I Survived 100 Days as a ENDER DRAGON in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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this is 100 days as an air dragon in hardcore minecraft imagine being born into a world where you're defeated by every minecraft player and once you're dead you can't come back until someone responds to you will i be able to defeat the strongest bosses and prove on the best or will my rival who will defeat me why should they have to find out if you want to become an egg dragon make sure to subscribe hit the bell and click all and shout out to all the fans for the video idea and if you want to be featured just leave a comment down below which one are the dates we should do next on day one i spawned the nazir dragon inside the end it was prompted with an option to choose my origin so i selected dragonborn well this should be fun on day two i went exploring the new end biomes me being the air dragon made things super easy since i was able to fly i then gathered some wood biting and found in wars and along the way across a portal of some sort well what is this another portal inside the end dimension and so on days three to four i flew into an end city this was my chance to get stacked on resources even though i was air dragon i was still very weak and mobs could easily hurt me so i just showed the city buildings grabbed all the loot and then a giant eye boss attacked me out of nowhere not this guy again are you kidding me just the same boss with a hundred days as a wither he was also guarding the end city oh he's splitting in half we almost got him let's go oh watch watch the attacks watch the attacks not today buddy oh he's almost there wait wait oh he almost killed me you always just killed me he's supposed to be dead oh there we go perfect and he dropped a dragon egg interesting i also got a brand new eye called the prime eye let's grab the egg oh no where's it going perfect and let's steal some ncd banners and we're going to be placing these in every single location that we raid this will inform everybody that i control the entire place and so on day five had to figure out a way to get out of the end i was quickly driving hunger bars trying to consume vegetables was nearly impossible for a dragon it just didn't go with my diet this is not good i only have four hunger bars left and i can't consume anything at all dragons don't eat vegetables if i don't get food within the next few days i'm gonna end up dying i'm down to four hunger bars and there's literally no source of protein here there's no animals or anything i can't even eat the dragonflies is there any leftover food here nothing nothing at all maybe some extra potions nope dragons can only eat animals and the only place to find animals is in the everworld wow what is this maybe we can find some food here of course flower nope still can't eat it it's just all chorus fruits and so on day six i flew back to the end pillars it built a temporary house just in case i was going to come back to the end and i was really hoping that a player could show up to the end so i could finally have a way out wait a minute if someone comes here doesn't that mean they have to kill me to beat the game holy moose smokes i don't want to die and on day 7 is i waited for a player to show up in the end to fall for my trap i came across giant crystal mountains i never even knew that existed in the end so i mind the crystals aurora crystal shards turns out they're for some kind of a ritual interesting and you can make eternal crystals with them they're most likely gonna come in handy in the future and so on day eight while i was flying around i found an abandoned house inside the lantern woods biome nobody lives here but there was an eternal crystal on display that looked pretty important so i stole them and we're looking for more so what's the fuss about let's see this eternal crystals a respawn obelisk and it's used to create some kind of fancy stuff and to actually make them you use the aurora crystal shards and crystals and under shrubs so i'm guessing it's for an infusion pedestal and you can actually craft them yourself and to make an infusion pedestal these are the materials that we need and with the pedestal you're able to craft custom legendary armor interesting and on day 9 i traveled back to the dragon's nest crafted the infusion pedestal and placed it down and then i powered it using internal crystals so this is where i can make my legendary armor and i'm just guessing these materials over here represent the actual corners of the pedestal to make the chest plate i'd have to be facing north which is this way and the crystals will go right over here in each of these corners in the middle will be our chest plates and over here would be our amber gem and for now let's create an eternal shard there we go end of shards in each corner and there begins infusion now this is super cool and there we have it another eternal crystal and for our throne we'll have two powering this entire place perfect and then on day 10 i remember that i could resume the inner dragon using any crystals found in the end cities and so out of just that and unfortunately had to kill my own kind and after defeating him i stole the dragon egg from my fallen brother and left it was time for me to take over the overworld well i'm down to my last two cooked end fishes it was the only way my dragon dust is officially gone but it's time for the overworld mark my words i will forever carry on your legacy theater dragon city will expand in the overworld on day 11 as soon as i got to the overworld i slayed a bunch of animals created a furnace and lit up with my dragon breath i was extremely hungry well i really can't believe that actually worked this is sick you know being another dragon is not so bad and i can officially eat as much as i want and now that i'm finally free let's cause some destruction in that village over there in the morning that's gonna be for breakfast on day 12 i flew over the village and engulfed it in dragon breath taking out everything inside and after i proceeded to loot the place and found the iron golem's fist and on day 13 while i was soaring through the skies i came across a floating castle island so pirated the place and claimed it as my own this was going to be the new dragon city and a placeholder for all my valuables and so i started expanding out my entire city first by building the platform then moving to the walls and creating an outdoor dragon that's made of obsidian this way i have my own bed on day 14 i turn my entire city into purple and then i started creating my dragon vault first i mined a bunch of obsidian then built the entrance of the vault after the interior of it then the exterior the plan was to make it look exactly like a giant dragon head let's create blocks of valuables including the diamonds now our dragon looks pretty cool and we're going to place these in the corners and same goes for the gold now for this section over here i want to put down these ender chests that's pretty cool and we can always move them over here as well and for our branding ah that looks insane welcome to the dragon vault and while we're here let's grab all my valuables and let's move these over inside the vault and any sort of trophies heads or anything valuable we get we're gonna place them in here especially the music discs there we go and of course the heads and why not keep some dragon breath as well and an extra egg then the eye vendor and the golem hand i also have an eternal crystal and my crystal shards and the finishing touches perfect and then on day 15 i created a small dragonis for my dragon egg now let's add in some quick details the crystal shards are going to be perfect and then our headstone style sights and sprinkle in some mossy styles style site and you're probably wondering is this going to harm the baby dragon i don't think so honestly we dragons are super tough perfect and let's place down our dragon egg that looks absolutely perfect and here's a quick dragon breath who knows maybe it's gonna power the dragon i can make it hatch and then on day 16 my dragon egg finally hatched you know i'm trying to figure out exactly how long i gotta sit on this egg i don't know is this what dragons do we just sit on the egg and warm it up what you're looking at huh what you're looking at let's go my dragon egg has officially hatched and now we got i mean it's not really a baby but it's still it's still pretty big dragon let's grab the orc skin and the raw beef first we need the actual saddle there we go dragon saddle next oh he's already going come here buddy eat some raw beef okay he's kind of happy and then the saddle on top of that no way no i'm a giant air dragon flying on a baby dragon this is um so i gotta say he doesn't fly that quickly he doesn't have any crazy abilities but it's still really cool having it on the dragon inside the dragon city now how do i fly this thing beep beep up ow you gotta come down what's up buddy look i can also fly so this guy's got blue eyes and he actually listens to me too so to shoot out fire breath it's pretty straight forward it's not that crazy but it's still pretty cool and yes the flying animation is very very slow come on buddy please follow me okay maybe flying a baby dragon is a little bit difficult oh oh no chill chill you're putting here with your fire oh no no oh come on man dragon problems from day 17 to 18 i went body for diamonds and emeralds i needed stacks of valuable oars to flex this on my dragon city and to have for future crafting recipes so i can give him a chest apparently oh that works perfect there we go now my boy is all fully grown up always breathing fire chill bro don't do it don't do it don't burn him stop it so i made some small improvements and this way my boy is a lot happier and he's got plenty of raw baby if he gets he wants to eat it i guess i'll deceive it let's start by fighting the lush caves let's go the most satisfying part oh we got a problem uh i've accidentally broke underneath the world oops let me fix that and there we have it our first batch of diamonds and with this ring i attract everything around me makes it super easy when you're the dragon we can't forget about some lapis all i simply want is about 10 stacks of diamonds how hard is that and it's literally all over the lush case yo we are loaded let's get some lapis i already got two stacks i'm never really far for copper but definitely worth a try can i even put this on this dungeon i don't think so i guess i'll break my way in our first chest glowberries yo glowberries will be perfect and we got a name tag what is this what advancement made interesting looks like some sort of uh i don't even know it turns out they haven't got blocks of iron all right i'm here to steal all your stuff cough it up there's gotta be some other chests in here got the jackpot one diamond that's it is that all i'm worth to you another one and more iron blocks this entire place also connects with a mine shaft with a spawner creepers be getting upgraded diamonds this is the gold landmine blueberry farm let's let this bad boy up and we can't forget about this one 26 blocks of diamonds well we're officially rich we will never have to go mining ever again i don't even know where to put this anymore i've created a monster we'll turn the entire ceiling into blocks of emeralds let's mix in some lapis why not some copper as well and blocks of iron perfect and for days 19 to 22 i crafted a great eye vendor and then used it to locate a nearby structures i then found a fortune jungle and while looting it an army of necromancers attacked me one eye vendor one diamond and one ammo that's that's nothing you're probably wondering exactly what is this thing this is called the prime eye and when i throw it it's like an ender pearl that you can just keep refilling in the smithing table alright perfect greater eye vendor now if we just throw it it should locate the nearest village which is 285 blocks away and it'll even show the direction up and it's gone well that was super quick so let's try a different location this is the smallest village i've ever seen this looks like a nether fortress but in the jungle that's kind of cool and are there any crazy mobs like where the skeletons the decaying glory achievement hello i'm out of here oh it's completely silver fish let's see if we can get some pretty good loots maybe some powerful arbor or more diamonds or something special but so far we ain't really seeing much and why is it so empty oh wait there you go what's this ah silver spawner interesting that's it that's all i get a sharpness one sword oh we gotta spice this up a little bit let's go i'm destroying this entire place i'm not even sure who this even belongs to oh wait is that a prison some sort of an underground prison here right oh never mind and what is over this section here yep still nothing but silverfish all right so i'm sorry i think this place is completely useless what about inside this tower no now at this point there's gonna be nothing left finally a chest really [Music] wait what it's legitimately another fortress but in the jungle and it goes under water huh chainmail that's kind of rare actually i'll take that i just realized that dragons cannot be on the water nope have you ever seen a dragon go swimming yeah i'm not talking about how to train a dragon look at this drowned mop you gotta try to hey give me that tried it give me that that's fine the dragon breath work underwater i think so we got some mushrooms and this goes more underwater with a bunch of drowned enemies okay coming through yeah this place is completely empty got some chamo boots i guess we'll get ourselves like a super rare armor set and this is the remaining part of the fortress we haven't explored what is that oh no are they friendly hey are you all friendly at all are you guys oh no they're not they're not friendly they're not friendly no no no oh no okay all right whether effect is gonna kill me i think it's gonna oh that's a lot that's a lot okay we gotta go we gotta go nope not today not a chance oh how about some fireballs let's go are they immune no they're not immune to dragon breath perfect that's exactly what i need y'all can't even hit me no more yes is anything valuable i'm literally getting attacked by phantom and right next to it is an actual village y'all picked a fight with the wrong person and they seem to be dropping i believe books yeah wait a minute knock back efficiency 4 and chains that's kind of overpowered and here's what we got power 4 rip tide blast protection efficiency 4. piercing sharpness not bad i think they're all dead on day 23 i built an ender prison out of obsidian and iron bars this is where i was going to be capturing and storing enemies before i leave this place i got a genius idea now this person absolutely hates me so let me just snag him real quick just so we can show our dominance we're gonna put the actual prison right in the middle now every classic mob or any powerful mob or any mob that i don't like that i actually get i'm gonna be trapping them inside of these bars we're gonna make it out of obsidian and divide it into sections and we're gonna stack it up with the outer prison nobody goes in and nobody goes out and i'm using my finest bars out there that'll seem bars found only in the end and yes it's absolutely indestructible and this creeper will be our first victim i'll even make it so the actual cell mates can see each other and just for safe measures we're gonna increase it by a couple blocks and create it as two stories necromancer boss and i have triple stacked this entire prison and created a custom design just like this that looks pretty cool we'll even add in some end rods once we get some more and the finishing touches lanterns it was kind of cool and now for my prisoner welcome to your brand new cell you are never getting out let's also add in some branding you mess with the dragon city and you get trapped in prison from days 24 to 27 i created a portal to the nether and paid a visit to my fellow competitors first i looted and destroyed the entire nether fortress today's day we officially go to the nether but we can't do that without having a cool portal and i want this different from all my other series in this format right here should match the entire dragon city let's finish it up now that looks super nice flint and steel check let's make sure it's centered and let's create a massive portal just for the heck of it we're gonna go out a little bit it's not centered no i'm trying to get a little bit fancy with it oh this is gonna be insane we're gonna surround us we're crying obsidian we got gold in the corners i'm not really sure if it's going to work but we will test it out now that's what you call a portal and let's put chains over here two pedestals just like this ender shards on both side and crystal shards on the opposite side now let's light this thing up ah doesn't work i'm guessing the corners lanterns check and still brick walls check i think i'm pretty satisfied with this design let's go it's ready and look at the moon to the nether yo we spawned right inside of a fortress no way what that's what i call that moose luck yo these blazes do not like me especially not the guests but it's way too easy okay maybe it's kind of crazy all right chill chill i'm so mad ha gasteds even a blaze head yo let's get a wither head perfect now these look absolutely insane what is this huh this will be some great decorations for the dragon city what is this block cincinnati i don't know why i pronounced like that what is this some kind of a chest with oh we're the skeleton skull that'll be perfect so we find these all around they give us skulls my arch nemesis the wither it's like a summoning pokemon what is this got me another up this time it's a black apple and diamonds and gas steers so these little floating groves contain really good loots another black apple it wasn't even four now these blaze guardians look very familiar from the 100 days wither video two but i can't eat any veggies vegetables find a portal let's loot this fortress just plenty of gold you know for a new nether fortress you would think they would have some better gear is that lapis huh in the nether get out of my way now this is satisfying it's a bad pick no more gold ingots and so far i think i found a uh kind of a nether no desert they've got their own cactus nether cactus i never knew this was a thing what in the world is this i have never seen a bottom like this in my life so many things going on let's break up you know what i don't feel like small tiny piglets that live there or something oh a blaze guardian look at you guys you all think you're so tough eh okay maybe you're kind of tough oh yep all right you're looking at my powerful armor that stuff makes me fireproof got him easy this place is conquered by me at least 28-35 i located a nearby another temple and fought another gauntlet boss where was there trees in the nether look at these they're huge absolutely massive this bottom is with another gauntlet wait is it a temple another gauntlet boss yo why are you looking at me like that bro look at this eye can't do anything with you at all no nothing okay watch this enjoy take some fire breaths that's gonna hurt him is he fire proof the way this dude is fire proof he's completely fire proof what can he even hit on my sword ow okay i two could play this game go you messed with the wrong person i'm taking this entire place down with me is this some ancient debris it looks like it and what do we got up here oh jackpot baby is that a ruby block this dude is literally floating am i supposed to kill him oh i got him i gotta hit him right in the eye and that is a pretty good damage oh ow he just punched me you don't just punch it in a dragon like that well guess what i don't even care about your temper anymore yeah where are you gonna live now huh where you gonna go no he's completely invincible to my fire breath just get him into the eyes and watch her brother punches nope nope all right gotta have heart oh half health wait what what just happened come find me huh am i getting pranked i see you oh guess what i'm taking out okay all right down that'll just happen all right that was kind of painful let's go you mess with me i take out your entire temple and everyone inside oh this temple is pushing out bro felt nothing good now what do we got over here ned the right that's pretty good this is the two i guess he gets his throne jackpot baby and some more netherrides but regardless i'm breaking everything into here and everyone's dying with me oh i guess i'm not dying really this is a bone a bone sword and a bunch of major debris what is that huh little ruby away what in the world another ruby block you can make nether ruby armor that's gonna make for a great souvenir oh this place is officially gone i'm still searching for the nether golf boss where is he at closer this is it it's like bastion hot uh am i supposed to be in here what is this it's glowing red do i like click it with a movie or something oh no that's how it works can i break it oh okay yep that was it that's it right there all right that's it you're going down okay dragon breath's just a lot working completely useless i mean that again he doesn't do that much damage only like two hearts luckily the army does help with that is annoying you and my friend are extremely annoying let me see your eyeball get over here yo let's do the really trying to find right now got him his attacks and then go for the eye oh man keeps closing his eyeball i mean i guess he is kind of smart with it this is so tedious oh come on man you just took out like half my heart what so i guess the further away we are from him like the less damage he does oh what is that shoots out lasers oh ow ow ow ow what the heck bro my god chill out can i get him stuck in this thing yo i can trap him in a city can't die you totally trapping obsidian that'd be funny i got him down by two bars oh he's transforming something else definitely getting stronger oh yeah yeah way stronger you know having golden apples would make life a lot easier there he goes it goes through blocks oh no no no yo yo chill chill chill chill chill come on regenerate bro what's going on oh no oh no oh no oh no all right i'm gonna i'm gonna bring the lava here let's go ow you know for being a giant dragon you really just don't regenerate anything got him in the eye got him in the eye okay what do you see got an attack on him he's super punching there he goes dodge that oh oh no i'm getting trapped in the blocks oh can i capture him that'd be so funny whoa whoa whoa what's going on what is that i'm blind i'm blind i repeat i am blind and i cannot see whoa whoa whoa whoa all right two could play this game people can play this game too but i can break things too i don't know why i want to break it honestly but try my best here come on heal up hello peel up yeah flying around definitely helps a lot oh he's bad whoa gotta hit on him three hits on him watch his attack let's go the other dragon is never gonna die yes yes yes let's go baby this is it all right come on eat up eat up eat up heal up fly around dash attacks yo this is so sus whoa come on one bar left few more come on two more hits all right we're healing up again i figured out the strategy yo chill bro you're down for it that's it's over let's go oh no oh what you gotta be joking man and it's officially over huh interesting that was something for sure let's go baby i'll be taking this a blazing eye will make for a great souvenir this temple belongs to the ender dragons from these 36 to 40 while i was flying around i found another pyramid in the middle of nowhere and then a new nether city i got all the blocks and use it for decorations for the dragon city what do we got here what is this thing absolutely nothing another pyramid i have never seen one of these before so what do we got inside what's up piglets why do i think this is a trap that's a trap that is 100 trap oh yeah i knew it i so called it hey fall for this respiration now these guys seem to like it come on a stolen sword guys all right come by don't just waste my time at this point listen but i don't try you got no time for this [Music] so satisfied whoa what a pirate ship in the nether watch this and what are those blocks right there all their their potions that potion of fire resistance oh that's exactly what i was looking for thank you hey i know man you're having a hard time i feel you bro enjoy all right boys where's all your items at no way no the right armor this is so cool let's uh cursor binding and vanishing i guess i'm just gonna send it now i can never take them off whoa jackpot kardashian remnant mad what so i can't remove these boots anymore that's great let me get this flag no we being risky here i'm like halfway in the lava perfect all right well uh have fun guys you have a bow yeah not anymore sunken ship i remember seeing one of these before it's an end city but now it's another city with some more skeleton guards i know for a fact there's got to be some good loot here look at that oh man this is it this is it right here we got scraps for days and it's gone it's completely gone there's so many of them too yo what 12 nether yo i'm just super rich right now this is crazy this makes minecraft so easy let me guess another overpowered chest in here right oh come on it doesn't stop and enchant the dodge apple i wish i could release these apples i don't think we need this i can officially upgrade to full lend the right armor that's gonna be the next step all right i think we're just about done with this place and that is a total of 18 nether ingots and 28 scraps and 10 inch debris not you again this time you're not going to jail bro you're going straight into the lava see you later buddy oh of course of course your fireproof now i'm blind i am literally blind i can't see great love it i officially have conquered all three of these places including this temple on day 41 as i was going back home i came across a secret piglet village what is that a village wait what what's going on here this is one of their villages in the nether bro there's so much stuff here what are they farming in other words yeah why there's so many piglets here they haven't got a piglet brew you know i'm taking it with me interesting you got striders and then their own buildings yo these piglens are kind of advanced wow they have their own village so i guess are they like a friendly piglets that don't live in bastions or is this where exactly every piglet actually lives at the world may never know i guess every piglet just lives a normal life just like us they go back home and they do their thing until they see a giant entrance you're coming just swoop the whole time please eat it and it's gone i'm sorry guys i'm just doing my job as the air dragon yo give me that bill i'm gonna bring this back to my house this is some sort of a summoning station you guys like performing a ritual on somebody that poor strata lizzie's about to die oh so far we haven't found anything crazy valuable but then again i mean what are we expecting piglets their bashes are stacked and either way we already have so much gear and what is this place nothing nope is that armor hold on a second get out of the way no nothing my man's like uh i literally worked this hey this is like an actual blacksmith wow that's so cool what if piglins are secretly villagers stuck in the nether did you think about that one all right well i'll leave you guys to be i'm out of here when these 42 to 49 i rated it bastion and defeated the piglet king and his boss this is the place i've been looking for let's go let's go my man i'm sorry about your death so what do we got going oh that's a lot of them what's going on here something going on what is this why are there so many of these piglets so i would actually turn an entire bastion into my very own dragon nether fortress i think that's a genius idea and that's exactly what we gotta do first we gotta make sure it's spacious enough to actually fit me look at these guys there's so many of these roots okay we don't need any of these walking areas i don't fit through them uh is that no way it's the piglet boss again oh what's up man yo enjoy take this buddy oh he's gotta got some help though oh he's he's kind of oh how am i with him why how am i weathering away wait what just wanted to have the weather ability what's going on got him well that was easy wait blackstone rolling what oh you know where'd this guy go from i'm guessing that's gonna be the piglen's uh reinforcements oh that's no pop i fought you once this shouldn't be that big of an issue let's go boys this guy can't even hit me as long as i go and get him like the actual top port he really can't do much to me what i'm worried about is the arrows i'm super weak against arrows which i'm pretty sure everybody knows why ow all right all right okay this is not fun let's clear this area just in case nobody falls on me and tries to kill me more and we gotta be very careful with this wither effect it really is causing a lot of damage okay we're gonna go for the top oh it's this guy's that's what it is ow ow ooh man yo i'm oh no oh no no no no no no okay we're getting out of here all right we're getting out of here we're going to the top why is invisible yo they don't play around i almost died let's avoid those naga things they're extremely tough to kill first get rid of the platforms oh yup they got me again where's it at it's gotta be somewhere here oh no oh oh three nine parts yeah we played a risky game and my effects do not work on any of them ocean of fire distance this might help us out a little bit i'm going back in boys there he is got the naga path is clear oh let's go keep our distance there's a novice somewhere around here i just don't see it ah there it is is that a chicken in the nether why is there a chicken on the nether oh there's a black stone golem always shooting out some kind of things that mean so it turns out he is actually weak against dragon breath so this makes the fight a whole lot easier he takes instant damage with the actual dragon breath so just keep our distance and just keep firing the dragon breath oh oh yeah everybody smoke too soon almost dead man it's almost there let's go i just want to get him out of the lava oh there he goes grab his chest who got some nether right and this man is dead once and for all oh he's just literally gone where'd he go something tells me he's not coming back and now we can claim his entire place as our very own let's put down our black banner right here oh come on man not this naga thing again you guys are horrendous now what is this place it's the same exact thing just a little bit different so he's still telling me that the blackstone golem is actually alive so i'm going to dive into the to the actual lava and go find him oh there you are hey what's up man yeah sorry about that yeah i'm also uh you know fireproof now casual dragon just swimming up how to get out oh how do i get out oh no oh close goals let's go and from these 50 to 55 i saw all the gear from the bastions to turn the entire place into my nether base for my fellow dragons first we gotta grab all the gear the more gold the better now let's break down the corners so this way they do not spawn here we have to convert this entire place into a giant square for dragons so let's flood it with some lava this is a perfect start oh yeah that's gonna do it sorry guys it's the only way as long as those noggins don't have a platform to spawn on that should give us an advantage what does that sound wait blackstone golden heart white huh that's kind of cool oh you guys are doomed i'm sorry well this place is nearly finished very very tedious yes and there's absolutely no more of the bastion so now we're gonna convert the middle into our platform so we can use whatever blocks you pretty much want now for some reason these piglets really love the dark well i like to have windows in my place now let's create a tunnel out of here an emergency tunnel that's perfect this place is absolutely massive so we're gonna have multiple entrances to this place look at that outpost so one on every single corner and we're gonna put down multiple windows on each level and there we go third level second level on first level and that was completely covered in lava we even have a top exit in case you want to escape now remember air dragons are pretty big so we need plenty of space to fly into this place and now to finish off the entire staircase perfect so every single staircase leads to the actual center and in the center we're gonna have an ancient debris uh throne for me so we're gonna use some basalt and mix it in with some gold it's got a look and feel premium and that's where we're gonna be putting down our brand new banners let's do some blocks of iron create the flooring there we go i know it's a weird throne but then again i am still an inner dragon let's have one of these banners right here showing off what we conquered now remember air dragons are pretty big so we need plenty of space to fly into this place and add in a bell for our servants yes servants please come here we also have obsidian glass we can probably place this right over here now we have windows interesting and that concludes the pigment trading outpost definitely a little bit different put this down there and just throw in the gold from the top up right through the heart i literally just threw the heart hey can you uh can you give me that killer back real quick thank you i appreciate it here you go some more gold and joy so they're gonna drop it and we can just instantly pick it up from here there we go perfect now over on this section i just want to create a simple chest setup right here and just in case i have a little ritual thing fireball i'll probably take it with me what do we got just some basic stuff the main thing i really need is these fire potions these are key to my survival from these 56 to 60 i returned back to the overworld and decided that i wanted to have my very own dragon aquarium so i look at the ocean monuments blew the shipwrecks and then raided the monuments and destroyed the entire place i'm officially back home and let's place down all of our new valuables starting with the blazing eye then the golden apple which you can't eat let's put down our new banners here and all of our actual heads here the gas ted the blaze head spider oh we already have this one spider head is already there so let's do the magma cube head and the dragon that can go right here instead much better here's some new decorations the black stone golem heart this new bone sword apparently and another banner of course our nether ruby block another music disc and this will be for the entrance welcome to your brand new place enjoy oh uh that's awkward and let's light these up there we go i know my armor is extremely weak let's repair the armor and create a full nether right armor set even the sword moose why are you not using an axe i'm sorry sorry it happens so our place is definitely missing an aquarium i'm not sure where i'm to put it but somewhere over here will be kind of cool found me a shipwreck or at least that's what i thought i found a random treasure chest huh suspicious stew and these cool shells dude flying as an air dragon in the water is so overpowered oh look at this a full out ship let's see if we got any treasure ah jackpot and a buried treasure map there we have it the ocean monument i'm ready to get myself an elder guardian for my aquarium it's gonna be a little risky in the water i'm not supposed to be really swimming and i navigate kind of slow sometimes oh look at all these dudes they don't even attack me does dragon breath even hurt them yeah it works let's go that's gonna give us a massive advantage now there's three elder guardian bosses from what i saw from the comment section we're gonna go straight from the top and break inside all right where's the other guardian we gotta get it quickly the only tough part is my actual like water breathing is really really bad luckily i do have doors but doesn't really help when you're so tall seriously it does not help at all oh air air please oh no okay all right you see what i'm talking about this is not good okay instead i'm gonna destroy this entire place let's open it all up i'm breaking so many blocks that the game is glitching out it's a great way to crash your minecraft server uh i'm literally in the wall i still have yet to see the elder guardian boss i found the sponge jackpot let's go and some sea lanterns there he is the elder guardian boss perfect quick snag let's grab some decorations for the water and let's head back home but first we gotta clean the place i am now the leader of this location perfect let's also get some coral along the way so i replicated the staircase over on the opposite side here this is going to be my personal aquarium dark prismarines for the actual layers for the corners mainly prismarine for the actual flooring now we have two options for the actual glass either glass panes or obsidian glasses a little bit harder to see out of but i think this looks a little cooler with the theme and it's more durable i think that's pretty cool king of puffs perfect for the flooring we're going to place that some sand and next we can actually put some pickles seagrass and all that kind of fancy stuff and to finish it up we're going to use prismarine blocks and now the fun stuff the water oh geez now some quick final additions i don't want them jumping out so i'm gonna put down just a little bit of glass and still leave a crevice open in the middle after all i have a dragon and dragons we love to pet our fish i guess i don't know we just dive in they just put them sea pickles plenty of sheep pickles my friend yes pickles are your friends i can't stand pickles honestly what's up seagrass spread it out i'm literally drowning i repeat i am drowning right now and we got some kelp let's go we do need some fish but the garden does not really eat fish or maybe we don't know that i don't know now for our glowing item frame we're gonna put one here and then one over this side big treasure map and a power fish there he is he doesn't seem to be that upset but king of pups is ready to go yeah you really can't see him but hey it's kind of cool and anytime you want to pet him just go into the water hey wanna be friends i don't think he's happy with me oh yep definitely not great only 61 to 65 my goal was to scare the pillager army to control their operation that way they knew the damage was actually here so i flew and looted all the different village outposts in different biomes putting them as my own starting off with the birch outpost look at these guys just having a peaceful time well guess what they just looked at me like hey you want some of this oh yeah i want some let's go i'm destroying this entire place and i'm taking everything you guys got no more i'm not leaving any trace in this entire place you guys are absolutely done for it first will drop post is officially gone let's grab their banners as souvenirs and kill these dudes off y'all listen no chance voluntary exile oh you gotta seem a little bit upset come on bro and then dragon attacks you what are you gonna do seriously where's your ravages at all right i'll i'll let them slowly die bottle of enchanting well don't mind if i do and now it's mine to the next one now this one is relatively interesting it's actually from the desert and there is a lot of these guys i think they're ready they probably know that i'll be causing some trouble here oh look at these dudes what's up guys everybody light up come closer there we go it's going to make it a lot easier for me here try to kill him try it look at this guys that's so funny bro okay let's try everybody in the pit there we go and drop the fireballs oh okay maybe they got all right i'm kind of still all the way to the arrows i need projectile protection that'll be perfect ah there's the main guy we going in and let's take out this entire outpost it's officially done for no more i'm gonna be on the chest another bottle of enchanting a small little temporary base nope the funny thing is i literally have the elder guardian debuff the mining fatigue one and it's over while we look for the next one let's just casually start a raid because why not cause some trouble and ruin everyone's day as the end of dragon cause that's exactly what i'd be doing here i'll do them a favor i'll throw a dragon breath at their enemies so it's like i'm technically saving them and there's the next builder outpost in the tiger pile we're just gonna sweep right through it just like this no these things are way too easy to destroy i think i'll be able to fix it in no time though what is this that's what they keep the iron golems it's officially mine it's over for you buddy get out of control i'm gonna get it now i never even knew that a ice signature outpost existed yeah seriously that's so fragile i just put down a torch the entire place is going to melt so literally oh there's definitely going to the pillow drop post are you a little bit upset hey here you go buddy what about you so easy this is mine and one more left this is gonna be one of my favorites a jungle pillow drop was just like really built into a jungle tree that's pretty creative okay well that's about it yeah this place is there's literally nothing left of it there's our banner and uh fireballs guy so i'm not sorry oh sorry sorry not sorry you it really do be that easy i think the only mobs to stand chance against me is definitely the wither and the strong mobs like the piglet brutes the the bosses of course that's about it and that's the last of it on day 66 i created the dragon ritual which transformed me into the buff and a dragon okay so got one pedal still there another one here another one right there and another one right here surrounded with the eternal crystals all right before i place the last one we're gonna put down the candles four candles on each corner as well perfect and let's make sure the candles are lit one two three and four and real quick let me just put one of these banners over here for my collection i love that elder guardian amazing let's do this puff unlocked let's go wait i got three heads what no way now this is absolutely ridiculous i'm a giant jacket with three heads look at my heads look at that that's insane bro what is going on right now and i have two brand new items this is called the ring of fellow arch for this deal sneak plus right click on top of a block to set it okay so over here for example all right oh okay and then if i just click it no work in different dimensions i think it does i will sub resistance it's fire resistance and the super item this is a lot of reading right click for full healing and hunger what sneak right click for full absorption hearts oh so when it's in my off hand and then i right click what i have an interest on the go and then if i sneak right click i have so many hearts i think i'm too overpowered finally my fullest potential and so are these 67 to 68 i tested my strengths by summoning a wither boss i was ready to defeat him this is the moment i've been waiting for let's go all right hit it with a dragon breath right off the bat hey be careful stay back stay back and let's knock this dude out let's go let's go let's go oh he's not attacking no way he's distracted by chicken well you know for rivals bro you really don't you don't do much the only wish i really had was like it was a crazier attack yeah but i was the winner that was so overpowered it was ridiculous but i'm still pretty powerful now i have way more hearts he literally refuses to attack me this is amazing it is you mean he's not actually new to dragon bread this is perfect you my friend are actually giving up i'm surprised i'm extremely surprised wow and there it is the invulnerable wither head let's go baby i'm out of here and so i flew back home with all three of my dragon heads i went inside of my dragon vault and placed down the invulnerable wither head this declared victory but we weren't done just yet there was other bosses out there that would take out from day 69 of 76 i lived all the pyramids in every single biome let's make the beacon there we go and i have nine blocks of diamond this is gonna be a solid spot oh come on man let's go and there we have it and for the enchant let's do speed oh way better the only issue is i'm so big now it's really hard to navigate things there it is the first temple let's go or the first pyramid i guess this is so weird this was like made of wood i've never seen that before it's kind of cool though oh okay so you guys are not friendly anymore all right so for some reason they all hate me now i mean i am indestructible what is underneath here what's happening so i gotta choose one that's not gonna blow up on me better yet i'm gonna do this there we go so every juggle pyramid seems to be relatively different do we have any good loots probably not we got silk touch that's pretty good and shockwave to the next one oh this is really clean let me get some of this i'm out of here there we go the ice pyramid i've seen this before multiple times and it's the same exact style as usual oh saw that i was a little risky try to flood me got some diamonds and other than that everything seems to be the same and a golden apple and this is the mushroom pyramid now we have been to the mushroom bottom one of these videos in a very very long time this is kind of cool they got mushroom cows i mean how dangerous can this be what's happening here seems kind of friendly i can't really tell what's going on like is it going to be a trap would you give me some potter fish just trying to kill me i don't know maybe i might trust him i don't know what is this resonator lore 2 so cool i'm thinking these rush down flame not bad so where's the trap exactly it's not trapped it's kind of makes sense what if the fish eat you the mushroom biome is always friendly and supposedly there's even an ocean pyramid this one contains drowns and yes they are extremely upset at me for some reason you know when i was a regular dragon you guys had no problem and are you just jealous now that's so funny i'm underwater and i don't even take damage with all the strength and power that i have so where exactly are the chests at let's see what we got riptide and that's about it i guess i'll take riptide and i'm out of here oh but first enjoy i'm not going down without a fight not taking y'all as souvenirs i also was really killed for a trident 100 days as a guardian that could be kind of cool leave a like from day 77 to 85 i went searching for the lich king boss i went to the ice bomb and found his tower and then i summoned him and defeated him so i kind of have a situation i'm a little bit too big for this place and it works i'm gonna place down a couple spring blossoms around here this colors it sure looks like it i've never used a copper block before either and the drowned head goes right over here perfect and woolly mammoth that is so cool i i'm not even going to do anything to you guys but hey here's some steak uh it's kind of awkward out of fun of the baby this is it the lich king i've been waiting for this dude i've already killed another gauntlet boss the blackstone golem and this is the last one that i got to take on i think maybe there's a couple more i'm not really sure honestly how does it exactly work what is that that is minions that's his minions in there what are you doing here buddy is that him down there i really can't tell let's go down a little bit more and break all this you drop some phantom membranes and let's take these guys out way too easy oh chainmail i didn't want a chainmail armor set so this is the lich king's underground base now where is the lich king himself let's check up here and destroy this entire tower wait what is this for something i think i used to realize something i might have killed the lich king oh never mind he's right here i did not do anything he's right there oh god apple thank you where'd he go he was just here oh there he is let's go buddy let's king show what you got i don't even see him we go this is a tough one he's way quicker than me extremely quickly one person there he is let's go ah oh okay i don't do any damage at all that's fine that's not gonna stop me oh he actually did some hearts there that's kind of cute what is that that looks a little bit intense all right let's go we're gonna flop to the moon if you want buddy but that's not going to stop me wow this is so adorable dude i got to say you know i really thought this kid was going to be a little bit more powerful i mean i'm gonna let him get some hits on me honestly let me just kind of clear up my inventory i want to make sure i get all the good luck what's that for they can't even reach because i'm so big and that was supposed to be your most powerful attack it took out one heart and it's not even my real heart let's go all right buddy it's all over for you let's get it i'll be back yeah we'll see about that so where's my gift joe we went to the middle of nowhere that was interesting i'm honestly a little bit upset i really thought i was gonna get something out of it well just because of that i've heard destroy the entire place come on man all i really wanted was just a basic item but no no you don't know no reward no trophy it was like just wasting what's that no way the moose staff let's go hold on a second that was totally worth it the moose staff from the hundred days as a moose video and now i have tnt abilities so this is gonna make it even easier for me wow you know he was so considerate even when he died he still left me a gift and it's gone there he goes have you ever seen a dragon shootout tnt let's put the moose steph on display we just can't let anybody get this stacked i mean that'd be really really bad switches out and there we go from this 86 to 92 i travel to the end to create the legendary armor that make me the most powerful boss in the universe not even thanos who's they had a chance against me i can't believe i'm actually going back with only three cooked steak like what's wrong with me i'm like i'm like asking for trouble i mean i do got some backup but still okay all right we're kind of having some problems here i'm just looking way too big i'm maybe gonna fit in there one two and two the end i'm officially back in my hometown this just kind of feels weird first things first we gotta get some armor so i'm gonna find terminate armor inside of end cities that's gonna be the hardest part let's go it's kind of easy making it through the whole entire place and the entity's gone and nothing great almost there there we go that's the block so do you have two of them currently on me and this should be the third one i need just one more any moment out there we go exactly what i needed sharpness for and freezing this is kind of cool i'll be a nice little upgrade and there's the last one that i need right over here also in the actual chest you can find these things called terminite nuggets i think that also helps us out too we can turn those into actual ingots that was a pretty big end city bro i'm so big i literally can't get through anything next i'm gonna combine the raw amber i mined and it's gonna make these things called amber gems so anyways let's get rid of all this and start by creating the actual armor okay so we do need one terminate block we're gonna put it just like this that's going to create the actual hammer and we also need the termini anvil so we have to create three more of these yeah so we're gonna need more but just like this that's gonna create the actual anvil now that we have the anvil we gotta create the forged plates and there we go so we created five total and then with five we're going to simply make a helmet nice and here goes another one perfect and the next one there we have it the foul and the last one should be dead center perfect three terminal blocks should be enough so we're back to the forge got the ingots put them in here and here's all the forged plates now we have the chest plates the boots and the pants next we're gonna face towards the north area so i think it should be this way we're gonna put this dead center instructions please tell me we need crystal shards over on this side and then an amber in the center over here oh it's working let's go i actually figured it out perfect that's gonna be the crystallite helmet then we have the pants same exact thing but this time we're gonna put the shards on here here and here there we go then the boots same as the helmets and finally the chest lights this one is slightly different it's going to be in the corners and the amberjam it's officially complete and the cool part is we can even get the actual crystal light i light your wings which you don't need because well i mean i'm the dragon let's go now with this armor set i even get a regeneration boost and apparently speed and haste pretty op i can also fly a lot faster and combined with my super item this is ridiculous look at that i just powered up from these 93 to 95 as i was traveling through the shadow force i found a structure and next thing you know the void shade boss spawned out of nowhere and tried to kill me i was in his territory oh this place is crazy that thing yo that's kind of freaky what's going on here i can't talk about enderman so these things are called shadows apparently interesting what is this structure over here who the heck is that yo back up bro the void shade wait what all right let's go inside here who lives here someone literally lives here opens that oh there's so many of them oh oh chill what is that thing what's going on here what is that thing oh that thing is massive it's literally dying somehow i'm pretty sure this place is a trap yeah now that i think about it definitely a trap we keep summoning them too i just wanted to see what's in the chest come on man i don't want any trouble too big here okay all right let me break out out of here this dude is literally stuck in the wall this might be the easiest boss fight ever uh i don't talk to you for some reason i just want to kill you that's the only thing i want from you okay oh wow this guy barely takes any damage whites the heck bro he doesn't want to hurt me back but he's nearly impossible to kill and my dragon fire breath goes right through him oh he's spawning shadows you will regret this what does that mean it's like a haunted ghost story or something look at that dude look how weird he'd be looking oh i can't damage him it's so weird any moment oh no oh no there you go there's the minions so now he's not taking any damage anymore he's completely invulnerable interesting i just don't see him attacking me with anything either i wish my dragon brother actually did something i almost got him almost come on in done that just took way too long it was so unnecessary but he's officially done one less boss to worry about what with everybody dropping dragon eggs the source stone so with this item so whatever i click on i can actually face through it wait what and normally i can shoot out a fireball just like that let's just sit down the phantom never mind too fast everyday is 96-98 i located a floating structure in the end looks very similar to the end city but it turned out to be a giant monolith once they placed an eye of ender and obsidian's boss was summoned this was the ultimate boss fight what is that that looks crazy there an end city can i go inside of it yeah let's try it out oh there's literally nothing on the inside that makes sense okay cool so what's the point of it it kind of looks very similar to the end crystals i'm gonna take a wild guess it's probably gonna be a boss fight would you look at that another one of those all right let's try the eye bender let's see what happens so all i gotta do is right click this thing and that's it come on man oh obsidiolith what's going on this is the boss oh yo what the it's actually doing do it's doing damage whoa what is going on yo this thing's crazy whoa whoa whoa he's doing a lot of damage okay maybe i kind of oh oh geez okay all right maybe i i underestimated this guy what are those things over there who's that can i break this thing oh wow wow oh it's kind of like the uh the air dragon boss fight you know very similar to how i do my things yeah i got an idea i'm gonna break it like this it seems to be involvable here we go so it's very similar to the wither as well all right he's doing a lot of damage but don't worry he's almost dead see so now he's completely invulnerable and he can do a lot of damage as well interesting so i just break this this will prevent him ow all right you know what i'm just going to be i'm going to be an evil i'm going to do it this way you want to be mean to me i got you go no phone come on man what you going to do about that i'm going to take you out with my dragon breath where'd he go there he is he's still trying to kill me you don't stand a chance against a three-headed enemy dragon come on well what's going on what just happened i don't know but that was super cool obsidian heart not sure what this is used for but ah that ought to do it and just to get revenge let's go now i barely fit there there we go i did that and zoomed in 99 i finally went back home and declared victory but then the winter storm showed up but we got so much gear now we have a source stone we got all this obsidian hard stuff i'm gonna switch this out and put this here yeah we're completely out of space this can go here all right perfect there we go my collection is officially complete why is it lightning don't hear that right they're the one that claims to be the most powerful oh did it die in front of my face are you kidding me let's go this is going down in the hundred days history for sure what is that oh that is just all right fashion week yeah there we go perfect let's go yes let's go strongest boss in the game not even the wither storm could stop me and on day 100 i traveled to the end found the eternal portal it was time for me to go to the new dimension so we take a polished flavor light and then i use these crystal shards and that creates a ruined flavor light and this is gonna help us go to the eternal portal and that's gonna be the last of it and here are the eternal crystals now i've never done this before but i'm pretty sure this is how we create the full portal and the next thing we need i'm guessing is the eternal crystals oh oh yeah that's definitely it if it's going like that this is height though there's three four five oh okay i died it worked i was like what was going on it is time we go inside the plural but first hit this bus right here and i'll be seeing you in 200 days of the enemy dragon
Channel: Moose
Views: 2,195,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, I survived 100 days as a ender dragon in minecraft, I survived, 100 days, ender dragon, hardcore, 100 days as a ender dragon in minecraft, i survived 100 days, minecraft ender dragon, hardcore minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft 100 days, 100 days minecraft, 100 days challenge, 100 days in hardcore, 100 days hardcore minecraft, 100 days hardcore, moosecraft, moose, I survived 100 days in minecraft, I survived 100 days as a, Aphmau, SSundee, Beckbrojack, ryguyrocky
Id: o-9OLEs0qbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 35sec (3095 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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