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today whoever dies first wins it's that simple [Music] candy wait what I'll punched your boob it's not working why is it not working as much as I would love to destroy your face it's not working can you kick me maybe head butt me I bite me boys do something bro these are not Minecraft features hey boys any last words losers what are you talking about let's go I'm good though I'm gonna do it what's up wait what Adam you have a a rocket hat what that didn't work at all oh my gosh I was gonna try and die and then hang out with Alex mom Adam I also love your mom just so you know I just want to make that clear in case it wasn't boys I don't want to mess up the conversation you're having but I sign up for that bro bro how are you gonna tell us right now 30 minutes on the clock you gotta do it for the YouTube video bro oh dude come on the funny thing is the boys have no idea that I have a couple Secrets up my sleeve I could just say I'm not gonna be the one losing see ya I'm not eating no dog food Adam is the best Dyer no one is better at dying than Adam if Adam can't die nobody can seriously why am I getting water Wing flippers who's Claire uh Claire hey siren it is I your sister I don't have a sister you didn't tell me you had a sister Alec all these years wait is that your sister to your right wait I think I see your sister Alex yeah she's right here Alec I see your entire family okay you don't gotta go that far bro come on if I can't kill Alec I'm gonna kill everybody that he loves don't worry boys I put it on baby mode for you so you guys can't die die Alex sister there has to be a way for us to die Adam she has a name I killed Claire I have her meet okay don't eat my sister I ate her oh my God how else can we die we can't drown we can't jump off a mountain and we can't seem to starve wait wait actually I have an idea wait can we do that well should I tell you guys my strategies I don't know yeah yeah tell me tell me tell me okay so what if we eat puffer fish and that gets us down to like one HP yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't really know what that would do because we still have health but it at least helps I feel like you guys are smart yeah why you guys do that I'm gonna I'm gonna actually do something that's gonna be helpful Adam you guys have the same sister oh bro wait wait you guys are saying related that's not even my sister I was just kidding you guys never told me that you guys were related I thought Adam was my brother no no no see you got that all wrong bro what Adam you're related to a red-haired freak okay yeah unfortunately all right guys I have the ultimate Strat right now this is how I die in regular Minecraft so why not in this Minecraft true no that actually that adds up no I found a thing that I thought would help but it totally didn't I found a I found a beehive and then a B Spot and it died immediately oh I see a B I see a B I think you should be behave yourself I've never dug this far down not running the lava oh there we go later boys there's no way that works wait what it doesn't work I have a fire helmet what come here b boom bro you're joking this was my ultimate Shrek I have a couple of strategies but I'm not sure how to implement them quickly oh here we go here we go I found a mob fight me wait there was a village where we first spawned what I just wanted KOA with my fist why would you punch it it was a passive mob I wanted it to hit me Adam you're one punch man bro oh wait a second dude the Iron Golem he's gonna wreck me oh yeah yeah he's gonna absolutely I have a sneaky suspicion it's not going to go that way this dude is always at doubter and he smells oh I see it I see it Alex mob killed me oh oh iron gold Messiah what are you doing to him you're making him sad fight back fight me are you just punching him right now why is he upset Jack what are you doing fight me fight me fight me this isn't even fun anymore dude I feel bad so do I what are you doing all right fine I'll kill him no sacrifice sacrifice yo guys I found a glitch what kind of glitch oh you're about to die no I'm not dying I just found an infinite armor glitch why do you need armor aren't you trying to die dummy I'm not putting them on I'm just I have it somebody kill me kill me what are you looking at cow don't talk to Alex mom like that bro stop with the your mom I got delivery for a BEC Pro Jack you order pizza Alex mom is translating to every channel we're doing a crossover series I got pizza let's go dude I'm gonna grab TNT oh wait okay uh before you explode can you let me stand next to you please but so I'm just a big loser if you both die together yeah I want Alex to eat dog food by the end of today's video yeah oh that wait that's actually a good idea no guys come on why are you teaming up against me and also off the park I have to bark and you have to walk around the block on all fours oh yeah yeah and you have to wear a collar can I just quit the video have you guys killed the creeper yet they just fart and die if I die I want my last words to be I want my last words to be I buried the money in and just pass away skeleton is actually shooting me kill me are you taking damage I have like some invisible force field around me nobody can touch me the skeleton is literally just taking damage from being near me yeah okay what's this Enderman doing come on Hit Me Maybe you could get a bunch of Ender Pearls ooh that's a good idea actually they're not killing me oh my gosh these guys are stupid when did Moz become so dumb I've never had a problem dying to a mob before there has to be a way to die somehow I will say I'm pretty sure there's at least three different ways that you can die siren's dead let me provide you with some nourishment child wait Alec you have a dad yeah he came back the other day it's been a while but really yeah I said what's up I thought he got milk and then that was it no it was just a long line it was a long line but he came back did anybody try to suffocate themselves come on oh I found a creeper okay just explain explode it's impossible to suffocate yourself it did the same thing thing to me Alec it tooted and booted yep see I told you bro I don't know why you wouldn't believe me I just thought that you actually farted and you were trying to cover it up that is a good idea though for future farts that's an Alec move for sure wait did you guys get near a zombie yet no mobs are gonna kill you I already tried I tried with Enderman I try with creepers skeleton and zombie and spider what about a Wither oh wait yeah we should actually try to spawn a wither we gotta get to the I definitely know how to do that race to the nether I'll see you boys there okay I'm gonna be in the nether very soon actually guys I have almost a full stack of iron Jack not that we can't teleport I could try to suffocate you oh yeah you want to try to work together if we work together maybe then Adam will for sure have to be a dog I'm just telling everybody right now if somebody kills me I'll give them an entire stack of iron I'm talking 61 pieces of iron oh my God yeah get in my hole no guys is it working it does not seem to be come on dude stop breaking the sand I'm not breaking it in the sand dude what do you want me to do bro it's not working oh here we go I'm gonna drown Jack no no that's actually not funny no that's actually not funny oh my gosh it's glitching it won't even let me drown in the middle of a cave no seriously could have my iron back at least give me my iron back no wait wait hold up hold up Alec Alec it's a witch okay can I have my iron if you're in a waterfall and you do the first effect it'll shoot you to the top no one is listening to you Adam I have no idea what you're talking about oh my gosh that guy's annoying what I'm about to die I'm about to die it's not working it's working no way come on what if you stop forwarding it just shoot up when they get near me come look at this witch hello Witch she's not killing me though dumb witch what is happening Adam is having the time of his life I don't even know what's going on over there okay guys guys can we get to the end I think I have a strat there's so many mobs they eat their bodies as soon as you get close this is like every woman I've ever walked up to bro they just jump that sounds like a problem it's a real problem Alec what do they do when they get near you they walk away you don't even get that far no yeah I I look at the hammer then that's about it that's her whole interaction they kind of do what the creeper does they just fart and then die I think that's what Alex does he's nervous I toot a little bit and then you know yeah it's pretty much over restraining order no Adam Adam Enderman Enderman Enderman wait why are you near me kill me dang it bro it combusted the skeletons can't even hit me wait did I look just trying to die in lava no he filled up a bucket with lava oh crap he's gonna it's another I need to fight him I'll check on him don't worry this guy's getting TP to me bro that's not fair are you serious Jack wait Alec Alec I'll I'll get a flint steel ready I don't need your help you're you stop tping to me oh I have a huge Strat I'm gonna sleep in the nether I like we making this portal or what yeah Alex seriously I am seriously go away I like no you're actually annoying me you're taking all my progress we're in the nether boys wait what wait so you just stole my nether portal yes guys we made it Alec is the last one in the Nest sorry come on on dude how did Adam get there because I built a portal and I got it wait a second maybe these guys will kill us wait Jack Jack do you have any wool uh oh yeah actually that's a good idea how did this fool get in here because it's my other portal what do you mean how did I get here oh Jack has beds I have beds oh hold on hold on I got this wait all right all right Jack Jack hold these hold these oh let's go let's go everybody pick it up pick it up I did okay put it down wait what I can't hold it put down the bed I'm trying put down the bed it just keeps switching my hand I'm in guys put it down I'm trying no no Adam Adam drop a bed trust me trust me drop it bad drop a bed I'm trying drop it put it down put it down put it down listen listen spam right click right here spam right click right there come on you got to be quicker I'm right drop it you only have one bed Adam has like 30. nope it's I I you have to have the rest of your inventory full what are you doing Adam oh my gosh stop I'm trying to help you you idiot no you're not yes I am what's happening with the bed it's not working look right here you have to time it right okay I'm looking two one right click it to Adam spamming the right click yeah right drop another bed drop another bed spam it quicker like really fast my finger is hurting Adam no you're a dog how you're so Trash Zombie Pigman get him oh there we go they're attacking me are you taking damage are they hitting you wait Alex make the yeah make the walls yeah no they're not they all just died oh my gosh they take one look at you and they they commit dead okay dude oh my gosh you guys are so annoying I have a strat if someone's to team up with me I gotta find a fortress I need somebody to find a fortress for me I thought we could go on top of these guys could we not wait what do you have some sort of Clone technique I'm seeing eight of you dude look at this thing wiggle look at Alex go hey okay I don't know what you guys are doing but it's annoying hey hey okay then now there's a lost cause I've not found another Fortress at least I don't have to worry about mobs this is kind of peaceful oh my gosh guys a skeleton shot me one time so I I thought it was gonna work for the rest of the times but no he just shot himself to death afterwards sweet I'm Divine The Blaze I think if we go to the end Dimension we're gonna be able to probably die the Ender Dragon's gonna go oh yeah yeah the Ender Dragon for sure that's that's my Strat oh I hear a blaze I might be trapped in the nether forever I'm officially lost Adam's lost in Alec land this could be like a microscopic zoom in of his forehead that's not funny that's literally not funny bro comment down below if that's funny magnitude come on wait no way way Adam dies first oh there's many ones give me give me give me I can't tell if he's being serious or not it's just like one of Alex pimple poppers what he's a bro come on oh my gosh I got so close I got the half hearts I hear a place oh there's the blaze come on oh hey yes I found another one kill me kill me wait why do these fences break yes yes dude come on what do you mean let him I'm not he's not near me bro crap come here Blaze Blaze stop dying please kill me okay so lava can't kill me bed can't kill me Magma Cube can't kill me can I just slash kill myself I was gonna try that but I didn't want to be like a nerd I feel like that's cheating okay that also does not work fine I like Alec I'm gonna do you a huge salad right now if you want to team up with it oh whoa whoa whoa I like I like here you take I don't even know what that is you take these oh get us to the end Dimension I have a couple errands to run but in the meantime get us to the end Dimension but Aarons you possibly have to run well I I had my own side quest I was going on but the zombies and skeletons have given up they're fighting each other now I'm making it back to the Overworld don't you worry boys please please can you stop getting pizza just one more no oh how many of these things are to kill before it drops one more wait Alec you need string I just need one more oh yeah I have string bro you are I've had string the whole time he's had string he's made all you had to do with me that he had straight just ask next time you're still foolish okay you guys are so annoying Alec I'll be back keep on that that ender portal Journey I'm coming for you Alec if I find you I'm gonna kill you wait don't kill him kill me no I'm coming for Alec who built this nether portal in the middle of nowhere bro at least I built one like you don't even know how to build one yes I do oh come on kill me kill me how am I God I don't want to be I want to die I found a mansion so I'm hoping that something could kill me in here no mob can kill you something can kill me oh yes kill me kill me kill me kill me kill these work please work please work please work chop my head off with the ax please work come on what whatever Alec did didn't work huh no oh yes how I shot an arrow straight into the air so it would land on my head but it just bounces off what if you use a dispenser oh I think it's the same thing bro I got a totem of undying I really don't think that's gonna help me right now guys how rare is a puffer fish drop from a from fishing rods I don't think it's actually 30 no way it's that high and now it's probably like maybe 15. guys I've been trying to get a fishing rod and a bow and arrow for having this entire video and neither of them work oh wait here we go here we go there we go okay wait another fishing rod does work check out a fishing rod ages ago yeah I had to fish around this entire time oh pepper fish I can try no way can you eat it oh no wait sand Suffocation doesn't work I can't eat it bro I'm actually so annoyed sorry it's me you found me wait I have I actually have an idea don't tell Jack what if he go do the thing with these and then you wait but you can't punch me oh Jax I heard my name Jack's right behind you do you know what I'm saying I don't know how to get it to attack you you know I don't know let's get away from Jack though he's cheating I gave you I gave you the good wait did you ever try throwing it just do it it's right there it's going this way no no like an ender pearl could you could can't you like glitch oh Chronicle sticks I did forget about that and I okay I don't lose any hearts with that did you say cuddle sticks Alex did you find our specimen no what oh I found a secret boat oh it's how many people know about it uh just two okay so it's not that secret are we investigating let's keep it a secret though do not let Jack come guys you took a boat trip without me guys oh we can't even investigate it Alec come on get under get under I can't okay wait try and stand on top of me maybe your gravity will push me down oh yeah cause I'm like massive oh wait actually hang on I have an idea what if I let's just make sure Jack doesn't come near us Jack get away no get away go down there and I'll I'll hit the trap doors what you just broke that with your head break the blocks trying not to dude oh my gosh your head is way too big okay I'm out of here yeah you're so annoying I hate this get in Adam come on wait wait wait I see a chest with honor and I see you me and Jack are gone no Alex let's go to the end portal I I was gonna split the iron with you you don't want to iron I don't why do I want to iron for Alex don't listen to him I have 13 iron that I turn around right now or else you don't get any iron I don't want to iron Adam he's following us he's following us I build a boat he doesn't know how to build a boat Jack let's go [Music] land Alex Mom oh that must be some big Land wait I see half another portal on the ground is that useful yeah yeah go investigate bro um you guys are tricking me okay are you guys even in the water anymore no we're quite the opposite I would say of that oh my gosh I've been trying to track your Trail dude Santa Claus is in our game oh don't the drown people drag you down come on wait what they're flying in the air I've never seen this Alec it's back here we went past it we went past the way we're hot on the trail yeah we walked right over it Thornberrys you guys haven't tried this yet have you dummies I would have thought about it I just didn't find any is it working God they turned him flipping dead grass you walk over it and they die this game is broken guys what um is there any significance is there any significance to Moss cobblestone no no Masha Cobblestone is normally for spawners okay I guess I'll keep moving it's hard to dig down right here off I go I bet I'll find the Ender Portal before you guys okay how about you want to bet 100 bucks okay and Adam is here somehow Adam's home while the boys are busy I'm gonna grab the last piece of the puzzle that I need to make the secret weapon to kill myself oh I was about to say it better be here and we're not just getting pranked okay Jack could have trolled us so easily let's go Adam you're on you're on bro oh I found it already oh just kidding nice one oh crap oh oh I found something I found the library I'm plugging it up nobody's getting down here hello I'm down here dude even the spider webs just break did you guys find it yet I'm about to find it oh enchanted book I'm the only one to have one of them aren't I yeah dude make yourself stronger that's a good idea okay dude stop plugging stuff up Alec you're being dumb if you get Thorns then if you punch me then you'll die oh I found a fountain but we can't even punch you that's true I found it I found it I found it oh wait no I did good job Adam do you want a trophy for almost doing nothing yeah wait these creepers are spitting out diarrhea now it's not just normal fart it got worse yeah it got worse they probably had too much pasta is that what happens to you yeah I had pasta last night it was rough it got so bad [Music] wait tell me more though how did you guys not find it yet oh my God cause we don't cheats bro wait Jack found it no I didn't find it yet I was waiting for you guys to find it I have to run a quick errand what errands are you running isn't the only objective to die yeah no I did I had like a like a strat in mind okay I'm running in the dead end after dead end Alec let's team up let's not fight anymore I was never fighting you were just mean to me Iron Golem Jack stop messing with iron golems it's not me that was convincing Alec are you lost wait what there's another entrance dude you're an idiot I knew you were doing that look at how much I plugged I know you dummy you thought you were so smart I did bro we're going in circles now Cyrus how did you guys not find it yet no actually nowhere actually bro I don't think it exists get B nobody's getting you come on why is it not getting me come on no what is Jack doing I don't know some he wants something to get him though come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on no oh yes wait did it drop it oh this is promising wait okay this is the spot I plugged up for you actually I am not a new territory Jack is giggling and it's worrying me Jack sucks bro I'm right here [Music] I'm gonna come to you guys and I'm gonna find it before you guys do yeah something I literally haven't cheated once okay okay stop bro I don't even know why I'm following you you have no idea where to go dude the siren is a joke he took me in circles my grandma even joined the server she gave me 420 kilograms of food that's a lot of food oh my gosh we're going nowhere wait wait wait Alex did you guys go this way oh down here found it no Jack this was not dude that was mind-bathing I was about to go here I'm counting that you guys dude I found it I'm counting it as me go go go go go go go go go go go or what bro just do it oh dude I was right above you guys [Music] jump off that's why did I not wait what that didn't even work anyway it's making me fly it's making you fly I'm just gonna hit by something there's definitely a way to die in here because I just took damage wait house I don't know Enderman hit me is the dragon attacking nobody's attacking oh that didn't work that was a terrible ender pearl oh I see the dragon I see the dragon give the dragon a kiss bro all right whoever kills the Ender Dragon doesn't have any dog food Ender Dragon is having technical difficulties it froze what no my plan bro no way what's your plan for these exploding things to explode on me what if I fishing about him come here buddy hey Adam do you want to see something cool yeah oh what what wait what are you doing that let's go you guys gotta eat dog food what just happened though I don't even know what just happened you know that would work I told you Jack's hacking how did he do that dog food dog food dog here I'll bring it to you guys wait how do I use these Wings if I die right now I don't have to use it how do I use these Wings bro fly can I fly open up it's not working God you're on call Malik here I come this is disgusting garlic I like run Alex seriously wrong how do they do it run yeah disgusting I'm gonna throw up wow I like you should have ran can you tell me how you did it can you tell me how you did it so you needed to combine Phantom wing backswing and a b-wing oh I had a b-wing it opened up so easy all right there's a lot worse than I thought I was going today it's so bad are you ready for your walk I'm not going on a walk bro come on I'm not going on a walk smash like subscribe 69 000 likes and I'll take them around the block as a dog that's all I like yeah I've gone for that
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 1,606,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but if you die you win, minecraft if you die you win, minecraft mansave, minecraft but, minecraft but if i die my friends lose, beckbrojack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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