I Survived 100 Days as a PANDA in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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[Music] just imagine being a cute adorable panda and after eating a piece of bamboo you transform into a bluff panda this is hardcore minecraft and i'm going to be surviving for the next 100 days as a panda now what you're looking out here is no ordinary minecraft world it's filled with new animals deadly monsters evil factions just waiting to hunt you down it is not as happy as it seems my fellow brothers they're under the control of the brown panda if this bear right here he might look friendly but i'm telling you he's behind all of this the whole thing and the only way to find out is to watch till the end of this video so my journey begins but first leave a like if you think pandas are cute and help me and my boost family reach 500 subscribers by hitting the subscribe button on day one i spawned him as a big fluffy panda bear and ate a piece of bamboo you know this is not not really that appetizing and looking over to my left and right i noticed that i'm part of a panda tribe inside the jungle hey there nice to meet you do you speak no one english great is day one and i'm already going crazy why are you crying why are you crying come on buddy it's a bamboo and so they two rolled around i woke up to this evil looking brown panda standing in front of me almost like he's the boss or something i was trying to sleep but he was persistent hey stab it stop it no i just killed the panda he dead started talking to me like i was his worker farm those bamboo i'm hungry we even is this dude this is our lord we must do what he says uh our lord what are you what are you talking about stop youtube talking give me this bamboo or you will be turned into fertilizer well there i was doing whatever lord panda told me to do i didn't want to turn to fertilizer on my second day so i continued working just breaking down bamboo cleaning up the village getting extra materials and you know the draw all that boring stuff [Music] and finally it was day three one day of hard labor was enough for me i started creating a way to escape the group can't i just like sneak past the brown panda he's not even looking he's just watching two wreckers do things what's what's the point of that and as i left the village i found out that i can climb trees i'm being praised by a raccoon sir are you trying to kill me or are you friends now i guess i think we're i think he's trying to shoot me away for some reason oh oh chill oh no stop stop it stop it oh this raccoon's crazy man wait hold on a second i can climb trees are you kidding me right now i mean i guess it kind of makes sense i am a panda yo i could just keep climbing oh okay i'm good looks like we uh learned the lessons today don't don't ever mess with the raccoon he's she's still trying to kill me what what do you want from me [Laughter] you know i gotta say i'm kind of feeling a little bit guilty no we the pandas we must stick together and leaving my boys back home just doesn't feel right i gotta go back for them i'm just extremely underpowered on day four i created a plan that could work for all of us become the lord panda i mean i i guess it does benefit me a bit but still it's better than some evil lord panda punishing others for not doing work anyways how to get brainstorming first i had to figure out how to become stronger i was far from it i then left the jungle and finally came across a local village i settled there and started working on my packing skills and on day five after looking at a hummingbird flying around i realized i suck at this game i can't fly i almost died to a zombie i can't even defend my friends let alone take out the brown panda so i would body for some iron that's the only thing i could think of and you've seen me do this for the past 20 videos just the usual stuff but eventually that everything smelted and i was ready for battle and that's gonna do it at full iron armor set to keep you safe we also have 15 diamonds not bad diamond axe and diamond pickaxe that's gonna do it what is that dope nope gotta go gotta go nope oh bro the water shot and kill me on day six or seven i was tired of being on the run i decided it was time to create my own bamboo tree house a prime location for bamboo and more bamboo that i eat the stronger that i get and slowly the house was coming along i placed cobblestone as my flooring and then moved on to the walls using jungle planks and for the corners i filled it with some jungle logs gonna forget about the roof so i decided to go with hay bales eventually i finished up and moved right onto the interior i'm a panda this should be pretty simple we'll go with the whole furnace theme these blast furnaces on the opposite side fill it like this and the carving table right in the middle and of course my carpets this is where i'll be sleeping i literally sleep on the floor and just maybe i'll use her furnace to make some breakfast the best part is the sunset look at that the next part was pretty unique climbing the trees was cool but bamboo staircases you ever heard that before bam bam in starcases only mooses know about my building skills on days eight through nine as i was looking outside of my base i saw a weird blue bamboo just just growing from the floor it didn't make any sense why why is a bamboo blue and me being a curious panda i decided to check it out and as i was climbing down trees i found mandarin there was also weird birds that i just never seen before that kind of confused me it doesn't walk towards the blue bamboo it was guarded by an army of rattlesnakes and then in the distance there was pillagers why were pillagers guarding this blue bamboo i just couldn't figure it out nope nope nope nope nope not a rattlesnake i'm not afraid of rattlesnakes but i don't know it's just way too many of them it's a baby rattlesnake it's so cute wow it's still trying to hiss at me though what's up with these pillagers i don't understand like what are they doing here why are pillagers guarding blue bamboo what's so special about it he didn't want to hurt me i mean then again why would you ever heard a panda i guess let's chop this thing down and see what it has hey blue bamboo what is this just call blue bamboo huh as i started munching on the blue bamboo it gave me a jump boost effect i've never seen bamboo that gives you effects before i've been tested the jumper's ability and fought a bunch of mobs and for the first time i actually felt a little bit stronger at least i could defend against pillagers oh oh it was so close that was so close no these rattlesnakes are no joke i gotta go i gotta grab all this bamboos and nobody else can have it i killed this bamboo get into the wrong hands especially not the lord panda what is attacking people what's happening no no no okay five hearts all right it's not good not good is there a milestone chase to me why why is this chasing me can't get me i then went back and gathered all the remaining blue bamboo and on days 10-15 i spent most of my time expanding out my base building new bridges leading to different treetops i had a vision to create my own panda treehouse community which pretty much consists of like different houses for different temperaments of pandas panda portel i gotta say not bad at all and once i finish up with my build the lord panda found my hideouts he looked extremely angry like i could give this dude a limited bamboo and it still wouldn't calm him down let alone his kung fu panda powers those nunchucks they're vicious you dare backstab the panda tribe you abandoned us and now you're building your own tribe i guess i'm the first one then what you gonna do about it so be it i challenge you to a kung fu panda duel you have five minutes to beat me and if you do i'll leave you alone what is a kung fu panda duel what does that even mean like the movies or something oh okay yeah oh that tree just shaved my fall this dude is no joke he's attacking me gotta go even in my own panda community i'm not safe what was that you just placed out bamboo how's that possible okay all right i'm gonna die here where's my shield that's gonna do it come on no no no how is she doing that was that nope okay okay whatever that was fire fire fire gotta go no no one heart come on come on come on come on [Applause] let's go blue bamboo baby jump boost baby let's go dodge away dodge and weave washy attacks all right circle around i can't even get a hit on him i got one he's running let's critical strike him yes there we go [Applause] oh nope nope nope nope nope who's he holy gold bamboo what is that okay there's always this day time i should win the battle or should be a tie at least come on come on come on come back to the treehouse back to the treehouse back to the street house back to the treehouse jump jump jump jump jump climb faster climb faster this dude try to no i can't even outrun this dude how is he so quick but he's so thick but finally he became warning that means that i survived the lord panda and the challenge was over not bad young panda i'll be back for what is mine he's gone just like that look at him just running away like nothing ever happened on day through 18 i noticed that there was red bamboo growing near my tree house for a second i was confused and then i realized lord panda probably placed it down while he was trying to eat his food what what is what is this red bamboo this this has to be a joke or something it better not be covered in poop red what this doesn't make any sense why there's so many different colors of bamboo is he playing a joke on me is he trying to poison me and as i ate the bamboo it gave me strength and speed for 10 seconds that's just got to be a secret i'm not saying that lord panda is thick but i'm telling you that dude is pretty quick and especially pretty powerful i'm just wondering what other types of bandwidth does he have i decided to play it smart i started creating my own bamboo farm i was afraid of the bamboo getting stolen by other factions out there and those were the only types of pandas that could guard my bamboo farm days 19 to 23 just what i thought that they just couldn't get any worse i woke up to a pack of tigers [Music] who would have known that minecraft had tigers in the jungle they were swarming my base and they watered them started climbing my tree no no no no no back back kitty stop stop it stop out of blocks i'm on the blocks covered up cover it up eventually i managed to knock them off and run away just in time i was so close to becoming tiger food i seriously need some more pandas being by myself is it's just terrible dude more pandas equals more security a rogue eye give it to our ancestors for the knowledge of red stone i then looted the jungle and managed to get myself enterprise to craft the pokeball catcher and launcher with these pokeballs i could catch any panda that i wanted and bring them back home are you really enjoying that bamboo stay still send it i can't believe i'm catching pandas with pokeballs this is really happening more pandas should be enough sorry buddy boys welcome to the panda treehouse community that's gonna be two three and four you're so cute oh you're so adorable bro here's some bamboo buddy you are safe here with me of course just sneeze on me he just stays up now it's just kind of nasty benders we strung together and for the rest of the night i continue to bring the pandas by feeding the bamboo on days 29. i placed on a few lanterns around my house just to make a little more brighter mornings like this just super peaceful you can hear the wind blowing the pandas are chilling you know eating their food and stuff and just lighting it up with some lanterns so pretty just can't wait to see like the final product it's just gonna look crazy as the sunset was coming up there was three pandas just casually chilling outside of my treehouse come on voice follow me up to the panda community treehouse thing listen i'm still working on the name okay hey where you going who are you going off to come on i know you want to i know you want the bamboo and the language yes okay well well well looks like we meet here again yay what bro you want you want to square up what oh it's a cute little baby bender come on boys come on up follow me to the panda treehouse community what i'm still working on the name almost there just a little bit more this panda's eyes are just like adorable you just seem like a friendly panda you almost got it follow the bamboo and i pretty much spent most of the night trying to get the painters off the treehouse it was just ridiculous it just wasn't working real happy now you finally have your own treehouse community and you can have unlimited bamboo literally anything you want i can even protect you keep you safe from the lord panda anything you want here i'll even give you a bamboo tree eat on up buddy there you go i should probably introduce them to the other panda community over there did the baby grow up no way it's finally an adult oh y'all are so cute this was an iconic moment the first successful birth inside the treehouse community and that got me extremely motivated i could see the vision of expansion it just grew up so fast that was way too fast i think gather more pairs i could find brought them back and kept on feeding the bamboo what's up boys i brought back some more pandas it should be a total of four pandas there we go welcome to the community boys i got a welcoming gift for everybody eat on up let's go i can't believe we have so many pandas already um welcome to moose's uh bamboo eating construction class things are pretty simple here we must all meditate and eat um bamboo that's right sweet baby moose books their babies popping out everywhere there's so many babies did you just sneeze and become an adult panda all right that's enough for today that is enough on days 30 to 35 i woke up to a sound of a whale in distress this huge guy somehow got himself stuck inside of a patch of water in the desert why are there whales in the desert i don't know relax buddy i'm coming to save you [Music] how did you even get stuck what this just doesn't make any sense come on push you i'm pushing you out of here nope don't don't need me don't don't do it don't eat me i'm just a panda oh there he goes no he's he's just getting more stuck i think i just need myself a diamond shovel all right let's go just you know usual day saving saving well what would you do without the boy moose huh what would you do no one's there here yo i'm just staring at a whale just just trying to escape great oh oh [Music] there he goes mr beluga be free see you later buddy if you just like casually wait no no don't don't swim back oh man that was just a crazy start to my morning and later that day i crafted a boat and set sail looking for treasure i found multiple sunken ships and lure them whoa that is insane huh it's so peaceful out here just middle of the ocean look at that a beautiful view hopefully a shark doesn't need me that'd be terrible [Applause] part of the sea and a magical eye bro guy and this time a black eye i'm not really sure what this is for can i like use it oh what what just where's that where's that going to huh interesting look at that that's gotta hurt that that does not look pleasant at all hey these sharks are vicious but i guess everybody loves pandas oh hey you scary well i never thought that i would see whales and sharks eating things on days 36 to 40 i finally returned home and started clearing out the jungle i needed space to build my bamboo walls and expand my red and blue bamboo farm as i watched my bamboo grow it was missing something and then created a staircase leading down to the desert [Music] and i even added walking paths around [Music] now that is a lot of bamboo and for this space here i'm gonna place down my blue bamboo and expand out this colored bamboo farm and while we're at it let's mix in some red bamboo as well finally this should keep all the enemies out i just need my aggressive pandas like this guy over here are you stuck okay buddy where you at boys there's just so many of them and we got another one two aggressive pandas you my friends are gonna be guarding this entire place all right so y'all are in charge look we've got a baby enjoy boys [Music] on days 41-43 that was planting bamboo it's super adorable baby panda started talking to me hey um um do you want a minecraft uh i'm over here wha what you're talking to the wrong one is it talking to you sir oh oh oh okay [Music] i mean yeah what what what what are you you are an annoying baby you know that yeah what stop it jeez okay i'll i'll mine shaft with you let's go geez can i also get a hug do you want a mine shift yo to chill so i followed the baby panda and she literally led me to a minecraft at first i thought it was a prank or a trap but nope she was being serious so this is the spot this is it yeah yeah you weren't you weren't kidding yeah you really weren't kidding i just don't fit in here though this just seems like a death threat look look at this place well if you think that you're in danger then you're gonna be in danger yeah but you're just like an innocent panda that like doesn't even know what's going on hey for all you know i could be manifesting your death uh not that i am or anything okay where are we going oh wait i should be leading the way come follow me hey hey hey guess what i found potatoes what i found a chest oh what do we got it has absolutely literally nothing yup we don't need it nope but i'll take the brewing stand there should be a chest right down here oh there it is there it is i found it oh yo i could have fell down there and died chill and then you would stole my iron sword from the chest i don't even need that i have a diamond sword let's just do over here a lever oh oh there's a light on that's kind of nice are you sure you're coming yeah i'm going but are you sure this place is uh you sure it's safe oh instant help i'm just collecting all the gold in here and stuff i mean this chest i don't want i don't want to pass the chest gold is nothing we're not peasants we only do we only take diamonds i don't have any diamonds well obviously you are not winning at the game spotter spawner nope back up well thanks for the help miss panda oh that's not my job [Music] i told you i'll help you find find a minecraft shop i never told you i'd help you not die so where'd you go are you like pranking me now oh hello i just i went home what what do you mean you went home yeah i went home you just ditched me in here um i i told you i'd take you here i never said i'll take you back what that baby panda just disappeared that i don't know where she went so i explored the rest of the cave and found a couple chests the mobs didn't hate me so i didn't have an issue and suddenly i started hearing screaming waterfalls it's just oh that that's that's the waterfall you're afraid of yeah what do you mean here take this take this shield so this way nothing happens to you okay grab that oh it's already down here now it's down here i can't touch water where did you what do you what do you mean you're just a panda you're just fluffy where did you take me to what is this place what do you mean i told you i'll take you to a minecraft shop yeah except this is a little bit uh a little bit oh i found some diamond boots never mind i'm happy now what are you doing be careful don't die i think that yep oh that was a close one yo don't oh it's dead just just just leave it alone it's dead okay not chapel not chapel as i was traveling through the mine shaft i started getting trust issues i didn't really know what her plan was oh what is this okay i kind of trust you now how are you finding all this stuff how'd you know about this place there's so much good stuff here so you just explore by yourself just all casually yeah it's like nothing ever happened to you uh not not yet but like if you jinx me it will i i don't want a jigsaw i mean these these enemies don't even hate us so yeah just don't try to attack them or anything because here is good good vibes gotcha oh my god that thing is huge i don't know what that is is it going in the lava why is there so many legs that is the most disgusting thing i've ever seen he's so nasty i'm up you're on your own and finally the baby panda led me to the jackpot room protection 4. wow you are kind of useful thank you and a smithing table i'll be taking that hey if you want you know you can live in my panda treehouse sanctuary um that sounds really lame what it's not lame hey hey hey hey if you want to go another adventure i i guess does it involve bad people yes okay let's go let's go let's go let's go hyundai's 44-47 that same baby panda let me do an evil faction i don't know where she was finding these places but she knew what she was talking about and supposedly they control his entire jungle area so we stuck inside from the top now ow what is what is that is that what are you taking me to find this place roblox i don't know you're the one that's supposed to know this stuff hey hey you want you want to fight it i know what it is it's um you know you're friendly i don't think he's friendly i don't think he's friendly can i get a hug i'm i'm pretty sure that thing bites i'm just saying come on break break yes there's so many chests inside look you see all this and we got some ice oh just just gold i'll find this thing let's go dude i'm trying to block the shots i'm trying to do oh we did it i did it only for redstone i mean you kind of yeah you pull that off yourself here help me break this entire thing let's steal the loot and get out of here okay okay okay okay i'm telling you these evil factions they're gonna get mad at us and finally i broke through the obsidian getting all the chests that was inside look at this we got lapis gold it's you know it's kind of basic stuff what the holy water do you see this thing it's got the most insane i don't even know what it has but it's got some crazy enchants you grab the chester like underneath these small ones you keep pushing me you are a thick panda and you're pushing me another one what is all this stuff this is crazy yeah there's a lot of gold there i'm just looking for diamonds that's kind of like the main thing uh i i don't see any no it doesn't seem to be any diamonds maybe like it's something underneath here i think there's like anybody else in here hello uh they seem to be kind of friendly right now can i share with them no i can't trade with them interesting there's intervals though and diamonds nice you found diamonds yeah there's all these like drinks in there too here you grab those potions in here oh there's so many interpols did you drink it you're glowing what'd you do why would you drink that are you like super nervous yeah you seem to be pretty powerful does that mean i could join the avengers i don't i don't think that's how it works you're gonna be the first panda that you you know what you look good luck with that look you got that call me all right well we're done with this place now let's do what we do best destroy everything evil paint off go paint a batch go ah help help help help help me help me i'm going to die i'm literally going to die go back away i'm so sorry and finally i traveled back home and dropped off everything that i had inside of my chest are you giving belly rubs to my panda is that oh what are you what what is what is good what's going on here [Music] i think i think i'm pretty sure like he needs help you know just feed up some bamboo it'll be fine look you see completely fine now on days 48-52 the next morning i looked down my window and before i could even say bye maybe that panda just flew away into the sunset it was honestly pretty majestic and she apparently left me a message it's time for me to go i'm going to pursue my goal to become the first baby bat panda i'll stop crime and save lives i'll see you around from baby bat panda even though she was kind of annoying he was lonely not having a friend to talk to well i'm pretty bored honestly i want to make diamond armor but i don't want to use my diamonds and my iron arm was almost broken so it's kind of unfortunate and boom that hit me i remember that i could craft worker blocks from 100 days as a witch which can make this place feel more lively in automated wood cutting or mining and of course farming boys our lives are gonna get a lot easier just watch ores okay logs and of course crops let's start with crops probably like the easiest thing and we don't really need it but i think preferably right here we should work look at this got a little pain look at this little guy there he goes and he's gathering for his bamboo this is amazing why don't have any of this farm over here i literally got a bamboo gathering machine and this one should bring us some horse look at that coal already gold stone iron are you kidding me this boy is fast oh you should have sending it and the last one is wood cutting there we go got a little wood cutting panda oh boy with all guys gotcha oh it was rolled me off the mountain look at him go collecting every piece of wood even wood from the nether apparently okay it doesn't make any sense something tells me this place is about to change look at the little baby not today rattlesnake and the next day i went downstairs and checked the worker blocks and what do you know these little pandas they knew exactly what they were doing i'm telling you my old panda got me three gold 41 coal 24 ingots and some restaurant lapis it was not bad and for my farming panda got me blue red and even golden bamboo what exactly was golden man that wasn't sure but i was i was gonna find out as soon as i ate this thing i started getting absorption regeneration resistance fire resistance and i felt pretty invincible like i could literally just jump off i mounted like like this literally nothing okay i think you need a golden bamboo stop stop sneezing enjoy and for my woodcutting worker this little guy got me a bunch of wood and some of it was from the nether which didn't really make much sense and the golden bamboo reminded me of the lord panda i'm pretty sure i saw him using it before that's probably why he was so strong so nowadays 53 to 55. i got a little bit risky you know why not travel to a snow bottom i pay to go into a snowbile to recruit a polar bear that was definitely never heard of and i just want to be the first one to do it and loose on a boot just swimming away zoom oh wait look at that that's my previous build there you go you ever seen like a panda submarine yeah and once i arrived i got ambushed by a pack of snow leopards just look at what they did to this chicken ah that thing is looking right at me oh oh if i stand still it won't see or hear me it's not what it looks like i'm not food just oh great the ice is cracking are you kidding me oh i think they're awake hey guys where are you going uh oh no no no that's the leopard can it swim i don't think i could swim oh man i'm gonna get shredded if i try to fight them [Music] nope ow got bit by a to them i looked like a chunky pork chop you know and finally i found what i was looking for a polar bear okay okay um that's a little bit sus but the bear you know we're kind of a bear family right you know we keep each other's backs right you know i should bring him back home but i don't really have snow in the jungle it just doesn't make any sense you bamboo no not on a bamboo diet oh you should get on that i'm telling you right now it's fire here gotcha i'm gonna build you a bamboo sanctuary and then while i'm gone this snow leopard it can't i mean i don't think it's gonna eat you but i you never know no i got i got you and you now that i got you here yo jeez oh yeah pack would have shredded me apart that's a fact what's happening what's happening here take the national geographic but the moose edition what's up bro what's up bro you speak you speak you speak panda oh hold on whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what are you doing nope nope nope nope hey all right that's that's that's oh oh oh nature oh there's some animal planet out here i'm out i'm out that's it i'm not for the day i wish they had motors in minecraft just gotta speed up the boats just going way too slow no schmonaman no way oh nevermind nope nope nope from these 56 to 62. this place just felt so empty too many pandas not enough space for all my lazy and sleepy pandas i bought them a yoga room so they can exercise their rolling techniques it was so simple just carpet on the floor and hay bales filled up my fences a two-year-old with an ipad could build this next building was the panda hotel this one which is gonna be iconic this time building a hotel just for sleepy and lazy pandas so they could sleep all day and for my third building i thought it was pretty clever let's save a panda hotel hey hey i'm looking at you you want us you want to save a pen listen just let me let me tell you about this panda okay subscribe subscribe to save a panda that's it oh and leave a like for bamboo to be delivered to your doorstep being dead serious and this place was for all the sneezing pandas that were extremely weak finally for the last building the panda smith a place where all worried pandas can use their blacksmith and toolsmith skills they just gotta make sure that they're prepared for all the thunderstorms it gets pretty scary out there [Music] let's save a panda hospital on day 63 it was thunderstorming all you could hear was an army of pandas just just crying it's sobbing away it was honestly one of the worst days hearing all the pandas cry you're just so sad no just got struck by lightning my my panda just died in front of me that's so sad it's gonna be okay buddy come on it's gonna be okay here take some bamboo i i don't think he wants bamboo looking to be just crying away and meanwhile these dudes just don't care they're just rolling away i'm guessing everybody's okay here what about the save and pay in the hospital everybody's all good right just double checking and on day 64 to 66 the thunderstorm finally stopped and there was a beautiful baby panda that was born come here little buddy i got you here you go here's a bamboo and you also get some bamboo as well welcome to the panda treehouse community you guys all holding up good right everybody's good and day 100 was slowly lingering i knew that the lord panda would eventually come back and cause destruction i then took the bamboo and the emeralds to start crafting weapons bamboo pickaxe with 15 attack damage that's better than my sword definitely gonna replace the diamond pickaxe now let's get a bamboo sword as well oh okay not bad and the last part is a bamboo bow perfect and with the bamboo hope it allowed me to plant unlimited types of bamboo all types of colors this pretty much meant like an unlimited food source the sword looks pretty cool the pickaxe is pretty awesome and there's a hoe i've been waiting so long for this moment oh nope nope nope nope i was waiting for that no this dude is so crazy i nearly two shot the iron golem and at five shot oh okay all right that was pretty good oh still got enough to kill him this attack speed is insane what way too easy and the bamboo pickaxe just breaks chunks of blocks just as fast as the diamond pickaxe that's gonna make mining so easy there he goes everything's gone completely what you're looking at y'all want some of this that's what i'm talking about i should stand a chance against the lord panda now and the last set of bamboo armor and all we need is just bamboo surrounding a block of emerald the kung fu chest plate now this should be just as powerful as i'm guessing netherride armor and there we have it so we got two diamond armor pieces and two kung fu pieces no are you alive hello are you dying why are you why are you what's going on here oh it's working i'm coming to save you for the second time no don't die that's so sad you're almost there you almost yes i saved your life thank me later on day 67 to 73 i felt pretty adventurous i saw a castle in the distance and then traveled to it i wasn't exactly sure who it belonged to but my guess was uh the lord panda i mean who else could control this place other than him or maybe another faction i don't know now this looks a little bit intimidating what's up with that banner interesting i then enter the castle and the boss name the bell ringer disappeared welcome to my challenge i see you're like let's test your skills is this like some sort of a joke like i can't even reach this dude oh where's that oh whoa whoa whoa whoa oh oh what is what the heck whoa oh nope okay go back go back let's go let's go there we go perfect i'mma see everybody don't don't you worry i got you where's it going just teleporting ow i can't even i literally can't reach it but i don't have a bow yes it's working what's this i flame through it what what do i even do am i putting on fire ah nope nope okay almost there here we go a couple swings on him it's halfway down halfway down yo let's go bamboo is so useful straight up let's go ah dang it how am i supposed to get you you're literally oh yes you're a cheater i totally forgot i could actually climb up things it makes it a little bit difficult when you're getting hit okay you can't even reach me anymore oh there he goes uh i lost him how did i lose him he's invisible come on man this is getting ridiculous let's go there's a couple more hits and i should have him out there we go last two hits let's use my flamethrower maybe i can like push him down oh he's behind me no no my panda dang it are you serious no oh man that's that's so that's so sad a phanto plasm gold ingot and trident turnover dying and a shield oh i can't really see that was successful because my friend died well and as i left the castle i buried my panda friend it was very set to see him go day 74 and 75 were pretty chilly it was snowing and i was traveling through the snow bomb and as i was traveling i came across a pack of mooses what a coincidence if only they knew who i was under my pan at the skies you know what minecraft should totally add in mooses that would be the best update could i can i can i pet can i can i pet you [Music] nope why are you so fast why are you why are you so fast can i feed you an apple can i can i feed you can i feed you an apple just just take the take take the apple take take the oops okay and uh pretty much ran away yeah what a coincidence being chased by my own kind day 76 to 84. i spent most of my time decorating the interiors on my panda houses first i started with the saving panda hospital the reception definitely needs a bonsai and then let's put down filing cabinet for all the smart panties and why not give them a sink you know this way they can actually wash their hands here's some sea water just in case you kind of look a little bit sick i'm just saying and in case you're having an emergency i got drums i don't know just yeah just drums and here's a mini drum [Music] i'm a panda playing the drums yes i got a cabbage barrel in case somebody needs some cat cabbage fancy water thing no clue what this does but it was easy to make look at that just water going down really satisfying and the flamethrower i'm just kidding i'm just kidding we're not gonna do that chest and a crafting table just in case and here's some more cauldrons for whatever reason and then moved on to the hotel placing down a few wall decorations and next was the panda smith come on think more you are in my way my friend get get that there you go enjoy it that's a pretty cool decoration ideas here a wood stove looks pretty cool i like it let's put coal and cook some uh bamboo nah that is sick for the front two armor stance would look perfect let's also move that sign panda smith there we go full gold armor set nothing too fancy and the iron armor set that's pretty cool i like it i also have stacks of gold ingots so we're just gonna put them right here did you happen to know that pandas love cake like they will swallow the entire cake i mean that's where the wiki says oh my mooses that's that's a lot of cakes that that's a lot literally every single type no way this actually works three tiered cake um oh it's literally three tiers so i crafted a few cakes with my friends and then place them all around the village oh he's eating it yo he got an appetite okay including the downstairs for my aggressive pandas i then saw there was a golden apple cake now that sounds pretty delicious but once i ate it i transformed into a bunch of panda this is amazing i'm huge look at me i'm a buff panda and look at me i'm literally shredded i finally have abs i'm just way too big now that looks so funny oh go okay oh good thing i have really double the hearts smosh hey what you looking at huh you want some of this i don't think so bro yeah i got a sword too what's gonna do about it yeah call me back hold me back from these 85 to 91 i realized that uh i had no abilities as above panda i couldn't believe it this was the first so i traveled to a swamp bomb looking for a witch and i was hoping that i could use those witchcraft powers to give me some powers as well you know to share the powers and once i finally arrived to the woodchuck it was surrounded by alligators everywhere these things are ferocious pretty sure that's the spot i mean you really can't miss it it's a giant house surrounded by alligators yeah ow hey stop it nobody stop it nope i'm not food i'm not i'm just a panda i'm not food on the right side it's barely doing damage to me so that's that's pretty good y'all want some of this huh oh stop okay yeah they do damage damage all right flamethrower that that doesn't make any sense on my flat throwing something okay did i really forget my golden bamboo i i totally did that's it i'm done i'm done with this place i'm over no more alligators yo i could two shot these dudes okay nope nope as long as they don't bite you you should be fine if they do bite you they start rolling around and trying to like bring it to the water ow there's so much damage and finally i went inside oh no hey get over here i can't be kidding me i'm stuck oh oh what kind of a witch is that what ah we're safe now oh some gold and some ingots diamond leggings and that's it for the first floor i hear which is underground interesting just some more gold and ingots oh there it is the new ability let's go i knew they had something for me it's got a hurricane on it or something interesting buff hurricane what is this and let's not forget the enchanting table oh what was that no it's crazy i can just literally kick them in their face watch this yay that's so cool y'all want some of this huh come on y'all want some oh okay all right all right chill chill you actually kill me you actually kill me nope nope okay all right oh oh we're cutting it close we are cutting it have a heart you have a heart that did not work that did not work according to plan oh i just launched that thing that's amazing what you gonna do about it huh what you gonna do now oh where'd it go please just flew away and for the rest of the night i tested out my hurricane ability combined with my sword it was extremely powerful on days 92 to 96 my fellow panda friend told me that he spotted lord panda heading to a new massive town i quickly grabbed my golden bamboo and started following him hey little buddy are you uh 100 sure this is the place like seriously right all right i'll take your word for it let's go could this potentially be the new panda tribe i had to find out so i climbed on top of a tree and jumped inside then suddenly i saw lord panda heading inside a building so i followed him this is definitely the spot but where's lord panda at exactly there's his throne and his diamond blocks but no lord panda huh maybe through here oh you definitely can't fit through there that's for sure i can't believe he did there he's not on the second floor just chest in the middle what do we got inside this thing puff fireball this is nunchucks 25 attack oh nope nope okay seriously a trap at least i hear the pillagers but where's he at i gotta find this dude once and for all like seriously put it into the that's a lot of creepers that is that is a lot of creepers oh no okay all right you know what i should be i should be fine okay let's go here we go come on oh he's got him okay that was way way too risky oh no there's no more there's still way more he's got reinforcements right i'm out i'm out i'm running i'm running it turned out this place was a trap i i was furious i'm done i'm storming into lord pandas village i'm gonna fu kick his face on days 98 to 99 it was time to defeat the lord panda i built an outdoor enchanting room and enchanted my gear then traveled back to his panda tribe i didn't want to have any casualties so i had a plan two more mounts what what is this place he's got two giant buildings now looks like the pandas has been putting a lot of work hopefully everyone's okay no one has died again i walked up to the front of the door and knocked one of his pandas opened the door for me there was blocks of emeralds diamonds and gold everywhere he then looked at me and said let's cut a deal join back my tribe and you can have all of this as my right hand man i'm i'm in too deep i have my own community and i can't let them down it's better than whatever you have going on here so be it you see moose i'm always one step ahead of you while you're out there trying to be a hero we are monopolizing this world it's either you are with us or against us what are you what are you talking about leave me one step ahead of me do you not see what i'm wearing i got full bamboo armor on i have fireballs hurricanes what are you gonna do about that huh that was oh [Music] what was that the floor collapsed and i fell inside lava but luckily my golden bamboo saved me the old-fashioned lava floor pretty clever ah but listen that's not gonna do anything to me i've been waiting to test out these nunchucks i'm ready where did you're going huh let's go oh what is that what's that going to do all right what is that there's so much lighting don't kill the painters that's messed up oh no oh no [Music] okay fireballs it is i don't want to hurt the pandas save the pandas where's that purple effect that he has is he like trying to drown me with eggs what is that supposed to be i got him in the lava let's hit him with the fireballs come on how is he still alive okay he's about to do it okay no no i'm top start people gonna trap me in there yo get me out i can't even see what's going on anymore there it is i'm going in with the nunchucks they're almost halfway broken this is my chance knock him in the corner trap him in there there we go charge of the nunchucks and he's done for and just like that the lord panda was gone once and for all and on day 100 in honor of becoming the new panda king i had to let the world know and what better way to do that than putting a giant panda face inside of a mountain i i know what you're thinking by far one of my best ideas i mean i say that every single time but this is it boys i'm telling you no one is ever going to forget me now more moose doing 100 days for the next 100 days moose making 100 days videos in space boosh making 100 day videos on the moon and as the king of the pandas i have one request for you hit the subscribe button and enable all notifications and don't forget to watch my other 100 videos right over here it'd be so cool because like spin it's like it's getting away it's like five oh no tapping down cheat
Channel: Moose
Views: 2,952,676
Rating: 4.9092488 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, I survived 100 days as a panda in minecraft, I survived, 100 days, panda, i survived 100 days, minecraft panda, hardcore minecraft, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, minecraft 100 days, 100 days minecraft, 100 days challenge, 100 days in hardcore, 100 days hardcore minecraft, 100 days hardcore, moosecraft, moose, I survived 100 days in minecraft, I survived 100 days as a, Aphmau, SSundee, Beckbrojack, Ryguyrocky, craftee, luke thenotable
Id: DjRwSlVmEbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 12sec (3012 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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