I Survived 100 days In ANCIENT ATLANTIS in Old Greece Ft. GODS In Hardcore Minecraft

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atlantis a powerful undersea city named after poseidon's son atlas as rumors spread of this great and powerful cityscape the ocean quivers in fear of its new rulers in these next 100 days we will seek to conquer atlantis to free the oceans slay poseidon and any other god that dares stand in our way whilst creating an underwater empire of our own this is surviving 100 days in the greek oceans with one goal find and destroy atlantis and the god to simon let's begin this video is sponsored by salad more on them later you will pay for what you've done to my family and i will wipe your name from all memory i will destroy everything you've ever touched stand your ground men their numbers count for nothing to the tunnel fight fight for everything you love men shields together spears up day one as i spawned into the world all i could see around me was ocean there was there was nothing left except this giant gaping hole i wondered what could be there so i went to investigate i thought the best course of action was to be safe and methodical about getting down there so i jumped right off as i began to look around i realized that if the entire world was now water a giant expansive ocean i was going to need to survive under the ocean or perish like a peasant i immediately began gathering all the resources around that i could because i knew once i moved on there would be no resources to gather i knew if i was going to survive in a giant ocean world i was going to need to gather all the food i could so i scavenged the nearby farms outside of the city i didn't want to get too close because if they let fire on me i would probably die however i made a fatal mistake i got too close to the city and all of a sudden the guards spawned on horses and with bows in hand but thankfully they didn't notice me and i was able to gather the crops and move on at this point i thought to myself well i could run away or i could walk towards the city and see if they hate me and try and kill me so i did the safest possible thing and i walked right towards the city this faction didn't seem to hate me so much there are different factions throughout the world different civilizations that will grow over time but this one didn't seem to have a thing against me so i figured i would just be fine and i began looking through the city seeing if i could scavenge any supplies unfortunately unless i wanted to wage war against this faction i wasn't able to actually loot any of the chests as dethroning the king is the only way to actually open the chests however whilst walking around these priests began following me i have no idea why but i tried to lose them i then plunged into the sea with a few doors the doors would allow me to have an air bubble i knew there was no way i could build above the ocean surface as i went all the way up to build limit i had two goals inside of this series two big goals that is i needed to find atlantis i needed to build my own atlantis under the water i had no idea if i could survive but i knew it was a challenge with undertaking i closed off the day by heading into the mines these mines were a custom generation and i had never seen anything like it this was going to be scary but i also knew i would need to do it if i wanted to get supplies i spent the next few day in the mines gathering resources whilst mining i want to tell you about today's sponsor salad who uses mining to earn you real life money i know right it's crazy salad is a free to use pc app that allows you to earn rewards for basically doing nothing some of these rewards include discord nitro use it on my server amazon gift card so you can stop using your mom's credit card on amazon nice salad enables people to tap into the passive income of their computers they combine mining offer walls i don't even know what an offer wall is but it sounds cool and other means to transform your idle pc into a money making machine be sure to check out the guides linked below if you plan on mining but you don't need to mine to earn money with salad you need a whole bunch of the way it's crazy simply put it uses the gpu from your pc to mine crypto if you're someone who's wanted to dabble in the crypto scene but doesn't want to risk your own money this is a great opportunity to learn about it if you want to learn more and get started with earning money with salad check the links in the description and use the code mudflaps for a bonus when you sign up now where was i oh yes mining after finishing my mining stint i knew if i wanted to begin exploring the sea i couldn't do it by swimming as that was effectively slow and it made me stop every 10 seconds to get an air bubble i knew i was going to have to craft a submarine so i began crafting the necessary ingredients so i could begin traveling underwater at a much faster rate it took a little bit of tinkering and a little bit of research but eventually we were able to craft our submarine and then we set sail the sub immediately lifted right up to the surface as i had no idea what i was doing but eventually i figured it out and we went back down to the depths i was looking for somewhere on the floor bed to actually start my civilization you see similar to the empire we had seen at the beginning as soon as i placed my town hall the walls of the sea would part and we would have a little area to build as we slayed more gods and became a more powerful empire feared by more the walls of the sea would expand even more so the more deeds we did and the more things we accomplished the larger of an empire we could craft but for now we'd get a very small space but i wanted to find the most opportune and flat place to build so i began looking around after a few days of searching i found a pretty flat place and i placed down a town hall however on my way sharks were trying to attack me and i just placed it in time and then the walls of the sea expanded all of a sudden there are some land sharks around that tried to attack me but i took care of them and i began crafting the first elements of undersea civilization under my empire the first heroic deed i did was i saved my villager from a chomping fish that decided it would come out of the water and begin flopping around i already hate the ocean i then dug down a little bit to see what more of these cave systems were like soon it would be time to adventure but i wanted a little bit more resources these caves were very interesting because they were almost part of the sea themselves with water as their beds but still with the ability to mine whilst exploring the cave systems i found this small city-like structure that was underneath the ocean's core i decided to go investigate and see what was inside after locating the front door i noticed some fighting that was ongoing so i drew my sword in preparation just in case they were violent towards me as well i was then attacked by some men that seemed like mercenaries they didn't seem like they were the guards of this small kingdom so i decided to dispatch them knowing that hopefully the guards that were inside wouldn't hate me for doing so or would praise me let's just say they didn't exactly love me for doing it as soon as i opened the gate a man that looked like a bookshelf charged out at me and began beating me this must have been the guardian of this castle because this castle had a reflection of a library these mystical beings had a way of turning inanimate objects to life but i was able to defeat the guardian and begin plundering the castle upon entering the small castle i was immediately attacked by some archers that were on some ledges so first thing i did was i took them down the librarians themselves didn't seem too hostile so i began looting the nearby chests to see if there was any loot inside on the way out i did in fact try and take their door as it seemed pretty cool but it wouldn't let me break it so i left it behind the next day i continued mining and exploring the cave systems seeing if i could find anything else interesting before heading back up to the surface and beginning adventuring upon arriving the next day on top of the surface again i noticed a killer whale that was just kind of looking at me i feel sorry for the loud that i felt of the ocean but i was going to do absolutely nothing about it i then began the initial construction of my city i wanted to build an atlantis themed city even though we were going to be taking on atlantis in the final days with an army i would construct i still wanted to reform atlantis into my own creation so i began tasking my settlers with building some buildings the more fame and the more notoriety i would gain the more my citizens would build the faster and more effective they would build and the more army i could train so i knew it was essential that soon i would venture out and begin building my fame after a bit of a rough start of the previous day with my villagers consistently getting stuck everywhere i began the creation of an armor set i also i noticed something else in the distance that was near my base under the sea so i decided after crafting the armor set i would go and investigate what it was after swimming out to it i noticed it resembled what seemed like a stargate a stargate is an ancient pathway the gods would use to travel between different places in ancient greece and really any ancient time but it's more so centered at ancient greece i knew a stargate was very weird because why was it here usually if only the gods could use it it would have no purpose next to my city i went back to base to grab a book that i had found in some of the library called artifacts inside of it there was a code and i thought that maybe if i inputted the code to this machine it would do something so i tried it but upon trying it it let me know that there was no fuel i noticed that it was a special type of coal that fueled this machine so i decided to venture back into the mines and find some of it i thought it might be dangerous opening up this gateway but i also thought that maybe treasure would be on the other side i spent the entire next day mining looking for this special coal and eventually i found some upon arriving back home i fueled the machine up re-inputted the code and then all of a sudden i began hearing the noises of the portal moving and engaging i feared i had done something wrong but there was no turning back now as soon as i entered the portal-like object i was immediately transported to this random place and then all of a sudden the portal closed behind me there was no option but to move forward i slowly made my way down the staircase being ever so cautious and then when i reached the room i saw him erebus son of atlas son of poseidon the god of the ocean the peasant my father tasked me with killing you and frankly you aren't worth my time alas as fate has it i must fulfill the wishes of my father at least try to be somewhat entertaining won't you i always find you modeled to be so boring uh let's fight i then began my first fight with the gods i knew eurovis was going to be the easiest god out of them all but taking him down would get atlases and poseidon's attention and that's what i needed so the fight began and with my primitive tools and as a mere mortal i destroyed him iribas dropped his trident given to him by poseidon this would be a very useful tool for me now to use the next day i grabbed a paddle boat and i began paddling my way back to my empire however a huge storm began to brew and a being i had never seen before made its way out of the ocean and then disappeared back into it who was that on day 16 i finally returned to the city the water walls had expanded as my deeds of killing the son of a god had encouraged the villagers to continue working and had pushed the walls of the sea even further i decided to go and investigate the portal i had never seen anything like it before but it wasn't time to gloat it was time to move on so i began expanding my city even more building a tree farm to begin gathering resources and looking ahead for the future the next day i helped my villagers terraform the land and i also helped them take down some trees i wanted to harvest a lot of wood because i wanted to begin the construction of my own house while also begin crafting some other elements but i spent most of the day just prepping the land having my settlers build and gathering some basic resources the next day i decided i want to go venturing out to see what more riches the ocean had so i built a smaller version of the submarine got inside and began investigating the ocean floor whilst adventuring across the ocean i noticed a tower-like structure in the distance i decided to go and investigate i found that the only way inside was to the top however when i made my way up i noticed that there were guardians there and i thought to myself wow that looks awful so i decided to go the opposite direction i would come back for this tower maybe a little bit later the next day while adventuring i saw this massive structure on the bottom of the sea i decided to go see what was inside see what i did there as soon as i arrived inside i was met with force but i was able to take down barely escaping with my life all of the mobs that were inside and then i was able to venture into the main hall after arriving the main hallway i noticed there were no chests but after breaking what seemed like an altar in the middle of the room there was a chest underneath it inside were runes and a portal spawner and some xp i knew what this meant the next day i arrived home i knew the task in front of me was a daunting one i had to visit a dimension of ancient greece culture i'd never heard of before but to construct the portal i was going to need these ancient runes i had just found before going in though i decided i'd work on getting my gear enchanted and getting myself as powerful as i could because i knew once i entered this underworld i would not be ready if i did not have the most amazing gear i could put on before visiting this new dimension i wanted to make sure that my culture was ready to thrive without me here so i spent some time working on some basic things crafting some more armor working on some small farms and just getting everything ready before i ventured into this deep dark unknown i wanted to make sure my empire could thrive without me should it come to that i didn't know what deep dark and mysterious things were held in this new dimension but i knew i'd be ready so i made sure to breed my cows first and then it was time to venture in i then placed the portal down inserted the runes inside of their rune stones placed the core and then the portal opened up with a red abyss staring back at me i plunged in not knowing what to expect as i climbed into the dimension everything just seemed so gone it was like the energy had just been sucked out of every entity and every block as soul sand appeared everywhere i could only think that this dimension had no soul whilst adventuring through this lost world i could only stop but think is this red stuff hot turns out that it was but past that i could only stop but think what did i need to gather from this underworld to defeat the next god you see each one of these dimensions held inside of it some sort of layer with a guardian and behind it a weapon or an element i would need to defeat the final god of the ocean poseidon i would need to gather all of these elements if i wanted to stand a chance against this titan of a god on day 31 i found this large structure that was somewhat different it had almost a bit of life left in it still so i began making my way towards it however as i approached i was attacked by these men with no eyes they had no souls and no purpose but to guard what was ever inside of that castle i quickly dispatched one of them grabbed his horse and began riding around to avoid the others on horseback i could stand a chance but if i got off my horse and they caught up to me i would be clobbered instantly i spent the next little while running in circles slowly attacking them and bringing down the small force that kept me from getting inside of this castle after a little while i was able to dispatch the guards that were outside of the kingdom and i began making my way inside looting the chest as i went i found a very powerful chess piece and an ancient amulet that would keep me a little bit more safe upon arriving inside i was met with more guards but i was able to dispatch them by using this little hole i created and hit them with my sword from a distance while staying safe i had to be careful though because i knew my helmet was about to break the next day i continued looting throughout the castle looking for the final room i knew inside there had to be a kingdom keeper a gatekeeper or some sort of boss that would hold this castle together and behind him would be the elements i would need to begin my destruction of poseidon when i reached the top of a tower i was immediately attacked by these beasts i had never seen before it took me a little while but i was able to dispatch of them all they were protecting something and it was time to find out what it was once i slayed them all i went back up into the room and i opened up the chest inside were some ancient armor pieces a sort of wand that i'd never seen before some food for my army and some other elements i knew this would be a powerful start but i would require even more if i was going to take down poseidon and atlantis i arrived home on day 34 to see that my city was once again expanded the water walls were pushed back as my fame and notoriety increased and my civilization was growing bigger i started out the rest of the day by adding some more armor elements onto me this shield was going to give me resistance and fire resistance as a permanent effect this would be awesome from there i moved on to terraforming the land to help my citizens build their structures it was a lot easier if the land was a little bit more flat although i wasn't going to be able to completely terraform it as the floor of the ocean is well not that flat but i knew i could aid them a little bit however that night fate struck as a small ambush attacked my camp they lit my buildings on fire and they began coming after me i had no choice but to stand and fight i had no army yet i'd not created anything that could help me so at this point it was me against them i began running around getting some hits in but making sure not to face them too head-on but as i saw my building ablaze i ran towards it pillared on top and began reevaluating what i wanted to do eventually i jumped off and began taking down the remainder i knew that my next task had to be creating an army to begin guarding this compound the next day i began with the creation of my army i wanted to have some soldiers around that could guard the buildings and also guard in case of an attack i crafted them all shields and spears i didn't have enough resources to make them armor as of yet but i figured this would be better than nothing this way if an attack came they could help me fend it off or just be general guards against different night terrors that may come against this civilization i then gave them all patrol orders this would enable them to walk back and forth in different areas and make sure those areas are protected and patrolled 24 7. the next day i noticed that some of the raiders had left one of the horses behind i'm not quite sure how useful this would be since you can't exactly ride a horse into the middle of the ocean but i'd figure i would keep it around for now from there i decided to venture back down into the deeps i wanted to see what these mine shafts had to offer and to see what other loot i could gather i also wanted some more resources to begin outfitting my army i spent the next few days mining underground trying to collect some resources for my army and also trying to discover different books and different runes to see what else i could do inside of this world i knew if i was going to take on atlantis it had the strongest army of any empire that had ever existed and i would need another army of my own if i wanted to face it the next day when i came home i decided to go and investigate a shipwreck i had noticed pretty close to the base so i swam out and i tried to see if there was any loot on board but to my dismay there was nothing to gather so i came back to the base i then began working on my farms began breeding my animals so that have food for my army later and then began the expansion of my empire i knew if i wanted a giant city with an army to rival that of atlantis i was going to need to be able to build and build quickly so we'll establish off adventuring i wanted them to be able to work on the city while i was not there i began the next day by working on my own personal unit of soldiers i gave them a full bit of iron armor and an iron spear these would be the men that would accompany me on my journeys to visit other kingdoms and to take down small castles i continued to work on some of my broken armor pieces and i re-enchanted them so i have a full set of armor again i knew soon i'd have to venture down at the depths of hades and i wanted to be as prepared as possible close to the end of the day i ventured down into the mines and i began gathering some obsidian if i was going to head down into hades i was going to need to open up a portal to the underworld the next day i began the construction of the portal and then i ventured down inside as soon as i was in there i saw hell hounds and soulless creatures hovering above the ground i knew i had to be cautious i was here for one reason and one reason only blaze rods with that i could create potions and get underwater breathing so i could venture deeper into the depths of the ocean near the end of the day i met these ungodly like creatures that tried to kill me but i was able to fend them off the noises they're making still haunted i spent the next few days grinding out blaze rods with the hopes of creating a lot of underwater breathing potions i knew if i was going to find atlantis i was going to need to find atlas first whom atlantis was named after atlas held the key to be able to uncover the secrets of atlantis but to kill atlas i was going to need to fight him underwater and to do that i was going to need as many potions as i could gather the next day i spent most of the day brewing and preparing for my assault if i was going to go and strike down atlas i was going to need to be as powerful as i could be as the sun rose on the next day i began my adventure i dived into the sea and began my search for atlas's hold whilst adventuring i found another one of these underground civilizations i figured they would be friendly as well so i decided to go and investigate i noticed in the distance a temple-like structure this could be bad news because if they're worshiping the gods that means that they have a vengeance for me but i decided to go and investigate however upon getting closer i was immediately attacked by a small army i knew my only chance was to spawn my own personal guard so i spawned them in hoping that maybe we could take this army down but to my dismay they destroyed my guards and i had to retreat this mission was a failure upon arriving home i did some general maintenance and i bred my cows in pigs and then i set up a memorial to my fallen soldiers in the words of plato death does not concern us because as long as we exist death is not here and when it comes we no longer exist the next day i began preparations it was time to take down atlas i went and got my trident and then mounted my submarine and began my quest to find the temple of atlas i then arrived at atlas's temple upon arriving though there are many guards that were guarding my pathway to him but i was able to battle my way through everybody and there he was atlas the son of poseidon god of the sea you you cursed wretch how dare you take the life of my son a failure of a boy i grant you that but nonetheless my blood and under my protection you have to file me in my house and i will repay the same to you a hundred-fold poseidon was a fool to send erevis after you this job i will handle myself after slaying atlas i went into the treasure room and unlocked armor that i had never seen before this was atlantean armor with the master set for myself and other sets i could use to equip an elite squad to guard me and guard the kingdom i then arrived home on the night of day 58 i began equipping my elite force with this new armor that i'd found i knew my adventures upcoming were going to be perilous and i was going to need my fighting force with me over the next few days i traveled back to that kingdom that had killed my men and i extracted vengeance on it i killed every single hostile guard inside and sacked the city together we were unstoppable but now it was time to look towards more i had to begin dimension hunting once again if i wanted to find more elements to construct the ultimate weapon to take down poseidon when i got home the next day i continued working on my empire i placed down some more buildings harvested some of my crops and began strategizing on what kind of empire i wanted to build beneath the sea if we were going to withstand attacks from poseidon himself it was going to need to be heavily guarded and heavily monitored the next day i ventured back into the nether this was the only place i could craft the next runic portal as soon as i put the runes inside and put the core a new portal opened up but once i was inside i couldn't see anything in front of me so i decided to venture back into the overworld and to get some night vision potions i then traveled back into the nether hoping that this night vision would at least let me see somewhat inside of this new dimension however when i got back inside it didn't help much i could barely see my hand in front of my face but i knew i had to face the labyrinth inside of this dimension if i wanted the next piece to defeat poseidon so i pushed on whilst adventuring i began breaking blocks around me to see what they were called i thought these void logs looked really cool so i decided to collect them and possibly build something with them later and then i found it the start to the labyrinth whose end would either bring me death or riches eventually i found a building-like structure and i began investigating what was inside as i made my way up the staircase i didn't know what i was about to have to face but as i crossed the bridge these demon-like objects sucked the soul out of me they were trying to kill me but i was able to take them down i had never seen creatures like this before however i knew i had to push on and as i got to the end of the maze i found the reward i was looking for but there was a sign above it from death himself death awaits the mortal who claims these weapons beware so i went and claimed them i spent the next few days venturing back to my portal killing this gas that kept shooting at me every time i came into the nether and heading back into my home day 69 i began looking around to notice that the walls of my base had pushed out even more the sea was expanding from my town center the more deeds i did the larger of a kingdom i could construct i began looking around to see what had changed since i'd been gone many buildings were erected and now it was time we had to start building the army to face atlantis and slay the kraken i knew as my next task that the kraken would be essential to defeat poseidon as one of his drops would allow me to find atlantis so i began preparing i did a lot of base maintenance harvesting crops breeding and also some enchanting i added a sharpness 4 book onto my new void star which i had gotten from death and i began my adventure i knew if i wanted to find the kraken i had to stay near the depths of the ocean the next day i set out on my adventure in my small submarine eventually i wanted to build a giant ship that could traverse the waters but for now this sub was very functional for what i wanted it after a few days of searching i found him a kraken i got out of the sub and i began the battle it kept drawing me in and i couldn't figure out how to hit it at some points i thought it was even going to kill me as it came very close many times but i finally found its weak spot and i began attacking it and eventually i brought it down upon the kraken's death he dropped the items that i needed but i noticed a book on the ground that i hadn't seen before so i went down to grab it it was titled atlantis when i opened it up it just had two words he's coming i raced back to my city as fast as i could but in the distance i saw a blue flame this could only mean one thing poseidon was here as soon as i arrived back home in my territory i grabbed one of the enemies horses and began running around to kill them these were by far the hardest enemies i had ever fought in they had a blue texture to them like they lived at the bottom of the sea for eternity these must have been atlantean soldiers so i got my men together and i made our final stand however most of my guards were killed as they were outnumbered and out prepared for this battle i was not prepared for poseidon putting some of his wrath upon my village at this point but he didn't even have the audacity to show up himself this this meant war i would be coming for poseidon if i was able to survive this night but thankfully after outmaneuvering them and killing them all we survived the night as the next days went on i began by picking up all the swords and shields that have been dropped in battle and from there assessing the damage to see where i needed to start rebuilding first to protect the most vital points of the city before doing too much work i made sure to double the army than i had now i would have patrols of three this i would hope would give them a fighting chance should poseidon be back with another army i then began going around selecting my buildings in what order i wanted to be repaired i knew i needed my barracks repaired at all costs i wanted more unit patrolling and protecting the town from there i began working on my farms breeding all of my animals and doing some miscellaneous tasks i knew that breeding my animals would be essential because i would need to get a lot of leather if i was going to outfit my own army when it came time to venture down into atlantis i then began enchanting my gear as i knew the next task was going to be a daunting one rather than having a squad of four i decided to have a single bodyguard i'd give him the best armor that i used to wear and the best sword that i used to use and then possibly the two of us could begin taking on the terrors that would be unheld in the weeks to come i then ventured down into the mines i wanted to outfit my guards with everything that i could so i began adventuring in the depths mounting up all the ores that i could i knew i wouldn't be able to outfit my entire army in iron armor but if i could outfit my guards in iron armor then i could leave less of them behind and bring more of an army to go when i attack atlantis before venturing down into the depths of the ocean to search for the forgotten city i knew i was going to need one more element nether stars this would be a crucial element in the role that would be played to kill poseidon so i ventured back into the nether and began slaying weather skeletons as they would drop their skulls eventually with my looting three sword from there i could craft some withers defeat them hopefully and take their nether stars the next day i mainly spend killing withers i spawn them underneath the ground and i begin slaying them they almost actually killed me especially the second one these bosses grew stronger and stronger as i attacked them but thankfully my void star and my trident together were enough to take them down and i got the two nether stars i would need to craft the final item over the next few days i began gathering some resources and preparing for the final push this push to atlantis there'd be no coming back from it would be all or nothing so i wanted to make sure i was as ready as possible i began by gathering a bunch of resources this was essential because i was going to have to craft a ship to haul my army all the way to atlantis from there i began breeding my pigs and cows one last time before preparing them for the slaughter with the resources i gathered i began the construction of a giant submarine i thought that maybe the act of surprise might throw the atlanteans off we might be able to get to the core and reach poseidon so i thought a submarine was the best course of action for the attack the final few days i spent killing all the cows and the pigs to garnish the biggest army that i could and then i began outfitting them crafting shields beers and chest plates for every man who was willing to fight this was going to be a battle for the ages but it takes a very long time to place down all of these soldiers so it took quite some time i outfitted them all got them all prepared in a backpack and then ventured to the submarine on day 95 i assembled the submarine and it floated right to the surface it turns out it's too large of an object to be considered a submarine how stupid is that but it still worked as a boat so we began sailing our way towards atlantis with all the hints and clues i'd picked up during the game i had a pretty decent idea of where it was and on day 99 we reached the gates to atlantis i quickly placed down my army inside of the hallway right before the gates it was time for a final speech for the men men i am nobody to tell you what to do many of you i grew up with i share your blood and i share your fear here today but today we face down a tyrant that dares call himself a god stand your ground men their numbers count for nothing through the tunnel fight fight for everything you love men shields together spears up as i approached the gate ready to battering ram it down with the men it opened mysteriously atlantans were armed head to toe in a straight line it's like it was some sort of ceremony i gave the word for my men to hold back and i began to wander inside this was not a war poseidon wanted he wanted a duel mortal the god killer you think yourself are equal but you are nothing but a grain of sand beneath my feet am i current in the sea of life i have seen many arrogant fools like you across the millennia they have common past their stories forgotten and you will be no different but i transcend all that came before you and all that will come after you will pay for what you've done to my family and i will wipe your name from all memory i will destroy everything you've ever touched everything you know everything that knows you and when i'm done there will be nothing left which are bloodied corpse apart [Music] as i was plunged into the darkness i began to wonder was there even a city through this portal as i got closer to the bottom i saw these amazing fish swimming around and what seemed like a void there was there was nothing it was in some accounts beautiful but i could only stop but think if this wasn't the portal to the city what was this portal too [Music] you
Channel: Mud Flaps
Views: 869,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in modded minecraft, Surviving 100 days in minecraft, I Spent 100 Days in Modded Minecraft, 100 Days in Minecraft Modded, 100 days in atlantis, minecraft 100 days, hardcore minecraft survival, i survived modded hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, 100 days modded minecraft, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, ancient rome, i surived 100 days in ancient greece, ancient gods minecraft, lukethenotable 100 days
Id: bq8nrZ8IPsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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