I Survived 100 Days in the Pacific Ocean on Minecraft.. Here's What Happened..

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in today's video i have to survive 100 days in the pacific ocean i have three objectives first create my very own giant submarine second find and defeat gigas the giant crab and third eliminate the king of the eastern pacific the leviathan it's time to cross the pacific ocean all right let's do this looks like there's a storm ahead let's be careful wait my boat is sinking that's a tornado ah painful oh no [Music] oh man wait where the heck am i that tornado must have sent me flying painful hello i don't see him anywhere and so i began my adventure on the pacific ocean on day one and i saw a pop-up that said starter age i wasn't sure what it meant but then i saw a piece of stone floating by i also had started with a fishing rod so that helped me to get the stone but i also noticed there was a strong current when i looked to my left i saw even more items floating by so i used my fishing rod to get them all found some grass coal and a spare fishing rod and a carrot underneath my raft which i then realized was made of wood and while mounting wood i checked again and only 15 of you guys are actually subscribed so if you end up enjoying this video subscribing is greatly appreciated so using the planks i had just gotten i expanded my raft as i want to use my raft to stop some of the items from floating by i then fish out a sapling sugarcane some bones and dirt i ended up finding a sheep that was floating by as well as a cow so i use my fishing rod to pull them in towards my raft sky was some trouble getting up so i had to make a staircase for him and then using the fishing rods i had found i pulled in the rest of the animals i then put all the stuff away that i had found that day i get a nice long rest and from days two to three i start to expand my raft if you guys enjoy these time lapses make sure to hit that like button it helps my channel tremendously is completely free and is very appreciated i ended up making animal pens a tree farm and a little wheat and carrot farm and for the rest of day three i kept on fishing mined some wood mined some coal i found tended to the crops and bred the animals on day four i turned some of the bones i got into bone meal and used it on some saplings so i could chop a ton of trees and then harvest in my carrots and my wheat picked up some items that got caught in my raft fished out some more items as well mine some coal read all my animals expanded my farms a little bit and made myself a sugarcane farm on day five i decided it was time to go exploring so i made a boat and started to boat around soon after i found some sort of underwater cave so i dived down and used oak doors so i could breathe underwater i then mined some coal and some iron that i found swam through the underwater cave and found an air pocket when i emerged from the water there were crabs inside this cave and they started to immediately attack me they did a lot of damage too so i dived under the water and took them all out afterwards i mined the rest of the coal and iron in this cave and then swam up back to the surface so i continued boating through the rain and ended up finding a shipwreck i dived down into the shipwreck and found a chest which had a diving helmet with respiration 3 and some carrots i continued the journey on my boat and ended up finding another shipwreck so i dived down and found another chest but this time it had a treasure map and it seemed to be pointing to an island with an x on it so i began my journey hunting for this island as it couldn't be too far so i kept on boating for another couple of days but then all of a sudden oh my gosh what is that okay somehow it didn't see me but i got to keep trying to find this island wow so after that encounter i kept on following the treasure map and on day 12 i finally arrived at an island so i landed at the shore and kept on following the map i also found a hermit crab on the beach which ended up running away from me it was a shame i would have loved to keep that guy as a pet i then finally saw myself on the map and found where their ex was so i started digging as much as i could to see if this treasure may have been buried after a while of digging through a ton of sand i finally found a chest inside the chest was a book and quill and it read look under the sword to find your reward what does that mean i started looking around the rest of the island and found some animals along the way and at the center of the island i ended up finding a statue it was a statue of a knight holding a sword i was kind of confused at first but after doing a lap around it i ended up finding a lever underneath the sword the lever ended up opening a secret passageway so i climbed down the ladder and it ended up being some sort of lava parkour you know i had cobblestone so i probably could just pull it across with that but i was up for the challenge so after a few leaps of faith and after accidentally scorching myself i made it to the end i opened the chest and there were golden apples gold and some iron nuggets so i pillared back over bought a skeleton on the top that almost killed me ran over to the shore and i decided while i was here i chopped down a bunch of wood i then made myself some iron tools and found a little cave to explore i then buy myself some coal found and mined a bunch of iron and even managed to find some emeralds and lapis i then made myself some iron armor and returned to the surface on day 15 i was about to leave the island ended up getting swarmed by a ton of blue crabs in the beach i tried taking them out but there were so many and they dealt a ton of damage i tried blocking more of their hits with my shield but i had to run away because i was extremely low so i decided to escape with my boat and left this mysterious island on day 17 i finally made it back to my raft which luckily was still intact i then harvested my we farms and my carrot farms replanted them all harvested and replanted my tree farms as well and harvested my sugarcane i then got a nice long rest and woke up to a message saying welcome to the iron age i wasn't sure what to expect but i sheared my sheep saw a dolphin and then looked and saw there was a lot of different items floating around there was cobble wood and even some gold so i continued fishing for the rest of the day and got attacked by sharks now there was blood in the water even more sharks started to swarm around me and before i knew it i was surrounded so i went back onto my raft for safety and tried to take out at least one of the sharks they were really fast though and because they were attacking in packs i had to get back on my raft to stay safe so i decided not to go back into the water again just continue fishing for my raft and i also found some redstone ore floating by and from days 19 to 20 i started collecting wood shearing my sheep as much as i could for my stage one ship i then crafted my giant crafting table used the wool to make ship sails and then made reinforced logs with the wood and then in the giant crafting table i crafted my stage one sailboat i then built out a little platform for my raft and then i placed down my stage one sailboat backed away and watched as it built itself this sailboat was a pretty good size so i built a ladder up to it and went to take a look at what was inside the sailboat was complete with a full kitchen area and even a bedroom in the back there were plenty of extra rooms too so i started by furnishing the interior the next day i moved all my stuff to the boat on day 23 i harvested my sugar cane and noticed there were some pigs floating by now so i created a little staircase and pulled in the pigs and i built them a little pig pen after i finished building it i noticed there was something in the water when i got closer it turns out it was a jellyfish but i got a little too close and it shocked me on day 24 i decided to go exploring in the ocean again and after a while i ended up finding a sinking ship it was still on fire too and i noticed there were a bunch of pelicans that were flying around it whose ship could this have been and how could it have sunk i landed on the sinking ship took out a skeleton and started getting attacked by some drowns i jumped into the ship and there were goldfish inside what the heck were those doing here i had to block most of their hits with my shield and barely got out of the water i then blocked the drown's hit and then took him out after i regenerated my health i went back to the surface climbed up to the top of the sinking ship and went on to the sail and found a chest there it had a gold and a diamond i then jumped off the ship into the water continued my journey through the ocean and then on day 27 oh my gosh another tornado okay that was a close one that thing almost hit me i do not want to get caught in one of those again so after that really close encounter with a tornado i ended up finding an abandoned mine shaft underwater and started to explore the mine shaft i mined some iron and some gold and found myself a cave spider spawner i then found myself my first eight vein of diamonds i also found a zombie spawner which had diamond horse armor a golden apple and found some melon seeds in a minecart chest i then crafted a diamond pickaxe and chest plate made some obsidian and mine some but when i returned back to base on day 33 it looked like it was griefed what the heck happened here but then it hit me that maybe that tornado that i saw hit my ship so i went to go check the damages and half of my cows and sheep were killed and my crops are grieved luckily the inside of my ship held up and on day 34 i had entered the diamond age i then fixed my farms looked in the water and there was emerald oar rolling by as well as lots of other ores including emeralds gold ore and even diamonds after fishing a bunch i decided to chop down a ton of wood now that i had access to a ton of ores i wanted to start saving up for my stage two ship from days 36 to 37 i fished out the rest of the diamonds i need for the rest of my diamond armor made a melon farm and made myself an extra potato farm and then crafted my full diamond armor an enchantment table crafted myself even more ship sales and refined logs with these materials i crafted myself my stage 2 ship so i built out for my ship to make another platform place down my stage 2 ship and washes it built itself up spraying the ship and it was huge there was plenty of room for me to move into it i first started by building a bridge between the two so i could easily transport my stuff over after building that i harvested my sugar cane and cows and made myself a full enchantment room i then enchanted my diamond pick and my diamond sword and on day 42 i returned to the cave spider spawner for the next few days i decided to challenge myself and make a cave spider grinder probably would have been a lot easier if i just went with the zombie spawner but after it was complete it worked just fine so for the next few days i grinded out as many cave spiders as i could for xp returned back to my base and enchanted all my armor i then decided to go exploring on day 48 and on day 50 i found a field of glaciers i approached one of the glaciers and ended up finding a pack of sea lions but they weren't actually friendly i wanted to see if i could tame them but they just kept on attacking me so i had to defend myself and defeated all the sea lions i kept exploring the glaciers and ended up finding a pack of penguins you guys are pretty cute looking i then found a polar bear that had some cubs but she didn't want me to get too close to her so i left her alone i then found another glacier with sea lions and went to go approach it but then all of a sudden i started to get attacked by a pack of orca whales these things were huge and i knew i had a disadvantage fighting them in the water but i still tried and started to get overwhelmed so i went back onto the glaciers went to go escape one of them followed me and i was forced to fight it so after battling it out with this orca i finally managed to defeat it and decide not to stick around for very long so i got on my boat and left this area whenever i turned back to base it was the nether age now and when i looked in the water there was diamond ore fermented spider eyes golden carrots golden apples and even blaze rods i also fished out some netherwar and soul sand found some glowstone after a bunch of fishing i mined all the glowstone i got made myself a netherwart farm made myself a little brewing area and then started working on brewing strength through potions speed 2 potions and instant health splash 2 potions on day 55 i started to explore the ocean again and found a little island that had seagulls on it there were seagulls with headbands too and they started to attack me were these seagulls karate seagulls what the heck were these things i managed to take them out and kept on exploring and found an island on day 60. i started to explore this island found a pond in the center and started to get attacked by crocodiles there was a bunch of them too but using my shield strategically and after getting kind of low on hp i managed to take them all out i kept on exploring i ended up finding desert foxes on the island too i then found myself a little parrot and decided i would tame them so i got some seeds and on my third attempt i finally have myself a pet parrot comment down below what i should name them but then on day 61 i ended up running into gigas the crab on a beach the crab took a giant swing at me and launched me into the air i broke my fall with my water bucket and drank my potions and started to do as much damage to him as i could he knocked me back again i took a ton of damage so i splashed down a health potion i then blocked one of his hits but it still knocked me back luckily i broke my fall again and found an opportunity to do a ton of damage i threw down another health potion got launched into the air with three hearts if i didn't clutch that i would have definitely died there i then went back in to do as much damage as i could and took another huge hit from gigas he then started summoning in little crab minions which i had to take out i then did a ton more damage to gigas hitting him over and over again i then realized he did a crab rave dance every time he summed in crabs so i kept on taking out the minions re-drank my potions and while giggs the crab was dancing i then went back in and tried dealing as much damage as i could from behind and did my best to circle around him to avoid his minions i then took out a bunch more minions and i finally saw my opportunity to take him out so i went in and did as much damage as i could and with dozens of these crabs chasing me i landed the final hit on gigas defeating the giant crab i then looted the boss and got 12 crab claws after defeating gigas the giant crab i decided to head back to base but on the way back i noticed some fish in the water i went to go take a look at them but they started to attack me immediately turns out they were selfish and they did a lot of damage considering i was in full diamond i tried fighting them off but i had to use a health potion to stay alive i tried going in again but they were really messing me up so i had to run away to my boat and splash another health potion and i went in one final time and defeated both sailfish well that was a lot closer than expected so after about four days of travel i finally made it back on day 66 i then gathered my nether wart with the crab claws i made full gigas armor a crab pincher blade and a crab shield and my goodness did this armor set look cool i then brewed some more instant health potions and at the start of day 69 the end age began i first harvested all my crops and then fished out an ender chest and an ender pearl i then returned back to my cave spider spawner and grinded some levels and on day 73 i enchanted all my armor with protection and enchanted my sword that same night i saw netherrite axe floating by brought it back to my base and enchanted it and for the next two days using my netherey axe i mined as much wood as i could to get all the materials i would need to craft my stage 3 submarine now that i had all the materials i use them to create strength and steel and also made some reinforced glass so that i could use all that in the giant crafting table to make the stage 3 submarine i then built out a platform and placed down the stage 3 submarine underwater i swam away and washed as a built and out popped my stage 3 submarine this thing was massive and i was really excited to move in so i climbed to the top of the submarine and took a quick peek inside so i started to furnish the interior and moved all my stuff from my old ship to my new one on day 78 i decided to go out exploring and found myself an island when i reached the shore i ended up getting attacked by some sea snakes which i took out pretty easily i then continued to explore the island and found some sort of cave base uh oh jesus who the heck is that hey get back here get away from me i can't get rid of this guy okay i think i lost him after i finally lost the hobo looking guy i stepped inside the cave to look around what is this oh my gosh i must must what must have have what your lunar cape okay sure here's your code after that creepy guy chased me down for a lunar cape i realized he had creepy paintings on the walls those must have been pictures of the leviathan i started heading back to base and found some ancient ruins on the way back and there seemed to be nothing in it at first until i found a conduit so i mined the conduit and returned back to base on day 85. next couple of days i did some fishing found a couple of puffer fish and this submarine was really helping me gather the items that were floating by so after a bunch more fishing i then brewed myself some water breathing potions and on day 89 i decided to build the statue for the conduit to complete the statue i broke the block underneath the conduit and then whoa this thing is cool wait what the heck um the leviathan has been confined to the east i'm gonna go hunt this thing down so i used a compass to find where east was and for the next four days i traveled to the ocean and on day 95 i found the leviathan or at least i thought i did i saw his boss bar but i didn't know where he was then all of a sudden these drones are annoying oh my gosh there he is the leviathan appeared out of nowhere so i drank both of my potions and the leviathan leapt up into the air splashing down into the water i then decided to go in for a hit that just seemed to make him angry so i swam away and used the ground to splash a potion i then went back in and landed a few more hits and was trying to block all the leviathan's attacks he then shot some sort of green smoke at me which i barely dodged he landed again in the water and i used the chance to pop another health potion landed another hit and he let out another massive roar i then went back in and started to land more hits but the leviathan this time hit me with this green smoke which gave me really bad poison i then went back in and landed a bunch more hits in leviathan i then managed to back away from one of his roars which rattled my eardrums he then hit me again with the green poison so i had to throw down another health potion i was now on my last instant health potion so i need to do as much damage as possible and dodge all of his attacks but he landed some really good hits on me so i had to back away eat food and use my last instant health i went back in and landed a bunch more hits and was doing my best to block his he then jumped up into the air again but i managed to dodge his slam i knew now was my chance to try and finish him off i landed another hit and he was extremely low on health well i needed to play this extremely carefully i did not want to die here i then got hit really hard by the poison getting brought down to half a heart so i swam to the bottom and ate food and dodged another one of his slams i then went in hit him one more time and he was so low one more hit would do the trick i dodged his poison again knocked back a drown and hit him for the last time defeating the leviathan king of the sea if you guys want to fight bosses like these and have access to our maps check out our patreon below i then victoriously made my way back to my base and returned back home to my submarine on day 100 make sure to watch painful's video linked in the description we both had different bosses and objectives see ya
Channel: Forrestbono
Views: 5,152,902
Rating: 4.907064 out of 5
Keywords: Forrestbono, Minecraft, 100 days, 200 days, 300 days, luke thenotable, Forge Labs, Painful, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, I Survived 100 Days in the Pacific Ocean on Minecraft.. Here's What Happened..
Id: WtJaHgjGijQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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