I Survived 100 Days as DRILL ASSASSIN in Minecraft!

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what if I told you there was an organization even more secret than the alliance their leader is the drill assassin a drillman that is trained to be faster stronger and 100 times cooler than a regular drillman now for the next 100 days I'll be surviving as the drill assassin in Minecraft using my incredible gadgets to take down skiy toilets and growing into bigger forms until I reach the ranks of a Titan will I be able to assassinate the royal flush you'll have to watch until the end to find out on day one I spawned within a massive Castle as a drillman inside of a cage I was watching in horror as my drillman allies were being executed one by one the one giving the order was none other than the royal flush this is what you alliance members get we're going against the skib toilet Army the skidy guards let me out of my cage and put me next on The Chopping Block just as I thought I was done for a drill assassin dropped into the area leave my people alone Royal minions flooded the area to defeat the drill assassin but armed with his variety of weapons he began to take out guard after guard with his awesome abilities when we least expected it he ran in for their Royal leader oh no you don't to my horror the King was prepared and used his four royal blades to slice down the Assassin no you you must fill my shoes without a living drill assassin the alliance is doomed the Assassin succumbed to his wounds and a strange glowing orb fell out of his body what the suddenly the orb started hovering and flew directly into me causing me to transform into a drill assassin I had five more hearts and new powers Gods get that drill man I had to think as I ran from my life to escape the army of skibbies on day two I was Escaping The Royal flushes Castle while being chased by skibidi toilet guards after a bit of running I soon found myself cornered at the edge of a broken bridge the Gap is too big there's no way I'm going to make it across you are an assassin right do assassin things jump who said that I looked around but nobody was there all I could see were the skiy toilet guards closing in just I was out of options so I listened to the demands of the voice and jumped over the Gap to my surprise I was much lighter on my feet than before thanks to my new abilities I made it across the chasm wao I didn't know I could do that up until about 1 minute ago you couldn't but that's just one of the many Powers an assassin has who are you how are you in my head I'm Dia think of me as your personal AI companion and you may recall the strange glowing orb that you absorbed earlier is that how you got in my head I'm guessing that's how I got these assassin Powers too H you catch on fast I continued through the castle and was about to escape until a huge skiety Knight dropped down in front of me nobody escapes the royal flush I have more questions dear but they'll have to wait wait the warrior swung his weapon down onto me on day three I was about to get sliced until my assassin Powers activated allowing me to dodge his attack with great speed I was able to run circles around the night dodging multiple slashes wa I'm fast unsure if I could win this battle I ran as fast as I could from the skibbidy Knight get back here I ran to another part of the castle and slid into cover hiding away as the Knight stomped by in search of me I need to find the alliance they'll get us out of this Alliance you should be seeking the ancient assassin order I'll take it from here move three Paces to your left and drill straight down that's very specific are you sure would you rather stay here and get to know that night better good point not wanting to get caught by the skiy Knight I moved to where Dia specified and began to drill straight down I dug down several meters when suddenly the ground beneath me gave away causing me to fall into a new area I quickly reached the B botom and found myself in an ancient underground city full of assassin residents a mix of cameramen speaker Men TV men and clockman all live together in the Hidden City wo what is this place just then an assassin clock woman stepped in front of me we've been waiting for you welcome to the city of the ancient assassin order before I could speak the ground began to tremble violently and eventually came to a stop what was that there isn't much time come with me on days four 4 through 7 the clock woman led me to an abandoned area above the city where ancient statues were standing High listen closely Max the alliance has operated on the front of the skib war for years but hidden in the shadows are the six ancient assassin orders we specialize in taking out High Level skib Threats for the longest time we were able to do this in secret the skibby toilets have gotten word of our organization and are hunting us down without the abilities of the final drill assassin the royal flush will kill us all you must visit the of all six assassin orders and learn the ways of the drill assassin to defeat the royal flush if I'm your last hope I won't let you down once again the ground began to shake but this time it was more violent helicopter skib swarmed overhead dropping a barrage of explosives no they found us hurry and find the first assassin order before it's too late the clock woman handed me a map and I ran away while I still had the chance on days 8 through 10 I was making my way towards the location on the map so Dia why exactly did that orb come out of the drillman Assassin when he died well before I was in your head I was in his seriously how'd that happen that's not really a story I have the words to tell right now before long I arrived at the location on the map it was a massive Mountainside town but there didn't seem to be anyone around it was quiet too quiet detecting movement Max behind you when I least expected it a highly skilled clockman assassin Ambush me from out of nowhere Intruder the Assassin attacked and was faster and more skilled than an average clockman I tried to fight back with all of the Assassin skills I had but I didn't want to hurt my own allies please I'm on your side it's over for you nighty night drill Mets suddenly a Time Power Burst onto him time had been stopped and the Assassin clockman was frozen in place enough a large assassin clockman stepped forward before for us please the clock woman sent me I'm the next drill assassin and I need to get stronger did you say drill assassin very well then your trial will begin now let's do it on days 11 through 14 the large clockman took me to my trial however we were shocked to see the area was overrun with skiy toilets they aren't supposed to be here looks like they're discovered our base too what are we going to do your trial is to reach the center of this area and wake the Titan clockman from his Slumber he will help us defeat the toilets I started my mission and began to stealth my way through the area I had to avoid being seen if I wanted a chance to save the Titan I moved from cover to cover staying hidden from the toilets as Dia assisted by pointing out their positions to me on your left Max thanks Dia eventually I made it to the area holding the sleeping Titan unfortunately it was being watched by a large skibby guard I'm going to have to be extra quiet stay sharp I can't read your surroundings as well right now I managed to use my throwing daggers to swiftly kill them unfortunately I didn't notice a second toilet was still in the area Intruder my cover had been blown and the surrounding toilets charged at me quick evasive maneuvers right on days 15 through 17 I was being attacked by a horde of skib toilets I used my drill assassin powers to fight off as many as I could but there were too many just as I thought I was done for the large clockman arrived to intervene I've got your back with the large clockman by my side we continue to fight off the overwhelming number of skibbies flooding towards us we can't hold them off forever let's move we both ran towards where the Assassins orders Titan clockman was in sleep mode there he is so all we have to do is wake him up yes quickly now before the skies get to him suddenly the Titan clockman a W good work Max uh I didn't do anything surprise your little Titan is ours now the Titan launched an attack sending us backwards revealing that the hacker skib had gotone to him first no we're too late I'm assuming this isn't part of the trial of course not the Titan clockman charged towards us but the large clockman tried to freeze him in place unfortunately his time Powers had no effect on him and was then hit by the Titan clock gun attack leaving him badly wounded good luck crush them my puppet the hacker skib flew off leaving us with the Mind Control Titan you have a new trial save the Titan I then turned to face him as the Titan clockman ran forward and attacked me on days 18 through 21 I was fighting the Titan clockman in an attempt to free him from the hacker giy toilets mine control the Assassin Titan clockman was much stronger than a regular Titan I knew I would have to think smart if I wanted to win the Titan used his clock gun attacks on me and I retaliated with my Sonic drill beams but it was becoming clear that I wasn't strong enough you need to find a way to save him don't fail now I won't no matter what during the fight I spotted multiple radio towers surrounding the area each one was giving off signals towards the Titan clockman that must be what's control kill him I need to destroy them using my assassin speed I quickly ran to each Tower and used my drills to crumble them all to the ground once the last Tower fell the Titan clockman snapped out of his trance I think that did it it worked did I oversleep again Titan sir this is Max he freed you from the Ski's mind control he's training to be the next drill assassin ah well in that case I think it's fair to say that you've passed the first Assassin's order Tri the Titan clockman Unleashed a beam of light onto me causing my body to transform High grew bigger and stronger gained five hearts and new powers I was now a Titan drill assassin thanks everyone now it's time to save the ancient city on days 22 through 25 I returned to the underground city to find that the skibbidy toilets had terrorized the entire area looking further in I noticed everything was in complete ruin and there were still toilet soldiers patrolling the under area that's it I'm reclaiming this city I jumped into battle rushing towards a group of toilets and attacking them the skib toilets retaliated but I Unleashed my new Assassin Titan powers to stop them I used my new drill stomp attack to devastate the horde of skibbies their swords were sharp but my new Titan form Shrugged off their attacks and I was able to retaliate with my new drill gauntlets your powers have really gotten stronger you're looking more and more like a true drill assassin if you like that then watch this thanks to my new abilities the toilet swiftly fell to my attacks as I struck down the last skiy toilet I spotted the Assassin clock woman imprisoned inside of a cage nearby hang on I'll get you out I ran towards the cage but was swiftly stopped by the hacker skiy looks like you survived the Titan clockman no matter I will make this quick the hacker skib sent out his hacker beams at me but my new Titan form took the hits without any problem and I kept advancing when I got in close I threw out three throwing knives and took them down with these that's enough out of you now let's get you out of there clock woman I pulled on a nearby lever which opened the cage freeing the clock woman I see pass the first trial under any other circumstances congratulations would be in order but our cover has been blown the remaining assassin orders must be compromise too we can turn this around I'll make sure of it Dia you there that's me any idea where we should go in order to help the other orders uh who who are you talking to oh right I keep forgetting she's just in my head there's a a voice in your head did that hacker leave you with a head injury don't worry about it I'm getting a distress signal from the Second Assassin order we need to check it out Pronto I got it covered with your direction I'll solve it in no time with my new mission in mind I headed towards the source of the distress call on days 26- 28 I arrived at the base of the next assassin order the cameramen there were being attacked by a void skidy you're hopeless to stop me tell me where the drill assassin is using my assassin skills I snuck up behind the void skibby and landed a surprise hit on him giving the cameraman a chance to run for it you want me here I am perfect you've made my mission 10 times easier the royal flush will be pleased when I bring him your corse I began to battle the void skiy while he was strong as he used void tentacle to try to defeat me I was a Swift combatant and more than a match for him I nailed him with a kick and drill blade attack to the face doing significant damage let's see you dodge this he summoned a cloud of void energy that rained down above me I endured the hits and used my assassin speed to circle around him too slow with one strike from behind I took him down as the skiy fell I looked up to see the Assassin Titan cameraman Landing in front of me you save my people I can see you're worthy of undergoing our orders trial if you so wish I'm Ready the Titan cameraman led me to a high security camera base where my trial was going to take place at the center of this training base is the flag of our order if you can break in and capture it you will complete the trial this is the trial Capture the Flag it is designed to test each skill an assassin must possess I'll do it on days 29 through 32 I headed to the entrance of the base where there was a space that an assassin could sneak through but there was just one problem I'm huge how am I going to fit I've got you covered watch this Dia suddenly activated a power within me which caused me to shrink down in size I was now small enough to stealth through buildings thanks Dia now I feel like a real assassin I began my mission and snuck my way into the facility stealthily as I did I noticed that the interior had security cameras around every corner I can't let those things seee me good thing I'm a drill man I used my drills to dig down into the ground burrowing beneath where the cameras would be able to see me now hidden from the cameras I dug my way to the center of the facility within this room I spotted the flag I had been sent to collect I grabbed it and passed my trial I made my way out of the facility and back to where the Assassin Titan cameraman was here it is you made that look easy you have most definitely earned this upgrade before the Titan cameraman could reward me with a new upgrade the skiy Knight suddenly appeared again at last I found you you're going down the skibby Knight was ready for a fight but I was still small Dia a little help here I can't your Gro device is malfunctioning run on days 33 through 35 I was being chased by the skiy Knight while stuck in my tiny size the Titan cameraman lunged at the night trying to keep him away from me but he ended up taking a ton of damage from the knight's slash attack keep moving Max I continued to run but made the mistake of turning back as he used his stomp attack on me due to my tiny size the attack dealt massive damage while I was vulnerable like this there was no way I stood a chance Dia I'm getting wrecked out here how do I fix my growing device find a reactor core if you do I can get it working again before this skibby KN struck me I ran for it escaping and searching the area for a reactor core I knew I had to be quick about it as the skibby Knight was still trying to hunt me down eventually I found an old barn and ran inside for cover there I found the part I needed there's the Reactor Core I went to grab it until suddenly the barn was slashed open not so fast insect the skibby Knight found me and thinking quickly I dug into the ground to avoid his attacks I dug my way back out emerging directly behind the skibbidy Knight as he looked down the hole to find me I snuck in to grab the Reactor Core I needed got it I claimed it and instantly returned to my normal size ready to fight let's see how you do against someone your own size I struck the skibby Knight with a heavy drill attack dealing massive damage I hit him over and over again and soon he fell to my assassin skills as he died the Assassin typ cameraman returned to my side great work if I didn't know you were worthy of the Second Assassin order's power before I'd definitely do now he bestowed an upgrade upon me causing me to gain five new hearts and new powers awesome thanks fellow assassin just then Dia received another distress call the third assassin order is in trouble let's go on days 36 through 39 I arrived at the source of the distress signal there I found a lone TV man you there are you okay I walked closer but soon realized that he was a decoy it's a trap before I could do anything about it a Bedrock cage closed around me and I couldn't escape that drill assassin has been caged like a common R the decoy then transformed into an electric skib revealing his true form Good luck killing our King now the electric skib began shocking the cage causing me to black out when I awoke I was now in an incinerator room locked inside I could already feel my surroundings getting hotter and hotter I would surely be melted down to scrap if I didn't do something there has to be a way out of here there isn't I've already tried everything I then realized that an assassin Titan TV man was also trapped in the incinerator with me the air around us Rose to a burning temperature the incinerator powered up and Flames began to spread around us I had a find a way out of here or die trying on days 40 through 43 the fire in the incinerator was closing in around the Assassin Titan TV man in me the TV man desperately tried to destroy the bulletproof glass that held the incinerator Machinery but nothing seemed to work it's like I said already we're doomed there's nothing on this earth that could break this bulletproof glass I won't go down without trying step aside I Reed my drills and began slashing the glass to get it to break after a few hits H I managed to break a single hole into it my God you managed to get through keep going this is going to take too long Dia any ideas I could redirect all of your energy into your drills that should be enough to smash through the glass though it might be too dangerous it it could kill you so will this heat just do it Dia worked fast and transferred all of my energy to my drills when she did I let out a burst of power and the glass was shattered TV man blast it the TV man blast Ed his screen Powers at the machinery and broke it to Pieces we did it the flame subsided and the door was unlocked we were saved good job Dia no problem just when I thought we were safe alarms went off around us self-destruct sequence activated run on days 44- 46 the Titan TV man and I ran as the building self-destructed behind us as the buildings exploded we both managed to make it out just in time as the dust settled though I realized that the Titan TV man was in bad shape are you okay I was caught in the blast but don't worry about me my men are still in trouble please save the rest of assassin order 3 from the skib prison an assassin never leaves another behind I'll help I headed to the whereabouts of the skibidi toilet prison eventually I arrived at a massive facility that had tons of security there's no doubt about it this is the prison holding the third assassin order members if I'm going to free these assassins I'll need to avoid being seen Dia I'm on it activating shrinking Powers soon I had shrunk down to a tiny size sweet should I expect another malfunction come on that was a onetime thing I'm just messing with you with my tiny size keeping me out of sight I stealth my way into the prison as I made my way inside I spotted a large guard coming down the hallway I stayed hidden evading him and waiting for the coast to be clear when it was safe to do so I quietly made my way deeper into the prison until I arrived at the cells holding the members of the third assassin order look the drill assassin has come to rescue us sh keep your voice down one by one I opened the cages and freed my allies but as I broke the last assassins out of their cell a guard entered and spotted us what's going on here run I've got this guy on days 47 through 50 the skib toilet guard was coming at me as my allies made their escape with my Swift assassin skills I quickly took down the large toilet guard time to get out of here I quickly ran to the nearest exit and grew back to my normal size before I knew it alarms began to blare and a skib tank threat emerged before me I'm going to blast you to Smither Rin the tank guard started blasting his cannons in my direction and I did my best to avoid the fire blasts give it up I'm too quick for you to handle let's see if you can avoid this suddenly he charged up a heavy attack and launched a giant missile towards me it was unavoidable and it hit me directly breaking through the walls of the prison he continued forward and used his fiery projectiles to damage me taking away several Hearts I fought back with my Sonic drill attacks but with his heavy armor he could withstand them Max use the power of the third assassin order I turned towards the familiar voice and saw that the Assassin Titan TV man had returned he aimed and fired a red blast at me when it hit me I upgraded gaining five new hearts and new teleportation Powers the skibby guard tried to strike me again but my new teleportation abilities activated and I vanished he failed to land his hit and I reappeared behind him he should have given up when I told you to with a final upgraded drill attack I defeated the guard for good thanks for the help now I'm one upgrade closer to taking down the royal flush suddenly I heard a siren going off in the distance that sounds like bad news let's check it out go Max I will make sure they you freed get out of here safely with that I left the prison and headed towards where the siren was coming from on days 51- 54 I was following the sound of the siren the sound eventually led me to a cave that held a giant speaker what's this thing doing here come in if you can hear this we need your help the fourth assassin order has been trapped during an underground Mission the fourth assassin order don't worry I'm on my way Dia see if you can figure out where that message is being broadcast from DIA used her technical skills skills to lock onto the signal and pinpoint the source of the transmission the message was coming from deeper underground right below me I dug down through the cave but as I burrowed deeper I ended up in a cave full of lava hot hot hot I tried to fly back up but more lava was pouring down into the cave oh come on temperature are getting dangerously high you're going to overheat there has to be a way out on days 55- 57 more and more lava was creeping in towards me maybe I can drill my way out no there's lava surrounding the entire cave bad idea okay then what should I do wait a sec you have your new teleportation Powers but what if I teleported to Solid Rock I have the coordinates trust me I listened to DIA hoping for the best I activated my Powers luckily I reappeared inside of a cavern thanks Dia that was close I don't mention it looks like we're finally starting to sink up Suddenly I heard a muffled voice within the cave I turn as saw that the voice was coming from behind a closed door over here hi had found the fourth assassin order but the door was sealed shut I couldn't get to them how am I supposed to open this I've scanned the targets it seems suspicious maybe try throwing your knives I looked on the wall and saw that there were targets around the door I took Dia's advice and threw a knife at each of them as I threw a knife at the last one the door opened time to introduce myself to the next assassin order on days 58-61 I walked to the door and emerged in the Assassin's order of speaker men passing by a multitude of speaker men I arrived inside their headquarters where the Titan assassin speaker man was pacing back and forth wait are you the drill assassin that's right I came as soon as I heard your distress signal fantastic news maybe we stand a chance in this war after all suddenly the royal flush crashed through the ceiling what optimistic thinking the royal flush loomed over us as he set his sights on me At Last I found the runaway drill assassin it's time to kill you just like the one that came before The Royal Flush launched his Royal Beam at me but my assassin skills served me well as I was able to dodge it you should work on your aim the Assassin Titan speaker man tried to fight back when I had his attention but the royal flush proved to be the strongest foe we had faced so far the attacks barely did any damage pathetic the royal flush blasted his Royal Beam at the speaker man launching him backwards turn turning his attention back to me he summoned swords all around me one by one they pierced into my body dealing massive damage watch out if he does that again it could be fatal the royal flush prepared his final attack to end me for good so long drill assassin no the Titan speaker man knocked me out of the way but he took the hit instead he was severely wounded you're our last hope take my men and get out of here I watched Essie died in front of me wanting to honor his final request I escaped with his men you can't run forever Trill assassin I will find you on day 62- 64 I escaped with the remaining members of the fourth assassin's order and found a place to recuperate I can't believe our Titan has fallen I know but we can't lose hope the drill assassin has returned that's right and I won't let his death be in vain please teach me the ways of the fourth order if you're truly as eager as you seem then come with us eager to complete my quest I followed the speaker's lead after some travel we ended up within their city with a large speaker man led me to a ritual Circle if you are indeed worthy assassin our ritual will grant you amazing Powers but if not it will drain you of all of your life you mean it'll kill me here goes nothing I stood in the middle of the ritual Circle and watched as strange energy emerged around me the ritual began and my heart strained one at a time I began to get worried as I got closer and closer to my last heart of HP but as I lost my last one I didn't die instead I gained five more hearts and new powers wa yes I am worthy this feels amazing suddenly Dia began picking up a strange signal what the I'm getting a distress signal unlike anything I've seen before we should investigate unsure of what awaited me I left the speaker City to investigate the distress signal on days 65-67 I arrived at the location from which the distress signal had come there was a cell tower there you ever seen anything like this before Dia Dia this can't be cell towers belong to the Fifth Assassin order the phone men the phone men I guess they aren't just a myth after all inspect the tower maybe we can find out why the signal is being sent I went up to the tower to inspect it when it turned on it suddenly lit up interesting I just picked up a message from the tower what does it say if you wish to meet us you must power on all three to poers mythical maybe poets definitely not that must mean there's two more let's start looking I flew up high into the sky and I scanned my surroundings from this new vantage point I spotted another Tower in the distance there another Tower let's go uncover this myth I flew down towards the next Tower determined to discover the truth of the phone men on days 68- 72 I arrived at the next Tower I immediately ran to it and touched it like I did the last one but nothing happened why isn't it powering on have you tried turning it off and on again real funny Dia give me a moment to run a diagnostic this is mythical technology I'm not exactly an expert well we can't just stand around here waiting for something to happen wait I just picked up another message it says we need to find a battery and a toilet to activate it okay what it can only be activated by a toilet how are we supposed to get one to cooperate with us worry about that later Max let's start searching with Dia's guidance I began searching for the battery Dia was able to get a rough estimation of where it would be it was somewhere within a small town I made my way to the town and found the battery within a small ruin when I picked it up the lights in the town went dark hey what givs I paid my bills on time sorry town I need this I took the battery and began making my way out of the town and landed on a nearby bridge to think now all we need is a toilet well howd it there stranger I'm Kevin I turned around around and saw a toilet without a head wait are you a friendly agreeable toilet yes sir the kind who would do a favor for someone he just met why yes indeed you're perfect well thank you kindly my mom always said so as Kevin followed close behind I made my way back towards the second tower uh remind me mister what do you need me to do for you again to be honest I'm not exactly sure but just know that you'll be helping a lot of people if you help me that's what I'm all about friend let's do it I plugged the battery into the tower and Kevin stood in front of it suddenly there was a bright flash and Kevin started floating into the air what's going on is this how the tower says hello uh um hey there Tower um I'm kid Kevin vanished in a Flash and the tower powered on uh was that supposed to happen I've got to lock on Kevin's coordinance he was sent several miles away Oar that's where the next to is then let's move on day 73 through 75 I followed Dia's coordinates and arrived at the final phone tower Kevin was on top of it here goes nothing I pressed a button on the tower revealing a passage in the ground nearby that must lead to the Fifth Assassin order I was about to enter the passage when I heard someone laughing out of nowhere a serpent skibby boss dropped down before me you fools who are you I've been following you this entire time thanks for doing all the hard work now I know the whereabouts of the phone men my Army will wi them all out I realized that I had made a grave mistake I ran into the passage to warn The Fifth Assassin order before it was too late I continued to fall until I landed at the bottom of the passage to soon find the phoneman Assassin's hidden HQ how did you get in here everyone look out skibbies began flooding into the phone and civilization from where I entered on days 76 through 79 the skib toilets were attacking the Assassin phone men I ran to the phone men's Aid fighting off the skibbies with my Sonic drill attacks I was able to take down several of them but they just kept coming just as the skibbies were becoming too much to handle the Assassin Titan phone man joined the battle the drill assassin you managed to find us yeah I need the power of the Fifth Assassin order to defeat the royal flush the power has been locked inside of you all along you just have to free it as the Assassin Titan phone man used his phone powers to kill what remained of the skibby foot soldiers the serpent skibby dropped in after me I fought off the serpent skibby but I still did not know how to release the PO the Titan phone man was talking about you can do it show him what it means to be an assassin of the fifth order I ran back in and knocked the serpent to the ground suddenly the power hidden Within Me Unleashed causing me to gain five hearts in the new ability of the Fifth Assassin order I use my new power on the serpent skibbidy defeating him with ease I'm one trial away from becoming a master assassin any idea where we should go next Dia Dia I I do what's up I will tell you once we're there I was unsure what had Dia so shaken but I left to find out on days 80 through 83 Dia led me to the outside of an ancient assassin Temple it looked like it had experienced some kind of severe decimation a long time ago what happened here this is where I was born the sixth assassin order created us here AI that they believed was destined to save the world but a fire consumed the land and killed all of the other AI Creations my sisters I was the only one left I was on the verge of death in my dying moments I saw a drill man who was also dying with my last breath I called upon my Powers infused with the drillman in that moment the first drill assassin was created I became a guiding voice in the drill assassin's head just like I am now with you I'm sorry for all that you lost dia suddenly the temple opened before us Dia you have a connection to the sixth order the temple must have reacted to your presence and opened up let's see how much things have changed with a clear path ahead I walked into the temple on days 84-86 I walked into the Temple of the sixth assassin order there I met with another impassible door doesn't look like this one has any Targets let's see if I can open it by force I used my drill attacks on the door but no matter what I hit it with the door wouldn't budge huh I was sure that would work suddenly the room began to tremble as pieces of debris were seen crumbling above looks like you activated a fail safe stand by let me see if I can fix it Dia quickly scrambled and tried to fight away to get the door open before the room fell on top of me I don't think we have much time dia please hurry just blow it up what you the new powers you acquire to blow open the door say no more following Dia's guidance I use my new Assassin powers to blow the door open wa see never doubt your guide now go before the room came crumbling down I ran through the doorway and prepared for what was to come on days 87 through 89 I arrived on the other side of the door and found the sixth ancient assassin order they were the Assassin computermen huh is that the drill assassin how did you find us you know know Dia right she led me here Dia I can't believe it one of our Creations lives I must say feels good to be home I had a lot of questions about the order but unfortunately a fire jetpack skib broke into the room what a cute little reunion but I'm not letting the drill assassin complete his training the fire jetpack skibby Unleashed a sea of flames onto our surroundings setting the area a blaze bur computer men bur wait it was you you caused the fire that killed Dia's people indeed I did and I'll kill all of you next the fire jetpack skib attacked determined to wipe out the Assassin computermen the same way he had wiped out Dia's people on days 90 through 92 I was doing battle against the fire jetpack skib he had a wide array of fire-based attacks on his side but I had my assassin attacks I hit him with heavy assassin attacks but he turned his attention towards the computermen hi ran into to defend them taking the heavy hit instead and losing several Hearts ashamed you won't be around for my next Massacre so long that's enough before the fire jet pack skibby realized what was happening the Assassin Titan computer man came up behind him and struck him down you must be the new keeper of Dia I am her Creator Tad I can't believe we found you Dia said you might be able to help me get strong enough to defeat the royal flush I can but in order to gain this strength you must complete the final trial I'll do whatever it takes very well come with me and we will begin on days 93- 95 I was taken to a room to begin my final trial the Titan computer man locked the door behind me leaving me all alone inside to complete this trial you must hack the system keeping the door locked and Escape what happens if I don't you fail in the room explodes explode how long do I have until the gauge reaches from green to Red that doesn't seem like enough time your trial begins now the gauge reset and my time was ticking I ran to the lock door and used my drill attacks on it trying to break through it with Brute Force but nothing was working I looked towards the gauge and it was beginning to climb fast we're running out of time calm down Max leave this one to me Dia analyzed the room I was in until she identified a weak spot lower left hinge of the door strike it as hard as you can with a Precision attack I focused and struck the lower left corner of the door with a very precise Sonic room attack this destroyed the door entirely and allowed me to escape the room just before the timer ran out on the other side the Titan computer man was waiting for me I must say that's an unconventional way of doing it and you did have help but an Assassin's greatest strength is that of the bonds he has and you did Escape the Room you have passed Max the Titan computer man flashed his screen and suddenly a strange power struck my body as it did I was granted five more hearts and new abilities looks like we're ready to return to the city and make our final preparations bring W to our order Max and tell my daughter that it was good to meet her again even if it was just in spirit don't worry dad I hear you with that I left the computer assassin to begin preparing for the final battle on days 96 through 98 I returned to the city of the ancient assassin order to find that the clock woman had amassed an army of Assassins for me Max you did it you must the ways of the Assassin orders that may be so but this isn't over not until we deal with the royal flush for good his Fortress Is heavily guarded it will be your most challenging Mission yet but the Assassin orders are all cogs in the same machine we are all connected and we will all work to help you thank you all of you I know that with you by my side we can do this we're going to need to get in there luckily I have the schematics of the royal fl's Fortress downloaded using the data she had gathered di was able to create a map of the royal flushes Fortress with this map we were able to form a battle plan if we have enough people we can distract some of the toilet foot soldiers but what are we going to do about the stronger guards we can use this the clock woman handed me a sleeping potion this is just what we needed thanks cloman I think we're ready good luck Max I'll be in your ear supporting you in whatever way I can H I wouldn't have it any other way Dia all right everyone let's roll out with my team at my back we headed for the Royal flushes fortress on day 99 my team and I arrived outside of the royal flushes Fortress just outside of it was the first line of defense a line of guards all right do what you assassins do best cause a distraction and sneak in a section of my team approached the guards and engaged them in combat as they fought the clock woman and I silently snuck past them moving deeper into the Fortress as as we steal ahead we stayed in cover as we spotted a line of higher ranked guards let's put these potions to use I aimed carefully and tossed the sleeping potion at them they began to fall asleep and we were able to proceed further in the clock woman then stayed behind to keep watch as we went on ahead I approached the king who was sitting outside of his throne room before I could reach him a skidy scientist suddenly dropped down in front of me you will die for this attempt on our King's life the skidy scientist attacked me with electric attack alerting the royal flush to my presence he began to flee and I wanted to pursue but I was too preoccupied with the scientist GI to go after him suddenly the clock woman ran in and attacked the scientist I we'll take care of this guy don't let the king Escape as my Ally held off the scientist giib I ran off and pursued the royal flush on day 100 I had chased down the royal flush into his throne room you can't escape me I didn't want to do this but a good King knows when to get his hands dirty he Unleashed his Royal beam attack but I was able to evade them and fight back with my own assassin strikes since our last encounter I had become faster and stronger as we traded blows back and forth it was clear that we were now evenly matched I avoided another one of his beam attacks en countered with my Wither Skull projectiles doing significant damage to him you insignificant knot fall he charged up and released his swarm of swords that killed the Titan speaker man I endured the swords as they were hard to escape but eventually managed to teleport out of its range before it did serious damage I reappeared behind him and landed a heavy melee strike it's over your highness get away from me the king knew he was losing the fight and ran trying to escape now Max for the orders Dia teleported me in front of him blocking off his route in the name of the six orders of Assassins I relieve you of your Royal duties for good no with a final powerful Sonic drill attack hi struck him down killing the royal flush once and for all with that hi put an end to his reign of tyranny thanks to the power of the ancient assassin order the war had been won for the alliance
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 1,691,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bpxj1LSPycw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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