I Cheated in a SKIBIDI Toilet Mob Battle Competition!!!

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today I'm doing a Minecraft mob battle with my girlfriend but we'll be using skibidi mobs and what she doesn't know is I set up this one-way glass so I can see exactly what she places okay Zoe are You Ready for today's skippity mob battle yep and you're going down Dax okay Zoe will you have all the skibidi Bobs in your chest right over there and we each have five minutes to place our Bobs Good Luck Good Luck guys now that I'm muted I'm gonna go ahead and use my secret One Way Glass to see exactly what Zoe spawns did for this first round so let's go ahead and see what Zoe's gonna spot in all right let's see what's in the chest oh there's a lot of good things in here I think for this first round I'm gonna do a camera ninja wait a camera ninja what in the world even is that let's see what this guy looks like and whoa this guy looks so cool what wow this guy looks awesome and he looks so strong I'm definitely gonna beat Dax oh no this isn't good he does look super strong but I mean it's only one guy it's not like he can take out my Army and I'm gonna spawn bunch of them so I could be Ducks wait what in the world's always spotting in so many oh no guys this isn't good well let's go ahead and go into our chest and let's see what we can use I guess for this first round maybe I could just do something simple like this default toilet that could be pretty cool okay I'm gonna go ahead and put him down and yeah this guy is a little bit lame but I still think he might be able to take out Zoe's Army if I spotted a bunch of them let's just make sure we have a good amount so we can take out Zoe for sure you know what I think our army is pretty much good enough we should go ahead and ask Zoe and wait what in the what is Obsidian doing here uh I don't remember putting any obsidian down am I going crazy or something well I guess we can just go ahead and break it since it has nothing to do with anything and wait a second what is this some type of underground portal well I mean it looks like there's just a bunch of diamond blocks going down so I bet if I dig down here and wait what there's no diamond blocks going down this has to be a portal and it looks like at the bottom of there's even this little chest well baby I should just go down there and check it out all right let's go ahead and go down here and I don't know this chest could be a trap but who cared I have to test it out anyways and whoa there's a bunch of chemical axes in here these things are super powerful and rare and if you didn't know what they do as soon as you Splash them on any mob they get instantly stronger and now I have the perfect idea quick we have to run all the way back up here and now if I go ahead and start splashing this on all of my stupidity toys they should transform into something awesome and wait a second what in the world they transferred it's a multi-head toilets these things look so cool and now that I have all of these I guess I can just go ahead and grab its spawn egg and whoa look at that it is a multi-head toilet all right we're gonna place out a few of these and now there's definitely no way that Zoe can beat us in this first round well anyways though ain't my Arby is completely ready and I'm sure you're gonna lose this first round so can we go ahead and drop the walls no way I'm losing yes drop the wall so I can beat you all right we'll see about that I'm dropping them down and here we go the first run has started Zoe oh my gosh this looks like it's gonna be a close fight wait you have so many mobs what in the world why do you have so many of these ninja camera because I needed to build a huge Army so I beat you oh my gosh I don't even think any of your people died my guys got completely destroyed try harder decks maybe you'll beat me next time oh you know what I'm grabbing the gravity dynamite and throwing in all of your bombs let's go what the heck you already lost yeah but this is still fun anyways that's not funny Dax well Zoe it's only one round one for you and you know you have to win three rounds to win the mob battle so I'll see you in the next round when I completely destroy you I'll see you lose oh my gosh guys I can't believe Zoe actually beat us in the first round that was crazy her Army was super huge but you know what I'm not taking it easy on her anymore it's time to destroy her let's use our one-way glass and see what she's gonna spot in I think for this round I'm gonna throw Dax a curveball and use a couple different type of Spawn eggs wait a couple different type of spawnings what does she mean by that I think I'm gonna use the TV woman the big TV man and Titan TV man wait what those are like three of the strongest mobs in skimpity no way she can use those unless see how they look wait is that the Titan TV man oh he actually came out kind of small that's kind of cute this Titan TV man is cool but he is kind of small so good thing I'm spawning in these other ones big TV man and TV woman wait what the big TV had super small also but I guess the TV woman looks kind of cool but I think I could definitely beat these guys and since these guys are small I guess I'm gonna have to spawn in a bunch of them oh my gosh Zoe always spots it's so many this is absolutely ridiculous well guys she's spotting all those crazy balls we're gonna do something super super good for this round let's see what do I want to use oh I have the perfect idea what if I get the glitch toilet and I'll get the infected speaker man since everyone knows that their speaker man got affected he's gonna be a super useful Ally for us all right let's go ahead and throw down the glitch toilet and whoa this actually looks super super cool but you're not the main attraction here we all want to see with the infected speaker man looks like at oh my goodness this guy is ginormous what oh there is absolutely no way that Zoe can beat us now wait maybe I could go back to that portal and grab something even better let's go and what the portal closed well I guess it doesn't make that big of a difference since my guys are already super strong well I still think we do have a few minutes until the walls drop so why not go ahead and prank Zoe a little bit and using this one mod I could instantly transform into one of Zoe's creatures and let's see wait while we got the TV woman are you serious well I mean she is super powerful but okay whatever I guess it's not that big of a deal let's just go ahead and run over to Zoe's side hopefully she doesn't notice us let's just break through here and then I'll go ahead and cover it up and oh my gosh guys we're on so excited look there she is oh man my Army's looking so strong what in the world she spotted so many people guys this isn't good I'm definitely gonna destroy Dax this is gonna be the easiest mob battle ever why in the world oh my gosh her Army looks so strong guys what am I even gonna do wait a second guys I have the perfect idea I have this one device called the personal shrinking device and if I go ahead and click on it I can make anything super small so if I just walk around I can start making a bunch of Zoe's Army tiny let's just go ahead and click on a bunch of these people and this is way too funny oh what the heck oh my gosh guys she noticed these little baby mobs can't fight in my Army wait she thinks they're little baby mobs what in the world but she is right since they're so tiny they probably really can't fight even though they're so cute they're not gonna be that powerful oh guys this is perfect okay since it's always super concerned why don't we go ahead and do so a bunch more of her mobs okay we'll just start walking around and clicking on a bunch of these guys this is gonna be the funniest thing ever let's keep clicking some of these guys hey you oh wait guys that's the way I have to change my voice to Something's a TV woman hi Joey how's it going I not really though because you're making my mom's really small are you sick or something you sound terrible oh yeah I am a little sick but that wasn't me that was a Rebecca over there Rebecca which one's Rebecca oh I'll take you to her she's the one running away right here Rebecca why do you keep turning my mom listen everybody who does something to my Army is gonna die wait what guys did you just took out one of her old Army members so he's crazy and I'll do it again to anybody that jeopardizes this win for me guys Zoe is absolutely insane what in the world is wrong with her thank you so much for helping me with my Army I hope that you get better and that you stop being sick oh yeah no problem what the heck oh my gosh guys I forgot change my voice what in the world so we almost found out it was us okay well I need to quickly get back to our eyesight before she gets way too suspicious of us let's just go ahead and break through the wall and now we can put it back in perfect we're back on our side we'll just transform back into our normal cells and awesome that was a successful prank but I feel like our army is a little bit small compared to hers but we only need one of these infected speaker bits so why not go ahead and put down a bunch of glitch toilets and oh my goodness my Army is so big and powerful now this is gonna be the craziest round ever before the walls drop let me know who you think's gonna win you can either comment team Dax or team Zoe okay Zoe well my Army is completely ready to destroy yours are you ready for this next round let's do this all right Zoe I'm dropping down the Walls let's go and here we go the round has begun wow you spawned in so many what my infected speaker beds already down how in the world are people so strong oh no maybe you need to try harder Dax no come on glitch place we have to win this it looks pretty even right now I don't even know who's gonna win come on TV women gonna rise up what in the world you have so many people but my glitch toilets are super powerful come on guys and oh no I think I'm losing it again how is this possible I'm just that good Dex what in the world and I even cheated and I'm still losing I mean uh and I am still losing even though I had a lot of mobs yeah what do you mean you cheated Dex no that uh I'm just a little bit sick and it came out wrong I would just had a lot of mobs and I didn't expect to lose man there's a sickness going around some of my mods are sick yeah it's a little strange well I guess that makes us score two to zero and if you win one more round you win the whole mob battle Zoe oh yeah and I'm gonna win but I hope you feel better thanks Zoe oh no guys the score is now two to zero and if I lose one more round I lose the mob battle completely okay we have to go hard mode this round let's look through our Woodway glass and see what Zoey's gonna do that stinks Zoey rules stack stinks Zoe rules what in the world Zoe is talking trash okay you're definitely gonna lose this round let me look at my chest see what I can find now that I need to try that hard because Dax is not good at this oh my gosh guys she is talking so much smack I'm gonna completely destroy her now I think for this round I'm just gonna spawn in one and it looks like the tie fun and what no way she actually thinks he could win with that I don't care if it's the Titan cameraman let's see what this guy looks like it oh my gosh that guy is ginormous okay I might want to take that back this guy looks super scary what the heck this guy is awesome I'm gonna spawn in a couple of them not that I need that much but Dax is gonna lose anyways oh my gosh her people look so into me okay guys we need something super good for this round let's go ahead and look at our chest and let's see what do I even have left wait a minute the g-man's like the leader of all this give me toilet so why didn't I use that and I also have this weird one called The Buzz toilet I have no idea what that does but I mean I guess I could just use that also let's go ahead and spotted our g-band first and whoa this guy looks so powerful he's like the strongest ever so I'm pretty sure he could take out Zoe's whole Army himself and since he's the leader why don't I also make him super super big with our shrinking device okay we'll just click on him and whoa now jimin is absolutely ginormous this is awesome but I did also have these weird too late I don't really know what these are but I guess we're gonna see okay I'll spot in this and whoa what is that like a chainsaw in the middle of it that thing is so epic what okay well these guys look super super powerful so why did I spot it a bunch of these guys are completely destroy Zoe we'll just spotted a few more like this and I think my Army is gonna be all powerful uh finally back at my desk wait what did we just say back at her desk and wait a second she has like a whole gaming set up here what in the world is wrong with her I'm just gonna kick my feet up and research ways I can upgrade my Titan cameraman wait she's researching ways she could upgrade her Titan camera that's just not even a thing I don't know what she's talking about oh look at here I found something wait what is it we just find if I use this specific enchantment book I can make them super big and super strong what wait what there's no way that's actually gonna work and lucky for me I have this enchantment book wait she actually has it oh my gosh she actually does have the enchantment book what in the world now I just need to click on one of them and wait it's actually glowing no way that really worked that's not fair this is awesome no way Dax is gonna win oh my gosh guys this isn't good what am I even gonna do oh wait a second guys I just thought of the perfect thing that I could do I actually have this one super super cool thing called a rocket and if I go to the secrets give me Planet I should be able to get an even better skippity Bob so let's go ahead and place down our launch pad just like this and then I'll smack rocket on top and now all I have to do is just fill this thing up okay and now I have to do is just hop in and we can take off those space let's go and perfect we're off to space Jax where are you going uh Zoe I'm just going to get some groceries yeah don't worry about it I'll be right back we're gonna show you some space get me something good uh okay Zoe I will what the heck guys she actually saw us leave that's not good wait a second guys I think I'm coming down on the planet let's go oh my goodness we actually made it to the skippity planet this is so cool okay and we're on the lookout for something called a skivity spider camera something like that but I don't know where that would even be at but hopefully we can find it soon I don't want Zoe to get too suspicious come on there has to be something over this hill wait guys look there's some of them oh this is perfect this is the exact Mom I wanted to be able to defeat Zoe I mean just look how powerful this thing looks it's like a huge cannon with a spider all right if I walk up to it I should be able to grab it it's panic and whoa look at that we got the spider camera spawn egg and Zoe did say she wants some food from space so why don't go ahead and just grab her like a random candy cane I'll say I went to like the North Pole or something all right now we have to go ahead and build our little rocket pad back and now we can go back to Earth let's go this is gonna be so much fun it whoa guys perfect I think we made it back let's go okay and now we have a bunch of these spider cameras and I'm pretty sure we could just bought these are gonna completely destroy Zoe assistant score is two to zero I need to start winning so this is the round I need okay Zoe my Arby is completely ready are you ready to fight okay Dax but where's my food from space oh uh I have it I'll give it to you in the wall strap okay okay in here we go Zoe the brown has started holy heck there's a lot going on yeah I have a bunch of different mobs and my guys even have chainsaws so there's no way you could win that's crazy come on guys keep fighting we can win this no way I'm definitely gonna win you're not good at this uh Zoe it looks like your guys are taking a lot of damage and I think you're gonna get completely destroyed this round no this is way too easy that's gonna make the score two to one just take out a few more oh come on come on there's two more and I win and boo we just got your last one Zoe dang it but as promised I went ahead and got you a candy cane from space Oh how'd you get a candy cane from space oh uh I just actually went to like the North Pole and got it for you oh that's nice but the score is two to one so I'm catching up so you better be ready for the next round because you're Going Down You're Gonna Lose oh my gosh guys we completely destroyed Zoe that last drop that was way too easy well anyways let's use our one-way glass to see what she's about for this round okay I have to try really hard this round and spawn in something super strong so we beat Dax let's see what we have no way she has anything good left in that chest let's do the tape pink spawn egg wait a tank what in the world is a tank spawning I've never even heard of one of those before and what the heck it's like a cameraman writing a tank these guys look so powerful surely these guys will make me win oh my gosh well they might look a little bit strong but I'm pretty sure I got something that's way better I was actually looking around my chest earlier and I saw this one thing called The Holy toilet let's go ahead and spot up it and whoa it actually has a Halo and everything this definitely is a holy soilet well now that I have this guy I can go ahead and spotted like a bunch of them and this is gonna be such an easy round let's go this is awesome what in the world does the portals just move itself oh that's actually kind of annoying since I do want to put some stuff up there so I guess we can just go ahead and rake this up wait what this is a gold one and I can see the blocks going up but there's absolutely nothing over here what is wrong with this thing okay well since the last one is pretty cool I think we have to fly back in and let's open this chest and see it what is this a combined potion well I've never heard of a combined potion before but I guess that's kind of cool well maybe if I combine like two of these guys will turn to something super strong so I guess let's just throw those up in the air and see what we get and wait I didn't even think anything happened that was completely wait what the heck is this wait it looks like me wait did I combine with the toilets and I kind of splashed it on myself it made like a Dax toilet what in the world oh let me try to grab the spotting and see and wait it does see Jack's toilet whoa that's so cool well since that's me it needs to be super strong why don't I make it absolutely ginormous with this shrinking device and I can also go ahead and use one of these Enchantment books to make it Glow in whoa that guy looks so powerful and because it's me I'm pretty sure it's probably like the strongest one out of all of these so I don't even think I need to spotted anything else but since that was pretty quick I think I still have a little bit of tie left before the walls drop so why not go mess with Zoe a little bit and this time I'm not even gonna morph into our mob I actually have this one thing called a cloak of invisibility and now if I put it on I'll instantly turn invisible oh this is the coolest thing ever okay quick I'm gonna sneak over to Zoe's Side Oh My Gosh guys we made it over this Zoe side but she has so many different types of Tanks is not good these tanks make my armies so strong Dax is going down easily you know what guys she sounds way too confident why do I go ahead and mess with her a little bit well I actually had this one Dynamite earlier called the gravity dynamite and now if I just throw this at the ground it should absorb all of Zoe's blobs and whoa look at that the heck is going on oh my gosh guys she noticed and it completely absorbed all of her bombs that was too funny that was so strange maybe my mobs are lagging or something she really thinks they're lagging okay that is actually kind of funny let's go ahead and throw a couple more of these and see what she thinks no some of them are dying what is happening next uh Hey Zoe what's up why are you calling me are you doing something sketchy uh sketchy I'm just spawning my own mobs in silly what is wrong with you I don't believe you for a second because mobs well most of them just died oh well I had nothing to do with that maybe you should take better care of your mobs that is not nice to say I take great care of my mobs but they just malfunctioned and died yeah sure blame your mob Zoe I'm gonna go back to spotting my own mobs and oh my gosh guys okay I think she actually fell for this that was too funny but she is just spawning in more of these guys so I think we need something else let's see which Dynamite can I use oh wait a second what am I just use this physics sign on my back could be super funny let's go ahead and throw it at the ground and whoa look at that what the heck is happening there's a hole in my side oh my gosh guys there is a huge hold so we saw that is hilarious this is not good and it's not fair Dax uh Hey Zoe why are you calling me again can you like mind your business for once no there's something happening on my side this isn't a fair battle what's happening Zoe there's a giant hole because there was an explosion well that's not my problem so you're gonna win by cheating uh no Zoe what are you talking about you know what Dax it doesn't matter because even if you you are cheating I'm still gonna win uh okay whatever Zoe I'm gonna go back to my side and finish my mobs up what do you mean you're going back to your side uh I meant like my side of the call yeah like I'm gonna mute myself so you can't hear me anymore yeah that makes sense that makes no sense but carry on what the heck guys Zoe is so suspicious of us I don't even understand how she's figuring out all this stuff out it's completely scary but either way I think we're pretty much ready for the wall to drop since I do have a Dax toilet okay Zoe well my Army is completely ready are you ready for this fourth round uh yeah I guess I'm still dealing with a lot but let's go all right I'm dropping down the Walls let's do this and here we go Zoey the round has started the heck is that a Dax toilet yes it is and look how fast and strong this guy is this is crazy how did you get that uh I might have found something special Zoe but that's really none of your concern my Army is getting destroyed though what in the world good because you're not good at this and I spawned in a huge Army uh it still looks like my Dax toy is doing a lot of damage I still think I might win the Zoe no way all of your other mobs are gone come on Daxter like you could do this die Dax toilet die he's killing a lot of my guts oh this is looking good and he's even getting Faster come on Dax toilet we can win this die Dax toilet die hey come on you only have a few people left I think I actually might win this one Zoe no wait your Dax toilet's going down uh it doesn't look like that Zoe your guys are getting completely smacked around no this looks like another round win for me and that's gonna make the score tuna too whatever mine still aren't dead yet yeah but they're getting destroyed you only have four three two and one left and boom it looks like I won Zoe no I really wanted to win well Zoe maybe you could win the final round and you know what I am gonna win the final round because you stink but what is this uh this is nothing Zoe it's just a piece of obsidian see look there's nothing even at the bottom this is a portal decks uh we'll try to go inside and see if you go anywhere okay here I go and see yeah nothing happens though it's not a portal it's literally just obsidian I don't believe you for a second there's some tomfoolery going around well nothing's happening Zoe let's just move on to the last round okay okay guys we're finally on to the final round and I can make the craziest comeback ever but I can't lose here let's go ahead and use our one-way glass and see what Zoe's gonna do I think for this round I'm gonna use all of my old spawn eggs and just spawn in the old mobs wait why is she really gonna spotted all her spawn eggs oh no some of these guys were actually super powerful but this combined Army there's no way that Dax is gonna win oh no guys he actually might be right unless I spotted my own combined Army let's go ahead and start spotting it a bunch of our old Bops and we're gonna spawn in a bunch of these speaker matches because they're Ultra powerful of course we can't forget the buzz toilets is they're also crazy strong and just for good measure we'll even throw in a few different Dax toilets I completely almost forgot about this spider camera these guys are super strong too so we can just throw a bunch of these in well anyway Zoe my Army's already ready can we just drop the walls early let's do this all right I'm dropping down the Walls you're going down and here we goes the way the final round is here oh you yep I spotted my whole entire Army and it looks like you did the same thing yep what a coincidence well two bad bye guys are way stronger it looks like you guys are getting completely destroyed no way oh wow there's only a few of them left take them out guys we have to win this mod battle come on guys we have to win we have to win and there's only a small grouping left it looks like there's only two left come on and perfect Zoe I think we took out your entire Army oh what the hell heck what's in your hand what no Zoe that's just how we make the mobs fight each other what are you talking about I think you're cheating somehow well I do anything Zoe maybe you can just get better and win the next one Whatever Dax I'm gonna practice get better and I'm gonna beat you next time all right we'll see about that and if you guys enjoyed that video and I want to watch more Jax and Zoe make sure to click one of the videos on screen bye guys
Channel: Daxx
Views: 1,819,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i cheated in a skibidi toilet mob battle, i cheated in a alphabet lore build challenge, dash and mr willsion, alphabet lore minecraft, minecraft noob vs pro, minecraft noob vs hacker, skibidi toilet 51 episode, dash and rainey minecraft, mr willsion, noob vs pro, alphabet lore, skibidi toilet, minecraft troll, dash and rainey, minecraft prank, minecraft challenge, jj and mikey, cash and nico, jaye and kaye, kaye and jaye, wednesday addams, wednesday vs enid
Id: 3nuS4nwckpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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