100 Days - Lost At Sea in Minecraft... [FULL MOVIE]

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you guys see this ocean well a few days ago me and some friends set off on an adventure to try and explore the depths of this place but then out of nowhere a storm hit and our boat sank luckily i was able to get away on a lifeboat but then i was a man out on his own lost at sea so after looking around i was surrounded by nothing but hostile ships ruled by the strongest people of the ocean and with no idea what lurked in the depths below i had no option but to row and row for days on end trying to find anything and that's when i came across this a small island out in the middle of nowhere and that's where this adventure picks up so sit back relax and get ready to watch me attempting to survive 100 days lost at sea yeah there i was on this island out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nothing but the dark ocean and the creatures that lived beneath it i had to try and survive here all right there's a bit of fish out there so i'm gonna try and grow okay there's a shark all right let's just get it quick and let's get back on the island oh okay all right i'm just gonna grab some wood there's not much on this island so this is gonna be it's definitely gonna be hard all right yeah it's already happened sharks have started showing up this is exactly what i didn't want so without much other option with my wood and fish i made a pickaxe and started destroying the very island that kept me away from these sharks oh there's a chest okay there's water coming from it but what is inside oh a palm wood sword no sharpness but i i guess i'll take it golden apple and some food nice okay there was a chest down here and it was quite helpful because it gave me this sword yes i know it's only a wooden sword but at the moment i've got nothing better to work with so i took my sword and started scanning the ocean at first i couldn't see anything but sharks until i spotted some sea lanterns lighting up the floor of the ocean so i decided to dip my toes in the water to see if i could make out what it was all right there's no sharks there's okay i have no idea what that is but that shark is a little bit too close and those drowns are coming for me all right i couldn't see what was down there and with what seemed to be everything taken from this island i decided to jump back in my boat and try and find something else out in this world oh what is that there's something out there all right i'm going over there there was a raft drifting through the ocean and with no idea what was on board i approached carefully with an open mind what is this i see a spawner on there can i stand on the boat there we go oh what are you okay what are you holding a paddle i don't even know what this is but i'm gonna kill it anyway come on how much healthy you got there we go okay all right let's break the spawner that's the main thing all right fish that's actually pretty good i need food some food and a fishing rod you're probably thinking that's quite bad but no fishing is one of the only ways in this world that i'm currently able to get food from so i was much happier than you probably think with this loot but as the rain continued the sun behind the clouds began to fall and darkness took over the ocean so it was time to fashion myself a bed out of the sail from this boat and head to sleep in the morning the rain had finally come to a stop and now it was time to head back out on the boat to try and find some more loot so once again i was out rowing but not for too long because after a few minutes i came across this aha another boat all right what is this looks a lot bigger than the other one hopefully this has got some cooler stuff this boat was big much bigger than that raft i found yesterday so i was excited to check this one out to see what was on board all right i still see a load of sharks but okay nothing in that barrel please okay nothing in that barrel it's a massive sail nothing in the is there anything on this boat that sails a lot of wall all right let's check out there's a lot of water this place is slightly flooded is there any chests okay there's the hole does this just go straight out yeah oh yeah all right and the sharks are here all right let's get back in anything else is a barrel back here and some string as well i guess that's just the cobwebs what's in the barrel chainmail helmet nice what's back here melons okay i may as well grab that that's more food oh i don't even know what that is but okay more melon all right scuba boots okay those are good those will let me swim really fast well if we got in here suspicious stew at neptunium the basement of the ship was flooded but it did have some loot and allowed me to grab some basic resources so i gathered what i could and now with my new scuba boots i got back in my boat and headed towards those lanterns i could see a few days ago at the bottom of the ocean because i wanted to check it out but on the way there things took a quick turn all right there it is that that is my starting island this is the oh there's a boss holy moly that is huge wow that that no i can't take that one yet so yeah even though the ship is half submerged by water i chose to set up camp here for a little while that huge ship is something i eventually want to conquer and take down the leader of so this little boat will do a great job of providing me a safe space to prepare for that attack and well yeah it gives me a little bit of a job to do in the meantime of fixing this place up as well because if i don't then yeah this boat won't be above the surface for much longer all right we need to put some wood here how do we get i need i want to keep it like a the same shape so i think if i put wood there and wood there and then i just have to patch up these bits i think these these are all source blocks is that into the ocean no all right let's do this there we go right let's just clear about what we've done get rid of the cobwebs clean this place up a little bit i need this area this is a valuable space so after spending the entire day cleaning this place up and making some torches to stop mobs from spawning it was time to start preparing myself to take down the ship i saw in the distance which of course meant it was time to go mining so i made myself some pickaxes and then dove to the bottom of the ocean under the sea here we go right i am running out of oxygen and there's a drowned all right you need to stay away from me i am going to drown here if come on just go down go down whoa i'm dying so quick it's called apple it goes up it goes up okay that was way too quick why was i drowning that quick oh my all right get back on board all right i've got a door the door should let me breathe there we go perfect just what i needed all right there's still sharks up there but i don't think they can get me down here so that's fine oh my god that is huge is he eating a shark okay there's a skeleton here and is this a mine shaft i'm pretty sure that yes we are in a mine shaft what this is not what i thought was gonna be here oh nice okay first bit of iron that's what we've been looking for i've been thinking for a little bit now this is uh what i needed how many pieces we got here three four five six seven seven pieces not bad yay okay more here we go right what's one two three four four again five okay five pieces five more pieces i'll add it to the collection oh no six and seven hi it's me again i just want to say as we're mining please subscribe to the channel my last video got 250 000 views as of the time of me recording this and my channel doesn't even have 250 000 subscribers so if you're watching this video and realize that you're not subscribed and you're enjoying the content just go down below and subscribe that's it let's get back to the video seven days that mining trip took me seven days honestly the water in the caves made it so much harder to gather resources than usual but nonetheless i came back up with over a stack of iron and now i was able to start cooking this stuff up to make some armor and whilst i waited for it all to cook up it was time to go fishing because i had this fishing rod and i had some time to kill so there was no harm in fishing right so after fishing i made my armor and headed out on my boat again because it was finally time to check out the underwater structure that i've been putting off for a little bit too long now okay it was this way i see it there it is there's the light that is the one it's so hard to see with the reflection of the sun but it's fine okay wait no that's not it what is that i don't know what that is oh oh my god that is it gonna kill me is it i'm going screw this i'm out oh he's coming at me he's right there oh oh no i'm out get me off this boat yeah no that's not happening that whale was literally circling me causing my boat to shake so instead of just basically agreeing to let a whale eat me i spent the rest of today on my boat looking out for a clear channel for me to leave through but as night fell that opportunity didn't arise and i could see that structure glowing through the depths of the water so the next morning i got in my boat with a clear ocean around me and headed right towards it that ship is there again and it is a huge i am not ready for that oh there's the boss bar again all right let's go here we go let's go down what even is this is there an entrance somewhere no okay yeah there's one here let's uh let's try this out is there anything inside there's no air bubbles there's no air in there i can't go down here i'm gonna need those doors again there's no i need some air i can't breathe forever this place was completely submerged with water and i can only hold my breath for 10 seconds in this game so for this place i needed doors and you're probably wondering why do you need a door well doors allow you to breathe underwater when placed but of course they are made out of wood and currently i don't have much of that useful item because well there's no trees around here so i needed wood and lots of it and i wasn't prepared to start disassembling my own boat again so i decided to go on a hunt for some more boats out in the open anything new that i would be able to tear down and reuse somewhere else and that's when i came across these there we go more boats these are small though but there's two of them so let's not get put my hopes down i guess there could be some loot on here there was two small sailboats out here completely unmanned perfect for me to completely strip up their resources and head back home with this included wood wool and a beautiful view but that view was about to get much better because on my way home i found this a huge new ship led by a new captain this place was my new target i knew that if i wanted to get the best loot in this ocean it will most likely be in the storage section of this ship so now i had a new task on my hands the underwater structure was on hold because for this boat to take down all the men on board i will need arrows and lots of them so for those i decided to head underground if i could find some skeletons or maybe even a chicken down here i could get a few arrows now obviously i got distracted when i was down here so i ended up doing some mining and i actually even found some diamonds but eventually i came across the absolute jackpot for what i needed a skeleton spawner this thing is just infinite arrows which is exactly what i needed in a situation like this so i probably spent a little bit too long down here just killing and killing and killing skeletons over and over again until finally all of my weapons had broken and i had no option but to leave this place with what i had and returned to the surface on the night of day 23 okay the boat is here ah so in the morning of day 24 i headed towards that boat it was time to check this place out here we go is that a shark no what is that is that a villager no he's got a bomb in his hand i think what even is it can i hear okay i can that clearly isn't oh he's dead all right i was gonna say that's not captain roger all right oh i was just about to go up the ladder and then this guy shows up what is it oh oh he's brought my boat as well where's my boat give me that give me that back okay what is this guy he's straight up throwing bombs at me hey you wanna calm down a little bit sir there we go finally all right he dropped what is this diamond no this is iron armor i think okay i think the ladders are clear at least let's try and get up all those bombs are still going off down there what do we have up here any more let's be ready oh yeah there's another one all right hey okay this is gonna be hard i need to rethink this strategy a little bit this is gonna be harder than i assumed these guys threw bombs at me and it seemed the sharks had caught on to what was happening as well because they started showing up so with me having absolutely no idea what else was up there and with a failed mission at hand i headed back home in defeat and spent the rest of today stuck on a boat because kevin showed back up yeah i gave the whale a name if i'm gonna be bullied by something i need to give it a name so with kevin circling my area once again i had to wait until the coast was clear so that i could make an escape from my boat because it was time to do a quick hunting mission and try and find some sugarcane on a lost island somewhere i wanted an enchantment table so i went out into the rain on my boat and went searching for some sugarcane okay it's literally oh i was just about to say there's no islands out here and i come across a boat that was the perfect timing this is huge i don't see any guys on board here apart from villagers but i am going to be careful because i do not want to get bombs thrown at me there's no sharks underwater so i think i'm in the clear all right villager i know you look peaceful but i never know you could throw a bomb at me in a second i need to be careful here all right what's ah here we go here's the people that were we're not one in the zombies you can go and there's creeper back there this place is why have all these basements got cobwebs i don't know right let's just keep come on creeper there we go anything else no no more all right let's check this place out okay oh all right pirate speed pistol a gun night a villager hat and flippers nice okay a golden fishing rod an iron katana and a strip okay a heavy bow i'll take that that's good hey dude don't mind me i'm just here stealing your stuff oh oh this is rich okay carrots give me those potatoes yes please bolts for the crossbow absolutely and a spear this is okay this was a great find this place was so rich that rich i couldn't even gather all of the loot at once and was preparing to make a second trip here after heading home but lurking in the deep beneath this boat was an animal that any minute now was ready to strike you can stay away from here i've had enough of hostile creatures today there we go nice all right did he drop i don't even know what that is okay oh he's back here we go all right can i get back up where's oh my what was that dude okay get me up get me away from this thing he is trying to kill me no doubt about that anymore hell no no what all right i can't see him i'm making a run for it get me on board get me to bed no whale attacking him no all right let's go on oh hey hey hey okay get off of my boat i'm gonna need to light this place up a little bit more then clearly this is sick look at this rowing boat how cool is this this is way better than the other boat it's huge more fish and a affiliate knife all right that's pretty cool i'll take all of that that's probably going to help me live at least this place had been cleared out of all of its loot but it still had a very valuable thing on board for me to work with and that is of course villagers so i decided to trap these guys in a boat you can call me cruel all you want in the comments down below but i'm gonna give these guys jobs so actually i'm the good guy in this situation right yeah all right i need some wood i need to try and find some more trees or something somewhere please okay this is it's got wood by the looks of it and some some leaves as well i guess i'll be able to try and get some saplings that would be nice i'm so glad i made this boat it's so cool oh he's in my bowl oh wait can you get in as well can we get two in the boat oh got two of them in there great okay okay there's first sapling nice we're already basically set then we only needed one really but if i can get some more that would all okay there we go two this is perfect oh that guy's got a scuba helmet on whoa i want to kill him can i try and get that all right let's take a quick pause this scuba gear that these drowns were wearing that lets you breathe underwater which is something i definitely need when it comes to exploring those underwater structures because as mentioned earlier i can only hold my breath for 10 seconds and they are completely submerged so there is no air down there whatsoever so i needed to try and kill this guy and get that suit from him really badly okay where did he there he is all right he's coming for me come on please drop it please drop it please drop it oh he did yes okay all right oh this guy's in full gear are you gonna drop every single piece i hope so come on drop every single one i need the leggings the chest plate i've already got the boots back home did he drop anything nothing oh oh okay there's another helmet over there so i guess i can try and get those maybe i just got really lucky on that first kill maybe they're not as common to drop no they're not they can't be i just got super lucky all right i'll take it this is that was great okay so should i be able to breathe down here now yes now we can explore shipwrecks or anything underwater with without worrying about breathing there are so many sunken ships all over this ocean floor like i only just thought about this but how many ships lie at the bottom of real oceans there's got to be like at least i don't know a lot but anyway i moved on past the ocean monuments and sharks of the ocean and continue to make my way home because i got the sapling i needed and it was now time to plant this guy down okay we've got one piece of dirt we can place it right here and there we go and get the sapling on it we are starting our own life i kind of want to build a raft because i don't want these just chilling on my boat i'd rather chop these on like a raft next to it so i think i'm going to build a raft sometimes a guy like me wants to build a raft i have a whole ocean to work with and i decided to grow trees on my boat for some reason so i wanted to start working on a raft and for some reason i wanted to make it out of campfires to make it look cool but oh no that was literally the worst idea possible i used pretty much all of my coal on these things so at some point i'm probably gonna have to go mining again but either way i built for a few days and eventually this thing was done and i actually don't think it turned out too bad now i have a tree raft that i can just plant trees on and then farm them over there instead of on my boat so then i just formed trees for a few days chopping away and replanting on my little raft until day 35 because that was when i finally decided it was time to take on the structure at the bottom of the ocean i had gathered enough pieces of scuba gear to be able to breathe underwater so i felt somewhat confident taking on this place so i geared up got in my boat and headed over here we go okay i can breathe down here so there's no problem now there is too many bosses i don't know if these are inside of this place or they're on that boat it was just over there but hopefully they're not in here it's pretty clear nope no it's not okay these guys are gonna give me a little bit of trouble so that's fine if we just break the spawner then there won't be any more of them come on okay there's one down here we go both of them okay what's in here iron nuggets and prismarine shards hey that's not too great what about this one over here uh okay chainmail helmet and some emeralds but still nothing great break this spawner before any more spawn and we have more emeralds and there's nothing nothing great nothing of value here please diamonds diamond time this time no iron nuggets what was the chainmail armada what's all this about you guys need to give me some space wow okay there's a lot of you down okay still all down here okay what's oh oh oh you guys are so much stronger yep no you are doing a lot of damage i am out see you later get me out of here can i hit you yes okay how many of you are in there though you guys i've been hitting these guys for so long and they're taking a beating they're not even dying what's going on i spent too long trying to kill these guys i had no idea that the spawner was still in there so i was just wasting my time trying to take them out since they just kept coming back but i did get quite a few levels of xp from this so it wasn't all that bad oh yeah and on the way home i was able to loot a sunken ship again which was pretty cool but if i was to say i learned one thing from that place well it's that my armor isn't that good these guys did so much damage and i really didn't stand a chance in regular combat and if the same people that are down there rule the ships above ground well honestly i've got no option but to upgrade my armor because iron armor isn't going to cut it anymore so guess what i did yeah i went mining again for diamonds obviously what else is better than iron armor well yeah that's diamond armor so i went down and grabbed as many diamonds as i could so as i'm mining i just want to say a quick thank you to mc pro hosting for sponsoring this video you guys know they sponsor me they sponsored so many of my movies you guys can get 20 off any server plan on java edition pocket edition so many other games by using the link down below and checking out their server plans and just getting 20 off by using code sword4000 to check out these guys are the best they've helped me out so much and i've seen some crazy crazy worlds that you guys have made with their servers as well so go check them out link in the description thank you mc for hosting for sponsoring today's video now let's get back to the 100 i ended up getting 32 diamonds so i came back up made the armor i needed and hopped in my boat it was time to take on captain rogers ship and attempt to steal the goods that lay in the belly of it because now i had the armor to do so here we go where is he he was here a minute ago not a minute ago it was a while ago but here we go he's gone he's not even here anymore all right what's in here aha they're all chilling in here oh yep nope they are playing games did he just kill him he just killed his own friend well they're gonna kill me if i just stand at that door oh okay this is rich come on where's he at where's he at where's he at where's he uh did they all kill each other okay well they did so i guess i can just grab ender pearl diamonds iron gold and bones perfect all right this guy has a gun let's um didn't even hit that shot come on ow come on man oh all right no these guys honestly oh okay i'm gonna die i need to go down why are they so opaque oh there's mobs everywhere there's mobs everywhere all right can i get this guy from range that's captain roger look how much damage i'm doing to him and he's down let's go all right what did he have he had a totem of undying yes please give me that all right this saw these the bombs are so loud as well i don't know if you guys can hear me these bombs so loud and they're killing each other which is helpful now i'm on fire all right no no no no no no no no no no no too strong too strong this ship was strong and after being thrown off by an explosive blast i decided to take what i had home collect my thoughts and then head back in the morning because on that boat was an enchanting table and that's something i really want okay it was here i think it was in this room as long as we don't get bombed on the way there close the door yes the bookshelves a few bucks in the chest nice i guess we can just make some more books if we want nothing in the chest but the enchantment table is here so let's grab that first thing first get what we need finally this ship was wiped out so i jumped back in my boat and headed home crucially i got the one thing that i needed from this place the enchantment table and now i was able to head home with what i had and start setting up my own enchanting area right it's going down here if i can clear a little bit of space it's perfectly even oh okay there's a lot of stuff in there so we should be able to put it here don't mind the water for now it can flow in here but once we get the bookshelves down get the enchantment table in the middle and more bookshelves here there we go look at that this place is really coming along i'm really glad i chose to put this boat now can we get a level 30 enchant no level 24. so if i put these three down can i get it now yes level 30. all right okay let's enchant the stuff we've got 52 levels how do i have that many uh protection three yes give me that uh protection four all right we got protection on everything protection three on the chest plate but protection for and everything else that is a win but i need more xp i'm gonna go and get those villagers i'm gonna give those villagers jobs as everyone now knows villagers are one of the best ways to gather a load of xp so i needed to make sure these villagers were breeding so that i could just profit from them and for that i had to set up a farm and do lots and lots of waiting around for these guys to finally breed i even made a sugar cane farm on a raft in my spare time just because i was waiting for that long and i knew that i'd be able to trade it all at some point anyway but on day 51 this little villager population was starting to grow strong down here and i was able to start trading for emeralds and refreshing jobs for long enough until i finally had the main thing that i was looking for from these villagers mending books so after trading for the box i needed i added this stuff to my armor and now i shouldn't have to replace this armor ever again because it will automatically repair alright so day 56 this day was a day of nothing i literally couldn't do anything not because i chopped my arms off or anything but you guys seen i've come across a few ocean monuments on this adventure well i wanted to go and take one down that's one of my goals for this 100 days take this thing down and turn it into a home but kevin was back and i couldn't go out into the water because well he'd just munch me up so i stood on the boat waiting around for him to swim off again for a little while and i definitely didn't try and kill him or anything but eventually he swam away and left me alone but then a few of his shark friends decided to show up around here as well and start giving me trouble so i took care of those two this guy is so far away okay i hit him perfect and he's not coming for me maybe i'm out of his range i don't know i'm gonna take these guys down though because they've been on my and then with the stormy but clear ocean the next day i set off on my rowing boat to try and find some more things to explore since i decided to not risk going into an ocean monument until i knew kevin was gone for good i've been rowing for so long i'm losing my mind what is going on yes this is small but it could be rich okay well oh what are you this guy's holding tnt what why are you just holding it hey right hey okay break the spawner oh okay right well the spawn is gone oh oh right let's just get rid of don't you blow up don't you blow up no okay right don't blow up just die okay there we go all right you want to do the same oh there's another ship okay anything up top is a chest what do we have illicit silver bar never even heard of that i don't know what that is all right let's check this second bow out this i saw this in the distance is there a ladder anywhere no okay let's just get into this place that's the main thing let's just get rid of oh oh there's oh he shot himself he shot himself all right let's it's a few spawners in here which you can definitely going to be in trouble to take down i'm surrounded you're in my boat okay make a run for it make a robot i can't get in okay go for the spawn i go for the spawner nope too busy too busy get in the room get in the room okay oh this is rich okay oh they can open the door they can open the door get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out go up the ladder of the ladder no oh no no no no no no no no no this guy's got bazooka oh i can't they're everywhere i thought i may be able to get in no ah no no no no no oh this is strong okay that's the captain let's take this guy out he's got the bazooka that's why he has a bazooka he's the captain of the ship he should drop some good stuff then i assume here we go oh yes oh my look at all that stuff was that another totem of undying somewhere as well it's iron emeralds gold no totem though ah that would have been that would have been nice one down here we go oh okay there's quite a few of them in here hey just let me get the spawner please no they won't let me i can't do it i can't go anywhere oh there's another guy with the bazooka this isn't even the captain anymore please guys let me do no right are they out of the room now can i make a run for the spawner no okay quick quick quick quick quick quick no come on yes get me out get me out oh okay no no no no no no no no no no all right one totem down come on oh there's another side there is a com ah there's more spawners this is so hard okay you take you down from distance it's one side all the spawners are in one side not this side though so i can grab all of the iron and diamonds and illegit i don't know what this silver bar is but i'm gonna take it there's another chest up here buckets yeah it's free i'll take it oh okay this would have been helpful like five minutes ago but that's fine i'll take it now oh right is there anything else here i don't see anything apart from a beautiful sunset wow nice this ship was small and compact but honestly 10 times harder to take down than any other ship i had taken down yet but either way i was victorious in taking this place over and now had a lot of riches to take home and help me on the remaining days of this challenge okay you need to get out of my boat i don't know why these guys just love going in my boat for some reason look how much stuff i got diamonds golden apples as well this is great after a long battle like that you guys know what happens you run out of arrows pretty quickly i shot an insane amount of arrows at those attacks so i had to take a trip down to the bottom of the ocean to gather some gravel for flint so that i could restock up on my arrows now looking back after i don't know why i didn't just go and trade for thousands of free arrows from the villagers but we'll ignore that and i'll just continue to take you through my preparation to take on the ocean monument as mentioned earlier in this challenge doors are so helpful when it comes to exploring the depths of the ocean because they let you breathe underwater so before i took this place on i wanted to just take a bunch of doors so that i could just breathe everywhere but as i was forming trees and just chopping away some sharks showed up and almost completely stopped me in my tracks of going further in this challenge there are sharks everywhere look at him he's just lurking around here they're waiting to attack he wants me he's just turned around he's coming for me that guy there's another one right here here we go here we go here we go here we go all right we get him in the sword no hey he's doing damage whoa whoa whoa whoa how are you still hitting me no golden apple golden apple why have i just got into the water when i'm being attacked by sharks oh no right i need to get back on the boat i need to no oh get me on get me off give me up okay ah these guys aren't playing these guys are playing games they they want me dead 100 he's down where's his friend there was one more this was probably my closest call with death but i didn't let that stop me and after almost dying to a shark i got right back in the water and set off with everything i needed to try and take on an ocean monument okay there is that's not a monument never mind this hit oh oh this is one i found one okay i was just about to say this is a lovely sunset wait that's my ship i didn't realize it was this close i might as well sleep here for the night then just clear the night there's no point in staying up okay let's give this are you kidding me is that kevin i think that's kevin yeah this guy decided to leave me alone at my boathouse and just decided to go and relax at the place that i would be going to explore next and i'm super lucky that i left my boat because if not i probably would have died here so when i saw an opening in the ocean i took a deep dive and headed in right i'm going for it he's he's given he's over there he's not going to get me as soon as i made if i can just get in quick oh god come on come on come on come on and we're in okay we're safe where are the elder guardians oh there's a shark isn't this where the elder guardian usually is what's going on here right you can go down where's your friend oh your friend's gone all right why haven't i got mining fatigue yet though what's going on here i can't find the elder guardians anywhere i've been in here i've been looking around everywhere they should there should be one in this room but there isn't one i think the sharks have gone on a on a frenzy spree or maybe kevin maybe kevin's came in here and eating everyone up i don't know what's happening have you seen the elder guardians no you want to give me some oh oh a sponge room okay screw the elder guardians i'm here for the sponges yes why can't i place the dough down there we go give me these spoon these sponges are super helpful i need these i don't normally do i need these i want these these are helpful i spent so long looking through this place and i couldn't find the elder guardians anywhere i'm not sure if kevin came over here and enjoyed a snack before i arrived but they just weren't here so i decided that this was the perfect opportunity to start working on that goal i mentioned earlier drying this place out and turning it into my home now you're probably thinking i'm insane but i did it i completely cleared this place out of all of its water it probably took way too long but once the water was out it was time to start working on digging this place out too so i had an open area i already regret doing this this is gonna take so long ah it was done this place was dry and open now i had a plain monument to work with and do whatever i wanted inside of but before i agreed to submerge myself down here for life and convert this into a house i had one huge task left to do on day three was it i i think it was on day three i found this place remember that it had two bosses on board and i can only assume hundreds of guards and a load of loot with it too but i think now over the last 80 days i've built up a strong enough arsenal to take this ship on and try to take it over so after building for a little bit too long i traveled home and enjoyed the sunset for what could be possibly the last time because on day 81 that would be the day of the boat attack here we go two bosses and one attacker i don't even know this is gonna be so hard i don't see anyone though where are you guys right there's a spawner there oh there's one okay that's the captain right let's just get rid of the spawner get it gone there we go okay now where is the captain he's not coming for me there's a lot of fish prismarine chest plate i didn't even know that existed anybody in here okay yep there you are this oh oh he's having trouble he's up he's spam clicking the door this is the captain get him down come on come on drop a tone drop a totem please come on how is he not dead come on yes okay and he dropped a lot of stuff perfect but now he's got a friend who's got a gun right let's just take him down if we can there we go oh there's so many of them he's got the bazooka oh he does a lot of damage get me away from him aye aye aye okay is this okay this is the captain yes i'll bridge i don't even know how to say that i'm just trying to kill him that's the main thing here come on if it wasn't raining he'd actually just burn wow stop throwing bombs at me man come on right he's nearly dead i want to finish him off with the sword here we go let's go in for the kill let's do it boom oh and another torso of dying yes this is so good all right is this it is this mine now is this everyone gone i think this ship is mine completely i did it the ship was mine at last when i saw this thing on day three i never thought this would happen but now that my one final task was complete it was time to start a new life i had conquered all of the ships i knew of in this area and now i had an ocean monument to work with and turn into my home but as you can imagine over the last 80 days i have gathered a lot of loot and i only had one rowing boat at a time to transport it all from my boat to the ocean monument so i had to start the long and tedious task of traveling back and forth and back and forth with all of my loot from my house until it was finally all moved out of my old boat okay this should be the last one i this is ever it's not should be this is everything i've got everything here now now with this old boat in the past it was time to start on my new life deep down in the monument so i got to work i wanted this place to be self-reliant meaning i needed farms trees and of course to bring a few villages down here okay let's get these beds in so we can start breeding them all right oh no i forgot i had bad omen okay where are they even gonna spawn i need to make sure the villagers oh they've spawned right here okay let's just keep the villagers safe and take these guys down this should be easy there's only one place for them to spawn okay another wave oh wait the witches that's not what i need hey vindicators you want to give me some space come on there we go another one bites the dust now it's just a few witches i believe yep you may as well get rid of those i'm poisoned but they're down here we go all right vexes get me away from them oh there's a ravanger here hey man you do not belong in the ocean what are you doing here there's two more you invoker over there let's just get rid of him that'll be another totem of undying vexes leave me alone okay right bring on the next wave oh there isn't the next wave these vexes can go now get away from me all right yeah that raid wasn't planned at all but i took it down anyway and was successful in doing so so we can just ignore that happened and moved on with our lives i continued to design this place adding more trees and i couldn't forget adding my enchantment table then this place was complete with everything i needed for now so with two days remaining in this challenge i set off into the open ocean for one last time to try and find anything else i searched day and night over and over again rowing through this ocean until on day 100 after finding nothing for two days i spotted an island over the past 100 days i had made this ocean mine and although i wasn't able to escape and get to land i think i did a good enough job of sustaining my own form of life and taking on the challenges i was faced with but for now that's it and i hope you guys enjoyed this journey and hope to see you on the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: Sword4000
Views: 929,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, Minecraft, factions, Funny, Videos, Fun, Happy, Minecraft videos, Modded, War, Private, Survival server, Sword4000, Sword, 4000, 100 days, Hardcore Minecraft, Hardcore, 200 days, 100 days hardcore, 1 year, 100 days challenge, 100 days Hardcore challenge, Lost at sea, 100 days lost at sea, Sea, Ocean 100 Days, 100 days in an Ocean, Sword4000 lost at sea, Sharks in minecraft, Whales in minecraft, Minecraft Ocean 100 Days, Minecraft Lost at Sea, ForgeLabs, LTN, 100 days Forgelabs
Id: Jwkymapj3tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 42sec (2502 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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