I Survived 100 DAYS as CARNAGE in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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on day one a strange red monster was attacking my neighborhood fires were everywhere and people were being slaughtered left and right Mom Dad where are you this is dead ladies and gentlemen do you know what that means it's time for a new host and I'll be selecting one of you to do the honors after a lot of running I made it home mom son this is all our fault all of it oh wait Dad I ran outside looking for my dad it wasn't long before I found him captured by the red monster look Carnage no one wants to be your host Cletus was your perfect match anyone else would just fight the evil attached to them it doesn't matter they don't have a choice just then Carnage spotted me and I think I just found the perfect candy no not my son Carnage inserted slowly walking towards me son listen to me you can overpower him stay strong and find my laboratory and hold secrets to kill him shut up oh it's time for our little partnership to begin Carnage and attached on to me and I passed out on day two I woke up as Carnage I felt an immense power wash over me and an intense desire to take over the world God looks like my little takeover is working I didn't waste any time and got straight back to destroying the neighborhood as Carnage I had demonic tentacle Powers this is incredible I went around the entire neighborhood King villager after villager no one can stop me so that's where you're wrong Carnage it's lousy criminals like you that make this job so fun sorry pal but I can't let this go unpunished blah blah blah let's Tango Webhead with that Spider-Man and I charged at each other he was an impressive fighter using his webs and acrobatics to his Advantage I was impressive too though using my tentacles to chip down itself Spider-Man was skilled in brawling up close and used his fist to hit me down he even tried to stop me in my tracks with his powerful weap shooting abilities but I was determined to win I slashed and slashed with my tendrils and while Spider-Man was able to evade some of them he couldn't evade the entire Onslaught gradually the hero began to submit more and more to my overwhelming power after duking it out for a long time I successfully brought Spider-Man down how can this be I'm I'm Spider-Man and I'm wait who am I we are Carnage oh yeah I am Carnage who you are doesn't matter you won't get away with this Iron Man Thor Ant-Man Doctor Strange Venom and many more are gonna find you I'm gonna find and kill them one by one you're insane no I am Carnegie no I am Carnage after killing Spider-Man I gained five hearts and his web shooters allowing me to shoot webs and swing onto walls sweet I also gained Spider-Man's acrobatics allowing me to backflip then it's settled I will kill each of Spider-Man's friends and gain their powers but first i'm gonna find some food I went out to a nearby Field killing some sheep and eating some raw meat this caused me to be inflicted with hunger don't feel so hot the hunger than caused the Symbiote to hide away revealing my true self again what the what happened my parents I have to find my parents laboratory and stop that Carnage monster no you don't you have to find the superheroes and kill them then we'll get all of their powers what I would never get out of my head you're lucky that meat nauseated me the bond has just begun more and more and will take over your body until we meet again after a while the boys went away so I decided it was best I make some shelter I started by punching some trees and then mining cobblestone with my new wood tools after that I got started on a small Hut it wasn't much but it would have to do for tonight once it was finished I made myself a bet not too bad after that I made a furnace cooking the remainder of my mutton everything is horrible but at least this is kind of peaceful we know you're in there Carnage come out or we shoot huh I was suddenly overwhelmed by a SWAT team with weapons pointed in my direction oh man how am I supposed to get out of this one you're under arrest for the Midas of East Village and Spider-Man it wasn't me I swear I would never do that Carnage was controlling me that's it melt with the intent to kill the SWAT team began to fire a flurry of bullets at my base not a beer I quickly made an opening and ran for my life he went out the back after him I frantically ran as fast as I could the police were close on my tail ready to strike what do I do what do I do just then a creepy voice in my head began speaking I know what to do not you again I thought you were gone gonna be a lot harder to get rid of me let me take control sure whatever it takes to help me survive perfect we are Carnage with Carnage and total control I turned around and ran directly at the SWAT members there he is fire with Spider-Man's abilities now in our arsenal we use it to swiftly avoid the onslaught of bullets coming at us keep fire and Men with Carnage I was unbelievably strong making quick work of all the enemies who stood in our way with this incredible power I was now able to take down the entire SWAT team with the mentees let's grow more powerful must find another superhero to kill hey pal you had your fun let me have control back fine just then Ant-Man appeared in groomed with giant before her very eyes stop right there red dude you're not getting away that easy psych help me fight this guy first hmm looks like my lucky day Carnage charged towards Ant-Man with Killer Instincts with the intent to take his powers for ourselves he didn't make it easy though growing bigger and smaller whenever he plays Ant-Man bombarded us with Quantum bombs wounding us and cratering the surrounding environment between growing and drinking Ant-Man was able to not only evade our attacks but land hits too thankfully we were stronger than we seemed we had Spider-Man's Powers at our disposal we slowed down Ant-Man with our webs and used our acrobatics to evade his attacks the fight was tough but in the end the Carnage managed to bring Ant-Man to his knees okay Carnage we had our fun maybe we just let him go those Powers will be perfect for our arsenal we can't let him go but first tell me where Doctor Strange is I would never I'm not gonna betray my friends you tell me or you die Carnage oof man you drive a hard bargain all right he's laying low in another dimension but you can only get there through the sanctum Santorum this map should lead you there he then tossed a map to Doctor Strange's location perfect any last words but you said weird choice of last words without any remorse Carnage forced me to slay Ant-Man and absorb his powers giving us five more Hearts the ability to change signs and ant-man's Quantum bombs good okay okay enough Carnage at least give me partial control of my body fine Carnage relinquished partial control and we went on our way we've all damaged maps to fight and destroy the next superhero on Carnage's list doctor strange after much travel we finally arrived at a somewhat normal looking building so this is where the doctor lives how cute I agree I like the design I infiltrated the building to discover a room full of different Treasures whoa this place is awesome what a load of junk where are you strange upon searching the area I found an object that reminded me of something what's this [Music] what's that the meteor houses a symbiote please contain it within your lab that gets loose it could be catastrophic of course thank you both shame we have to lock up something with so much potential wait Dr Strange worked with my parents suddenly a man emerged from behind us you are not supposed to be here leave it once Dr Strange I presume no the name's Wong sorcerer Supreme State your business tell me where strangers or die hmm that sounds like his usual business sadly I can't give you that information Stand Down Beast not until I have strange for myself Carnage lunges the Sorcerer And we began to battle Huang summoned a mystical blade embedded with powerful magic he was a surprisingly skilled swordsman and engaged us with swift attacks but that wasn't all Wong had up his sleeve he conjured portals out of thin air and sent an onslaught of Blaze at us he was a tough vote to overcome but with all the powers we had so far we managed to chip him down hit by hand eventually We Shrunk down out of his sight allowing us to sneak up and feel the finishing blow upon the sorcerer's death he dropped a sling ring that would help us travel to different dimensions and his magical calibrant sword but you're not strange I'll be there soon on days 17 through 19 I traveled into a new dimension but Doctor Strange was nowhere to be found like I'll just have to lure him out Carnage and I began to rec Mayhem on the dimension hoping all of our noise and Chaos would catch his attention come on out strange plan worked and Doctor Strange appeared before us I can't tell you that I was expecting to take out an Intergalactic red slug today but here we are our Rampage has only just begun using the powers we got from Ant-Man Carnage grew 10 times his size you murdered Ant-Man you will not make it out of here alive Doctor Strange casted magic unlike anything we had faced thus far he conjured numerous portals that fired earth-melting lasers at us too many hits from those would deal massive damage we had to be careful in combination with his sorcery strange had the ability to fly he soared through the air and fired attack after attack with every intention to end us now unfortunately for him Carnage and I had consumed the powers of three Heroes already thanks to the culmination of our incredible abilities we were able to stand a chance against him with a combination of Spider-Man and ant-man's abilities we grew large one final time and dealt a grave blow onto Doctor Strange I I need to run strange quickly conjured a portal and fled into another dimension come back here we pursued Dr strains through the portal and found him kneeling down on his last legs it's finally time for my prize surprise strange conjured a powerful laser and blasted it directly at us the attack caused Carnage to retreat back into my body allowing me to regain control temporarily I thought I'd recognized you Max your Carnage's host how do you know me you knew your parents your research was going to change the world but they made a grave error he's making me do things the worst part is I feel some of the evil he feels but I don't want to where can I find my parents laboratory Tony Stark might be able to help but there's no time if symbiote has already manipulated you too far I Must Destroy you just then Dr interest rates began to shoot his magical attacks at me I tried my best to evade but in my normal State I was too vulnerable I thought I was done for but Carnage took over at the last moment saving me from the onslaught sorry must have fallen asleep he caught strange off guard and landed the finishing blow granting us Doctor Strange's staff and five more hearts three more to go but until the end to see what Heroes we fight and what powers we gain next on days 24-27 Carnage and I began to seek out our next victim I can't wait to rip Iron Man out of his suit and consume him Tony knew something about my parents so he could help track down their lab the problem was I had to keep it a secret from Carnage otherwise I would be dead meat we arrived at Stark Industries it was an absolutely Immaculate building in the middle of the city to our surprise though the place was completely abandoned boy already nowhere better we jumped from where we were standing and began the battle Bennett might have looked small but he was unmatched in strength he was able to transform his hand into a blade as well as a hammer that would inflict poison damage onto us we used all the powers we had but it seemed like nothing was enough to do the symbiotein even stomping down in our giant form didn't stop Venom's draft the battle between symbiotes was fierce but Venom was too powerful Carnage was weakened enough to return control of my body to me I just want my body back well in that case we should form an alliance lie nothing or two about so you can get rid of Carnage no no but I can help you reclaim your mind we will be in touch Venom left away and I felt hopeful for the first time in a while I'm finally in control again I better make the most of it just then I spotted an item in the distance it was a piece of Carnage this must have fallen off during the fight this will definitely come in handy I returned home and continued to expand my base I needed to have a spot to hide away from the city to keep people safe while I was at it I used my Carnage pickaxe to gather up some iron as well as some Cobblestone and coal once I got back I began to build a miniature lap in honor of my parents I finished my expansion just as Carnage came too where did Venom go he kicked your butt that's humiliating I'll hunt him down on days 28-30 Carnage and I were looking for Venom to seek his revenge where is that pipsqueak yeah about that maybe we could take a break fighting all these here Rose is exhausting I could say the same thing about fighting villains who are you oh me I'm just the most accurate Archer this world has ever seen I'm hot guy what's so funny this guy is a joke he doesn't have powers he just shoots a bow and arrow come on man not you too you know what let me prove to you how powerful I am and we'll see who's laughing stop please stop after a lot of punching Carnage and I took down Hawkeye but we didn't gain any powers I guess you were right Carnage that guy was lame [Laughter] on days 31-33 during our search for the next superhero to kill we spotted a destroyed neighborhood what happened here it was the work I did before we merged together isn't it beautiful that's messed up dude you humans are just too fun to watch squirm what you know what I'm sick of this get out of my head you're a foolish host you can't separate from me now our minds are one no I can't help you murder any longer I'm taking control I charge blindly at Carnage and began to battle with it but I was completely defenseless the only thing in my mind I had to help me were my fists I struggled for as long as I could but its power was too great for me to overcome silly boy I am the master of this domain karnan took full control over my body but before he could get comfortable lightning struck nearby you must be the red threat killing my friends yes yes Another Hero is I won't go down that easy in that moment the two Mighty Warriors clashed Carnage used everything in our Arsenal to try and take out the God but he was unlike anything we had faced thus far Thor was able to use the power of his hammer to summon lightning from above hitting us whenever we least expected it on of this he was extremely mobile using yolnir to give him the power of light although we were incredibly powerful at this point it was hard to use those powers to chip down his health he continued to fly and use his hammer hurting us more and more despite all of our efforts Thor was too powerful to defeat he levitated upwards and began to prepare the finishing blow no I never lose the Madden tights must have a weakness we're gonna die use the sling ring don't tell me what to do we use the sling ring to teleport to a safe area and narrowly escape with our lives well I didn't see that one coming the hunt continued on days 38-41 Carnage and I arrived at the end I lost your Venom and now Thor they're going to die stop being so reckless you're putting my life on the line too suddenly the Scarlet Witch approached us hello Travelers you seem lost I could tell you your fortune to give you guidance actually a little guidance would be appreciated right now I can sense there's two of you sharing one body let me start with you and the glasses what are your thoughts it's extremely hostile but it also exhibits so much power imagine the possibilities if we could harness it my thoughts exactly wait are you Tony Stark the one and only how about we discuss a collaboration Tony made a deal with my parents if anyone knows where the lab is he would oh me next your future looks like it's one full of death the answers to your problems lie in the hands of the Goddess Mischief Loki but that guy is behind bars time for a Jailbreak on days 42-44 Carnage and I arrived at the raft prison to speak with Loki all right Max you'll take over from here they wouldn't let someone like me infiltrate in prison Carnage then relinquished control of my body this is wrong on so many levels I'm leaving I started to walk away but Carnage took control of my legs and turned me around no you're going inside I marched to the door against my will and was confronted with a guard uh I'm here to visit Loki sure I like your pants by the way uh thanks they're Gucci ah so you want to take out my brother do you but I'd love to help but not without you doing something for me first and what's that I need you to break me I can't do that we can do Carnage took over my body and the Candace smashed through all the glass like nothing causing all the guards to Barrel in the alarms went off and bullets flew but we took them like nothing wave after wave of guards ran through the door but we were able to defeat them all with these well looks like we have ourselves an alliance on days 45 through 47 we return to the base and I got to work on a room for Loki to stay in okay well not bad that's what I thought what do you say we do some training hm it was time to do some training Loki showed off some of his powers teleporting around the field and using his mind to control blocks he used his powers against us and I could tell he was a tough adversary even with the might of so many superheroes Loki's abilities had us winded eventually night fell and Carnage was pooped phew I'm going to bed Garnet took a nap giving me full control over my body I'm pretty tired too suddenly Venom reappeared [Music] [Music] I was traveling through the bog of my mind slicing at mobs as I went suddenly I came across Carnage who was sleeping like a baby I snuck around and continued my training before Venom left he gave me a clue that would help me lead to Iron Man so I put it somewhere Carnage wouldn't find it after that was finished Carnage woke up all right time to hunt down Thor on days 48-50 we made it to a snowy landscape to fight the God of Thunder himself he knows we're here prepare yourselves as if On Cue lightning struck and Thor descended from the sky recruiting my delinquent brother won't bring you any closer to Victory red one I think you'll be surprised pretty boy with that Loki teleported away and Carnage and I jumped into battle with Thor I felt the mighty power of His blows again and I wasn't confident we actually could win this fight we switched between all of our different powers combining them into new combos I hadn't tried than our previous battle thanks to our bigger Arsenal I had even more powers to overwhelm him this time around but even so Thor's immense strength was overwhelming Loki hurry on my command Loki appeared behind Thor and used his teleportation to disorient them while he was confused we shot a massive Beam at him Landing the killing blow yes we absorbed his Godlike Powers getting more hearts and making us even more powerful we did it now Asgard would be mined for the taking you mean mine Carnage took full control and killed Loki with Thor's hammer taking his hearts and power too what the heck dude have the power of two guys on days 51-53 things were getting bad quick I needed to find a way to expel Carnage from my body and soon I decided to investigate that clue I got from Venom okay let's see Carnage then came out to see what I was doing what's that uh grocery list boring give me those dinosaur nuggets I like phew I followed the clue to a mysterious Landing Pad huh looks like an aircraft was supposed to be here suddenly a group of Starbucks came out and started attacking Defender Tony beep boop I would have gotten Garnet to help but I didn't want him to find out my secret I tried my best to fend them off with just my Carnage hand but there were just too many for me to handle without the evil Carnage I was pretty weak you guys are lucky my red guy isn't here once I was far enough away I found a spot to collect my thoughts huh that Landing Pad must be included Tony I better keep my eyes on the skies on days 54-56 I explored the city rooftops for a better vantage point to spot Tony's aircraft during my travels I found tons of various buildings but none of them were Tony's dang Charlene has to be somewhere around here I kept exploring not losing sight of Hope after a while though it was difficult to keep my spirits up head up kid huh who are you I'll let you take a guess Excelsior old man Jenkins no I'm Stan Lee the creator of such characters like Spider-Man Thor doctor strange and many many more I quickly realized I was talking to a comic book Legend and also I had killed most of his Heroes oh yeah those guys are great hey have you seen Iron Man's aircraft around here by chance that massive thing I can't say I have it's hard to find because of its cloaking technology cloaky technology ugh that I'm never gonna find this thing you're lacking inspiration kid follow me I've got something to show you I did what Stanley asked and he guided me to his very own comic book shop you see all these Comics yeah there's so many this year's years and years of hard work was it tough at times yes but did I give up no way I don't understand she's kid you're not getting what I'm putting down are you uh you really like Comics look I don't know why you need to find Tony but the most important thing you can do is persevere even when the task seems impossible yeah you're right it might seem impossible to find Tony but if I keep at it I'll find him in no in no time that I also need to figure out how to get this Carnage parasite out of my head excuse me oh nothing I didn't think the wise old man and left with my head held high I made it back home just in time for garnish to wake up from his nap ah sorry they were all out what why don't I make it up to you let's go get some chimichangas okay we arrived at the chimichanga stand but there was no one working oh man I'm really hungry Happy Taco Tuesday you're our 100th customer wow what do I get a sword in your head I just wanted a chimichanga Deadpool lunch at us dual wielding his two katana swords he was a surprisingly skilled swordsman despite his goofy personality he would slash at us with swift movements which we tried to evade we had to use everything we had to try and take him down thanks to Loki's telepathic abilities we were able to throw pieces of the road at him from afar and even teleport to a higher vantage point to strike down lightning from above after a while Deadpool switched to his gun and fired at me we had a battle of range but neither side was giving in make sure to get my good side camera guy we fun fought but eventually it started to seem hopeless the guy just couldn't die luckily after a while he got tired and stopped oh that was a lot of fun I'll let you go now what was the point of that hey we gotta have the obligatory filler fight scene and hey viewer if you're still watching how about you subscribe Max and the team would really appreciate it again what onward to bronzo's channel next with that he backflipped away into the sunset well that served this was terrible after our weird encounter with Deadpool we headed back to the base once we arrived we noticed a letter waiting for us we humbly invite the current wielder of mjolnir to the Tournament of Champions battle it out with the strongest Heroes to show your might sign me up Carnage quickly took over control and headed towards the tournament upon arriving at the location a wide audience cheered as we entered the arena wow this is incredible I have stage fright don't worry you stay in our head and I'll be the star our Challenger has arrived let the tournament begin we battled foe after foe but no matter what none could defeat us we took down contestant after contestant until there was no one left to face us where's the main course suddenly the ground trembled and the Hulk entered the stage without hesitation the Hulk furiously charged towards me and we began the final battle his name wasn't just for show he was massive in size and muscle making each of his attacks incredibly strong the Hulk charged us and slammed his fist with everything he had but we weren't gonna give in that easily using our webs we slowed the hero down and threw a number of blocks at him with Loki's Powers I even grew large with ant-man's abilities to match his massive size I could tell he was getting weaker so I took my shot and bombarded him with webs bringing him down once and for all after a tough fight we gained the Hulk powers and transformed into a hulking Powerhouse who's the next hero I'll get to smatter after winning the Tournament of Champions we returned home to expand the base demand a statue in my honor for defeating the Hulk not something to be proud of but I guess you earned it we got started on making a sheep hand to house sheep to collect some wool to please Carnage we began by building him a statue of himself using lots of red and black wool we made something that would resemble his head my finest work yet that looks nothing like me after attending the Carnage's needs I began expanding to account for our added size I think this looks pretty good it's finally time to relax honey I'm home just in time dinner's ready babe wait why am I the one in address that's because I'm the main controller of this body no way you're nothing without me you parasite without me you're not good at anything you're so mean this is why I can't tell you things you're keeping secrets from me um no what are you hiding you little worm you know how powerful I am I could snuff you out in an instant Carnage it's nothing I swear if something was going on I tell you [Applause] what how did you two get into my house get out of here [Music] that's much better it is Wanda's home whoa that was weird hey I'm on to you bub I'll find your little secret I needed to find Iron Man quickly before Carnage realized I was hiding something on days 68 through 70 we continue to look for Iron Man looking to the sky for more starkbots time for some rest and relaxation Maxi boy look for more Heroes during my cat nap Carnage went away giving me control and a chance to keep looking for the lab after some traveling I saw something falling from the sky what the it hit me on the head causing me to pass out concept progress nicely I see yes Mr Stark thanks to our partnership we'll be able to use the power of this creature for good wow where Tony and my parents able to capture the Symbiote again I look down realizing that the thing that hit me on the head was a book will be skybound again like always starting to like the view of the clouds Tony I'm getting close but I better continue later before Carnage catches on on days 71-74 I returned back to the base when Carnage woke back up uh nope sorry you're useless I'm taking over and we're going for Wolverine next suddenly we heard footsteps behind us Carnage turned around revealing Rogue if you want Wolverine then you'll have to go through me who are you I'm Rogue one of the X-Men who the X-Men were an elite band of mutants who fight against scum like you oh she's in a band cool good for you for you I can't let you do that watch me we charted her with intent to kill but she used her power and turned us into a tiny symbiote good luck taking powers like that come back here on days 75-77 I was a helpless little blob and I had to figure out how to get back to normal let's go find rogue okay good idea we were searching for her for a while when I had an idea I know what to do we can set a trap for her we found a spot and started digging the deepest hole we could now we need bait Carnage put down a sign titled Comic-Con ahead and we ducked into a hiding spot to wait Comic-Con nobody would fall for that she's coming just then Rogue noticed the sign Comic Con already yeah yeah she ran forward falling to the Trap and to her demise upon her death we returned to our empowered State she also dropped the map titled Wolverine now that's more like it on days 78-81 we followed the lead to find wolverine look man I think you've killed enough Heroes not until every last one is dead besides I don't take orders from you we continued following the map until arriving at its destination from me Wolverine I'm gonna find you not if I find you first he snuck up on us he got a few hits on us but then we sprung into action Wolverine used his unbreakable claws to slash away at us with great speed he was able to Dash and avoid our attacks and seem to best us up close even with our whole strength thankfully Egypt we did land would deal massive damage Carnage smash we duked it out neither side moving an inch but there was one big problem Wolverine was crazy strong and every time we hit him he started regenerating immediately time to kill the unkillable we whip down every Power in our Arsenal and obliterated him from the face of the Earth I did it I killed Wolverine we absorbed Wolverine's Powers gaining his claws I am a god with Carnage growing so powerful I was really starting to worry about the fate of the world ah oh boy on days 82-84 we returned back to the base when Carnage noticed something was off about it this place is boring it means get started by sharing some sheep for more wool we then added all of the colored wool all around the base to give it that Carnage Flair afterwards I gave the base my own touch-ups to make it that much better huh it might still be missing something tentacles it wasn't what I had in mind but Carnage had a strong hold on me at the moment we used all the remaining red wool to create the giant tentacles Carnage had requested once complete the base expansion was finally finished I like it we did good Max glad we can finally agree on something well all this building has made me tired I'm taking a nap but when I wake up we're hunting down Venom Carnage then went to sleep and gave me back full control I knew with his new Strength Venom wouldn't stand a chance against him I gotta find Tony before it's too late I begin wandering around making sure to keep my head up to better search for this mystery aircraft all I managed to find was a crick in my neck after a lot of searching I didn't find much of anything until something massive came into my view whoa that must be it must be what nothing Carnage quickly spotted what I found and realized what was happening wait what's that heading straight for us another superhero flew from the ship and down towards us as a precautions Corner transformed us back into our large form that's Captain Marvel are you trying to get us killed hey stop right there without warning she flew in and attacked us with her immense strength we had no choice but to defend ourselves Captain Marvel could not only fly but she could Empower herself to move in lightning speeds she ran into us like a truck powering up her attacks to deal massive damage whenever she sent me flying into the air I avoided ball damage by teleporting back to the ground we tried to slow her down with our webs and land powerful attacks with our fists when she got too close this went on for a while and we're both beginning to tire out on the verge of death we managed to barely take her down and gain five hearts and the ability to super jump with his new power we have the ability to jump into the Airship but first I need to take care of you Max on days 89-91 Carnage was angry with me I can't believe you you lying snifferent piece of garbage look man we can talk about this what is there a talk about you betrayed me what makes you say that you are going to talk to Tony Stark what other reasons could you have I uh had a question about computers yeah gotta pay for lying to me and going behind my back what are you gonna do you can't hurt me if I die you go back to being a weak lonely parasite that isn't true if I if I your mind how are you forever we'll see about that I've been training to defend myself from you it won't be enough he lunged me and I desperately tried to defend myself Carnage released a flurry of attacks at me using Wolverine's powerful claws thankfully this time I'd have played my own defend them off I tried to block his attacks as well as evade with Dodge rolls but I was still only a human against an alien monster my training with Venom definitely made me more resistant to his strength but despite it all my mind was too weak his psychic powers were too overwhelming eventually he beat me down and I fully lost control of my body yeah now I will step at nothing until Tony Stark is dead I'll never let you get to that lab on days 92-94 Carnage had full control over my body and he used our new jumping powers to fly up to the Airship when we arrived Tony was there waiting for us on the bridge with you Iron Man it started unloading on him with every Power in our Arsenal Iron Man was able to fly and raid a storm of bullets onto us with a variety of weapons unfortunately for him we had grown in strength beyond anything he had faced before we fired a laser that melted through the ship like butter and struck it in with everything we had his armor kept him safe for most of our attacks but it was quickly dwindling in strength Iron Man did his best to obey this in the sky but even that wasn't enough to end the onslaught our Godlike abilities were too much for Iron Man and he fell to the ground defeated max if you were there the lab is just east of your old neighborhood wow wow yes thank you Mr Stark Carnage killed him in a rage and gained five hearts in the process on days 95-98 Carnage was tired from the fight and I regained some control over my body he would have to rest after using his power so much which would be the perfect opportunity for me to take action oh boy oh okay no funny business of course not no funny business you really put me in my place with that last fight good the moment he was out I regained full control and made a beeline for the lap when I got there I found the testing room my parents were in whoa here it is stop right there monster you can't stop me I'm free now and it's time to find a suitable host what do we do don't worry if he does find a host I have the Cure hidden underneath our house that's why my mom was at home she was trying to grab the Cure I ran back to my old neighborhood after some digging sure enough The Cure was waiting for me underground I went to grab it but suddenly my arms turn red I said no funny business under find this worthless Joy before Carnage could dispose of the potion Venom broke through the wall on day 99 Venom and Carnage were in their final forms talking it out look who decided to show their ugly face I see you got an upgrade as well release your host why would I do that when I'm only getting started I tried to resist Carnage but he was too powerful to stop we charged a Venom with all of our might he bought us off with a smash attack and Carnage started striking him with lightning despite all the powers we had gained along the way Venom wasn't giving in he had grown in Strength 2 since their last battle so much so that we felt like this was the end give it up Carnage If Venom is more powerful than you you'll never win [Music] just then Carnage used Loki teleportation abilities to teleport behind Venom and land a lethal flow the other symbiote fell to the ground in critical condition and the most powerful creature alive Venom died breaking something deep in deep end was angry Carnage why are you so mad Maxie look at how strong we've become I never wanted any of this murdering Heroes is no way to gain strength that's why I've been the one in charge you're too weak you're not the only one who's gotten stronger over these 100 days I've gained strength in ways you could only dream of yeah right do you know why Cletus and I work so well together because you were both Total Psychopaths sure yeah but also because he was strong both mentally and physically I struggled to keep him in line with you it's been a piece of cake I'm strong too I'm warning you Carnage I could hurt you if I wanted then show me I'd charge it at Carnage with all of the strength I had it was time to take my body back no matter what it costs Carnage now had new Venom Powers giving him a range advantage over me he sank into the shadows and launched attacks from afar but luckily I was able to evade most of them whenever we got up close we clashed weapon to weapon he was still incredibly strong but I was more determined now than ever to win my mental strength gave me a boost and allowed me to push through each thing cartons through at me I counter-attacked with heavy blows my own and began to get the upper hand I honed in everything venomen taught me and struck down Carnage allowing me to regain control I better make the most of this opportunity I pulled out the Cure as fast as I could you'll never get rid of me watch me I threw down the Cure weakening garnish and separating them from my body I landed the finishing blow killing Carnage and freeing the world from his Onslaught I did it
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 2,344,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pr90brCiZWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 13sec (2473 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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