I Survived 100 Days as the DARK TITAN in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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the dark titan has the combined power of a cameraman and a tvman making him one of the strongest Titans ever I'll be surviving a 100 days as the dark Titan in Minecraft using my new powers to destroy all of the other Titans and command my skib toilet Army as I do this I'll upgrade into bigger and stronger forms will I be able to defeat the alliance or will I be crushed under the pressure you'll have to watch until the end to find out on day one I spawns into the city is a half cameraman half tvman hybrid with my camera woman Mom and tvman Dad we love you son you're the first hybrid Alliance member during all of this the skib toilet Army was being taken down by our alliance members my family and I watched as the last of the toilets were destroyed until suddenly the upgraded Titan TV man flew down in front of us by order of the alliance your son must be eliminated to prevent the dark titan Prophecy from unfolding what how could you do this our son is innocent I'm sorry it's the only way now stand back we tried to run but the upgraded Titan TV man Unleashed his red screen attack blasting a building in the process the rubble crumbled down towards me I was going to be crushed fox look out my parents pushed me out of the way causing them to get hit by the building instead I watched in horror as the debris killed them no you killed my family my heart filled with rage and it transformed me into a large dark titan I gained five hearts and new powers which I used on the upgraded Titan TV man to stun him we can't let the prophecy come true get it man suddenly TV men came running towards me on day two I was under attack by the TV men the alliance had killed my parents and turned on me I used my new dark slash powers to take down the TVs one by one I had the combined strength of a cameraman and tvman so they didn't stand a chance however a large TV man soon showed up to stop me you think you're tough but you're still young and weak you'll never win this fight the large TV man shined all of his screens on me at once dealing tons of damage I couldn't defeat him and was forced to run away get back here I was chased through the city by the large TV man I took every turn I could to try and lose him but just when I thought I had gotten away he dropped down in front of me you can never Escape me the large TV man prepared for his final attack but out of nowhere a giant scientist skib toilet came in to help me leave him alone using his electric shock attack he was able to strike down the large TV man and saved my life you saved me but you're a skibby toilet we always help those who are against the alliance the TV men destroyed your family am I wrong yeah they did how awful I have something to ask of you come with me I went with the scientist skibidi to see what he had to say on day three I arrived at a skib toilet base and there I was led all the way down into the scientist skib toilets laboratory what do you want to ask for me what has always given the alliance an edge over us are their powerful Titans we wanted to ask if you would allow me to upgrade you into a Titan of our own and help us win this war after what the alliance did to my family I want to get revenge I'm in well then let's begin the scientist skippity hooked me up to a large machine I wasn't sure what to expect but my mind was made up don't worry this will only hurt a lot wait what the scientist giib flipped a switch and suddenly my body began to change I grew bigger in size and became an even more powerful tit I now had five more Hearts new energy blades and a powerful red screen attack with this power I'll avenge my parents and defeat the alliance before we can celebrate the lab was invaded by the cameraman forces there's the dark titan hey he's working with the toilets that's bad news no matter take them all down they found our base put those new poers to use I'm on it I charged in to defend my new toilet Ally against the cameraman forces on days 4 through 7 I was defending the sky base from the cameraman Invasion I used my brand new Energy Swords to slash down each of the cameramen one by one it was clear they couldn't keep up with my strength is that all you've got suddenly the ground began to tremble and I hurried outside to see what was going on there I saw the upgraded Titan cameraman was waiting for me what sort of Titan freak are you you'll pay for saying that I flew in and began to slash the Titan cameraman with everything I had in response the Titan cameraman smashed into me with his hammer for massive damage he was just as strong as I was it'll take a lot more than that to stop me the Titan cameraman landed another big hit leaving me with low health I wasn't going to make make it much longer I have to run I powered on my Jetpack and began to fly away from the battlefield I thought I could Escape but unfortunately the Titan cameraman wasn't going to let out easily oh no you don't he shot at me with his laser attack that damaged my Jetpack I fell from the sky back towards the ground below on days 8 through 10 I landed inside of an area surrounded by lava I could see the Titan cameraman flying towards me but when I tried to fly away my Jetpack didn't work I have to get out of here as soon as possible I began to platform over The Lava pit I had to be sure I didn't fall into the deadly magma below I was able to get to the other side and take cover causing the Titan cameraman to lose sight of me for now I didn't have time to rest before I heard someone calling for help help I looked towards the sounds of the screams and spotted a skibby toilet cornered by a cameraman hang on I'm coming to help I ran over and destroyed the cameraman before he was able to hurt the skib toilet thanks for helping me dark titan the cameraman have taken everyone including the scientist skiy toilet show me where they are I'll save them I followed behind the little toilet towards the base where my new friends were being held captive on days 11 through 14 I arrived at the cameraman base where I could see my skibbidy allies trapped in cages we need to get them out of there but I can't be seen don't worry I'll help you the little toilet stealthed his way towards the control panel he was about to free everyone when he was accidentally spotted Intruder everyone stop him the cameraman ran towards my Ally but I ran in and stopped them with my dark titan Powers leave my friends alone one by one the cameraman fell to my might but more backup continued to arrive it seemed as if their numbers were endless I need to free my men I used my red screen powers to blast in the cages and free my skibidi army they ran in and held off the cameraman guards leveling the playing field we'll hold these guys off help save the scientist skib he's further ahead thanks guys I went and deeper into the base while my skidy allies fought off the cameraman on days 15 through 17 I found the scientist giid being held captive by the upgraded Titan cameraman there he had a dangerous laser device pointed right at him prepare to die you skiy monster leave him alone I quickly ran in and powered down the laser before the Titan was able to kill him well well well look who decided to show up time to finish where I left off the Titan cameraman then used a strong electric attack onto me he was still super strong I tried to defend myself with my dark SL ability but nothing I did seemed to do enough damage to the Titan cameraman you'll never defeat me you're just a Titan no I'm not I'll show you he started to approach me and I landed an unexpected attack onto him causing the Titan cameraman to stumble into his own device the machine overloaded shocking the Titan cameraman until he was dead with my foe out of the way the scientist giy toilet was now freed the only thing that remained now was a mechanical part I picked up the piece the Titan cameraman dropped and gained five more hearts and my Jetpack was restored I'll take down every single Titan if I have to just then a portal ripped open and clockman arrived in the area the alliance had already called for backup Retreat the scientist skimy and I flew away from the cameraman base to escape the clockman on days 18 through 21 we returned back to the skib base to take cover from the clockman both of us got out of there good but why did we run away we could have taken him the toilet scientist signed it's clear us toilets aren't strong enough we'll need to be upgraded just like you I want to help what should I do the clock men are the guardians of the Gilded gear a powerful piece of technology capable of bestowing great Powers if you can get it from them then I can upgrade the entire Sky Army is it heavily guarded yes and the clock men are possessed of a unique ability one to alter time so you must be careful here take this he then dropped me a map that led to the clockman base then it looks like I know where to go next I flew northward to the clockman Outpost on the map but when I arrived I saw it was swarming with guards walking right in would be a bad idea I should find another way inside and so I began searching for an alternate route I flew around and spotted another entrance near the back of the facility I tried to go that way instead but suddenly I was frozen in my tracks and I was forced towards the ground something had stop time what the I got you right where I want you out of nowhere the clock woman ambushed me to counter I use my dark titan powers to surprisingly break free from her clutches You Broke Free from my time abilities you must be strong let's fight on days 22 through 25 I was face to face with the legendary clock woman the clock woman didn't hesitate to fire at me with an array of bullets that damaged my Titan armor I'll Crush Sho you puny clock I shot at her with my dark needle attack but she disappeared I then heard her voice behind me too slow I turned and fired again but the shot missed for the second time you can't win as long as I have time on my side you're freezing time to dodge out of the way that's cheating the clock woman aimed her blasters to make a final blow against me but suddenly a spider we trapped her in place a skiy spider had come to my a now's your chance with the clock woman stuck in place I was able to land a flurry of powerful attacks defeating her once and for all thanks for the help back there no problem my name is Skip come with me and I'll show you where the guilded gear is being held I followed skip to the base of a massive Clock Tower and at its base was the Gilded gear soon nothing will stand in our way except for me suddenly the Titan clockman flew down and blocked our path to the Gilded game here I'd like to see you try on days 26 through 28 the Titan clockman and I were engaged in a heated battle the Titan clockman had a powerful clock gun attack that was quickly weakening My Hearts by the second I tried to rush in and retaliate with my energy swords but the Titan clockman was more heavily armored than any of my previous foes and Shrugged off the hit surrender now or I'll Crush you never I used my dark needle attack in a Las Stitch effort but the Titan clockman used his time powers to dodge it before I could get another attack in the Titan clockman stopped time and built an entire cage around me no I have to get the guilded gear sit tight do titan just as I was beginning to lose hope skip sneakily ran up to the gear and grabbed it don't worry I've got it no don't let him escape a swarm of clockman chased after skip as he scurried off with the gear as he disappeared into the distance the Titan clockman turned back to my cage you're coming with me on days 29 through 32 I was in a holding cell with no way to escape the Titan clockman glared at me through a wall of bulletproof glass let me out of here and face me coward you've proven to be a greater danger to the alliance than anything we've seen before I'll take that as a compliment it wasn't you're a threat to us all for your actions the alliance has decided to melt you down and use you for parts so long d the Titan clockman flew away as lava began to pour down into the room I need to find a way out of here fast I focus my energy and use my dark slashes to try and break out of the room nothing was working and as the lava started to fill the entire space I began to lose hope I shouted in anger but as I did I Unleashed a new Sonic Boom power that shattered the glass just in time for me to escape that was close I need to find skip before the alliance catches him I flew above the outskirts of the city until I spotted skip trapped on a conveyor belt heading towards a pit of lava somebody help me don't worry I'm coming dark titan you came back to rescue me of course I did I always look out for my friends now hold on I'm going to get you out of here I flew towards him to help but I was intercepted by the Titan clockman where do you think you're going not you again without hesitation he attacked me on days 33 through 35 I was facing off with the Titan clockman he used his clock gun to fire at me relentlessly and I tried to fight back with my new Sonic Boom attack but just like before I didn't stand a chance against him alone give up this struggle is useless I'll never give up why would a Titan like you work for the scy Army don't you see they only seek to destroy from what I've seen the alliance hasn't done much better dark titan catch skip through the Gilded gear out of a slit in the conveyor belt wall I quickly flew away from the Titan clockman and picked it up causing me to transform into an upgraded dark titan I gained five hearts and a new fire attack and Powerful grapple claws try to fight me now the Titan clockman used his clock gun to shoot me down but with my improved speed I was able to dodge the hits and use my new fire attack no no I finished off the Titan clockman with my new grapple claws destroying him completely once he fell the conveyor belt stopped well before skip reached the lava that's what you get for messing with the dark titan what have you done you'll pay for this the Titan computer man had appeared and began hacking into the conveyor belt systems the belt started up again and Skip continued heading towards the lava pool no stop I charged at the Titan computer man in an effort to save skip on days 36 to 39 I was fighting off the Titan computer man in Hope hopes that I could override his conveyor belt hack I used my blinding red screen attack on him but he retaliated with his green screen hack attack it was screen vers screen but his was ultimately more powerful it's useless you can't defeat me at least now with enough time to save your little friend yes I can dark titan whatever you do don't let them win this war don't talk like that I'm going to rescue you skip I just need a little more time it's okay take down the alliance for me I looked down just in time to watch skip fall to his Doom sinking into the lava I was too late no you killed my friend I'll make you pay you're one to talk traitor enraged I attacked the Titan computerman with everything I had it was no use as the Titan computerman brushed the attack off and retaliated with his electric attack knocking me back he was too strong and there was no way I could win the skiy twi Army will fall get him men before I knew it a horde of large computermen swarmed the area and I was forced to retreat I'm sorry skip I promise I'll make them regret what they did to you on days 40 through 43 I returned to the skibbidy base to find my skibbidy brothers waiting for me was the mission of success yes but I have some bad news I told them about Skip sacrifice and handed the scientist skibbidy the Gilded gear oh no not skip he died as he lived as a courageous Soldier willing to lay down his life for each and every one of us well it is thanks to Skip's Valiant sacrifice that we will now all become stronger yeah you're right let's honor Skip's Legacy and get all the toilets upgraded men prepare yourselves the scientist giib placed down a strange device and I inserted the Gilded gear onto it in an instant all of my allies have been transformed into dark skiy toilet now it's time to strike back we will make them pay come on give me your best evil laugh uh okay was was that it I haven't really had a chance to try it normally I'm a good guy well just keep at it can't be evil without an evil laugh anyway let's go teach those Titans a lesson for killing our friend I left with my Army and led them right to the front of the computermen base for too long we've let these Titans bully us they've looked down on us and attacked us and they've taken those we've loved from us they can take our lives they can take our friends but they can never take our freedom onward men for skip my Army charged towards the base completely ambushing the computermen on days 44- 46 the fight between the dark skiy toilets and the computermen had begun the computermen swung left and right with their plunger swords while the dark skibbies used their new strength to try and overwhelm them I unleashed the full extent of my dark powers to Aid my Army in blasting the computermen to bits thanks to the dark upgrade our army was starting to win surrender now computerman suddenly the Titan computerman arrived onto the battlefield why should we the Battle Is Only Just Begun he then shined his green screen hack onto all of my allies there red circuits turned a green Hue and they all turned to look at me everyone why did you stop fighting they won't listen to you now that I've hacked them toilets eliminate the dark titan my Army obeyed the Titan computer man's order and began attacking me guys don't do this you don't have to listen to him despite my pleading I couldn't get through to my toilet Brothers nothing was working I can't hurt my friends I Surrender interesting you consider them to be your friends do you really believe they think the same of you before I could answer the Titan computerman screen lit up as he hacked into my system on days 47- 50 I woke up inside of a digital realm surrounded by computermen what kind of trick is this join us join us join join us no get out of my head I smashed into the computer men with my Titan Powers but I was weakened in this digital realm I battled every computer man in sight until finally the Titan computer man appeared your struggle was useless I've hacked you and you belong to me now no I'm going to save my friends and kill you suddenly I was filled with a newfound strength I Unleashed my power and struck the Titan computer man snapping me back into the real world and Breaking Free of the hack when I came to I found I had five more hearts and increased power for skip no oh I flew towards the Titan computer man and I killed him instantly with my energy swords freeing all of my allies from his hack we did it another Alliance member is down suddenly the ground began to tremble and the floor collapsed between me and my allies feet between days 51 and 54 we fell into an underground Cavern towards a cage that was waiting for us I used my Jetpack to swiftly evade the Trap but unfortunately the same couldn't be said for all of my men who fell inside who's responsible for this we are just then the Titan drillman revealed himself as well as his army of drillman goons drillman you all fell right into our trap didn't you if you ever want to see your friends again then you must surrender to the drillman I'll Never surrender to the likes of you you're finished I quickly flew towards the army but a large drill man dropped in front of me before I could get close enough out of my way those are my friends I tried to bat the large drillman out of the way but he quickly burrowed into the ground to avoid my attack he then suddenly appeared From Below you mean these Sky verman these things are your friends you'll have to get past me first the toilets have shown me far more kindness in the likes of you Alliance jerks they're more than my friends they're my family huh I can see the family resemblance you traitor scum all look alike A fitting taste in company for a reted mutant like you looks like you've got this handle my Apprentice kill this dark titan swiftly for me thank you Titan drillman the Titan drillman left with his drillman goons and I had no choice but to face this new threat to save my friends for the alliance on days 55- 57 I was locked in combat with the large drillman in an attempt to save my friends he charged at me using a piercing drill attack to damage me I tried to fight back with my dark titan Powers but he was able to swiftly burrow into the ground and evade the attack I went into the hole to follow him but he was nowhere to be found where did he go the large drillman popped out of the wall like a mole surprise and landed a heavy hit I tried to retaliate but he evaded again this wasn't working come on Max Focus I slow down and listen carefully feeling the vibrations in the Rocks I knew right where he was headed I lined up my attack waiting for him to emerge and when he did gotcha I let loose a Sonic R attack hitting him dead on and defeating him once and for all finally when I looked back at the cage to free my friends I noticed that all my friends are gone all that remained now was a map someone dropped titled dig site get ready Titan drillman you're next between days 58 and 61 I flew to the dig site to find the elusive drillman but my skiy toilet allies were nowhere to be seen I touched down in the middle of their massive dig site and began to attack the drillman one of you knows where the toilets are the smaller drillman swarmed me in an attempt to mount to Counterattack but I was cutting them down like nothing tell me where my friends are suddenly the ground began to shake and the Titan drill man emerged onto the battlefield looks like my Apprentice wasn't strong enough to stop you I'll just have to do it myself the Titan drumman drove his woring arms into my body damaging me severely I fought back with my energy swords attempting to slice him down we were neck and neck I gained the upper hand using my new grapple arms and knocked the Titan backwards causing Rubble on a near nearby crane to fall on top of him with his movement impaired I approached him for questioning tell me where my allies are and I might spare you I would never betray the alliance unlike you what is your problem dude hoping that he caught me off guard the Titan drillman drilled into the ground attempting to free himself and attack but I wasn't going to let him try and get the advantage I had no choice but to take him down it didn't have to be this way the Titan drillman Was Defeated upon his death he dropped a power upgrade as well as another map upon picking up the items I gained a health boost of five Hearts as well as a new dark skull power that shot massive explosions I better see where this map leads the skibby toilets could be in big trouble I made haste and flew away between days 62 through 64 I arrived at the location on the map to find all all of my allies trapped in cages I descended to help them but before I could release them a familiar voice spoke to me my my you've grown much dark titan I turned around I was face to face with the upgraded Titan TV man you let the skib toilets go I've never entertained the requests of a traitor first I'll destroy you then I think I'll take my time picking apart your little friends peace bye peace I won't let you we'll make you pay for what you did to my parents I used my red screen to blast the upgraded Titan huh is that the best you can do I suppose I can't blame an ally of the skies for being inferior as if you've ever stood a chance against a true Titan here allow me to show you what real power looks like he fought back with a red screen attack of his own I fired back and our beams clashed in midair but the Titan TV man was too strong and began to overpower me this is bad I need to focus on Surviving if I could do that I could break everyone out and run such will to live for an Abomination like yourself quit fighting and allow me to put you out of your misery as he fired again I stepped out of the way of the red screen laser and moved to free my allies one by one my friends were released but as soon as I reached the scien to giib the upgraded Titan TV man stopped me run you're not strong enough without the speaker man's energy harness take it and come back for me before you all die we will come back I promise heeding the words of the scientist I escaped from the upgraded Titan TV man while my allies scattered on days 65- 67 I arrived back at the skibbidy basee with my allies what are we supposed to do now they still have the scientist skibby held captive pull yourself together the last thing the scientist skibby would want is for us to all Panic we have to stay calm and listen to what he said uh what did he say again I was too busy screaming and running for my life to hear he said that we need to find the energy harness that's being held by the speaker man it'll most likely upgrade our power does anybody know where the speaker's base is I know I know here's a map to the spot the skibbidy handed me a map that would lead right to the speaker men thanks you guys stay here and watch the base I've got some speaker men to fry so I left my men and flew towards the speaker's base to see if I could find any trace of the energy harness the scientist giy wanted me to find after some travel I spotted the speaker's base with the Titan speaker man looming at the entrance I definitely don't want to alert that guy looks like I'll have to find another way in I investigated the area around the base and discovered a cave with no other alternative entrances in sight I decided to head inside as I was walking through the tight confines the cave became more and more covered in spider webs eventually there were too many of them and I got myself stuck in the webs what the eliminate skiy threat that's probably nothing to worry about right maybe it's a weird bat cry or cave echo or something else completely normal suddenly the room was swarmed with speaker spiders eliminate eliminate eliminate that's not nothing that's not nothing I tried to fight them off with my dark titan Powers but I was still stuck in their webs and their numbers were too great despite my best efforts I was overwhelmed and couldn't hold them off for much longer this is definitely becoming something to worry about man why is it never something completely normal as the spiders overpowered me everything went dark somewhere between days 68 and 72 I regained Consciousness in a cage surrounded by speakers oh no this doesn't look good at all the speakers humed to life and blasted Sonic booms at me I took blast after blast I tried to break through the bars of the cage but I would be dead before I could even come close to finishing I need to turn off those speakers using my red screen I burned down the speakers causing them to explode the force of the explosion powered down the force field trapping me and I managed to escape with a sliver of Health H I better find something to heal up with a grumbling tummy I searched the area breaking open a shed I found some of the speaker supplies oh boy snacks I'm starved I haven't eaten in like 3 weeks I stuffed my face with the speaker's food and healed back to full health oh yeah that really hit the spot I am stuffed I couldn't eat another bite well maybe just one more but I must have been too excited and forgot to chew with my mouth closed because I was suddenly ambushed by a group of speaker men my lunch oh is this yours sorry I didn't realize really you didn't realize I had my name written on that and everything come on man that's a dark titan we have to detain him on an empty stomach you'll pay for this dark titan on days 73 through 75 I was fighting off hord of speaker Soldiers the speaker tried to flush me with their plungers but I was 10 times the size of those speakers and their little toothpicks it's time to show you the might of the dark titan I Unleashed my new dark skull attack that leveled the entire area until no one remained when I turned around I found that I had blew a hole into the speaker man's base revealing the energy harness I was seeking there it is I tried to walk into the base but I was Qui quickly stopped by the Titan speaker man I cannot let you have this energy harness you shall not pass then I'll just force my way through I open the battle with my Sonic Boom powers to fight the Titan speaker man you little brat the Titan retaliated with another powerful Blast from his speaker system that blew me back away from the energy harness that was good but how about this I retaliated with my grapple claws shredding the Titan armor with ease and en raged the Titan speaker man blasted his arm cannon in my direction I took the hit and struck him with one final sword attack defeating the Titan speaker man for good I then claimed the energy harness for myself I was granted five more hearts and a new ultrasonic boom power hang in there scientist giib we're coming to save you on days 76- 79 my Army and I returned to the TV man's base holding the scientist skibbidy we didn't expect Ed to be a walk in the park but it was heavily guarded by TV men all right boys time to see what this energy harness can do with a little bit of focus I unleashed the power of the speaker man's energy harness the energy from it flowed into my men and transformed them into dark skibby helicopters well let's not waste any time charge my Dark skibby Army descended upon the base thanks to their Newfound strength the TV guards stood little chance as they were were quickly overpowered the guards received reinforcements from larger TV men my Army was putting up a good fight but the reinforcements slowed our Advance go ahead and save the sciencetist skib we've got this thank you everyone I moov deeper into the base but when I arrived at the scientist gibi's cage it was empty where is he where's the scientist skibby toilet somewhere you'll never find him turning around I discovered that the voice belonged to the Titan phone man he had set up an ambush for me on days 80 through 83 I was being attacked by the Titan phone man he hit me with his powerful Electric Ball attack but luckily I was able to endure the blast thanks to my recent upgrades you just picked a fight with the wrong Titan I Unleashed my dark skull Powers onto him stunning him for a moment he wasn't stunned for long as he ran forward and attacked me with his giant telephone pole sword we continue trading blows back and forth but eventually it seemed like I was getting the edge on him I landed one last big hit and I could tell he was about to go down tell me where the scientist givy toilet is now you're a fool do you really think you can still win this battle suddenly the Titan phone man used his phone powers to call for backup before I knew it the area was swarmed with his phone man allies I did everything I could to fight off The Horde but while I was distracted Ed the Titan phone man came in for a massive final attack causing me to black out so long dark titan on days 84 through 86 I woke up inside of an alliance prison sitting in my cell was the scientist given the toilet himself you're okay doing better now that you're here I wasn't sure if you'd come of course I did I had to come back for you you're the closest thing to family I've got you've been with me all throughout my journey I couldn't have done all of this without you well thank you dark titan that means so much wait wait a minute who said that me I'm Kevin you know Kevin the one who's been with you all throughout your journey the one you couldn't have done all this without what obviously I wasn't talking to you I have no clue who you are matter of fact why are you even here Kevin what what do you mean I got captured just like the other guy yeah but you're just like a regular toilet you don't even have a head sticking out out of you wait you guys have head sticking out of you I don't have eyes so I can't really tell just then the upgraded Titan TV man entered the room well well well what a touching reunion too bad I'm going to have to break this up why do you hate me so much you are a traitor to the alliance and for that you must be punished without warning the floor under us opened up and the scientis giid and I were plunged Into Darkness don't forget about me Kevin you're going to come back for me right right when we finally landed we found ourselves in some kind of Arena what is this place look out a giant cameraman tank came charging out of nowhere and was headed straight towards us on days 87 through 89 the scientist skib and I were under attack by the cameraman tank it used its missile attack on us and the scientist giib was thrown back but I was able to retaliate with my dark titan powers to my horror the Beast absorbed my attacks like it was nothing and came at me even stronger my health was getting low this isn't working it's too strong a distracted you go in for the killing blow got it the scientist giib lured the monster towards him and while it was distracted I snuck in and hit it with a powerful attack the Beast stopped moving and I thought it was defeated it worked we did it suddenly the beast power back on and turned around it wasn't down yet look out the scientist skiy protected me from the attack but in the process he ended up taking a ton of damage no win win this war at all costs the scientist skib died and I was immediately filled with rage the monster charged me again but the rage inside me made me deal a huge final blow killing it scientist giib I will avenge you Skip and my parents no matter what I blasted my way out of the Arena but when I got through the Titan phone man was waiting for me on the other side oh no I'm not letting you escape you die here on days 90 through 92 I was clashing with the Titan phone man once again our battle was one for the ages he discharged massive blast of electricity to deal damage and I fought back with dark needles to regain some of my lost Health the fight looked close but I was quickly gaining the upper hand finally I was starting to overpower him once more fine if I can't take you by myself I'll have to even the odds just then he started calling in his phone man allies to come to his Aid luckily I was ready for them this time one by one I used devastating explosive attacks to wipe out all of my enemies you coward you sent your men into a fight you knew they could win and I'm the bad guy here even the chance of taking you down is worth any cost I would sacrifice a thousand of M men to defeat you then you leave me no choice for the scientist skiy I went right in for the kill of the Titan phone man giving my attack everything I had oh my hits landed causing the Titan phone man to go down once and for all called denied after he fell he dropped a note as well as another up upgrade part after picking up the heart I immediately gained five Hearts as well as a new ability then I read the note the dark skibby toilets have been captured by the radio men once you eliminate their Titan the alliance will win this war my men need me I better hurry I took to the skies and headed straight for the radio men's base on days 93 through 95 I made it to the Radioman base and discovered my allies captured inside just like the note said with my new upgrade I was feeling confident and I decided to attack right away dark skibbies rise I flew down and blasted the cage wide open and they all poured out ready to wreak havoc on the radio men it was an allout War as we leveled the base to the ground with our dark Powers the alliance will pay for their actions the skiy toilet Army Will Rise Above All Of You the radiomen scattered all over as we took them out one by one their numbers were falling we were going to win just then the Titan radio man arrived on the scene stop you fiend you took out my friends and my people I was wondering when you'd show up your kind is always the same you justify striking down enemies by calling them lesser than you there's always someone worse than you are but it has gone on long enough your evil will end here and now fiend you already said fiend do you not know any other insults and besides you're the evil ones of course I do it was uh intentional now die you feet I mean you uh just die yeah on days 96 through 98 I was locked in battle with the Titan radio man he used his antenna sword to strike me and it was super powerful but I came back at them with my Sonic Boom attack to fry his circuits huh you're pretty strong but I won't let you defeat any more Titans his mounted arm Cannon fired piercing projectiles but I was able to dodge most of them and endure any of his hits pretty well you've taken everything from me and I'll make you pay I Ed my new God's Cannon Attack on the Titan radio man finishing him off once and for all after he died I gained another five hearts and increased power my men all gathered around me the invasion of the Radioman base was a success there's only one tiny remaining in the alliance he is the most powerful but also the most cruel he took away my parents' lives and the lives of our skib toilet Brothers together we'll make him pay we'll stand with you no matter what dark titan suddenly my pep talk was interrupted by an invasion of every member of the alliance all at once they all stood strong waiting for the command to strike everyone get ready the final battle of Our Lives is about to begin on day 99 the skiy toilet and Alliance armies clash in a battle of Epic Proportions each of the different alliance members use their different abilities to try and overpower us but my Army had grown immensely since day one skibbies show them your power the dark skibby toilets began to overwhelm the alliance's forces the tides were starting to shift and the battle seem to finally be going in our favor upgraded Titan TV man show yourself suddenly the upgraded Titan TV man flew down Landing in front of me you've proven yourself to be a real pain in my side dark titan I never thought a half breed like you could amount to being such a nuisance no matter I won't be making that mistake again once I disposed of you I'll ensure that no other mutant ever see the light of day oh I'm just getting started I'll make you all suffer the same way you made my friends and family suffer that's tough talk from a mut like you seems you forgotten who the stronger Titan really is allow me to remind you with that the upgraded Titan TV man conjured a portal that sucked us both in on day 100 I was in a new area with the upgraded Titan TV man he wasted no time and blasted me with a devastating red screen attack luckily I flew out of the way and was able to dodge the hits is that the best you've got take this using my new Goss Cannon power on him I hit the foe with great force and sent him staggering back you're stronger than before I'll give you that guess I'll have to stop holding back with that the opponent dropped down and came at me with his Titan sword in return I retaliated with the strongest attacks I could muster utilizing all of the powers in my Arsenal the two of us traded blows back forth it was anyone's game and either side could fall at any moment finally I spotted an opening and landed a surprise blow on the upgraded Titan TV man giving me the advantage this is for my parents Skip and the scientist skib with my dark titan claws I landed the finishing blow against the enemy finishing him off once and for all no with that the upgraded Titan TV man was defeated and I had officially won the war in in the name of the skib toilet Army woohoo I did it he wouldn't have forgotten about me I'm Kevin who can forget about dear dear Kevin F favorite character Kevin hello dark titan it's uh starting to get a little backed up over here oh oh that must be him dark titan over here finally a regular toilet wait a minute you're not the dark titan I've been looking for a place to do my business but all these toilets have heads for some reason wait wait wait no no no you can't do this to me I'm Kevin I'm Kevin
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 2,750,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9nuQBFygv_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 42sec (2742 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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