I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL WOLF in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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on day one ice fondant is a baby Elemental Wolf My Den had been set Ablaze by the horrible demon wolf fenrir and his pack of dark wolves bring me the elemental child is he talking about me I made a run for it as fenrir blasted his fire attacks all over my pack wolves All Around Me felt like flies to his incredible power just then I spotted my mom and quickly rushed to her side mom what happened Max then rear wants you dead go find the elemental Elders they'll know what to do just as I thought we were safe fenrir came out of nowhere around you she Unleashed a powerful fire attack in me but before I was killed my Mom jumped in front of it the attack killed her instantly no I couldn't let my mom's death be in vain I quickly ran for my life on day two I was being chased by the powerful fenrir and his pack the evil Hound sent powerful fire attacks at me from behind I did my best to evade them but he managed to hit me with one leaving me with low health I'm not going down without a fight I tried to use my elemental powers to fight back but I only managed to shoot lightning oh no am I missing all my other abilities I continued to run until I was cornered by the ocean there's nowhere to go I have to hide I quickly plunge into the water and found a hiding spot I watched as Fender approach the edge of the water and looked around I held my breath and waited for him to leave run while you can element I'll find you and eliminate you only the fire elements will rage Supreme the evil hand left once the coast was clear I popped out of the water and gasped for air I need to find the Elemental Elders fast on day three I looked for a place to rest while venturing through another restless night luckily I managed to find a cave to take cover in however before I could rest I started to hear the sound of clacking Bones from deeper in the cave I looked further inside to find that the cave was infested with strays the Strays began to shoot at me with their arrows they outnumbered and overpowered me in my current state after all I was only a baby even so I tried my best to defend myself using my electric elemental powers I shot at them one by one but no matter how hard I tried I was getting overwhelmed more and more Strays would appear to continue the attack I can't go on suddenly an elemental skeleton came out of nowhere leave him alone the elemental skeleton began to slash through the Strays with an electrical blade each Slash from the elemental sword would strike lightning down onto the straights killing them almost instantly I watched and awe as the team Australia's didn't stand a chance thanks to the incredible power of the elemental skeleton all of the Strays were defeated whoa thank you for saving me who are you I'm the elemental skeleton one of the elemental Elders wait a sec I've been looking for you your powers need to be awakened to defeat fenrir come with me suddenly we are both teleported away my next day suddenly I was hacked the culprit was none other than silver wolf the brand new playable character in honkai Star rail what's honkai Star rail only the best space fantasy RPG around it's available on both mobile and PC with PlayStation being added just around the corner what's great is that you can share your data across all devices silverwolf is the best hacker in the game she's got a rebellious spirit and is a hardcore gamer in battle she uses her hacking abilities to weaken her enemies meaning she's a great support character also new to the game is locha the calm to Silver wolves fire in battle he's a Healer but that's not all he can do his ultimate causes AOE damage and gets rid of enemies Buffs Explorer meticulously crafted sci-fi Universe with Rich in-game lore and interesting Side Stories I love getting lost in the world and just seeing what it has to offer the combat and honkite star rail is great as there's ways to truly customize your strategy fight against diverse enemies in cool environments for the Ultimate Experience so don't wait download honkai Star rail now and use the code on screen for an extra 50 Stellar Jades thanks honkai star rail for sponsoring this video on days four through seven I appeared inside of a mysterious room with the first Elemental Elder Elder how am I supposed to defeat fenrir due to defeat dread wolf you must first understand him henrier has always been envious of the power that us Elemental mobs possess he vowed that one day he would eliminate all of us so that he would be the only Elemental mob remaining to prevent this we have locked away five Elemental artifacts that would unlock your full power you must find the Tome of Terror the aqua orb The Infernal amulet The Ether feather and the spirit Shard and take down the evil fenrir so why can't I just take these ones oh these uh these are just replicas 100 plastic ah Max after everything I've said do you feel up to the task you could count on me just then the room began to tremble and fed rear broken sign at last I found you Fenway began to blast fire around the room like crazy in a matter of seconds the entire place was a gulpted Flames Stand Down The Elemental Elder charged in and began to Duke it out with fenrir the demon Hound had the power to spit loads of flames the room was almost entirely a gulped in fire despite this the elemental Elder charged in and slashed him down with his mythical blade it would deal massive damage to the Beast and even Struck it with lightning but fenrir wasn't giving in he retaliated with his own powerful attacks and hurt the Elder with his massive Jaws the two were neck and neck but Fender's might was beginning to become overwhelming despite the Elder's Incredible strength he was still no match for the fury of fenrir run Max Your Last Hope before I could intervene the Elder teleported me away on days 8 through 10 I appeared back in the Overworld fenrir is powerful I need to find the five Elemental artifacts before it's too late my first order business was to make a shelter for myself so I scattered at a location to get to work I ended up finding a massive natural Cavern with tons of space this will make for a great Den I started to build myself a brand new wolf stand that would reflect my element of Thunder I added lightning sources to the pillars to look like charged up lightning rods next I made an altar to place all the elemental artifacts since I found them I used my lighting powers to Mark the first pillar lastly I marked a spot it's my personal corner of the cave adding a huge Elemental bed and everything I'd need to survive after a lot of building I had a good start man I'm hungry time to go hunting for food I searched around and spotted a baby sheep being chased by a horde of Fender's Goons the little sheep used lightning powers to try and zap down the enemies but she was too weak to win she fizzle mob like me helper I I charged in and began to blast away at the goons with my own electric powers they snapped at me with their strong jaws and shot strange red lasers at me for loads of damage they had me in numbers so I had to keep my distance so I wouldn't be overwhelmed I shot back at them with my electric powers and dwindled down the entire Pack's health of my Elemental abilities the lightning spread across the whole pack causing it to fall one after the other despite my size I managed to zap all that goes to a crisp upon their deaths they dropped some steak Don't Mind If I Do I gobbled down some of the meat and suddenly felt myself change my legs grew longer and my body was more powerful I was an adult Elemental wolf with 15 hearts ah that hit the spot thank you for saving [Applause] me nice to meet you I'm Max looks like fenrir is after you too come stay with me I took Remy home and got to work on her very own room in the base I added accent to reflected her element of thunder [Music] the Electric Sheep tossed over a map titled the Tome of Terra the Tome of Terra that's one of the artifacts I better check this out on days 11 through 14 I arrived at the location on the map to find a massive dig site fenrir's dark wolves were already searching for the Tome of Terror oh no I have to get it before they do I needed to get through but I knew if I was spotted I wouldn't stand a chance against an entire Army wait a sec I can dig my way in as an elemental wolf I had the ability to dig quickly with my Paws I began to Tunnel my way into the ground and avoided the ghost detection I kept digging until I fell through the floor ah luckily I managed to land in a pool of water to break my fall I better find him before anyone else does I began to explore the massive temple in search of the Tome of Terror I was getting further in when I was stopped by a bottomless pit oh I better watch my step I hop from rock to rock over the dangerous pit below one misstep in my journey was already over thankfully I managed to make it to the other side nothing could stop me just then the room began to tremble around me I turned around to find a goon was blocking my path the dark dog launched me with its horrible fangs on days 15 through 17 I was fighting one of fenrir's goons he came at me with his vicious fangs but I wasn't going down without a fight I hit him with my lightning powers they were so strong it left a cloud of electricity around him making the fur on his back stand straight up he tried to get it close but his fangs were no match for my lightning bolts I kept striking him and his attacks were getting closer I knew I could defeat him I I honed in all of my power and managed to defeat the Dark Wolf I gotta keep moving before more show up I hurried in deeper and finally arrived at the altar there the Tome of Terror stood waiting I went towards the altar to claim it but an earth Golem stop me in my tracks the guardian of this artifact and the elemental Elder of Earth please I need the Tome to stop fenrir you must prove your strength first are you as tough as Rook or soft like the hulking Golem ran towards me with all of his might and I praise for impact he went in with his bare Fist and started to pound me down his eyes I used my electricity attacks to try and stun him until suddenly he started summoning rocks from the ground and launched them in my direction I tried to evade his attacks while shooting my lightning back at him it was difficult to land a hit when he protected himself with his floating rocks but I couldn't let up even worse he was able to summon a massive Boulder that was almost impossible to dodge luckily I was a Nimble wolf and narrowly evaded the attacks I continued to zap him until I finally started to gain an advantage the battle was fierce but I managed to overpower the Golem he finally surrendered to my power you are worthy take it and unlock your Earth element I claim the tomatero from The Altar and felt a new power surged through me I was now able to control the Earth beneath my feet my new abilities gave me the strength to summon rocks and throw them in any direction this new power also gave me five more Hearts increasing it to a total of 20. one artifact down of four more to go the room trembled once again and fenrir's new Army of goons arrived to stop me he has the Tome get him on days 18-21 tarek and I were fighting off fenrir's men they were far tougher than the other goons I had faced so far they were heavily armored and used their intense Flames to fuel their heavy fists each attack The Horde landed dealt loads of damage so I tried to keep him at Bay with my new Earth abilities Carrick and I tried to beat them down but they are resilient even though their armor was cracking they wouldn't let up I did everything I could but even with my new earth powers I couldn't fend them off I followed Terex orders and made run for it I managed to narrowly escape the underground Temple but I was in a completely different location am I lost I ran through the Overworld looking for my Den when I suddenly spotted a bear with his head stuck in a beehive you okay in there oh bother I couldn't resist a sweet honey but it seems I've gotten myself stuck this will be a perfect chance to try out my new powers I attempted to move the rock out of the way when I suddenly heard a buzzing sound behind me I turned around and realized I was being swarmed by Angry bees ah they flew at me with their stingers and I began to fight off the swarm of my Elemental abilities I primarily focus on using my new Earth element and levitated dirt blocks to Pummel into the bees I sent big chunks of Earth at the Swarm to beat down their numbers bit by bit but they were quick pliers I began to zap the bees down to stun them and continued my Onslaught they may have outnumbered me but I was proving to be more powerful thanks to my new Strength I managed to defeat the bees and save both myself and the bear if the Tome of Terror is this strong I wonder how powerful the other artifacts are I completely moved the rock out of the way freeing the bear oh thank you Brave wolf take this as a gift of thanks he tossed over a honeycomb sword this will definitely help in my quest thank you he then pointed me in the direction of my base and I set off on days 22-25 I returned to my base with the help of the Bears directions I think it's time to give this place some TLC I started by adding the Tome of Tara to my collection of Elemental artifacts then I begin terraform a nearby area into sandstone to celebrate obtaining my new earth powers afterwards I made a chest room to hold all my materials and treasures with that my expansion was complete once I was done building I wanted to have a landmark to avoid getting lost again in the future so I've had a high point for me to Howl at the Moon oh I won't lose this place again suddenly dark clouds gathered in the sky and a powerful thunderstorm began to rain down onto me I rushed inside of my Den to take cover and realized it was being flooded by the downpour I gotta move fast this place is gonna flood I quickly ran to each hole around the base and patched them up with whatever materials I had on hand just as I was patching up the final hole a mysterious letter fell through it this has Wade the water Elemental Elder May case to the south sea something horrible is after the artifact what happened I need to get there fast on days 26-28 I arrived at the south sea to find the place was in case in ice there a monster loomed over the water Elemental Elder Wade he had been encased to the neck in ice my men are after the aqua orb now soon I will give it to fenrir and be rewarded for my efforts yeah right you couldn't even find the orb even if I gave you the map silence the Beast uses ice powers to freeze over Wade completely I ran out and confronted the monster hey let him go I charged in ready to take down the villain where he stood the ice Golem had a variety of freezing attacks that he threw at me he was able to summon powerful ice spikes and send them flying in my direction I did my best to evade his attacks but the ice was so slippery it was hard to keep my footing I tried to use my Earth Elemental attacks but there was nowhere at the bend only Frozen water was around us for Miles instead I wanted him up close with my honeycomb sword and tried to stun him with my electric attacks unfortunately for me he was able to use frost breath to deal massive damage whenever I tried to attack despite my efforts I was still mad for the Powerful Beast this best you got get em he summoned a powerful sea monster out of nowhere and it began to chase me down the ice I made a run for it until spotting a gap in the surface of the water I drove inside to try and throw him off my tail but they followed after me I swam and swam but the monster wouldn't let up I was gonna drown under the surface of the ice is this the end just then a dolphin swam up and tossed a potion at me drink this quick I swelled it down and was suddenly given water breathing it felt amazing follow me I followed the dolphin to a safe place and managed to lose the sea monster thanks for helping me back there who are you I'm Darian I'm Wade's Apprentice can you help me get the aqua orb I needed to restore my water Elemental abilities you got yourself a deal on days 29 through 32 Darien and I arrived at a giant wall of ice and behind it was hiding a secret underwater city let me in I charge in the ice and tried to break it down but it wouldn't budge how am I supposed to get inside I've got this Darion took out a strange potion and threw it the ice wall and managed to chip through it hurry go now I swam through the Gap and made it to the other side however it quickly froze over once again looks like there's no turning back I parted ways with Darion and headed deeper into the city finally I found the awkward I was seeking but it was guarded by the same powerful sea monster from before like the puppy game crawling back you die here the sea monster lunch at me and I brace myself for battle he had the power to breathe frost breath and chomped into me with his powerful icy fangs I tried to get in close with my honeycomb sword but its eyes attacks caused me to plummet to the ground I couldn't move but I retaliated with my electric moves the electricity dealt loads of damage in the water and I managed to break free from the icy froze man I realized that there were marble bricks on the floor so I used my Earth Elemental ability to levitate the blocks and send them flying at the monster they crashed into him stealing loads of damage I kept up my Onslaught giving him room to move all of my abilities combined with the Boost I'd gotten from Darien's potion made me a tough bow I landed one more attack and managed to defeat the sea monster time to get that orb I swam up and finally claim the next Elemental artifact for myself I suddenly felt an overwhelming power rushed through me my body began to transform changing myself into an even more powerful Elemental wolf I gained five additional hearts and the ability to manipulate water and ice let's see how powerful this thing is I use the power of the orb to melt the ice wolves back into their water stage face time to save the water Elder on days 33-35 I returned to where Wade was being held captive and confronted the monster once again you I thought I had you executed think again I charged in to fight the monster with my new water powers I shot balls of water with the ice gone while he tried to hit me with the same Powers as before he was still incredibly strong and trying to freeze me in place with his frost breath while sending ice spikes from afar unfortunately for him I had grown much stronger myself I pebbled them with my honeycomb sword and continued to fire all my water attacks at the oversized popsicle the battle was fierce but I managed to come out on top once the dust settled I used the power of the aqua orb and freed Wade from his ice prison thank you for the help Elemental wolf you are worthy of that artifact do you have anything that could help me on my quest take my Apprentice Darion with you he could offer you some support while I stay and protect this part of the realm I agreed with Wade and headed back to the base with Darion to regroup time to get to work I began expanding my cave home and added a water-filled area made of prismarine blocks to symbolize my new element of water afterwards I made dairy in his own aquatic room perfectly fit for a dolphin this is great but I'm kind of hungry I'm on it I built a pan to hold Cows as well as a small farm I wanted to have a consistent food source for not only me but my vegetarian residents too with that my expansion was complete before I finished I added the aqua orb to my collection of Elemental artifacts nice only three more to go thin rear doesn't stand a chance just then ice bought a mysterious tunnel I had never seen before I wonder what's in there I walked through it and when I emerged on the other side I discovered a civilization of gem Golems but their homes have been set on fire what's going on here to my horror fenrir emerged in front of me [Laughter] there you are on days 36-39 I was face to face with fenvir once again but this time it was different I have the power of the aqua orb now Your Flames don't stand a chance against me you think that little water ball is going to stop me and Flames will burn right through it the red full speed and the two of us clashed in battle Fender spat out his Flames at me and I used my brand new water element to extinguish them I thought surely this would give me the edge I need to beat him the gem Golems ran around at a frenzy as the epic battle continued I pummeled them with my water attacks from afar and even used frost breath to freeze him in place unfortunately for every fire I put out bedroom would ignite 10 times more the battle was becoming a struggle I couldn't keep up despite having water powers they weren't enough to match the intensity of fenvir's flames no I have to defeat you he came for the final blow when suddenly one of his goons ran up to him sir we found the whereabouts of the infernal amulet then I'll spare you Elemental wolf that way you can watch me destroy everything you care for fenrir left with his minion leaving me alone in the Flaming Village I helped the gem Golems recover from the aftermath and extinguish the fires with my water powers thank you for saving us I didn't save anyone fenrir is gonna get the next Elemental artifact before I can actually we can help with that I followed the gem Gollum who led me to a mysterious nether portal this portal will take you to the amulet but in your current state the nether is too hot for you to survive you must train and gain fire resistance if that means I can get the amulet before fenrir then I'm in on days 40 through 43 I was training with the gem gobs to build my resistance to fire my first test was to jump from pillar to pillar over a pit of boiling lava one slip-up would have finished me but I managed to clear the obstacle course next I had to walk over a bed of magma blocks the hot coals burnt my feet and dealt damage but I pushed through the pain finally I was at my third and final challenge I had to fight the powerful Soul Blaze bring it on the fiery Beast attacked me he wasn't gonna hold back and neither was I the soul Blaze was a stronger opponent due to his fiery abilities his Firepower was hotter than anything I've ever faced before he could fly so high and shoot Fireballs in any direction I stepped the place was so hot that it was melting right through my eyes Powers but I knew you I couldn't give up I used my water abilities to put out his devastating Flames when I was able to put out the fire I got in closer to hit him with my powerful honeycomb sword with one final blow I defeated my opponent once and for all I did it suddenly I gained armor and Fire Resistance you are now ready for the nether come with me I followed the gem gone back towards the portal and prepared myself for the journey ahead infernal amulet here I come on days 44-46 I arrived in the nether to find a volcano in the distance unfortunately the path towards it was crawling with armored blazes you must be Fender's men led me through I honed in my power and tried to brute force my way through the Army I charged in with no fear I started striking the enemies with my electric ability my Powers left lighting bolts surrounding the herd but they kept coming at me with their quick fists I tried maneuvering around them so I could freeze them with my ice powers their strength in numbers overwhelm me so I had to use every elemental power that I had normally I could have taken them but the heat of the nether empowered his men I was forced to retreat I could make it through here I scouted out another route and found a pathway full of magma blocks that led into a Cave System I ran over the blocks with these thanks to my fire resistance and went inside of the cave when I came out the other side I was closer to the top of the volcano almost there I built a bridge across the Gap and finally reached the peak there's the amulet suddenly a giant fiery monster emerged from the inside of the volcano I am ignis the fire Elemental Elder leave this place at once you don't understand I'm trying to stop fenrir yeah right I will rip this place of trespassers like you ignis used his immense power to pull me towards them causing me to float over The Lava Below Good Luck surviving oh on days 47-50 ignis dropped me into the volcano but thankfully my fire resistance protected me from taking damage what why aren't you burning alive I'm an elemental wolf I'm capable of embracing fire just like you I use my water elemental powers to turn the lava below me into obsidian I now had a battlefield to fight on bringing on ignis me and the elemental Elder clashed and began fighting for the infernal amulet ignis used his massive sword and shield to his Advantage doing a lot of damage with his strength he was able to smash the floor and push me away making it hard to get in close with my honeycomb sword he was definitely the toughest opponent I'd faced so far but I wasn't about to give up I used my water attacks to try and extinguish his Flames but just like fenrir his heat was Far hotter than the strength of my water attacks I switched my frost breath to try and cool him off that way it seemed to be effective since it caused him to freeze in place I took that it's my chance to hit him with everything I had but he was able to melt through it she continued his Onslaught and so I tried using my other elements of lightning and Earth to my advantage I levitated a massive piece of obsidian and launch it into the Elder for massive damage we went back and forth it was anyone's game but I gradually began to overpower the fiery Warrior after a heated battle I managed to take down the elemental Elder you you were wrong [Music] sorry for my rash Behavior you may now retrieve the amulet for yourself I used my water jet ability to scale up the volcano and obtained The Infernal amulet I gained five additional hearts and finally regained my ability to cast fire nothing can stop me now suddenly the horde of armored blazes that stop me from before appeared the Elementor wolf has our amulet him on days 51-54 I was being attacked by the army of armored blazes I took this as an opportunity to try out my new powers I've blasted down the Swarms of mobs with my powerful fire breath the strength of the infernal amulet was unmatched the horde of armored blazes swarmed around me and hit me with their fiery fists luckily the infernal amulet allowed me to take more hits than before then I scorched them with my Flames I also use my frost breath to freeze them in their tracks and cool things down a bit ignis fought along my side and slashed them down with his powerful sword they may have had an army but with our combined forces they didn't stand a chance after a long battle I managed to take out every last one of them I'm only two artifacts away from ultimate power good work Elemental one take this sword to help age you in future battles ignis dropped his incinerator sword wow thanks just when I thought I would say Professor you're here you may have gotten the ambulance but my theory is only just beginning suddenly the ground trembled and I came to a horrible realization he's gonna make the volcano erupt I hope you like to swim the demon Hound ran off and Ignus shouted at me run while you still can I ran as fast as I could back towards the nether portal I'd enter from as the volcano erupted behind me Balls of Fire fell everywhere but I managed to escape before it was too late on days 55-57 I returned to the Overworld narrowly escaping from Fender's attacks fenrir is only getting stronger I need to get the last two artifacts as soon as I can I took a moment to expand my base starting with a brand new fire area to reflect my new Elemental abilities I use plenty of nether blocks and lava to really make the place toasty once done I added the infernal amulet to my Elemental collection only air and spirit left on the list next I improved the entrance of the cave Itself by adding an element the wolf head to the outside I wanted everyone to know that this was my Den with that my expansion was complete as I admired my work I spotted Remy outside practicing her Thunder abilities hard don't think too much about it just go with the flow Remy listened to me and try it again thanks to my advice she was able to use a new Thunder Power suddenly we heard howling and decided to investigate when we got to the howling point we spotted a werewolf oh lamb meat he ran over and kidnapped my friend heck here on days 58-61 I was chasing the werewolf who stole Remy he took a turn and I followed but all that I saw was a log cabin in the woods what the where did he go I walked into the house and found a strange fuzzy Grandma baking cookies excuse me ma'am I'm looking for a wolf that stole my friend oh goodness have a seat in the I went into the other room and saw Remy in a cage what I got you now you mutt the grandma tore up her disguise and revealed herself to be the werewolf before lunging at me I ran out of the back door and we fought the werewolf came at me with his extremely sharp claws he slashed and swiped but he was no match for my elemental powers I used my fire attacks to deal some heavy burn damage as well as my water Earth and electric abilities the incinerator sword that ignis gave me came in clutch giving me a bonus attack that summons Marissa Flames from the ground the werewolf managed to dish out some heavy hits but after an onslaught of damage from my various Elemental attacks he couldn't best me we might have been matching size but all my training gave me the upper hand thanks to my elemental powers the fleabag didn't stand a chance upon his death he dropped the mysterious map the Aether feather this leads to the next artifact looks like I know where I'm headed next after learning this new information I broke Remy out of her cage on days 62-64 I followed the map until spotting the temple in the sky how am I supposed to get up there I looked around and spotted a pegasus offering taxi services one flight to the temple please sure but that'll be a hundred emeralds a hundred I don't have that kind of money no emeralds no ride I had no other way up so I decided to look for some ways to earn emeralds I went to a nearby Village and sold them my Elemental Services I started by using my electric powers to power on the lights in a home next I used my water abilities to fill the water sources for a brand new Farm finally I lit all the furnaces in The Village's kitchen using my fire abilities thanks to all the hard work I did on my part-time jobs I finally saved up a hundred emeralds time to get that taxi service just as I was about to leave a little bat flew up and snagged my emeralds hey those are mine I quickly ran after them I needed that money to get the next artifact on days 65-68 I chased the thief until finally cornering them there's nowhere to run give me my money back no way see you later sucker the bad threw a splash potion on me causing me to levitate into the air I flew higher and higher until I was touching the clouds oh gosh a fall from this height would be fatal suddenly the potion wore off and I went plummeting to my Doom I thought quickly and used my bucket of water to clutch the fall I was safe uh-oh before the back could fly off I jumped at him and began to hit him with everything I had I used all my elemental powers to put him in his place hand over the emeralds yes sir sorry sir the bad tossed over all my money and took to the skies with my money back in hand I returned to the taxi horse to ask for his Services here's the money perfect hop on we took to the skies and finally arrived at the temple I hopped off and began to take a look around the Outer Perimeter I even managed to find a chest holding a pair of obsidian boots with feather falling this will be useful just then I spotted a little fairy entity Scurry by where are they headed I better follow them on days 69-72 I followed the little creature to the main structure where The Ether feathers stood waiting there's the artifact I ran up to grab it but the tiny fairy creature suddenly attacked me with a powerful wind attack I'm Ariel the air Elemental Elder why are you here oh I'm sorry ma'am I'm Max I'm here to get the ether feather you're a wolf like fenrir I can't trust you there was no reasoning with her the elemental Elder attacked I charge the flying creature with all my might but as soon as I got close she blasted me back with her powerful windblade I realized I wouldn't be able to get close to land any attacks so I started to shoot my fire abilities from a distance I weaved and hid behind pillars to dodge her overwhelming wind strikes the power of the wind was too much for me to handle but I was able to slow her down my freeze breath long enough for me to use my Elemental earth powers to hit the Creature From a Distance everything I threw at her seemed to brush off like it was nothing I was losing the battle when suddenly one offender's men rushed into the room the feather is mine he ran towards the altar but I couldn't let it fall into fenrir's hands I stopped the Goon and defeated him with my elemental powers I'll never let fenrir take this artifact suddenly Ariel came up to me you sacrificed yourself to protect the artifact I see now you are not my enemy very well you may claim the feather thank you ma'am I grabbed the fourth artifact and suddenly my body changed shape my limbs grew longer and my jaws were more powerful changing me into my final form I gained five additional hearts and the ability to manipulate the air one more artifact to go on days 73-75 I returned to the base and decided it was time to work on some more expansions I started by adding the new ether feather to my collection of Elemental artifacts next I started with a wind area to celebrate my new elemental powers I added artificial clouds with a mini house on top I can see everything from here but it's not enough I continued by adding more mini clowns all over the base to honor the air temple in the sky finally I updated my living quarters to make it a lot Cozier with that my expansion was complete I think it's really coming together after building I visited my Altar and admired The Ether feather on its pedestal I'm only one away from having the powers I need to defeat fenrir I wonder what powers the spirit short even holds suddenly I was teleported away and reap appeared in a strange room in front of me stood the elemental skeleton from the beginning of my journey Elemental Elder you're okay I do have a name you know well you never told me it that doesn't matter now I need to tell you something before he finds us like clockwork the room trembled around us and I had a horrible feeling it's too late here he comes on days 76-79 fenmir broke into the room and it's to escape last time for your journey ends here Elder I will fight until my dying breath I won't let you hurt him the elemental Elder and myself charge an offender to finish him off with our combined strength we were having no problem fighting off the evil wolf I utilized my new wind ability to sweep the monster off his feet while the Elder used his powerful sword to dwindle fenrir's Health when we thought we were winning our foe blasted us with a flurry of fire attacks it quickly chopped our health in half as the whole room was burning I acted fast and utilized my water powers to douse the Flames it was no use for every flame I got rid of another appeared even with all this newfound power we were still losing the fight to my horror the demon Hound was still too strong even with the Elder backing me up we didn't stand a chance blasted the elemental Elder with one of his fire attacks and critically wounded him Elder listen to me Max she seek the village of the Lambs only they can take you to the spirit shot the Elder died Lee only his sword in his place no my fire will rage Supreme I snagged The Sword and ran for my life as fenrir chase behind me on days 80 through 83 I was being pursued by the evil demon Hound fenrir I didn't think I was gonna make it when suddenly I heard a voice over here I looked over and spotted a sheep calling for me I quickly ran towards them and into a hiding spot run while you can I'll find you and destroy you finry walked away leaving me alone at the Sheep thank you for helping me any friend of the elders is a friend of ours come with me I followed the sheep and they led me into their quiet Chi Village everything there was made of hay bales and all the Sheep lived happily together this must be where I needed to go can you take me to the spirit Shard it resides in a very special place the spirit Shard is in the spirit realm we could perform a ritual but be warned if you die in the spirit realm you die in real life that's a risk I'm willing to take I followed the Sheep into a strange building where other sheep were already waiting the ritual is about to begin sit on the bed Max I did as I was told and all the Sheep began to chant [Laughter] [Applause] strong feeling fell over me and I began to feel very sleepy I slowly fell into a trance on days 84-86 I appeared inside of a mystical world the ritual was a success I must be in the spirit realm I began to explore the new realm for any signs of the spirit Shard I was seeking as I searched I spotted a mysterious spirit standing alone in a field whoa excuse me I to my horror the spirit attacked me the Screech from the spirit jump scared me while also breaking the ground beneath us I used my elemental powers against it but my hits were not doing any damage I moved left and right trying to defend myself but it was unlike anything I had faced before the spirit realm had proven to be my biggest challenge yet I thought I was done for when out of nowhere a powerful projectile hit the Beast and scared it off that's right scram who are you I'm Zion the elemental Elder of spirit why are you in my realm I quickly explained to the Elder my goal to obtain the spirit Shard and defeat fenrir you couldn't even stand up to that monster her you're not worthy how can I prove my worth there is a special Tree in this realm that holds Crystal attempt and I'll let you have the artifact you got it on days 80s 80s and 389 I sought after the crystal apple tree after a bit of traveling I found a massive tree with a ton of apples hanging from the top there it is I began to Trek my way closer towards the base of the tree but I was stopped by a menacing fire Elemental he began attacking me with fiery attacks to protect my prize the fire Elemental charge of me was spinning Shields dealing massive damage he also had a powerful fire breath which caused me to jump back with some quick thinking I used my water powers to fend for myself my water was overwhelming and helping me not take any damage to his mouth Flames with every water strike I hit the elemental with the weaker his attacks got the spinning Shield started to slow down too I knew I could defeat him once the fire monster Was Defeated I inch my way closer to the tree until the ground began to tremble it was an earth Elemental another one he was able to manipulate the Earth around me quickly changing the landscape of the battlefield I had to act fast I used any power I could to fend off the beast but nothing seemed to work until I tried my wind powers I was able to sweep the monster from the ground removing his element from the equation stunned by my wind attacks I pushed him into the water giving me the advantage with one vinyl blow he was defeated I did it I saw I turned around and realized that Zion had teleported to me you used the power of the elements to Aid you through all of your obstacles now you have one final test what's that defeat me in Bell before I could answer he teleported us to the top of the tree and the elemental Elder charged at me on days 90-92 I was in the middle of battle with the final Elemental Elder if I wanted to avenge my mom and defeat Ben rear I had a witness no matter what Zion's power was great but my Mastery of all the elements gave me the edge he blasted me with powerful lighting attacks dwindling my health with each blow I switched between the elements of fire earth water air and lightning to bring down the elemental Elders Health as much as I could he wasn't gonna make this fight easy but efforts of back and forth it seemed like I could win this fight thanks to the power of all my elements I landed the finishing blow on Zion winning me the battle you did well congratulations you are worthy of this Zion cassid magic can cause the spirit Shard to appear on a pedestal right in front of me I took my prize and suddenly gained five additional hearts and my lighting element Powers were upgraded I'm not done yet it's time to face fenrir not so fast it may not look the same as when you first left be prepared for anything it's okay with this new power I'm prepared to face whatever stands in my way with that Zion casted a spell on me to return to the Overworld on days 93-95 I woke up in the Sheep Village to find that it had been destroyed all around me what happened here just then fed rear came out of nowhere time to die you monster what happened what did you do I've come to kill you and claim that little shot of yours prepare to die been rear lunging me and I brace myself he blasted me with a new attack he's gotten a lot stronger since the last time we [ __ ] his red fiery beams really packed a punch dealing some serious damage to my health I zapped him with my new enhanced electric ability but he still charged forward seemingly uninjured his overbearing strength was taking a toll on me and I couldn't do much damage onto him even with all this new power and all the elements in my hands fenrir was still beating me his Newfound strength was taking a toll on my health but I tried my hardest to get my best attacks in and defend myself I couldn't let myself lose but he was just too tough I fought as hard as I could but I was weakened by my time in the spirit realm he was too powerful leave him alone suddenly I spotted all the elemental Elders ready for battle surrender finria your evil stops here Fender blasted a strong wave of fire and landed a fatal blow onto the elders they all fell and he grew even bigger and more powerful who's next I fled while I still have the chance but this couldn't go on any longer this SN now on days 96-98 I returned to my base prepared for my final battle I added the spirit Shard to my Elemental altar finally completing the full set of artifacts I won't let the elders down I'm gonna defeat fenrir next I added an area to better reflect my element of spirit I planted a huge tree in the center of my base as a symbol of the Mastery of all elements I even added a little room inside to be as close to Nature as possible finally I use the power of all the elements combined to bring even more nature to my base filling it with Lush grass and flowers with that my base was finally complete huh this is the perfect space for an elemental wolf once I was done building I gather up some food for the battle ahead just then Remy ran up to me hey Max I just wanted to say thank you for everything of course Remy tossed over a map titled fenrir's Castle this is gonna be a huge help thank you I took the map with me and began to travel towards my final destination on day 99 I arrived at the entrance of Fender's Castle the place was surrounded by lava and fire as I got closer to the entrance a swarm offenders goon stopped me surrender now you're not stopping me I charged in and began to unleash the power of my Elemental attacks the herd of fenrir goons looked fierce but I was ready for battle I blasted the enemies with my fire powers and burnt the fur off the goons but it became clear that fire was their strength not a weakness I switched to my wind abilities and whipped up a whirlwind that blew a group of the goons into the lava around us I was running left and right dodging so I could strike at the right moments the werewolves bit and clotted me and the furnace Gomes grabbed me and threw me into the air they kept coming at me wave after wave but I wasn't gonna let up I changed by approach using my water jets to cool down the gobs we getting Gravely I froze the werewolves to statues instructed them with ignis's Blazing Sword I continue striking them with my thunder and evaporated most of the villains away the Army didn't stand a chance I managed to obliterate them all who's next me just then a massive three-headed wolf of the underworld appeared before me and attacked fenrir had some strong allies but my elemental power was Stronger the three-headed monster began summoning goons of his own the monster and his minions shot fire in my direction along with facing me head on with ferocious bite attacks I continued my onslaught of strikes against my enemies dwindling their health when I thought I had brought down the smaller one another one would take its place my upgraded elemental power was beginning to seem too much for the Cerberus Beast his help was low enough for me to want to finish this fight even faster the guard was stronger than anything I'd faced yet but even he and his minions fell to my ultimate power without hesitation I continued further into the castle brace yourself fenrir the elemental wolf is coming for you on day 100 I entered the chambers of fenrir to find him waiting for me looks like you've come right to me are you ready to surrender you wish it's over fenrir life master all the elements that doesn't matter the power of my Flames will always come out on top I'll be the test of that we both charged in we need to take on each other for one last battle this ended Here and Now Fender hit me with his destructive Flames doing extreme amounts of damage I use my freeze breath to slow him down and reduce the Flames but that didn't seem to work his powerful flamethrower ability knocked off my heat shield armor leaving me more vulnerable I needed to win this battle for my family in all the elemental ancestors before me I wasn't gonna back down I played to my strengths and began using my win throwing above in the sky I struck him with my powerful heat beams dwindling as hell I like the powers of the elders surging through me giving me extra strength as the battle went on I landed one final attack the demon Hound lost to my power I was Victorious I did it don't forget to download honkai Star rail now and use the code on screen for an extra 50 Stellar Jades thanks honkai impact for sponsoring this video
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 771,225
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Id: 3IqlBl3Ywv8
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Length: 46min 4sec (2764 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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