I Survived 100 Days as EVIL DRILLMAN in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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the drill man is one of the strongest alliance members which is why I want it to make them even more powerful so for the next 100 days I'll be surviving as the evil drillman I'll tunnel my way through obstacles and use incredible new abilities to upgrade into bigger forms until I reach the ranks of a Titan will I be able to overcome the Serpent's giib toilet's curse or will I lose control of my dark Powers you'll have to watch until the end to find out day one ice spawn Den a drill man in the middle of the city I was with my other drumman allies and my older brother Dre be careful Max the skiety toilets are coming I'll be all right Dre as long as we're together we'll be okay suddenly the serpent skibby toilet flew into the area releasing his snake skibby toilet goons onto my people I will spread my dark curse over this city until us toilets rule over all the serpent giib first targeted my brother causing a ritual Circle to appear beneath his feet Dre look out I pushed Dre out of the way causing me to become infused with a serpent skibo's dark magic instead my body grew bigger horns Grew From my head and I sprouted multiple drills from my back I was now an evil drill man with five more hearts and new abilities this power it's amazing the dark energy took over and I lost control of my body I began to attack snake skibby toilets left and right almost hitting my own allies in the process Max watch where you're hitting you might hurt someone allow the dark power to consum you get him men on day two as my fellow drillman fell more and more serpent skibbies entered the area I fought off their reinforcements but it was clear that my new powers Made Me Stronger than them they were getting overwhelmed everyone Retreats nobody escapes me the toilets tried to run but I was able to dest destroy a nearby building before they could it crumbled down onto them crushing The Runaway toilets in one blow what are you doing people could have been in that building that doesn't matter I have to kill every last skiy toilet even if people get hurt in the process why can't you see that the dark power consumed me further causing me to lash out at my own brother I tried to attack him with my drills but luckily he was able to dodge and hit me over the head with his weapon I I don't know what came over me sorry d it's okay bro clearly whatever that serpent skibbidy did is messing with you we'll figure out how to fix it together suddenly the ground began to tremble we looked in the distance and saw the Titan drillman fighting a highlevel skiy toilet oh no he's in trouble we have to help him Dre and I ran into the freay to help out our Titan on day three Dre and I arrived at the battlefield and stopped the scuba skibby in its tracks what are you doing here Max R trat I'm stronger now I can handle this well would you look at the E I'll enjoy tearing you limb from limb the scuba skibby attacked me with his water powers but thanks to my new form I was able to take the hit I'm not your average drill man I'd use my new abilities on the scuba skib taking him by surprise what the what are you they tried to fight back with their powers but it was already too late I managed to finish him off before he knew what hit him W I'm impressed we should ow you in the Titan program really the Titan program wow I I don't think that's a good idea you can't control your powers ah he's right it would be too Reckless to do that right now just then the Titan drillman got a distress call Titan drillman come in Titan drillman this is he what's going on we need backup our base is being invaded by snake skiy toilets let's move boys the three of us all headed together to help our allies on days 4 through 7 we returned to the base to find that the alliance was losing the battle against the skib toilet Invasion the three of us dove into battle Dre and I fended off the low-level skiy toilets while the Titan drillman fought the bigger threats despite our combined strength there were too many enemies to overpower them we need B just as we thought all hope was lost the Titan speaker man Cinema man and cameraman arrived to help Titans clear up this threat the three of them United and began to unleash their powers onto the enemy thanks to the Incredible strength of the titans the tide of the battle was starting to turn suddenly one of the toilets got A Sneak Attack on Dre dealing a ton of damage Dre hi ran to his side but it was too late he was badly injured I don't think I'm going to make it find the lost Alliance artifacts and you'll be able to win this War I love you Max D succumbed to his wounds and died no it's not fair they all have to pay overcome with grief my dark Powers once again took full control of my body I began to Rampage violently throughout the battlefield on days 8 through 10 I was consumed by my dark powers and used them to kill each toilet one after another by any means necessary I tore apart the buildings around the base and nearly crushed multiple alliance members in the process Everything Must Die a I managed to finish off the last of the skimy enemies but soon I found myself surrounded by the Titans nuts you destroyed our own base and hurt your own allies someone as Reckless as you cannot be in the alliance fine then I quit you're making a mistake no you're making a mistake all of you I'm going to win this war at any cost I stormed out of the base but as I was leaving I spotted a map on the ground one of the toilets must have dropped this it's time that I pay them a visit I followed the map and located one of the skidy toilet bases without any hesitation I began destroy everything I could in the name of Dre you're all going to pay for what you've done I blasted through any toilet that stood in my way but unfortunately I was too Reckless and accidentally set off a pit trap I was caught in a cage and tried to drill my way out of it but the pit had been lined with bedrock out of nowhere the scientist skibbidy arrived and spoke to me powerful for a drill man I can't wait to take over your mind the scientist skib Was preparing an experiment on me but before he was able to do anything the Titan clockman flew in to save me leave him alone the Titan Unleashed his clock gun attacks onto the scientist skib toilet the two of them fought back and forth But ultimately he was able to come out on top before freeing me from my prison why are you here I'm not a part of the alliance anymore the cloman thinks you're the key to winning the this war despite your methods let me take you to her I escaped with the Titan clockman and was taken to his base where the clock woman stood waiting for me you must be the cursed drill man heard a lot about you what do you want I think we should use your power to its full extent and turn you into a Titan so you can help us find the lost Alliance artifacts Dre wouldn't want that I understand losing your brother the way that you did couldn't have been easy but you want to defeat the skib toilets yes I won't stop until they're all gone it' be impossible to defeat them without the lost to lines ARS turning you into a Titan is our best option I guess that makes sense if I'm going to find the artifacts I'll need all the power I can get let's do it the clock woman took me to her lab where she prepared me for the transformation process soon she powered on her machines and my body once again began to mutate into a new form I grew massive in size and a mouth with a set of sharp teeth I was now an evil Titan drill man with 10 additional hearts and new powers I feel incredible but what I crave for oh no the curse is out of control my dark Powers consumed me I flew through the roof of the lab and began mindlessly searching for anything that could make me stronger on days 15 through 17 I flew through the sky looking for any sign of something that could Aid me in my quest for power the dark energy it close to me it seemed my search was futile until I spotted an Old Clock Tower with a beam of energy surging from it power you shall be mine I landed in front of the clock Tower and started to use my drill powers to carve into the ground at this rate the power source in no time but before I could dig much further someone emerged to stop me H evil Menace huh who are you to tell me what to do the source of the voice was a large clock Man I'm The Keeper of this clock tower and you can't dig here oh yeah I mean you can but I'd appreciate it if you didn't well too bad watch me I ignored the clock man and dug my drills into the ground anyways he tried to stop me with his clock Powers but I quickly used my increased powers to knock him out and dug deeper into the Earth towards my prize eventually I dug my way into an ancient chamber where a pillar was seen on the other side waiting for me was a mysterious gear in front of the clock Tower's power source I had found the First Alliance artifact there it is power will be all mine I went to claim it when out of nowhere a masked Android walked out from the Shadows blocking my path not another distraction if I were you I'd move while I had the chance unless you want to end up like that clock man I pity you you can't even control your own Darkness out of my way hungry for power I Swang my drills at the enemy on days 18 through 21 I tried to hit the masked Android but he teleported out of the way you're reckless and because of that you'll lose this battle I continued to try and knock him out with Brute Force but found myself missing at every attempt I made just then the Android used the beam attack to make a part of the chamber collapse onto me I struggled but I couldn't break out of the rubble while I was trapped he grabbed the gear and transformed into a more powerful State no that's mine I'm sorry I'm coming to put you out of your misery the masked Android Unleashed his new powers causing the cavern to tremble he escaped as the entire room collapsed around me I thought I was done for until suddenly time reow freeing me for my Rubble prison the clock woman had shown up to save me Max are you still in there I think so I don't know what happened the darkness it took over and that mask Android almost killed me did you say Mas Android this is worse than I thought I need to show you something now I then left the area with the clock woman to an unknown location on days 22- 25 the clock woman took me to an abandon City it must have been empty for a while because it was completely in Ruins what happened here I'll show you you she used her powers to turn back time showing me a series of flashbacks the clockman used to live here in peace come on it's almost time for the parade oh I can't wait until the serpent skibidi arrived he terrorized everyone but our people fought to protect their home the most Brave of them all spark we should surrender fighting the separate skib is useless lift your heads up men if we work together we could take him down he fought with everything he had but in the battle he was badly damaged by the serent giid ah not so tough now are you little clockman we tried to repair him but the damage he had was severe he's more Clockwork than clockman now he left the alliance and now he roams the land seeking ways to become more powerful so he can get revenge on the serpent giid suddenly the flashbacks ended and I was standing back in the ruined town of the clock woman it looks like he's finally returned to finish his goal we have a lot more in commmon than I thought I need to talk to him again he was last seen going east you may find his Camp there then that's where I'm headed thanks for your help with that I left to go find the Android on days 26 through 28 I was headed east like the clock woman suggested until I finally found a campsite that must be where Spark is I stealed around to get closer until suddenly I heard a click uh-oh I had set off a trap a cage appeared around me and the Android dropped down behind me you again I thought you were dead please I know your past I'm also an outcast of the alliance an outcast of the alliance how can I trust you before I could respond an electric skibby arrived at the camp at last I found you spark prepare to die the electric skibby charged forwards attacking spark spark fought back as best as he could but the electric skibby had caught him off guard This is the End spark leave him alone I broke out of the cage and fought the electric skibidi with my dark drill attack using the element of surprise I was able to defeat the electric skibbidy easily huh maybe you aren't so bad tell you what you you pass my test I'll become your ally you've got yourself a deal spark then led me away from the camp to begin his test on days 29 through 32 I was taken to a Snowy Mountain to face the challenge spark had prepared for me I lost my pendant here so I need a drillman to dig into the ground and find it that's all we're going to be allies in no time I started digging through the snow until out of nowhere the ground began to rumble oh no Avalanche snow crashed down towards the two of us I managed to avoid getting covered but spark was buried underneath a pile of snow spark hang on I shoveled away at the snow with my drills until spark was freed are you all right you saved me well yeah I said we were going to be allies didn't I H not until you pass my trial remember our deal hey what's that we looked over and saw that among the snow that had fallen in the Avalanche was a frozen block of ice that had an ancient skibby trapped inside as well as Sparks Law's pendant it's my pendant drill it out but also watch out for that skibby he's bad news oh yeah how do you know that it's ancient skibby La Max we clockman live for far longer than you okay here goes nothing I dug my drills into the wall to shred through the ice block I was able to grab the amulet but breaking the ice block caused the ancient skibby to be freed from the ice Must Destroy enemy the ancient skibby charged towards us attacking us both on days 33 through 35 spark and I were fighting the ancient skibidi he used his ice attacks on us he was unlike any other skidy I fought so far I retaliated with my rang drill attacks and slowly began to overpower him must kill must kill he turned his attention to spark who wasn't prepared for the Ambush hey big guy let's just calm down Must Destroy or not the ancient skib charged towards spark leave him alone I attacked the ancient skib from behind and luckily I was able to defeat the toilet and save spark before it was too late that was was close you all right spark I'm fine thanks you're really strong Max thanks here's your pendant back I tossed over his pendant and to my surprise he handed me the clockman artifact he had stolen dropping the artifact caused him to lose his upgraded form and return back to normal you kept your end of the deal take this as a welcoming gift partner I grabbed the artifact and gained five hearts and new powers W wao I can feel the darkness growing stronger right your curse how well are you able to control it well I'm working on it but that's not important right now with enough of these artifacts the serpent skibbidy won't stand a chance I have a lead on the next artifact let's move we left the snowy Tundra to head to the location of the next artifact on days 36 through 39 spark led me to a movie studio where the next artifact was being held too skiy or not too skiy that is the question whether it is noer to cut cut cut what are you doing I've seen toilets act better than you well I uh you know what let's just try again from the top do they really make movies here oh yeah but if you ask me they aren't very good but the TV men love this studio so I bet they're hiding their artifact around here somewhere suddenly the cinema man stepped around the corner quick follow me we ran and ducked behind a building avoiding the Titan gaze just in time looks like they have guards we have to be careful the two of us steal around the studio as the cinema man continued walking through the area eventually we found ourselves in an area with a large TV screen what does this do he powered it on and suddenly the image of the screen turned bright red triggering my dark Powers I need more power I lost control of my body and began to go crazy Smashing into the buildings around me the Ruckus attracted the attention of the cinema man Intruders the cinema man charged in to stop me on days 40 through 43 I was being confronted by the cinema man you shouldn't be here you can't keep all the powers for yourself against my will I attacked the cinema man he was able to dodge it but in the process I leveled a part of the TV studio you've lost control of yourself your curse is getting stronger I don't care the only thing that matters to me is power just then behind the cinema man I spotted the TV artifact laying in the rubble there it is power will be m I ran towards it but the cinema man attempted to stop me with his red screen attack not so fast I won't let you get in my way I'm going to get the artifact no matter what it takes I changed tactics and fought with the cinema man my Sonic drill attack collided with his red screen lasers we traded blows back and forth and neither side seemed close to giving in Max you're not well you need to stop this your dark power is consuming you no it's not you're just too weak to see that I shot a surprise drilled needle attack and ran towards my prize only for a jetpack skib toilet to drop in and grab it first hey that's mine find us Keepers as he grabbed the artifact he transformed becoming even more powerful thanks for doing all the hard work for me sucker here let me show you just how thankful I am he flew towards me ready to attack on days 44- 46 I was fighting with the upgraded jetpack skibby he was strong but without control over my dark Powers I was missing most of my attacks the serpent curse is consuming you you don't have much time left you're you're wrong how about I do you a favor I'll take you out myself to save you some time hey leave him alone spark teleported behind the jetpack skibby striking him and knocking him out of the air spark you saved me no problem now hit him with all you've got got I Unleashed my Powers onto the jetpack skibby killing him once and for all he dropped the TV artifact which I quickly picked up it caused me to gain five hearts and new powers yeah I can feel it surging through my veins ultimate power will soon be mine ah my head you you're making the curse worse what do you know you should take this seriously max if you continue to collect these artifacts you'll completely Lose Yourself I don't care I'll avenge my brother no matter what sudden I saw backup TV man coming towards spark and I there he is the guy who ruined my movie and that Rebel clock man let's go boys we better hurry and get out of here we both fled before we could get captured on days 47- 50 spark and I found cover from the TVs when out of nowhere gunfire began to ring down onto US what's going on I'm not sure but I don't like it we turned to see that we had been located by an army of tank skib toilets uh-oh what how did they find us you fool the jetpack put a tracker on the artifact before you killed him men get them the skiy tank Army closed in around us and Spark and I prepared for battle with my new powers I was able to defeat them easily the skibbies were dropping like flies you're all no match for me eventually all the toilets fell to my wrath woohoo we did it nice work Max Max hello however I was filled with rage and I just continued to attack the corpses whoa there buddy that's a bit Overkill don't you think finally spark broke me out of my violent trance are you serious Sparks you're starting to sound a lot like the alliance right now I guess so sorry good I was starting to wonder whose side you were really on here just then I noticed a camera lens on the ground and picked it up huh what's this I know that lens it must be a lead to the cameraman's artifact I know where to go next follow me we left the area to find the next artifact before more skib toilets arrived at our location on days 51- 54 we arrived at a prison that was heavily locked down by cameramen what is this place it's the most high security prison ever made it is 24/7 monitoring and it's probably where the cameraman artifact is being held huh makes sense to me we watched as a skib helicopter tried to enter the facility but they were immediately killed by the security sign up to be a god they said it'll be exciting they said that's skiy trying to get in here was the most interesting thing that's happened in weeks come on buddy look at the bright side our lunch breaks in 30 minutes let me guess lasia again well yeah the guards look tough and kind of sad there has to be a way to get into the prison without alerting them good thing you've got those drills you're right I'm a drill man I can dig I began digging into the ground so that we could enter undetected from underneath eventually my digging LED spark and ey into a metal cell I tried to fly out the way we came in but a laser Shield stopped me in my tracks we were now trapped oh no they prepared this prison for drill men too well hey new guys I wasn't expecting company what who are you what do you mean I'm Kevin remember fan favorite character Kevin no well then I guess I'll have to tell you my story it all started on day one I was on an island when suddenly no time for that look lava began to flow into the room and creep towards the two of us that's not good there has to be a way we can get out of here the only exit was a Bedrock door I tried to drill through it but it was no use we were going to get burnt alive on days 55- 57 the lava was coming closer and closer I was going to have to think of a way out of this before it was too late of course they would put bedrock in this place it's the only thing drillman can't dig through then if you can't dig through the door what are we going to do hang on I'm thinking it's been an honor to fight by your side Max but it looks like our time has come to an end is something happening I can't see boy it's uh it's getting hot in here it's not the end yet I've got an idea it's time to see what these drills can do I use my drills to tear through the metal floor creating a moat surrounding us the lava poured into the moat instead saving us from a fiery demise that should buy us some time at least nice thinking Max but how are we going to get through this door just then the doors opened and a group of cameraman guards were seen on the other side we've located the breach cameramen prepare to fire not so fast spark smacked The Headless toilet sending it barreling into the cameraman guards and knocking them all down ouch that won't hold them forever let's get that artifact we both left the Trap room in pursuit of the artifact where's everyone going did you forget about me on days 58- 61 I arrived at the heart of the facility to find the cameraman artifact waiting for me there it is time to claim our prize I grabbed it gaining five hearts and new powers however I felt the darkness per pressing further within me sweet power everyone will crumble to me even the Titans I won't stop until I rule the world what are you saying this dark power is getting to your head don't talk to me like that I'm in control the darkness caused me to lash out and Spark setting off the alarms in the facility what's wrong with you this isn't like you Max as the alarms went off the ground began to tremble beneath us the Titan cameraman then entered the room from a above you can't hide forever Max great another Titan here to try and stop me you're becoming dangerous no I'm becoming powerful you and the rest of the alliance are wasting your time trying to stop me when you could be helping me you're right you need help serious help now enraged I tried to attack the Titan cameraman but he quickly trapped the two of us in a laser cage before we could do anything I tried to drill my way through the barrier but it was indestructible you coward unlock this cage and fight me your power is nothing compared to mine trying to fight a titan head on you're really going mad with Power Max you two are coming with me on days 62- 64 spark and I were put in a cage outside of the prison there the Titan cameraman was watching us Max you've become a threat to the alliance and yourself I'm afraid we'll have to keep you here until we can remove your curse oh but the fun has only just begun that voice it's him out of nowhere the serpent skib arrived and used his poison Attack on the Titan cameraman the Titan cameraman endured the hit and equipped his hammer and swung at the serpent sending him flying backwards you started all of this and now I'm going to end it he used his laser attack to try and kill the serpent giib but he endured the attack you're not strong enough to defeat me Titan cameraman the serpent skib used a laser attack of his own causing a ton of damage on the cameraman they fought for a while and it slowly became clear that the Titan cameraman couldn't keep up Max I know they're still good in you don't give end to the darkness The Serpent skib and the Titan cameraman collided once again but ultimately the Titan cameraman was killed no as the Titan fell the cage barrier then deactivated giving spark and I a chance to escape you're next spark come on we've got to run for it no he took everything for me you monster my body my friends my home now vets will be mine spark ran towards the serpent skiy ready to fight but I stopped him in his tracks spark we've got to leave now but this is my chance to take my revenge if a Titan couldn't take that thing down we don't stand a chance come on spark reluctantly agreed and we ran away before the serpent skibby could catch us on days 65- 67 spark and I left the prison and the serpent giib behind luckily I had managed to regain control of myself for now how are you feeling like myself finally the darkness doesn't it scare you a little but I don't have a choice anymore besides it seems like you've got some darkness of your own you're not wrong I suppose The Serpent skibidi and his goons must pay yeah he took my brother Dre away from me he must be stopped I am sorry Max it seems that this war has taken a lot from us both it has so the most important thing right now is getting the artifacts to defeat the serpent skibidi yeah you're right let's go spark and I continue traveling and search the next artifact when we began to hear music do you hear that yeah it's it's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard Sparks seem to fall into a trance and began to wander away from me hey Spark spark come back here I followed him and arrived at a radio tower broadcasting the Strange Music surrounding the tower were mind controlled speaker men and I watched as spark moved to join them just then a hacker giib behind the Mind Control revealed itself oh no it's a trap Spark Run but spark didn't move an inch the influence of the music was too powerful without hesitation the hacker skibby attacked and I rushed in to intercept on days 68 through 72 I was clashing with the hacker skib to protect spark and the speaker man the hacker skibby used his electric attacks on me slicing through my hearts with ease I need it to act fast or I wouldn't survive the fight I retaliated with my dark powers and it granted me the upper hand I was starting to win the battle but the hacker skib had a trick up his sleeve you may be strong but are you willing to let your friend die he turned away from me and began to charge towards spark instead spark no I ran in between spark and the hacker skibby taking the hit for him but it dealt massive damage and I wouldn't last much longer I need to snap him out of his trance the skidy toilet charged me again but this time I moved out of the way just in time causing him to smash into the radio tower the impact caused the radio tower to collapse after after the tower fell all the speaker men and Sparks snapped out of their trance no my men you will pay for this insul trowman the hacker skib charged towards me but I was too weak to move what the hang on Max I'm coming to help just before he could deliver the finishing blow spark used his clock beam attack and finished off the hacker skib are you okay thanks to you I am and I've got a lead that radio tower showed me where the speaker aact is I'll show you on days 73 through 75 I followed spark to the location of the speaker artifact the speaker artifact should be right up there on top of the speaker man's base okay stay here and keep a lookout I'll go grab it I flew to the top and spotted the artifact sitting on a pedestal there it is I was about to go for the artifact when the Titan speaker man stopped me with his arm Cannon I can't allow you to Lose Yourself further to the darkness out of my way I tried to brute force my way through the AR artifact but the Titan speaker man overpowered me suddenly I spoted a Saw skiy toilet in the distance and got an idea hey over here I used an attack to attract the skibidi toilet grabbing his attention he flew up and attacked the Titan speaker man distracting him just long enough for me to go for the speaker artifact as I grabbed the speaker artifact I gained five more hearts and new powers however just like before the darkness of the curse consumed me even more yes that tight speaker man is going down the speaker man's back was turned as he knocked the skibby off the base I went to attack him but Spar stopped me no that's it the curse has gone too far now you're a traitor if you stand against me die I blasted my new fire brother daget spark determined to have my way on days 76- 79 spark and I were fighting to the death max this is isn't you you know nothing about me traitor I know that Trey wouldn't want this don't talk about my brother I use my new fire breath powers on him but he was quick avoiding a majority of the Flames snap out of it he landed a clock laser attack on me but I endured the hit I retaliated by flying behind him and hitting him with my drill stomp attack leaving spark near death max please I'll show you who's more powerful I was about to hit him when suddenly time was frozen I couldn't move and all I could do was watch as the Titan clockman stepped into view enough of this the Titan clockman hit me with the time warp attack snapping me out of my dark State oh my gosh I'm becoming exactly what Dre didn't want me to be I'm so sorry spark I'm just happy you're back but what are we going to do you still need the last artifact to stop the serpant skibby I'm going to find it overcome the curse and write my own wrongs and I'm going to start by Saving the Titan speaker man with that I flew off to help the Titan speaker man in battle on days 80 through 83 I flew back into The Fray where the Titan speaker man was dealing with the skibby toilet threat I had sent him leave him alone I used my drill needle attacks to help fight him off the Titan speaker man and I were starting to gain the upper hand when suddenly the serpent skib toilet appeared I've already killed one of you Titans what's another added to the list he used some sort of dark force to empower the sawblade skibidi transforming them into an upgraded sawblade skibidi laughing maniacally he flew away leaving us to deal with his new Abomination brace yourself this is going to get ugly the empowered skib attacked us but luckily the Titan speaker man blasted him off my back with his sonic boom I fought back with my new dark slash Powers but the upgraded saw skibidi was much stronger than before we we have to attack together the Titan speaker and I combined our powers and finally defeated the toilet thank you for helping me back there please take this the Titan drillman wanted you to have it he handed me a map titled drillman artifact this must be the location of the next artifact thank you with a new lead I headed off in the direction of the drumman artifact on days 84 through 886 I arrived at the location on the map to find an ancient abandoned city the place place was completely empty that can't be right where's the artifact since it's from the drill men maybe it's underground I decided to drill down and see what could be under the surface I ended up finding a secret area where an elder drillman was waiting inside who are you I am a guardian of the drillman artifact who dares to disturb me well I'm Max and that's great news actually cuz I need that artifact so if you wouldn't mind handing it over you need it do you why is that without the artifact I'll never be able to take down the serpent skibidi I'll never avenge my brother I understand your pain but unfortunately you will not find the artifact here I keep it safe in our Temple tell me where it is I need to know you are not worthy the darkness in you will consume you if you get the artifact You Must Be Stopped I've heard that before look I'm getting that artifact now we you can do this the easy way or the hard way suddenly a nearby wall collapsed revealing a skull skib toilet you have a skibby fighting for you all right then bring it on I brace myself for impact as the skibby inch closer on days 87 through 89 the skull skibidi crashed into me with devastating Force the monster spewed heavy amounts of acid sludge in my direction but I managed to dodge most of the projectiles huh you you'll have to do better than that I fought back with my Titan powers and one killing the Elder drill man's goon now that that's taken care of oh I'm afraid the battle has only just begun suddenly the monster rose again huh what's going on you cannot kill my Beast die with renewed Vitality the Beast charged towards me again I'll kill this thing a 100 times if that's what it takes to get that artifact and so I hit the creature with everything I had smiting it once more but each time I was able to kill it it would just keep coming back to life even stronger than before after rising from the dead another time the Beast attacked again and with no way of permanently killing it I was forced to flee I drilled my way out of the cave and escaped only to find myself at the drillman temple entrance I was seeking the final artifact must be through here I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge looks like it's time for Plan B I tried to drill down to get around the door but I ended up falling inside of a pit standing nearby was a little drill man oh no you tried to dig in too it was a trap yeah I figured well at least we're safe down here from that big monster suddenly the skull skib from before appeared at the top of the hole it must have found me and now we were both in trouble on days 90 through 92 the skull skibby began spewing acid into the hole I was trapped in I quickly built a barrier above to protect us from the sludge I can't win this battle what are we going to do if we can't beat it let's trap it I quickly shot down the monster with my Sonic drill killing it for now and giving the little drillman time to place down a bunch of spider webs are you almost done I just need a few more seconds well hurry up this thing's going to be back to life any second now not yet not yet the skull skib then Rose back from the dead and readied his acid now I lured the skib the in with some attack and he fell into the hole with us causing it to get stuck in the webs quickly let's get out of here with the Beast subdued for now I grabbed the little drillman and brought him back up to safety we then sealed the monster inside of the hole trapping him for good thank you for saving me drillman I want to repay you with my power your power what's that with it I can allow you to speak to one person from the a after life for a brief period of time really uh please let me speak to my brother Dre he'll know how to get into the Temple of course now just relax the little drillman used their strange powers to cast a spell on me and I felt myself slowly falling asleep on days 93 through 95 I found myself in a dream world and I was back to my small original form there my Fallen brother Dre was standing before me Dre is is that really you Max I've missed you so much it's so good to see you again brother it doesn't feel real you wouldn't believe everything that led me here oh yeah how did you end up here or how did I end up here either way I'm confused I mean I could explain this but it would probably take like at least 93 days to recount everything so maybe I should just cut to the chase please just tell me how I can overcome the darkness within me and get the drillman artifact I was hoping it wouldn't come to this but I know a spell that can do what you asked a spell well then what are you waiting for it will drag out your dark energy but that's only if it succeeds failing it will kill you oh that doesn't matter this curse is hurting people and I'm going to overthrow it very well Max I commend your bravery brother if anyone could do it it would be you he hands me the spell and I felt myself growing even more confident good luck brother I love you I love you too I'm glad I got to see you one last time now go win this war I will for you brother I then woke up with the spell my brother gave me floating down in front of me it's time to get the final artifact on days 96 through 98 I approached the drillman temple door and prepared the spell I casted the spell and the door opened revealing the inside of the temple inside was a lone platform for me to step onto once I did it caused a dark entity to be pulled out from my body what are you doing do you really think you can kill me you're the evil within me I'm not going to let you control my body anymore this dark power will belong to me and me alone I rushed forwards attacking the dark enemy he fought back with his dark drillman power summoning a horde of tentacles from beneath me I used my fire breath against him and his dark magic and it quickly became clear that we were evenly matched give up I'm you but stronger never I'm going to stop this for gray I landed the killing blow allowing me to gain full control over my Powers upon his death he dropped the final artifact and I was able to claim it grabbing the artifact caused me to gain five hearts and new powers and this time I didn't feel the darkness creeping up on me I did it it's time to put an end to the serpent skiy toilet on day 99 I arrived at the city Where it All Began only to find it infested with the snake skibby toilets waiting for me on the outskirts of the city was spark did you do it did you get the final artifact I did but if you have all the artifacts what about your curse my curse is gone I'm free of the darkness that's amazing I knew you'd be able to overcome it I couldn't have done it without you now let's go it's time that we finally ended this with my Ally by my side we stormed the city we fought off toilet after toilet but eventually more backup arrived even though we were strong it was impossible to keep keep up with all the powerful enemies eventually our mission was cut short as we were completely surrounded on all sides by guards your little Rebellion ends here leave them alone suddenly the Titan drillman and the alliance members arrived and began to hold off the threat what are you guys doing here we're here to help you of course but why the things I said the things I did I'm so sorry it's all right the alliance is always willing to help now go kill them nasty serpent skiy thank you we W let you down while the alliance held off the enemies spark and I headed straight for the center of the city on day 100 spark and I arrived at the center of the city there the serpent skib was waiting for us well well well if it isn't my evil drillman and his broken clockman Ally we don't belong to anyone is that so well if you don't belong to me then you're better off dead the serpent skib charged towards us ready to attack I used every last one of my dark Powers while spark backed me up from the sidelines take this he used his ultimate attack and tried to take control over me again no get out of my head I pushed through his mind control and hit him with a heavy attack no this this can't be for GR for my people we both attacked the serpent skib together defeating him once and for all finally we had won the war and I had Avenged my brother
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 2,419,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 32sec (2612 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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