went around to assess the damages and i guess they could have been much worse i killed all the endermen that teleported into this room after they had taken damage and i began repairing it except all of my stained glass was back at the house so i guess for now this works because the blocks under the enderman filling chamber all broke and they just kind of fell to their deaths either way this was a pretty big mistake and i'm real lucky that i didn't lose any totems or you know an endermite that i may have taken a lot of tries to get into a minecart so i guess i guess this works out it's it is what it is man on day 321 i went back to the end with glass and supplies and i was greeted by a nice empty room just like i had left it when i left the end before or at least that's what i would say if the room wasn't full of some freshly spawned ender orphans so i drank another strength two potion because why not and i got to work chopping these boys up and i know what you're thinking it's okay the wither took their parents already i'm doing them a favor after cleaning up the room i fixed the killing chamber and i drowned my pain away with some sweet xp orbs after a little bit of studying i realized what i did wrong with the killing area i needed one more block of space so i could leave the obsidian underneath so he can't fall down and escape so it was time i built another wither and i placed the skulls and it immediately went wrong he once again decimated my killing room i don't know what i'm doing wrong i drank another strength in regen 2 potion and i pretty easily killed him but now my room was once again a giant crater after this point i did some more research and i figured out my new mistake i should place the obsidian with two spaces above it and build the wither sideways also i need to be standing next to him so that way he doesn't shoot any blue skulls which can break bedrock so the next time i go to kill it it will be gg eazy but as for now i'm stuck cleaning up after my own stupidity on day 322 i went back home again to get more glass and fix up my killing room again did i mention that i was doing this again third time to be exact anyways i didn't have any more black stained glass so i needed to promote some squids to black dye and i was rudely interrupted by this mouth breather after that i went back to the end and i fully fixed the killing room and i replaced the walls with stone bricks and i added some more chests now this place is better than it was before anyways uh don't don't mention that little um goof up in the comments okay instead say something like how you should become a channel member to support me or something i don't know nothing big anyways i killed some more of my friends here and god that is so satisfying nothing like drinking up the life essence of others for my own capital gain on day 323 i got some obsidian and i crafted two new beacons you know what this means right with these beacons i can further expand my land with some more deforestation i also went to go do some more capitalism so i could build the beacon with some nice new emerald blocks except i was interrupted by my rude villagers thinking that they needed to sleep so i spent the night making iron and emerald blocks for my new beacons beacons sponsored by capitalism when the one percent owns the 99 i also checked my iron golem farm which only had a stack because somebody keeps looting the iron chest each day without recording it i'm not sure who that is day 324 was going to be a huge day i was going to focus on decimating the forest hill to the left of my house and i also needed a ton of apples for my infected villagers kind of ironic you know since they'd sell apples anyways i built a nice shiny new beacon and gave it haste 2 and i began decimating this mountain i would like to clear a whole chunk of this forest and that would also supply me with grass stone and wood for days let alone i could also get a lot of new apples and once i have all this new space i could really start turning this huge field into a sprawling home then i spent the whole night crafting some more golden apples which were becoming harder to craft by the day because i'm desperately starting to run out of gold on day 326 i decided that i would only begin curing two zombie villagers at a time because each has to be cured about six times and i have a very limited supply of both gold and apples at least i'll have infinite apples and golden carrots after i turn these mans into farmers after this i spent the whole rest of the day erasing that mountain with my new cow friend that was hanging out with me and i maybe got a bit distracted by him i made a new friend and i wanted to show him around the compound so i made him a boat and from this bay forward he will be known as big mac the cow and in the future he will have his own likeness plastered on a giant statue so all will know of our friendship on days 327-328 i woke up with some inspiration so i went and recurred my two zombie villagers again so i could finally get food then i decided i would pause the mountain destruction project and i would do some touching up around my house i started by testing out planting trees in the middle area and i was getting pretty unlucky with some of these ugly trees anyways while trying to undo some of my deforestation i noticed an intruder on my lands as far as i'm concerned these guys are also eagles and you know what we do with eagles right i tried to spare the sims but they kept attacking me in the comments so i did what had to be done then i spent the rest of the night laying out the foundation for the fourth bridge which would lead to the mainland portion of my compound and the entire night i was constantly harassed by drowned which made me realize that now that my underground caves were so well lit up i also had to light up my ocean sadly enough for me to say this bridge took me two minecraft days to finish because it had to be centered perfectly in an ocd friendly way i lit the bridge up with lanterns and it was done and i'm very proud of it i gave this bridge 5 stars on yelp on days 329 through 330 i placed fences around the middle area and i placed some more trees i also decided to hang lanterns from them so they could have a nice aesthetic after this i started lighting up the ocean area around my house with some more lily pads with lanterns underneath this area is really coming together on day 331 i realized that i've been neglecting my capitalistic duties so i went back to the boys for some more capitalism just to look at all this xp and all these juicy emeralds also for some reason the last couple of villagers were scamming me for double the sticks probably because they don't like their new noisy neighbors also speaking of neighbors i cured these mans for the third time today soon i will get some new farmers and then i need more gold oh and let's just take a second to get a nice overview of the center area isn't this place beautiful i was thinking of maybe adding some yellow and purple flowers for the domination aesthetic but we'll see how it goes anyways this place is really looking good i'm really proud of it i also finally fenced in my path to the creeper farm and i kind of began finishing the collection area for the iron golems i don't know i'm kind of all over the place right now but things are really getting done on days 332 through 333 i began the day by curing my mans for a fourth time and there was this zombie that somehow got into my trading hall and he apparently broke and stole my door i don't even know where this guy came from the porch is lit up and it's literally daytime but whatever do what you want to do after this i spent the rest of the days just chipping away at that mountain and my tools were really taking a beating so i went back to the end to see how fast my enderman farm really repairs tools and look at this thing go xp go bird on day 334 i visited my cows for some more harvesting of their flesh now that i have some food i decided i needed to go to the nether in search of some gold i mean i have to feed my villager infecting rings somehow i started out by flying by a new bastion and this one was pretty big but i cheesed it as usual and i found a couple of chests with a typical mediocre loot but i wasn't here for this regular loot i was here for some sweet sweet gold to feel my capitalism also this bastion ended up being one of those unreasonably dangerous ones that had the huge square room in it so i just kind of left until i found a much better area to mine some gold oren also i wanted to show you this because it is actually super amazing i have never seen the roof of the nether with the new update but just look at this view i had to stop there and stare in awe it is breathtaking if the cave and cliff update revitalizes the overworld like the nether update did here then i am beyond hyped for it while continuing to explore i found another nether fortress that was hidden in this basalt biome and this place is pretty gross so i just kind of left but on the way out i had some gatekeepers you hear that it's past tense had i killed them in hell so now they're double dead i stayed in the nether until about day 337 until i'd headed back home to smelt all of my new gold while waiting for them to smell i cured my villagers a fifth time i ended up with enough gold to make more than a stack of golden apples and later that night i cured my villagers for the sixth time and i killed their zombies after this i afk near them throughout the night until they were cured and i quickly raced against the clock to make some beds so they would actually get into their holes before daylight on day 338 these mans were not being very helpful they each wanted the opposite work blocks so i was forced to let them out and then i found out their trades were somehow not that good so i had to put them back in boats for round two of infections come on guys you do this to yourself i mean i don't know what you want me to do about it so since i needed two more zombies and it wasn't night i went back for some more beautiful destruction of nature if you want me to be honest with you i don't even know what i plan to do with this land yet but i just kind of want to clear it out so i can make more space for my compound also i swear i will use it eventually i don't know when but it will happen after it became nighttime i went back out for some zombos for my boys that is until i noticed that this uh this boy is not in his boat and it's like wait a second wait wait wait something's not right here there is a trident boy throwing tridents after him so after fighting to get him back in the boat i went to go get the zombos that i wanted and i was attacked by some flying devils but things were all good because i was not going to let some unnecessary mobs stop me now after collecting my new zombies i went to check on my farms and i got almost nine stacks of iron from my iron farm also my creeper and spider farm is in bowl production look at the stacks upon stacks of glute in these chests on day 339 i went out on my journey for some more apples that is my super ironic quest i need apples to get a farmer who sells apples anyways i was hacking away at this forest until i noticed this there was a sleeping fox and then i just kind of sat there and i watched him very peaceful and while i was watching him i realized how bad i felt that i was you know destroying his home but then i had a reality check and i was like wait a second this is a video game and i really need apples in this video game so i'm sorry virtual and you know the further the series goes along the uh the worse this forest becomes each and every 100 days this uh this place is looking a little not okay but i mean at the expense of the forest i did get 10 apples but at what cost anyways i went back to cure my boys again which makes seven times because these farmers think that they're special for some reason on days 340-341 i started the day by infecting my villagers again for the eighth time then i decided to break my sugarcane farm that's just been kind of awkwardly sitting here unharvested for weeks of time now because i have some big plans that i would like to begin around the compound to make this place nicer but first i cured my boys again and i decided to kill one of the zombies hopefully this time the trades will be one for one i spent all of day 342 planning and starting to build my brand new villager carrot farm i have this awesome idea to make a carrot farm upstairs and have there be a ground floor collection area and i could build like a large barn around it that has a dock on the back that goes out into the water on days 343-344 i began kidnapping boys for my new carrot farm you know most of the ways that i make money in this game involve prison war camps anyways after getting the first two in all i needed to do was get one boy from the villager breeder and uh this was not easy it was kind of a pain actually no pun intended but i did get the last boy into the new prison and i may have accidentally beat him oh no now his rip-off trades will be even worse what will i do and now my carrot farm is 100 operational after that i went to move my cured villager into his new home and i had to be super careful because the prison guards were spawn camping the zombies one pixel too far and i punched the villager and it could be game over two iron golems versus me equals dead meat on day 345 i went back to check on the new farmer and why are his trade so bad is it because i punched his friend they they should definitely be too far away so that should not have affected it anyways after being ripped off by another farmer again i went to go do some capitalism in the hopes of maybe fixing his trades all of my stick boys are now trading two emeralds at the moment and i'm starting to fear for my life i feel like there's an uprising coming i really do need to start doing raids so i can get the hero of the village buff and not have to worry about this anymore after all that capitalism i cured his friend again and this time i killed his zombie hopefully if i get apples and begin carrying them all they will give me a higher reputation after my second farmer cured i gave him a job block and he too only had 16 carat trades at this point i had cured them each nine times and i'm getting pretty annoyed i am in desperate need of apples so i can actually start carrying more oh the cruel irony on day 346 i needed apples again so i guess it was back to some good old-fashioned deforestation i then spent the rest of the night getting more zombies to the infection platform infectus platformis so i could continue to punish these farmers for their rip off prices how much gold do i have to waste on humans i cured them both again and i went to sleep mad on days 347 to 349 i went back to my local neighborhood dark oak forest to kill some more nature to supply my expansion i ran out of dark oak and i needed to build the weird house thing around my new carrot farm so i needed to partake in some more deforestation and while killing nature i got seven more apples i went home and crafted them into golden apples and i'm now back up to 18. so i went back to cure my scam artist farmers again and then i spent the night working on the building for the new farmers i'm gonna be brutally honest myself here i have no clue what i'm doing with this build i mean i had ideas but i'm trying to build outside of my comfort zone so this build took a lot longer than usual i typically never use stripped wood and i recently had a newfound respect for it so i wanted to try it out so i could make this a more farm-like building also while building this farmhouse i realized that the red and black sheep weren't paying their rent so it was time to evict them but during the eviction process i was interrupted by this father and son reunion that i quickly put an end to anyways consider operation sheep eviction a success i also had to relocate my beloved jeff the alpaca that i totally didn't steal from a wandering trader and it seems like he likes his new home on days 350 through 351 i continued building the front of the farmhouse and i actually think this is going to look good i decided to fence in the entrance to the building and i've planted some trees and added some bushes and crops and it's looking really really good however you should totally ignore the entrance to my mind that's in the middle of the path i tried my best to build the roof and i was pretty worried that it was going to look scuffed but it also turned out pretty great on day 354 i dug out the ground behind the farmhouse so i could turn it into the deck this way the barn can overlap into the water and take up some of the empty space in between after building the deck i decided to add some trees for a more natural touch i really want my whole compound area to be full of nice touches like these trees on days 355 through 358 i started working on a small side building to this wall so it didn't look as plain as it did plus i guess i could turn this into a horse stable and i can get some horses that i probably won't use i also saw this cool idea online for using campfires to add a more rustic feel to the build so i went back and replaced all of the oak slabs for the roof and it really did look rustic it was looking like an authentic barn i was pretty happy with it but after that i ran out of wood so i went to go get some and on the way back these two skeletons with enchanted bows tried to jump me only to get scared of my doggos and run away suckers then i added these cool lamps to each section for proper lighting so i can get rid of these gross icky torches and i was really happy with how the build turned out on day 359 i started the day by just staring at the new build and honestly i am really proud of myself it's all coming together so well it's definitely not finished though the inside of the farm building needs some work and i'm actually thinking about adding an auto feather farm in there the area around the building is still a pretty big mess though so i do need to clean that up in the future but instead of doing that i went to tame the grey horses by my house and with my luck they were all super slow but i made that really nice horse stable so i figured you know i kind of needed some horses then i went back and i grabbed this all-gray horse and he had a decent amount of hearts but he was even slower than the flash with broken legs i gave him gold armor and i plopped him in the middle pen the second horse that i grabbed had some white clouds on his side and this man was fast af so i gave him diamond armor and i put him in the left pen i then went back to grab this polka dot boy and he would not let me control him for the rest of his life i really don't understand why however after i tamed him he was also a pretty fast dude so i gave him the other diamond armor and i put him in the right pen on day 360 i tried to evict the broken golem from my farmhouse and he didn't really fit through the door i could just open up the wall or this could be his new forever home that he protects with his life i'm guessing you know which one of those ended up happening then i started to dig out the bottom of the floor i was planning on using stone bricks until i had the idea to switch it up to cobblestone because it would look more farmy and i've really never used cobblestone for a build like ever anyways i ran out of stone while in there so i needed to leave and i was kind of worried that it would be dark enough to spawn things but i was like nah it'll be fine that is until when i came back to this horde of mobs and then i realized that my iron golem was also gone i found his remains scattered on the floor i i guess that's one way to evict him but damn i kind of feel bad on day 361 i began the day by curing my zombie villagers these guys really need to hurry up because i'm running out of food after that i collected supplies and began building my new auto chicken feather farm except i realized that the lava embers can travel through blocks and building it downstairs would probably result in my entire barn and horse stable burning to the ground which i'm pretty sure i'm not that cool with so instead i decided to add a platform by my bamboo farm for the chickens i mean the whole purpose of the chicken pen was to get feathers to trade for emeralds anyways so this kind of works out better i then spent the rest of this day gathering all the supplies that i needed into this shulker box for the chicken farm on day 362 i began building the new chicken farm that i like to call the chicken chamber i went to collect some eggs from my totally sane collection of eggs so i can get some chicken boys to add to the new chicken chamber i spent like five minutes just standing there eating eggs into the chamber and i uh had a mishap some um some boys escaped i'm sorry my child i continued emptying my inventory of eggs until i got to watch my auto bamboo flying machine do its thing fun fact all of the chests downstairs are hacked with so much bamboo that they can't fit anymore and all of this bamboo is just going to waste i placed an observer on top of the chicken farm and i finished up the killing chamber except i was rudely interrupted by this simp with a trident i made quick work of him but he wasn't kind enough to give me with his trident i mean what a shame i could have named it tier 3 sub anyways my chicken farm is now officially done and once the chickens grow up they can start producing also shout out to mysticat for the farm idea on days 363-306 i needed food and this chicken egg farm is no longer necessary so i'm sorry boys your journeys are over so i made this fenced-in chamber of future death and i built a primitive egg year and it looks like it's time for a good old-fashioned montage [Music] [Applause] [Music] while waiting for the eggs to fully fill the chicken pan i destroyed the old chicken farm structure and at this point the chickens were destroying my frame rate my fps was in the 30s when around these boys they needed to go like soon this is the first time my fps was actually under 60 in the entire 400 days of this world and i'm definitely not a fan of it i spent the rest of this day in all of day 365 af kings so the chickens could grow up and the game was barely playable like this in fact they were lagging my whole compound and base as one last stand against my chicken killing tyranny anyways while suffering with lag i decide to check my iron and creeper farms since i haven't checked them in like forever and the iron farm had 12 stacks of iron i checked the creeper farm and uh there were four double chests full of string and gunpowder this form is going absolutely ham after waiting for more than 20 minutes for the chickens to grow up i decided that i couldn't take it anymore so i went to go slaughter them all and look at all of this xp there's something super satisfying about getting sweeping edge kills on tons of mobs also these mans had laid an entire inventory worth of eggs while they were here but i now have like 15 stacks of chicken and 20 stacks of feathers for emerald trade so things worked out in the end i guess on day 366 it was time for some more capitalism i have been ignoring these guys for like 10 days now and they needed some more love now that i have a ton of string sticks and feathers i can triple my trade productivity of these guys although their stick prices are now three because of inflation almost like somebody's been flooding the market with sticks i really don't know who could be doing that but this is also why we really need to make a raid farm in the next hundred days anyways i went through these guys two times each and i netted a stack into half of emerald blocks that's right you heard me blocks after that i went to go check out my new farmers and for some reason the right guy keeps dropping crops everywhere the left one isn't doing it so i don't know what this guy's problem is but they're producing some good carrot stunks i also had the idea for maybe putting some auto sheep shares downstairs here or maybe a cow pen or something i don't know i needed to use this space but that would probably have to happen another day because i want to set up that guardian farm that i mentioned like i don't know 200 days ago and that's exactly what i was gonna do so i began collecting supplies for it i had everything that i needed except for the soul sand and obsidian so i went to the nether to start getting soul sand on day 367 i went down to the mines and i collected a stack and a half of obsidian this is gonna be used for the nether portals that i make around the guardians so i could send them to the shadow realm i also made some potions of invisibility so i could avoid the guardians i've never actually used potions of invisibility without armor and i'm not that comfortable with it so i'm going to bring an extra tone of undying just in case and right after this there was a thunderstorm in the future when i get a channeling trident i can farm mob habs with super creepers but for now i would rather not have any woodhouse get burned down on day 368 i jumped into the water to travel to the guardian farm and i noticed something casually swimming in the water there was a zombie horse from the lightning storm i tried to snipe the skeletons with my bow but i screwed up and killed two of them but luckily the third skeleton died from my thorns and i now have a zombie skeleton horse also the other skeleton that i thought got lost at sea came back so i killed him too and now i have two skeleton horses i grabbed two saddles and i drugged them back over to my horse stable i moved the diamond boys together in the same pen and i gave the undead boys their new pen let me know what i should name them in the 500 days down in the comments anyways this took up all of my daylight so i went to go cure my villagers again but i was down to only two golden apples and i wanted to keep them just in case the guardian farm went wrong so i just kind of went to bed that night the guardian farm cometh tomorrow on day 369 nice i went out near the guardian farm and when looking underwater for a place to build up for the platform i found a sunken trip i looted two of the chests that were easy to get and i found another buried treasure map to add to my collection of others that i've been ignoring anyways i built up and made myself a platform to put my supplies on and get undressed and i spent the next three days building this farm and the entire time i was very on edge it's not that great having no armor and hardcore you know it's still a little not okay i always had a potion of invisibility in my heart bar and i kept my eye on the mirror symbol the entire time oh and i also got this form idea from mr cat as well so again another big shout out after finishing the overworld portion i lit the portals and went to the nether and i had no clue where i was i should be close to my nether spawn but i'm like in a hole and there's a bastion that i haven't looted yet after my mining fatigue went away i looked around to see if i knew where i was and i had zero clue where in the nether i was there was an unloaded bastion and a abandoned portal that i've never seen before on day 372 i went back through the portal so i could get my compass that would lead me back to my original portal and i found out that this portal was about a thousand blocks away in the nether which doesn't even make any sense so i had the idea of making another portal near it and it again makes zero sense why is it so far away the next portal that i made ended up being exactly where it should be and at this point i'm kind of just at a loss here am i really going to have to make a 1 000 block long path just the dumb collection area after this i went back to the portal in the arm again and it now links to the proper portal which you know what i won't argue i'll just take it and i found out this portal is right on the other side of the wall by my home portal so now all i have to do is break the other portal by the farm and i'm good to go i knew portals were dangerous before this but i'm now realizing just how dangerous they really are on day 374 i went out and broke the nether portal and went through the guardian trap just to make sure it was actually going to work and it does i still have no clue what happened but it works now i guess this does concern me though because in the future i plan on breaking the nether portal down in the mine and you know adding it to the surface and maybe that portal will end up bringing me to some completely random location or maybe the portal will link up with one that has guardians in it and i'll just get killed so i might just not move that portal after this i finished up the killing chamber and the collection system and i made the path to the spawn portal and it was super close and easy so in the end things all worked out pretty well on day 375 i drank more invisibility and i went back to the ocean monument today the goal was to cover as much of the top with soul sand as i could so after i make the afk platform in the sky i won't lose out on spawns without aqua infinity this took forever so i actually tried it with my armor on for just a minute or so and the guardians hurt just a little anyways this took all day and i couldn't break the top part because of the mining fatigue it was becoming night so i went back home to sleep on day 376 i got some milk from my mumu so i could break the top part of the monument and i swam back to the farm and i began breaking blocks that is until i got mining fatigue again so i drank some milk and then i had the literal most terrifying moment in the entire series this man attacked me and made me use a totem this was the first time i've actually died in the series i was out of there except this guy kept chasing me down and they almost ended the entire series i was down to two hearts and i was actually going to include the clip where i was panicking in the background but my mic was muted so you can't even hear me scream anyways though i really don't know what happened here i i could have bumped a guardian or something but i i don't know the soul stand was pushing them up and now i'm terrified to go back there also i didn't even have my other totem in my hot bar and he could have actually killed me because of that i literally just panicked and did nothing i didn't put on my armor and i didn't get the other totem i froze in place this is why i was putting off doing the guardian farm for so long because i knew of how awful and risky it was to make a guardian farm so after that literal torture i decided to go get some beacons so i could have regen and resistance 2 while i was there and i'm just gonna wear armor you know what screw it screw you guardians so i broke down my haste beacon that i had over by this once proud mountain to be honest this beacon was kind of a waste of blocks anyways because i decided to work on my compound more before i added more empty land to it but you know it's whatever it will now serve the new purpose of being my bodyguard from those e-girl guardians i also got a huge brain idea to bring my conveniently placed cow in a boat that i named big mac over to the guardian farm so now i had endless amounts of milk and after this i went to sleep as i drifted away slowly the achievement postmortem haunted me i had cheated death on day 377 after gathering the supplies i needed i built a platform by the farm and i constructed a tier 4 beacon then i placed the beacons and gave myself speed resistance 2 and regeneration so those jerks stand no chance at hurting me anymore on day 378 it was go time i had the new buffs and lots of milk and i was determined to finish this farm i hopped into the water and there were hella guardians attacking me i killed a bunch of my sword and i struggled to break the rest of the monument and place the final bits of soul sand but overall i felt way safer with the beacon buffs and i finished the area now i just need to make a sky platform and clean up this mess and my guardian farm will officially be operational i spent the night breaking all the temporary dirt and now that this is all gone the guardians will spawn and be pushed by the soul sand into the portals where they can be burnt to death for their crimes they have committed against me on day 379 i was greeted by two giant slimes in my big mine area as i was going to my nether portal fun fact these boys have actually been spawning a lot in the last hundred days and i haven't been talking about them and the glass that i have here is actually decreasing their spawns because this is one of the slime chunks anyways i went to the nether to check out my new farm's loot room since a bunch of the c-sims fell through while i was working around the farm and lookie here i've already got a lot of loot and you know what this means i had to make an afk platform in the sky and afk for a day or two just to see how much this form can really produce i'm not really sure what i'm gonna be building with these ocean blocks yet but i definitely want them i was thinking maybe i could make like an aquarium and start gathering lots of sea creatures like squid the new glow squid when it comes out fish and maybe even a guardian for the meme that is if it doesn't kill everything else on day 380 it was time to clean up all of the mess that i had made while building the guardian farm i broke the bamboo pillar removed all the stone bricks and i broke the two beacons after that i removed the old nether portal frame and took all of my stuff i can see everything out here from my house so i didn't want it to look like trash then i flew back up to the platform with more supplies to make it big enough and not easy to miss with my elytra and i decided to make it a cool circle in the sky i will probably make it fancier in the future but for now it's looking pretty good i made a chamber in the center with glass walls and a roof so i can check for phantoms before i leave and i added doors so i could go in and out i also made the floor out of glass so i crack a cold one open with the boys that is before they get teleported to hell to perish for my financial gain anyways though now that it's all done q guardian afk farm montage [Music] i afk for about a day and a half and i went back to check on my loot and holy mother of loot look at all of this stuff i ended up with seven stacks of sea lanterns and a ton of blocks i also now have enough fish to make an army of cats the farm also traps squids so this is partially a squid farm i love black stained glass and now i don't need to actually make a squid farm so this is a big hog champ moment on day 385 i debated how i would handle beginning the next project the god tier wither skeleton farm i came to the sad conclusion that the quickest way and easiest way to get to that farm would be to continue that original path that i made that was originally supposed to go to the second nether fortress that i had found it was about 600 blocks long and all i needed to make it was like i don't know 3 000 no big deal right so i went home to organize my shulkers so i could carry supplies into the nether except i had a roof intruder again i don't know why they keep spawning up here also a baby pig boy spawned in my tunnel so i made a boat for him and captured him maybe if he grows up i can use him for something in the future like gold trades or something then i went back to mining my long tunnel and not that far in i struck one ancient debris i guess maybe i'll make a profit from this overall this process took me seven days and countless breaks because it was so mind-numbing but the path finally hit the nether fortress i have never been so happy to see a warp wars in my life after finishing the path i ran back home to get all the supplies that i would need to make the wither skeleton farm and for this design i decided to use buttons instead of slabs to spawn proof because it was easier quicker and kind of cheaper i'm also going to capture a penguin to use his bait in the center so the wither skeletons actually fall down i also decided for this farm that i was going to be using my sword to do all the killing because i had looting i know you can use a tamed wolf but that takes longer and isn't as fun after getting my supplies i leveled up a librarian and got eight name tags which is something i meant to do forever ago and yes i bought eight name tags just in case anything happened to the first piglet i speak from experience with the stupid endermites i made some swiftness 2 potions so i can get there faster and i ran all the way back through my long tunnel and guess how long this took i used 4 potions of swiftness 2 and it took me 5 minutes to run this tunnel 5 minutes good thing i will not be heading here and back that often on day 393 i made a ton of buttons and began spawn proofing the nether fortress this should take almost no time in comparison to the last fortress incident anyways it looks like it's already working i found this horde of witty boys and one of them already dropped me a skull and right after that another one dropped me a skull i have to be super careful during this though because the more i spawn proof the more dangerous the areas that i haven't spawned proof will start becoming i mean just look at all these mans and one of them gave me a third skull it took me until day 396 to finish spawn proofing and uh pretty sure this giant pile of mobs says that it works also the endermen that pick up blocks don't despawn which is kind of a problem during this whole process i already got 13 weather skulls which is pretty pog after that i built the netherrack spawning platform for the wither skeletons and i added a center point with some trapdoors so i could trap a piglen after this i went back to get a piglet from the bastion i had built under and i stumbled upon their gold stash and got 16 free blocks of gold i then led one of them all the way back to the farm and i got him in the trap only for a stupid blaze to shoot him and burn him to death why on day 397 i went back to grab another paglin and i drugged this man all the way back to the farm only for him to immediately be killed by a wither skeleton yeah it was uh safe to say that i kind of screwed up in making this functional so soon i mean look at all these skeletons also i was out of fire resistance and the blazes are complete jerks luckily i do have the supplies here to make some more fire resistance potions though after fixing up the wither farm area i went back to get another piglen and they were super hard to find but i did loot a chest in the bastion which had a free lodestone in it after searching some more i found a man and i slowly let him down to the path until he died from fall damage i am cursed or so i thought on the way back to the farm i heard the distinct sound that piglets makes so i dug up and found a pile of mans i drugged this one back and led him into the trap and voila success is finally here i used my name tag to name him twitch prime which is totally something you should go do at twitch.tv slash pain domination where i will soon be streaming weekly casual plug anyways look at all these wither skellies on day 398 i finished the killing zone downstairs or at least for now because i was running out of time in these 100 days and this farm definitely works pretty well i could definitely improve the spawn rate in the future by spawn proofing the basalt areas and the warped forest but for now this works perfectly fine this certainly isn't the most efficient weather farm but i hated this process and it works well enough to say that it's all good for me something is definitely wrong with the hostile mob cap though because my spawns are not that consistent at all sometimes i get a lot sometimes i don't get that many and those damn enderman with blocks do not despawn and they are everywhere but i did end up with 24 wither skulls which means it was time to go kill eight withers in the end on day 399 i gathered my freshly severed skulls and some soul sand and i went back to the end it was time to kill eight withers this wither enderman killing room is literal heaven i got six and a half stacks of weather roses and eight juicy nether stars from these boys and to celebrate 400 days i killed more endermen until i hit level 100. today was a very successful day also somehow i was missing a fence here can enderman steal fences there's no way right on day 400 that's right the big 400 i crafted my eight new beacons and i now have 10 beacons after making the beacons i went over to the spot in between the horse table and the farmhouse and i decided that for the rest of my beacons i wanted them to be underground so they didn't take up too much space and i could have the buffs no matter where i was in the compound and i also decided this beacon specifically was going to have purple and yellow stained glass for my awesome channel colors and i was going to try to turn it into a fountain because i mean i can i don't know and after building the fountain it looks okay i guess it's not the worst i feel like for what i was going for it had to be a much larger fountain but i don't know i might end up changing it in the future it's pretty hard when there's beacons underneath though because you can only use transparent blocks overhead so the beacons aren't covered anyways though i kind of missed the sunset so uh yeah no sunset for you i guess oh and yeah i know i kind of just left the farmer zombie villagers hanging i wanted to have them done way before this 100 days ended but i guess that will be a project for 500 days on day 401 i was a ready boy i had a list of things to do for these 100 days and places to be because if you haven't noticed it's uh it's been a while since we've been inside of this world one huge thing that i didn't finish in the last hundred days that i really wanted to finish was transforming my farmers association into a capitalistic machine but i needed a lot more gold and apples to do that so my first huge project would be to build myself a gold farm on the nether roof but first i needed some things i was gonna need magma blocks and some turtle eggs so i grabbed some bone mail and bones not like i was low on them or anything and i flew over to my nearby turtle friend that i trapped like 300 days ago and i began by harvesting a bunch of seagrass with the shears also a quick little fact i didn't even know you needed shears until now i may or may not have tried to use silk touch on this anyways after this i realized something was off i only had one sea turtle here and i needed two of them to detroit smash and make some eggs so i had to continue searching for a place with two turtles and not that far away i actually found a bunch of them right before it became nighttime i lured these boys together and i set them up on a nice date while i got out my bed and went to sleep for the night on day 402 the second turtle tried to break up with his new lover but i tracked him down and i drug him back to the future site of turtlecon 2021. after this i spent the next day and a half clearing out the sand and dirt and building them a walled in area plus adding some torches and i even gave them this nice tropical pond in the center my turtles gotta live in style while waiting for these boys to lay more eggs i was googling some stuff about turtles and they apparently take four to five nights to hatch so i was like uh no so i picked up some of their eggs with silk touch and i just brought them back home the new plan was to make a turtle enclosure by my house so that way they'll always be inside of loaded chunks and i could become the best turtle farmer i was born to be so i collected all my things and i flew home for the night i spent day 404 struggling to find a place for my turtle habitat you could say my building plans were not found come on that was a good joke please somebody get that joke anyways i finally thought of where i want the turtles to go and i began swapping out the dirt for some sand and while doing this a trident boy kept sniping me from the ocean so i jumped in and smacked him up some and this boy dropped me a trident and a piece of gold i feel like this is going to be a pretty lucky 100 days on days 405 through 406 i kept gathering spruce wood and i began building the wall for my turtle enclosure i also tried to build my first palm tree except i ran out of jungle leaves and my last sapling turned into a greedy tree that didn't want to drop any more saplings so i couldn't make a second tree and just like my ocean world i was now out of jungle wood after this i fenced in the water part of the beach and i placed all of my turtle eggs and now i just had to wait four to five days for these to hatch not gonna lie i didn't expect getting turtle eggs to take this long on day 407 i had a weird feeling that the baby turtles would escape through the fences so i googled it and apparently baby turtles can swim through fences so i replaced all of the ocean fence with a wall similar to the rest and after this i replaced all the torches with some tiki torches to kind of match the tropical aesthetic that i was going for now all i needed was more jungle leaves and the eggs are also starting to crack the babies cometh soon i spent the next three days working on making the path around my base way more natural and creative i made some custom trees and i really stepped up my block diversity game by using gravel coarse dirt and podzol i also learned that apparently if you bone meal some grass and flowers onto the ground and then you bone mail a birch sapling inside of them then the birch tree has a chance of spawning with a bee's nest on it by the end of these few days my turtles started to hatch and just look at these cute adorable little dudes all hail the tiny turtle overlords on day 411 i began working on my farmer villagers that i started like a month ago and i killed their zombies off because a bunch of people in the comments suggested that i tried locking them into farmers first so i tested out maxing them out and then curing them in a creative world and it only took three cures so it turns out i might have been curing villagers the hard way this entire time right after this it was time for some long awaited capitalism i traded strings sticks and feathers with all of my fletcher army and i mended all of my tools and my elytra in the process all of this capitalism netted me a profit of 41 emerald blocks omega pog now that my money stuffed pockets were more stuffed i went to check on my turtles and some of the babies were missing and there were two adults that somehow escaped and then i found it one of the walls that i built was one block too short so these mans were escaping so i pushed this dude back in and i increased the wall size now that my escape artist turtles were imprisoned i spent the night placing sea lanterns underwater around my base to really make the ocean pop plus it also stops drown from spawning on day 412 i gathered some carrots and maxed out one of my cured zombie villagers while doing this i also solved my lack of apples i guess all of those trees i killed died for nothing but sometimes it'd just be that way though i maxed out my second villager and got a ton more apples and golden carrots from him plus while leveling them i heard the classic and i can't do the llama noise i'm not even going to attempt it but yeah you get the picture it was a wandering traitor so i went upstairs and they didn't have that much so i deleted them from existence silly trader this isn't the ocean only world i don't need you after this i grabbed eight stacks of gold from my gold chest and i crafted 64 golden apples and damn does it feel good to finally have golden apples the great apple struggle is almost over later that night i led two zombies onto the platform so i could reinfect these two farmers a couple of times and then i can turn the rest of these zombies into more farmers on day 413 i cured my two max farmers for the first time and then i cured every one of those other zombie villagers and i killed all of their zombies so i could individually level each of them up as a farmer before i continue to infect them after this i went to go feed my pet ninja turtles and just look at all these mans just chilling in the corner probably plotting my downfall i spent the rest of the day leveling up all of my farmers and i cured my two home slices for a third time and when they cured their trades were down to one emerald each so i guess i found the more efficient way to rob villagers on day 414 i afk around my base while my turtles continued to grow until night time when i brought my two finished farmers inside and i lured them into their prisons by using beds and of course they would not cooperate in the slightest because villagers are the worst plain and simple but i did manage to get them both into their beds and after this i spent the whole night learning zombies to infect the rest of my farmers association and this process took all the way until sunrise on day 415 i began the day by curing all of my second round of farmers for the first time after that i commenced in some more beautiful capitalism just look at the sheer quality of these stunks somebody please call the spiffing brit he needs to see this all of this capitalism got me a whopping 65 more emerald blocks and by the time i was done trading all of my farmers were infected again so it was round two of their vaccine i mean cures and after this i traded with my god tier farmers for some more juicy apples and spicy golden carrots be gone in a fish and chicken i only consume gold i spent the rest of the day casually organizing my inventory and checking on farms and damn just look at the creeper and spider farm go also look at my iron farm that's somehow less efficient than the one in my ocean only world either way i can't complain because it's producing me mad stonks on day 416 i started off the day by curing my zombie villagers for the third time and then spent a lot of this day just kind of afking by the villagers because i wasn't sure if they would all be ready to go after they cured and i was pretty much right some villagers were ready with one emerald trades but some of them still had trades for four so i killed some of the zombies and i reinfected the others only one of the villagers was ready so i brought him inside and i gave him a bed that way when it becomes nighttime he'll go into his little hole i continued afking and as each of the remaining villagers cured i checked their trades and i killed their zombies throughout the night i moved each and every farmer into their new home and i now have seven fully decked out farmers who will be my infinite source of golden carrots only problem is i now needed two more farmers and then i could move on to my cartographers so i could start hunting down some woodland mansions now that my villagers were finally fixed i went back to check on my booming turtle population and look at these boys go turtle empire is almost complete on day 417 i prepared myself for something that i have been wanting to do forever now i wanted to go back to the end and loot the end cities and grow my wealth by stuffing my inventory with countless diamond tools armor sets and i also needed some more shulkers plus i would kind of like some backup elytras i mean just in case you know so i got my bottles of enchanting for repairs and i traded for another mending and i'm breaking three books so i can enchant a backup elytra on the spot after this i went into the nether and i jumped through the end portal and i ender pearled through the outer lands portal not that far from my spawn there was an end city that i apparently just never found i mean i don't know i remember this being an awful experience so it's kind of great to know that i could have just walked like 10 feet and yeah i don't want to talk about it while looting my way through this place i found three different chest rooms and the loot was absolutely busted i found a bunch of op diamond items 10 diamonds and i am already up to 20 shulker shells i was in the end looting all the way until day 430 and i found so so so much dank loot that i figured you'd enjoy a good old-fashioned killing and looting montage [Music] after my long looting journey i returned home and put all of my loot into one chest to see what i really got and wow i didn't even loot for that long and i ended up with 35 diamonds four elytras four dragon heads and tons of diamond tools and armor that all had op enchants i also came back with 41 shulker boxes and not gonna lie i kind of started skipping a lot of the shulkers towards the end because my water glitched out and disappeared and i didn't really want to deal with them after getting home from the end on day 431 i took 18 shulkers and made them purple and yellow for the channel color aesthetic and the next day i took off on a journey to find a desert and an ice biome so i could begin my new projects which are going to be a juicy nether home complete with some beautiful ice boat travel to get to my weather farm before leaving i enchanted a second elytra just in case and i named it sky high because i couldn't really think of a better name and for some reason the disney movie sky high kinda just came to mind my mind is an enigma now that i was properly prepared i took off over the ocean in search of a desert and surprisingly only five minutes of flying there was one on the other side of the ocean and this was here the entire time so i didn't have to go and randomly find crappy deposits of sand i don't want to talk about it okay well inside the desert i also found a desert temple and there was a clean two diamonds inside one of the chests while here i also realized that i brought way too many shulkers for this but i mean it is what it is anyways cue sand montage you [Applause] [Music] this was the most successful sand montage to date because i ended up with five shulkers full of sand and this took all the way until the end of day 433 on day 434 i flew back out in a different direction and after about eight minutes of flying i found an ice biome it really looks like my luck is going to be great during these 100 days i spent the next four days mining the ice and sleeping through the night so i had to deal with mobs and i even had to repair my pickaxe with the backup bottles of enchantments that i brought just for the occasion now that i have big projects like this it looks like i'm finally going to have to put all those backup diming tools to use after this i flew back home and i ended up with five shulkers full of packed ice plus some extra later that night i checked on my turtle farm and these boys popped off look at them all they're beautiful my children on day 439 i grabbed some potions of fire res and dove into the water to collect the last ingredient to bake the perfect gold farm magma blocks i found a couple of easy veins and even got some free gold that i guess no longer matters i ended up with more than 12 stacks of spicy blocks so i went back to the overworld to begin laying out what i needed for the farm while gathering supplies i realized that i was going to need two to three times more magma blocks than i had originally thought and i also did not have that much magma cream and it wasn't really worth wasting it so i brewed some more potions of spicy water resistance and i went to sleep for the day so that way in the morning i could repair my pickaxe with some beautiful capitalism does my pickaxe being so close to breaking stress you out good i began day 440 with what you've all been waiting for some more beautiful capitalism i traded stick string and feathers with all my boys and i guess me infecting them wrong is finally kicking in because their trades are slowly going back up and that is not okay i traded with these mans four times in a row and by the time i was all done all of my tools were shiny and new and i had enough emeralds to make 85 blocks of emerald not to flex or anything but just look at this chest now that my pick was fixed it was back to the nether to collect some more magma i got kind of lucky and i struck magma gold underneath the first bastion that i actually looted during the first hundred days after coming back from the nether i paid a visit to the turtles by turning some of their eggs into orphans because i stole them now that i had the magma and turtle eggs that i would need i dumped them into the shulkers and i almost had a full shulker of magma which ironically just happens to be a little more than what i was going to need i spent the rest of the night putting the supplies for the farm into the shulkers so i would have everything that i needed while on the nether roof i have a shulker full of magma one full of glass and one full of everything else i would need minus more warped trap doors cactus and honey blocks which means i now needed to make my long planned b-movie farm prepare yourself for the b puns on day 441 i grabbed my sky-high elytra and i took off towards my desert so i could get the cactus i needed for the gold sword destroying part of the gold farm's auto sorter after landing and breaking the cactus i needed i had this crazy idea to steal this entire pool of lava so i opened up my beacon box and i used the iron blocks to make a ton of buckets i filled each and every one of these buckets with lava from the pool until it was almost gone and i ended up with two bull shulkers and an additional nine buckets of lava that is 63 buckets of lava so now that i had an unnecessary amount of lava and i had my cactus it was time to head home that is until i got distracted by a nearby desert temple i heard a skeleton inside and of course there was a creeper hanging out waiting and watching i loaded the four chests and they had one golden apple and a bunch of junk no god apple for me i guess after this i spent the night flying home as fast as my cat when he has zoomies here's a picture of him by the way isn't he such a beautiful and handsome boy if you follow me on twitter i totally post more pictures of him and you should totally mention in the comments down below just how cute he is because his ego needs to be raised on day 442 before going into the nether for warped wood i realized my axe only had efficiency for still ew so i went over to my librarians to buy an efficiency 5 book after that i popped it onto orphan obliterator so he can obliterate orphans at twice the speed and chop trees too i guess so i grabbed some potions of swiftness and i set off on my 5 minute long nether run i am so looking forward to replacing this with an ice bridge after finally getting to the warped forest near my wither skeleton farm i went on my nether tree killing rampage while here i also collected every shroom light i saw because they could probably look good in a future build maybe while running around the forest i found tons of endermen that were holding items these guys are the reason why my wither skeleton farm isn't at max efficiency yet because they don't freaking despawn and honestly i really don't want to have to spawn proof this biome too i have flashbacks now that i had what i came for i went to kill some wither boys because i mean honestly why not i ran all the way here and once i spawn proof the warped forest this farm will be god tier but for now it's just pretty good i guess while sitting here grinding the wither skeletons i did end up getting three more skulls so i guess this trip wasn't entirely a waste of time and after spending another five minutes straight running all the way back to my nether portal it ended up being day 445 on day 446 i set out with my elytra to a nearby forest to search for beehives which i thought would be easy see what i did there i warned you about the bee puns anyways the beehives were few and far between and when i did find them i struggled to get them into the nests i learned that you could use campfires to solve that but i didn't have any dark oak wood on me overall i was pretty unlucky finding hives that is until day 449 on day 449 i hit the mother lode i found a flower biome and there were bee hives full of bees everywhere so i went around the biome capturing every bee i could find inside of their nests while i was here i may have also decimated a field of flowers to take home with me i mean it's not a big deal right while continuing to search around i found this majestic looking ruined portal that had a tree in it and no god apple and to be honest i'm not even sure if god apple's spawning ruined portals to be honest but i'm sure you all let me know in the comments because you always do on day 450 i begin flying back home with all of my bees however mid-flight i decided that while i was out i would look for another jungle biome so i could get more jungle wood or the turtle enclosure and some cool tropical builds that i had in mind while flying around i found countless village after village after village and i told myself i would not stop and steal all their hay but i literally flew over like six villages in a row so uh yeah you could you could probably see how long that lasted so i stopped at every other village along the way and i started stealing their bells and all of their hay so much for minimizing exploration until the 1.18 caves come out am i right while exploring i even stopped by an illegal outpost and i stole their cool banners and some dark oak for campfires in case i found any more bees and just look at this absolute pile of these boys control alt delete oh and i even freed this iron golem like the good samaritan that i definitely am on day 451 i had finally found the jungle i was looking for and this didn't take nearly as long as last time so i got straight to work putting nature in its place except a wandering traitor decided to interrupt me i checked who he was subscribed to and i was not on the list so i banned him from youtube and life anyways this time i was far more prepared before i left i gathered over four stacks of jungle wood in 20 jungle saplings i spent the rest of the night flying home and i ended up with 12 new beehives full of bees which totals 20 including the one i have in the item frame on day 452 i gathered all the supplies for a honey farm and i crafted a metric ton of glass bottles now that i was prepared i grabbed the shulker and looked for a place to actually build the thing i know i could put it in the end and they would never stop working because it was never nighttime but i also barely ever go to the end so overall it would be much less productive in the long run so after looking around my base for a bit i decided the perfect place for a bee farm would be the downstairs area of my farmhouse so i began laying out the collection system and uh let's just say i ran into a ton of issues because the farm i was using was going to be too tall to fit and overall it was just a lot more time and effort than it ended up being worth so instead i went with plan b see what i did there and i built it outside so q b building montage [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] by time i was done building the bare bones beef farm it had already started working i had already made some honey and all the bees were busy writing the script to be movie two the beakel that's pretty great not gonna lie the overall process of building this farm and then tearing it down and moving it and rebuilding it took all the way until day 453 except the day wasn't over so i wanted to build a nice bee hut around the farm that is until i noticed that i basically had zero of any type of wood besides jungle ew while lighting up the top of the bee farm i realized that it was becoming night so instead of smacking trees in the middle of a creeper minefield i decided to just sleep instead on day 454 i flew out to the nearby forest to continue my grudge against minecraft nature for the bee hut i want to use regular and stripped oak along with maybe some spruce wood while increasing my carbon footprint i thought of a future farm that i definitely needed an auto tree farm you can make them pretty easily with tnt dupers and since i have plenty of bone meal to keep growing the trees they would be way more efficient than doing what i'm doing now most of day 455 working on the surrounding building that covered all of the mess behind the farm and it was looking okay i kind of wanted to add a roof with an overhang kind of like the one i did for my horse pen but i was now realizing that i definitely should have built this further back from the path between the turtle farm and the bee farm how unbelievable of me okay fine fine i'll stop just don't leave the video please i spent all of day 456 adding a roof to the bee farm and adding some extra touches to it and it turned out way better than i had thought it would i even put a staircase inside of it so that way i could use it to get up to the glass bottle system on the next day while i was waiting for the bee farm to produce enough honey i decided that i would finish the paths around it so that way it would blend in more with the world better that is if my shovel wasn't almost broken so before working around the bee form it was off to some more beautiful capitalism so i could mend up my shovel during this beautiful session of capitalism the only thing i had to trade was string because i keep forgetting to craft all of my bamboo into sticks or at least that's what i keep telling myself also speaking of bamboo i added a lever to the farm so it was no longer automated because it was generating so much bamboo that the chests were always full and it was literally lagging my game i spent the rest of the day gardening around the bee barn which is what i was gonna call the new bee farm trademark and on day 457 it was finally finished at least for now i also added another custom tree which i think turned out okay i mean i don't know to be honest building custom trees is pretty difficult anyways now that this was mostly done i checked on the honey production and there was more than enough that i needed to make the gold farm so i crafted all of the honey and i got 14 blocks of honey on day 458 in preparation for my gold farm i made a creative world and i began testing ways to break bedrock i tried two different methods and after so so so many fails i finally got it to work however just to be super careful i'm going to bring enough materials to make a nether portal so i don't you know get stuck on the roof forever and lose my world so i went back to my world and i crafted a ton of tnt and everything else that i needed and i was now prepared to screw up a lot i mean just look at this overkill shulker so i went back to the nether and i dug up to a spot where i could see the highest point of bedrock and i ender purled through now that i was up here i marked the block i wanted to break and i set up my bedrock breaker and just like that i had done it and you could probably tell but i was pretty damn excited about it this took way less tries than i was expecting and i also realized that as i was doing it both the trapdoor and the pistons and even the lever didn't get destroyed by the tnt so i kind of didn't need to make a ton of them but you know what it's all good i'll hoard them until another day when i finally need them also a huge pro tip to mastering how to do this for yourself when you're underneath the trapdoor and trying to place the piston aim for the lighter purple spots like i did it makes this way more efficient on day 459 i chose a direction on another earth to run in so that way i could find another waste biome to put my gold farm in i ran in a straight line while placing torch breadcrumbs so that way i could find my way home just in case when finally finding the netherways biome i realized that i had forgot scaffolding so i grabbed my elytra and i flew all the way back to the broken bedrock and damn i actually ended up going pretty far after getting back to my house i made an excessive amount of scaffolding totally on purpose and not by mistake because i don't make those and now that i had all the supplies i needed i went back to the nether and began building the gold farm for this farm i used mysticas designed and i learned that i didn't even need the honey blocks because they were an optional way to switch between an auto farm and me manually killing them so i guess i got the bees for nothing for now that is anyways i began by building the hopper looting platform i set up a triple sword that would sort rotten flesh golden nuggets and gold bars into chests and destroy the golden swords you may be wondering why i need rotten flesh and the answer is simple cleric villagers i can feed them rotten flesh for some more juicy emeralds now that my sorting system was ready i built the pit of death where i could watch all the zombie piglens fall to their doom after this i built the first magma platform for them to spawn on and i built a pole in the middle of trapped doors and i put turtle eggs inside every three blocks that will bait piglens to transform into their drops after that i filled in the remaining floors and i added a large glass box to the top to increase pack spawns and lastly i made an afk skybox at build limit and just like that my gold farm was officially complete this whole process took absolutely forever i finished this at the end of day 472 i also maybe finished this at about 4am in real life i don't want to talk about it on days 473 through 476 now that my farm was good to go i decided to test this bad boy out so i afk in the sky chamber for one hour straight to see just how much loot i would get q montage [Applause] [Music] after afking for a full hour i flew back down to check on my loot and i guess i forgot to spawn proof a couple of blocks so there was an angry boy here who then fell off the ledge oh well i checked on my chest and well yeah the sorter broke i guess because one of the pieces of glass that i broke up top while finishing the platform fell into the sorter it stopped it from working because i also used glass for the sorter oops anyways after fixing the sorting system i crafted all of my wendy's spicy nuggets into gold bars and in an hour this farm produced nine and a half stacks of gold ingots which is pretty good not gonna lie the cool thing about this farm is that if i wanted to in the future i could also expand it or just add extra farms around it and spawn even more piglens and just produce absolute crazy stonks when it comes to gold so after this i packed all of my loot away in my shulker boxes and i flew back home and i ended up getting back to the overworld the next day and it was officially time to organize all of my crap before i can move on to the next project and to put this into perspective this is how much rotten flesh i had before and this is how much i have now i have almost two whole chests of rotten flesh for just one hour of waiting just imagine all of the emeralds inside of this chest anyways i spent the rest of this day cleaning out my shulkers and i mean just look at all these shulkers i even still had the shulkers left over that were full of the ice i collected like 20 days ago on day 478 i went over to my overflowing bamboo farm and i began converting all of the bamboo to sticks and this process took absolutely forever i actually gave up on this because i had already filled all of these shulkers and i still had tons of bamboo left i was like where was all this bamboo coming from and then i realized that every single hopper mine cart that was going on the tracks also had nine additional stacks of bamboo and they just kept dumping them back into the chests over and over again i am so glad that i disabled the automatic harvesting because holy crap so at the beginning of day 479 it was time for some beautiful capitalism i gathered all of my tools and my elytras and i repaired them with the xp from all of this fine capitalism after repairing my gear in tools and after finishing up the trades i ended up with another stack into one emerald blocks now that my things were fixed i didn't really have much else to do this day so i went back to my turtle farm and i planted a huge tree that surprisingly ended up looking pretty nice on day 480 i got the inspiration to really touch up my base some more because there were so many parts that were unfinished so i started off by adding some wood pillars with redstone lamps and daylight sensors to the dock by my farmhouse and surprisingly this made it look ten times better while doing this i also got so much more inspiration so i spent the night tearing down the kind of overkill emerald and blackstone fence around the water and i replaced it with a small dock border after filling this in i added some wood supports with redstone lamps and daylight sensors and this ended up looking crazy good i was becoming so much more happy with this area in comparison to what it was before after finishing the dock all the way to where the creeper and spider farm was i spent the next two days working on the path thing around my horse barn and the beacon fountain and honestly i am getting so good at this natural look stuff i really hope you all like seeing this kind of unique building in the series because i mean just look at how cozy this is although the fountain kind of stands out a lot more now i mean i don't know what to do with the fountain to be honest on day 484 while my inspiration was still flowing i went down to my ex lava pool to get a ton of obsidian for my next mini project and yes i could go to the end but i don't feel like setting up a beacon there and my current beacon's already covering this area so this process was much faster anyways this took most of the day and i settled with about two stacks of obsidian for now on day 485 i gathered the rest of the resources that i needed for the mini project and i'm guessing you probably know exactly what this is gonna be by now based on the thumbnail a nether portal sword shrine and yes this isn't entirely original as i did use some designs that i saw online as references but mine was going to be much different so now that i have the supplies i began building the frame for the portal sword and yes q building montage [Music] uh [Music] [Music] now let me see you guys [Music] [Music] [Applause] and of course to show off after finishing the basic outline of the sword i had to do an mlg water bucket on the way down after this i made some soulfire torches and i crafted them into soulfire lanterns which i haven't really used until now anyways after adding the lights to the sword portal frame it was looking pretty 10 out of 10. plus now hopefully no creepers would spawn up there and destroy all of my hard work by dive bombing me this process took until the end of day 488 on day 489 while working out the design for the base around the portal i saw one of the rarest spawns in all of minecraft in the distance it was a full diamond armor skeleton i panicked because i needed a name tag but i knew if i ran back to my base it would probably despawn before this so i began running towards it and then just like it came it despawned before my eyes i didn't know how long it had been spawned in out there but the pain i now felt was immeasurable i needed that guy and now just like my dad he was gone to get milk and will never come back anyways with that disappointment looming over me i finished building the platform for the portal added some bonfires and some cool lamps to each side to really add the aesthetic i was going for this project took me until day 493 because i was very very indecisive while building on day 494 i went down to my mind and i broke the old nether portal so i could finally link the new one after that i went back up to my new beautiful portal with a flint and steel and i lit it it all led up to this moment i went through the portal and it worked it didn't glitch out and go to another portal or make some random new portal miles away so unlucky i mean you got to be super careful because minecraft portals are an enigma so now that i was in the nether i went back to the portal to see if it would take me back out at the exact spot and it linked up perfectly to the overworld almost 500 days later and i finally no longer have to go 50 levels down on a ladder just to go to the nether every time anyways now that this is done let's just sit back and take a look at it in all of its glory is so pretty it is beautiful now that my nether portal was done i spent the rest of the night adding some more paths and nature around the entrance because it really makes the world feel a lot more comfortable you know i even decided to grab three more stacks of prismarine and i went around the ocean lighting up the floor some more so that way my base would just look so much better at night like prismarine at the bottom of your ocean floor makes or breaks an ocean build i'm just saying it is so pretty and this place looks gorgeous with shaders that is if i could get more than 30 fps with shaders even after upgrading my pc on day 495 i wanted to update my long ignored bridge that connected to my iron farm and my creeper farms and i didn't have enough wood to do it so it was back to some good old-fashioned deforestation but don't worry this time i'm growing all of the trees that i'd then chop down which means i guess in a way i was now the dad who left to get milk and didn't come back anyways now that i had forsaken my tree children i began spacing out wood supports for the bridge i know it's crazy right absolutely none of my buildings have had supports throughout the entire 500 days except for my house so now that i had the support spaced out i spent the rest of the day and most of day 496 finishing the underneath area of the bridge and it really helps close off my little bay area that i have going on here this place is looking gorgeous it's starting to look kind of like a village which is not what i was going for but i really like the aesthetic i spent days 497 through 498 building the roof to the bridge out of spruce wood stairs and stone brick they're running out of stone i went back down to my mine and i struck some diamonds while mining stone i did say in the beginning this video that these would be a lucky 100 days i think i actually don't remember at this point anyways i had found eight diamond door which is pretty pog now that i had my stone and some free diamond days i spent the rest of the night finishing the roof of the bridge and this thing really brings together the whole area and it makes it super cozy to look at i mean just look at it from the ocean view plus there are no longer any porches when walking across it because i replaced them all with classy hanging lanterns on day 499 now that the bridge was looking nice it was finally time to fix up the iron farm area since i mean let's be honest i kind of just let it sit here for a long af time so i finished the porch area that i could use to watch the iron golem suffer i mean come on what else did you expect me to use this for i also finished the staircase so i could properly close in the chest room and i blocked off that unsightly redstone sorter things were looking good in the kingdom of pain domination on day 500 i was kind of just walking around admiring the work that i had accomplished for these 100 days and then something caught my eye on the very top of the creeper farm there was a freaking wandering traitor up there so i got out my elytra and i flew up there to check his trades big surprise this man had nothing i mean i kind of already have everything anyways so i concocted a huge massive five-head idea so i slowly plunged him to his death on my newly built bridge and now i had two of his friends that weren't mad at me so i crafted two boats and i plopped them down and pushed them both into them and one by one i went skydiving with them and i parked them next to my cow big mac after this i got three name tags and i named big mac and i named the two new members of the family rem and rom because i mean we reference if only i could dye these two pink and blue that would be absolutely perfect let me know in the comments which anime these two are from also i just have to point this out while we're talking about rem and rom rem is the ultimate waifu and i will fight you over it on the first day i ignored the pile of full shulkers that i had laying around my base and instead i began preparing for the next huge project today i was going to drain the ocean monument that i had turned into a guardian farm behind my base so the first thing i did was grab the three tridents that i had laying around in my chest for literal years and i grabbed some enchanted books for them after grabbing the tridents i began dying more shulkers to finish filling up my ender chest because i am lazy and i did not want to clean out the 20 plus boxes that were laying around and as i was doing that i kid you not it started thunderstorming so i grabbed the trident that had loyalty and channeling and i went out on my first ever mob head hunt while out here i failed a couple of times but i finally charged a creeper and had him blow up a zombie and i got my first zombie head for the collection right after this i charged a second creeper and lured him into the water and he blew up another zombie and a skeleton and i got a second zombie head but for some reason the skeleton head was nowhere to be found so i'm guessing he probably drowned first what a guy anyways it conveniently stopped raining right after this so i guess the two new mob heads were a pretty good haul for my first ever supercharged creeper hunt and apparently during the thunderstorm there was another set of skeleton riders that spawned and after killing them i got two more skeleton horses to add to the stable so i went back grabbed some saddles in the lead and i brought them back home and i i guess i have four skeleton horses now good day and if you're wondering why all the footage is in third person well um let's just say that i recorded a black screen because my recording software was looking for stardew valley instead of minecraft on day 502 i went over to my trading hall and began buying books for my two op tridents after this i began rerolling another librarian until he got in pauling for the trident and this man wanted 64 emeralds a book yikes but i was not about to sit there rolling for the next two days so i said screw it i'll take 20. after this i went back to my house and i maxed out the enchantments on both of my tridents i renamed the one with riptide from the heat stick to the yidder deleter and i also renamed the channeling trident to the creeper conductor and not gonna lie every time i spell anything in minecraft in the in-game font it makes me second-guess if i spelled it or not i had to google search the word conductor and i spelled it right anyways after all the time that i've had these tridents i've finally actually done something with them so you should totally be proud of me on day 503 i started the day off with some scrumptious capitalism to repair my creeper conductor trident after it was repaired i mended my incomplete god bow and just like that i had blew through all of my levels which i know it doesn't matter but not gonna lie i kind of missed being level 100 so it was off to the end i went to slap around some enderdudes q the first montage [Music] after swiping away at these men for 15 minutes straight i decided to leave after hitting level 50 because i had bigger and better things to do in preparation for training the ocean monument on day 504 tragedy had struck i crafted a very ridiculous amount of buckets for milk and i grabbed some shulkers to put them in and i headed over to see big mac for some milkies that's a sentence anyways rem and rom were gone i was devastated and yes i saw the comments in the 500 days video that said how i needed to tame them so they wouldn't despawn and like at that moment it kind of clicked reason why jeff the llama stayed with me this entire time was because i had tamed him this was also the exact same reason that i lost the two llamas in the 100 days of ocean video today was a sad day but i mean don't worry ram and ram you will be avenged so anyways i drained every last drop of milk from big mac here and i filled enough buckets with milk to supply me with enough for a single bowl of cereal don't judge me after this i went back to my farmer's market and i bought a luxurious amount of golden carrots for my adventure and i threw them all into my care package then i made more golden apples grabbed a bunch of strength two potions and a potion of regen and i organized my inventory so i could go sponge hunting in ocean monuments on day 505 i took off towards the ocean monument near my house and i dove into the water and broke inside of the bottom while in here clapping those guardian cheeks i realized that i forgot to bring doors for air so i retreated for now but don't worry i will be back i may have just begun using tridents but i was slapping mans around like a pro i took down the first elder guardian with ease and then i kept exploring and after finding and killing the second one i took a look in the gold room and then i'd nope the hell out of there there were so many dudes in there that it was unreal so after steadily clearing out the room i stole the eight golden blocks and i continued on to find the final boss room and once i found it i banished the final guardian to the doom dimension now that all the demons were gone i spent an unreasonable amount of time looking for the sponge room and not so big surprise this monument didn't have one great so i swam out of there with a whopping three sponges on day 506 i set back out to search for ocean monuments but instead i found a sunken ship that i haven't found yet and on top of that there was a treasure map inside one of the chests though i hunted down the treasure and inside of the chest there were two fresh and never frozen diamonds plus my first heart of the sea so i guess that means this was going to be one massive loot expedition and speaking of loot not far away from where i found that treasure i had flown over my first ocean monument so i dove in the water and broke in except this time things were different because i wasn't planning on redesigning this monument i didn't care about any of the damages i caused i swim into the treasure room cleared out all the mans and took their gold and then i had found it my first sponge treasure room so i grabbed my hoe and there were 30 sponge in here after looting the sponge i kept breaking through walls looking for the middle elder guardian and i ran into a second sponge room and just like that i had more than a stack of sponge and this was only the first monument now that i had what i came here for i beat up the center elder guardian and i fled from the literal army that had spawned above the monument and while swimming to a nearby island i spotted an underwater ravine and you know what these hundred days are focused on ocean things so i thought why not get distracted swim down there and look for some easy diamonds and what do you know i actually stumbled upon five diamond ores well down here nice during the sunrise of day 507 i took part in a war with a bunch of drowned and out of the two trident boys that spawned they dropped one for me and of course i didn't hit record in time for it so hello comments saying i cheated in something that isn't useful to me anyways while exploring the ocean i stopped by another sunken ship in the hopes of a treasure map but i had zero luck so i just kept going until i hit a desert that had a pretty alluring desert temple in it so i broke into the floor dug down to barrow whoever's loot this was and there were three diamonds inside one of the chests which is kind of ironic because i'm out here looking for sponges and all i keep finding are diamonds diamond beacon please and speaking of a diamond beacon i found yet another desert temple that was being guarded by a twitter stan after taking him out i dug down to the loot room inside two of the chests there were another three diamonds plus a free golden apple and another saddle it was almost like the world wanted me to succeed on day 508 while continuing my search for loot i decided to stop in a swamp biome because i wanted more diamonds and recently some people in my comments let me know about a shulkercraft video that blew my mind in some worlds you can use the clay inside of swamps or rivers to predict where diamonds will spawn all you have to do is place six blocks away from the center of the clay in the south direction and dig down on the seventh and if you hit the chunk border before you hit six then do the same thing in the opposite direction so i dug down on the first clay patch that i found and i know the footage is dark because i may have forgot torches but yeah i hit diamonds i found me a clean four diamond ore so i spent the next four days exploiting the witch's breeding grounds for diamonds and you may be asking why not just put torches in your offhand while doing this so you could see better well this is actually super dangerous you should never really dig straight down in minecraft i mean just look at this i found a mine shaft with two creepers waiting for me watching me smelling me okay maybe not that last part anyways throughout these couple of days i struck diamond vein after diamond vein after diamond vein and my handy dandy year deleter helped me leave the water tunnels so much quicker than before overall this process took until day 212 and i ended up with a total of 36 diamond ore which sounds pretty good but in comparison to regular mining with beacons this is significantly less efficient and on top of that i've had to sleep each night away so i'd have to deal with all the mobs while doing this so yeah you shouldn't really do this but hey 36 more diamond ore is pretty poggers am i right on day 513 i left the swamp and immediately found the village hidden in the flowers and it had a blacksmith which had pretty much nothing in it so i did what any man of culture would do and i stole all of their bells and bales not far from the village that i definitely didn't rob there was also a second village that i also didn't rob anyways i found another ocean while looking for more monuments and i found another shipwreck and inside of one of the chests was another treasure map though i went looking for it you know i really do get distracted very easily don't i so on day 514 while looking for the first treasure map chest i flew over another boat that you know i just had to stop by and what do you know there was actually a second treasure map inside one of the chests so i flew by this desert looking for the first treasure chest map and i found where it was except there was another desert temple near it so i dug up the chest and got another two diamonds in a heart of the sea and after that i went over to the desert temple and these chests were thicker than a pixar mom there were diamond and gold horse armor two diamonds some gold and some saddles after leaving the temple i set back out and searched the next treasure map and i found the next location for my crimes against guardians to take place however while flying over it the treasure map started to fill in and it ended up being in a nearby swamp i dug underwater for the chest and there was a ton of iron some gold more diamonds and a third heart of the sea inside and now that i had my treasure loot i flew back to the ocean monument and landed on a nearby mountain to prep my inventory and sleep the night away because there is no way in hell i was going down there without being able to see all the boyos that were waiting to ruin my day or i guess night on day 515 i immediately dove into the water and i broke into the ocean monument and today was going to be a speed run new montage [Music] [Applause] [Music] put your hands up [Music] [Applause] by the time i was done destroying the city of atlantis it was becoming night so i landed myself on a nice nearby giant mushroom and i slept out in the stars after looting the last monument i set back out for the next four days in search of another and uh let me tell you i am a easily distracted person i kept stopping at villages and stealing their bells and hay bales i found an abandoned nether portal with two gold blocks and i stopped by a bunch of desert temples and almost every one of them had diamonds inside in fact these days were absolutely insane i found two massive deserts that were full of villages ripe with things to indefinitely borrow and there were just so so many more desert temples and while looting one of those desert temples i struck super gold i had finally found my first god apple and it's safe to say i freaked the hell out i continued exploring until i found one of the most beautiful environments in minecraft a warm ocean i mean come on all the colorful coral are so vibrant and just gorgeous that is until i started destroying them so i had some to take back to my base sorry bikini bottom while i was flying around the warm ocean and beach biomes i found a sunken ship with a buried treasure map and when i dug up the treasure there was another heart of the sea and not long after that i found another one with another map that led me to the same location it was as if the flying dutchman was scamming me to get back for what i had done to bikini bottom on day 521 i explored another shipwreck that had a treasure map and the treasure was conveniently buried right by one of my favorite types of village and this had me kind of thinking you know maybe in the future i can get some non-vanilla villagers for my base anyways the treasure had another heart of the sea and some juicy iron diamond and emeralds inside and after getting the treasure i explored the village and they had a pain domination bed inside one of their houses that i stole anyways at this point it was becoming nighttime so i used my brand new pain domination edition bed to sleep out under the stars on days 522-520 i set out looking for more ocean monuments except i ran out of ocean to look in so i ended up in an ice biome and while flying above i ran into a village that i've actually never seen before it was an ice village and let me tell you this place had some major vibes i loved all of the lanterns and the choices of a superior building would and there was even an arctic blacksmith that i didn't even know existed anyways while i was looking around the village i noticed something looming over the hills in the distance there was an illager outpost and there was three banner boyos though i went up and deleted them all from existence this is where the little light that hangs around out above my massive brain went let's do a raid in the nearby village and score some more totems of undying i mean at this point i only had one totem left that wasn't inside of an item frame and it's in my left hand and i also may have mentioned making a raid farm literally months ago so yeah i was going to do this so i grabbed my beacon shulker and some building blocks and i constructed a tier 4 quadruple beacon that for some reason i tried to build the wrong way you think after all these beacons that i've built i would you know remember how to build them but you'd be wrong so now that i had regen strength 2 resistance 2 speed 2 and jump boost 1 i was prepared so i made a crappy sky platform with some stairs that only i could climb and as the sun was going down i went to sleep i needed my rest because tomorrow there was going to be a war on day 525 i prepared my inventory with ender pearls and items to make this raid even better and then i ran into the village to begin the carnage and this was a level 3 raid which means it was nothing to mess with in 200 days of hardcore i did my first bunch of raids and they nearly destroyed me but this this was going to be much different because now i was unbelievably op so i guess the best way to show you just how well this went would be to do an insane montage q raid shadow ledge i mean q raid montage [Music] so [Music] at the end of this montage it was day 526 and i had gotten eight totems of undying four saddles and eight more ominous banners plus i now really wanted to make a raid farm using that outpost near my base that i'd found a couple hundred days ago and yes i know i got very very distracted at this point it's almost like i didn't even come out here looking for ocean monuments so now that i had defeated the tier 3 raid and i had the hero of the village buff i broke all four of my beacons and cleaned up all of the iron blocks and i set back off towards my house so that way i could actually utilize the buff and not get rip off prices for all of my stick traders on day 527 as i was traveling back home i stumbled across another ocean monument except i had a choice to make this day if i wanted to go in and explore i was going to have to sacrifice my hero of the village buff because there is no chance i wouldn't need to drink milk to erase that stupid mining fatigue effect and not gonna lie i was very conflicted but i had to do what my heart told me so instead i flew home so i can make some more money and on the way home i ran into a badlands biome that i hadn't seen this part of the map before so i stopped by an exposed mine shaft full of dc villains and instead of continuing to risk my life for the possibility of a second god apple from minecart chests that may or may not have even been there i made the not dumb decision to leave and instead go harass the nearby sand village by stealing their bell and all of their hay bales so after robbing the village from tatooine i set back off towards my base with absolutely zero distractions okay i i might have lied about that one i found another desert temple except apparently someone beat me to this one and i have no clue who that could have been anyways though while i was here i noticed my hero of the village timer had started counting down so i took back off towards my base and i kid you not i returned home with only one firework left in my inventory because the rest were inside of my shulkers which i should probably be more careful about in the future but i probably won't on day 528 i woke up like a kid on christmas day i ran over to the villager trading post filled my inventory with sticks string and feathers and i began the massive amount of capitalism that was about to take place so i traded with these guys over and over and over and over and over and over i think you get it and while doing this i repaired every tool that i owned back to brand new with mending and i also gained an absolute butt load of xp the stonks were absolutely flying in non-stop until one by one these men started refusing my trades and i guess they couldn't handle the heat by the end of this beautiful money making session i ended up with another stack in 37 emerald blocks and after those exploits i placed out all of my shulkers and i began organizing all of the loot that i pulled from our big grand journey i mean just look at this beautiful box of stuff i got a ton of gold some golden apples and a god apple five hearts of the sea a ton of horse armor and saddles four stacks of stolen wheat 23 diamonds and 49 diamond ores so i took all the diamond oars and i began placing them out and honestly this is one of my favorite moments in all of minecraft just breaking all the diamond ores that you found from a good mining trip with a fortune 3 pick so good my compliments to the chef after mining all the diamond ores i ended up with a stack and a half and overall this trip yielded me almost two stacks of diamonds which meant i now needed to clean up all of these shulkers which i counted by the way there's 25 bull shulkers of crap just sitting around my base so this was going to take a while oh yeah and i almost forgot that i also had gotten eight totems from this trip as well so things were looking pretty good and overall cleaning up all of these shulker boxes took until the end of day 529 on days 530-532 i dyed an additional shulker box red and i named it tools and totems because my care package shulker was getting real bowl after this i organized the two shulker boxes and my ender chest is now 100 full and it looks like a brand new set of legos anyways now that my inventory and shulkers were all sorted out i began the next step of preparation to drain the ocean monument i was going to need stone bricks for the perimeter like a lot of stone bricks the circle i was going to make was going to require 636 blocks per layer just for one circle just the perimeter so i went down to my mining area to clear out massive amounts of stone for bricks and while doing this i grabbed almost every ore that i found along the way and i even found some more diamonds while down here i also decided to break down the rest of my old nether portal and i covered it over because this place was looking like a complete mess i was also thinking as another one of my future mega projects i would like to make this area down here into something cool like some kind of underground safe haven or something so during this entire process these lord sticky boys would not leave me alone so i decided to take a break from mining and go check to see just how deep the water was around the monument so that way i knew what i was getting myself into so on the next day i swam out to the monument and i began placing blocks from one of the deeper parts of the perimeter to see just how many layers on average there were going to be and i placed 32 blocks meaning if the entire ocean floor was equally as deep this was going to take 32 layers of 636 blocks which is 20 352 stone bricks which is 318 stacks that would fit in 11.8 shulker boxes which quick maths not as bad as i thought it was going to be so i went back to my base and grabbed 15 shulkers to fill so that way i had a pretty big margin of error especially since the ocean floor isn't flat and i did not know what to expect on day 534 i grabbed my backup silk touch pickaxe and i went to buy unbreaking 3 and efficiency 5 for my villagers to upgrade it except after adding efficiency 5 it was too expensive and i couldn't add unbreaking and at that point i realized i probably could have combined the two books first then put it on there but i didn't expect it to be too expensive either way i think the reason this pick is jank was because i had to repair it with diamonds during like the first hundred days of this world ever so rip good backup pickaxe i guess anyways after fixing the trashy pickaxe i went back down to the mine placed a beacon and began my long arduous task of mining 300 plus stacks of stone q montage [Music] after sitting in the mines for quite a long time i may have gotten a little hungry so i instead went over to my afk stone farm and i just let my mouse go ham and while my character was mining away all of that precious stone i made a reasonable 4 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and i know what you're thinking and listen here alright that's all i got you can shame me in the comments anyways while i was feasting on my four peanut butter and jelly gucci sandwiches i wasn't paying much attention and i came very very close to breaking my god pick look at this boy anyways by the time it was day 545 i had filled the last of the shulkers and yeah i know this process took me like three hours on day 546 now that i had all of the stone that i would need i went back down and broke my double beacon and took all of the iron with me while definitely not being interrupted by slimes go back to super flat you heathens so after breaking the beacon underground and the one above the ground i placed out all of my shulkers to get my inventory sorted and after all that mining i ended up with an absolute pile of oars including an additional 37 diamond ore and guess what you know the drill placed them all out and just like the young ones from star wars i one by one removed them from existence and i ended up with a clean stack in 24 diamonds which i then added to my chest and i am now almost up to six stacks of diamonds which for how much i haven't been going for diamonds that's actually pretty good however i knew that those were rookie numbers and in the future i had a plan to get so many more diamonds anyways i went over to my iron farm and i crafted all of the iron into almost four more stacks of iron because i was going to need a ton to make all of the beacons to protect me around the ocean monument because after that last dumb mistake of not killing the elder guardians and drinking milk and losing a totem because i lost my invisibility i will be taking zero chances with those gross squishy ocean boys on the next day i made the decision to do something awful i was going to commit war crimes against the iron golems inside of my villager trading hall because i was pretty sure they're affecting my iron spawn rate my iron farm and i needed more iron damage so i grabbed some leads and a bucket of lava and one by one i began dragging the iron golems out of the trading hall and burning them to death with the lava super flat style and uh yeah i felt pretty bad for this but like they kept multiplying like rabbits so it had to be done i also decided to leave one iron golem left in the hall just in case a zombie got in or something but he was kind of just vibing in the same spot for like the rest of eternity i'm also pretty sure that all of my zombie villagers were actually the cause of all these iron golem breeding so in the end things kind of worked out for me at least not the iron golems on day 548 i went into the nether and began flying with my elytra down my path back to the wither skeleton farm because i only had five beacons on hand and i was going to need so many more because i was going to cover the ocean monument with sex tuple beacons so when i finally got to the wither skeleton farm the wither skeletons were spawning slower than they ever have before and i knew something was up it couldn't just be the enderman at this point something somewhere was eating my spawn cap so i went looking around the forest by my farm and i ran into the motherlode spawn cap wasters there was a whole fire nation worth of boys over here so i chopped down some trees and i got to spawn proofing except there was so much to do and i really hated doing it so after about one fourth of the way i kind of just said screw it and went back to farming wither skeletons because i have had enough distractions for a hundred days but i mean hey just from that little bit of spawn proofing the farm was already seeing more spawns and i spent until day 555 here and i ended up with two stacks of coal blocks a ton of bones and enough wither skeletons to summon 12 more withers and make three quadruple beacons which would be perfect because i mean who needs jump boost and an ocean monument small brain so anyways i ran back home through the nether and i have a big surprise for everyone upon entering my base to the nether portal i may have added a resource pack that changes my skybox let me know what you guys think down in the comments i think it looks absolutely gorgeous i mean just look at those clouds and look at the moon but yeah if you guys are interested in using that resource pack i'll leave a link to it in the description down below also now that i'm talking about the description while you're down there if you're looking for a new keyboard you should totally check out kraken keyboards and use codepayne because it helps me out and if you do go and get yourself a keyboard tag me on twitter and show me how cool your keyboard is on day 556 after returning home from the nether i grabbed the wither skulls for my wither chest and the ones that i had just earned grabbed some soul sand and i stepped foot outside to see the beautiful new skybox and honestly i really love it but for some reason my eyes keep readjusting when i look up at it because the sun is so bright so i might unfortunately have to disable it yes we'll see in the future though anyways i went to the nether portal and then i jumped into the end portal so that way i could go on a hunt for some chunky weather boys today and so i spent the day stabbing away at each and every weather i built and as each weather spawned their first explosion killed some endermen and they dropped me even more wither roses by the time i was done with the wither executions i ended up with 9 stacks of wither roses in 14 nether stars which meant 14 brand new shiny deluxe beacons so i went back to my base and crafted them up and just like that i was now a guy with 18 more beacons on day 557 i gathered a bunch of emerald blocks for my beacons and i grabbed all of my shulkers and i set off to make a c platform for my supplies i placed out all the shulkers in my bed and i began constructing the tier 4 quadruple beacon while being harassed by sky satan and of course while i was doing this i got distracted once again by looking at that beautiful skybox come on man just look at it look at it it's gorgeous and speaking of skybox i could have slept away all these sussy phantoms but nighttime just looks so good look at the moon isn't it just it's so real anyways now that i was all set and ready to go i determined the center four blocks of the monument and i began building out 100 blocks in all four directions i know i originally said i was going to do 160 but i wanted this monument to be large though i increased it by 40 on all sides and this process took all of day 558 and i am already beyond tired of counting and i have just begun this ocean monument project this was going to be a long time coming but i was excited because i have some pretty crazy ideas for what to do with this and i think you are all going to love them for the next eight days i counted out and built the entirety of the perimeter of the circle and honestly this process was easier by using this cool website that i found called pixel circle generator where you can choose the size circle you want and it will draw you a pixel circle that you can follow and make perfect circles in minecraft with i mean how else do you think i did all of this without like a major headache anyways i'll leave a link to that tool in the description as well if anyone is interested in using it anyways building this perimeter took a while so just enjoy this montage [Music] [Applause] and just like that i had filled in the perimeter for the circle and honestly it looks even larger from above the process of laying out the circle was absolutely ridiculous i kept screwing up and because nothing was lit up i had to sleep away each night so i kind of just wasted more days but hey this build is the biggest i have ever built and when it's done this is going to look spectacular on day 568 i added two beacons and i built an inner box around the ocean monument so i could wall off all these jerks so they would leave me alone as i worked after that i grabbed the two shulkers full of sand that i had and i began filling in the box this process took all the way through the next day until i ran out of sand i was going to need a lot of sand for this project so i went back to my base grabbed the rest of my empty shulkers that i had and i dyed all of them white they matched then i grabbed my juicy desert compass yes that is what i named it and i took off to the desert also on the way i may have gotten distracted by another ocean monument that i wasn't sure if i had explored and while sitting there staring at it i saw an elder guardian peeking out through the side so i thought you know what why not i was going to need hella sponge anyways so i broke into the top room heated the first elder guardian and went down to the main room killed the second guardian and stole all of the gold in the middle and this monument ended up having two sponge rooms so i needed a solid 60 sponge and after getting out i got to watch the new and improved beautiful sunset on day 570 i grabbed my elytra and i took back off towards the desert and like two seconds later i found another monument damn it i i can't resist looting you know the drill so i broke in killed some other guardians violently and i stole their gold and i stole their sponge after this i escaped and it turns out the desert was right next to the monument nice so i placed out all of my shulkers cleaned out my inventory and i went to sleep before the desert became florida disneyland on days 571 through 573 it was time to get me some sand i began by building a tier 4 beacon and i gave it haste 2 to make me go sonic fast even though it has little difference whatever and i begin what i would like to call the wadzification of the desert i bashed away at sand for three days straight and i ended up with about five shulkers full of sand only problem was my shovel was about to break so i had to head all the way back home to repair it and this time i was going to come back with some backups so i grabbed three of the diamond shovels i had gotten from the end cities and i bought all of the enchantments i would need to make them perfect i named the first shovel sand tsunami let me know in the comments if you know what anime that's from it's pretty obvious but good reference nonetheless after that i named the second shovel desert destroyer because alliteration is funny and i named the last shovel uh sussy baca because i ran out of names and i didn't want to stand here for 20 minutes trying to think of a name on day 574 i went over to the boys to do some beautiful capitalism to repair my shovel and all of the tools and i ended up with a cool 32 blocks of emerald but i wanted to make this quick because i was running out of time if i wanted to get the walls for the ocean monument finished by the end of a hundred days so i set back off towards the desert to finish filling up the sand and i spent all the way until day 579 absolutely wrecking that sands kd ratio q sand montage [Music] [Music] after spending multiple hours just smacking sand i flew back to the monument so i could continue imprisoning these jerks in their new tomb and when i got back i counted my sand filled chokers and i had ended up with 15 which should actually be enough for the rest of the project if i tear down each wall as i go the process of getting that sand also burned through three of my four shovels and i may have almost broken the most important one i really need to get more nether right there's not enough time in 100 days i swear now that i had all the supplies i was going to need it was time to fully trap these mans in their new forever prison so i spent the next two days straight filling in sand and on day 581 it was complete i had filled in the first box of sand that would help me drain the monument however i had a problem i couldn't use sponges to drain this middle part yet because it would just fill back in so later that night i concocted a big brain plan a planny plan that smelled like pistons i got the idea from an auto sand piston pusher from multiple people online that are doing their own ocean monuments including lagundo so now that i had built it every time i placed sand it would push it over until it had filled in 12 rows sand underwater this was going to make my life significantly easier also it was going to be faster and on top of that i wouldn't have to deal with the jerks smacking me every time i go in the water on day 583 i had enough of the inner box made that i could finally test out sponges and uh yeah apparently eight blocks wide is too much so i went into a creative world to properly test it out and five and six definitely work and seven mostly works and i guess i just got unlucky with eight even though i had tested it in another creative world before i guess i just did something wrong i don't know this is unlucky so now that i knew how wide i would need each of these columns i went back to my world and tested it out and let me just say this now i don't want to see any of those comments down there roasting me for how badly i may have screwed this up because listen i'm already kind of ashamed so instead you should totally say something like hey don't worry water may have won this battle but drought will win the war or something cool like that on day 584 i decided to take a quick break from the ocean monument project to quickly prepare for the creeper project that i totally said i would do these hundred days and now i was in a time crunch to get it done but that's okay because i've already done a test build in the creative world and i know what resources i'm going to need so i grabbed some shulkers and i started gathering them together for this build i am mostly using concrete with a little bit of red wool and some pink terracotta however i was going to need a lot of red dye green dye lime green dye white dye and light gray dye which meant i was going to need a ton more red flowers and cactus so the next day it was back off to the desert i went and on the way there i saw a bunch of red flowers so i stopped by to steal some nature except while i was doing this i had the big brain idea to search for alternative ways to make red dye and apparently you can use beet roots which is odd but hey i now had a ton of bone meal because of the wither skeleton farms so that is definitely an easier way to get more red dye in the future anyways after collecting the flowers i went back to the desert and i spent the rest of the day just clapping some cactus cheeks on day 585 i got back to my base with an inventory full of a measly four and a half cactuses which i already threw into the auto smelter for that juicy green dye while waiting for those to cook i jumped into the water with the last shovel that was not almost broken and i gathered as much gravel as i could to fit in my inventory and after two inventories full i began crafting all of it into different concrete powders that i was going to need for this project and now that i had all the resources that i needed i spent the next four days starting project creeper and honestly this project was an absolute pain so the best way that i could show you me building it would be a montage q montage [Music] at this point i had finished the front of the legs the body and the front-facing creeper head and the tnt on top and things were looking really good especially with all of the speed bumps that i hit along the way i had to make the creeper disproportionate in size because i was mostly using powder that would fall without support and the size of the farm inside required my man to be a thick boy anyways this is where i was going to leave off project creeper fall for these hundred days because i was running out of time fast in the future i'm going to fill in all of the sides add more spawn platforms inside and fix the loot system down below because it was getting super full plus now i had this extra massive room inside of the front feet overall this project took until day 593 because building like this was kind of hell and now that i was done with this it was going to be back to the ocean monument if i could at least drain the middle square by the end of these 100 days then i was going to be pretty happy so now that my creeper was done kinda it was back to filling in the sand grid around my monument this process took the next three days straight day and night and by time i was done with this this is what it looked like and not gonna lie there was something so satisfying about seeing all the progress that i've been making it is going to be insane once we fully drain this entire circle so now that everything was set up for the last three days i was on a mission i had to drain each segment as fast as i could using sponges however i only had three stacks of sponges that i had to continuously keep going back to the nether to dry them out and just like that i was seeing just how much time this was really going to take at this point it was already day 600 and i was only halfway through draining out the middle part of the monument but hey that just means i've got a lot to do in 700 days i have a creeper farm to expand creeper designed to finish and now an ocean monument to continue de-oceaning and after that the rest is history i hope you all really enjoyed this movie because just like many of you i am really going to miss this world but don't worry because there's tons more to come oh and if you made it to this part of the video by watching it all the way through leave a comment saying anime down below let's confuse the people who didn't get this far that is unless you skipped your way here then you should instead just loop this video for a week to think about what you've done and if this video left you wanting more to watch then why not go check out my 100 days modded end video that i actually just released i'm sure you'd love it anyways this has been pain domination and i will see you all in the next video peace [Music] [Music] you
Channel: PainDomination
Views: 750,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1000 days hardcore, 1000 days hardcore minecraft, minecraft 1000 days, 1000 days in minecraft, how to survive in hardcore minecraft, minecraft i survived 1000 days, i survived 1000 days in minecraft hardcore, minecraft 1000 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days full movie, minecraft 1000 days full movie, minecraft 100 days, 100 days hardcore, paindomination, paindomination hardcore minecraft, 600 days hardcore minecraft, minecraft 600 days full movie, minecraft binge video
Id: S_POmyemLgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 247min 43sec (14863 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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