I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft in a SUPERFLAT ONLY World... Here's What Happened

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hello everyone pain nomination here and in today's video i am going to do what has never been done before by anybody i am going to attempt to survive 100 days of hardcore minecraft in a super flat world yes you heard me right that very super flat world that is infested with slimes big and small that can take a guy like me down in only a couple of thrusts wait that did not sound right anyways for these 100 days i am going to struggle to get by unlimited resources including the only type of tree that is naturally available oakwood ew since there are no auras in super flat world the only iron i can get is from iron golems and blacksmith chests and any hopes of getting diamonds are all up to this squidward squad over here will i survive the full 100 days or will i be beaten down by this field of big chungai watch until the end to find out also if you're new here and you do go on to enjoy the video then it would mean a lot to me if you subscribed we are super close to 200 000 subs and we still have so far to go if we're gonna hit that crazy goal of hitting one million subs by the end of 2021 also if we can get this video to 30 000 likes then i will be pretty happy i mean that that's it that's all i got take it or leave it anyways let's get straight into day one i started out day one by slowly walking to the first village i saw so i could conserve as much energy as possible i did what any true gamer would do and i beat some wood with my bare hands you know something about that really doesn't sound right it's okay it's fine anyways i got enough wood to make a wooden pickaxe and a wooden axe and i totally didn't make a whole bunch of slabs by accident not your boy after getting tools i let my true speedrunner instinct kick in and i towered up and killed the local iron golem and this man dropped me five ingots after this i went on a stealing rampage i stole every bed in the village and i had my first and probably not last near-death experience with this large sticky boy you know what that's totally what i'm gonna call them for now on can i get some lord sticky boys in the comments i am totally going to regret saying that while looting the village i didn't find a blacksmith but i did find the next best thing a chest with some free food and some leather drip oh and i also got some cash money after finishing off the first village i ran over to the next in search of a hopefully bomb af blacksmith and you guessed it there was none so instead i also decapitated the local village defender for some more juicy iron at this point the sun was going down and the slimes were still so thirsty for my booty so i stole some helpless villagers bed and i went to sleep on day two it was on to bigger and better villages the first village i ran into had a chest with a leather helmet and a tunic which will pretty much do nothing against the large sticky boys but i did also find a saddle which would be amazing if i could find a horse after this i noticed this iron golem that was working super hard defending the village from the slime nation so i repaid him by butchering him for some more free iron and i'm just gonna warn you now there will be countless more iron golems who fall because of my needs for iron anyways i was now a man that had nine iron and then in the distance i saw it this absolute beast of a horse he became friends of me in no time and honestly this was a pretty good horse he was fast and he had a decent amount of health also because he was a black horse i gave him the name of a horse that passed away long ago i named him shadow mirror i spent most of this day moving from village to village with shadow mirror and i didn't find a single blacksmith but i did find a lot more food and i stole a brewing stand from this unsuspecting cleric and i may or may not have also slain another iron golem the world will never know once the sun began to set i brought shadow mirror into a random house and we both got some rest for the night so i didn't have to deal with any more large sticky boys or explody boys on day three i began stealing fences and torches from the villages so when i did find a place that i wanted to call home i would be much more prepared i continued looking through villages and i found the last piece of leather armor that i needed so i could be slightly less defenseless yay i i guess also don't forget the iron golems i killed one with no problems whatsoever but when it came to the second one i broke both of my axes so i had to finish him off with my hands please don't take that out of context after that struggle was over i crafted myself a new iron axe and later that night i stole another house and went night night with my brand new horse friend on day 4 i finally found my first blacksmith after only like 10 villages upon arriving i ran up to the man he was selling cheap iron axes so i decided to buy a backup after that i looted the chest and there was an iron helmet in there i made myself an iron chest piece and a pair of leggings and i tried to steal the furnaces except these slimes were defending them with their lives while i was here i took advantage of this iron golem that was helping me out by running around and collecting all the slime from the sticky boys that he helped me kill and i crafted them into slime blocks that i could maybe use for something in the future probably not though now that the slime were gone and i had my slime blocks i repaid him for his help by taking his iron in turning him into the last piece of armor that i needed for a spicy full set of iron after this i traveled to the next village i saw in the distance because there was another blacksmith and this one had 12 obsidian in the chest which is so perfect that people will probably say i staged it but you know what i don't care also inside of that chest there was a gold inga an iron pickaxe and a backup iron chest piece i went to celebrate my victory by killing this iron golem for some more sweet iron and guess what this large slime wombo comboed me and got me down to two hearts i ran for my life back to shadow mirror so i could get the hell out of there and after healing i played a classic gladiator game of joust while the iron golem was distracted i kept running past him smacking his cheeks until he finally went down and i stole all of his iron on day five i found a new blacksmith and this one had another iron pickaxe and a spare chest plate and pair of leggings i spent the whole day looking for other villages with a blacksmith until i found this one i got some backup leggings from the chest but i was more concerned with the sound of a zombie i didn't see one anywhere and there were no caves so i went to the next door house to find it and you know what happened a bunch of slime pinned me against the front of the house and i died yep that's right five days in and the slimy chonky boys finally got me but it's okay i was not about to let the large sticky boys win so i made another world and i played for the next five days to get somewhat back to where i was and i literally found a blacksmith on the first day that almost had full iron armor and a saddle and diamond horse armor i really cannot make this stuff up however there is a spot in my heart that was always going to be empty shadow mirror you will be missed you are such a beautiful and great horse i will find your successor and he shall be covered in drip while exploring another blacksmith i also realized where the zombie was apparently there is a dark attic inside of each blacksmith which is kind of unsettling knowing that something this stupid is the reason why i died before and i no longer have shadow mirror anyways while gearing up i met a new horse and this guy was brown and he was a pretty cool dude i gave him his diamond drip and i named him tim burton because i really have no clue why i do anything to be honest while journeying i found another blacksmith and this boy had three juicy diamonds and it was at that moment that i decided this was going to be my new home on day six i spent most the day fencing in a portion of the village so i could keep this infestation at bay these slimes have absolutely zero chill and because i didn't have enough torches to make my base even remotely safe i just slept the night away on day seven i made myself an iron hoe and i decided to turn this whole corner area into farmland because i'm pretty sure they're slime chunks that keep spawning the large sticky boys inside of my base i planted a ton of carrots and wheat seeds and i fenced it in so none of my farmer friends decided to drink my crops while thinking about where i was going to put my animal pens i noticed this giant slime just chilling with my sheep and then somehow this man got into my farm and started destroying my carrots so i deleted him from existence and this villager stole some of the carrots that he broke i'm watching you on day eight i did my first of many beautiful acts of capitalism with my man here for an iron axe after this i began planting and harvesting trees because every four pieces of wood is equal to enough sticks for one emerald once i make my new fletcher boys and luckily enough i thought ahead while out looting and i stole two fletcher tables since i mean where else was i going to find flint you know after this i had a big massive brain idea and i made a couple of shovels the corner over here by my infinite water source keeps spawning slime so i figured it's a slime chunk so i turned the whole area into path blocks with the shovels so no more slime boys could spawn fun fact pathflocks count as transparent blocks so slimes actually can't spawn on them also regular mobs can't spawn in them either later that night as i was going to go to sleep i saw a group of slimes inside of my sheep pen so i went to beat these mens into the ground before i hit the hay for the day on day 9 i made some more fences and i built a pen for the cows and for the sheep after this i learned the cows and the sheep over into the different pens and i made them both into families pain domination armor are confirmed later that day while trying to boat another villager into my base it was becoming dark and i noticed a freaking witch in my base i panicked and i placed a boat hoping that she would be dumb enough to get stuck in it and well i mean suck it witch at this point my base was becoming mad overrun with mobs so i hid in my house and went night night like the absolute man that i am on day 10 i woke up to a ton of my trees being grown while smacking down some nature this big old slime came at me and he was being helped by that dumb witch in the boat so i wiped the floor at the slimes and i ran in and bashed the witch in the head a couple of times looks like this is the last we'll be seeing of boat witch after that was over i reharvested all of my crops and i'm now almost done filling in the farmlands with carrots and wheat now that all of my farms are in full swing i decided to let two of my villagers out so they could become fletchers to be more specific they kind of let themselves out and they ran all around my base before i got them into boats you know the villagers kind of deserve their fates later that night i struggled to get them into their new homes even after the sun went down they're supposed to want to sleep in the beds but they had absolutely zero interest in it but after enough persistence i did finally get them in and i went to sleep for the night on day 11 i woke up and did some beautiful capitalism with my two brand new fletcher boys it wouldn't be a pain domination 100 days without lectures and capitalism i used some of the emeralds i made to buy a new iron axe which i then used to clear out a metric ton of trees that somehow appeared in my base you deforestation montage [Music] after finishing off nature i noticed my farm was once again destroyed hmm i wonder by who i crafted all of the wood into sticks again and it was back to some more beautiful capitalism and now i am the proud owner of 43 juicy emeralds on day 12 i was tired of these damn slimes invading my territory i made a bunch of shovels and i turned the entire grass area in my base into path blocks so no more boyos would spawn it's not pretty but neither are you so get over it okay okay that was rude i'm sorry i was just kidding it was a joke after this i went over to my farm and i harvested all the carrots and wheat that were ready or at least i tried to because i was being bullied the entire time i guess this is what i get for saying you guys aren't pretty i'm sorry after this i used the wheat that i harvested to super breed my cows and sheep and just look at all these boys and yes they're all boys don't ask me how it works because i do not know on day 13 i cleared out my inventory and i got on top of tim burton wow does that sound interesting anyways today was the day that i would begin my journey out into the wild for some more dank loot i began my trip by dispatching the first iron golem that i saw for some sweet free iron from here on out every single village that i go to will be plunged into darkness because i have to steal their torches i could make charcoal and make torches myself but this is way more fun because i'm teaching these villagers the valuable lesson of not messing with me i was out here stealing and killing until day 14 because i kept running into the same villages and i wasn't really finding anything else that i needed upon getting home i harvested a bunch of the trees that had grown around my base and once it became nighttime i brought my horse into my house and totally didn't strip one of the walls when i went to bed on day 15 i woke up with big boy plans on my mind i made some shears headed to the sheep pen and i began stealing their wool so i could make beds to begin breeding villagers with i crafted 13 more beds for a grand total of 14. i was now a man i was rich with beds i began tearing down the spare house to make room for a villager breeder except my iron axe broke so i had to buy another from my blacksmith friend here before i finished the job i spent the rest of the night and half of day 16 working on the villager reader i didn't want to do the same one i did for my ocean only world so i just did a basic design with farmland in the center and beds all around so they would just keep breeding this isn't the prettiest farm but you know what i don't really care this is about survival so i scanned the two villagers into the new forever home with the promise of job blocks and i made it rain carrots on these boys while waiting for these guys to start making babies bet you didn't expect to hear that sentence today i harvested all of my wheat and i fed them mumus and sheep so they could all also make babies everyone is making babies today why did i say that on day 17 it was back to some good old-fashioned deforestation because i was in desperate need of sticks for emeralds after killing some once glorious nature i went back to check on my villagers and they became a family already after this i realized just how impatient of a person that i really am so instead of waiting for the villager to grow up i began leveling my weaponsmith for some diamond tools and his trades absolutely sucked or ironed for an emerald or a ton for a bell yay but hey i'd now have 12 backup iron axes to continue deleting trees with this was going to be a long hundred days and off the day i crafted all of my wood into sticky boys and i did some dank capitalism and i banged a sweet 45 emeralds on day 18 i did what i had to do and i wasted the only bits of iron that i had to trade with the weaponsmith and i was still unable to fully level him up so i went back to chopping hella trees and while out i saw a beehive that spawned and it was full of honey i grabbed my one and only glass bottle that i dropped from the witch that i killed and i grabbed some honey and apparently bees don't like it when you steal from them i really don't understand why though villagers seem to love it anyways after running far enough away they forgive me for my crimes against b skyrim good thing they have the attention span of what was i saying again on day 19 i crafted myself a shield emptied my inventory and i got on my horse because i was ready to go on a journey a grand quest to rob some iron golems of their iron so i could partake in some more exquisite capitalism the first village that i found had a juicy iron golem and i quickly downed him and he dropped me three wrist iron this village also had a blacksmith that had almost a full set of iron armor and three spare ingots in the chest i actually think that's enough to finish the trade but no i was not finished i went to the next village and i slayed their iron golem i also found a bunch of free food and emeralds laying in chests that definitely didn't belong to anyone however it was becoming nighttime so i brought my horse into this man's home pushed him out of his bed and i went to sleep for the night on day 20 it was back out to looting stealing and killing i found another blacksmith and i decided to buy this guy's sharpness 2 and breaking three sword because i wanted a nicer weapon and the blacksmith chest conveniently had two more swords well it looks like i just wasted 21 emeralds however i guess the enchantments do kind of make it better but yikes anyways i was out looting and pillaging until day 24 when i decided to head back home because my inventory was beyond full overall this was a crazy successful loot run i mean just look at my inventory i got two diamonds a ton of food iron gear and a stack of iron on day 25 i took my stack of iron to the weaponsmith for some more juicy capitalism i wasted way more iron than i wanted to but it's all good because he had an efficiency to diamond axe trade it's almost like he knows how i'm gonna get so many emeralds after this i filled my inventory with sticks and i traded for 49 fresh juicy emeralds and then wasted those very emeralds on enough diamond axes to destroy the amazon rainforest and this guy's final trade was a pretty garbo diamond sword but you know what it's all good all i needed was access to diamond tools getting enchantments in xp is gg easy on day 26 i woke up to the beautiful sight of not just one iron golem at my base but two i pushed one into my base and these two guys are like my own two personal perimeter bodyguards just look at these dudes go after this i spent the rest of the day harvesting more wood and i crafted it all into a ton of sticks which i then traded to my fletchers for 44 juicy new emeralds on day 27 i began the day with some more beautiful capitalism i traded enough sticks to finish leveling my first fletcher and i got a trade that converts arrows to regen two arrows after this i ended up with a stack and 38 more emeralds these days were going pretty well on day 28 i placed a boat outside of the villager farm and i teased them with the possibility of freedom only to then trap them in the very boat that they had attempted to walk over i broke open the other empty house and i placed a block to lure in the villager only thing is this wasn't just any ordinary villager apparently i was trying to trap harry houdini because this man was trying to parkour my fence to escape i finally got him to become an armor boy and i captured him with some fence and leveling him up was crazy expensive i spent all of my emeralds for half an inventory of pants i also had to waste more iron to keep leveling him up and he ended up getting diamond leggings and boots i bought the diamond legs that had prop 3 and i put them on to increase my drip factor you should totally leave a comment about the insane caliber of drip that you are experiencing right now on days 29-30 it was back to d4 station every stack of wood logs is the equivalent to 16 emeralds after harvesting more than six stacks of wood i crafted all of it into sticks and i ended up with a double chest full of the boys i went back to my fletchers and i begin the glorious process that is capitalism these guys took forever to keep refreshing their stock but in the end i banked a solid stack of emeralds later in the day the villagers were being difficult and stopped refreshing their trades so while waiting i went back on my farmer arc i harvested all of the wheat and replanted it and then i bred my metric ton of moo moos on day 31 i finished trading all of my sticks and i ended up with almost two stacks of emeralds after this i bought a pair of diamond boots from my armor and i finished leveling him up his last item was a pretty garbage diamond helmet but diamonds are diamonds so i also bought the helmet and i now almost have full diamond at this point i was warning around my base wondering what i should do next while thinking i went back to check on my armor and apparently i missed his final trade this man had full diamond armor for his trades i thought these guys only got like three pieces of armor each anyways i've now already got old diamond armor and it's only been 31 days after this i scanned another villager out of the pen and i trapped him in the hopes of being an aspiring librarian i reset his trades one time and this man had already gotten mending i was honestly pretty hyped at this point i ran back to my house to get books for the trade and i bought my first mending book to lock in his trade on day 32 i totally improved the property value of these houses and i definitely did not ruin them i turned the area into a stable like housing area for more librarian villagers because it wouldn't be a pain domination 100 days without librarians anyways i placed a boat trap and broke some fence and i waited for the plan to come together except the baby villager also escaped during this and i really really wanted to kill him but alas i couldn't not because i cared about him but because if i did my trades would be ruined and the iron golems would probably kill me i placed beds and lectures for the villagers except for some reason he preferred his old home that i abruptly stole from him rude on day 33 i boated my man over to his house and i bamboozled him into his forever new home and after only two re-rolls he got looting three which i really couldn't resist because of the dank xp that slimes have to offer after that i lured out another man trapped him and began rerolling him which took most of the day that is until he got brought four for a disgusting 53 emeralds which is actually a lot so i quickly slept through the night and i began harvesting more wood the next day so i could afford the trade i crafted the sticks and did some beautiful capitalism except when i got back to the librarian the trade was gone it was too late so while crying over the milk this villager had spilled i kept re-rolling his trades until i finally landed on him breaking three which is something i also needed so you know what i'll take it after this i moved on to the next villager that i had trapped and he gave me sharpness 4 for only 20 emeralds nice now that i had my sharpness boy it was on to the next villager and honestly ugh let me tell you about this guy when i let him out of his boat he immediately escaped his pen and climbed into the same one as the sharpness dude so i had to struggle to push him out and i'm very lucky that the sharpness guy was happy with his confinement or that could have been way way more complicated than it needed to be anyways i rerolled the last guy until he got sweeping edge 2 which is perfect for making a god sword except i was now out of emeralds and it was nighttime but i couldn't even get that much wood that safely also apparently this group of zombies killed not just one but two of the nearby iron golems though i may have gotten eight free iron wait on day 35 i went out beating up some nature and my biggest fear came true this creeper tried to be a sneaky boy and splode on me but not today good sir i crafted my wood into sticks and i did some beautiful capitalism with the boys and my sweeping edge villager didn't lose his trade yet so godsword here i come on day 36 while out ending nature for some more profit i had an awful realization i didn't have enough iron to make an anvil you needed 31 iron and i only had 23. i definitely need to make an iron form in the future but alas i also needed iron for that so i came up with this plan to get some easy iron without pissing off the nearby villagers or the iron golems so i grabbed some lava from the blacksmith and i tried to push an iron golem in it except he wouldn't fit i wouldn't break the path blocks but it would be a pain to turn them back into path blocks in the future because i don't have silk touch for grass so instead i waited for nighttime and i may have pushed this man over to some skeletons until they killed him but hey he dropped five ingots after this i went out hunting spiders so i can craft some leads to drag some iron golems around easier with on day 37 i decided to test out my lava idea on the iron golem outside of my base i dug a pit placed lava in and i pushed the guy in so i could watch him burn and it worked he dropped me three iron ingots which is exactly what i needed to get the 31 to make the anvil though i went back and i crafted the fresh and juicy anvil and now that i had it i did some capitalism with the stick boys then bought myself a brand new diamond sword from the blacksmith and i used a grindstone to disenchant it and thus the god sword was born or so it would have been if i had enough levels so instead i went out on a slime massacre for some xp ew montage [Music] and yes i know what you're going to say i should have put looting 3 on my sword first for more xp but like listen i wanted to organize the enchants from the longest to the shortest on the weapon that way was absolutely perfect though there was nothing that could really be done about it anyways it became nighttime i didn't gain a ton of levels but i did get my first shot to use the lead strat on some iron golems and not gonna lie i feel really bad about this i held this guy back from the skeleton with the lead just enough that he couldn't attack it and i watched the skeleton shoot him to death but i mean hey i got five free iron and minecraft is just a game right no minecraft is life and speaking of life while out torturing this iron golem i almost lost mine i accidentally punched him while trying to dig into the ground and he did over half of my health while in full diamond armor with two plot two and three enchantments i quickly fled into the fletcher's house and let me tell you i was shaking i did not want to restart this world again so anyways the first thing i did after this close call was test out if directly lava bucketing and iron golem would aggro them and apparently it doesn't so i got another free five iron nice i spent most of day 38 out forming slimes and trading for xp and i finally got the 25 levels that i needed to add the last two enchantments that i needed to my sword and while doing this i thought of the perfect name for it i named it god in anime because that's the power that i have on my side so don't mess with me on day 39 i was greeted by my first traveling villager and he had birch saplings i mean i really wanted some spruce but i guess wood is wood that's what she said anyways i bought three saplings just to be safe because the last time i bought a new sapling from a merchant ocean world the tree dropped no saplings so i was at a loss anyways after planting the saplings i used some bone mill on it and i've already gotten some saplings back oh and don't worry about the trader i made sure to claim my free leads after this i spent the rest of the day chopping wood and smelting it into charcoal to make some torches so i could properly light up my land because i was getting pretty tired of all of these damn mobs in my yard on day 40 i was having a bad time i went to make a nether portal and i misplaced obsidian twice and guess what i didn't have a diamond pick you would think i would just level up pool smith right no that would take way too long so i took three of the ultra rare diamonds to make a diamond pick it's fine right i still have enough for an enchantment table right so anyways i fixed the portal and i finished it and the only way i can light it is with wood catching on fire from lava so i struggled to set it up and i even burned myself with the lava if this is how the nether was going to be then i was not going to be happy it was as if the minecraft gods did not want me to go to the nether because it started raining so even if i could get the fire to work it would just go out anyways so i said screw it i went to sleep on day 41 i looked up a guide and i still struggled but the fire finally lit the portal and so i went through my initial look around the nether was pretty awful but what is this i see in the distance that's right it was a nether fortress so later that night to prepare for the trip i made the classic stone and cobblestone generator except i built the whole thing without putting the hoppers first like an idiot so anyways i made the hoppers and added them to the bottom and now my ugly looking cobble generator that's unfortunately made of cobblestone is now fully operational on day 42 after getting enough cobblestone i went back to the nether to spawn proof my portal from ghasts i also placed a chest with some wood and lava inside just in case i needed to re-light the portal while i'm in the nether i could also totally get graveled and make my first flint and steal which i ironically found right away after this i made my way over to the nether fortress and this gas would not let me fight my first blaze in peace so i hit him with the old uno reverse card stupid gas not too long after wrecking that gas and uno i found a juicy blaze spawner and i sat there farming them for a solid 10 minutes and my looting 3 was looking real fine i almost ended up with a stack of blaze rods so after collecting my blaze rods i continued searching for the only thing i needed before i could leave this literal hell netherwork and i found it surprisingly with no hostile strings attached now that i had my nether more in blaze rods i needed to leave i've definitely pushed my luck with the amount of loot that i have so i ran all the way back to my portal safe room except i took one quick detour by grabbing some brown mushrooms do you know what those are for if you guessed infecting villagers then you should give yourself a pat on your gamer back on day 44 after arriving home from the nether i made a quick little netherwart farm so now i have everything that i needed from the nether and i really don't have to ever go back i mean it's not like there's an end to be in super flat world anyways while thinking about what i would do to infect my fletchers i got the golden opportunity i was getting wool to make carpet to stop iron golem spawns and a zombie picked up the wool so he wouldn't despawn so i literally just let him inside and i locked him in the house with the boys nothing compares to cracking open a cold one with the boys unless the boys are the ones getting cracked open i guess anyways i lost a lot of sheep by doing this let's just call this the great sheep exodus after trying to save whatever sheep i could i got some boats and i struggled to separate these villagers into the two different boats and while i was struggling the stupid zombie stole the boat jokes on him he doesn't know about the exploitation that he's soon to endure later that night i crafted the enchantment table so i could try to get silk touch for the gold in another that i'd needed to make golden apples that is a mouthful anyways i uh forgot that lapis isn't exactly a thing in super flat though uh i made that enchantment table and wasted my last two diamonds for absolutely nothing on day 45 i begin the day by freeing another villager from villager con 2021 i cleared out the area in between my house and the now zombie fletcher's house to make room for some more villagers i needed this man to give me silk touch while working on the area i heard the soundy sound that sounds like a wandering simp so i grabbed my emeralds and i ran outside like a child to an ice cream truck and this guy was selling sand i really really needed sand however i'm not going to smelt it because i can just get glass from villagers this is future pain talking no i can't i don't know why i thought that plus i also bought two puffer fish because i mean there's not exactly any fish here and i now have some free buckets anyways now the trades were done i dispatched our friends here can i get some oh sevens in the chat after deleting our new friend i tried to lure the villager into his new prison and apparently he preferred death because he ran into the house full of zombies and got into the other boat well i mean thanks for the free second zombie chump after this i struggled to get another villager into the prison and i began re-rolling him except i realized i was out of emeralds and both of my stick boys were zombies so i kinda just had to go to sleep on day 46 i realized that i could use my farmer and the villager breeder to trade carrots for hella emeralds so i traded with the guy and got a decent 16 emeralds which should hopefully be enough since silk touch and chance are typically pretty cheap after this i spent literally the entire day rerolling the new librarian and this man would not give me silk touch until finally i had gotten it so i bought one and i added it to my trash pickaxe and then i went back to the nether for some juicy gold i spent the whole night in the nether and i came home with a stack in 37 gold on day 47 i finally had a use for the furnaces that i borrowed so i began smelting my gold these gapples were going to be freshly baked and glorious after finishing smelting the gold i made 12 golden apples and now the only thing that i needed to kill zombie villagers was glass and unfortunately i kinda needed to save the sand so instead i trapped another villager made him into a cleric and i began training with him and hey i now have lapis now that i don't need it i guess while waiting for the villager's trays to refresh i made six fermented spider eyes and then i went to sleep for the night on day 48 i had a big brain idea so i grabbed another villager and tried to make him into a fletcher he was reluctant at first but after thinking it over he accepted the job offer i spent the next day and a half just smacking away at trees showing nature who's the boss on day 50 i took my inventory of sticks and wood and i traded it with this fletcher and i leveled up my cleric and then it had hit me you trade the glass bottles for emeralds you don't get the glass bottles for the emeralds you trade them for emeralds so i literally just wasted all of that time i was so disappointed that i f5 to look at the camera and then i noticed that i'm also a steve now for some reason what the hell was going on with this day anyways i reloaded my game and it was fixed i wonder how many of these days i spent just steving around anyways now that i learned that i couldn't get glass using villagers i had to sacrifice my stack of sand that i had gotten from the wandering symph so i guess i'm really lucky that i bought the sand in the first place after the sand had smelted i made my bottles filled them with water and began brewing my potions of weakness and for the first time in the super flat world i cured the zombie villagers i spent days 51-52 continuing to cure the boys and i found a chicken this really is just like the ocean world i grabbed some seeds and i lured them into a boat and i freaked the hell out i had gotten a chicken i mean i didn't really need much from him i guess i could use the feathers for the fletchers but yeah chicken later that night i finished carrying my two fletchers and let's just say hello to the beautiful capitalism that will soon be incoming i began day 53 with some beautiful maximum discount trading and i ended up with a stack of emeralds right away the first thing i did with my new wealth was buy another pair of boots and leggings so i could upgrade the enchantments that i had on them and i now had brought four brought three and feather falling four things were really looking up especially with feather falling because there are tons of mountains that i could fall off in this super flat world so i'm very glad i had it on day 54 i began preparing my hardcore super flat end game there's no end dragon to beat so instead i want to make a deluxe super bass made out of wood i wish i also had spruce and dark oak but sadly all i have is oak wood and birch wood what year is this anyways i did have a theme and a plan because i would like to make a more nature base that is kind of suspended from the ground with pillars so i spent the whole day gathering tons of leaves and wood for my new super base idea i also enchanted a new diamond god axe and i gave it the perfect name oak obliterator that's right you better watch out oak trees after birthing my new axe into the world i saw something interesting in the distance it was another chicken zombie writer so i led it into my base and i asked the baby zombie a question get it it's not a bad joke it's a good joke right that's good joke it's funny laugh anyways i grabbed some seeds led the chicken to the boat and i celebrated operation chicken chamber is a go on day 55 i grabbed a new villager and made him into what i think is the first shepherd villager i've ever made in minecraft i slowly maxed out his trades and i came to the sad conclusion each shepherd gets one color of wool and doesn't trade you any dies i just wanted black dye man i mean hey i now have infinite black beds i guess after this i decided to do some research to see if i could get squids to spawn in water and no surprise i found nothing online although supposedly the ocean level was set to y zero in these worlds which is under bedrock but i tried anyways because why not so i turned this little farm area into a pool i mean it might work right on day 56 i started shearing all of my sheep to collect the ugly white wool but then i had yet another massive brain idea and i crafted purple dye and started making all of my sheepos purple i have zero recollection of what i did for the rest of this day because all i wrote in my notes was that i made the sheep's horrible good job pain on days 57-58 i began setting up the layout of my villager trading hall the only problem was you know everything that was in my way so i started off by taking oak obliterator out for a spin and i cleared all of the trees anywhere near being in the way take that nature after clearing the land i started another great sheep exodus just look at the domination nation go except two of them were making my life significantly more difficult though they just kind of disappeared kinda like avatar aang in the beginning of the original avatar series except they weren't frozen they were dead definitely dead on day 59 i bought a bunch of enchanted books from the boys and added them to my diamond pick making it a god pick that i rightfully named it astley you're welcome for that by the way i spent the next four days breaking down buildings to make room for the trading hall and finishing the layout of where all of my villager homes were going to be after breaking down the buildings i laid out all of the villager chambers that would make up the walls of the building i left a five block space between the center and the chambers and it looked kind of okay at least i thought it did i mean listen all i had to work with was oak wood plus the only glass that i could get i had to silk touch steel from villages and don't worry i'm saving that for my beautiful house in the future anyways this is what the trading hall was looking like so far and it kind of gave me the vibe of like a prison from pirates of the caribbean i love it i spent days 64 through 67 moving every villager i had into the new totally not prison and it doesn't have a roof yet but it's looking pretty cool actually i would love to do a time lapse for it but sometimes when i'm building i just pause the game a lot and take breaks or i'm just all over the place so this one probably wouldn't look that great later that night i decided that it was finally time to cull my cowherd there were so many and they weren't living their best lives let me tell you i know it's a video game but this did not feel right like at all but i needed more food and i was not going to move all these cows when i relocated their pen anyways i ended up with more than seven stacks of beef on day 68 i began the day by banishing my spare fletcher that had bad trades to the shadow realm i mean not like i could kill him and ruin my trades right after this i squished the cows into the smaller pen and i began working on the front porch area for the villagers and i mean it was looking really nice or at least as nice as it would with only oak wood at this point i was desperate for spruce and i remembered that you could dye woods except i would also need black dye to make brown die so yeah i guess no nice wood for me on day 69 nice in celebration of the funny number i added an afk chamber to my stone farm i spent the whole day with a hair tie in my mouth that i totally didn't steal from my fiance and after all of that mining i ended up with a ton of stone i mean just look at all these stacks oh and while i was here a wandering trader showed up and this man had sand and sugar cane so i bought as much of both as i could plus i also bought the podzol i mean i can't do much with it but it's super nice and i really wish i could spread it today really was day 69 because today was nice i spent days 70 through 72 working on the roof for the villager trading hall and hear me out here it's a work in progress i began by laying out the stone accents in the highest point of the roof and then i slaved away connecting the individual parts together this experience was awful i have never made a roof like this in my life and between it being all gross oak wood in the amount of struggling that i was doing i was not very confident that it was going to look good but hey while on the roof i saw a traitor in the distance and this man had both cactus and jungle saplings which are kind of perfect for some of the large foliage that i had planned for the build and honestly i walked away from the game so many times because of this build but overall it kinda does look pretty cool i also made some lanterns from the iron that i had to properly light the inside of the ceiling and it actually kind of gives off the vibe that i was looking for if only i had spruce wood oh and speaking of spruce wood i actually had another wandering traitor that had some okay stuff that i definitely didn't forget to record anyways i got some ugly acacia saplings and the brown dye that i needed to make some wood darker i mean i still don't have a renewable source of the dye though so it doesn't really make much of a difference on day 83 it was time to continue the big plans that i had though i started the day by lighting up the area behind my temporary house and i paid a visit to the villager zombie that i caught with the boat a couple of days ago i also named him richard don't know why but that's his name now i began clearing out the trees in this area because this was going to be the new home for my cow and sheep farms throughout all of the crops from my farm and began moving all of the stuff out of the chest in my house and over to the new temporary dumping ground there is zero chance that i'm going to end these hundred days without some juicy organization because this is driving me nuts anyways after all my stuff was even more disorganized the new storage area i went to sleep for the night because i need there to be zero mobs around for this project on day 84 i went out to mark the new perimeter of my land expansion and of course the creeper crew showed up to flex on me i mean to be fair i would flex on people too if i could explode anyways one of these jerks blew up the corner of my fence so i fixed it cleared out the rest of the area and i began tearing down my house there were a lot of memories here remember when i used to have my horse in here for like the first 30 days you know i also kind of forgot the horse's name it was some celebrity or something i don't remember it so his name is tony danza now because that just seems right later that night while planning out my animal pens i planted an acacia a giant jungle tree because i wanted to see if any other wood would work for the design that i had in mind and honestly neither of the woods looked that good but i didn't really have much of a choice without dark oak or spruce so being in worlds like this really makes you respect the woods that you like to build with i'm just saying on day 85 i began my new farm by laying out the entrance and perimeter of the building the idea that i had would have the cows and sheep inside of the building and i would have the horse tables on the right side of the entrance for some easy access by the end of the next day i had finished up the horse barn and it was looking pretty good considering the lack of superior spruce wood to add the finishing touches to it i made some more lanterns to light it up and keep that barnyard aesthetic that i was going for on day 87 i finished the perimeter for the barn and i began adding details i split up areas inside of the barn with fencing and i turned the floors that didn't need to be grassed into paths so no more sticky boys could spawn after this i grabbed some wheat and led the moomoos into their brand new homes on day 88 i gathered the supplies i would need to begin trading with the mending librarians so i could level him up after maxing him out i bought three name tags so i could name the three chickens that have been sitting in boats for literal ages now i named the name tags mcchicken mcchicken deluxe and chicken selects yeah i was kind of hungry while naming them i started out by boating over the first chicken and i named my man's mcchicken after that i broke the boat with the other two chickens and i led them over with seeds while dodging this saucy slime after putting them in the pen i named them both and now my barn is sponsored by mcdonald's hashtag not an ad mcdonald's food is garbage i started day 89 by waking up to a wandering traveler who had jungle saplings again why do i only get the ugliest saplings i took out all of my rage on the simp for the ugly woods that he was offering me and i also killed his two furry followers i spent most of this day struggling to get all of my sheep into their new pens i kept losing boys here and there and these damn slimes would not leave me alone i really really need to respawn proof my area these slimes are going to be the death of me literally after getting most of the sheep into the pen i said screw it and i control alt deleted the stragglers on days 90 through 91 now that all the animals were inside the barn i finished the front part of the roof and for using only oak wood i was pretty impressed with how it turned out i spent the rest of these days finishing the perimeter and the roof which were way way easier than the villager house that roof was the most ridiculous one i have ever built anyways this new place was looking gorgeous i even matched the aesthetic on the inside as day 92 rolled by the thoughts of me not having an actual house were very strong in my mind what did i do began making a nature area in between the village trading hall and the barn plus this way no gross slimes could spawn nearby and annoy the crap out of me this place was going to be like disney world beautiful on the inside with all the ugly hidden outside parts in the walls later that night i finally tore down the last village house that was plaguing my base this house had been sitting here since the first day i moved in so by tearing this down i am destroying history but you know what that's okay because it's ugly while i was tearing this down it started thunderstorming and the lightning strikes were hitting way too close for comfort so instead of having all of my hard work burned to the ground i went to sleep for the night on days 93-95 i began the day by tearing down my stone generator because it was unfortunately also in my way also somehow these damn slimes are still spawning in my grass area i am beyond done listening to these man's slapping noises after tearing down the stone generator i began building the natural staircase idea i had in mind that would lead up to my house and this took so so so much wood throughout these hundred days i might have done enough damage to even out the entirety of team trees also for legal reasons that is a joke don't kill nature nature is friend anyways after almost finishing the path up i ran out of wood again so trees i'm sorry but it's all ogre now i'm building the porch for my new house which also used a metric ton of wood go figure right on day 96 i got some crazy good inspiration for how my house would be i also didn't need as much space as i usually use because most minecraft items were actually missing from this world so after building a small outside area i began laying out the downstairs room that i would probably put my bed in furnaces in i also started smelting some of the sand so i could finally have windows the further i got into building this house the more i missed spruce in dark oakwood this house is kind of giving me like super old minecraft vibes like version 1.2 or something anyways i moved on to the next layer and i laid out the perimeter for the top room and i added this barn-like roof to the top after finishing the roof i added all of the lighting i would need and hear me out here it's empty inside but hey oh my just kidding i actually was really running out of time because this house took all the way until day 98 to finish on day 99 i crafted some item frames and did some super basic broad organization this world doesn't have like 70 of the blocks and items so i really didn't need a ton of chests well the organization honestly hurts me inside there's not enough chests and towards the end i just started cramming stuff into miscellaneous chests because i was running out of time and organizing these chests took the entire 99th day on day 100 there are a couple of things i wanted to finish up before showing off this pretty cool base i turned all my bones into bone mail and i went around planting jungle and oak trees to really make this place feel like it was submerged in a totally not gross slime infested super flat world i used the bone meal for grass to fill both empty space and stop slimes from spawning and i might have accidentally created a mob farm under my house anyways now that my surrounding area had been beautifully naturified yes that totally is a word i have successfully survived no arrived in 100 days of hardcore super flat minecraft i really hope you all enjoyed this video and since it was so different from regular minecraft i decided to focus more on building and not so much on getting crazy auto farms working and having everything kind of be like stacked and honestly i think this turned out pretty poggers so anyways here is a crazy montage to show off everything that we accomplished in 100 days [Music] so [Music] so i hope you all really enjoyed this video as it was both very fun and kind of awful to record the slimes were menacing and i couldn't get a break for even a second during this entire 100 days but i'm still very proud of what i accomplished and the cool builds that came out of it real quick i want to give a huge shout out to my channel members you're all super awesome and you really go the extra mile to help me continue my dream job thank you guys so much anyways this has been pain domination and i hope you all have an amazing day peace [Music]
Channel: PainDomination
Views: 505,420
Rating: 4.9096012 out of 5
Keywords: paindomination, paindomination 100 days, superflat, minecraft superflat, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, i survived 100 days, minecraft flat world, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft survival, i survived 100 days minecraft, hardcore minecraft, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, 100 days in minecraft, minecraft 100 days, i survived 100 days in minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft ocean only, minecraft hardcore survival mode
Id: lSVBtN0GiFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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