I Travelled 2b2t's Strangest Superhighway

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out of all the highways that have been built on the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft none are more strange neglected and misunderstood than the end highways specifically the Eastern one a giant Bridge spanning hundreds of thousands of blocks into the empty Abyss since 2b2t's end Dimension is a very cold chaotic and uncaring place with very few resources this roadway receives almost no Travelers a lot of you have been asking me to explore this specific highway so I finally decided it was time and let me just say that the entire trip was downright bizarre very different from my other Highway experiences while there was a lot of history to be found here the further I went the more evidence I could see of the previous Travelers descending into madness because it was such a desolate roadway the things that we did find made it all the more fascinating so join me as we travel 2b2t's most neglected highway to see how far it goes in the present day analyze how it was built and uncover the history of this lonely road before we get started I'd like to thank honey for sponsoring today's video online shopping is meant to be easy so why is finding coupon codes that actually work so hard with honey it doesn't have to be honey is the free online shopping tool that helps you find promo codes and applies them to your shopping cart automatically when you're checking out on websites for things like food delivery or online shopping a little box will drop down click apply coupons and it scans the internet for promo codes and boom you could save money online shopping is still at all time high so it's the perfect time to look for deals if you don't want to waste money make sure to get honey it doesn't cost anything finds coupons with a click it's legit get honey for free at joinhoney.com fitmc that's joinhoney.com fitmc thanks again to honey for sponsoring today's video it was time to begin our journey on the Eastern end highway or the positive X but we had to actually get into the end Dimension first I logged into the account that I would be using for the trip I equipped it with some food and basic gear from my e-chest I only had seven fireworks on this account so they would be saved for emergency escapes only and since elytra flying in the end can be very sketchy at times I'd be making most of the journey on foot the first end portal I went to had been severely grieved so I made my way to a second one which was still intact even though it was four in the morning I was still cautious since n-spawn can be dangerous at all times of the day I jumped through the portal and while there wasn't anyone waiting on the other side I noticed something was different so a few years back the entire end spawn was submerged in a giant cube of water well it turns out that in just the past month a group called moonshine started a project to completely remove all of it they used Redstone Machines sponges and buckets of course to clean up the area in just 16 days these players worked Around the Clock while also avoiding pvps and Griefers it's actually impressive that they cleared all of it out in such a short amount of time but with no water this meant I had to take an alternate route to get on the highway but eventually I made my way onto it and my journey truly began for the first few thousand blocks a handmade obsidian Bridge was all that separated me from the cold Abyss since 2b2t's end Dimension is so old there are massive areas of empty void where end Islands don't exist so there wasn't much to see this bridge continued on until about the 5K Milestone it was here that it actually turned into ice and there's a really clever reason for this years ago Redstone Machines were used to generate ice highways all over the end Dimension by abusing an exploit involving boots with the frost Walker enchantment you could attach them to an armor stand and move it across liquid water freezing it in the process frostwalker ice is supposed to melt away pretty quickly but since the end Dimension lacks the Sun the ice remains permanently although it was starting to crack in some places which made me a little nervous but regardless the bridge having guard rails meant we could now use a boat to slide on the ice which would greatly speed up our journey it was a nice convenience but I wondered how long it would last in some places the highway was cobbled together with random blocks in between patches of ice at around seven thousand blocks I encountered the first end Island down the highway it was small but most of it was intact as I continued on I noticed this section of the highway had a lot of griefed areas and melted ice so I was extra careful I eventually came across a joke nether portal so it was clear that player's sense of humor was the only entertainment this far out eventually at 11k I found the first rest stop of our journey there clearly had been some sort of structure here long ago but most of it had been grieved judging by the non-native grass it was clearly meant to be an inviting area down the road at 13k I ran into the first set of chorus plants now chorus fruit is commonly eaten by players because of its usefulness in escaping traps so it makes sense why it took so long to actually find some off the highway at 14k I came across our first end City its resources long gone based on its location it was likely one of the first ones explored when they were are added to 2b2t in 2016. further on down the road there were even more of them heavily damaged it would likely be a while before we found one intact at 19k was the first return Gateway I had seen I'm sure a lot of players had used it previously to return to end spawn out of boredom because there wasn't much to see on the highway so far I reached the 20K Milestone which was nothing more than a single sign in fact something I noticed was that there were far less player signs on this highway than the Overworld ones because there were so few of them I actually found myself stopping to read all of them something I wouldn't do in the Overworld at 21k I found some more ruins there were wooden planks floating in the air so clearly it had been some sort of building but it was unrecognizable in its current state at this distance chorus fruit was starting to become more plentiful on the sides of the highway not too long after I found a bridge of wooden planks that seemed to lead off into the distance I had originally made a rule for myself that I wouldn't stray too far off the highway because it would waste too much time but curiosity got the better of me well I reached the end of it and it was nothing a good reminder of why I had that rule in the first place at 31k I found the first intact house and I used that term very Loosely just a bunch of doors a shoddy roof and an e-chest it was a mess but technically counted as a structure it really drove home just how desolate this highway actually was when a random assortment of blocks is considered an exciting event you know you're in a truly lonely place I continued forward scanning to the left and right for anything interesting while also keeping an eye on the road ahead to make sure there were no hazards I came across more end cities but like all the previous ones they had been looted long ago there was an 8 thousand block stretch of road where the only thing of significance was a letter H I'm not joking I swear this journey was going to make me go insane upon reaching 40K there was a legitimate milestone for once a few signs were left here by Travelers and they encouraged everyone to keep moving forward not too long after this I picked up a very strange book no explanation needed by this point I was wondering how long the ice Highway was going to go for which is why Whenever there was a server lag spike it often gave me quite the jump scare I guess that's one way to stay alert and another is running into a Wither destroying the highway which happened at 64k but luckily I was able to get past it but it wasn't pretty the icebridge was showing signs of Decay a large hole had been patched and some signs made it clear that some poor soul had perished here boats traveling on Ice have a hard time slowing down so this showed the importance of paying attention to the road Milestone 666 was an attempted trap where once again there had previously been a hole and upon reaching 69k I saw something and practically spun out my boat trying to stop there was a player made altar connected to a return Gateway 69 000 blocks into the journey and this was the first thing that was actually intact nearby someone had started building a house of some sort but never actually finished it but these structures gave me hope that we would finally start finding the good stuff and boy was I wrong because for the next 30 000 blocks there was absolutely nothing on Overworld highways you would at least have some variety of scenery to look at in between stops but here it was a cold emptiness as I began approaching 100K I was wondering if there would be any sort of Milestone at all but as I approached an absolutely massive shape came into render distance a giant lava cast similar to the ones you would see it spawn inside of the massive structure was a crafting bench and an empty chest giving it the illusion of a rest stop the first 100K was out of the way but how much farther did we have to go as I continued forward at around 104 k i noticed some structures on the side of the road so I brought my boat to a halt at first they seemed like just a few guard towers and some kind of wall but upon moving a little farther down it became clear that these were the ruins of an actual base finally taking a look around it was quite comprehensive with many detailed areas most of the Farmland was ruined but a few crops managed to survive a Wither was stuck on top of a pole so I did my best to sneak past it there was even a dragon egg just randomly sitting in a tunnel which many of you already know is completely worthless but still I did some research and it turns out this base had been built by three players a few years back osmobyte nugvalt and death Anthem they never gave it a name so it was just referred to as the Milestone but it lasted for four months before it was finally grieved resulting in the ruins we see today pretty impressive stuff but it was time to continue forward at this point the ice Highway had finally ended so the rest of the road was solid and stone brick it was time to get back on foot I could have continued using a boat if I utilized entity speed but without guard rails on the highway there was a risk of flying right off into the void so I decided against it at least for the time being out here the end cities were starting to look more intact but had very little loot to offer at a hundred and eleven thousand blocks I had reached the original end of the highway but according to the a player named not house Master had taken it upon themselves to continue building it so our journey was not over there was a floating island nearby so I decided to take a look around and to my complete surprise I found a llama and it was staring right back at me a very bizarre animal to find all the way out here but I knew exactly how it got here a few years back there was a fly hack on the server that involved riding on llamas and having them levitate they could travel all over the end Dimension at blazing speeds they were used to establish far out bases and transport items after the exploit was removed this llama must have gotten stuck here examining the llama's data I was able to see its original owner what a cool find I left the llama in peace and continued on my way I would still run into the occasional weird structure but the road was pretty Barren everything was starting to blend together the only other structures I would see were single block towers that were likely used for elytra flying before the islands were connected at 122k I encountered the very first end City that still had live shulkers at it since they are commonly hunted and turned into shulker boxes I was surprised these ones were still alive but maybe it was a clue about how lonely and uninhabited this region actually was even though it was directly on an axis for tens of thousands of blocks I continued on foot seeing nothing but empty void and passing through countless Islands at around 146k I found a shulker on the road that seemed to have Highway Building Materials in it so I decided to hold on to it I used this opportunity to stop and replenish my food supply at 150k I was met with a legitimate Milestone finally something interesting the hours of walking had been incred terribly mundane so I decided it was time to take a risk I put down a boat turned on entity speed and pushed forward being careful not to fly over the sides of the road I had to be careful around Enderman as they could have knocked me off the edge or killed me if I wasn't paying attention it was risky but it was much faster as another ten thousand blocks came and went I started finding really bizarre items on the ground such as pistons and enchantment tables it was odd upon reaching a hundred and seventy eight thousand blocks the road came to a sudden stop right next to an island I walked around and confirmed my suspicion this was it I'd finally reached the end of the road no Fanfare no celebration just a sudden stop unlike the Overworld highways there was nothing here to celebrate how far we had gone it was very symbolic of the dimension itself cold and uncaring the only reason players come here is to find elytra and shulkers or simply go out far enough to not be bothered by anyone there's no real reason to travel this highway if you're looking for those things but since we had picked up so many blocks on our journey I figured I would do my part and add on to the highway myself so the Eastern end Highway as of today goes just over a hundred and seventy eight thousand blocks not bad for a road that is rarely traveled there could be even more strange things on the other end highways but I'll leave them for you to explore if you enjoyed today's Journey leave a like and hit that subscribe button take it easy fit fam and stay alive out there
Channel: FitMC
Views: 1,502,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, history, update, mobs, creeper, raid, nether, sea, monster, dragon, red, 2b2t, anarchy, server, fitmc, fit, oldest, builds, tour, battle, spawn, grief, hack, client, incursion, tutorial, herobrine, hacked, exploit, glitch, mojang, flying, redstone, campfire, blast, furnace, memes, house, respawn, pvp, popbob, animation, speedrun, duplication, bed, minecon, mc, unsolved, mystery, end, caves, cliffs, warden, fotmc, tb2t, wild, 2n2t, 1.20, sniffer, mob vote, armor trim, armor trimming, tales and trails, trails and tales
Id: N4o9ovxUzpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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